// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: cclvctl.cpp
// cclvctl.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cclvctl.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include "amcdoc.h"
#include "amcview.h"
#include "mmcres.h"
#include "treectrl.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "amcpriv.h"
#include "rsltitem.h"
#include "columninfo.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Traces
#ifdef DBG
CTraceTag tagList(TEXT("List View"), TEXT("List View")); CTraceTag tagListImages(_T("Images"), _T("List view (draw when changed)")); CTraceTag tagColumn(TEXT("Columns"), TEXT("Columns")); #endif //DBG
// Implementation of class CColumnsBase
* class CColumnsBase * * * PURPOSE: Implements the Columns automation interface. * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CColumnsBase : public CMMCIDispatchImpl<Columns>, public CTiedComObject<CCCListViewCtrl>, public CTiedObject // this is for enumerators
{ protected:
typedef CCCListViewCtrl CMyTiedObject;
// Columns interface
public: MMC_METHOD2(Item, long /*Index*/, PPCOLUMN /*ppColumn*/);
// properties
MMC_METHOD1(get_Count, PLONG /*pCount*/); };
// this typedefs the real CColumns class. Implements get__NewEnum using CMMCEnumerator
typedef CMMCNewEnumImpl<CColumnsBase, int> CColumns;
* class CColumn * * * PURPOSE: Implements the Node automation interface, for a result node * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CColumn : public CMMCIDispatchImpl<Column>, public CTiedComObject<CCCListViewCtrl>, public CListViewObserver { protected:
typedef CCCListViewCtrl CMyTiedObject;
// Column methods
public: MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( Name, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR* /*Name*/ , m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( get_Width, /*[out, retval]*/ PLONG /*Width*/, m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( put_Width, /*[in]*/ long /*Width*/, m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( get_DisplayPosition, /*[out, retval]*/ PLONG /*DisplayPosition*/, m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( put_DisplayPosition, /*[in]*/ long /*Index*/, m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( get_Hidden, /*[out, retval]*/ PBOOL /*Hidden*/, m_iIndex ); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( put_Hidden, /*[in]*/ BOOL /*Hidden*/ , m_iIndex ); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( SetAsSortColumn, /*[in]*/ ColumnSortOrder /*SortOrder*/, m_iIndex); MMC_METHOD1_PARAM( IsSortColumn, PBOOL /*IsSortColumn*/, m_iIndex);
CColumn() : m_iIndex(-1) { } void SetIndex(int iIndex) { m_iIndex = iIndex; }
// observed events
// called when column is inserted to listview
virtual ::SC ScOnListViewColumnInserted (int nIndex); // called when column is deleted from listview
virtual ::SC ScOnListViewColumnDeleted (int nIndex);
private: // implementation
int m_iIndex; };
// CAMCHeaderCtrl
// This class is defined just to intercept the header's set focus
void CAMCHeaderCtrl::OnSetFocus(CWnd *pOldWnd) { // Make sure list view is made active, but don't steal focus from header
CAMCListView* pwndParent = dynamic_cast<CAMCListView*>(GetParent()); ASSERT(pwndParent != NULL); pwndParent->GetParentFrame()->SetActiveView(pwndParent, FALSE);
CHeaderCtrl::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); }
// Member: CAMCHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor
// Synopsis: If the cursor is on hidden column do not show the divider
// cursor. WM_SETCURSOR handler.
// Arguments: [pWnd] - window which generated the message.
// [nHitTest] - hittest flag.
// [message] -
// Returns: BOOL, TRUE stop processing further.
BOOL CAMCHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { // 1. If the mouse is on the header window.
if ( (nHitTest == HTCLIENT) && (pWnd == this) ) { // 2. Get its position.
CPoint pt (GetMessagePos()); ScreenToClient (&pt);
// 3. Do a hit test
HDHITTESTINFO hitinfo; ZeroMemory(&hitinfo, sizeof(hitinfo)); hitinfo.pt = pt;
if (SendMessage(HDM_HITTEST, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&hitinfo) ) != -1) { // 4. If the mouse is on a column of zero width and it is hidden do not
// process the message further.
// 4.a) HHT_ONDIVOPEN : pt is on the divider of an item that has a width of zero.
// b) HHT_ONDIVIDER : pt is on the divider between two header items.
if ( ( (HHT_ONDIVOPEN | HHT_ONDIVIDER) & hitinfo.flags) && (IsColumnHidden(hitinfo.iItem /*column index*/)) ) { // Set default arrow cursor.
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW) ); return TRUE; } }
return CHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message); }
// Member: CAMCHeaderCtrl::IsColumnHidden
// Synopsis: Is the given column hidden?
// Arguments: [iCol] - given column
// Returns: bool
bool CAMCHeaderCtrl::IsColumnHidden(int iCol) { // Get param to determine if column is hidden.
HDITEM hdItem; ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM;
if (GetItem(iCol, &hdItem)) { CHiddenColumnInfo hci (hdItem.lParam);
if (hci.fHidden) return true; } return false; }
// CAMCListView
const UINT CAMCListView::m_nColumnPersistedDataChangedMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage (_T("CAMCListView::OnColumnPersistedDataChanged"));
ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE (m_nColumnPersistedDataChangedMsg, OnColumnPersistedDataChanged)
return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }
int CAMCListView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CAMCListView::OnCreate"));
if (CListView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1;
// Get parent's CWnd for command routing
m_pAMCView = ::GetAMCView (this);
* add extended list view styles (these can't be handled in PreCreateWindow) */ SetExtendedListViewStyle (LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP | LVS_EX_LABELTIP);
sc = ScRegisterAsDropTarget(m_hWnd); if (sc) return (-1);
AddObserver(static_cast<CListViewActivationObserver &>(*m_pAMCView));
return 0; }
void CAMCListView::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if ((VK_CONTROL == nChar) || (VK_SHIFT == nChar)) { ASSERT (m_pAMCView != NULL); m_pAMCView->SendMessage (WM_KEYUP, nChar, MAKELPARAM (nRepCnt, nFlags)); return; }
CListView::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Member: OnKeyDown
// Synopsis: Handle any non-system keys (Without ALT).
// (Below handle Ctrl+A to multi-select
// all items in list view).
// Arguments:
// Returns: None.
void CAMCListView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { switch (nChar) { case 'A': { // Check if LV is multi-sel enabled.
if (GetStyle() & LVS_SINGLESEL) break;
SHORT nKeyState = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL); // Key is down if higher order bits are set in nKeyState.
nKeyState = nKeyState >> sizeof(SHORT) * 4; if (nKeyState == 0) break;
// Ctrl+A --> Select all items in list view.
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = lvi.state = LVIS_SELECTED; for (int i = 0; i < GetListCtrl().GetItemCount(); ++i) { // NOTE: do not use GetListCtrl().SetItemState - it uses SetItem which is not supported for virtual lists
if (!GetListCtrl().SendMessage( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, WPARAM(i), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM FAR *)&lvi)) return; }
return; }
default: break; }
CListView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
* * CAMCListView::OnSysKeyDown * * PURPOSE: Handle the WM_SYSCHAR message. * * PARAMETERS: * UINT nChar : * UINT nRepCnt : * UINT nFlags : * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CAMCListView::OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if ((VK_LEFT == nChar) || (VK_RIGHT == nChar)) { ASSERT (m_pAMCView != NULL); m_pAMCView->SendMessage (WM_SYSKEYDOWN, nChar, MAKELPARAM (nRepCnt, nFlags)); return; }
CListView::OnSysKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
void CAMCListView::OnSysChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (VK_RETURN == nChar) { return; // don't call base class, otherwise a beep occurs. Handled by LVN_KEYDOWN
CListView::OnSysChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
* * CAMCListView::OnPaint * * PURPOSE: Displays a default message when no items are present in the list. * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CAMCListView::OnPaint() { Default();
if (NeedsCustomPaint()) { COLORREF clrText = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); COLORREF clrTextBk = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
CClientDC dc(this); // Save dc state
int nSavedDC = dc.SaveDC();
CRect rc; GetClientRect(&rc);
CHeaderCtrl* pHC = GetHeaderCtrl(); if (pHC != NULL && ((GetListCtrl().GetStyle() & (LVS_REPORT | LVS_LIST | LVS_SMALLICON | LVS_ICON)) ==LVS_REPORT) ) // make sure that the style is report
{ CRect rcH; pHC->GetItemRect(0, &rcH); rc.top += rcH.bottom; } rc.top += 10;
CString strText; strText.LoadString(IDS_EMPTY_LIST_MESSAGE); // The message
// create the font - we do not cache it.
LOGFONT lf; CFont font; SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lf), &lf, false); font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
dc.SelectObject(&font); // select the font
dc.SetTextColor(clrText); dc.SetBkColor(clrTextBk); dc.FillRect(rc, &CBrush(clrTextBk));
dc.DrawText(strText, -1, rc, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP);
// Restore dc
dc.RestoreDC(nSavedDC); }
// Do not call CListCtrl::OnPaint() for painting messages (Default was called above)
* CAMCListView::OnSize * * WM_SIZE handler for CAMCListView. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CAMCListView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CListView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
* if we're custom painting, we need to redraw the list * because we need to keep the text horizontally centered */ if (NeedsCustomPaint()) Invalidate (); }
* CAMCListView::NeedsCustomPaint * * Determines whether we want to draw "There are no items..." in the list * view. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool CAMCListView::NeedsCustomPaint() { CHeaderCtrl* pHC = GetHeaderCtrl();
// we check the column counts because there is a transition state when no columns are
// present during which we shouldn't draw anything.
return (GetListCtrl().GetItemCount() <= 0 && (pHC != NULL) && pHC->GetItemCount()>0); }
BOOL CAMCListView::OnCmdMsg( UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo ) { // Do normal command routing
if (CListView::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE;
// if view did't handle it, give parent view a chance
if (m_pAMCView != NULL) { // OnCmdMsg is public in CCmdTarget, but protected in CView
// cast around it (arghhh!)
return ((CWnd*)m_pAMCView)->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); }
return FALSE; }
void CAMCListView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { if (lHint == VIEW_UPDATE_DELETE_EMPTY_VIEW) m_pAMCView->OnDeleteEmptyView(); }
int CAMCListView::OnMouseActivate(CWnd* pDesktopWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { // see CAMCTreeView::OnMouseActivate for an explanation of focus churn
// avoidance.
return (MA_ACTIVATE); }
void CAMCListView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CAMCListView::OnActivateView"));
#ifdef DBG
Trace(tagList, _T("ListView::OnActivateView (%s, pAct=0x%08x, pDeact=0x%08x))\n"), (bActivate) ? _T("true") : _T("false"), pActivateView, pDeactiveView); #endif
if ( (pActivateView != pDeactiveView) && (bActivate) ) { sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewActivationObserver::ScOnListViewActivated); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear(); }
CListView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); }
void CAMCListView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { /*
* if this view has the focus, it should be the active view */ CFrameWnd *pParentFrame = GetParentFrame();
if(pParentFrame != NULL) pParentFrame->SetActiveView (this);
// If we are currently reparented, then we need to send a setfocus notify
// to our current parent. This is needed because the listview control caches its
// parent window on creation and continues to sends all notifications to it.
if (dynamic_cast<CAMCView*>(GetParent()) == NULL) { NMHDR nmhdr; nmhdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd; nmhdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID(); nmhdr.code = NM_SETFOCUS;
::SendMessage(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, nmhdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr); } }
* * CAMCListView::OnKeyboardFocus * * PURPOSE: Whenever the user switches focus using the TAB keys ONLY, to the * list view control, make sure that at least one item is highlighted. * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CAMCListView::OnKeyboardFocus(UINT nState, UINT nStateMask) { CListCtrl &lc = GetListCtrl();
// Make sure an item has the focus (unless the list is empty)
if (lc.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_FOCUSED) == -1 && lc.GetItemCount() > 0) { /*
* It would be convenient to use * * CListCtrl::SetItemState (int nIndex, UINT nState, UINT nMask) * * here, but MFC uses LVM_SETITEM for that overload, which * doesn't work for virtual lists. For the overload we use * here, MFC uses LVM_SETITEMSTATE, which works fine for * virtual lists. */ LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = nStateMask; lvi.state = nState;
lc.SetItemState (0, &lvi); } }
// Member: CAMCListView::OnBeginTrack
// Synopsis: HDN_BEGINTRACK handler, due to our improper message routing
// (handling all messages to CAMCView) this message gets lost
// (CAMCListView::OnCmdMsg passes it to underlying view which
// handles it & so we handle it here separately.
// Arguments: [pNotifyStruct] -
// [result] -
void CAMCListView::OnBeginTrack(NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT * result) { if (!pNotifyStruct || !result) return;
*result = FALSE;
NMHEADER* nmh = (NMHEADER*)pNotifyStruct;
SC sc = ScOnColumnsAttributeChanged(nmh, HDN_BEGINTRACK); if (sc) { sc.TraceAndClear(); return; }
// S_FALSE : dont allow the change
if (sc == SC(S_FALSE)) *result = TRUE;
return; }
// Member: CAMCListView::IsColumnHidden
// Synopsis: Get the LPARAM and check if given column is hidden.
// Arguments: [iCol] -
// Returns: bool
bool CAMCListView::IsColumnHidden(int iCol) const { CAMCHeaderCtrl* pHeaderCtrl = GetHeaderCtrl();
if (pHeaderCtrl) return pHeaderCtrl->IsColumnHidden(iCol);
return false; }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScGetColumnInfoList
// Synopsis: Get the CColumnInfoList from current list-view.
// Arguments: [pColumnsList] - [out param], ptr to CColumnsInfoList*
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScGetColumnInfoList (CColumnInfoList *pColumnsList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScGetColumnInfoList")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pColumnsList); if (sc) return sc;
CAMCHeaderCtrl *pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; int cColumns = pHeader->GetItemCount();
typedef std::auto_ptr<int> IntArray;
IntArray spColOrder = IntArray(new int[cColumns]); int *pColOrder = spColOrder.get(); // Use a non-smart ptr for ease of use.
sc = ScCheckPointers(pColOrder, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return sc;
sc = pHeader->GetOrderArray(pColOrder, cColumns) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) return sc;
for (int i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) { // Get the data from header control.
HDITEM hdItem; ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_WIDTH | HDI_LPARAM; sc = pHeader->GetItem(pColOrder[i], &hdItem) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) return sc;
// Save the visual index of the ith col
CColumnInfo colInfo; colInfo.SetColIndex(pColOrder[i]);
// Save the width
CHiddenColumnInfo hci (hdItem.lParam);
if (hci.fHidden) { colInfo.SetColHidden(); colInfo.SetColWidth(hci.cx); } else colInfo.SetColWidth(hdItem.cxy);
pColumnsList->push_back(colInfo); }
return (sc); }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScModifyColumns
// Synopsis: Modify the header-control columns with given CColumnsInfoList.
// Arguments: [colInfoList] -
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScModifyColumns (const CColumnInfoList& colInfoList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScModifyColumns")); CAMCHeaderCtrl *pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); CAMCView *pAMCView = GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// This method is called due to following conditions:
// 1. Just before inserting first item into list-view.
// 2. If there are no items in list-view then it is empty LV,
// in that case this method is called during OnPaint.
// 3. The IHeaderCtrlPrivate on CNodeInitObject can also call this method.
// Once a node is selected & result-pane is setup, case1 or case2 above
// should happen only once. To avoid multiple calls we use below flag which
// says that we have attempted to restore the columns from given data.
// case1 & case2 use this to determine whether to call this method.
// Check for column consistency. If persisted # of cols & actual # of cols
// inserted are different then ask column-data to be deleted.
int cColumns = pHeader->GetItemCount(); if (colInfoList.size() != cColumns) { sc = pAMCView->ScDeletePersistedColumnData(); return sc; }
typedef std::auto_ptr<int> IntArray;
IntArray spColOrder = IntArray(new int[cColumns]); int *pColOrder = spColOrder.get(); // Use a non-smart ptr for ease of use.
sc = ScCheckPointers(pColOrder, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return sc;
// Now restore the headers.
{ m_bColumnsBeingRestored = true; // should set this false before leaving this funcion.
CColumnInfoList::iterator itColInfo; int i = 0;
// Get width/order of each column.
for (itColInfo = colInfoList.begin(), i = 0; itColInfo != colInfoList.end(); ++itColInfo, i++) { pColOrder[i] = itColInfo->GetColIndex();
// First set/reset the lparam
HDITEM hdItem; ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem));
if (itColInfo->IsColHidden()) { // We set the width first and then LPARAM because
// If we set lparam first then when we set width
// CAMCView::Notify HDN_ITEMCHANGING. Now we
// examine the lparam of the item to see if it is hidden.
