* * Microsoft Windows * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999 * * File: menubar.cpp * * Contents: Implementation file for CMenuBar * * History: 14-Nov-97 JeffRo Created * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "menubar.h"
#include "mdiuisim.h"
#include "amc.h"
#include "amcdoc.h"
#include "mainfrm.h"
#include "tbtrack.h"
#include "mnemonic.h"
#include "childfrm.h"
#include "menubtns.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <oleacc.h>
#include "amcview.h"
#include "favorite.h"
#include "util.h"
* if we're supporting old platforms, we need to get MSAA definitions * from somewhere other than winuser.h */ #if (_WINNT_WIN32 < 0x0500)
#include <winable.h>
/*--------*/ /* SAccel */ /*--------*/ struct SAccel : public ACCEL { SAccel (WORD key_, WORD cmd_, BYTE fVirt_) { ZeroMemory (this, sizeof (*this)); key = key_; cmd = cmd_; fVirt = fVirt_; } };
/*--------------------*/ /* CPopupTrackContext */ /*--------------------*/ class CPopupTrackContext { public: CPopupTrackContext (CMenuBar* pMenuBar, int nCurrentPopupIndex); ~CPopupTrackContext ();
// control over monitoring
void StartMonitoring(); bool WasAnotherPopupRequested(int& iNewIdx);
private: typedef std::vector<int> BoundaryCollection; typedef BoundaryCollection::iterator BoundIt; typedef BoundaryCollection::const_iterator BoundConstIt;
BoundaryCollection m_ButtonBoundaries; CMenuBar* const m_pMenuBar; HHOOK m_hhkMouse; HHOOK m_hhkKeyboard; HHOOK m_hhkCallWnd; CRect m_rectAllButtons; CPoint m_ptLastMouseMove; int m_nCurrentPopupIndex;
CWnd* m_pMaxedMDIChild; const CPoint m_ptLButtonDown; const UINT m_dwLButtonDownTime; const int m_cButtons; int m_cCascadedPopups; bool m_fCurrentlyOnPopupItem; bool m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive; int m_iRequestForNewPopup;
LRESULT MouseProc (int nCode, UINT msg, LPMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT pmhs); LRESULT KeyboardProc (int nCode, int vkey, int cRepeat, bool fDown, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CallWndProc (int nCode, BOOL bCurrentThread, LPCWPSTRUCT lpCWP);
int HitTest (CPoint pt) const; int MapBoundaryIteratorToButtonIndex (BoundConstIt it) const; void MaybeCloseMDIChild (CPoint pt); void DismissCurrentPopup (bool fTrackingComplete); void NotifyNewPopup (int nNewPopupIndex);
void SetPopupMonitorHooks(); void RemovePopupMonitorHooks(); static LRESULT CALLBACK MouseProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK CallWndProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static CPopupTrackContext* s_pTrackContext; };
CPopupTrackContext* CPopupTrackContext::s_pTrackContext = NULL;
const TCHAR chChildSysMenuMnemonic = _T('-');
* AddMnemonic * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class OutputIterator> static void AddMnemonic ( TCHAR chMnemonic, int cmd, BYTE fVirt, OutputIterator it) { ASSERT (chMnemonic != _T('\0'));
TCHAR chLower = (TCHAR) tolower (chMnemonic); TCHAR chUpper = (TCHAR) toupper (chMnemonic);
* add the lowercase mnemonic */ *it++ = SAccel (chLower, (WORD) cmd, fVirt);
* if the uppercase mnemonic character is different from the * lowercase character, add the uppercase mnemonic as well */ if (chUpper != chLower) *it++ = SAccel (chUpper, (WORD) cmd, fVirt); }
* PrepBandInfo * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void PrepBandInfo (LPREBARBANDINFO prbi, UINT fMask) { ZeroMemory (prbi, sizeof (REBARBANDINFO)); prbi->cbSize = sizeof (REBARBANDINFO); prbi->fMask = fMask; }
// CMenuBar
* CMenuBar::GetMenuUISimAccel * * Manages the accelerator table singleton for CMenuBar *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static const CAccel MenuUISimAccel (aaclTrack, countof (aaclTrack)); return (MenuUISimAccel); }
* CMenuBar::CMenuBar * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMenuBar::CMenuBar () { m_pMDIFrame = NULL; m_pwndLastActive = NULL; m_pRebar = NULL; m_hMenuLast = NULL; m_hMaxedChildIcon = NULL; m_fDestroyChildIcon = false; m_fDecorationsShowing = false; m_fMaxedChildIconIsInvalid = false; m_CommandIDUnUsed.clear(); m_vMenuAccels.clear(); m_vTrackingAccels.clear(); m_bInProgressDisplayingPopup = false; }
* CMenuBar::~CMenuBar * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMenuBar::~CMenuBar () { DeleteMaxedChildIcon(); }
* CMenuBar::Create * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL CMenuBar::Create ( CFrameWnd * pwndFrame, CRebarDockWindow* pParentRebar, DWORD dwStyle, UINT idWindow) { ASSERT_VALID (pwndFrame); ASSERT_VALID (pParentRebar);
// create the window
if (!CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::Create (NULL, dwStyle | TBSTYLE_LIST, g_rectEmpty, pParentRebar, idWindow)) return (FALSE);
// initialize to hidded accelerator state
// insert a hidden button for the maximized child's system menu
InsertButton (0, (LPCTSTR) NULL, ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU, NULL, 0, 0);
TBBUTTONINFO btni; btni.cbSize = sizeof (btni); btni.dwMask = TBIF_STATE | TBIF_SIZE; btni.fsState = TBSTATE_HIDDEN; btni.cx = static_cast<WORD>(GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSMICON));
SetButtonInfo (ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU, &btni);
CSize sizePad = GetPadding(); sizePad.cx = 3; SetPadding (sizePad); #endif // SHRINK_PADDING
SetMenuFont (); m_pRebar = pParentRebar->GetRebar();
return (TRUE); }
* CMenuBar::Create * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL CMenuBar::Create ( CMDIFrameWnd * pwndFrame, CRebarDockWindow* pParentRebar, DWORD dwStyle, UINT idWindow) { if (!Create ((CFrameWnd*) pwndFrame, pParentRebar, dwStyle, idWindow)) return (FALSE);
m_pMDIFrame = pwndFrame;
// this is a menu for an MDI frame window; create MDI decorations
m_pMDIDec = std::auto_ptr<CMDIMenuDecoration>(new CMDIMenuDecoration); m_pMDIDec->Create (NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | MMDS_MINIMIZE | MMDS_RESTORE | MMDS_CLOSE | MMDS_AUTOSIZE, g_rectEmpty, this, ID_MDIDECORATION);
// the rebar will re-parent the decoration, make sure we remain the owner
m_pMDIDec->SetOwner (this);
// insert the MDI decoration band
rbi.fStyle = RBBS_FIXEDSIZE | RBBS_HIDDEN; rbi.hwndChild = m_pMDIDec->m_hWnd; rbi.wID = ID_MDIDECORATION;
ASSERT (m_pRebar != NULL); m_pRebar->InsertBand (&rbi);
// resize the decoration window, *after* inserting the band
SizeDecoration ();
// there's bug in rebar which will show a band's
// child, even with RBBS_HIDDEN, work around it
m_pMDIDec->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
return (TRUE); }
* CMenuBar::PreTranslateMessage * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL CMenuBar::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // show accelerators, since user indicated he wants to control using the keyboard
if ( (pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ) && (!(pMsg->lParam & 0x40000000)/*not repeating*/) ) { SendMessage( WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_CLEAR, UISF_HIDEACCEL | UISF_HIDEFOCUS)); }
if (CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::PreTranslateMessage (pMsg)) return (TRUE);
if ((pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)) { CMainFrame* pFrame = AMCGetMainWnd(); if ((pFrame == NULL) || !pFrame->IsMenuVisible()) return (FALSE);
// if we're in menu mode, check menu mode-only accelerators
if (IsTrackingToolBar ()) { const CAccel& MenuUISimAccel = GetMenuUISimAccel();
ASSERT (MenuUISimAccel != NULL); if (MenuUISimAccel.TranslateAccelerator (m_hWnd, pMsg)) return (TRUE);
ASSERT (m_TrackingAccel != NULL); if (m_TrackingAccel.TranslateAccelerator (m_hWnd, pMsg)) return (TRUE); }
if ((m_MenuAccel != NULL) && m_MenuAccel.TranslateAccelerator (m_hWnd, pMsg)) return (TRUE);
// handle Alt+- when child is maximized
if (m_fDecorationsShowing && (pMsg->message == WM_SYSCHAR) && (pMsg->wParam == chChildSysMenuMnemonic)) { SendMessage (WM_COMMAND, ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU); return (TRUE); } }
return (FALSE); }
* CMenuBar::SetMenu * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::SetMenu (CMenu* pMenu) { HMENU hMenu = pMenu->GetSafeHmenu();
// don't need to do anything if we're setting the same menu as last time
if (hMenu == m_hMenuLast) return;
// remember this menu for optimization next time
m_hMenuLast = hMenu;
// delete all but the first existing buttons from the toolbar
while (DeleteButton(1)) { }
// delete the previous dynamic accelerator table
m_MenuAccel.DestroyAcceleratorTable (); m_strAccelerators.Empty ();
// this should have been done in CMenuBar::Create
ASSERT (GetBitmapSize().cx == 0);
if (pMenu != NULL) { CString strMenuText;
// Clear the accels before calling InsertButton
// which adds accels for each button.
