// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000.
// File: loadras
// Contents: Load system settings.
// chrisab 24-Mar-00 Created
#include "loadhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#undef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0500
#include <common.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <objerror.h>
#include <loadstate.hxx>
#include <bothchar.hxx>
#include <winnetwk.h>
#include <ras.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <loadras.hxx>
extern "C" { #include "tstr.h"
#include <pbk.h> // Ras phone book include
#define PRIVATE_RAS // Access the RAS phone book directly instead of using
// the public RAS APIs.
#define SIZEOF_STRUCT(structname, uptomember) ((int)((LPBYTE)(&((structname*)0)->uptomember) - ((LPBYTE)((structname*)0))))
// TRUE when rasman.dll has been
// successfully loaded and initailized.
// See LoadRasmanDllAndInit().
DWORD FRasInitialized = FALSE; BOOL g_FRunningInAppCompatMode = FALSE; DWORD DwRasInitializeError;
// Debugging only
#ifdef NEVER
DWORD RasDumpEntry(TCHAR *strEntryName, RASENTRY *pInRasEntry) {
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); RASENTRY RasEntry, *pRasEntry; RASDIALPARAMS RasDialParams;
// If no name passed in, print what pInRasEntry pts to
if( strEntryName == NULL ) { if( pInRasEntry == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; }
pRasEntry = pInRasEntry; } // Otherwise, if there's a buffer passed in, use that.
else { if( pInRasEntry == NULL ) { pRasEntry = &RasEntry; } else { pRasEntry = pInRasEntry; }
ZeroMemory( pRasEntry, sizeof(RASENTRY) ); pRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
dwErr = RasGetEntryPropertiesW(NULL, strEntryName, pRasEntry, &dwSize, NULL, NULL); if( dwErr ) return dwErr; }
if( strEntryName ) { printf( "--- Dumping Ras entry %ls ---\n", strEntryName); } else { printf( "--- Dumping Ras entry at %p ---\n", pRasEntry); }
printf( "dwfOptions = %x\n", pRasEntry->dwfOptions); printf( "dwFramingProtocol = %d\n", pRasEntry->dwFramingProtocol);
printf( " Win2k Extended Info\n"); printf( "dwType = %d\n", pRasEntry->dwType); printf( "dwEncryptionType = %d\n", pRasEntry->dwEncryptionType); printf( "dwCustomAuthKey = %d\n", pRasEntry->dwCustomAuthKey); printf( "szCustomDialDll = [%ls]\n", pRasEntry->szCustomDialDll); printf( "dwVpnStrategy = %d\n", pRasEntry->dwVpnStrategy);
printf( "\n\n"); return dwErr; }
DWORD RasDumpPhoneBookEntry(TCHAR *tszEntryName, PBENTRY *pEntry) { DWORD dwErr; PBFILE pbfile; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; BOOL fCreated;
if( !pEntry && !tszEntryName ) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if( tszEntryName ) { // Check and see if the entry name already exists in the phone book
dwErr = GetPbkAndEntryName(NULL, tszEntryName, 0, &pbfile, &pdtlnode);
// if failed for some other reason than the entry doesn't exist, bail.