// So setting lparam first and then setting width
// for hiding columns will not work.
hdItem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; hdItem.cxy = 0; sc = pHeader->SetItem(pColOrder[i], &hdItem) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error;
CHiddenColumnInfo hci (itColInfo->GetColWidth(), true);
hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam; sc = pHeader->SetItem(pColOrder[i], &hdItem) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error; } else { CHiddenColumnInfo hci (itColInfo->GetColWidth(), false);
// Here we need to clear the hidden flag in lParam
// before changing width So that hidden columns will be made visible.
hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam; sc = pHeader->SetItem(pColOrder[i], &hdItem) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error;
if ( AUTO_WIDTH == itColInfo->GetColWidth()) { // If the column is hidden and made visible we do not know its width.
// With ListView_SetColumnWidth passing AUTO_WIDTH for width calculates
// width automatically. Header_SetItem cannot do this.
sc = ListView_SetColumnWidth(GetSafeHwnd(), pColOrder[i], LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error; } else { hdItem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; hdItem.cxy = itColInfo->GetColWidth(); sc = pHeader->SetItem(pColOrder[i], &hdItem) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error; } } }
// Set the order
sc = pHeader->SetOrderArray(cColumns, pColOrder) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) goto Error;
// Now redraw the list view
InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE); }
Cleanup: m_bColumnsBeingRestored = false;
return (sc); Error: goto Cleanup; }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScGetDefaultColumnInfoList
// Synopsis: Get the default column settings.
// Arguments: [columnInfoList] - [out]
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScGetDefaultColumnInfoList (CColumnInfoList& columnInfoList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScRestoreDefaultColumnSettings")); if (m_defaultColumnInfoList.size() <= 0) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED);
columnInfoList = m_defaultColumnInfoList;
return (sc); }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScSaveColumnInfoList
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScSaveColumnInfoList () { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScSaveColumnInfoList"));
CAMCHeaderCtrl *pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); CAMCView *pAMCView = GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// Get the column data & give it to CAMCView so that it can
// inform NodeMgr (thro NodeCallback) about new data.
CColumnInfoList colInfoList; sc = ScGetColumnInfoList (&colInfoList); if (sc) return sc;
sc = pAMCView->ScColumnInfoListChanged(colInfoList); if (sc) return sc;
return (sc); }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScOnColumnsAttributeChanged
// Synopsis: Column width/order has changed so get the column data
// and ask the nodemgr to persist it.
// Arguments: NMHEADER* - the header change information.
// code - the HDN_* notification.
// Returns: SC, S_OK - allow the change.
// S_FALSE - dont allow the change.
SC CAMCListView::ScOnColumnsAttributeChanged (NMHEADER *pNMHeader, UINT code) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScOnColumnsAttributeChanged")); Trace (tagColumn, _T("CAMCListView::ScOnColumnsAttributeChanged"));
// If we are applying persisted column data to the header control
// so allow those changes.
if (m_bColumnsBeingRestored) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNMHeader, pNMHeader->pitem); if (sc) return sc;
// User is trying to drag a column make sure it is not a hidden column.
if ( (code == HDN_BEGINTRACK) && (pNMHeader->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) ) { sc = IsColumnHidden(pNMHeader->iItem) ? S_FALSE : S_OK; return sc; }
* At this point the code is HDN_ENDTRACK (width change completed) or * during HDN_ENDDRAG (order changing but not completed). * During both these messages header-control has not updated internal * data, so we post a message & save on message handler. */ if ((code == HDN_ENDDRAG) || (code == HDN_ENDTRACK)) { PostMessage(m_nColumnPersistedDataChangedMsg); return sc; }
// Too risky to return error instead at this point, enable this for Blackcomb Beta1.
// sc = E_FAIL;
return (sc); }
// Member: CAMCListView::OnColumnPersistedDataChanged
// Synopsis: CAMCListView::m_nColumnDataChangedMsg registered message handler.
// Column width/order has changed so get the column data
// and ask the nodemgr to persist it.
// Returns: LRESULT
LRESULT CAMCListView::OnColumnPersistedDataChanged (WPARAM, LPARAM) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::OnColumnPersistedDataChanged")); Trace (tagColumn, _T("CAMCListView::OnColumnPersistedDataChanged"));
if (m_bColumnsBeingRestored) return 0;
sc = ScSaveColumnInfoList(); if (sc) return 0;
return (0); }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData
// Synopsis: Get the persisted data for current list-view headers
// and apply them.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData () { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData")); Trace (tagColumn, _T("CAMCListView::ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData"));
if (! AreColumnsNeedToBeRestored()) return sc;
* When a node is selected the snapin initially inserts columns with * some initial settings which is the default settings. At this point * the list view has the default settings, save it before applying * the persisted data. */ sc = ScGetColumnInfoList(&m_defaultColumnInfoList); if (sc) return sc;
CAMCHeaderCtrl *pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); CAMCView *pAMCView = GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// Get the column data.
CColumnInfoList colInfoList; sc = pAMCView->ScGetPersistedColumnInfoList(&colInfoList);
// Whether there is data or not we tried to restore columns.
if (sc.IsError() || (sc == SC(S_FALSE)) ) return sc;
// Modify headers.
sc = ScModifyColumns(colInfoList); if (sc) return sc;
return (sc); }
// Member: CAMCListView::ScResetColumnStatusData
// Synopsis: Reset the data used to keep track of hidden column state,
// columns-restored state.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCListView::ScResetColumnStatusData () { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCListView::ScResetColumnStatusData"));
SetColumnsNeedToBeRestored(true); m_defaultColumnInfoList.clear();
return (sc); }
BOOL CAMCListView::ChangePane(AMCNavDir eDir) { /*
* NOTE: We need to get the header control before we get the focus window. * * The first time GetHeaderCtrl is called, it will subclass the non-MFC * header window with an MFC class. Doing this will put an entry for the * header in the permanent window map. Before GetHeaderCtrl is called, * MFC will have never seen the header before, so GetFocus will put an * entry in the temporary map. Temporary CWnd pointers will never match * permanent CWnd pointers, even though they wrap the same HWND, so we * need to make sure the header is in the permanent map before we do * any comparisons. */ CWnd* pwndHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); CWnd* pwndFocus = GetFocus(); bool fFocusOnList = (pwndFocus == this); bool fFocusOnHeader = (pwndFocus == pwndHeader);
* It can't be that both the list and the focus have the focus, * although it is possible that neither has the focus. */ ASSERT (!(fFocusOnList && fFocusOnHeader));
* If either the list or the header has the focus, then this had * better be the active view; if not, it had better not. */ if(!fFocusOnList && !fFocusOnHeader) return FALSE;
* Set the focus to the header if: * * 1. the focus is currently on the list, and * 2. we're moving forward (Tab), and * 3. we're in filter mode */ if (fFocusOnList && (eDir == AMCNAV_NEXT) && IsInFilteredReportMode()) { GetHeaderCtrl()->SetFocus(); return TRUE; }
* Otherwise, set the focus to the list if: * * 1. the focus is not currently on the list, and * 2. we're moving backward (Shift+Tab) */ // if focus not on list and we're moving backward
else if (!fFocusOnList && (eDir == AMCNAV_PREV)) { ActivateSelf(); return TRUE; }
* didn't change the focus */ return FALSE; }
BOOL CAMCListView::TakeFocus(AMCNavDir eDir) { if ((eDir == AMCNAV_PREV) && IsInFilteredReportMode()) GetHeaderCtrl()->SetFocus(); else ActivateSelf();
ASSERT (GetParentFrame()->GetActiveView() == this);
return TRUE; }
* CAMCListView::ActivateSelf * * If this isn't currently the active view, then this function makes it the * active view; the focus will be set to the list implicitly. * * If it's already the active view, calling SetActiveView won't set the * focus, because it shorts out if the active view isn't changing. In * that case, we have to set the focus ourselves. * * This function returns true if the list view was made the active view, * false if it was already the active view. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool CAMCListView::ActivateSelf (bool fNotify /* =true */) { CFrameWnd* pwndFrame = GetParentFrame(); ASSERT (pwndFrame != NULL);
bool fChangeActiveView = (pwndFrame->GetActiveView() != this);
if (fChangeActiveView) pwndFrame->SetActiveView (this, fNotify); else SetFocus();
return (fChangeActiveView); }
CAMCHeaderCtrl* CAMCListView::GetHeaderCtrl() const { // Is there a header ?
if (m_header.m_hWnd) return (&m_header);
// if not, try getting it now
HWND hwndHdr = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(::SendMessage (m_hWnd, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0));
if (hwndHdr != NULL) { m_header.SubclassWindow(hwndHdr); return (&m_header); }
return (NULL); }
void CAMCListView::SelectDropTarget(int iDropTarget) { if (m_iDropTarget == iDropTarget) return;
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
if (m_iDropTarget != -1) { // remove hiliting from all items
// do not use m_iDropTarget - item order and count may be changed already
int iIndex = -1; while ( 0 <= ( iIndex = ListView_GetNextItem(lc, iIndex, LVIS_DROPHILITED) ) ) ListView_SetItemState(lc, iIndex, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED); }
if (iDropTarget != -1) ListView_SetItemState(lc, iDropTarget, LVIS_DROPHILITED, LVIS_DROPHILITED);
m_iDropTarget = iDropTarget; }
// CCCListViewCtrl
CCCListViewCtrl::CCCListViewCtrl() : m_itemCount(0), m_nScopeItems(0), m_colCount(0), m_headerIL (AfxGetResourceHandle(), IDB_SORT), m_FontLinker (this) { DEBUG_INCREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CCCListViewCtrl);
// Sort Stuff
m_sortParams.bAscending = TRUE; m_sortParams.nCol = 0; m_sortParams.lpListView = this; m_sortParams.spResultCompare = NULL; m_sortParams.spResultCompareEx = NULL; m_sortParams.lpUserParam = NULL; m_sortParams.bLexicalSort = FALSE; m_sortParams.hSelectedNode = NULL;
// Start as standard list
m_bVirtual = FALSE; m_bFiltered = FALSE; m_pStandardList = new CAMCListView; m_pVirtualList = NULL; m_bEnsureFocusVisible = FALSE; m_bLoading = FALSE; m_bDeferredSort = FALSE;
m_SavedHWND = NULL; ZeroMemory (&m_wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
m_pListView = m_pStandardList; }
if (m_SavedHWND != NULL) { // change back
::SetParent (m_pListView->m_hWnd, m_SavedHWND); if (m_wp.length != 0) ::SetWindowPlacement (m_pListView->m_hWnd, &m_wp);
// clear saved window
m_SavedHWND = NULL; }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::ScInitialize * * PURPOSE: * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScInitialize() { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScInitialize"));
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_FAIL); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
//---------------------------------------------------- Utility functions
void CCCListViewCtrl::CutSelectedItems(BOOL bCut) { CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl(); int nSearchFlags = (bCut) ? LVNI_SELECTED : LVNI_CUT; int nNewState = (bCut) ? LVIS_CUT : 0; int nItem = -1;
while ((nItem = lc.GetNextItem (nItem, nSearchFlags)) >= 0) { lc.SetItemState (nItem, nNewState, LVIS_CUT); } }
* CCCListViewCtrl::IndexToResultItem * * Returns the CResultItem pointer for a given index. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CResultItem* CCCListViewCtrl::IndexToResultItem (int nItem) { HRESULTITEM hri = GetListCtrl().GetItemData (nItem);
if (IS_SPECIAL_LVDATA (hri)) return (NULL);
return (CResultItem::FromHandle (hri)); }
* CCCListViewCtrl::ResultItemToIndex * * Returns the index of an item given its CResultItem pointer. This does a * linear search. If the speed of this function needs to be improved, * we'll need a separate CResultItem-to-index map. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CCCListViewCtrl::ResultItemToIndex (CResultItem* pri) const { /*
* if this is a virtual list, the CResultItem "pointer" is actually * the item index, so convert it. Note that CResultItem::ToHandle is * safe to call with a NULL pointer. */ if (IsVirtual()) return (CResultItem::ToHandle(pri));
* No items have NULL CResultItem pointers, don't bother looking. */ if (pri == NULL) return (-1);
* Let the list find the matching item. */ LV_FINDINFO lvfi; lvfi.flags = LVFI_PARAM; lvfi.lParam = CResultItem::ToHandle(pri);
return (GetListCtrl().FindItem (&lvfi, -1)); }
// CCCListViewCtrl message handlers
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::InsertItem( LPOLESTR str, long iconNdx, LPARAM lParam, long state, COMPONENTID ownerID, long itemIndex, CResultItem*& priInserted) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::InsertItem"));
* init the output parameter */ priInserted = NULL;
if (IsVirtual()) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr();
if (str != MMC_TEXTCALLBACK) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr();
// Ask the CAMCListViewCtrl to setup headers.
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (! sc.IsError()) sc = m_pListView->ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData();
if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear();
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
// If the user has specified an icon index, map it and put it in the LV_ITEM struct
int nMapping = 0;
if ((iconNdx != MMCLV_NOICON) && m_resultIM.Lookup(&CImageIndexMapKey(ownerID,iconNdx), nMapping)) { lvi.iImage = nMapping; } else { lvi.iImage = MMCLV_NOICON; iconNdx = MMCLV_NOICON; }
* allocate and initialize a CResultItem for this item */ sc = ScAllocResultItem (priInserted, ownerID, lParam, iconNdx); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
sc = ScCheckPointers (priInserted, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
// If the user has specified a state, put it in the LV_ITEM struct
if (state != MMCLV_NOPARAM) { lvi.mask |= LVIF_STATE; lvi.state = state; lvi.stateMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
// if scope item
if (priInserted->IsScopeItem()) { // if no index provided add to end of unsorted items
lvi.iItem = (itemIndex == -1) ? m_nScopeItems : itemIndex;
// if decending sort, offset from end instead of start
if (!m_sortParams.bAscending) lvi.iItem += (m_itemCount - m_nScopeItems); } else { // Add sorted items to end of list (or before unsorted items, if reverse sorting)
lvi.iItem = m_sortParams.bAscending ? m_itemCount : m_itemCount - m_nScopeItems; }
lvi.lParam = CResultItem::ToHandle(priInserted);
int nIndex = GetListCtrl().InsertItem (&lvi);
#if (defined(DBG) && defined(DEBUG_LIST_INSERTIONS))
static int cInserted = 0; TRACE3 ("%4d:Inserted item: index=%d, lParam=0x%08x\n", ++cInserted, nIndex, lvi.lParam); #endif
if (nIndex == -1 ) { sc = E_FAIL; ScFreeResultItem (priInserted); // ignore failures
priInserted = NULL; } else { // The insert succeeded, increase the internal item counts
// we invalidate the rectangle when transitioning from zero to one item because otherwise the
// empty list message is not erased completely.
if(m_itemCount == 1) GetListCtrl().InvalidateRect(NULL);
if (priInserted->IsScopeItem()) m_nScopeItems++;
// if ensure focus visible style and focus set, force item into view
if (m_bEnsureFocusVisible && state != MMCLV_NOPARAM && (state & LVIS_FOCUSED)) GetListCtrl().EnsureVisible(nIndex, FALSE); }
if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// we have inserted an Item! - broadcast the good message to observers
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewItemInserted, nIndex); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::DeleteItem(HRESULTITEM itemID, long nCol) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::DeleteItem"));
if (nCol != 0) return E_INVALIDARG;
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
int nItem = IsVirtual() ? static_cast<int>(itemID) : ResultItemToIndex( CResultItem::FromHandle(itemID) );
#if (defined(DBG) && defined(DEBUG_LIST_INSERTIONS))
static int cDeletes = 0; TRACE3 ("%4d:Deleted item: index=%d, lParam=0x%08x", ++cDeletes, nItem, priDelete); #endif
if (nItem < 0 || nItem >= m_itemCount) { ASSERT(FALSE); #if (defined(DEBUG_LIST_INSERTIONS))
TRACE0 (" (failed)\n"); #endif
return E_INVALIDARG; }
TRACE0 ("\n"); #endif
if (!lc.DeleteItem (nItem)) { sc = E_FAIL; } else { // Delete was successful, decrement the ItemCount
ASSERT(m_itemCount > 0); m_itemCount--;
if (!IsVirtual()) { CResultItem *priDelete = CResultItem::FromHandle(itemID); sc = ScCheckPointers (priDelete, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
if (priDelete->IsScopeItem()) m_nScopeItems--;
sc = ScFreeResultItem (priDelete); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr()); } }
if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// select the focused item ( this will save a lot of snapins from the confusion
// since they are not prepared to handle 'no items selected' scenario.
