File: NetObjEnumerator.cpp
Comments: Implementation of NetObjectEnumerator COM object.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
Revision By: Sham Chauthani Revised on 07/02/99 12:40:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NetEnum.h"
#include "ObjEnum.h"
#include "Win2KDom.h"
#include "NT4DOm.h"
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmwksta.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CNetObjEnumerator
// GetContainerEnum: This function returns the enumeration of all objects
// in a given container for a specified domain. It returns
// all objects in an enumeration object.
STDMETHODIMP CNetObjEnumerator::GetContainerEnum( BSTR sContainerName, //in -LDAP path to the container which we want to Enum
BSTR sDomainName, //in -Domain name where we want to look
IEnumVARIANT ** ppVarEnum //out -Enumeration object. It contains all members of
// the container specified above.
) { LPBYTE sTargetMachine; WKSTA_INFO_100 * pInfo;
DWORD rc = NetGetDCName( NULL, sDomainName, &sTargetMachine); if ( !rc ) { rc = NetWkstaGetInfo((unsigned short *)sTargetMachine,100,(LPBYTE*)&pInfo); if ( ! rc ) { HRESULT hr;
if ( pInfo->wki100_ver_major < 5 ) { CNT4Dom dom; hr = dom.GetContainerEnum(sContainerName, sDomainName, ppVarEnum); } else { CWin2000Dom dom; hr = dom.GetContainerEnum(sContainerName, sDomainName, ppVarEnum); }
NetApiBufferFree(pInfo); return hr; } NetApiBufferFree(sTargetMachine); } return S_FALSE; }
// SetQuery: This function sets all the parameters necessary for a query
// to be executed. User can not call Execute without first calling
// this method.
STDMETHODIMP CNetObjEnumerator::SetQuery( BSTR sContainer, //in -Container name
BSTR sDomain, //in -Domain name
BSTR sQuery, //in -Query in LDAP syntax
long nSearchScope, //in -Scope of the search. ADS_ATTR_SUBTREE/ADS_ATTR_ONELEVEL
long bMultiVal //in- Do we need to return multivalued properties?
) { Cleanup(); // Save all the settings in member variables.
m_sDomain = sDomain; m_sContainer = sContainer; m_sQuery = sQuery; m_bSetQuery = true; m_bMultiVal = bMultiVal; if ( nSearchScope < 0 || nSearchScope > 2 ) return E_INVALIDARG; prefInfo.dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; prefInfo.vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; prefInfo.vValue.Integer = nSearchScope;
return S_OK; }
// SetColumns: This function sets all the columns that the user wants to be
// returned when query is executed.
STDMETHODIMP CNetObjEnumerator::SetColumns( SAFEARRAY * colNames //in -Pointer to a SafeArray that contains all the columns
) { // We require that the SetQuery method be called before SetColumns is called. Hence we will return E_FAIL
// If we expose these interface we should document this.
if (!m_bSetQuery) return E_FAIL;
if ( m_bSetCols ) { Cleanup(); m_bSetQuery = true; }
SAFEARRAY * pcolNames = colNames; long dwLB; long dwUB; BSTR HUGEP * pBSTR; HRESULT hr;
// Get the bounds of the column Array
hr = ::SafeArrayGetLBound(pcolNames, 1, &dwLB); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = ::SafeArrayGetUBound(pcolNames, 1, &dwUB); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_nCols = dwUB-dwLB + 1;
// We dont support empty columns request atleast one column.
if ( m_nCols == 0 ) return E_FAIL;
hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(pcolNames, (void **) &pBSTR); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Allocate space for the array. It is deallocated by Cleanup()
m_pszAttr = new LPWSTR[m_nCols];
if (m_pszAttr == NULL) { ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(pcolNames); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// Each column is now put into the Array
for ( long dw = 0; dw < m_nCols; dw++) { m_pszAttr[dw] = SysAllocString(pBSTR[dw]); } hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(pcolNames); m_bSetCols = true; return hr; }
// Cleanup: This function cleans up all the allocations and the member vars.
void CNetObjEnumerator::Cleanup() { if ( m_nCols > 0 ) { if ( m_pszAttr ) { // delete the contents of the array
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nCols ; i++ ) { SysFreeString(m_pszAttr[i]); } // Dealloc the array itself
delete [] m_pszAttr; m_pszAttr = NULL; } // Reset all counts and flags.
m_nCols = 0; m_bSetQuery = false; m_bSetCols = false; } }
// Execute: This function actually executes the query and then builds an
// enumerator object and returns it.
STDMETHODIMP CNetObjEnumerator::Execute( IEnumVARIANT **pEnumerator //out -Pointer to the enumerator object.
) { // This function will take the options set in SetQuery and SetColumns to enumerate objects
// for the given domain. This could be a NT4 domain or a Win2K domain. Although at the moment
// NT4 domains simply enumerate all objects in the given container, we could later implement
// certain features to support queries etc.
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO * pSrcDomCtrlInfo = NULL; if ( !m_bSetCols ) return E_FAIL;
CDomain * pDom; WKSTA_INFO_100 * pInfo = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
*pEnumerator = NULL;
// Load DsGetDcName dynamically
DSGETDCNAME DsGetDcName = NULL; HMODULE hPro = LoadLibrary(L"NetApi32.dll"); if ( hPro ) DsGetDcName = (DSGETDCNAME)GetProcAddress(hPro, "DsGetDcNameW"); if ( DsGetDcName ) { DWORD rc = DsGetDcName( NULL ,// LPCTSTR ComputerName ?
m_sDomain ,// LPCTSTR DomainName
NULL ,// GUID *DomainGuid ?
NULL ,// LPCTSTR SiteName ?
0 ,// ULONG Flags ?
&pSrcDomCtrlInfo // PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO *DomainControllerInfo
if ( !rc ) { rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(pSrcDomCtrlInfo->DomainControllerName,100,(LPBYTE*)&pInfo); if ( ! rc ) { if ( pInfo->wki100_ver_major < 5 ) pDom = new CNT4Dom(); else pDom = new CWin2000Dom(); if (!pDom) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
NetApiBufferFree(pInfo); try{ hr = pDom->GetEnumeration(m_sContainer, m_sDomain, m_sQuery, m_nCols, m_pszAttr, prefInfo, m_bMultiVal, pEnumerator); } catch ( _com_error &e) { delete pDom; return e.Error(); } delete pDom; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } NetApiBufferFree(pSrcDomCtrlInfo); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
if ( hPro ) FreeLibrary(hPro); return hr; }