// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: oncmenu.h
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History:
#ifndef _MMC_ONCMENU_H_
#define _MMC_ONCMENU_H_
#pragma once
class CNode; class CNodeCallback; class CConsoleTree; class CResultItem;
#include <pshpack8.h> // Sundown
#include "cmenuinfo.h"
#include "menuitem.h"
// A thread holding m_CritsecSnapinList may try to take m_CritsecMenuList
// A thread holding m_CritsecMenuList may NOT try to take m_CritsecSnapinList
#define START_CRITSEC(critsec) \
CSingleLock lock_##critsec( &critsec ); \ try { \ lock_##critsec.Lock();
#define END_CRITSEC(critsec) \
} catch ( std::exception e) { \ lock_##critsec.Unlock(); }
#define END_CRITSEC_MENU END_CRITSEC(m_CritsecMenuList)
#define END_CRITSEC_SNAPIN END_CRITSEC(m_CritsecSnapinList)
CSingleLock lock_snapin( &m_CritsecSnapinList ); \ CSingleLock lock_menu( &m_CritsecMenuList ); \ try { \ lock_snapin.Lock(); \ lock_menu.Lock();
} catch ( std::exception e) { \ lock_menu.Unlock(); \ lock_snapin.Unlock(); }
* class CContextMenu. * * * PURPOSE: Holds a context menu structure, which is a tree of menu items. * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CContextMenu : public CTiedObject, public IContextMenuCallback, public IContextMenuCallback2, public CMMCIDispatchImpl<ContextMenu> { protected:
typedef CContextMenu ThisClass; // CMMCNewEnumImpl tmplate needs following type to be defined.
// see template class comments for more info
typedef void CMyTiedObject;
public: CContextMenu(); ~CContextMenu();
static ::SC ScCreateInstance(ContextMenu **ppContextMenu, CContextMenu **ppCContextMenu = NULL); // creates a new instance of a context menu.
::SC ScInitialize(CNode* pNode, CNodeCallback* pNodeCallback, CScopeTree* pCScopeTree, const CContextMenuInfo& contextInfo); // initializes a context menu
static ::SC ScCreateContextMenu( PNODE pNode, HNODE hNode, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree); // creates and returns a ContextMenu interface for the given node.
static ::SC ScCreateContextMenuForScopeNode(CNode *pNode, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CContextMenu * &pContextMenu); static ::SC ScCreateSelectionContextMenu( HNODE hNodeScope, const CContextMenuInfo *pContextInfo, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree);
// com entry points
BEGIN_MMC_COM_MAP(ThisClass) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IContextMenuCallback) // the IContextMenuProvider and IContextMenu
// ContextMenu Methods
STDMETHOD(get_Item)(VARIANT varIndexOrName, PPMENUITEM ppMenuItem); STDMETHOD(get_Count)(PLONG pCount);
// ContextMenu collection methods
typedef UINT Position; // just uses the index of the menu item.
// these enumerator methods only enumerate "real" menu items - not submenu items or separators
::SC ScEnumNext(Position &pos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch); ::SC ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, Position &pos); ::SC ScEnumReset(Position &pos);
// used by the collection methods
typedef ThisClass * PMMCCONTEXTMENU;
// IExtendContexMenu methods
::SC ScAddMenuItems( LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed); // does nothing.
::SC ScCommand ( long lCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject);
CNodeCallback * GetNodeCallback() {return m_pNodeCallback;} HRESULT Display(BOOL b); ::SC ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(); ::SC ScBuildContextMenu(); ::SC ScGetItem(int iItem, CMenuItem** ppMenuItem); // get the i'th item - easy accessor
HRESULT CreateContextMenuProvider(); HRESULT CreateTempVerbSet(bool bForScopeItem); HRESULT CreateTempVerbSetForMultiSel(void);
private: ::SC ScAddMenuItem(UINT nResourceID, // contains text and status text separated by '\n'
LPCTSTR szLanguageIndependentName, long lCommandID, long lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU, long fFlags = 0);
::SC ScAddInsertionPoint(long lCommandID, long lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU ); ::SC ScAddSeparator(long lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU);
::SC ScAddSubmenu_Task(); ::SC ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew(BOOL fStaticFolder); ::SC ScChangeListViewMode(int nNewMode); // changes the list view mode to the specified mode.
::SC ScGetItem(MenuItemList *pMenuItemList, int &iItem, CMenuItem** ppMenuItem); // get the i'th item.