// Note: we only guard single selection lists - for multiple selection the situation
// must be handled by snapin, since user can easily unselect the item.
if ( (::GetFocus() == lc.m_hWnd) && (lc.GetStyle() & LVS_SINGLESEL) ) { // check if focused item is selected
int iMarkedItem = lc.GetSelectionMark(); if ( (iMarkedItem >= 0) && !( lc.GetItemState( iMarkedItem, LVIS_SELECTED ) & LVIS_SELECTED ) ) { // NOTE: do not use lc.SetItemState - it uses SetItem which is not supported for virtual lists
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = lvi.state = LVIS_SELECTED; if (!lc.SendMessage( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, WPARAM(iMarkedItem), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM FAR *)&lvi)) (sc = E_FAIL).TraceAndClear(); // trace is enough - ignore and continue
} }
// we have deleted an Item! - broadcast the message to observers
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewItemDeleted, nItem); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::UpdateItem
// Synopsis: Update the given item.
// Arguments: [itemID] -
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::UpdateItem(HRESULTITEM itemID) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::UpdateItem"));
int nIndex = -1; sc = ScGetItemIndexFromHRESULTITEM(itemID, nIndex); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_itemCount) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr();
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
* Since Common Control does not hold any data about virtual list view * items they would not know what to invalidate. So we need to invalidate * for virtual list views. */ if (IsVirtual()) { RECT rc;
lc.GetItemRect(nIndex, &rc, LVIR_BOUNDS); lc.InvalidateRect(&rc); } else { sc = ScRedrawItem(nIndex); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr()); }
// we have updated an item - broadcast the message to observers
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewItemUpdated, nIndex); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetItemIndexFromHRESULTITEM
// Synopsis: Given HRESULTITEM get the index of that item.
// For virtual listview the itemid is the index.
// Arguments: [itemID] - [in param]
// [nIndex] - [out param]
// Returns: SC
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetItemIndexFromHRESULTITEM (const HRESULTITEM& itemID, int& nIndex) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetItemIndexFromHRESULTITEM"));
nIndex = -1;
if (IsVirtual()) { nIndex = itemID; return sc; }
CResultItem *pri = CResultItem::FromHandle(itemID); sc = ScCheckPointers(pri, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
nIndex = ResultItemToIndex(pri);
return (sc); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::ScRedrawItem
// Synopsis: Redraw the given item in listview.
// Arguments: [nIndex] -
// Returns: SC
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScRedrawItem(int nIndex) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::RedrawItem"));
if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_itemCount) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG);
if (!GetListCtrl().RedrawItems (nIndex, nIndex)) return (sc = E_FAIL);
return (sc); }
// Member: Sort
// Synopsis: Sort the list view with given data.
// Arguments: [lpUserParam] - Snapin supplied user param.
// [lParms] - ptr to CCLVSortParams struct.
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::Sort(LPARAM lUserParam, long* lParms) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Sort"));
if (IsVirtual()) { sc = E_UNEXPECTED; return sc.ToHr(); }
BOOL bResult = FALSE; CCLVSortParams* lpParams = reinterpret_cast<CCLVSortParams*>(lParms); ASSERT(lpParams != NULL);
// Note: the hwnd should only be initialize in ::Create
m_sortParams.bAscending = lpParams->bAscending; m_sortParams.nCol = lpParams->nCol; m_sortParams.spResultCompare = lpParams->lpResultCompare; m_sortParams.spResultCompareEx = lpParams->lpResultCompareEx; m_sortParams.lpUserParam = lUserParam;
// Do not sort on hidden columns.
if (IsColumnHidden(m_sortParams.nCol)) return (sc.ToHr());
{ // Check view options for scope item sorting
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_FAIL); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
SViewData* pViewData = pAMCView->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData, E_FAIL); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
m_sortParams.bLexicalSort = ((pViewData->GetListOptions() & RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_LEXICAL_SORT) != 0);
LPNODECALLBACK pNodeCallback = pAMCView->GetNodeCallback(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeCallback, E_FAIL); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
// Do not need to refcount this, because it is being passed to a method that returns.
m_sortParams.lpNodeCallback = pNodeCallback;
// Get component ID of node that owns the result view
HNODE hnodeOwner = pAMCView->GetSelectedNode(); sc = ScCheckPointers((LPVOID)hnodeOwner, E_FAIL); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
m_sortParams.hSelectedNode = hnodeOwner;
sc = pNodeCallback->GetNodeOwnerID(hnodeOwner, &m_sortParams.OwnerID); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
if (m_bLoading) { bResult = TRUE; m_bDeferredSort = TRUE; } else { /*
* the sort could take awhile, so show a wait cursor */ CWaitCursor wait;
// It is lexical sort if
// 1. LV option specifies lexical sort option or
// 2. Snapin does not implement IResultDataCompare
// or IResultDataCompareEx interfaces.
BOOL bLexicalSort = ( m_sortParams.bLexicalSort || ( (NULL == m_sortParams.spResultCompare) && (NULL == m_sortParams.spResultCompareEx) ) );
if (bLexicalSort) { bResult = GetListCtrl().SortItems (DefaultCompare, (DWORD_PTR)&m_sortParams); } else { bResult = GetListCtrl().SortItems (SortCompareFunc, (DWORD_PTR)&m_sortParams); } }
sc = (bResult == TRUE) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
// we have sorted Items! - cannot keep track of them currently
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewIndexesReset); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr()); }
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::FindItemByLParam(COMPONENTID ownerID, LPARAM lParam, CResultItem*& priFound) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::FindItemByLParam"));
* init output parameter */ priFound = NULL;
if (IsVirtual()) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr();
* find a CResultItem that matches the given owner and lParam. */ for (int i = GetListCtrl().GetItemCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) { CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem (i);
if ((pri != NULL) && (pri->GetOwnerID() == ownerID) && (pri->GetSnapinData() == lParam)) { priFound = pri; break; } }
if (priFound == NULL) return ((sc = E_FAIL).ToHr());
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetListStyle() { LONG result; ASSERT(::IsWindow(GetListViewHWND()));
// return the Style masked by the List View Style mask.
result = ::GetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(),GWL_STYLE) & 0xffff;
return result; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetListStyle(long nNewValue) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(GetListViewHWND()));
// Protect style bits that shouldn't be changed
// Use SetViewMode to change the mode, so filtering is properly updated
DWORD curStyle = ::GetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_STYLE); DWORD newStyle = (curStyle & PRESERVE_MASK) | (nNewValue & ~PRESERVE_MASK);
// Verify not changing the view mode
ASSERT( ((curStyle ^ newStyle) & LVS_TYPEMASK) == 0);
// verify OWNERDATA style is what we think it is
ASSERT((curStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA) && m_bVirtual || !(curStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA) && !m_bVirtual);
// Save state of MMC defined "ensure focus visible" syle
m_bEnsureFocusVisible = (nNewValue & MMC_LVS_ENSUREFOCUSVISIBLE) != 0;
if (curStyle != newStyle) { // Apply style changes
::SetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_STYLE, newStyle);
* The list control does not pass changes to the LVS_NOSORTHEADER flag on to the * HeaderCtrl. This section directly accesses the underlying HeaderCtrl and * changes the HDS_BUTTONS flag which is the equivalent. */ if ((nNewValue & LVS_NOSORTHEADER) ^ (curStyle & LVS_NOSORTHEADER) && GetHeaderCtrl()) { if (nNewValue & LVS_NOSORTHEADER) GetHeaderCtrl()->ModifyStyle (HDS_BUTTONS, 0); // Add the style
else GetHeaderCtrl()->ModifyStyle (0, HDS_BUTTONS); // Remove the style
} }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetViewMode() { ASSERT(::IsWindow(GetListViewHWND()));
long nViewMode;
if (m_bFiltered) nViewMode = MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED; else nViewMode = ::GetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK;
return nViewMode; }
#include "histlist.h"
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetViewMode(long nViewMode) { ASSERT(nViewMode >= 0 && nViewMode <= MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED);
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
if (nViewMode < 0 && nViewMode > MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED) return E_INVALIDARG;
CAMCView* pAMCView = dynamic_cast<CAMCView*>(m_pParentWnd); if (pAMCView) pAMCView->GetHistoryList()->SetCurrentViewMode (nViewMode);
BOOL bFiltered = FALSE; if (nViewMode == MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED) { bFiltered = TRUE; nViewMode = LVS_REPORT; }
lc.ModifyStyle (LVS_TYPEMASK, nViewMode);
// set filter style
CHeaderCtrl* pHeaderCtrl = GetHeaderCtrl(); ASSERT(NULL != pHeaderCtrl);
if (bFiltered != m_bFiltered && pHeaderCtrl) { if (bFiltered) pHeaderCtrl->ModifyStyle (0, HDS_FILTERBAR); else pHeaderCtrl->ModifyStyle (HDS_FILTERBAR, 0);
m_bFiltered = bFiltered;
// The header size has changed with the addition/removal of filter.
// We hide and show the header which will force the list
// control to recalculate the size, position of new header
// and list view and display it.
lc.ModifyStyle(0, LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER, 0); lc.ModifyStyle(LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER, 0, 0); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetVirtualMode(BOOL bVirtual) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(GetListViewHWND()));
// force param to TRUE or FALSE
bVirtual = bVirtual ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (bVirtual != m_bVirtual) { do // false loop
{ // list must be empty to switch
if (m_itemCount != 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// get styles to copy to new control
long curStyle = ::GetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_STYLE) ^ LVS_OWNERDATA; long curStyleEx = ::GetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
long curHdrStyle = 0;
if (GetHeaderCtrl()) curHdrStyle = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetStyle();
if (bVirtual && !m_pVirtualList) { m_pVirtualList = new CAMCListView; m_pVirtualList->SetVirtual(); }
CAMCListView* pNewList = bVirtual ? m_pVirtualList : m_pStandardList; CAMCListView* pOldList = m_pListView;
// Make sure new control has been created
if (pNewList->m_hWnd == NULL) { /*
* MFC will issue a warning about creating a pane with * no document. That's OK, since CAMCView::AttachListView- * AsResultPane will patch thing up later. */ ASSERT (pOldList != NULL); if (!Create(curStyle, g_rectEmpty, m_pParentWnd, pOldList->GetDlgCtrlID())) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; break; } }
// update member variables (this switches to the new control)
m_bVirtual = bVirtual; m_pListView = bVirtual ? m_pVirtualList : m_pStandardList;
// Set current styles on new control
::SetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_STYLE, curStyle); ::SetWindowLong(GetListViewHWND(), GWL_EXSTYLE, curStyleEx);
// Note we have switched to the other control by now so this is getting the
// header of the new list
if (GetHeaderCtrl()) ::SetWindowLong(GetHeaderCtrl()->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, curHdrStyle);
// hide the old list control and show the new one
::ShowWindow(pOldList->m_hWnd, SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(m_pListView->m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNA); } while (0); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::InsertColumn(int nCol, LPCOLESTR str, long nFormat, long width) { // Cannot change a column that is not in the list.
if(!str || !*str) return E_INVALIDARG;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LV_COLUMN newCol; void* pvoid = &newCol;
// Cannot insert a column with any items in the list.
if(m_itemCount) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { newCol.mask=0;
// if the user specified a string, put it in the struct.
if(str!=MMCLV_NOPTR) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_TEXT; newCol.pszText=OLE2T((LPOLESTR)str); }
// if the user specified a format, put it in the struct.
if(nFormat!=MMCLV_NOPARAM) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_FMT; newCol.fmt=nFormat; }
// if the user specified a width, put it in the struct.
if(width!=MMCLV_NOPARAM) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_WIDTH; // if the user requested auto-width, calculate the width.
// else just store the passed width.
if(width==MMCLV_AUTO) { // if the user did pass a string, calculate the width based off the string.
// else the width is 0.
if(str!=MMCLV_NOPTR) { CSize sz(0,0); CClientDC dc( m_pListView ); dc.SelectObject( m_pListView->GetFont()); sz=dc.GetTextExtent(OLE2CT((LPOLESTR)str),_tcslen(OLE2T((LPOLESTR) str))); newCol.cx=sz.cx+CCLV_HEADERPAD; } else { newCol.cx=0; } } else { newCol.cx=width; } }
int nRet = GetListCtrl().InsertColumn (nCol, &newCol);
if (-1 == nRet) hr = E_FAIL; else { // set lparam (HDI_HIDDEN flag) if the width is HIDE_COLUMN
if (HIDE_COLUMN == width) { CHiddenColumnInfo hci (0, true);
HDITEM hdItem; ::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam;
// We do not care if this call fails
if (GetHeaderCtrl()) GetHeaderCtrl()->SetItem(nRet, &hdItem); } else { CHiddenColumnInfo hci (newCol.cx, false);
// set lparam with the width.
HDITEM hdItem; ::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam;
// We do not care if this call fails
if (GetHeaderCtrl()) GetHeaderCtrl()->SetItem(nRet, &hdItem); }
// insert was successful, increment the column count.
m_colCount++; }
// we have inserted a column! - broadcast the message to observers
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SC sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewColumnInserted, nCol); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::DeleteColumn(int nCol) { if (nCol < 0 || nCol >= m_colCount) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Cannot delete a column if there are items in the list.
if(m_itemCount) { hr = E_FAIL; } else {
if (!GetListCtrl().DeleteColumn (nCol)) hr = E_FAIL; else // Successful delete, decrement the column count.
m_colCount--; }
// we have deleteded a column! - broadcast the message to observers
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SC sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewColumnDeleted, nCol); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumnCount(int* pnColCnt) { *pnColCnt = m_colCount; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::DeleteAllItems(COMPONENTID ownerID) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::DeleteAllItems"));
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
const bool bHasItemsToDelete = (m_itemCount > 0); // Nothing in the list -> nothing to do.
if (bHasItemsToDelete) { if (IsVirtual()) { if (lc.DeleteAllItems ()) m_itemCount = 0; else sc = E_FAIL; } else if (ownerID == TVOWNED_MAGICWORD) { /*
* free all of the CResultItem objects */ for (int i = m_itemCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem (i);
if (pri != NULL) { sc = ScFreeResultItem(pri); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr()); } }
if (lc.DeleteAllItems ()) { // Delete all succeded, ItemCount is now 0;
m_itemCount = 0; m_nScopeItems = 0; }
else sc = E_FAIL; } else { for(int i = m_itemCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem (i);
if ((pri != NULL) && (pri->GetOwnerID() == ownerID)) { if (lc.DeleteItem (i)) { m_itemCount--;
sc = ScFreeResultItem(pri); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr()); }
else sc = E_FAIL; } } } }
if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
if (bHasItemsToDelete) { // we have deleted all Items! - broadcast the message to observers
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewIndexesReset); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); }
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetColumn(long nCol, LPCOLESTR str, long nFormat, long width) { // Cannot change a column that is not in the list.
if((nCol + 1) > m_colCount) return E_INVALIDARG;
LV_COLUMN newCol; newCol.mask=0;
// if the user specified a string, put it in the struct.
if(str!=MMCLV_NOPTR) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_TEXT; newCol.pszText=OLE2T((LPOLESTR)str); }
// if the user specified a format, put it in the struct.
if(nFormat!=MMCLV_NOPARAM) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_FMT; newCol.fmt=nFormat; }
// if the user specified a width, put it in the struct.
if(width!=MMCLV_NOPARAM) { newCol.mask|=LVCF_WIDTH; // if the user requested auto-width, calculate the width.
// else just store the passed width.
if(width==MMCLV_AUTO) { // if the user did pass a string, calculate the width based off the string.
// else the width is 0.
if(str!=MMCLV_NOPTR) { CSize sz(0,0); CClientDC dc( m_pListView ); dc.SelectObject( m_pListView->GetFont() ); sz=dc.GetTextExtent(OLE2T((LPOLESTR)str),_tcslen(OLE2T((LPOLESTR)str))); newCol.cx=sz.cx+15; } else { newCol.cx=0; } } else { newCol.cx=width; }
// Get the lParam to see if this is a hidden column.