m_vMenuAccels.clear(); m_vTrackingAccels.clear();
int cMenuItems = pMenu->GetMenuItemCount();
// Initialize Unused command IDs pool.
m_CommandIDUnUsed.clear(); for (INT idCommand = ID_MTB_FIRST_COMMANDID; idCommand < ID_MTB_MENU_LAST; idCommand++) { m_CommandIDUnUsed.insert(idCommand); }
for (int i = 0; i < cMenuItems; i++) { // get the menu text and add it to the toolbar
pMenu->GetMenuString (i, strMenuText, MF_BYPOSITION);
// sometimes empty items will be appended to the menu, ignore them
if (strMenuText.IsEmpty ()) continue;
if (m_CommandIDUnUsed.empty()) { ASSERT(FALSE); }
// See if this top level menu has sub menus, if so when menu is clicked
// it is popped up else it is Action or View or Favorites menu
// for which submenu is dynamic and has to be constructured.
// So we set the TBBUTTON.dwData member with submenu (for static menus)
// or NULL for for dynamic menus like Action, View, Favorites.
CMenu* pSubMenu = pMenu->GetSubMenu(i); DWORD_PTR dwMenuData = NULL; BYTE byState = 0;
if (pSubMenu) { // Get an unused command id for this button.
CommandIDPool::iterator itCommandID = m_CommandIDUnUsed.begin(); idCommand = *itCommandID; m_CommandIDUnUsed.erase(itCommandID); dwMenuData = reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pSubMenu->GetSafeHmenu()); } else { UINT uMenuID = pMenu->GetMenuItemID(i); switch (uMenuID) { case ID_ACTION_MENU: idCommand = ID_MTB_MENU_ACTION; break;
case ID_VIEW_MENU: idCommand = ID_MTB_MENU_VIEW; break;
* We add a hidden menu as a marker. Later when snapin * calls to insert a menu button we find the position * of this menu and add snapin menu before it. */ idCommand = ID_MTB_MENU_SNAPIN_PLACEHOLDER; byState |= TBSTATE_HIDDEN; // Add this as hidden.
default: ASSERT(FALSE); return; break; }
bool bShow = IsStandardMenuAllowed(uMenuID); if (! bShow) byState |= TBSTATE_HIDDEN;
// append this button to the end of the toolbar
InsertButton (-1, strMenuText, idCommand, dwMenuData, byState, TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE); }
// add the accelerator for the child system menu
std::back_insert_iterator<AccelVector> itTrackingInserter = std::back_inserter (m_vTrackingAccels);
AddMnemonic (chChildSysMenuMnemonic, ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU, 0, itTrackingInserter); }
UpdateToolbarSize (); AutoSize (); }
// Member: InsertButton
// Synopsis: Insert a menu (button) to the main menu and then
// if there is a mnemonic char add it to accelerator
// and re-load the accelerators.
// Arguments: [nIndex] - index after which to insert.
// [strText] - menu text.
// [idCommand] - ID of command to notify with.
// [dwMenuData] - either submenu to be displayed (for static menus)
// or NULL for Action, View & Favorites.
// [fsState] - additional button states.
// [fsStyle] - additional button styles.
// Returns: BOOL
// Note: dwMenuData is handle to submenu for File, Window, Help menus whose
// sub-menu is static. But for top level menus like Action, View, Favorites,
// and Snapin menus it is NULL.
BOOL CMenuBar::InsertButton ( int nIndex, const CString& strText, int idCommand, DWORD_PTR dwMenuData, BYTE fsState, BYTE fsStyle) { TBBUTTON btn;
btn.iBitmap = nIndex; btn.idCommand = idCommand;
if (fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN) btn.fsState = fsState; else btn.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED | fsState;
btn.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN | fsStyle; btn.dwData = dwMenuData; btn.iString = AddString (strText);
ASSERT(GetButtonCount() <= cMaxTopLevelMenuItems); ASSERT (btn.idCommand <= ID_MTB_MENU_LAST);
BOOL bRet = CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::InsertButton (nIndex, &btn); if (bRet == FALSE) return bRet;
// Successfully added the menu button. Now add
// the accelerator for this item to our dynamic tables
TCHAR chMnemonic = GetMnemonicChar (static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strText));
if (chMnemonic != _T('\0')) {
std::back_insert_iterator<AccelVector> itMenuInserter = std::back_inserter (m_vMenuAccels); std::back_insert_iterator<AccelVector> itTrackingInserter = std::back_inserter (m_vTrackingAccels);
// add the Alt+<mnemonic> accelerator for use all the time
AddMnemonic (chMnemonic, idCommand, FALT, itMenuInserter);
// add the <mnemonic> accelerator for use when we're in menu mode
AddMnemonic (chMnemonic, idCommand, 0, itTrackingInserter);
m_strAccelerators += (TCHAR) tolower (chMnemonic); m_strAccelerators += (TCHAR) toupper (chMnemonic); }
// Re-load the accelerators
return bRet; }
// Member: LoadAccels
// Synopsis: Load the accelerators. (This destorys old accel table
// and creates accel table).
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: void
void CMenuBar::LoadAccels() { // create the accelerator tables for the menu
m_MenuAccel .CreateAcceleratorTable (m_vMenuAccels.begin (), m_vMenuAccels.size ()); m_TrackingAccel.CreateAcceleratorTable (m_vTrackingAccels.begin (), m_vTrackingAccels.size ()); }
// Member: InsertMenuButton
// Synopsis: Insert a menu button to the main menu, called by
// CMenuButtonsMgr to add any snapin menus.
// Arguments: [lpszButtonText] - menu text.
// [bHidden] - Is this menu to be inserted hidden or not.
// [iPreferredPos] - The preferred position of this button.
// Returns: LONG, the command id of the inserted button.
// -1 if failed.
// Note: The snapin added menus should be added before the Window menu.
// For this a hidden menu is added (in SetMenu) which tells the
// position where snapin menu is to be added. If iPreferredPos is -1
// then find the position of this menu and add the menu before it.
LONG CMenuBar::InsertMenuButton(LPCTSTR lpszButtonText, BOOL bHidden, int iPreferredPos) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
if (m_CommandIDUnUsed.size() == 0) return -1;
// Get a command id for this button from the pool
CommandIDPool::iterator itCommandID = m_CommandIDUnUsed.begin(); int idCommand = *itCommandID; m_CommandIDUnUsed.erase(itCommandID);
CString str = lpszButtonText;
// Add snapin menus before the SNAPIN_MENU_PLACE holder.