if( (dwErr != SUCCESS) && (dwErr != ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY) ) { return dwErr; }
if( pdtlnode == NULL ) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return dwErr; }
pEntry = (PBENTRY *) DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
printf( "--- Dumping Phonebook Entry %ls ---\n", tszEntryName);
} else { printf( "--- Dumping Phonebook Entry at %p ---\n", pEntry); }
printf( " pszEntryName = %ls\n", pEntry->pszEntryName); printf( " dwType = %d\n", pEntry->dwType); printf( " fSharedPhoneNum = %d\n", pEntry->fSharedPhoneNumbers); printf( " dwDataEncryption = 0x%x\n", pEntry->dwDataEncryption); printf( " dwAuthRestrictions = 0x%x\n", pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions);
printf( " dwTypicalAuth = 0x%x\n", pEntry->dwTypicalAuth); printf( " dwCustomAuthKey = 0x%x\n", pEntry->dwCustomAuthKey);
printf( " fAutoLogon = %d\n", pEntry->fAutoLogon); printf( " fPreviewUserPw = %d\n", pEntry->fPreviewUserPw); printf( " fPreviewDomain = %d\n", pEntry->fPreviewDomain);
printf( "\n\n"); return 0; } #endif // NEVER - Debugging only
DWORD InitializeLoadRAS(DWORD dwReason) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { InitializeCriticalSection(&PhonebookLock);
if( InitializePbk() != 0 ) return FALSE; } else if( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) { TerminatePbk(); }
return dwErr; }
BOOL FRunningInAppCompatMode() { BOOL fResult = FALSE; TCHAR *pszCommandLine = NULL; TCHAR *psz;
pszCommandLine = StrDup(GetCommandLine());
if(NULL == pszCommandLine) { goto done; }
psz = pszCommandLine + lstrlen(pszCommandLine);
while( (TEXT('\\') != *psz) && (psz != pszCommandLine)) { psz--; }
if(TEXT('\\') == *psz) { psz++; }
if( (0 == lstrcmpi(psz, TEXT("INETINFO.EXE"))) || (0 == lstrcmpi(psz, TEXT("WSPSRV.EXE")))) { fResult = TRUE; }
if(NULL != pszCommandLine) { Free(pszCommandLine); }
return fResult; }
DWORD LoadRasmanDllAndInit() { if (FRasInitialized) { return 0; }
if (LoadRasmanDll()) { return GetLastError(); }
// Success is returned if RasInitialize fails, in which
// case none of the APIs will ever do anything but report
// that RasInitialize failed. All this is to avoid the
// ugly system popup if RasMan service can't start.
if ((DwRasInitializeError = g_pRasInitialize()) != 0) { return DwRasInitializeError; }
FRasInitialized = TRUE;
g_FRunningInAppCompatMode = FRunningInAppCompatMode();
// pmay: 300166
// We don't start rasauto automatically anymore.
// g_pRasStartRasAutoIfRequired();
return 0; }
DWORD IpAddrToString( IN RASIPADDR* pipaddr, OUT LPTSTR* ppszIpAddr ) { DWORD dwErr; PCHAR psz; LPTSTR pszIpAddr; PULONG pul = (PULONG)pipaddr; struct in_addr in_addr;
pszIpAddr = (TCHAR *) Malloc(17 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszIpAddr == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
in_addr.s_addr = *pul;
psz = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
if (psz == NULL) { DbgPrint("IpAddrToString: inet_ntoa failed!\n"); Free(pszIpAddr); return WSAGetLastError(); }
strcpyAtoT(pszIpAddr, psz);
*ppszIpAddr = pszIpAddr;
return 0; }
VOID GetDevicePortName( IN TCHAR *pszDevicePortName, OUT TCHAR *pszDeviceName, OUT TCHAR *pszPortName ) { DWORD i, dwStart;
// Copy the device name.
lstrcpy(pszDeviceName, pszDevicePortName);
// Check to see if there is a NULL
// within MAX_PORT_NAME characters
// after the device name's NULL.If
// there is, the copy the characters
// between the NULLs as the port name.