HDITEM hdItem; ::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; ASSERT(GetHeaderCtrl()); BOOL bRet = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItem(nCol, &hdItem); ASSERT(bRet);
CHiddenColumnInfo hciOld (hdItem.lParam); CHiddenColumnInfo hci (0);
::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM;
// If the column is to be hidden then
// remember the (Old width) and (HIDDEN_FLAG).
if (HIDE_COLUMN == newCol.cx) { hci.cx = hciOld.cx; hci.fHidden = true; }
// If the column was hidden then
// remember the (New width supplied) and (HIDDEN_FLAG).
if (hciOld.fHidden) { hci.cx = newCol.cx; hci.fHidden = true; }
hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam;
// We do not care if this call fails
GetHeaderCtrl()->SetItem(nCol, &hdItem);
// Common control does not know anything about hidden
// columns, so if the column is hidden clear the
// width mask.
if (hci.fHidden) { newCol.mask = newCol.mask & (~LVCF_WIDTH); } }
if (!GetListCtrl().SetColumn (nCol, &newCol)) hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumn * * PURPOSE: Returns information about the nCol'th column * * PARAMETERS: * long nCol : the column index * LPOLESTR* str : if non-NULL, points to column name on exit * LPLONG nFormat : [out] the column format * int * width: [out] the width of the column * * RETURNS: * HRESULT * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumn(long nCol, LPOLESTR* str, LPLONG nFormat, int FAR *width) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumn"));
#ifdef DBG
if((nCol+1)>m_colCount) return E_INVALIDARG; #endif
UINT cBufferSize = 25; // grows as needed. The size here is actually half the initially allocated size
CAutoArrayPtr<TCHAR> buffer; // we use CAutoArrayPtr because the destructor calls delete[]
// Set up the mask to select the values we are interested in.
do { // If the user requested a string, reflect this in the struct.
if(str!=NULL) { buffer.Delete(); // get rid of the old buffer, if any
cBufferSize *= 2; // twice the previous size.
buffer.Attach(new TCHAR[cBufferSize]); if(buffer==NULL) return(sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY).ToHr();
mask|=LVCF_TEXT; col.cchTextMax=cBufferSize; col.pszText=buffer; }
col.mask = mask;
sc = GetListCtrl().GetColumn (nCol, &col) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
} while(str!=NULL && (cBufferSize == _tcslen(buffer) + 1) ); //loop if the string filled up the buffer.
// This is conservative - even if the buffer was just big enough, we loop again.
// Success! fill in the requested args and return.
USES_CONVERSION; if(str!=MMCLV_NOPTR) *str = ::CoTaskDupString(T2OLE(buffer));
if(nFormat!=MMCLV_NOPTR) *nFormat=col.fmt;
if(width!=MMCLV_NOPTR) *width=col.cx;
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetItem(int nItem, CResultItem* pri, long nCol, LPOLESTR str, long nImage, LPARAM lParam, long nState, COMPONENTID ownerID) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::SetItem"));
if (IsVirtual()) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr();
ASSERT(pri != NULL || nItem >= 0);
// if this is a debug build, perform validity checks on the args. else leave it to the user.
if (nCol<0 || nCol >= m_colCount || (str != MMCLV_NOPTR && str != MMC_TEXTCALLBACK)) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr();
if (pri != NULL) { nItem = ResultItemToIndex(pri); if (nItem == -1) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr(); }
LV_ITEM lvi; ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi)); lvi.mask=0; lvi.iItem = nItem; USES_CONVERSION; lvi.mask|=LVIF_TEXT; lvi.pszText=LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
// If the user has specified an icon index, put it in the LV_ITEM struct
if((nImage!=MMCLV_NOICON)&&(m_resultIM.Lookup(&CImageIndexMapKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID,nImage), lvi.iImage))) lvi.mask|=LVIF_IMAGE;
// If the user requested a state. put it in the LV_ITEM struct.
if(nState!=MMCLV_NOPARAM) { lvi.mask|=LVIF_STATE; lvi.stateMask=0xFFFFFFFF; lvi.state=nState; }
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
if (!lc.SetItem (&lvi)) sc = E_FAIL;
// If the user has specified an lParam or image, and the Set was succesful,
// put the lParam and the image's back index in the mapping.
if (!sc.IsError()) { if ((pri == NULL) && ((pri = IndexToResultItem (nItem)) == NULL)) sc = E_FAIL;
if (!sc.IsError()) { if (lParam != MMCLV_NOPARAM) pri->SetSnapinData (lParam);
if (nImage != MMCLV_NOICON) pri->SetImageIndex (nImage); }
// if ensure focus visible style and focus set, force item into view
if (m_bEnsureFocusVisible && nState != MMCLV_NOPARAM && (nState & LVIS_FOCUSED)) lc.EnsureVisible(nItem, FALSE); }
return (sc.ToHr()); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetNextItem(COMPONENTID ownerID, long nIndex, UINT nState, CResultItem*& priNextItem, long& nIndexNextItem) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::GetNextItem"));
CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
priNextItem = 0; nIndexNextItem = -1;
while (1) { nIndex = lc.GetNextItem (nIndex, nState);
if (nIndex == -1) break;
if (IsVirtual()) { nIndexNextItem = nIndex; break; }
CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem (nIndex);
if ((pri != NULL) && ((pri->GetOwnerID() == ownerID) || (pri->IsScopeItem()))) { priNextItem = pri; nIndexNextItem = nIndex; break; } }
return (sc = (nIndexNextItem != -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE).ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetItem( int nItem, CResultItem*& pri, long nCol, LPOLESTR* str, int* pnImage, LPARAM* pLParam, UINT* pnState, BOOL* pbScopeItem) { USES_CONVERSION; if ((nCol < 0) || (nCol >= m_colCount)) return E_INVALIDARG;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
if (IsVirtual()) { //Virtual list can only be queried for state
if ((pri != NULL) || (nItem < 0) || (nItem >= m_itemCount) || (str != MMCLV_NOPTR) || (pnImage != MMCLV_NOPTR) || (pLParam != MMCLV_NOPTR)) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if (pnState != MMCLV_NOPTR) { *pnState = lc.GetItemState (nItem, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// for virtual list, it's never a scope item
if (pbScopeItem != NULL) *pbScopeItem = FALSE; } } else { if (pri != 0) nItem = ResultItemToIndex(pri);
if (nItem < 0 || nItem >= m_itemCount) hr = E_INVALIDARG;
else { pri = IndexToResultItem (nItem); if ( pri == NULL ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
// if the text was requested, get that seperatly so that we can use GETITEMTEXT to
// dynamically size the buffer.
if (str != MMCLV_NOPTR) { CString strText = lc.GetItemText (nItem, nCol); *str = ::CoTaskDupString (T2COLE (strText)); }
// get the state if requested
if (pnState != MMCLV_NOPTR) *pnState = lc.GetItemState (nItem, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Nodemgr will unravel pri & get required data (lparam & image index).
if (pri->IsScopeItem()) return hr;
// get the image, pLParam, or scope item, if requested
if ((pnImage != MMCLV_NOPTR) || (pLParam != MMCLV_NOPTR) || (pbScopeItem != NULL)) { if (pri != NULL) { if (pnImage != MMCLV_NOPTR) *pnImage = pri->GetImageIndex();
if (pLParam != MMCLV_NOPTR) *pLParam = pri->GetSnapinData();
// set the scope item flag
if (pbScopeItem != NULL) *pbScopeItem = pri->IsScopeItem(); } else hr = E_FAIL;
} } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetLParam(long nItem, CResultItem*& pri) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::GetLParam"));
if (IsVirtual()) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr();
pri = IndexToResultItem (nItem); if (pri == NULL) sc = E_FAIL;
return (sc.ToHr()); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::ModifyItemState(long nItem, CResultItem* pri, UINT add, UINT remove) { ASSERT(((pri != 0) && !IsVirtual()) || (nItem >= 0));
// Can only set focus and selected states for virtual item
if (IsVirtual() && ((add | remove) & ~(LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED))) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_FAIL; }
if (pri != 0 && !IsVirtual()) nItem = ResultItemToIndex(pri);
if (nItem >= 0) { LV_ITEM lvi; ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi)); lvi.iItem = nItem; lvi.mask = LVIF_STATE; lvi.stateMask = add | remove; lvi.state = add;
hr = (GetListCtrl().SetItemState (nItem, &lvi)) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
// if ensure focus visible style and focus set, force item into view
if (m_bEnsureFocusVisible && (add & LVIS_FOCUSED)) GetListCtrl().EnsureVisible(nItem, FALSE); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetIcon(long ownerID, HICON hIcon, long nLoc) { ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount());
* pick the flags out of nLoc */ bool fChangeLargeIcon = nLoc & ILSIF_LEAVE_SMALL_ICON; bool fChangeSmallIcon = nLoc & ILSIF_LEAVE_LARGE_ICON; nLoc &= ~ILSIF_LEAVE_MASK;
* make sure the XOR below will work */ ASSERT ((fChangeLargeIcon == 0) || (fChangeLargeIcon == 1)); ASSERT ((fChangeSmallIcon == 0) || (fChangeSmallIcon == 1));
CImageIndexMapKey searchKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID, nLoc); int nNdx1; int nNdx2;
BOOL fExists = m_resultIM.Lookup(&searchKey, nNdx1);
* are we changing the large or small icon only? */ if (fChangeSmallIcon ^ fChangeLargeIcon) { /*
* there must be an icon at nLoc already */ if (!fExists) hr = E_INVALIDARG;
* changing the large icon? */ else if (fChangeLargeIcon) { if (m_largeIL.Replace(nNdx1, hIcon) != nNdx1) hr = E_FAIL; }
* otherwise, changing the small icon? */ else { if (m_smallIL.Replace(nNdx1, hIcon) != nNdx1) hr = E_FAIL; } } else if (fExists) { nNdx2 = m_smallIL.Replace(nNdx1, hIcon);
if (nNdx2 == -1) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { if(nNdx2 != nNdx1) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { nNdx2 = m_largeIL.Replace(nNdx1, hIcon); if(nNdx2 != nNdx1) hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } } else { // Insert items and store indices in large and small
nNdx1 = m_smallIL.Add(hIcon);
if (nNdx1 != -1) nNdx2 = m_largeIL.Add(hIcon);
if (nNdx1 == -1) { hr = E_FAIL; } else if (nNdx2 == -1) { m_smallIL.Remove (nNdx1); hr = E_FAIL; } else if(nNdx1 != nNdx2) { m_smallIL.Remove (nNdx1); m_largeIL.Remove (nNdx2); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { // Generate a new key and store the values in the maps
PImageIndexMapKey pKey = new CImageIndexMapKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID, nLoc); m_resultIM[pKey] = nNdx1; } }
#ifdef DBG
if (tagListImages.FAny()) { DrawOnDesktop (m_smallIL, 0, 0); DrawOnDesktop (m_largeIL, 0, 32); } #endif
ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount()); return hr; }
* CCCListViewCtrl::SetImageStrip * * Adds one or more images to the imagelist. Bitmaps are owned (and * released) by the caller. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetImageStrip ( long ownerID, HBITMAP hbmSmall, HBITMAP hbmLarge, long nStartLoc, long cMask) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::SetImageStrip")); ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount());
* valid start index? */ if (nStartLoc < 0) return ((sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr());
* valid bitmaps? */ sc = ScCheckPointers (hbmSmall, hbmLarge); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
BITMAP bmSmall; if (!GetObject (hbmSmall, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmSmall)) return (sc.FromLastError().ToHr());
BITMAP bmLarge; if (!GetObject (hbmLarge, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmLarge)) return (sc.FromLastError().ToHr());
* are the small and large bitmaps of the integral dimensions, * and do they have the same number of images? */ if ( (bmSmall.bmHeight != 16) || (bmLarge.bmHeight != 32) || (bmSmall.bmWidth % 16) || (bmLarge.bmWidth % 32) || ((bmSmall.bmWidth / 16) != (bmLarge.bmWidth / 32))) { return ((sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr()); }
const int cEntries = bmSmall.bmWidth / 16;
* make copies of the input bitmaps because CImageList::Add (which calls * ImageList_AddMasked) will screw up the background color */ CBitmap bmpSmall, bmpLarge; bmpSmall.Attach (CopyBitmap (hbmSmall)); bmpLarge.Attach (CopyBitmap (hbmLarge));
if ((bmpSmall.GetSafeHandle() == NULL) || (bmpLarge.GetSafeHandle() == NULL)) return (sc.FromLastError().ToHr());
* add the small image */ const int nFirstNewIndexSmall = m_smallIL.Add (&bmpSmall, cMask); if (nFirstNewIndexSmall == -1) return (sc.FromLastError().ToHr());
* add the large image */ const int nFirstNewIndexLarge = m_largeIL.Add (&bmpLarge, cMask); if (nFirstNewIndexLarge == -1) { /*
* Images can be added many at a time, but only removed one at * a time. Remove each entry we added. */ for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) m_smallIL.Remove (nFirstNewIndexSmall);
ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount()); return (sc.FromLastError().ToHr()); }
* if the starting indices of the large and small images aren't * the same, we screwed */ if (nFirstNewIndexSmall != nFirstNewIndexLarge) { /*
* Images can be added many at a time, but only removed one at * a time. Remove each entry we added. */ for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { m_smallIL.Remove (nFirstNewIndexSmall); m_largeIL.Remove (nFirstNewIndexLarge); }
ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount()); return ((sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr()); }
// Keep the map updated for each newly inserted image.
for(int i=0; i < cEntries; i++) { CImageIndexMapKey searchKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID, nStartLoc+i);
// if the item exists in the map, replace the value, else create a new
// key and set the value.
int nIndex = nFirstNewIndexSmall; // use copy of nFirstNewIndexSmall as Lookup modifies nIndex.
if(m_resultIM.Lookup(&searchKey, nIndex)) m_resultIM[&searchKey] = nFirstNewIndexSmall+i; else m_resultIM[new CImageIndexMapKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID, nStartLoc+i)] = nFirstNewIndexSmall+i; }
#ifdef DBG
if (tagListImages.FAny()) { DrawOnDesktop (m_smallIL, 0, 0); DrawOnDesktop (m_largeIL, 0, 32); } #endif
ASSERT (m_smallIL.GetImageCount() == m_largeIL.GetImageCount()); return (sc.ToHr()); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::MapImage(long ownerID, long nLoc, int far *pResult) { CImageIndexMapKey searchKey((COMPONENTID)ownerID, nLoc); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(!(m_resultIM.Lookup(&searchKey, *((int *)pResult)))) hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::Reset() { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::Reset"));
// Note: we must call this->DeleteAllItems(TVOWNED_MAGICWORD) & not
// GetListCtrl().DeleteAllItems() to ensure that all internal data
// is cleaned up.
ASSERT(GetListCtrl().GetItemCount() == 0); ASSERT(m_itemCount == 0); ASSERT(m_nScopeItems == 0);
m_smallIL.DeleteImageList(); m_largeIL.DeleteImageList();
sc = ScSetImageLists(); if (sc) return (sc.ToHr());
// Delete all columns
while (SUCCEEDED (DeleteColumn(0))) {};
if (m_pListView) sc = m_pListView->ScResetColumnStatusData();
if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear();
// reset lexical sorting until Sort is called again
m_sortParams.bLexicalSort = FALSE;
// release the snap-in's compare interfaces
m_sortParams.spResultCompare = NULL; m_sortParams.spResultCompareEx = NULL;
return (sc.ToHr()); }
// Member: SortCompareFunc
// Synopsis: Compare two items, called by list control sort.
// Arguments: [lParam1] - Item1's lparam.
// [lParam2] - Item2's lparam.
// [pSortParams_] - ptr to SortParams.
// Note: If snapin wants lexical sort do default-compare.
// Else if snapin has IResultDataCompare[Ex] then call it
// Else do default-compare.
// Returns: -1 : item1 < item2
// 0 : item1 == item2
// +1 : item1 > item2
int CALLBACK CCCListViewCtrl::SortCompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM pSortParams_) { SortParams* pSortParams = reinterpret_cast<SortParams*>(pSortParams_); ASSERT (pSortParams != NULL);
CCCListViewCtrl* pListView = reinterpret_cast<CCCListViewCtrl*>(pSortParams->lpListView); ASSERT (pListView != NULL);
CResultItem* pri1 = CResultItem::FromHandle (lParam1); CResultItem* pri2 = CResultItem::FromHandle (lParam2);
if (pri1 == NULL || pri2 == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; }
BOOL bScope1 = pri1->IsScopeItem(); BOOL bScope2 = pri2->IsScopeItem();
int iResult;
// if snap-in provides extended compare method
if (pSortParams->spResultCompareEx != NULL) { ASSERT(pSortParams->lpNodeCallback); if (NULL == pSortParams->lpNodeCallback) return 0; // Error
COMPONENTID ItemID; BOOL bOwned1 = !bScope1 || ((pSortParams->lpNodeCallback->GetNodeOwnerID(pri1->GetScopeNode(), &ItemID) == S_OK) && (ItemID == pSortParams->OwnerID));
BOOL bOwned2 = !bScope2 || ((pSortParams->lpNodeCallback->GetNodeOwnerID(pri2->GetScopeNode(), &ItemID) == S_OK) && (ItemID == pSortParams->OwnerID));
// let snap-in order all items that it owns (scope and result)
// put rest of items items after owned items
if (bOwned1 && bOwned2) iResult = SnapinCompareEx(pSortParams, pri1, pri2); else if (bOwned1 || bOwned2) iResult = bOwned1 ? -1 : 1; else // DefaultCompare flips results depending on ascending or descending.
return DefaultCompare(lParam1, lParam2, pSortParams_); } // do default sorting
else { // pass result items to original compare method if provided, else to default sort
if (!bScope1 && !bScope2) { if (pSortParams->spResultCompare != NULL) iResult = SnapinCompare(pSortParams, pri1, pri2); else // DefaultCompare flips results depending on ascending or descending.
return DefaultCompare(lParam1, lParam2, pSortParams_); } // do not order scope items, just put them ahead of result items
else { iResult = (bScope1 && bScope2) ? 0 : (bScope1 ? -1 : 1); } }
// flip order for descending sort
return pSortParams->bAscending ? iResult : -iResult; }
// Member: DefaultCompare
// Synopsis: Compare two items, called by list control sort.