// See CMenubar::SetMenu.
if (-1 == iPreferredPos) iPreferredPos = CommandToIndex(ID_MTB_MENU_SNAPIN_PLACEHOLDER);
BOOL bSuccess = InsertButton(iPreferredPos, str, idCommand, NULL, bHidden ? TBSTATE_HIDDEN : 0, TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE);
if (bSuccess) { UpdateToolbarSize (); AutoSize (); return idCommand; }
return -1; }
// Member: DeleteMenuButton
// Synopsis: Delete a menu button from the main menu, called by
// CMenuButtonsMgr
// Arguments: [nCommandID] - Command ID of the menu.
// Returns: BOOL
// Note: Delete should also delete the accelerator.
BOOL CMenuBar::DeleteMenuButton(INT nCommandID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
int iIndex = CommandToIndex(nCommandID);
// We need to delete the mnemonics. So let us get the old
// mnemonic before deleting the button.
// 1. Get the menu text (string) index.
TBBUTTON tbbi; ZeroMemory(&tbbi, sizeof(tbbi)); BOOL bSuccess = GetButton(iIndex, &tbbi); if (FALSE == bSuccess) return bSuccess;
// 2. Delete the button.
bSuccess = DeleteButton(iIndex); ASSERT(bSuccess); if (FALSE == bSuccess) return bSuccess;
// Add the command id to the unused pool.
// Get the mnemonic and Delete it.
ASSERT(m_ToolbarStringPool.size() > tbbi.iString); CString strText = m_ToolbarStringPool[tbbi.iString]; for (AccelVector::iterator itAccel = m_vMenuAccels.begin(); itAccel != m_vMenuAccels.end(); itAccel++) { if (itAccel->cmd == (WORD)nCommandID) { m_vMenuAccels.erase(itAccel); break; } }
for (AccelVector::iterator itTrack = m_vTrackingAccels.begin(); itTrack != m_vTrackingAccels.end(); itTrack++) { if (itTrack->cmd == (WORD)nCommandID) { m_vTrackingAccels.erase(itTrack); break; } }
// Delete the mnemonic from m_strAccelerators.
TCHAR chMnemonicOld = GetMnemonicChar (static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strText)); if (chMnemonicOld != _T('\0')) { // CString::Remove cannot be used as it is for VC6. We use the tstring
// to remove chars from the mnemonic string.
tstring tstrAccels = m_strAccelerators;
tstring::iterator itNewEnd = std::remove(tstrAccels.begin(), tstrAccels.end(), toupper(chMnemonicOld)); tstrAccels.erase(itNewEnd, tstrAccels.end()); itNewEnd = std::remove(tstrAccels.begin(), tstrAccels.end(), tolower(chMnemonicOld)); tstrAccels.erase(itNewEnd, tstrAccels.end()); m_strAccelerators = tstrAccels.data(); }
return bSuccess; }
// Member: SetMenuButton
// Synopsis: Modify menu button text, called by CMenuButtonsMgr
// Arguments: [nCommandID] - Command ID.
// [lpszButtonText] - New text.
// Returns: LONG, command id of the menu (-1 if failed to change).
// Note: We delete the old button and add a new button with this
// name and button id.
// The reason for not calling SetButtonInfo is it does not allow us
// to change the string index (iString in TBBUTTON).
LONG CMenuBar::SetMenuButton(INT nCommandID, LPCTSTR lpszButtonText) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
// Note the index and hidden state.
int iIndex = CommandToIndex(nCommandID); bool bHidden = IsButtonHidden(nCommandID);
// Please see the note above about why we do Delete and Insert
// instead of Set.
BOOL bSuccess = DeleteMenuButton(nCommandID);
if (bSuccess) return InsertMenuButton(lpszButtonText, bHidden, iIndex);
return -1; }
* CMenuBar::SetMenuFont * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::SetMenuFont () { // delete the old font
m_MenuFont.DeleteObject ();
// query the system for the current menu font
NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm; ncm.cbSize = sizeof (ncm); SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0);
// use it here, too
m_MenuFont.CreateFontIndirect (&ncm.lfMenuFont); SetFont (&m_MenuFont, FALSE);
* get the metrics for the menu text, so we can use it's height */ TEXTMETRIC tm; CWindowDC dc(this); CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject (&m_MenuFont); dc.GetTextMetrics (&tm); dc.SelectObject (pOldFont);
* Menu item buttons will contain only text (no bitmaps), so set the * bitmap width to 0 so we don't have unwanted whitespace. * * We need to reserve height for the bitmap, though. If we don't do * this, then the toolbar will calculate its own height to be too * small when there aren't any buttons with text. (This occurs in MDI * user mode when the active child is maximized. In that case, the * system menu button is visible, but we have no menu items.) */ SetBitmapSize (CSize (0, std::_MAX ((int) tm.tmHeight, GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSMICON)))); }
* CMenuBar::OnActivateCurrentPopup * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnActivateCurrentPopup () { PopupMenu (GetHotItem(), false /*bHighlightFirstItem*/); }
* CMenuBar::OnDestroy * * WM_DESTROY handler for CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnDestroy() { CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::OnDestroy(); GetMaxedChildIcon (NULL); }
* CMenuBar::OnSysCommand * * WM_SYSCOMMAND handler for CMenuBar. * * If we want to get the right sound effects for the action, we'll need to * let DefWindowProc handle the message. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT (m_pMDIFrame != NULL);
BOOL bMaximized; CMDIChildWnd* pwndActive = m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive (&bMaximized);
// if the user has quick fingers he may succeed in issuing the command
// while the document is being closed - thus there may not be any
// child windows at all. We ignore the command in such case
// see bug #119775: MMC Crashes when snapin delays in closing down.
if (pwndActive == NULL) return;
switch (nID & 0xFFF0) { case SC_MINIMIZE: pwndActive->ShowWindow (SW_MINIMIZE); break; case SC_MAXIMIZE: pwndActive->ShowWindow (SW_MAXIMIZE); break; case SC_RESTORE: pwndActive->ShowWindow (SW_RESTORE); break; case SC_CLOSE: pwndActive->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE); break; default: CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::OnSysCommand (nID, lParam); break; } }
* CMenuBar::OnSettingChange * * WM_SETTINGCHANGE handler for CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, LPCTSTR lpszSection) { if (uFlags == SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS) { // the system menu font may have changed; update it now
SetMenuFont ();
// resize the decoration window
SizeDecoration ();
// update the size of the system menu button
TBBUTTONINFO btni; btni.cbSize = sizeof (btni); btni.dwMask = TBIF_SIZE; btni.cx = static_cast<WORD>(GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSMICON)); SetButtonInfo (ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU, &btni);
m_fMaxedChildIconIsInvalid = true;
// auto-size the toolbar
UpdateToolbarSize (); AutoSize (); } }
* CMenuBar::SizeDecoration * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::SizeDecoration () { if (m_pMDIDec.get() == NULL) return;
// jiggle the window's size so it will auto-size...