*pszPortName = TEXT('\0');
dwStart = lstrlen(pszDeviceName) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PORT_NAME; i++) { if (pszDevicePortName[dwStart + i] == TEXT('\0')) { lstrcpy( pszPortName, &pszDevicePortName[dwStart]);
} } }
DWORD CreateAndInitializePhone( LPTSTR lpszAreaCode, DWORD dwCountryCode, DWORD dwCountryID, LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber, BOOL fUseDialingRules, LPTSTR lpszComment, DTLNODE** ppdtlnode) { DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; PBPHONE* pPhone; DTLNODE* pdtlnode;
pdtlnode = CreatePhoneNode(); if (pdtlnode == NULL) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; }
pPhone = (PBPHONE *) DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
if(lpszAreaCode) { pPhone->pszAreaCode = StrDup(lpszAreaCode); if(NULL == pPhone->pszAreaCode) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } } else { pPhone->pszAreaCode = NULL; }
pPhone->dwCountryCode = dwCountryCode; pPhone->dwCountryID = dwCountryID;
pPhone->fUseDialingRules = fUseDialingRules;
if(lpszPhoneNumber) { pPhone->pszPhoneNumber = StrDup(lpszPhoneNumber); if(NULL == pPhone->pszPhoneNumber) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } } else { pPhone->pszPhoneNumber = NULL; }
if(pPhone->pszComment) { pPhone->pszComment = StrDup(lpszComment); if(NULL == pPhone->pszComment) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } } else { pPhone->pszComment = NULL; }
*ppdtlnode = pdtlnode;
done: return dwRetCode; }
void SetBogusPortInformation(PBLINK *pLink, DWORD dwType) { PBPORT *pPort = &pLink->pbport;
if (dwType == RASET_Phone) { pPort->pszMedia = StrDup( TEXT(SERIAL_TXT) ); pPort->pbdevicetype = PBDT_Modem;
pPort->dwFlags |= PBP_F_BogusDevice; } else if (dwType == RASET_Vpn) { pPort->pszMedia = StrDup( TEXT("rastapi") ); pPort->pbdevicetype = PBDT_Vpn; } else { pPort->pszMedia = StrDup( TEXT(SERIAL_TXT) ); pPort->pbdevicetype = PBDT_Null;
pPort->dwFlags |= PBP_F_BogusDevice; } }
DWORD WinState_RasEntryToPhonebookEntry( IN LPCTSTR lpszEntry, IN LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry, IN DWORD dwcb, IN LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, IN DWORD dwcbDeviceConfig, OUT PBENTRY *pEntry ) { DWORD dwErr, dwcbStr; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBDEVICETYPE pbdevicetype; PBLINK *pLink; DTLLIST *pdtllistPorts; PBPORT *pPort; DWORD i, cwDevices; RASMAN_DEVICE *pDevices; TCHAR szDeviceName[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1]; TCHAR szPortName[MAX_PORT_NAME]; DTLNODE *pNodePhone; LPTSTR pszAreaCode; PBPHONE *pPhone; BOOL fScriptBefore; BOOL fScriptBeforeTerminal = FALSE; LPTSTR pszScriptBefore; BOOL fNewEntry = FALSE;
// Set up to access information for the first link.
pdtlnode = DtlGetFirstNode(pEntry->pdtllistLinks);
pLink = (PBLINK *)DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
ASSERT(NULL != pLink);
fScriptBefore = pLink->pbport.fScriptBeforeTerminal; pszScriptBefore = pLink->pbport.pszScriptBefore;
if(NULL == pEntry->pszEntryName) { fNewEntry = TRUE; }
// Get entry name.
Free0( pEntry->pszEntryName );
pEntry->pszEntryName = StrDup(lpszEntry);
// Get dwfOptions.
pEntry->dwIpAddressSource = lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_SpecificIpAddr ? ASRC_RequireSpecific : ASRC_ServerAssigned;
pEntry->dwIpNameSource = lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_SpecificNameServers ? ASRC_RequireSpecific : ASRC_ServerAssigned;
switch (lpRasEntry->dwFramingProtocol) { case RASFP_Ppp:
// Get PPP-based information.
pEntry->dwBaseProtocol = BP_Ppp;
#if AMB
pEntry->dwAuthentication = AS_PppThenAmb; #endif
pEntry->fIpHeaderCompression = (BOOL)lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_IpHeaderCompression;
pEntry->fIpPrioritizeRemote = (BOOL)lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway;
// Get specified IP addresses.