// This is used if snapin wants default compare or
// if it does not implement IResultDataCompare or
// IResultDataCompareEx interfaces
// Arguments: [lParam1] - Item1's lparam.
// [lParam2] - Item2's lparam.
// [pSortParams] - ptr to SortParams.
// Note: If one is scope item and other is result item
// place scope item before result item.
// Else get the text for both items and do string compare.
// Returns: -1 : item1 < item2
// 0 : item1 == item2
// +1 : item1 > item2
int CALLBACK CCCListViewCtrl::DefaultCompare(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM pSortParams_) { SortParams* pSortParams = reinterpret_cast<SortParams*>(pSortParams_); ASSERT(NULL != pSortParams); if (NULL == pSortParams) return 0;
CResultItem* pri1 = CResultItem::FromHandle (lParam1); CResultItem* pri2 = CResultItem::FromHandle (lParam2); ASSERT( (NULL != pri1) && (NULL != pri2)); if ( (NULL == pri1) || (NULL == pri2) ) return 0;
bool bScope1 = pri1->IsScopeItem(); bool bScope2 = pri2->IsScopeItem();
// If one of the item is scope pane item
// scope item goes before result item.
if (bScope1 != bScope2) { int iResult = bScope1 ? -1 : 1; return pSortParams->bAscending ? iResult : -iResult; }
LPNODECALLBACK lpNodeCallback = pSortParams->lpNodeCallback; ASSERT(lpNodeCallback); if (NULL == lpNodeCallback) return 0;
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CString strText1; CString strText2;
if (bScope1) { // Both scope items, get the text for each item.
HNODE hNode1 = pri1->GetScopeNode(); HNODE hNode2 = pri2->GetScopeNode();
USES_CONVERSION; tstring strName;
// GetDisplayName uses a static array to return name so no need to free it.
hr = lpNodeCallback->GetDisplayName(hNode1, strName); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) strText1 = strName.data();
hr = lpNodeCallback->GetDisplayName(hNode2, strName); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) strText2 = strName.data(); } else // both items are result items.
{ ASSERT(!bScope1 && ! bScope2); CCCListViewCtrl* pListView = reinterpret_cast<CCCListViewCtrl*>(pSortParams->lpListView); ASSERT (pListView != NULL); ASSERT(pListView->IsVirtual() == FALSE); // Virtual list sort should not come here.
LV_ITEMW lvi; ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(LV_ITEMW)); lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.iSubItem = pSortParams->nCol; lvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; lvi.pszText = szTemp;
ASSERT(NULL != pSortParams->hSelectedNode); if (NULL != pSortParams->hSelectedNode) { lvi.lParam = lParam1; hr = lpNodeCallback->GetDispInfo(pSortParams->hSelectedNode, &lvi); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) strText1 = lvi.pszText;
lvi.lParam = lParam2; hr = lpNodeCallback->GetDispInfo(pSortParams->hSelectedNode, &lvi); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) strText2 = lvi.pszText; }
if (strText1.IsEmpty() && strText2.IsEmpty()) return (0);
int rc = 0;
* Bug 9595: Do locale-sensitive, case-insensitive comparison */ switch (CompareString (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, strText1, -1, strText2, -1)) { case CSTR_LESS_THAN: rc = -1; break;
case CSTR_EQUAL: rc = 0; break;
case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: rc = 1; break;
default: /*
* if an error occurred, fall back to locale-insensitive, * case-insensitive comparison */ rc = _tcsicmp (strText1, strText2); break; }
return pSortParams->bAscending ? rc: -rc; }
int CCCListViewCtrl::SnapinCompare(SortParams* pSortParams, CResultItem* pri1, CResultItem* pri2) { ASSERT(pSortParams->spResultCompare != NULL);
// Set nResult to the current column
int nResult = pSortParams->nCol;
HRESULT hr = pSortParams->spResultCompare->Compare(pSortParams->lpUserParam, pri1->GetSnapinData(), pri2->GetSnapinData(), &nResult);
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? nResult : 0; }
int CCCListViewCtrl::SnapinCompareEx(SortParams* pSortParams, CResultItem* pri1, CResultItem* pri2) { ASSERT(pSortParams->spResultCompareEx != NULL);
if (pri1->IsScopeItem()) { rdch1.dwFlags = RDCI_ScopeItem; pSortParams->lpNodeCallback->GetNodeCookie(pri1->GetScopeNode(), &rdch1.cookie); } else { rdch1.dwFlags = 0; rdch1.cookie = pri1->GetSnapinData(); }
if (pri2->IsScopeItem()) { rdch2.dwFlags = RDCI_ScopeItem; pSortParams->lpNodeCallback->GetNodeCookie(pri2->GetScopeNode(), &rdch2.cookie); } else { rdch2.dwFlags = 0; rdch2.cookie = pri2->GetSnapinData(); }
rdch1.lpReserved = 0; rdch2.lpReserved = 0;
RDCOMPARE rdc; rdc.cbSize = sizeof(rdc); rdc.dwFlags = 0; rdc.nColumn = pSortParams->nCol; rdc.lUserParam = pSortParams->lpUserParam; rdc.prdch1 = &rdch1; rdc.prdch2 = &rdch2;
int nResult = 0; HRESULT hr = pSortParams->spResultCompareEx->Compare(&rdc, &nResult);
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? nResult : 0; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::Arrange(long style) { return ((GetListCtrl().Arrange (style)) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::Repaint(BOOL bErase) { m_pListView->Invalidate(bErase); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetItemCount(int iItemCount, DWORD dwOptions) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::SetItemCount"));
// Ask the CAMCListViewCtrl to setup headers & set the flag.
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (! sc.IsError()) sc = m_pListView->ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData();
if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear();
int iTop = ListView_GetTopIndex(GetListCtrl());
if (ListView_SetItemCountEx (GetListCtrl(), iItemCount, dwOptions)) { // if virtual list, update the item count
// if not virtual, SetItemCount just reserves space for new items
if (IsVirtual()) m_itemCount = iItemCount; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); sc = E_FAIL; }
iTop = ListView_GetTopIndex(GetListCtrl());
if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// we cannot track any items any more - broadcast the message to observers
sc = ScFireEvent(CListViewObserver::ScOnListViewIndexesReset); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetChangeTimeOut(ULONG lTimeout) { BOOL bStat = FALSE; if (GetHeaderCtrl()) bStat = ::SendMessage(GetHeaderCtrl()->m_hWnd, HDM_SETFILTERCHANGETIMEOUT, 0, (LPARAM)lTimeout);
return (bStat ? S_OK : E_FAIL); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetColumnFilter(int nCol, DWORD dwType, MMC_FILTERDATA* pFilterData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
HD_ITEM item;
do // not a loop
{ if (GetHeaderCtrl() == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
DWORD dwTypeOnly = dwType & ~MMC_FILTER_NOVALUE; BOOL bHasValue = !(dwType & MMC_FILTER_NOVALUE);
// Validate filter type
ASSERT(dwTypeOnly == MMC_INT_FILTER || dwTypeOnly == MMC_STRING_FILTER); if (!(dwTypeOnly == MMC_INT_FILTER || dwTypeOnly == MMC_STRING_FILTER)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Check for non-null filterdata and pszText
if ( ((dwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER || bHasValue) && pFilterData == NULL) || (dwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER && bHasValue && pFilterData->pszText == NULL) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_POINTER; break; }
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof(item)); item.mask = HDI_FILTER; item.type = dwType;
switch (dwTypeOnly) { case MMC_INT_FILTER: item.pvFilter = &pFilterData->lValue; break;
case MMC_STRING_FILTER: { item.pvFilter = &textFilter; textFilter.cchTextMax = pFilterData->cchTextMax;
if (bHasValue) textFilter.pszText = OLE2T(pFilterData->pszText); break; }
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
if (!GetHeaderCtrl()->SetItem(nCol, &item)) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; } } while(0);
return hr; }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumnFilter(int nCol, DWORD* pdwType, MMC_FILTERDATA* pFilterData) {
do // not a loop
{ if (GetHeaderCtrl() == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
ASSERT(pdwType != NULL); if (pdwType == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; break; }
ASSERT(*pdwType == MMC_INT_FILTER || *pdwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER); if (!(*pdwType == MMC_INT_FILTER || *pdwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
ASSERT(!(*pdwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER && pFilterData != NULL && pFilterData->pszText == NULL)); if ((*pdwType == MMC_STRING_FILTER && pFilterData != NULL && pFilterData->pszText == NULL)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof(item)); item.mask = HDI_FILTER; item.type = *pdwType;
if (pFilterData != 0) { switch (*pdwType) { case MMC_INT_FILTER: item.pvFilter = &pFilterData->lValue; break;
case MMC_STRING_FILTER: { item.pvFilter = &textFilter; textFilter.pszText = (LPTSTR)alloca((pFilterData->cchTextMax + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); textFilter.pszText[0] = 0; textFilter.cchTextMax = pFilterData->cchTextMax; break; }
default: ASSERT(FALSE); } }
BOOL bStat = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItem(nCol, &item); if (!bStat) hr = E_FAIL;
// NOTE: GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItem() fails when a string filter is empty
// Until this is fixed, assume that the error is caused by this
// and fake an empty string result
if (hr == E_FAIL && item.type == MMC_STRING_FILTER) { item.type |= HDFT_HASNOVALUE; hr = S_OK; }
// if requested string filter value, convert to caller's buffer
if (hr == S_OK && item.type == MMC_STRING_FILTER && pFilterData != NULL) { ocscpy(pFilterData->pszText, T2OLE(textFilter.pszText)); }
*pdwType = item.type; } while(0);
return hr; }
// Member: SetColumnSortIcon
// Synopsis: Set sort arrow if needed.
// Arguments: [nNewCol] - The column for which arrow should be set.
// [nOldCol] - The previous column, remove sort arrow.
// [bAscending] - Ascending/Descending.
// [bSetSortIcon] - If arrow is needed or not.
// Returns: S_OK.
// History: 04-01-1998 AnandhaG Created
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetColumnSortIcon(int nNewCol, int nOldCol, BOOL bAscending, BOOL bSetSortIcon) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::SetColumnSortIcon"));
LVCOLUMN lvcol, lvOriginalCol; ZeroMemory(&lvcol, sizeof(lvcol)); lvcol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_IMAGE; ZeroMemory(&lvOriginalCol, sizeof(lvOriginalCol)); lvOriginalCol.mask = LVCF_FMT;
// update the old column
if ( nOldCol >= 0 ) { // retrieve old frmt settings
if ( !GetListCtrl().GetColumn(nOldCol, &lvOriginalCol) ) return (sc = E_FAIL).ToHr();
// make the new format settings
// transfer old values such as LVCFMT_CENTER, which we do not want to change
// see windows bugs (ntbug09) #153029 10/09/00
lvcol.fmt = lvOriginalCol.fmt & ~(LVCFMT_IMAGE | LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT);
// Reset the previous column's sort icon with blank icon.
lvcol.iImage = -1; if ( !GetListCtrl().SetColumn(nOldCol, &lvcol) ) return (sc = E_FAIL).ToHr(); }
// We have to add sort icon only if LV items can be sorted.
// This is possible only if any of following condition is true.
// a. there are any result items in result pane OR
// b. snapin supports IResultDataCompare OR
// c. snapin supports IResultDataCompareEx OR
// d. snapin wants default lexical sort OR
// e. snapin has virtual list
BOOL bCanSortListView = (0 != (m_itemCount - m_nScopeItems)) || (NULL != m_sortParams.spResultCompare) || (NULL != m_sortParams.spResultCompareEx) || (TRUE == m_sortParams.bLexicalSort) || (IsVirtual());
if ( bCanSortListView && bSetSortIcon) { // retrieve old frmt settings
if ( !GetListCtrl().GetColumn(nNewCol, &lvOriginalCol) ) return (sc = E_FAIL).ToHr();
// make the new format settings
// transfer old values such as LVCFMT_CENTER, which we do not want to change
// see windows bugs (ntbug09) #153029 10/09/00
lvcol.fmt = lvOriginalCol.fmt | LVCFMT_IMAGE | LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT;
// Set the sort icon for new column.
lvcol.iImage = (bAscending) ? 0 : 1; if ( !GetListCtrl().SetColumn(nNewCol, &lvcol) ) return (sc = E_FAIL).ToHr(); }
// De-select all the items in virtual list.
if (IsVirtual()) { int nItem = -1; LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; lvi.state = ~LVIS_SELECTED;
while ( (nItem = GetListCtrl().GetNextItem(nItem, LVNI_SELECTED)) != -1) { GetListCtrl().SetItemState(nItem, &lvi); } }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::ScRedrawHeader
// Synopsis: Need to send WM_SETREDRAW to headers to reduce flicker
// when persisted column data is applied.
// Turn it off before sending MMCN_SHOW to snapins and turn
// it on after MMCN_SHOW returns.
// Arguments: [bRedraw] -
// Returns: SC
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScRedrawHeader (bool bRedraw) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScRedrawHeader"));
CAMCHeaderCtrl* pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
int nViewMode = GetViewMode();
// Turn off/on the header only if it is report or filtered mode.
// If turned on in other modes comctl does not take care of different
// mode and will show headers (eg: in large icon mode).
if ( (nViewMode != MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_REPORT) && (nViewMode != MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED) ) return sc;
// If redraw is true then repaint the control.
if (bRedraw) pHeader->InvalidateRect(NULL);
return (sc); }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::SetLoadMode * * PURPOSE: Turn on/off redraw on list control & header control when * persisted list view settings (columns...) are applied. * * PARAMETERS: * BOOL bState - load state, true -> turn-off redraw, false -> turn-on redraw * * RETURNS: * HRESULT * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::SetLoadMode(BOOL bState) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::SetLoadMode"));
if (bState == m_bLoading) return (sc.ToHr());
if (bState) { // turn off drawing during loading
// 1. Turn off header.
sc = ScRedrawHeader(false); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear();
// 2. Turn off the listcontrol.
GetListCtrl().SetRedraw(false); } else { sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear(); else { sc = m_pListView->ScRestoreColumnsFromPersistedData(); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear(); }
// if sort requested while loading, sort the loaded items now
if (m_bDeferredSort) { /*
* the sort could take awhile, so show a wait cursor */ CWaitCursor wait;
GetListCtrl().SortItems (SortCompareFunc, (DWORD_PTR)&m_sortParams); m_bDeferredSort = FALSE; }
// 1. Important, first turn on list and then header else header will not be redrawn.
// 2. Turn on the header.
sc = ScRedrawHeader(true); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear(); }
m_bLoading = bState;
return (sc.ToHr()); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumnInfoList
// Synopsis: Get the current column settings.
// Arguments: [pColumnsList] - [out param], ptr to CColumnsInfoList.
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumnInfoList (CColumnInfoList *pColumnsList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::GetColumnInfoList")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pColumnsList); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
CAMCListView *pAMCListView = GetListViewPtr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = pAMCListView->ScGetColumnInfoList(pColumnsList); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return (sc.ToHr()); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::ModifyColumns
// Synopsis: Modify the columns with given data.