m_pMDIDec->SetWindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, 10, 10, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER);
CRect rect; m_pMDIDec->GetClientRect (rect);
// ...and update its band to accomodate it
REBARBANDINFO rbi; PrepBandInfo (&rbi, RBBIM_SIZE | RBBIM_CHILDSIZE); rbi.cx = rect.Width(); rbi.cxMinChild = rect.Width(); rbi.cyMinChild = rect.Height();
m_pRebar->SetBandInfo (GetDecorationBandIndex (), &rbi); }
* void CMenuBar::OnDropDown * * Reflected TBN_DROPDOWN handler for void CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
afx_msg void CMenuBar::OnDropDown ( NMHDR * pHdr, LRESULT * pResult) { ASSERT (CWnd::FromHandle (pHdr->hwndFrom) == this);
// pop up the menu. Use async method, because toolbar will
// keeb the button hilited until this function returns
PopupMenuAsync (CommandToIndex (((LPNMTOOLBAR) pHdr)->iItem));
// drop down notification handled here
* void CMenuBar::OnGetDispInfo * * Reflected TBN_GETDISPINFO handler for void CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
afx_msg void CMenuBar::OnGetDispInfo ( NMHDR * pHdr, LRESULT * pResult) { ASSERT (CWnd::FromHandle (pHdr->hwndFrom) == this);
if (m_fDecorationsShowing) { NMTBDISPINFO* ptbdi = reinterpret_cast<NMTBDISPINFO *>(pHdr);
if ((ptbdi->dwMask & TBNF_IMAGE) && (ptbdi->idCommand != ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU)) { ptbdi->iImage = -1; } } }
* void CMenuBar::OnCustomDraw * * Reflected NM_CUSTOMDRAW handler for void CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
afx_msg void CMenuBar::OnCustomDraw ( NMHDR * pHdr, LRESULT * pResult) { ASSERT (CWnd::FromHandle (pHdr->hwndFrom) == this); LPNMCUSTOMDRAW pnmcd = reinterpret_cast<LPNMCUSTOMDRAW>(pHdr);
switch (pnmcd->dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: // notify for individual buttons
*pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; break;
case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: // draw the system menu button manually
if (pnmcd->dwItemSpec == ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU) { if (m_fMaxedChildIconIsInvalid) GetMaxedChildIcon (m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive());
if (m_hMaxedChildIcon != NULL) { /*
* compute the location at which we'll draw, * biasing down and to the left */ CRect rect = pnmcd->rc; int dx = (rect.Width() - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON) ) / 2; int dy = (rect.Height() - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON) + 1) / 2;
* Preserve icon shape when BitBlitting it to a * mirrored DC. */ DWORD dwLayout=0L; if ((dwLayout=GetLayout(pnmcd->hdc)) & LAYOUT_RTL) { SetLayout(pnmcd->hdc, dwLayout|LAYOUT_BITMAPORIENTATIONPRESERVED); }
DrawIconEx (pnmcd->hdc, rect.left + dx, rect.top + dy, m_hMaxedChildIcon, 0, 0, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
* Restore the DC to its previous layout state. */ if (dwLayout & LAYOUT_RTL) { SetLayout(pnmcd->hdc, dwLayout); } }
// skip the default drawing
*pResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; } else { // do the default drawing
*pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } break; } }
* CMenuBar::PopupMenuAsync * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::PopupMenuAsync (int nItemIdex) { PostMessage (WM_POPUP_ASYNC, nItemIdex); }
* void CMenuBar::OnPopupAsync * * WM_POPUP_ASYNC handler for void CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
afx_msg LRESULT CMenuBar::OnPopupAsync (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { PopupMenu (wParam, false /*bHighlightFirstItem*/); return (0); }
* * METHOD: CMenuBar::OnHotItemChange * * PURPOSE: Called when item hiliting changes. Used here to detect when menu * is dissmissed to reset the UI * * PARAMETERS: * NMHDR* pNMHDR * LRESULT* pResult * * RETURNS: * void * \***************************************************************************/ afx_msg void CMenuBar::OnHotItemChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMenuBar::OnHotItemChange"));
// parameter chack
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNMHDR, pResult); if (sc) return;
// init out parameter
*pResult = 0;
// let the base class do it's job
CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::OnHotItemChange(pNMHDR, pResult);
// if menu is dismissed and not because of popup being displayed,
// we need to revert to initial state by hiding accelerators
LPNMTBHOTITEM lpNmTbHotItem = (LPNMTBHOTITEM)pNMHDR; if ( (*pResult == 0) && (lpNmTbHotItem->dwFlags & HICF_LEAVING) && !m_bInProgressDisplayingPopup ) { SendMessage( WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_SET, UISF_HIDEACCEL | UISF_HIDEFOCUS)); } }
* * CMenuBar::PopupMenu * * PURPOSE: Displays the popup menu specified by the index. * * PARAMETERS: * int nItemIndex : * bool bHighlightFirstItem : true to automatically highlight the first item * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CMenuBar::PopupMenu (int nItemIndex, bool bHighlightFirstItem) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMenuBar::PopupMenu"));
// get the rectangle that we don't want the popup to overlap
CRect rectExclude; CPopupTrackContext popupMonitor(this, nItemIndex);
* OnIdle updates various member variables such as * m_fDecorationsShowing. It must be called before * popup menu is created to ensure accurate information */ OnIdle();
// there is high possibility, that the code in following block
// adds nothing to the current functionality. It is left as it was
// in previos implementation, since it isn't obvios if removing it
// does not break anything.
// Even if the block is removed, call to EndTracking() at the end of method
// must still be present to exit tracking if it was put by entering menu
// via pressing the ALT key
{ /*
* make sure the frame's tracking manager is in tracking mode */ CMainFrame* pFrame = AMCGetMainWnd(); if (pFrame != NULL) { CToolbarTracker* pTracker = pFrame->GetToolbarTracker(); ASSERT (pTracker != NULL);
if (!pTracker->IsTracking()) pTracker->BeginTracking(); }
BeginTracking (); }
// following is to indicate that the change in menu (if one does occurr)
// is because of attempt to switch to another submenu, and should not be
// treated as dismissing the menu. thus accelerator state should not be changed
m_bInProgressDisplayingPopup = true;
// There are two ways the popup menu is dismissed. it either:
// - request to display the new popup (left & right arrows, mouse on other item, etc)
// - or request to close the menu ( command is selected, ESC is pressed )
// following loop will continue displaying menus until request to close the menu is received
do {
GetItemRect (nItemIndex, rectExclude); MapWindowPoints (NULL, rectExclude);
// get the information for this button
TBBUTTON btn; GetButton (nItemIndex, &btn);
// if the requested button is ignorable, punt
if (::IsIgnorableButton (btn)) break;
// get the popup menu to display
HMENU hPopupMenu = (HMENU) btn.dwData;
// For system menu hPopupMenu will be NULL.
// If system menu is requested get it now.
if (ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU == btn.idCommand) { ASSERT (m_fDecorationsShowing); ASSERT (m_pMDIFrame != NULL);
CMDIChildWnd* pwndActive = m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive(); ASSERT (pwndActive != NULL); if (pwndActive == NULL) break;
hPopupMenu = pwndActive->GetSystemMenu(FALSE)->GetSafeHmenu(); }
// display the button's popup menu
TPMPARAMS tpm; tpm.cbSize = sizeof(TPMPARAMS); tpm.rcExclude = rectExclude;
SetHotItem (-1); PressButton (btn.idCommand, TRUE);
// Get the point where the menu should be popped up.
bool fLayoutRTL = (GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL); POINT pt; pt.y = rectExclude.bottom; pt.x = (fLayoutRTL) ? rectExclude.right : rectExclude.left;
* Bug 17342: TrackPopupMenuEx doesn't place the menu well if the * x-coordinate of its origin is off-screen to the left, so prevent * this from occurring. TrackPopupMenuEx *does* work fine when the * x-coordinate is off-screen to the right or if the y-coordinate is * off-screen to the bottom, so we don't need to account for those * cases. (The system prevents placing the window such that the * y-coordinate would be off-screen to the top.) * * Bug 173543: We can't assume that an x-coordinate less than 0 is * off the screen. For multimon systems with the primary monitor * on the right, the left monitor will have negative x coordinates. * Our left-most position will be the left edge of the monitor nearest * where the menu will be displayed. */ int xMin = 0; HMONITOR hmonMenu = MonitorFromPoint (pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (hmonMenu != NULL) { MONITORINFO mi = { sizeof(mi) }; if (GetMonitorInfo (hmonMenu, &mi)) xMin = (fLayoutRTL) ? mi.rcWork.right : mi.rcWork.left; }
if ((!fLayoutRTL && (pt.x < xMin)) || (fLayoutRTL && (pt.x > xMin))) pt.x = xMin;
// HACK: post a bogus down arrow so the first menu item will be selected
if(bHighlightFirstItem) { CWnd* pwndFocus = GetFocus();
if (pwndFocus != NULL) pwndFocus->PostMessage (WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 1); }
// monitor what's the popup menu fate
// Child window wont exist if there is no views, so check this ptr before using it.