if (pEntry->dwIpAddressSource == ASRC_RequireSpecific) { dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddr, &pEntry->pszIpAddress); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } else { pEntry->pszIpAddress = NULL; }
if (pEntry->dwIpNameSource == ASRC_RequireSpecific) { dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrDns, &pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrDnsAlt, &pEntry->pszIpDns2Address);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrWins, &pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrWinsAlt, &pEntry->pszIpWins2Address); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } } else { pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress = NULL; pEntry->pszIpDns2Address = NULL; pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress = NULL; pEntry->pszIpWins2Address = NULL; }
// Get protocol information.
pEntry->dwfExcludedProtocols = 0;
if (!(lpRasEntry->dwfNetProtocols & RASNP_NetBEUI)) { pEntry->dwfExcludedProtocols |= NP_Nbf; }
if (!(lpRasEntry->dwfNetProtocols & RASNP_Ipx)) { pEntry->dwfExcludedProtocols |= NP_Ipx; }
if (!(lpRasEntry->dwfNetProtocols & RASNP_Ip)) { pEntry->dwfExcludedProtocols |= NP_Ip; }
case RASFP_Slip:
// Get SLIP-based information.
pEntry->dwBaseProtocol = BP_Slip; #if AMB
pEntry->dwAuthentication = AS_PppThenAmb; #endif
pEntry->dwFrameSize = lpRasEntry->dwFrameSize;
pEntry->fIpHeaderCompression = (BOOL)lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_IpHeaderCompression;
pEntry->fIpPrioritizeRemote = (BOOL)lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway;
// Get protocol information.
pEntry->dwfExcludedProtocols = (NP_Nbf|NP_Ipx);
if (pEntry->dwIpAddressSource == ASRC_RequireSpecific) { dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddr, &pEntry->pszIpAddress);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } } else { pEntry->pszIpAddress = NULL; } if (pEntry->dwIpNameSource == ASRC_RequireSpecific) { dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrDns, &pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrDnsAlt, &pEntry->pszIpDns2Address);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrWins, &pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = IpAddrToString( &lpRasEntry->ipaddrWinsAlt, &pEntry->pszIpWins2Address);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } } else { pEntry->pszIpDnsAddress = NULL; pEntry->pszIpDns2Address = NULL; pEntry->pszIpWinsAddress = NULL; pEntry->pszIpWins2Address = NULL; } break; case RASFP_Ras:
// Get AMB-based information.
pEntry->dwBaseProtocol = BP_Ras; #if AMB
pEntry->dwAuthentication = AS_AmbOnly; #endif
break; }
pEntry->fLcpExtensions = (BOOL)!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_DisableLcpExtensions);
// If terminal before/after dial options are set,
// then update the entry. Otherwise, leave it as it
// is.
if(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial) { fScriptBeforeTerminal = TRUE; }
if(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_TerminalAfterDial) { pEntry->fScriptAfterTerminal = TRUE; } else { pEntry->fScriptAfterTerminal = FALSE; }
pEntry->fShowMonitorIconInTaskBar = (BOOL) (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_ModemLights);
pEntry->fSwCompression = (BOOL)(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_SwCompression);
if (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions = AR_F_AuthMSCHAP; } else if (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions = AR_F_AuthSPAP | AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP; } else { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions = AR_F_TypicalUnsecure; }
pEntry->dwDataEncryption = (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireDataEncryption) ? DE_Mppe40bit : DE_None;
pEntry->fAutoLogon = (BOOL)(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseLogonCredentials);
pLink->fPromoteAlternates = (BOOL)(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_PromoteAlternates);
pEntry->fShareMsFilePrint = pEntry->fBindMsNetClient = (BOOL) !(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_SecureLocalFiles);
// Make sure that the network components section in the
// phonebook correspond to the values user is setting.