// Arguments: [columnsList] -
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CCCListViewCtrl::ModifyColumns (const CColumnInfoList& columnsList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ModifyColumns")); CAMCListView *pAMCListView = GetListViewPtr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = pAMCListView->ScModifyColumns(columnsList); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return (sc.ToHr()); }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::GetDefaultColumnInfoList
// Synopsis: Get the default column settings
// Arguments: [columnInfoList] - [out]
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CCCListViewCtrl::GetDefaultColumnInfoList (CColumnInfoList& columnInfoList) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CNodeInitObject::GetDefaultColumnInfoList")); CAMCListView *pAMCListView = GetListViewPtr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = pAMCListView->ScGetDefaultColumnInfoList(columnInfoList); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return (sc.ToHr()); }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::RenameItem * * PURPOSE: Puts the specified result item into rename mode. * * PARAMETERS: * CResultItem* pri : * * RETURNS: * STDMETHODIMP * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCCListViewCtrl::RenameItem(HRESULTITEM itemID) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::RenameItem"));
int nIndex = -1; sc = ScGetItemIndexFromHRESULTITEM(itemID, nIndex); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_itemCount) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr();
// must have the focus to rename
if (::GetFocus()!= GetListCtrl()) SetFocus(GetListCtrl());
// if the rename failed, E_FAIL is returned.
if(NULL==GetListCtrl().EditLabel(nIndex)) return (sc=E_FAIL).ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
HRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::OnModifyItem(CResultItem* pri) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
int nItem = ResultItemToIndex(pri); if(nItem < 0 || nItem >= m_itemCount) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
LV_ITEM lvi; ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi));
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; lvi.iItem = nItem; lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; lvi.iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK;
GetListCtrl().SetItem( &lvi );
if (!GetListCtrl().RedrawItems (nItem, nItem)) hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_HRESULT(hr);
return hr; }
// Member: CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelectAll
// Synopsis: Select all the items in the list view.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: SC
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelectAll () { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelectAll"));
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = lvi.state = LVIS_SELECTED; for (int i = 0; i < GetListCtrl().GetItemCount(); ++i) { // NOTE: do not use GetListCtrl().SetItemState - it uses SetItem which is not supported for virtual lists
if (!GetListCtrl().SendMessage( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, WPARAM(i), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM FAR *)&lvi)) return (sc = E_FAIL); }
return (sc); }
//-------------------------------------------------- Windows Hooks
BOOL CCCListViewCtrl::Create( DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext /*=NULL*/ ) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::Create")); ASSERT(pParentWnd != NULL && IsWindow(pParentWnd->m_hWnd));
// standard or virtual ?
CAMCListView* pListView = (dwStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA) ? m_pVirtualList : m_pStandardList;
ASSERT(pListView->m_hWnd == NULL);
if (pListView->Create(NULL, NULL, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext)) { // Attach image lists
sc = ScSetImageLists (); if (sc) { pListView->DestroyWindow(); return (false); }
// update member variables
m_bVirtual = (dwStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_pListView = pListView; m_pParentWnd = pParentWnd;
bRet = TRUE; }
int iTop = ListView_GetTopIndex(GetListCtrl());
return bRet; }
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetImageLists () { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetImageLists")); CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl();
* if we need to create one list, we should need to create both */ ASSERT ((m_smallIL.GetSafeHandle() == NULL) == (m_largeIL.GetSafeHandle() == NULL));
* create the image lists, if necessary */ if (m_smallIL.GetSafeHandle() == NULL) { if (!m_smallIL.Create(16, 16, ILC_COLORDDB | ILC_MASK, 20, 10) || !m_largeIL.Create(32, 32, ILC_COLORDDB | ILC_MASK, 20, 10)) { goto Error; }
// Add standard MMC bitmaps
CBitmap bmSmall; CBitmap bmLarge; if (!bmSmall.LoadBitmap(IDB_AMC_NODES16) || !bmLarge.LoadBitmap(IDB_AMC_NODES32)) goto Error;
sc = SetImageStrip (TVOWNED_MAGICWORD, bmSmall, bmLarge, 0, RGB(255,0,255)); if (sc) goto Error; }
* attach them to the list control */ lc.SetImageList (&m_smallIL, LVSIL_SMALL); lc.SetImageList (&m_largeIL, LVSIL_NORMAL);
* setting the small image list for the list control overwrites * the image list for the header control; fix it up */ { CWnd* pwndHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); if (pwndHeader != NULL) Header_SetImageList (*pwndHeader, (HIMAGELIST) m_headerIL); } return (sc);
Error: /*
* DeleteImageList is safe to call on uncreated CImageLists */ m_smallIL.DeleteImageList(); m_largeIL.DeleteImageList();
* If we haven't filled in the SC with an error code, try last error. * Some (many) APIs fail without setting the last error, so if we still * don't have an error code, give it a generic E_FAIL. */ if (!sc.IsError()) { sc.FromLastError();
if (!sc.IsError()) sc = E_FAIL; }
return (sc); }
* CCCListViewCtrl::OnSysColorChange * * WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE handler for CCCListViewCtrl. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CCCListViewCtrl::OnSysColorChange() { m_headerIL.OnSysColorChange();
CWnd* pwndHeader = GetHeaderCtrl(); if (pwndHeader != NULL) Header_SetImageList (*pwndHeader, (HIMAGELIST) m_headerIL); }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::ScAttachToListPad * * PURPOSE: Attaches/Detaches the list view to the listpad window. The listpad * window is an IE frame. Attaching occurs by reparenting the list view. * * PARAMETERS: * HWND hwnd : The new parent window, or NULL to detach * HWND* phwnd : 1) non-NULL phwnd: The list view window handle is returned as * an out parameter * 2) NULL phwnd: Detaches the list view control from the list pad. * * RETURNS: * HRESULT * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScAttachToListPad (HWND hwnd, HWND* phwnd) { DECLARE_SC (sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScAttachToListPad"));
CAMCView* pAMCView = dynamic_cast<CAMCView*>(m_pParentWnd); // pointer is checked before usage, no need to test here.
if (phwnd) { // attaching
// are we still attached?
if (m_SavedHWND) { //Attaching to ListPad when already attached - just make window exactly the same size as (new) parent
RECT r; ::GetWindowRect (hwnd, &r);
m_pListView->SetWindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, r.right-r.left, r.bottom-r.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
return sc; } else { // save current parent hwnd and its state
m_SavedHWND = ::GetParent (m_pListView->m_hWnd); m_wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); ::GetWindowPlacement (m_pListView->m_hWnd, &m_wp);
// switch to new one
::SetParent (m_pListView->m_hWnd, hwnd); m_pListView->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
// make window exactly the same size as (new) parent
RECT r; ::GetWindowRect (hwnd, &r); m_pListView->SetWindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, r.right-r.left, r.bottom-r.top, SWP_NOZORDER);
// return back my window
*phwnd = m_pListView->m_hWnd;
// notify snapin of attach
if (pAMCView) pAMCView->NotifyListPad (phwnd != NULL); } } else { // detaching
if (m_SavedHWND == NULL) // this may get called repeatedly...
return S_OK;
// notify snapin of detach
if (pAMCView) pAMCView->NotifyListPad (phwnd != NULL);
// change back parent window and its state
HWND hWndNewParent = m_pListView->m_hWnd;
::SetParent (m_pListView->m_hWnd, m_SavedHWND); if (m_wp.length != 0) { m_wp.showCmd = SW_HIDE; ::SetWindowPlacement (m_pListView->m_hWnd, &m_wp); }
// clear saved window and state
m_SavedHWND = NULL; ZeroMemory (&m_wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)); Reset(); }
return sc; }
* CCCListViewCtrl::OnCustomDraw * * NM_CUSTOMDRAW handler for CCCListViewCtrl. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CCCListViewCtrl::OnCustomDraw (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* plvcd) { ASSERT (CWnd::FromHandle (plvcd->nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom) == m_pListView);
return (m_FontLinker.OnCustomDraw (&plvcd->nmcd)); }
* CCCListViewCtrl::UseFontLinking * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool CCCListViewCtrl::UseFontLinking () const { CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); ASSERT (pAMCView != NULL);
DWORD dwListOptions = pAMCView->GetViewData()->GetListOptions(); return (dwListOptions & RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_USEFONTLINKING); }
* CListFontLinker::GetItemText * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
std::wstring CListFontLinker::GetItemText (NMCUSTOMDRAW* pnmcd) const { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* plvcd = reinterpret_cast<NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *>(pnmcd);
int iItem = pnmcd->dwItemSpec; int iSubItem = (pnmcd->dwDrawStage & CDDS_SUBITEM) ? plvcd->iSubItem : 0; CListCtrl& lc = m_pListCtrl->GetListViewPtr()->GetListCtrl();
USES_CONVERSION; return (std::wstring (T2CW (lc.GetItemText (iItem, iSubItem)))); }
* CListFontLinker::IsAnyItemLocalizable * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool CListFontLinker::IsAnyItemLocalizable () const { return (m_pListCtrl->UseFontLinking ()); }
class CMMCResultNode;
* class CNodes * * * PURPOSE: base class for Nodes collections. Implements most of required methods * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CNodes : public CMMCIDispatchImpl<Nodes>, public CTiedComObject<CCCListViewCtrl>, // is tied to CCCListViewCtrl
public CTiedObject, // enumerators are tied to it
public CListViewObserver { protected: typedef CCCListViewCtrl CMyTiedObject; // tied to CCCListViewCtrl
private: // define collection type for cached Nodes
typedef std::pair<int /*index*/, CMMCResultNode * /*pNode*/> col_entry_t; typedef std::vector<col_entry_t> col_t;
// define comparison functor for b-search in a collection
struct index_less : public std::binary_function<col_entry_t, int, bool> { bool operator()(const col_entry_t& x, const int& y) const { return (x.first < y); } };
// returning self as tied object
// class implements enumerator methods itself, but it is used as a base
// we need to tell all node we are going down
virtual ~CNodes() { InvalidateConnectedNodes(); } // Nodes interface
public: // methods forwarded to the list control
STDMETHODIMP get_Count( PLONG pCount ); STDMETHODIMP Item( long Index, PPNODE ppNode );
public: // observed events
virtual ::SC ScOnListViewIndexesReset(); virtual ::SC ScOnListViewItemInserted(int iIndex); virtual ::SC ScOnListViewItemDeleted (int iIndex);
// Nodes enumeration impl
::SC ScEnumReset (int &pos); ::SC ScEnumNext (int &pos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch); ::SC ScEnumSkip (unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, int &pos);
// node object helpers
::SC ScGetDisplayName(int iItem, CComBSTR& bstrName); ::SC ScUnadviseNodeObj(CMMCResultNode *node); // called from ~CMMCResultNode()
// asked by ListControl [forwarded by Node] to check if Node belongs to it.
// false if unconnected, else tries to match the owner
bool IsTiedToThisList(CCCListViewCtrl *pvc);
// returns Node representing the item (may reuse/create/forward-to-scope-tree)
::SC ScGetNode (int iItem, PPNODE ppNode ); ::SC ScGetListCtrl(CCCListViewCtrl **ppListCtrl); // returns the tied list control
private: // implementation helpers
::SC ScAdvancePosition( int& pos, unsigned nItems ); // returns S_FALSE if adv. less than req.
// initializators
void SetSelectedItemsOnly(bool bSelOnly) { m_bSelectedItemsOnly = bSelOnly; }
// breaks connection between Nodes and any Node object
void InvalidateConnectedNodes();
// data members
bool m_bSelectedItemsOnly; col_t m_Nodes;
friend class CCCListViewCtrl; };
// this typedefs the CNodesEnum class. Implements get__NewEnum using CMMCEnumerator and a _Positon object
typedef CMMCNewEnumImpl<CNodes, int, CNodes> CNodesEnum;
* class CMMCResultNode * * * PURPOSE: Implements the Node automation interface, for a result node * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CMMCResultNode : public CMMCIDispatchImpl<Node> { public: BEGIN_MMC_COM_MAP(CMMCResultNode) END_MMC_COM_MAP()
// Node methods
public: STDMETHODIMP get_Name( PBSTR pbstrName); STDMETHODIMP get_Property( BSTR PropertyName, PBSTR PropertyValue); STDMETHODIMP get_Bookmark( PBSTR pbstrBookmark); STDMETHODIMP IsScopeNode(PBOOL pbIsScopeNode); STDMETHODIMP get_Nodetype(PBSTR Nodetype);
CMMCResultNode(); ~CMMCResultNode();
SC ScGetListCtrl(CCCListViewCtrl **ppListCtrl);
int GetIndex() { return m_iIndex; } // asked by ListControl to check if Node belongs to it. false if orphan,
// forwarded to Nodes else
bool IsTiedToThisList(CCCListViewCtrl *pvc) { return (m_pNodes != NULL && m_pNodes->IsTiedToThisList(pvc)); } private: // implementation
::SC ScGetAMCView(CAMCView **ppAMCView); void Invalidate() { m_iIndex = -1; m_pNodes = NULL; } int m_iIndex; CNodes *m_pNodes;
friend class CNodes; }; //############################################################################
// CCCListViewCtrl methods managing Node & Nodes objects
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScFindResultItem * * PURPOSE: finds the index in ListView for item identified by Node [helper] * * PARAMETERS: * PNODE pNode - node to examine * int &iItem - storage for resulting index * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScFindResultItem( PNODE pNode, int &iItem ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelect"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode); if (sc) return sc;
iItem = -1;
// what type of node do we have
BOOL bScopeNode = FALSE; sc = pNode->IsScopeNode(&bScopeNode); if (sc) return sc;
if (bScopeNode) // scope node
{ // we do not have scope items in virtual lists
if (IsVirtual()) return sc = ScFromMMC(MMC_E_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
// find the result item (with the help of the owner class)
// check for view
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get AMCView
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers( pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// forward the request
HRESULTITEM itm; sc = pAMCView->ScFindResultItemForScopeNode( pNode, itm ); if (sc) return sc;
// get the index of item
iItem = ResultItemToIndex(CResultItem::FromHandle(itm));
if (iItem < 0) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED; // shouldn't be so
} else // result node
{ // convert the pointer
CMMCResultNode *pResNode = dynamic_cast<CMMCResultNode *>(pNode); sc = ScCheckPointers(pResNode); // invalid param. isn't it ?
if (sc) return sc;
// now check if it's actually comming from this list
if (!pResNode->IsTiedToThisList(this)) return sc = E_INVALIDARG;
iItem = pResNode->GetIndex(); }
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelect * * PURPOSE: selects item identified by node [implements View.Select()] * * PARAMETERS: * PNODE pNode - node to select * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelect( PNODE pNode ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSelect"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode); if (sc) return sc;
// find the result item
int nIdxToSelect = -1; sc = ScFindResultItem( pNode, nIdxToSelect ); if (sc) return sc;
// perform the action on list control
// NOTE: do not use GetListCtrl().SetItemState - it uses SetItem which is not supported for virtual lists
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = lvi.state = LVIS_SELECTED; if (!GetListCtrl().SendMessage( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, WPARAM(nIdxToSelect), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM FAR *)&lvi)) return sc = E_FAIL;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScDeselect * * PURPOSE: deselects item identified by node [implements View.Deselect()] * * PARAMETERS: * PNODE pNode - node to deselect * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScDeselect( PNODE pNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScDeselect"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode); if (sc) return sc;
// find the result item
int nIdxToSelect = -1; sc = ScFindResultItem( pNode, nIdxToSelect ); if (sc) return sc;
// perform the action on list control
// NOTE: do not use GetListCtrl().SetItemState - it uses SetItem which is not supported for virtual lists
LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; lvi.state = 0; if (!GetListCtrl().SendMessage( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, WPARAM(nIdxToSelect), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM FAR *)&lvi)) return sc = E_FAIL;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSelected * * PURPOSE: checks the status of item identified by node [implements View.IsSelected] * * PARAMETERS: * PNODE pNode - node to examine * PBOOL pIsSelected - storage for result * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSelected( PNODE pNode, PBOOL pIsSelected) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSelected"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, pIsSelected); if (sc) return sc;
*pIsSelected = FALSE;
// find the result item
int nIdxToSelect = -1; sc = ScFindResultItem( pNode, nIdxToSelect ); if (sc) return sc;
// perform the action on list control
if ( 0 != (GetListCtrl().GetItemState( nIdxToSelect, LVIS_SELECTED ) & LVIS_SELECTED )) *pIsSelected = TRUE;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_ListItems * * PURPOSE: returns Nodes enumeration including all list items * * PARAMETERS: * PPNODES ppNodes - storage for result * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_ListItems( PPNODES ppNodes ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_ListItems"));
// get proper enumeration
const bool bSelectedItemsOnly = false; sc = ScGetNodesEnum(bSelectedItemsOnly, ppNodes); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_SelectedItems * * PURPOSE: returns Nodes enumeration including selected list items * * PARAMETERS: * PPNODES ppNodes - storage for result * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_SelectedItems( PPNODES ppNodes) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_SelectedItems"));
// get proper enumeration
const bool bSelectedItemsOnly = true; sc = ScGetNodesEnum(bSelectedItemsOnly, ppNodes); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScValidateItem * * PURPOSE: helper function inspecting the index validity and node type * * PARAMETERS: * int iItem - item to inspect * bool &bScopeNode - result: is it a scope node * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScValidateItem( int iItem, bool &bScopeNode ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScValidateItem"));
// check the index
if (iItem < 0 || iItem >= GetListCtrl().GetItemCount()) return sc = E_INVALIDARG;
bScopeNode = false; // its always false for virtual lists
if (!IsVirtual()) { // now try to guess what kind of result item we have
CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem (iItem); sc = ScCheckPointers(pri, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
bScopeNode = pri->IsScopeItem(); }
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetNodesEnum * * PURPOSE: returns [creates if needed] com object Nodes * * PARAMETERS: * EnumType enumType - type of enumeration requested [all items/selected items] * PPNODES ppNodes - storage for the result (addref'ed for the caller) * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetNodesEnum(bool bSelectedItemsOnly, PPNODES ppNodes) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetNodesEnum"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers ( ppNodes ); if (sc) return sc;
// result initialization
*ppNodes = NULL;
// get a reference to proper variable
NodesPtr& rspNodes = bSelectedItemsOnly ? m_spSelNodes : m_spAllNodes;
if (rspNodes == NULL) // don't we have it ready?
