// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: amcdoc.h
// AMCDoc.h : interface of the CAMCDoc class
#ifndef AMCDOC_H__
#define AMCDOC_H__
#include "mmcdata.h"
#include "amc.h" // for AMCGetApp
#include "picon.h" // for CPersistableIcon
#include "tstring.h" // for CStringTableStringBase
#include "condoc.h"
#define EXPLICIT_SAVE 0x1
class CAMCView; class ViewSettings; class CMasterStringTable; class CFavorites; class CMMCDocument; struct Document;
* CStringTableString * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class CStringTableString : public CStringTableStringBase { typedef CStringTableStringBase BaseClass;
public: CStringTableString (IStringTablePrivate* pstp) : BaseClass (pstp) {}
CStringTableString (const CStringTableString& other) : BaseClass (other) {}
CStringTableString (const tstring& str) : BaseClass (GetStringTable(), str) {}
CStringTableString& operator= (const CStringTableString& other) { BaseClass::operator=(other); return (*this); }
CStringTableString& operator= (const tstring& str) { BaseClass::operator=(str); return (*this); }
CStringTableString& operator= (LPCTSTR psz) { BaseClass::operator=(psz); return (*this); }
private: IStringTablePrivate* GetStringTable() const;
* CAMCViewPosition * * This class abstracts a POSITION. It can be used to iterate through a * CAMCDoc's CAMCView objects using GetFirstAMCViewPosition and * GetNextAMCView. * * It exists to guard against using GetFirstViewPosition with GetNextAMCView * or GetFirstAMCViewPosition with GetNextView. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class CAMCViewPosition { public: CAMCViewPosition() : m_pos(NULL) {}
POSITION& GetPosition () // returns non-const reference
{ return (m_pos); }
void SetPosition (POSITION pos) { m_pos = pos; }
* for comparison to NULL */ bool operator==(int null) const { ASSERT (null == 0); // *only* support comparison to NULL
return (m_pos == NULL); }
bool operator!=(int null) const { ASSERT (null == 0); // *only* support comparison to NULL
return (m_pos != NULL); }
private: POSITION m_pos; };
* class CAMCDoc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class CAMCDoc : public CDocument, public CTiedObject, public CXMLObject, public CConsoleDocument, public CConsoleFilePersistor, public CEventSource<CAMCDocumentObserver> { enum SaveStatus { eStat_Failed, eStat_Succeeded, eStat_Cancelled };
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
public: virtual BOOL IsModified();
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
public: virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); SC ScOnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); // SC version of the above method.
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); virtual void DeleteContents(); virtual void OnCloseDocument(); virtual BOOL SaveModified(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// object model related methods.
// hand over an automation object - CHANGE to use smart pointers.
SC ScGetMMCDocument(Document **ppDocument);
// Document interface
SC ScSave(); SC ScSaveAs( BSTR bstrFilename); SC ScClose( BOOL bSaveChanges); SC ScCreateProperties( PPPROPERTIES ppProperties);
// properties
SC Scget_Views( PPVIEWS ppViews); SC Scget_SnapIns( PPSNAPINS ppSnapIns); SC Scget_ActiveView( PPVIEW ppView); SC Scget_Name( PBSTR pbstrName); SC Scput_Name( BSTR bstrName); SC Scget_Location( PBSTR pbstrLocation); SC Scget_IsSaved( PBOOL pBIsSaved); SC Scget_Mode( PDOCUMENTMODE pMode); SC Scput_Mode( DocumentMode mode); SC Scget_RootNode( PPNODE ppNode); SC Scget_ScopeNamespace( PPSCOPENAMESPACE ppScopeNamespace); SC Scget_Application(PPAPPLICATION ppApplication);
// Views interface
SC Scget_Count( PLONG pCount); SC ScAdd( PNODE pNode, ViewOptions fViewOptions /* = ViewOption_Default*/ ); SC ScItem( long Index, PPVIEW ppView);
// views enumerator
SC ScEnumNext(CAMCViewPosition &pos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch); SC ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, CAMCViewPosition &pos); SC ScEnumReset(CAMCViewPosition &pos);
public: // to iterate through the AMCViews only (not all child views)
// similar to GetNextView and GetFirstViewPosition.