EnableOrDisableNetComponent( pEntry, TEXT("ms_msclient"), pEntry->fBindMsNetClient);
EnableOrDisableNetComponent( pEntry, TEXT("ms_server"), pEntry->fShareMsFilePrint);
if (*lpRasEntry->szAreaCode != TEXT('\0')) { //
// Make sure the area code does not contain
// non-numeric characters.
if (!ValidateAreaCode(lpRasEntry->szAreaCode)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pszAreaCode = StrDup(lpRasEntry->szAreaCode); } else { pszAreaCode = NULL; }
// Get script information.
if (lpRasEntry->szScript[0] == TEXT('[')) { //
// Verify the switch is valid.
dwErr = GetRasSwitches(NULL, &pDevices, &cwDevices); if (!dwErr) { CHAR szScriptA[MAX_PATH];
strcpyTtoA(szScriptA, lpRasEntry->szScript); for (i = 0; i < cwDevices; i++) { if (!_stricmp(pDevices[i].D_Name, &szScriptA[1])) { pEntry->fScriptAfter = TRUE;
pEntry->pszScriptAfter = StrDup(&lpRasEntry->szScript[1]);
if (pEntry->pszScriptAfter == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } break; } } Free(pDevices);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } } } else if (lpRasEntry->szScript[0] != TEXT('\0')) { pEntry->fScriptAfter = TRUE;
pEntry->pszScriptAfter = StrDup(lpRasEntry->szScript);
if (pEntry->pszScriptAfter == NULL) { return GetLastError(); } } else { if(pEntry->pszScriptAfter) { Free(pEntry->pszScriptAfter); pEntry->pszScriptAfter = NULL; }
pEntry->fScriptAfter = FALSE;
if(pLink->pbport.pszScriptBefore) { Free(pLink->pbport.pszScriptBefore); pLink->pbport.pszScriptBefore = NULL; pszScriptBefore = NULL; }
pLink->pbport.fScriptBefore = FALSE; fScriptBefore = FALSE; }
// Get X.25 information.
pEntry->pszX25Network = NULL; if (*lpRasEntry->szX25PadType != TEXT('\0')) { //
// Verify the X25 network is valid.
dwErr = GetRasPads(&pDevices, &cwDevices); if (!dwErr) { CHAR szX25PadTypeA[RAS_MaxPadType + 1];
strcpyTtoA(szX25PadTypeA, lpRasEntry->szX25PadType);
for (i = 0; i < cwDevices; i++) { if (!_stricmp(pDevices[i].D_Name, szX25PadTypeA)) { pEntry->pszX25Network = StrDup(lpRasEntry->szX25PadType); break; } }
Free(pDevices); } }
pEntry->pszX25Address = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szX25Address) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szX25Address) : NULL;
pEntry->pszX25Facilities = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szX25Facilities) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szX25Facilities) : NULL;
pEntry->pszX25UserData = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szX25UserData) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szX25UserData) : NULL;
// Get custom dial UI information.
pEntry->pszCustomDialDll = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szAutodialDll) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szAutodialDll) : NULL;
pEntry->pszCustomDialFunc = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szAutodialFunc) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szAutodialFunc) : NULL;
// Get primary phone number. Clear out any existing
// numbers.
DtlDestroyList(pLink->pdtllistPhones, DestroyPhoneNode);
pLink->pdtllistPhones = DtlCreateList(0);
if(NULL == pLink->pdtllistPhones) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if (*lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber != '\0') {
if(CreateAndInitializePhone( pszAreaCode, lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->dwCountryID, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, !!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes), lpRasEntry->szDeviceName, &pdtlnode)) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
DtlAddNodeFirst(pLink->pdtllistPhones, pdtlnode); }
// Get the alternate phone numbers.
if (lpRasEntry->dwAlternateOffset) { PTCHAR UNALIGNED pszPhoneNumber = (PTCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)lpRasEntry + lpRasEntry->dwAlternateOffset);
while (*pszPhoneNumber != TEXT('\0')) {
if(CreateAndInitializePhone( pszAreaCode, lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->dwCountryID, pszPhoneNumber, !!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes), lpRasEntry->szDeviceName, &pdtlnode)) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
DtlAddNodeLast(pLink->pdtllistPhones, pdtlnode);
pszPhoneNumber += lstrlen(pszPhoneNumber) + 1; } }
// Get device information.
dwErr = LoadPortsList(&pdtllistPorts);
if (dwErr) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Get the encoded device name/port
// and check for a match.