{ // create a CNodesEnum object
sc = CTiedComObjectCreator<CNodesEnum>::ScCreateAndConnect(*this, rspNodes); if (sc) return (sc);
// get the actual object
typedef CComObject<CNodesEnum> CNodesEnumObj; CNodesEnumObj *pNodesEnum = dynamic_cast<CNodesEnumObj*>(rspNodes.GetInterfacePtr());
// check the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers( pNodesEnum, E_UNEXPECTED ); if(sc) return sc;
// update internal data
pNodesEnum->SetSelectedItemsOnly(bSelectedItemsOnly); // add new object as an observer to the view
AddObserver(static_cast<CListViewObserver&>(*pNodesEnum)); }
// addref and return the pointer for the client.
*ppNodes = rspNodes; (*ppNodes)->AddRef();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetScopeNodeForItem * * PURPOSE: transit point for Scope Node request - comes from enumeration, forwarded * to AMCView and further to ScopeTree * * PARAMETERS: * int iItem - node index to retrieve * PPNODE ppNode - result storage * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetScopeNodeForItem( int iItem, PPNODE ppNode ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetScopeNodeForItem"));
// check the parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppNode); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize the result
*ppNode = NULL;
// now try to guess what kind of result item we have
CResultItem* pri = IndexToResultItem(iItem); sc = ScCheckPointers(pri, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get the hNode
HNODE hNode = pri->GetScopeNode();
// check for view
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get AMCView
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers( pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// forward the request
sc = pAMCView->ScGetScopeNode( hNode, ppNode ); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetAMCView * * PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the parent CAMCView * * PARAMETERS: * CAMCView ** ppAMCView : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetAMCView(CAMCView **ppAMCView) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetAMCView"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppAMCView); if(sc) return sc;
*ppAMCView = NULL;
// check for view
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get AMCView
*ppAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(*ppAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED);
return sc; }
// Implementation of class CNodes
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScEnumReset * * PURPOSE: resets position for Nodes enumeration * * PARAMETERS: * int &pos - position to reset * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScEnumReset(int &pos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScEnumReset"));
pos = -1; return sc; }
* * CNodes::ScGetListCtrl * * PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the list control * * GUARANTEE: if the function succeeds, the list control pointer is valid. * * PARAMETERS: * CCCListViewCtrl ** ppListCtrl : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CNodes::ScGetListCtrl(CCCListViewCtrl **ppListCtrl) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScGetListCtrl"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
*ppListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(*ppListCtrl); if(sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(*ppListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScAdvancePosition * * PURPOSE: advances position (index) of item depending on collection type * * PARAMETERS: * int& pos - position to update * int nItems - count of items to skip * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScAdvancePosition( int& pos, unsigned nItems ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScAdvancePosition"));
// get the tied object
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pListCtrl); if(sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
// inspect if we aren't behind the end
int nCount = pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetItemCount(); if (pos >= nCount) return sc = E_FAIL; // we did not got a valid position
// advance depending on collection type
if (m_bSelectedItemsOnly) { // we only can do it by iterating
for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { int iItem = pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetNextItem( pos, LVNI_SELECTED ); if (iItem < 0) return sc = S_FALSE; // we didn't advance as much as requested
pos = iItem; } } else // all_items selection
{ pos += nItems; if (pos >= nCount) { pos = nCount - 1; return sc = S_FALSE; // we didn't advance as much as requested
} }
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScEnumNext * * PURPOSE: Retrieves next item from enumeration [ Implements Nodes.Next ] * * PARAMETERS: * int &pos - position to start from * IDispatch * &pDispatch - resulting item * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScEnumNext(int &pos, IDispatch * &pDispatch) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScEnumNext"));
// get the index of next item
sc = ScAdvancePosition( pos, 1 /*nItems*/ ); if (sc.IsError() || sc == SC(S_FALSE)) return sc;
// get the result node for the index
PNODE pNode = NULL; sc = ScGetNode( pos, &pNode ); if (sc) return sc;
// assign to result
pDispatch = pNode;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScEnumSkip * * PURPOSE: skips items in enumeration [implements Nodes.Skip method] * * PARAMETERS: * unsigned long celt - positions to skip * unsigned long &celtSkipped - result: positions skiped * int &pos - position to update * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt,unsigned long &celtSkipped, int &pos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScEnumSkip"));
// init val.
celtSkipped = 0;
// save the position for evaluation
int org_pos = pos;
// advance the position
sc = ScAdvancePosition( pos, celt ); if (sc) return sc;
// calculate items skipped
celtSkipped = pos - org_pos;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::get_Count * * PURPOSE: returns count of object in enumeration [Implements Nodes.Count] * * PARAMETERS: * PLONG pCount - storage for result * * RETURNS: * HRESULT - result code * \***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CNodes::get_Count( PLONG pCount ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::get_Count"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers ( pCount ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// get the tied object
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pListCtrl); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
// get count from the control
if (m_bSelectedItemsOnly) *pCount = pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetSelectedCount(); else *pCount = pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetItemCount();
return sc.ToHr(); }
* * METHOD: CNodes::Item * * PURPOSE: - returns Item from enumeration [Implements Nodes.Item] * * PARAMETERS: * long Index - Index of item to retrieve * PPNODE ppNode - storage for resulting node ptr * * RETURNS: * HRESULT - result code * \***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CNodes::Item( long Index, PPNODE ppNode ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::Item"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers ( ppNode ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
*ppNode = NULL;
// check the index
if (Index <= 0) { sc = E_INVALIDARG; return sc.ToHr(); }
int iPos = -1; // just before the first item at start
// get to the right item
sc = ScAdvancePosition(iPos, Index); if (sc == SC(S_FALSE)) // didn't get far enough?
sc = E_INVALIDARG; // means we've got the wrong Index
if (sc) // got an error?
return sc.ToHr();
// now get the node
sc = ScGetNode( iPos, ppNode ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScGetNode * * PURPOSE: Retrieves cached or creates new Node object * * PARAMETERS: * int iIndex - index of result item * PPNODE ppNode - storage for resulting node * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScGetNode(int iItem, PPNODE ppNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScGetNode"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppNode); if (sc) return sc;
// initial return value
*ppNode = NULL;
// get the tied object
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pListCtrl); if(sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
// inspect what kind of item we have
bool bScopeNode; sc = pListCtrl->ScValidateItem( iItem, bScopeNode ); if (sc) return sc;
if (bScopeNode) { // do not handle this - pass to the owner
sc = pListCtrl->ScGetScopeNodeForItem ( iItem, ppNode ); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
// "normal" list item (not a scope node) - we can handle ourselves
// find either the entry or the place to insert
col_t::iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_Nodes.begin(), m_Nodes.end(), iItem, index_less());
if (it!= m_Nodes.end() && it->first == iItem) { // we already have it!!! , recheck!
sc = ScCheckPointers(it->second, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// return it!
*ppNode = it->second; (*ppNode)->AddRef(); return sc; }
// doesn't exist - need to create one
typedef CComObject<CMMCResultNode> CResultNode; CResultNode *pResultNode = NULL; CResultNode::CreateInstance(&pResultNode);
sc = ScCheckPointers(pResultNode, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if(sc) return sc;
// update the information on the node
pResultNode->m_iIndex = iItem; pResultNode->m_pNodes = this;
m_Nodes.insert(it, col_entry_t(iItem, pResultNode)); // return it!
*ppNode = pResultNode; (*ppNode)->AddRef();
return sc; } /***************************************************************************\
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScGetDisplayName * * PURPOSE: retrievs the display name of the Node * * PARAMETERS: * int iIndex - index of the result item * CComBSTR& bstrName - storage for resulting text * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScGetDisplayName(int iItem, CComBSTR& bstrName) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScGetDisplayName"));
// get the tied object
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pListCtrl); if(sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
// check the index
if (iItem < 0 || iItem >= pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetItemCount()) return sc = E_INVALIDARG;
// get the text
bstrName = pListCtrl->GetListCtrl().GetItemText( iItem, 0 /*column*/);
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScUnadviseNodeObj * * PURPOSE: Remove Node from collection. called from ~CMMCResultNode() * * PARAMETERS: * CMMCResultNode *node - node to remove * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScUnadviseNodeObj(CMMCResultNode *node) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScUnadviseNodeObj"));
// parameter check
sc = ScCheckPointers(node); if (sc) return sc;
// index of the node
int iIndex = node->m_iIndex;
// find the entry by index
col_t::iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_Nodes.begin(), m_Nodes.end(), iIndex, index_less());
if (it== m_Nodes.end() || it->first != iIndex) { // we do not have it ???
sc = E_UNEXPECTED; return sc; }
// remove from collection
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScOnListViewIndexesReset * * PURPOSE: Fired Event handler. Wipes the cached info * * PARAMETERS: * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScOnListViewIndexesReset() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScOnListViewIndexesReset"));
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::InvalidateConnectedNodes * * PURPOSE: wipes out the cache. invalidates alive nodes * * PARAMETERS: * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ void CNodes::InvalidateConnectedNodes() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScOnListViewIndexesReset"));
// orphan all alive nodes - we do not keep pointers
col_t::iterator it; for (it = m_Nodes.begin(); it != m_Nodes.end(); ++it) { // get the pointer to com object
CMMCResultNode * const pNode = it->second; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, E_POINTER); if (sc) { sc.TraceAndClear(); continue; } // reset the container info
pNode->Invalidate(); }
// clear the collection;
m_Nodes.clear(); }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScOnListViewItemInserted * * PURPOSE: Fired Event handler. shifts index info * * PARAMETERS: * int iIndex - index of newly inserted item * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScOnListViewItemInserted(int iIndex) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScOnListViewItemInserted"));
// find the insertion point
col_t::iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_Nodes.begin(), m_Nodes.end(), iIndex, index_less());
// increment all the entries following it
while (it != m_Nodes.end()) { // increment index in own collection
++(it->first); // get the pointer to com object
CMMCResultNode * const pNode = it->second; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; // increment member on com object
++(pNode->m_iIndex); // get to the next item
++it; }
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::ScOnListViewItemDeleted * * PURPOSE: Fired Event handler. shifts index info * * PARAMETERS: * int iIndex - index of removed item * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CNodes::ScOnListViewItemDeleted (int iIndex) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::ScOnlistViewItemDeleted"));
// find the insertion point
col_t::iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_Nodes.begin(), m_Nodes.end(), iIndex, index_less());
// if we have an object at the position, get rid of it!
if (it != m_Nodes.end() && it->first == iIndex) { // get pointer to the object
CMMCResultNode * const pNode = it->second; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; // reset the container info
pNode->Invalidate(); it = m_Nodes.erase(it); }
// decrement all the entries following it
while (it != m_Nodes.end()) { // decrement index in own collection
--(it->first); // get the pointer to com object
CMMCResultNode * const pNode = it->second; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; // decrement member on com object
--(pNode->m_iIndex); // get to the next item
++it; }
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CNodes::IsTiedToThisList * * PURPOSE: this method is called from node which needs to know if it * belongs to the the this list (as a result item on it) * * PARAMETERS: * CCCListViewCtrl *pvc * * RETURNS: * false if unconnected or belongs to other list * \***************************************************************************/ bool CNodes::IsTiedToThisList(CCCListViewCtrl *pvc) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CNodes::IsTiedToThisList"));
// get the tied object
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pListCtrl); if(sc) return false;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return false;
return (pListCtrl == pvc); }
// Implementation of class CMMCResultNode
* * METHOD: CMMCResultNode::CMMCResultNode * * PURPOSE: default constructor * * PARAMETERS: * \***************************************************************************/ CMMCResultNode::CMMCResultNode() : m_pNodes(NULL), m_iIndex(-1) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::CMMCResultNode")); Invalidate(); }
* * METHOD: CMMCResultNode::~CMMCResultNode * * PURPOSE: Destructor * * PARAMETERS: * \***************************************************************************/ CMMCResultNode::~CMMCResultNode() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::~CMMCResultNode"));
// informing container about desruction
if (m_pNodes) { sc = m_pNodes->ScUnadviseNodeObj(this); if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear(); } }
* * METHOD: CMMCResultNode::get_Name * * PURPOSE: Returns the display name of the node. * * PARAMETERS: * PBSTR pbstrName - result (name) * * RETURNS: * HRESULT - result code * \***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMMCResultNode::get_Name( PBSTR pbstrName) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::get_Name"));
// check the parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers( pbstrName ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// initialize output
*pbstrName = NULL;
// check the container
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pNodes, E_FAIL ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// ask owner about the name
CComBSTR bstrResult; sc = m_pNodes->ScGetDisplayName(m_iIndex, bstrResult); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// return the result result
*pbstrName = bstrResult.Detach();
// recheck pointer before return
sc = ScCheckPointers( *pbstrName, E_UNEXPECTED ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc.ToHr(); }
* * CMMCResultNode::ScGetAMCView * * PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the view. * * PARAMETERS: * CAMCView ** ppAMCView : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CMMCResultNode::ScGetAMCView(CAMCView **ppAMCView) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::ScGetAMCView"));
// check parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppAMCView); if(sc) return sc;
// init out parameter
*ppAMCView = NULL;
// check the container
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pNodes, E_FAIL ); if (sc) return sc;
CCCListViewCtrl *pListCtrl = NULL;
sc = m_pNodes->ScGetListCtrl(& pListCtrl); if(sc) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pListCtrl, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc;
sc = pListCtrl->ScGetAMCView(ppAMCView);
return sc; }
* * CMMCResultNode::get_Property * * PURPOSE: Returns the specified clipboard format data (must be a text * format) for the node. * * PARAMETERS: * BSTR PropertyName : * PBSTR PropertyValue : * * RETURNS: * STDMETHODIMP * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMMCResultNode::get_Property( BSTR PropertyName, PBSTR PropertyValue) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::get_Property"));
CAMCView *pAMCView = NULL;
sc = ScGetAMCView(&pAMCView); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = pAMCView->ScGetProperty(m_iIndex, PropertyName, PropertyValue);
return sc.ToHr(); }
* * CMMCResultNode::get_Nodetype * * PURPOSE: Returns the GUID nodetype identifier for the node. * * PARAMETERS: * PBSTR Nodetype : [out] the nodetype identifier. * * RETURNS: * STDMETHODIMP * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMMCResultNode::get_Nodetype(PBSTR Nodetype) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::get_Nodetype"));
CAMCView *pAMCView = NULL;
sc = ScGetAMCView(&pAMCView); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
sc = pAMCView->ScGetNodetype(m_iIndex, Nodetype);
return sc.ToHr(); }
* * METHOD: CMMCResultNode::get_Bookmark * * PURPOSE: Returns error always - not valid for result items * * PARAMETERS: * PBSTR pbstrBookmark * * RETURNS: * HRESULT - result code * \***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMMCResultNode::get_Bookmark( PBSTR pbstrBookmark ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::get_Bookmark"));
// check the parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers( pbstrBookmark ); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// initialize output
*pbstrBookmark = NULL;
// report the error - always
sc = ScFromMMC( MMC_E_NO_BOOKMARK ); return sc.ToHr(); }
* * METHOD: CMMCResultNode::IsScopeNode * * PURPOSE: returns TRUE if it's a scope node ( i.e. always returns FALSE) * * PARAMETERS: * PBOOL pbIsScopeNode * * RETURNS: * HRESULT - result code * \***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMMCResultNode::IsScopeNode(PBOOL pbIsScopeNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCResultNode::IsScopeNode"));
sc = ScCheckPointers( pbIsScopeNode ); if(sc) return sc.ToHr();
// if it's here it's for sure not a scope node
*pbIsScopeNode = FALSE;
return sc.ToHr(); }
* CCCListViewCtrl::ScAllocResultItem * * Allocates a CResultItem for a list control item. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScAllocResultItem ( CResultItem*& pri, /* O:new list item */ COMPONENTID id, /* I:owning component ID */ LPARAM lSnapinData, /* I:snap-in's data for this item */ int nImage) /* I:image index */ { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScAllocResultItem"));
pri = new CResultItem (id, lSnapinData, nImage);
sc = ScCheckPointers (pri, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return (sc);
return (sc); }
* CCCListViewCtrl::ScFreeResultItem * * Frees a CResultItem that was allocated with ScAllocResultItem. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScFreeResultItem ( CResultItem* priFree) /* I:list item to free */ { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CCCListViewCtrl::ScFreeResultItem"));
sc = ScCheckPointers (priFree, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return (sc);
delete priFree;
return (sc); }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Columns * * PURPOSE: returns pointer to Columns object; create one if required * * PARAMETERS: * PPCOLUMNS ppColumns - resulting pointer * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Columns(PPCOLUMNS ppColumns) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Columns"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppColumns); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize
*ppColumns = NULL;
// create the object when required
sc = CTiedComObjectCreator<CColumns>::ScCreateAndConnect(*this, m_spColumns); if (sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_spColumns, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// return the pointer
*ppColumns = m_spColumns; (*ppColumns)->AddRef();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Count * * PURPOSE: returns the count of columns in LV * * PARAMETERS: * PLONG pCount * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Count( PLONG pCount ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Count"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(pCount); if (sc) return sc;
// return the result
*pCount = GetColCount();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumNext * * PURPOSE: advances position pointer for Columns enum. returns the object at the pos * * PARAMETERS: * int &iZeroBasedPos - position to modify * PDISPATCH & pDispatch - resulting pointer * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumNext(int &iZeroBasedPos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumNext"));
// initialize
pDispatch = NULL;
// advance;
// recheck the pos
if (iZeroBasedPos < 0) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// no more columns?
