File: RebootUtils.cpp
Comments: Utility functions used to reboot a remote computer.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 02/15/99 11:22:10
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#include "Stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winreg.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <lmwksta.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include "RebootU.h"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
// ===========================================================================
/* Function : GetPrivilege
Description : This function gives the requested privilege on the requested computer. */ // ===========================================================================
BOOL // ret-TRUE if successful.
GetPrivilege( WCHAR const * sMachineW, // in -NULL or machine name
LPCWSTR pPrivilege // in -privilege name such as SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME
) { BOOL bRc=FALSE; // boolean return code.
HANDLE hToken=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // process token.
DWORD rcOs, rcOs2; // OS return code.
WCHAR const * sEpName; // API EP name if failure.
WKSTA_INFO_100 * pWkstaInfo; // Workstation info
struct { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; // token privileges.
LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES x[3]; // room for several.
} token;
sEpName = L"OpenProcessToken";
rcOs = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ) ? 0 : GetLastError();
if ( !rcOs ) { memset( &token, 0, sizeof token ); sEpName = L"LookupPrivilegeValue"; bRc = LookupPrivilegeValue( sMachineW, pPrivilege, &token.tkp.Privileges[0].Luid ); if ( !bRc ) { rcOs = GetLastError(); } else { token.tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; token.tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; sEpName = L"AdjustTokenPrivileges"; AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &token.tkp, 0, NULL, 0 ); rcOs = GetLastError(); } }
if ( hToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hToken ); hToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// If we had any error, try NetWkstaGetInfo.
// If NetWkstaGetInfo fails, then use it's error condition instead.
if ( rcOs ) { pWkstaInfo = NULL, rcOs2 = NetWkstaGetInfo( const_cast<WCHAR *>(sMachineW), 100, (BYTE **) &pWkstaInfo ); if ( pWkstaInfo ) { NetApiBufferFree( pWkstaInfo ); } if ( rcOs2 ) { rcOs = rcOs2; sEpName = L"NetWkstaGetInfo"; } }
if ( !rcOs ) { bRc = TRUE; } else { bRc = FALSE; SetLastError(rcOs); }
return bRc; }
// ===========================================================================
/* Function : ComputerShutDown
Description : This function shutsdown/restarts the given computer.
*/ // ===========================================================================
DWORD ComputerShutDown( WCHAR const * pComputerName, // in - computer to reboot
WCHAR const * pMessage, // in - message to display in NT shutdown dialog
DWORD delay, // in - delay, in seconds
DWORD bRestart, // in - flag, whether to reboot or just shutdown
BOOL bNoChange // in - flag, whether to really do it
) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; WCHAR wcsMsg[LEN_ShutdownMessage]; WCHAR wcsComputerName[LEN_Computer]; DWORD rc = 0; WKSTA_INFO_100 * localMachine; WKSTA_INFO_100 * targetMachine;
if ( pMessage ) { wcscpy(wcsMsg,pMessage); } else { wcsMsg[0] = 0; }
if ( pComputerName && *pComputerName ) { if ( pComputerName[0] != L'\\' ) { wsprintf(wcsComputerName,L"\\\\%s",pComputerName); } else { wcscpy(wcsComputerName,pComputerName); } // Get the name of the local machine
rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(NULL,100,(LPBYTE*)&localMachine); if (! rc ) { rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(wcsComputerName,100,(LPBYTE*)&targetMachine); } if ( ! rc ) { // Get the privileges needed to shutdown a machine
if ( !_wcsicmp(wcsComputerName + 2, localMachine->wki100_computername) ) { bSuccess = GetPrivilege(wcsComputerName, (LPCWSTR)SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME); } else { bSuccess = GetPrivilege(wcsComputerName, (LPCWSTR)SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME); } if ( ! bSuccess ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } } else { // Computer name not specified - the is the local machine
wcsComputerName[0] = 0; bSuccess = GetPrivilege(NULL, (LPCWSTR)SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME); if ( ! bSuccess ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } if ( bSuccess && ! bNoChange ) { bSuccess = InitiateSystemShutdown( wcsComputerName, wcsMsg, delay, TRUE, bRestart ); if ( !bSuccess ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } return rc; }