CChildFrame* pChildFrame = dynamic_cast<CChildFrame*>(m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive());
// hPopupMenu exists only if the sub-menus were added thro resource like File, Window
// and Help menus. The Action, View, Favorites and any snapin added menu's sub-menus
// are not added thro resources so for them hPopupmenu is null.
if (! hPopupMenu) { sc = ScCheckPointers(pChildFrame, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) { sc.TraceAndClear(); break; }
CAMCView *pAMCView = pChildFrame->GetAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) { sc.TraceAndClear(); break; }
switch(btn.idCommand) { case ID_MTB_MENU_ACTION: pAMCView->OnActionMenu(pt, rectExclude); break;
case ID_MTB_MENU_VIEW: pAMCView->OnViewMenu(pt, rectExclude); break;
case ID_MTB_MENU_FAVORITES: pAMCView->OnFavoritesMenu(pt, rectExclude); break;
// Assumption if none of the above then it is snapin added menu.
// We try to forward this to snapin else we get an error.
default: { // If this is one of the MenuButtons inserted by
// the CMenuButtonsMgrImpl, notify CMenuButtonsMgrImpl
// to do TrackPopupMenu.
// Get the CMenuButtonsMgrImpl from the ChildFrame.
CMenuButtonsMgrImpl* pMenuBtnsMgr = pChildFrame->GetMenuButtonsMgr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pMenuBtnsMgr, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) break;
// Notify CMenuButtonsMgr to popup a menu.
sc = pMenuBtnsMgr->ScNotifyMenuClick(btn.idCommand, pt); if (sc) break; } break; }
if (sc) { sc.TraceAndClear(); break; }
} else { ASSERT (::IsMenu (hPopupMenu));
HWND hwndMenuOwner = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd();
TrackPopupMenuEx (hPopupMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_VERTICAL, pt.x, pt.y, hwndMenuOwner, &tpm); }
// Clear the status bar.
if (pChildFrame) sc = pChildFrame->ScSetStatusText(TEXT(""));
if (sc) sc.TraceAndClear();
PressButton (btn.idCommand, FALSE); SetHotItem (-1);
// the loop will continue if it was requested to display the new popup menu.
// if it was requested to simply close the menu, execution will exit the loop
}while ( popupMonitor.WasAnotherPopupRequested(nItemIndex) );
m_bInProgressDisplayingPopup = false; //reset the UI by hiding the accelerators (since we are done)
EndTracking(); }
* CMenuBar::OnAccelPopup * * Keyboard accelerator handler for CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnAccelPopup (UINT cmd) { PopupMenu (CommandToIndex (cmd), true /*bHighlightFirstItem*/); }
* void CMenuBar::OnUpdateAllCmdUI * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnUpdateAllCmdUI (CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable (); }
* CMenuBar::AddString * * The toolbar control doesn't provide a way to delete strings once they've * been added, so we'll check our cache of strings that we've already added * to the toolbar so we don't add wasteful duplicate strings. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CMenuBar::AddString (const CString& strAdd) { // -1 for empty strings
if (strAdd.IsEmpty()) return (-1);
// check the cache
ToolbarStringPool::iterator it = std::find (m_ToolbarStringPool.begin(), m_ToolbarStringPool.end(), strAdd);
// if we found a hit in the cache, return the cached index
if (it != m_ToolbarStringPool.end()) return (it - m_ToolbarStringPool.begin());
// new string, add it to the cache...
m_ToolbarStringPool.push_back (strAdd);
// ...and to the toolbar, including a double-NULL
int cchAdd = strAdd.GetLength() + 1; LPTSTR pszAdd = (LPTSTR) _alloca ((cchAdd + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); _tcscpy (pszAdd, strAdd); pszAdd[cchAdd] = 0;
int nIndex = AddStrings (pszAdd);
// make sure the toolbar's string index matches the cache's string index
ASSERT (nIndex == m_ToolbarStringPool.end()-m_ToolbarStringPool.begin()-1);
return (nIndex); }
* CMenuBar::GetMenuBandIndex * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CMenuBar::GetMenuBandIndex () const { return (m_pRebar->IdToIndex (GetDlgCtrlID ())); }
* CMenuBar::GetDecorationBandIndex * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CMenuBar::GetDecorationBandIndex () const { return (m_pRebar->IdToIndex (ID_MDIDECORATION)); }
* CMenuBar::GetFirstButtonIndex * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CMenuBar::GetFirstButtonIndex () { // make sure the system menu isn't the first one activated
return (GetNextButtonIndex (0)); }
* CMenuBar::OnIdle * * WM_IDLE handler for CMenuBar. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::OnIdle () { /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If there's no MDI frame, that means this menu is serving */ /* an SDI window. We don't have to do any special stuff to */ /* simulate the MDI menu UI, so bail now. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ if (m_pMDIFrame == NULL) return;
ProgramMode eMode = AMCGetApp()->GetMode();
// if we're in SDI User mode, bail now as well
if (eMode == eMode_User_SDI) { #ifdef DBG
// the decorations should be hidden
REBARBANDINFO rbi; PrepBandInfo (&rbi, RBBIM_STYLE); m_pRebar->GetBandInfo (GetDecorationBandIndex(), &rbi); ASSERT (rbi.fStyle & RBBS_HIDDEN); #endif
return; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We should be able to use MDIGetActive(&fMaximized) to tell */ /* whether the active window is maximized, instead of calling */ /* pwndActive->IsZoomed(). However, fMaximized doesn't always */ /* get initialized correctly in certain low memory/slow machine */ /* situations. This was the cause of Bug 133179, logged by SQL. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ CMDIChildWnd* pwndActive = m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive (); bool fShow = (pwndActive != NULL) && pwndActive->IsZoomed();
REBARBANDINFO rbi; PrepBandInfo (&rbi, RBBIM_STYLE); m_pRebar->GetBandInfo (GetMenuBandIndex(), &rbi);
// if the menu bar is hidden, the decorations must be hidden as well
if (rbi.fStyle & RBBS_HIDDEN) fShow = false;
if (fShow != m_fDecorationsShowing) { // show/hide the MDI decorations
m_pRebar->ShowBand (GetDecorationBandIndex(), fShow);
GetMaxedChildIcon (pwndActive); HideButton (ID_MTB_MENU_SYSMENU, !fShow); UpdateToolbarSize ();
// remember the new setting
m_fDecorationsShowing = fShow; }
// otherwise, see if a window was maximized before but a different one is maxed now
else if (fShow && (m_pwndLastActive != pwndActive)) { // get the new active window's icon
GetMaxedChildIcon (pwndActive);
// repaint the menu and MDI decorations
InvalidateRect (NULL); m_pMDIDec->InvalidateRect (NULL); }
// remember the currently active window
m_pwndLastActive = pwndActive;
// insure that it's safe to keep this pointer around
ASSERT ((m_pwndLastActive == NULL) || (CWnd::FromHandlePermanent (m_pwndLastActive->m_hWnd) != NULL)); }
* CMenuBar::DeleteMaxedChildIcon * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CMenuBar::DeleteMaxedChildIcon() { // destroy the previous icon, if we need to
if (m_fDestroyChildIcon) { ASSERT (m_hMaxedChildIcon != NULL); DestroyIcon (m_hMaxedChildIcon); m_hMaxedChildIcon = NULL; m_fDestroyChildIcon = false; } }
* CMenuBar::GetMaxedChildIcon * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::GetMaxedChildIcon (CWnd* pwnd) { DeleteMaxedChildIcon();
// get the small icon for the given window
if (IsWindow (pwnd->GetSafeHwnd())) { HICON hOriginalIcon = pwnd->GetIcon (false /*bBigIcon*/);
m_hMaxedChildIcon = (HICON) CopyImage ( hOriginalIcon, IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSMICON), LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE | LR_COPYRETURNORG);
// if the system had to create a new icon, we'll have to destroy it later
if ((m_hMaxedChildIcon != NULL) && (m_hMaxedChildIcon != hOriginalIcon)) m_fDestroyChildIcon = true; }
m_fMaxedChildIconIsInvalid = false; }
* CMenuBar::GetAccelerators * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::GetAccelerators (int cchBuffer, LPTSTR lpBuffer) const { lstrcpyn (lpBuffer, m_strAccelerators, cchBuffer); }
// Member: CMenuBar::IsStandardMenuAllowed
// Synopsis: Is this standard MMC menu allowed or not.