if (iZeroBasedPos >= GetColCount()) return sc = S_FALSE;
// retrieve the column
ColumnPtr spColumn; // ScItem accepts 1-based index
sc = ScItem( iZeroBasedPos + 1, &spColumn ); if (sc) return sc;
//return the interface.
pDispatch = spColumn.Detach();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumSkip * * PURPOSE: skips several items for Columns enum * * PARAMETERS: * unsigned long celt * unsigned long& celtSkipped * int &iZeroBasedPos * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, int &iZeroBasedPos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumSkip"));
// init [out] param
celtSkipped = 0;
// recheck the pos
if (iZeroBasedPos < -1) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// already past the end?
if (iZeroBasedPos >= GetColCount()) return sc = S_FALSE;
// how far can we advance ?;
celtSkipped = GetColCount() - iZeroBasedPos; if (celtSkipped > celt) celtSkipped = celt;
// advance
iZeroBasedPos += celtSkipped;
return sc = ((celtSkipped == celt) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumReset * * PURPOSE: resets position index for Columns enum * * PARAMETERS: * int &iZeroBasedPos position to modify * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumReset(int &iZeroBasedPos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScEnumReset"));
iZeroBasedPos = -1;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScItem * * PURPOSE: returns Column com object from Columns collection * * PARAMETERS: * long lOneBasedIndex - [in] - column index (1 based) * PPCOLUMN ppColumn - [out] - resulting object * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScItem( long lOneBasedIndex, PPCOLUMN ppColumn ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScItem"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppColumn); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize output
*ppColumn = NULL;
// check the index
int iZeroBasedIndex = lOneBasedIndex - 1; if (iZeroBasedIndex < 0 || iZeroBasedIndex >= GetColCount()) return sc = ::ScFromMMC(MMC_E_INVALID_COLUMN_INDEX);
// construct the object
typedef CComObject<CColumn> CComColumn; ColumnPtr /*CComPtr<CComColumn>*/ spColumn;
// create the object when required
sc = CTiedComObjectCreator<CColumn>::ScCreateAndConnect(*this, spColumn); if (sc) return sc;
// get 'raw' pointer
CComColumn *pColumn = dynamic_cast<CComColumn *>(spColumn.GetInterfacePtr());
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pColumn, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize the object
// let it observe what's going on and manage its own index
// return the pointer
*ppColumn = spColumn; (*ppColumn)->AddRef();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScName * * PURPOSE: Returns column name. Implements Column.Name property * * PARAMETERS: * BSTR *Name - the returned name * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of column of interest * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *Name, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScName"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(Name); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize output
*Name = NULL;
// recheck the column index
// (it's not something the script sent - it's internal data)
if (iZeroBasedColIndex < 0 || iZeroBasedColIndex >= GetColCount()) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
LPOLESTR pstrName = NULL; sc = GetColumn(iZeroBasedColIndex, &pstrName, MMCLV_NOPTR, MMCLV_NOPTR); if (sc) return sc;
// recheck the pointer
sc = ScCheckPointers(pstrName, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
*Name = ::SysAllocString(pstrName); ::CoTaskMemFree(pstrName);
// recheck the result
sc = ScCheckPointers(*Name, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetColumnData * * PURPOSE: helper for Column com object implementation * - checks column index * - retrieves information about the column * * PARAMETERS: * int iZeroBasedColIndex - column index * ColumnData *pColData - storage for resulting data * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetColumnData( int iZeroBasedColIndex, ColumnData *pColData ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScGetColumnData"));
// Check received parameters (its internal function, so it's unexpected if the params are bad)
sc = ScCheckPointers(pColData, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// init the structure;
// recheck the column index
// (it's not something the script sent - it's internal data)
if (iZeroBasedColIndex < 0 || iZeroBasedColIndex >= GetColCount()) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// need to get the header control for managing columns
CAMCHeaderCtrl* pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl();
// check!
sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get the lParam
HDITEM hdItem; ::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem)); hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM | HDI_WIDTH | HDI_ORDER; BOOL bRet = pHeader->GetItem(iZeroBasedColIndex, &hdItem); if (!bRet) return sc = E_FAIL;
CHiddenColumnInfo hci (hdItem.lParam);
pColData->iColumnOrder = hdItem.iOrder; pColData->bIsHidden = hci.fHidden; pColData->iColumnWidth = hdItem.cxy; if (pColData->bIsHidden) // special case for hidden columns
pColData->iColumnWidth = hci.cx;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetColumnData * * PURPOSE: helper for Column com object implementation * - modifies column * NOTE - not to be used for SHOW/HIDE operations * * PARAMETERS: * int iZeroBasedColIndex - column index * const ColumnData& rColData - modified column data * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetColumnData( int iZeroBasedColIndex, const ColumnData& rColData ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetColumnData"));
ColumnData oldColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &oldColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// check if anything has changed
if (oldColData == rColData) return sc;
// the visibility of column cannot be changed directly
// the snapin has be notified about that.
// the request should never come here
if (rColData.bIsHidden != oldColData.bIsHidden) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// need to get the header control for managing columns
CAMCHeaderCtrl* pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl();
// check!
sc = ScCheckPointers(pHeader, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// now set the new data
HDITEM hdItem; ::ZeroMemory(&hdItem, sizeof(hdItem));
// set the width properly (no mater if colum is hidden)
if (rColData.bIsHidden) { CHiddenColumnInfo hci (rColData.iColumnWidth, true);
hdItem.lParam = hci.lParam; hdItem.mask = HDI_LPARAM; } else { hdItem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; hdItem.cxy = rColData.iColumnWidth; }
// set the order info
hdItem.mask |= HDI_ORDER; hdItem.iOrder = rColData.iColumnOrder;
// set the column data
BOOL bRet = pHeader->SetItem(iZeroBasedColIndex, &hdItem); if (!bRet) return sc = E_FAIL;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Width * * PURPOSE: Returns width of column. Implements get for Column.Width * * PARAMETERS: * PLONG Width - resulting width * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Width( /*[out, retval]*/ PLONG Width, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Width"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(Width); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize output
*Width = 0;
// retrieve data for column (this also checks the index)
ColumnData strColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
*Width = strColData.iColumnWidth;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Width * * PURPOSE: Sets width of column. Implements put for Column.Width * * PARAMETERS: * LONG Width - new width * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Width( /*[in]*/ long Width, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Width"));
ColumnData strColData; // retrieve current column data
sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// change the width
strColData.iColumnWidth = Width;
// set modified column data
sc = ScSetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_DisplayPosition * * PURPOSE: Returns display position of column. Imnplements get for Column.DisplayPosition * * PARAMETERS: * PLONG DisplayPosition - display position ( 1 based ) * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_DisplayPosition( /*[out, retval]*/ PLONG DisplayPosition, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_DisplayPosition"));
// Check received parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(DisplayPosition); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize
*DisplayPosition = 0;
// retrieve data for column (this also checks the index)
ColumnData strColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// it's not legal for hidden columns ( or unfair at least :-)
if (strColData.bIsHidden) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
int iColumnOrder = strColData.iColumnOrder; int iDisplayPosition = iColumnOrder + 1;
// that would be it. BUT we may have hidden columns with smaller order numbers
// we need ti iteratre to find it out
int nColumnCount = GetColCount(); for (int i = 0; i <nColumnCount; i++) { // retrieve data for column (this also checks the index)
sc = ScGetColumnData( i, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// we will not take into account any hidden column
if (strColData.iColumnOrder < iColumnOrder && strColData.bIsHidden) { // decrement position, since hidden columns do not affect visual position
iDisplayPosition --; } }
// return the display position
*DisplayPosition = iDisplayPosition;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_DisplayPosition * * PURPOSE: Moves column (visually) to specified position * Implements put for Column.DisplayPosition * * PARAMETERS: * long lVisualPosition - Position to move to (1 based) * int iZeroBasedColIndex - column index to move * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_DisplayPosition( /*[in]*/ long lVisualPosition, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_DisplayPosition"));
// check the params
if (lVisualPosition < 1) return sc = E_INVALIDARG;
// retrieve current column data (this will check the index)
ColumnData strColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// we need to iterate and see what index and iOrder represents the requested position
int nColumnCount = GetColCount();
// will create a map from iOrder to visual status to make life easier
// and benefit from the fact that items get sorted when inserting
std::map<int,bool> mapColumnsByDisplayPos; for (int i = 0; i <nColumnCount; i++) { ColumnData strCurrColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( i, &strCurrColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// insert to the map
mapColumnsByDisplayPos[strCurrColData.iColumnOrder] = strCurrColData.bIsHidden; }
// now find out the right iOrder for the new position
std::map<int,bool>::iterator it; int iNewOrder = 1; int nCurrPos = 0; for (it = mapColumnsByDisplayPos.begin(); it != mapColumnsByDisplayPos.end(); ++it) { iNewOrder = it->first; bool bHidden = it->second;
// olny visible items are counted when it comes to display position
if (!bHidden) ++nCurrPos;
if (nCurrPos == lVisualPosition) break; // we've found the good place to move in
} // note - if position is not found - iNewOrder will mark the last column.
// good - that's a reasonable place for insertion to default to.
// that means column will go to the end if given index was bigger than count
// of visible columns
strColData.iColumnOrder = iNewOrder; sc = ScSetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// Now redraw the list view
InvalidateRect(GetListCtrl(), NULL, TRUE);
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Hidden * * PURPOSE: Returns hidden status for collumn. Implements get for Column.Hidden * * PARAMETERS: * PBOOL Hidden - resulting status * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of the column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Hidden( /*[out, retval]*/ PBOOL pHidden, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scget_Hidden"));
// check parameters
sc = ScCheckPointers(pHidden); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize
*pHidden = FALSE;
// retrieve current column data (this will check the index)
ColumnData strColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// return the hidden status
*pHidden = strColData.bIsHidden;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Hidden * * PURPOSE: Hides or shows the column. Implements put for Column.Hidden * * PARAMETERS: * BOOL Hidden - new status for column * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Hidden( /*[in]*/ BOOL Hidden , int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::Scput_Hidden"));
// retrieve current column data (this will check the index)
ColumnData strColData; sc = ScGetColumnData( iZeroBasedColIndex, &strColData ); if (sc) return sc;
// check if we do have a change in status
if (strColData.bIsHidden == (bool)Hidden) return sc;
// will never hide the 0 column!!!
if (Hidden && iZeroBasedColIndex == 0) return sc = ::ScFromMMC(MMC_E_ZERO_COLUMN_INVISIBLE);
// check for view
sc = ScCheckPointers( m_pListView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// get AMCView
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers( pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// Get component node that owns the result view
HNODE hnodeOwner = pAMCView->GetSelectedNode(); sc = ScCheckPointers((LPVOID)hnodeOwner, E_FAIL); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
LPNODECALLBACK pNodeCallback = pAMCView->GetNodeCallback(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// forward the request to CEnumeratedNode - owner of the view
sc = pNodeCallback->ShowColumn(hnodeOwner, iZeroBasedColIndex, !Hidden); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetAsSortColumn * * PURPOSE: Sorts LV by specified column. Implements Column.SetAsSortColumn * * PARAMETERS: * ColumnSortOrder SortOrder - sort order requested * int iZeroBasedColIndex - index of sort column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetAsSortColumn( /*[in]*/ ColumnSortOrder SortOrder, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScSetAsSortColumn"));
// recheck the column index
// (it's not something the script sent - it's internal data)
if (iZeroBasedColIndex < 0 || iZeroBasedColIndex >= GetColCount()) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// get AMCView
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers( pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// Get component node that owns the result view
HNODE hnodeOwner = pAMCView->GetSelectedNode(); sc = ScCheckPointers((LPVOID)hnodeOwner, E_FAIL); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
LPNODECALLBACK pNodeCallback = pAMCView->GetNodeCallback(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// forward the request to CEnumeratedNode - owner of the view
sc = pNodeCallback->SetSortColumn(hnodeOwner, iZeroBasedColIndex, SortOrder == SortOrder_Ascending); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSortColumn * * PURPOSE: Checks if the column is the one LV is sorted by * Implements Column.IsSortColumn * * PARAMETERS: * PBOOL IsSortColumn - result (TRUE/FALSE) * int iZeroBasedColIndex - column index * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSortColumn( PBOOL IsSortColumn, int iZeroBasedColIndex ) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CCCListViewCtrl::ScIsSortColumn"));
// check the param
sc = ScCheckPointers(IsSortColumn); if (sc) return sc;
// initialize
*IsSortColumn = FALSE;
// recheck the column index
// (it's not something the script sent - it's internal data)
if (iZeroBasedColIndex < 0 || iZeroBasedColIndex >= GetColCount()) return sc = E_UNEXPECTED;
// get AMCView
CAMCView* pAMCView = m_pListView->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers( pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// Get component node that owns the result view
HNODE hnodeOwner = pAMCView->GetSelectedNode(); sc = ScCheckPointers((LPVOID)hnodeOwner, E_FAIL); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
LPNODECALLBACK pNodeCallback = pAMCView->GetNodeCallback(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// forward the request to CEnumeratedNode - owner of the view
int iSortCol = -1; sc = pNodeCallback->GetSortColumn(hnodeOwner, &iSortCol); if (sc) return sc.ToHr();
// see if this column is the one LV is sorted by
*IsSortColumn = (iSortCol == iZeroBasedColIndex);
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnInserted * * PURPOSE: Handler for event fired by LV, informing that new column was inserted * * PARAMETERS: * int nIndex - index of newly inserted column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnInserted (int nIndex) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnInserted "));
// increment own index if column inserted ahead
if (m_iIndex >= nIndex) m_iIndex++;
return sc; }
* * METHOD: CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnDeleted * * PURPOSE: Handler for event fired by LV, informing that new column was deleted * * PARAMETERS: * int nIndex - index of deleted column * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnDeleted (int nIndex) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CColumn::ScOnListViewColumnDeleted "));
// decrement own index if column deleted ahead
if (m_iIndex > nIndex) m_iIndex--; // disconnect from world if it's me who just died
else if (m_iIndex == nIndex) { // I'm hit. I'm hit. I'm hit.
m_iIndex = -1; // disconnect from the tied object
if (IsTied()) { CMyTiedObject *pTied = NULL; sc = ScGetTiedObject(pTied); if (sc) return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pTied, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc;
// break the connection
pTied->RemoveFromList(this); Unadvise(); } }
return sc; }