CAMCView * GetNextAMCView(CAMCViewPosition &pos) const; CAMCViewPosition GetFirstAMCViewPosition() const;
public: // CXMLObject overrides
DEFINE_XML_TYPE(XML_TAG_MMC_CONSOLE_FILE); virtual void Persist(CPersistor& persistor); void PersistFrame(CPersistor& persistor); void PersistViews(CPersistor& persistor); SC ScCreateAndLoadView(CPersistor& persistor, int nViewID, const CBookmark& rootNode); void PersistCustomData (CPersistor &persistor);
IScopeTree* GetScopeTree() { return m_spScopeTree; }
CAMCView* CreateNewView(bool visible, bool bEmitScriptEvents = true);
static CAMCDoc* GetDocument() { return m_pDoc; }
MTNODEID GetMTNodeIDForNewView() { return m_MTNodeIDForNewView; }
void SetMTNodeIDForNewView(MTNODEID id) { m_MTNodeIDForNewView = id; }
int GetViewIDForNewView() { return m_ViewIDForNewView; }
long GetNewWindowOptions() { return m_lNewWindowOptions; }
HELPDOCINFO* GetHelpDocInfo() { return &m_HelpDocInfo; }
void SetNewWindowOptions(long lOptions) { m_lNewWindowOptions = lOptions; }
void SetMode (ProgramMode eMode); ProgramMode GetMode () const { return (m_ConsoleData.GetConsoleMode()); }
bool IsFrameModified () const { return (m_fFrameModified); }
void SetFrameModifiedFlag (bool fFrameModified = TRUE) { m_fFrameModified = fFrameModified; }
// implements CConsoleDocument for document access from node manager
virtual SC ScOnSnapinAdded (PSNAPIN pSnapIn); virtual SC ScOnSnapinRemoved (PSNAPIN pSnapIn); virtual SC ScSetHelpCollectionInvalid();
// Implementation
virtual ~CAMCDoc(); #ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
virtual BOOL DoFileSave(); virtual BOOL DoSave(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bReplace = TRUE); virtual HMENU GetDefaultMenu(); // get menu depending on state
SConsoleData* GetConsoleData() { return &m_ConsoleData; }
public: HRESULT InitNodeManager(); void ShowStatusBar (bool fVisible);
* Custom data stuff */ private: bool LoadCustomData (IStorage* pStorage); bool LoadCustomIconData (IStorage* pStorage); bool LoadCustomTitleData (IStorage* pStorage); bool LoadStringTable (IStorage* pStorage); /*
* Custom icon stuff */ public: HICON GetCustomIcon (bool fLarge, CString* pstrIconFile = NULL, int* pnIconIndex = NULL) const; void SetCustomIcon (LPCTSTR pszIconFile, int nIconIndex);
bool HasCustomIcon () const { return (m_CustomIcon); }
private: CPersistableIcon m_CustomIcon;
* Custom title stuff */ public: bool HasCustomTitle () const; CString GetCustomTitle () const; void SetCustomTitle (CString strNewTitle); IStringTablePrivate* GetStringTable() const;
private: CComPtr<IStringTablePrivate> m_spStringTable; CStringTableString * m_pstrCustomTitle;
* Favorites stuff */ public: CFavorites* GetFavorites() { return m_pFavorites; }
private: bool LoadFavorites(); CFavorites* m_pFavorites;
private: static CAMCDoc* m_pDoc; // the one and only document for the application
IScopeTreePtr m_spScopeTree; // master namespace for document
IPersistStoragePtr m_spScopeTreePersist; // master namespace IPersistStorage interface
IStoragePtr m_spStorage; // the currently opened storage
MTNODEID m_MTNodeIDForNewView; // the node id to be used when creating the next view
int m_ViewIDForNewView; // the node id to be used when creating the next view
SConsoleData m_ConsoleData;
long m_lNewWindowOptions; bool m_bReadOnlyDoc; bool m_fFrameModified; SaveStatus m_eSaveStatus;
DWORD m_dwFlags;
void ReleaseNodeManager(); bool LoadViews(); bool LoadFrame(); bool LoadAppMode();
bool NodeManagerIsInitialized(); bool NodeManagerIsLoaded(); bool AssertNodeManagerIsInitialized(); bool AssertNodeManagerIsLoaded(); BOOL OnNewDocumentFailed(); void SetConsoleFlag (ConsoleFlags eFlag, bool fSet); void DeleteHelpFile ();
SC ScGetViewSettingsPersistorStream(IPersistStream **pIPersistStreamViewSettings);
private: bool GetDocumentMode(DocumentMode* pMode); bool SetDocumentMode(DocumentMode docMode);
public: // Is this save called implicitly or is it a result of exiting a modified file?
