// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
// File: viewpers.h
// Contents: Classes related to view setting persistence.
// Classes: CViewSettingsID and CViewSettingPersistor.
// History: 04-Apr-99 AnandhaG Created
#ifndef __VIEWPERS_H__
#define __VIEWPERS_H__
#pragma once
#include "bookmark.h"
#pragma warning(disable: 4503) // Disable long name limit warnings
using namespace std;
class CViewSettings; class CBookmark;
* * How CViewSettingsPersistor is used: * There is only one CViewSettingsPersistor object per document. * * The object stored as static variable inside CNode as CNode needs * to access this object frequently. * * The Document needs to initialize/save the object by loading/savind * from/to console file. It calls below ScQueryViewSettingsPersistor. * * The object is created with first call to ScQueryViewSettingsPersistor. * The object is destroyed when DocumentClosed event is received. * *************************************************************************/
// View Setting Persistence Versioning
// This version info is used for MMC1.2 IPersist* interfaces.
// In MMC2.0, XML maintains versioning using the tags, so this
// constant is not used. Look at CViewPersistInfo members Load/Save
// to see how this version information is used.
static const INT ViewSettingPersistenceVersion = 2;
// We allow the list to grow VIEWSETTINGS_MAXLIMIT times more,
// then we do garbage collection.
// Class: CViewSettingsID
// Purpose: To identify the result-view-setting-data. The identifier
// consists of the triplet [ViewID, NodeTypeGUID, Node-Bookmark]
// We need to persist some result-view-setting-data per node and
// some per node-type basis.
// The [ViewID + Node-Bookmark] identifies a node. In this case
// NodeTypeGUID will be GUID_NULL.
// The [ViewID + NodeTypeGUID] identifies a nodetype. In this case
// Node-Bookmark will be invalid object (see CBookmark for invalid obj).
// History: 06-22-2000 AnandhaG Created
class CViewSettingsID : public CXMLObject { public: friend class CViewPersistInfo;
friend IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID);
public: CViewSettingsID() : m_dwViewID(-1), m_nodeTypeGUID(GUID_NULL) { // m_bookmark is initialized as not valid by default constructor
// Synopsis: Given the view-id & bookmark (not nodetypeguid) construct
// a CViewSettingsID object (with GUID_NULL as nodetypeguid).
CViewSettingsID(INT nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark) { m_dwViewID = nViewID; m_bookmark = bookmark; m_nodeTypeGUID = GUID_NULL; }
// Synopsis: Given the view-id & nodetype guid (not bookmark) construct
// a CViewSettingsID object (with invalid bookmark).
CViewSettingsID(INT nViewID, const GUID& guidNodeType) { m_dwViewID = nViewID; m_nodeTypeGUID = guidNodeType; // m_bookmark is initialized as not valid by default constructor
} /*
CViewSettingsID(const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID) { m_dwViewID = viewSettingsID.m_dwViewID; m_bookmark = viewSettingsID.m_bookmark; m_nodeTypeGUID = viewSettingsID.m_nodeTypeGUID; }
CViewSettingsID& operator=(const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID) { if (this != &viewSettingsID) { m_dwViewID = viewSettingsID.m_dwViewID; m_bookmark = viewSettingsID.m_bookmark; m_nodeTypeGUID = viewSettingsID.m_nodeTypeGUID; }
return (*this); }
bool operator==(const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID) const { return ((m_dwViewID == viewSettingsID.m_dwViewID) && (m_bookmark == viewSettingsID.m_bookmark) && (m_nodeTypeGUID == viewSettingsID.m_nodeTypeGUID) ); } */ /*
Compare view id first, then guid and then bookmark. */ bool operator<(const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID) const { // First compare view-ids (low cost).
if (m_dwViewID < viewSettingsID.m_dwViewID) return true;
if (m_dwViewID > viewSettingsID.m_dwViewID) return false;
// The view-ids match so now compare GUIDs.
if (m_nodeTypeGUID < viewSettingsID.m_nodeTypeGUID) return true;
if (m_nodeTypeGUID > viewSettingsID.m_nodeTypeGUID) return false;
// The view-ids as well as guids match so compare bookmarks.
if (m_bookmark < viewSettingsID.m_bookmark) return true;
return false; }
DWORD get_ViewID() const { return m_dwViewID;}
virtual void Persist(CPersistor &persistor) { persistor.PersistAttribute(XML_ATTR_VIEW_SETTINGS_ID_VIEW, m_dwViewID); persistor.PersistAttribute(XML_ATTR_NODETYPE_GUID, m_nodeTypeGUID, attr_optional); // optional
* Storing: save book mark only if it is valid. * Loading: See if bookmark is present for this element before reading. */ if ( ( persistor.IsStoring() && m_bookmark.IsValid() ) || ( persistor.IsLoading() && persistor.HasElement(m_bookmark.GetXMLType(), NULL) )) persistor.Persist(m_bookmark);
} DEFINE_XML_TYPE(XML_TAG_VIEW_SETTINGS_ID); protected: CBookmark m_bookmark; GUID m_nodeTypeGUID; DWORD m_dwViewID; };
// Member: operator>>
// Synopsis: Reads CViewSettingsID data from the stream.