// Arguments: uMenuID - The menu ID.
// Returns: bool
bool CMenuBar::IsStandardMenuAllowed(UINT uMenuID) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMenuBar::IsStandardMenuAllowed"));
* We add a hidden menu as a marker. Later when snapin * calls to insert a menu button we find the position * of this menu and add snapin menu before it. * So this acts as Std menu which is always allowed. */ if (uMenuID == ID_SNAPIN_MENU_PLACEHOLDER) return true;
// First make sure it is one of the std menus.
if ( (uMenuID != ID_FAVORITES_MENU) && (uMenuID != ID_ACTION_MENU) && (uMenuID != ID_VIEW_MENU)) { sc = E_INVALIDARG; return true; }
// Ask view data if std menus are allowed.
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = AMCGetMainWnd(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pMainFrame, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return false;
CAMCView *pAMCView = pMainFrame->GetActiveAMCView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return false;
SViewData* pViewData = pAMCView->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return false;
if (! pViewData->IsStandardMenusAllowed()) return false;
if (uMenuID != ID_FAVORITES_MENU) return true;
* Display the Favorites menu button if we are in author mode, or if * we're in user mode and we have at least one favorite. If we're in * user mode and no favorites are defined, hide the Favorites button. */ bool fShowFavorites = true; CAMCApp* pApp = AMCGetApp();
if (pApp != NULL) { /*
* show favorites in author mode */ fShowFavorites = (pApp->GetMode() == eMode_Author);
* not author mode? see if we have any favorites */ if (!fShowFavorites) { CAMCDoc* pDoc = CAMCDoc::GetDocument ();
if (pDoc != NULL) { CFavorites* pFavorites = pDoc->GetFavorites();
if (pFavorites != NULL) fShowFavorites = !pFavorites->IsEmpty(); } } }
return fShowFavorites; }
// Member: CMenuBar::ScShowMMCMenus
// Synopsis: Show or Hide the MMC menus (Action, View & Favorites).
// Called from customize view.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
// Note: As this is called from Customize view no need to look
// at viewdata::IsStandardMenusAllowed.
// Also Favorites button is not added in first place
// if it is not allowed. So no need for Favorites menu
// special case.
SC CMenuBar::ScShowMMCMenus (bool bShow) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMenuBar::ScShowMMCMenus"));
// Go through the menu buttons & find Action, View & Favorites.
TBBUTTON btn; int cButtons = GetButtonCount();
for (int i = 0; i < cButtons; ++i) { GetButton (i, &btn);
// Skip if button is not action/view/favs.
if ( (btn.idCommand != ID_MTB_MENU_FAVORITES) && (btn.idCommand != ID_MTB_MENU_ACTION) && (btn.idCommand != ID_MTB_MENU_VIEW) ) { continue; }
// For favorites menu see if it is appropriate to un-hide it.
// In non-author mode if there is no favorites then this menu
// is hidden.
if ( bShow && (btn.idCommand == ID_MTB_MENU_FAVORITES) && (! IsStandardMenuAllowed(ID_FAVORITES_MENU)) ) continue;
HideButton(btn.idCommand, !bShow); }
return (sc); }
* CMenuBar::ScInsertAccPropIDs * * Inserts the IDs of the accessibility properties supported by CMenuBar * (see ScGetPropValue). *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SC CMenuBar::ScInsertAccPropIDs (PropIDCollection& v) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CMenuBar::ScInsertAccPropIDs"));
* let the base class do its thing */ sc = CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::ScInsertAccPropIDs (v); if (sc) return (sc);
* add our own properties */ v.push_back (PROPID_ACC_ROLE);
return (sc); }
* CMenuBar::ScGetPropValue * * Returns accessibility properties supported by CMenuBar. * * If a property is returned, fGotProp is set to true. If it is not * returned, the value of fGotProp is unchanged, since the property might * have been provided by a base/derived class. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SC CMenuBar::ScGetPropValue ( HWND hwnd, // I:accessible window
DWORD idObject, // I:accessible object
DWORD idChild, // I:accessible child object
const MSAAPROPID& idProp, // I:property requested
VARIANT& varValue, // O:returned property value
BOOL& fGotProp) // O:was a property returned?
{ DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CMenuBar::ScGetPropValue"));
* call the base class */ sc = CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::ScGetPropValue (hwnd, idObject, idChild, idProp, varValue, fGotProp); if (sc) return (sc);
* now handle requests for properties we support...role first */ if (idProp == PROPID_ACC_ROLE) { /*
* don't override the property for child elements, * don't return a property */ if (idChild != CHILDID_SELF) { Trace (tagToolbarAccessibility, _T("GetPropValue: no role for child %d"), idChild); return (sc); }
* the control itself has a role of menubar */ V_VT(&varValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&varValue) = ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR; fGotProp = true; Trace (tagToolbarAccessibility, _T("GetPropValue: Returning 0x%08x"), V_I4(&varValue)); } else if (idProp == PROPID_ACC_STATE) { /*
* Bug 148132: if the base class returned a property, append * STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP so Narrator et al will announce "has a * submenu" when the menu item is highlighted */ if (fGotProp) { ASSERT (V_VT(&varValue) == VT_I4); V_I4(&varValue) |= STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP; Trace (tagToolbarAccessibility, _T("GetPropValue: Appending STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP, Returning 0x%08x"), V_I4(&varValue)); } else { V_VT(&varValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&varValue) = STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE | STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP; fGotProp = true;
if (IsTrackingToolBar() && (GetHotItem() == (idChild-1) /*0-based*/)) V_I4(&varValue) |= STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED | STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED;
Trace (tagToolbarAccessibility, _T("GetPropValue: Returning 0x%08x"), V_I4(&varValue)); } }
return (sc); }
* CMenuBar::BeginTracking2 * * Fires EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART event accessibility event, then call base * class. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::BeginTracking2 (CToolbarTrackerAuxWnd* pAuxWnd) { NotifyWinEvent (EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART, m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF); CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::BeginTracking2 (pAuxWnd); }
* CMenuBar::EndTracking2 * * Fires EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND event accessibility event, then call base * class. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CMenuBar::EndTracking2 (CToolbarTrackerAuxWnd* pAuxWnd) { NotifyWinEvent (EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND, m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF); CMMCToolBarCtrlEx::EndTracking2 (pAuxWnd); }
// CPopupTrackContext
* CPopupTrackContext::CPopupTrackContext * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CPopupTrackContext::CPopupTrackContext ( CMenuBar* pMenuBar, int nCurrentPopupIndex) : m_pMenuBar (pMenuBar), m_cButtons (pMenuBar->GetButtonCount()), m_ptLastMouseMove (GetMessagePos()), m_ptLButtonDown (GetMessagePos()), m_dwLButtonDownTime (GetMessageTime()), m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive(false), m_iRequestForNewPopup(-1) { ASSERT_VALID (pMenuBar); ASSERT (s_pTrackContext == NULL);
m_nCurrentPopupIndex = nCurrentPopupIndex; m_fCurrentlyOnPopupItem = false; m_cCascadedPopups = 0;
ASSERT (m_nCurrentPopupIndex < m_cButtons); ASSERT (m_nCurrentPopupIndex >= 0);
// build the vector of button boundaries
m_ButtonBoundaries.resize (m_cButtons + 1, 0); ASSERT (m_ButtonBoundaries.size() == m_cButtons + 1); ASSERT (m_ButtonBoundaries.size() >= 2);
CRect rectButton (0, 0, 0, 0); POINT ptTopLeft = rectButton.TopLeft();
for (int i = 0; i < m_cButtons; i++) { // GetItemRect will fail (acceptably) for hidden buttons,
// but should otherwise succeed.