bool IsExplicitSave() const { return (0 != (m_dwFlags & EXPLICIT_SAVE)); }
void SetExplicitSave(bool bNewVal) { if (bNewVal) m_dwFlags |= EXPLICIT_SAVE; else m_dwFlags &= ~EXPLICIT_SAVE; }
bool AllowViewCustomization() const { return ((m_ConsoleData.m_dwFlags & eFlag_PreventViewCustomization) == 0); }
bool IsLogicalReadOnly() const { return ((m_ConsoleData.m_dwFlags & eFlag_LogicalReadOnly) != 0); }
bool IsPhysicalReadOnly() const { return (m_bReadOnlyDoc); }
// physical ReadOnly does not apply to user mode - it is not saving to original console
// anyway.
bool IsReadOnly() const { return ((IsPhysicalReadOnly() && (AMCGetApp()->GetMode() == eMode_Author)) || (IsLogicalReadOnly() && (AMCGetApp()->GetMode() != eMode_Author))) ; }
void SetPhysicalReadOnlyFlag (bool fPhysicalReadOnly) { m_bReadOnlyDoc = fPhysicalReadOnly; }
void SetLogicalReadOnlyFlag (BOOL fLogicalReadOnly) { SetConsoleFlag (eFlag_LogicalReadOnly, fLogicalReadOnly); }
void AllowViewCustomization (BOOL fAllowCustomization) { SetConsoleFlag (eFlag_PreventViewCustomization, !fAllowCustomization); }
int GetNumberOfViews(); int GetNumberOfPersistedViews();
private: //{{AFX_MSG(CAMCDoc)
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnConsoleAddremovesnapin(); afx_msg void OnUpdateConsoleAddremovesnapin(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); //}}AFX_MSG
private: DocumentPtr m_sp_Document; ViewsPtr m_spViews; };
inline bool CAMCDoc::NodeManagerIsInitialized() { return m_spScopeTree != NULL && m_spScopeTreePersist != NULL; }
inline bool CAMCDoc::NodeManagerIsLoaded() { return NodeManagerIsInitialized() && m_spStorage != NULL; }
inline bool CAMCDoc::AssertNodeManagerIsInitialized() { bool const bInited = NodeManagerIsInitialized(); ASSERT(bInited); return bInited; }
inline bool CAMCDoc::AssertNodeManagerIsLoaded() { bool const bLoaded = NodeManagerIsLoaded(); ASSERT(bLoaded); return bLoaded; }
inline BOOL CAMCDoc::OnNewDocumentFailed() { ReleaseNodeManager(); return FALSE; }
inline bool CAMCDoc::GetDocumentMode(DocumentMode* pMode) { if (! pMode) return false;
switch(GetMode()) { case eMode_Author: *pMode = DocumentMode_Author; break;
case eMode_User: *pMode = DocumentMode_User; break;
case eMode_User_MDI: *pMode = DocumentMode_User_MDI; break;
case eMode_User_SDI: *pMode = DocumentMode_User_SDI; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE && _T("Unknown program mode")); return false; break; }
return true; }
inline bool CAMCDoc::SetDocumentMode(DocumentMode docMode) { switch(docMode) { case DocumentMode_Author: SetMode(eMode_Author); break;
case DocumentMode_User: SetMode(eMode_User); break;
case DocumentMode_User_SDI: SetMode(eMode_User_SDI); break;
case DocumentMode_User_MDI: SetMode(eMode_User_MDI); break;
default: return false; // Unknown mode.
break; }
return true; }
// Member: CAMCDoc::ScGetViewSettingsPersistorStream
// Synopsis: helper to get the IPersistStream interface for
// CViewSettingsPersistor object.
// Arguments: [pIPersistStreamViewSettings] - [out]
// Returns: SC
inline SC CAMCDoc::ScGetViewSettingsPersistorStream (/*[out]*/IPersistStream **pIPersistStreamViewSettings) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCDoc::ScGetViewSettingsPersistorStream")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pIPersistStreamViewSettings); if (sc) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_spScopeTree, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
INodeCallbackPtr spNodeCallback; sc = m_spScopeTree->QueryNodeCallback(&spNodeCallback); if (sc) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(spNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
sc = spNodeCallback->QueryViewSettingsPersistor(pIPersistStreamViewSettings); if (sc) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pIPersistStreamViewSettings, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
return (sc); }
int DisplayFileOpenError (SC sc, LPCTSTR pszFilename);
#endif // AMCDOC_H__