::SC ScGetItemCount(UINT &count);
private: typedef enum _MENU_LEVEL { MENU_LEVEL_TOP = 0, MENU_LEVEL_SUB = 1 } MENU_LEVEL;
::SC ScAddMenuItemsForTreeItem(); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu(MENU_LEVEL menuLevel); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets(); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsforFavorites();
::SC ScAddMenuItemsForLVBackgnd(); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsForMultiSelect(); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsForLV(); ::SC ScAddMenuItemsForOCX();
HRESULT AddMenuItems(); static void RemoveTempSelection(CConsoleTree* lConsoleTree);
CResultItem* GetResultItem() const;
public: CContextMenuInfo *PContextInfo() {return &m_ContextInfo;} const CContextMenuInfo *PContextInfo() const {return &m_ContextInfo;}
void SetStatusBar(CConsoleStatusBar *pStatusBar); ::SC ScAddItem ( CONTEXTMENUITEM* pItem, bool bPassCommandBackToSnapin = false );
private: CConsoleStatusBar * GetStatusBar();
BOOL IsVerbEnabled(MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb);
CNode* m_pNode; CNodeCallback* m_pNodeCallback; CScopeTree* m_pCScopeTree; CContextMenuInfo m_ContextInfo;
IDataObjectPtr m_spIDataObject;
IConsoleVerbPtr m_spVerbSet; MMC_CONSOLE_VERB m_eDefaultVerb;
long m_lCommandIDMax; CConsoleStatusBar * m_pStatusBar;
// IContextMenuCallback interface
public: STDMETHOD(AddItem) ( CONTEXTMENUITEM* pItem ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// IContextMenuCallback interface
public: STDMETHOD(AddItem) ( CONTEXTMENUITEM2* pItem );
// IContextMenuProvider interface
public: STDMETHOD(EmptyMenuList) (); STDMETHOD(AddThirdPartyExtensionItems) ( IDataObject* piDataObject ); STDMETHOD(AddPrimaryExtensionItems) ( IUnknown* piCallback, IDataObject* piDataObject ); STDMETHOD(ShowContextMenu) (HWND hwndParent, LONG xPos, LONG yPos, LONG* plSelected);
// this isn't part of IContextMenuProvider, but ShowContextMenu calls it
STDMETHOD(ShowContextMenuEx) (HWND hwndParent, LONG xPos, LONG yPos, LPCRECT prcExclude, bool bAllowDefaultMenuItem, LONG* plSelected);
// IContextMenuProviderPrivate
STDMETHOD(AddMultiSelectExtensionItems) (LONG_PTR lMultiSelection );
private: CMenuItem* m_pmenuitemRoot; SnapinStructList* m_SnapinList; MENU_OWNER_ID m_MaxPrimaryOwnerID; MENU_OWNER_ID m_MaxThirdPartyOwnerID; MENU_OWNER_ID m_CurrentExtensionOwnerID; long m_nNextMenuItemID; long m_fPrimaryInsertionFlags; long m_fThirdPartyInsertionFlags; bool m_fAddingPrimaryExtensionItems; bool m_fAddedThirdPartyExtensions; CStr m_strObjectGUID; CCriticalSection m_CritsecMenuList; CCriticalSection m_CritsecSnapinList;
STDMETHOD(DoAddMenuItem) ( LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszStatusBarText, LPCTSTR lpszLanguageIndependentName, LONG lCommandID, LONG lInsertionPointID, LONG fFlags, LONG fSpecialFlags, MENU_OWNER_ID lOwnerID, CMenuItem** ppMenuItem = NULL, bool bPassCommandBackToSnapin = false ); ::SC ScAddSnapinToList_GUID( const CLSID& clsid, IDataObject* piDataObject, MENU_OWNER_ID ownerid ); ::SC ScAddSnapinToList_IUnknown( IUnknown* piUnknown, IDataObject* piDataObject, MENU_OWNER_ID ownerid ); ::SC ScAddSnapinToList_IExtendContextMenu( IExtendContextMenu* pIExtendContextMenu, IDataObject* piDataObject, MENU_OWNER_ID ownerid ); SnapinStruct* FindSnapin( MENU_OWNER_ID nOwnerID ); public: MenuItemList* GetMenuItemList(); HRESULT ExecuteMenuItem(CMenuItem *pItem); private: void ReleaseSnapinList();
public: HRESULT BuildContextMenu(WTL::CMenu &menu); CMenuItem* FindMenuItem( LONG_PTR nMenuItemID, BOOL fFindSubmenu = FALSE ); CMenuItem* ReverseFindMenuItem( long nCommandID, MENU_OWNER_ID nOwnerID, CStr &strPath, CStr &strLanguageIndependentPath); CMenuItem* FindNthItemInSubmenu( HMENU hmenuParent, UINT iPosition, LPTSTR lpszMenuName); };
#include <poppack.h> // Sundown
void OnCustomizeView(CViewData* pViewData);
SC ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(CNode* pNode); SC ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(CNode* pNode, LPARAM lParam); SC ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet(CNode* pNode); SC ScDisplayScopeNodePropertySheet(CMTNode *pMTNode);
#endif // _MMC_ONCMENU_H_