GetDevicePortName( lpRasEntry->szDeviceName, szDeviceName, szPortName);
pPort = PpbportFromPortAndDeviceName( pdtllistPorts, szPortName, ((szDeviceName[ 0 ]) ? szDeviceName : NULL) );
if (pPort != NULL) { if (CopyToPbport(&pLink->pbport, pPort)) { pPort = NULL; } }
// Search for a device name match.
if (pPort == NULL) { for (pdtlnode = DtlGetFirstNode(pdtllistPorts); pdtlnode != NULL; pdtlnode = DtlGetNextNode(pdtlnode)) { PBPORT *pPortTmp = (PBPORT *)DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
if ( (pPortTmp->pszDevice != NULL) && (!lstrcmpi(pPortTmp->pszDevice, szDeviceName)) && (!CopyToPbport(&pLink->pbport, pPortTmp))) { pPort = pPortTmp; break; } } }
// If we don't have a match, then
// pick the first device of the
// same type.
if (pPort == NULL) { pbdevicetype = PbdevicetypeFromPszType( lpRasEntry->szDeviceType );
// Initialize dwErr in case
// we fall through the loop
// without finding a match.
// Look for a port with the same
// device type.
for (pdtlnode = DtlGetFirstNode(pdtllistPorts); pdtlnode != NULL; pdtlnode = DtlGetNextNode(pdtlnode)) { pPort = (PBPORT *)DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
if (pPort->pbdevicetype == pbdevicetype) { dwErr = CopyToPbport(&pLink->pbport, pPort);
break; } }
if( (NULL == pdtlnode) && (fNewEntry)) { //
// Hack to make CM connections work.
// Remove this code after beta
// and just return an error in this case. The api
// should not be setting bogus information.
SetBogusPortInformation(pLink, pEntry->dwType);
// If the device is a modem,
// then set the default modem settings.
if (pbdevicetype == PBDT_Modem) { SetDefaultModemSettings(pLink); } }
// pmay: 401682
// Update the preferred device. Whenever this api is called,
// we can assume that the user wants the given device to
// be sticky.
if (pPort) { Free0(pEntry->pszPreferredDevice); pEntry->pszPreferredDevice = StrDup(pPort->pszDevice);
Free0(pEntry->pszPreferredPort); pEntry->pszPreferredPort = StrDup(pPort->pszPort);; }
// Copy the remembered values
pLink->pbport.fScriptBefore = fScriptBefore; pLink->pbport.fScriptBeforeTerminal = fScriptBeforeTerminal; pLink->pbport.pszScriptBefore = pszScriptBefore;
DtlDestroyList(pdtllistPorts, DestroyPortNode);
if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// Copy the TAPI configuration blob.
if (lpbDeviceConfig != NULL && dwcbDeviceConfig) { Free0(pLink->pTapiBlob);
pLink->pTapiBlob = (unsigned char *) Malloc(dwcbDeviceConfig);
if (pLink->pTapiBlob == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
memcpy(pLink->pTapiBlob, lpbDeviceConfig, dwcbDeviceConfig);
pLink->cbTapiBlob = dwcbDeviceConfig; }
// Copy the following fields over only for
// a V401 structure or above.