VERIFY (pMenuBar->GetItemRect(i, rectButton) || pMenuBar->IsButtonHidden(pMenuBar->IndexToCommand(i)) );
// Do not map rectButton from Client To Screen.
// Map a copy of it (in ptTopLeft). So if a hidden
// button follows, it can use the rectButton.TopLeft()
// value and map it.
ptTopLeft = rectButton.TopLeft(); pMenuBar->ClientToScreen (&ptTopLeft); m_ButtonBoundaries[i] = ptTopLeft.x;
// make m_rectAllButtons as a union of all buttons
if (i == 0) m_rectAllButtons = rectButton; else m_rectAllButtons |= rectButton; }
ptTopLeft = rectButton.BottomRight(); pMenuBar->ClientToScreen (&ptTopLeft); m_ButtonBoundaries[m_cButtons] = ptTopLeft.x;
pMenuBar->ClientToScreen (&m_rectAllButtons); // decrease m_rectAllButtons slightly
m_rectAllButtons.left = m_rectAllButtons.left + 1; m_rectAllButtons.right = m_rectAllButtons.right - 1;
#ifdef DBG
{ // the button boundaries should naturally fall in ascending(for LTR) order
for (int j = 0; j < m_ButtonBoundaries.size()-1; j++) { if (0 == (m_pMenuBar->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)) ASSERT (m_ButtonBoundaries[j] <= m_ButtonBoundaries[j+1]); else ASSERT (m_ButtonBoundaries[j] >= m_ButtonBoundaries[j+1]); } } #endif
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* see if we might need to simulate a double-click on the system menu */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ m_pMaxedMDIChild = NULL;
// only deal with the system menu if the MDI decorations are showing
if (m_pMenuBar->m_fDecorationsShowing) { ASSERT (m_pMenuBar->m_pMDIFrame != NULL); CWnd* pMDIChild = m_pMenuBar->m_pMDIFrame->MDIGetActive();
// nothing to do if child is already gone
if ( pMDIChild == NULL ) return;
ASSERT (pMDIChild->IsZoomed());
// if the mouse is over the system menu, remember the maximized child
// (non-NULL m_pMaxedMDIChild is the key later on in MaybeCloseMDIChild)
if (HitTest (m_ptLButtonDown) == 0) m_pMaxedMDIChild = pMDIChild; }
* CPopupTrackContext::~CPopupTrackContext * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CPopupTrackContext::~CPopupTrackContext () { // release the mouse and keyboard hooks
RemovePopupMonitorHooks(); }
* CPopupTrackContext::RemovePopupMonitorHooks * * Unhooks from the system and stops watching the events *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::RemovePopupMonitorHooks () { // ignore if not monitoring yet
if (m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive) { // we MUST be the active monitor if we came here
if (s_pTrackContext != this) { ASSERT(FALSE && "Popup monitor uninstalled from outside"); return; } // release the mouse and keyboard hooks
UnhookWindowsHookEx (m_hhkMouse); UnhookWindowsHookEx (m_hhkKeyboard); UnhookWindowsHookEx (m_hhkCallWnd);
m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive = false; // uninstall itself as hook monitor
s_pTrackContext = NULL; } }
* CPopupTrackContext::SetPopupMonitorHooks * * Hooks into the system and begins watching the events *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::SetPopupMonitorHooks () { // ignore if already set
if (!m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive) { // there is only one active menu per app. There is no place for anybody else
if (s_pTrackContext) { ASSERT(FALSE && "Popup menu overrun"); return; } // install itself as hook monitor
s_pTrackContext = this;
DWORD idCurrentThread = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
// hook the mouse for hot tracking
m_hhkMouse = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_MOUSE, MouseProc, NULL, idCurrentThread);
// hook the keyboard for navigation
m_hhkKeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD, KeyboardProc, NULL, idCurrentThread);
// hook send messages for Menu_Is_Closed detection
m_hhkCallWnd = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_CALLWNDPROC, CallWndProc, NULL, idCurrentThread);
m_bPopupMonitorHooksActive = true; } }
* CPopupTrackContext::StartMonitoring * * Public method to start popup monitoring * Hooks into the system and begins watching the events *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::StartMonitoring() { // reset the request to activate another popup upon finish
m_iRequestForNewPopup = -1; // setup hooks and watch...
SetPopupMonitorHooks(); }
* CPopupTrackContext::WasAnotherPopupRequested * * Used to retrieve the cause the menu was dismissed. * If new popupu is requested, button index is returned *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool CPopupTrackContext::WasAnotherPopupRequested(int& iNewIdx) { if (m_iRequestForNewPopup >= 0) { iNewIdx = m_iRequestForNewPopup; return true; } return false; }
* CPopupTrackContext::MouseProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CALLBACK CPopupTrackContext::MouseProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPopupTrackContext* this_ = s_pTrackContext; ASSERT (this_ != NULL);
if (nCode < 0) return (CallNextHookEx (this_->m_hhkMouse, nCode, wParam, lParam));
return (this_->MouseProc (nCode, wParam, (LPMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT) lParam)); }
* CPopupTrackContext::MouseProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CPopupTrackContext::MouseProc (int nCode, UINT msg, LPMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT pmhs) { // if this is a mouse message within the menu bar...
if (m_rectAllButtons.PtInRect (pmhs->pt)) { // eat the button down so we don't get into a TBN_DROPDOWN loop
if (msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { DismissCurrentPopup (true); MaybeCloseMDIChild (pmhs->pt); return (1); }
// for (non-duplicate) mouse moves, follow the mouse with the active menu
if ((msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) && (nCode == HC_ACTION) && (m_ptLastMouseMove != pmhs->pt)) { // determine which button is being tracked over
m_ptLastMouseMove = pmhs->pt; int nNewPopupIndex = HitTest (m_ptLastMouseMove); ASSERT (nNewPopupIndex != -1);
// if we're not over the same button we were last
// time, display the popup for the new button
if (nNewPopupIndex != m_nCurrentPopupIndex) NotifyNewPopup (m_nCurrentPopupIndex = nNewPopupIndex); } }
return (CallNextHookEx (m_hhkMouse, nCode, msg, (LPARAM) pmhs)); }
* CPopupTrackContext::KeyboardProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CALLBACK CPopupTrackContext::KeyboardProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPopupTrackContext* this_ = s_pTrackContext; ASSERT (this_ != NULL);
if (nCode < 0) return (CallNextHookEx (this_->m_hhkKeyboard, nCode, wParam, lParam));
int cRepeat = LOWORD (lParam); bool fDown = (lParam & (1 << 31)) == 0;
return (this_->KeyboardProc (nCode, wParam, cRepeat, fDown, lParam)); }
* CPopupTrackContext::KeyboardProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CPopupTrackContext::KeyboardProc ( int nCode, int vkey, int cRepeat, bool fDown, LPARAM lParam) { // if this isn't a real message, ignore it
if (nCode != HC_ACTION) return (CallNextHookEx (m_hhkKeyboard, nCode, vkey, lParam));
// if this is a left or right message...