// Arguments: [stm] - The input stream.
// [viewSettingsID] - CViewSettingsID object.
// The format is :
// DWORD viewID
// CBookmark*
inline IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CViewSettingsID& rvsd) { ASSERT(rvsd.m_nodeTypeGUID == GUID_NULL);
rvsd.m_nodeTypeGUID = GUID_NULL; return (stm >> rvsd.m_dwViewID >> rvsd.m_bookmark); }
// Data structures used to persist view information:
// View information is persisted as follows:
// Internally, the following data structure is used. View information
// is recorded per view.
// map
// [View ID, NodeTypeGUID, Bookmark]------> iterator to a list containing CViewSettings.
// The list contains CViewSettings to all the views, and is ordered
// in with most recently used data in the front of the list.
// This is useful for garbage collection.
// Persistence: The information is serialized as follows:
// 1) Stream version
// 2) Number of viewSettings
// 3) For each viewSettings
// i) CViewSettingsID (the identifier).
// ii) CViewSettings(the data).
typedef list<CViewSettings> CViewSettingsList; typedef CViewSettingsList::iterator IteratorToViewSettingsList;
// A one to one map from CViewSettings to pointer to CViewSettings.
typedef map<CViewSettingsID, IteratorToViewSettingsList> CViewSettingsIDToViewSettingsMap;
// Class: CViewSettingsPersistor
// Purpose: This class has persisted settings information for nodes & nodetypes
// in all views (therefore one per instance of mmc).
// It knows to load/save the info from streams.
// History: 04-23-1999 AnandhaG Created
// Data structures used to persist view information:
// A map from the CViewSettingsID to pointer to CViewSettings class.
class CViewSettingsPersistor : public IPersistStream, public CComObjectRoot, public XMLMapCollectionBase { private: CViewSettingsList m_listViewSettings; CViewSettingsIDToViewSettingsMap m_mapViewSettingsIDToViewSettings;
bool m_bDirty;
// This is the max number of items specified by user???
// We go 40% more so that we dont do garbage collection often.
DWORD m_dwMaxItems;
public: /*
* ATL COM map */ BEGIN_COM_MAP (CViewSettingsPersistor) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY (IPersistStream) END_COM_MAP ()
SC ScDeleteDataOfView( int nViewID);
// IPersistStream methods
STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(void) { return ( m_bDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE); } STDMETHOD(GetSizeMax)(ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbSize) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_NOTIMPL;} STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(LPCLSID lpClsid) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(Load)(IStream *pStm); STDMETHOD(Save)(IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty);
// XML persistence helpers
virtual void Persist(CPersistor &persistor); virtual void OnNewElement(CPersistor& persistKey,CPersistor& persistVal); DEFINE_XML_TYPE(XML_TAG_VIEW_PERSIST_INFO)
// Members to access viewsettings data.
// 1. Taskpad IDs.
// 1.a) Per NodeTypeGUID
SC ScGetTaskpadID(int nViewID, const GUID& guidNodeType ,GUID& guidTaskpad); SC ScSetTaskpadID(int nViewID, const GUID& guidNodeType ,const CBookmark& bookmark, const GUID& guidTaskpad, bool bSetDirty);
// 1.b) Per node
SC ScGetTaskpadID(int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark,GUID& guidTaskpad); SC ScSetTaskpadID(int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark,const GUID& guidTaskpad, bool bSetDirty);
// 2. View mode.
SC ScGetViewMode (int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark, ULONG& ulViewMode); SC ScSetViewMode (int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark, ULONG ulViewMode);
// 3. ResultViewTypeInfo.
SC ScGetResultViewType (int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark, CResultViewType& rvt); SC ScSetResultViewType (int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark, const CResultViewType& rvt);
SC ScSetFavoriteViewSettings (int nViewID, const CBookmark& bookmark, const CViewSettings& viewSettings);
private: SC ScGetViewSettings( const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID, CViewSettings& viewSettings); SC ScSetViewSettings( const CViewSettingsID& viewSettingsID, const CViewSettings& viewSettings, bool bSetViewDirty);
SC ScGarbageCollectItems(); SC ScDeleteMarkedItems(); };
#endif /* __VIEWPERS_H__ */