// Winstate only supporting NT5 and above.
if ( lpRasEntry->dwSize == sizeof (RASENTRY) ) { //
// Get multilink and idle timeout information.
pEntry->dwDialMode = lpRasEntry->dwDialMode == RASEDM_DialAsNeeded ? RASEDM_DialAsNeeded : RASEDM_DialAll;
pEntry->dwDialPercent = lpRasEntry->dwDialExtraPercent;
pEntry->dwDialSeconds = lpRasEntry->dwDialExtraSampleSeconds;
pEntry->dwHangUpPercent = lpRasEntry->dwHangUpExtraPercent;
pEntry->dwHangUpSeconds = lpRasEntry->dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds;
// Get idle disconnect information.
pEntry->lIdleDisconnectSeconds = lpRasEntry->dwIdleDisconnectSeconds;
// if the user is setting the dwIdleDisconnect
// Seconds through apis then override the user
// preferences.
if (pEntry->lIdleDisconnectSeconds) { pEntry->dwfOverridePref |= RASOR_IdleDisconnectSeconds; }
// CustomScript
pEntry->dwCustomScript = !!( RASEO_CustomScript & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions); }
if(RASET_Phone != lpRasEntry->dwType) { pEntry->fPreviewPhoneNumber = FALSE; pEntry->fSharedPhoneNumbers = FALSE; }
// Copy the following information only if its nt5
if(lpRasEntry->dwSize == sizeof(RASENTRY)) { //
// Connection type
pEntry->dwType = lpRasEntry->dwType;
// Clear the Encryption type. We set it below
// for nt5 - default to Mppe40Bit.
pEntry->dwDataEncryption = 0;
if( (ET_40Bit & lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) || ( (0 == lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) && ( RASEO_RequireDataEncryption & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions))) { pEntry->dwDataEncryption |= DE_Mppe40bit; }
if(ET_128Bit & lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) { pEntry->dwDataEncryption |= DE_Mppe128bit; } */
if( (ET_Require == lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) || ( (0 == lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) && ( RASEO_RequireDataEncryption & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions))) { pEntry->dwDataEncryption = DE_Require; } else if (ET_RequireMax == lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) { pEntry->dwDataEncryption = DE_RequireMax; } else if (ET_Optional == lpRasEntry->dwEncryptionType) { pEntry->dwDataEncryption = DE_IfPossible; }
// Clear the authrestrictions for nt5 if the user didn't
// specify any authentication protocol.
if( (!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw)) && (!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw))) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions = 0; }
// Set the new authentication bits based on options defined
// in NT5.
if(RASEO_RequireCHAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP; }
if(RASEO_RequireMsCHAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthMSCHAP; }
if(RASEO_RequireMsCHAP2 & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthMSCHAP2; }
if(RASEO_RequireW95MSCHAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= (AR_F_AuthW95MSCHAP | AR_F_AuthCustom); }
if(RASEO_RequirePAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthPAP; }
if(RASEO_RequireSPAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthSPAP; }
if(RASEO_RequireEAP & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthEAP;
if( (0 != lpRasEntry->dwCustomAuthKey) && (-1 != lpRasEntry->dwCustomAuthKey)) { pEntry->dwCustomAuthKey = lpRasEntry->dwCustomAuthKey; } }
if(RASEO_Custom & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions |= AR_F_AuthCustom; }
if(0 == pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions) { pEntry->dwAuthRestrictions = AR_F_TypicalUnsecure; }
// Get custom dial UI information.
pEntry->pszCustomDialerName = lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szCustomDialDll) ? StrDup(lpRasEntry->szCustomDialDll) : NULL;
// Set fSharedPhoneNumbers/fPreviewPhoneNumbers
pEntry->fSharedPhoneNumbers = !!( RASEO_SharedPhoneNumbers & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions);
pEntry->fPreviewPhoneNumber = !!( RASEO_PreviewPhoneNumber & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions);
pEntry->fPreviewUserPw = !!( RASEO_PreviewUserPw & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions);
pEntry->fPreviewDomain = !!( RASEO_PreviewDomain & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions);
pEntry->fShowDialingProgress = !!( RASEO_ShowDialingProgress & lpRasEntry->dwfOptions);
// Vpn strategy
pEntry->dwVpnStrategy = lpRasEntry->dwVpnStrategy;
// The following are "adjustments" made for State Migration.