if ((vkey == VK_LEFT) || (vkey == VK_RIGHT)) { // eat the key release, but don't do anything with it
if (!fDown) return (1);
* let the menu code handle cascaded popups */ // need to do everything in opposite direction on RTL layout
// see bug #402620 ntbug9 05/23/2001
const bool fNext = ( (m_pMenuBar->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) ? (vkey != VK_RIGHT) : (vkey == VK_RIGHT) ) ;
if (m_fCurrentlyOnPopupItem && fNext) m_cCascadedPopups++;
else if ((m_cCascadedPopups > 0) && !fNext) m_cCascadedPopups--;
* not right on a popup item, or left on a popped-up menu */ else { m_cCascadedPopups = 0;
// figure out the next button
int nNewPopupIndex = fNext ? m_pMenuBar->GetNextButtonIndex (m_nCurrentPopupIndex, cRepeat) : m_pMenuBar->GetPrevButtonIndex (m_nCurrentPopupIndex, cRepeat);
// activate the new button's popup, if it's different from the current one
if (nNewPopupIndex != m_nCurrentPopupIndex) NotifyNewPopup (m_nCurrentPopupIndex = nNewPopupIndex);
// eat the key press
return (1); } }
return (CallNextHookEx (m_hhkKeyboard, nCode, vkey, lParam)); }
* CPopupTrackContext::CallWndProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CALLBACK CPopupTrackContext::CallWndProc( int nCode, // hook code
WPARAM wParam, // current-process flag
LPARAM lParam // address of structure with message data
) { // get the active monitor
CPopupTrackContext* this_ = s_pTrackContext; ASSERT (this_ != NULL);
// ignore special cases
if (nCode < 0) return (CallNextHookEx (this_->m_hhkCallWnd, nCode, wParam, lParam));
BOOL bCurrentThread = wParam; LPCWPSTRUCT lpCWP = reinterpret_cast<LPCWPSTRUCT>(lParam);
// forward the request to monitor
return (this_->CallWndProc (nCode, bCurrentThread, lpCWP)); }
* CPopupTrackContext::CallWndProc * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LRESULT CPopupTrackContext::CallWndProc (int nCode, BOOL bCurrentThread, LPCWPSTRUCT lpCWP) { ASSERT(lpCWP != NULL); if (lpCWP) { // watch for message
if (lpCWP->message == WM_MENUSELECT) { // decode params
const UINT fuFlags = (UINT) HIWORD(lpCWP->wParam); // menu flags
const HMENU hmenu = (HMENU) lpCWP->lParam; // handle to menu clicked
if (fuFlags == 0xFFFF && hmenu == NULL) { // menu is closed! no more hooking needed
RemovePopupMonitorHooks (); } else { // we stepped on the popup (will use the info when arrows are pressed)
m_fCurrentlyOnPopupItem = (fuFlags & MF_POPUP); } } } // done
return (CallNextHookEx (m_hhkCallWnd, nCode, bCurrentThread, (LPARAM)lpCWP)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* CPopupTrackContext::DismissCurrentPopup * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::DismissCurrentPopup (bool fTrackingComplete) { // If the snapin does TrackPopupMenu with a window other than
// MainFrame as parent then that window should be asked to
// close the menu by sending WM_CANCELMODE. The window
// is found by calling GetCapture().
CWnd* pwndMode = CWnd::GetCapture();
if (pwndMode == NULL) pwndMode = AfxGetMainWnd();
pwndMode->SendMessage (WM_CANCELMODE); }
* CPopupTrackContext::NotifyNewPopup * * Notify the menu toolbar that it needs to display a new popup menu. * Note that this must be accomplished asynchronously so that we can * allow CMenuBar::PopupMenu to unwind after the WM_CANCELMODE from * DismissCurrentPopup. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::NotifyNewPopup (int nNewPopupIndex) { // dismiss the existing popup
DismissCurrentPopup (false); // ask to activate the new popup after this one is closed
m_iRequestForNewPopup = nNewPopupIndex; }
* CPopupTrackContext::HitTest * * Returns the index of the button under the given point, -1 if none. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CPopupTrackContext::HitTest (CPoint pt) const { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Find the range of "hit" buttons. The range will span more */ /* than one button only if there are hidden buttons in the range, */ /* and in that case, there will be exactly one non-hidden button */ /* in the range. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ std::pair<BoundConstIt, BoundConstIt> range;
if ( m_pMenuBar->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL ) { range = std::equal_range (m_ButtonBoundaries.begin(), m_ButtonBoundaries.end(), pt.x, std::greater<BoundaryCollection::value_type>() ); } else { range = std::equal_range (m_ButtonBoundaries.begin(), m_ButtonBoundaries.end(), pt.x); }
int nLowerHitIndex = MapBoundaryIteratorToButtonIndex (range.first); int nUpperHitIndex = MapBoundaryIteratorToButtonIndex (range.second);
* equal_range returns values that are less_than and greater_than * given value. The m_ButtonBoundaries has duplicate values (due * to hidden buttons). So if the less_than value is one of duplicate * values (not unique) then equal_range returns the iterator to * last dup item, not first dup item. * * Below we try to find the first dup item. */
// Find the first item with value m_ButtonBoundaries[nLowerHitIndex].
for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nLowerHitIndex; ++iIndex) { if (m_ButtonBoundaries[iIndex] == m_ButtonBoundaries[nLowerHitIndex]) { // Found first item.
nLowerHitIndex = iIndex; break; } }
ASSERT (nLowerHitIndex <= nUpperHitIndex);
int nHitIndex;
// lower equal upper? no hidden buttons
if (nLowerHitIndex == nUpperHitIndex) nHitIndex = nLowerHitIndex;
// otherwise we have some hidden buttons, or we are precisely on a button border
else { nHitIndex = -1;
if (nUpperHitIndex == -1) nUpperHitIndex = m_cButtons;
for (int i = nLowerHitIndex; i <= nUpperHitIndex; // We should check till we hit nUpperHitIndex? AnandhaG
++i) { // See if this button is not hidden.
if (!m_pMenuBar->IsButtonHidden (m_pMenuBar->IndexToCommand(i))) { nHitIndex = i; break; } }
// we should have found a visible button
ASSERT (nHitIndex != -1); }
ASSERT (nHitIndex >= -1); ASSERT (nHitIndex < m_cButtons); return (nHitIndex); }
* CPopupTrackContext::MapBoundaryIteratorToButtonIndex * * Returns the button index corresponding to the input m_ButtonBoundaries * index, -1 for not found. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CPopupTrackContext::MapBoundaryIteratorToButtonIndex (BoundConstIt it) const { return ((it != m_ButtonBoundaries.end()) ? it - m_ButtonBoundaries.begin() - 1 : -1); }
* CPopupTrackContext::MaybeCloseMDIChild * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void CPopupTrackContext::MaybeCloseMDIChild (CPoint pt) { // if we didn't find a maxed MDI child when this all started, punt
if (m_pMaxedMDIChild == NULL) return;
// if the click didn't happen on the system menu toolbar button, punt
if (HitTest (pt) != 0) return;
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* if the double-click time has elapsed, punt */ /* */ /* Note: this is called from a mouse hook, which means the value */ /* returned by GetMessageTime hasn't been updated for this message, */ /* so it really reflects the time of the *previous* message (most */ /* likely WM_LBUTTONUP). */ /* */ /* GetTickCount returns a close enough approximation to */ /* GetMessageTime, except when we're debugging through this routine, */ /* in which case the tick count will continue to spin (and this test */ /* will always fail) but the message time would have remained fixed. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // if ((GetMessageTime() - m_dwLButtonDownTime) > GetDoubleClickTime())
if ((GetTickCount() - m_dwLButtonDownTime) > GetDoubleClickTime()) return;
// if the second click occurred outside the double-click space, punt
if ((abs (m_ptLButtonDown.x - pt.x) > GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXDOUBLECLK)) || (abs (m_ptLButtonDown.y - pt.y) > GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYDOUBLECLK))) return;
// if the window doesn't have a system menu, or its Close item is disabled, punt
CMenu* pSysMenu = m_pMaxedMDIChild->GetSystemMenu (FALSE);
if (pSysMenu == NULL) return;
UINT nCloseState = pSysMenu->GetMenuState (SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
if ((nCloseState == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (nCloseState & (MF_GRAYED | MF_DISABLED))) return;
// here: we've identified a double-click on a maximized child's
// system menu; close it
m_pMaxedMDIChild->PostMessage (WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE); }