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// ProfMMgr.h: Definition of the CProfMMgr class
#if !defined(AFX_PROFMMGR_H__A20E4BA9_0CF9_4BE9_9530_B41E844C56C2__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_PROFMMGR_H__A20E4BA9_0CF9_4BE9_9530_B41E844C56C2__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "TNode.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
class TFileNode : public TNode { WCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; public: TFileNode(WCHAR const * name) { safecopy(fileName,name); }
WCHAR const * GetName() const { return fileName; }
class TFileList : public TNodeList { public: ~TFileList() { DeleteAllListItems(TFileNode); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CProfMMgr
class CProfMMgr : public IDispatchImpl<IMcsDomPlugIn, &IID_IMcsDomPlugIn, &LIBID_MCSPIPFLLib>, public ISupportErrorInfoImpl<&IID_IMcsDomPlugIn>, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CProfMMgr,&CLSID_ProfMMgr>, public ISecPlugIn { public: CProfMMgr() {} BEGIN_COM_MAP(CProfMMgr) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMcsDomPlugIn) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISecPlugIn) END_COM_MAP() //DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CProfMMgr)
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation.
// IMcsDomPlugIn
public: STDMETHOD(GetRequiredFiles)(/* [out] */SAFEARRAY ** pArray); STDMETHOD(GetRegisterableFiles)(/* [out] */SAFEARRAY ** pArray); STDMETHOD(GetDescription)(/* [out] */ BSTR * description); STDMETHOD(PreMigrationTask)(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet); STDMETHOD(PostMigrationTask)(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet); STDMETHOD(GetName)(/* [out] */BSTR * name); STDMETHOD(GetResultString)(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet,/* [out] */ BSTR * text); STDMETHOD(StoreResults)(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet); STDMETHOD(ConfigureSettings)(/*[in]*/IUnknown * pVarSet); // ISecPlugIn
public: STDMETHOD(Verify)(/*[in,out]*/ULONG * data,/*[in]*/ULONG cbData); protected: void BuildFileLists(TFileList * pRequired,TFileList * pRegisterable); void AddFilesToList(SAFEARRAY * pFileArray, TFileList * pList); };
#endif // !defined(AFX_PROFMMGR_H__A20E4BA9_0CF9_4BE9_9530_B41E844C56C2__INCLUDED_)