// chrisab 2-Apr-00
// Bug 90555 and 90561
if( (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw) || (lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw) ) { pEntry->dwTypicalAuth = TA_Secure; } else { pEntry->dwTypicalAuth = TA_Unsecure; }
// Bug #90554
// Set log on to network option
if( lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_NetworkLogon ) { pEntry->fPreviewDomain = TRUE; }
// Set dirty bit so this entry will get written out.
pEntry->fDirty = TRUE;
return 0; }
// WinState_RasSetEntryProperties()
// This function replaces the Win32 RAS API RasSetEntryProperties().
// If the define PRIvATE_RAS
DWORD WinState_RasSetEntryPropertiesW( IN LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPCWSTR lpszEntry, IN LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, IN DWORD dwcbRasEntry, IN LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, IN DWORD dwcbDeviceConfig ) { #ifndef PRIVATE_RAS
return RasSetEntryProperties(lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, lpRasEntry, dwcbRasEntry, lpbDeviceConfig, dwcbDeviceConfig); #else
DWORD dwErr; PBFILE pbfile; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBENTRY *pEntry; BOOL fCreated;
// Initialize RASMAN.DLL for stuff needed by phonebook APIs.
dwErr = LoadRasmanDllAndInit(); if( dwErr ) { return dwErr; }
if( DwRasInitializeError ) { return DwRasInitializeError; }
// Parameter validation.
if( lpRasEntry == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// WinState only supporting NT5 and above.
if ( (lpRasEntry->dwSize != sizeof (RASENTRYW)) && (lpRasEntry->dwSize != SIZEOF_STRUCT (RASENTRYW, dwType)) && (lpRasEntry->dwSize != SIZEOF_STRUCT (RASENTRYW, dwSubEntries)))
if (dwcbRasEntry < lpRasEntry->dwSize) { return ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
// Load the phonebook file.
// Check and see if the entry name already exists in the phone book
dwErr = GetPbkAndEntryName(lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, 0, &pbfile, &pdtlnode);
// if failed for some other reason than the entry doesn't exist, bail.
if( (dwErr != SUCCESS) && (dwErr != ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY) ) { return dwErr; }
// If the entry already exists...
if( pdtlnode != NULL ) { DTLNODE *pdtlnodeNew = DuplicateEntryNode(pdtlnode); DtlRemoveNode(pbfile.pdtllistEntries, pdtlnode); DestroyEntryNode(pdtlnode); pdtlnode = pdtlnodeNew; } // New Entry
else { dwErr = ReadPhonebookFile(lpszPhonebook, NULL, NULL, 0, &pbfile);
if( dwErr ) { return ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PHONEBOOK; }
pdtlnode = CreateEntryNode(TRUE); fCreated = TRUE; }
if( pdtlnode == NULL ) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Add the node to the list of entries
DtlAddNodeLast(pbfile.pdtllistEntries, pdtlnode); pEntry = (PBENTRY *) DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
// Convert the RASENTRY to a PBENTRY
// (Call our private version of this)
dwErr = WinState_RasEntryToPhonebookEntry( lpszEntry, lpRasEntry, dwcbRasEntry, lpbDeviceConfig, dwcbDeviceConfig, pEntry); if( dwErr ) { goto cleanup; }
// Write out the phonebook file
dwErr = WritePhonebookFile(&pbfile, NULL); if( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwErr = DwSendRasNotification( (fCreated) ? ENTRY_ADDED : ENTRY_MODIFIED, pEntry, pbfile.pszPath); dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
cleanup: ClosePhonebookFile(&pbfile);
return dwErr; #endif
// DllMain()
BOOL DllMain( HANDLE hinstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if( InitializeLoadRAS(fdwReason) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }