File: UserRights.cpp
Comments: COM object to update user rights.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 02/15/99 11:34:35
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// UserRights.cpp : Implementation of CUserRights
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WorkObj.h"
#include "UserRts.h"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "TNode.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include "TxtSid.h"
#include "LSAUtils.h"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
#include "ntsecapi.h"
#include <lm.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern TErrorDct err; #define LEN_SID 200
#define SE_DENY_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME TEXT("SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight")
#define SE_DENY_NETWORK_LOGON_NAME TEXT("SeDenyNetworkLogonRight")
#define SE_DENY_BATCH_LOGON_NAME TEXT("SeDenyBatchLogonRight")
#define SE_DENY_SERVICE_LOGON_NAME TEXT("SeDenyServiceLogonRight")
// this function wasn't defined in the header file.
extern "C" { NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaEnumeratePrivileges( LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE * eHandle, LPVOID * enumBuffer, ULONG prefMaxLen, ULONG * countReturned ); }; //The following definition was in ntsecapi.h but was mistakenly taken out
//in the W2K build version.
// The following data type is used to return information about privileges
// defined on a system.
class PrivNode : public TNode { WCHAR name[200];
public: PrivNode(WCHAR * str, USHORT length ) { UStrCpy(name,str,length+1); name[length] = 0; }
WCHAR * Name() { return name; } };
class PrivList : public TNodeListSortable { protected: static TNodeCompare(CompareName) { PrivNode * p1 = (PrivNode *)v1; PrivNode * p2 = (PrivNode *)v2;
return UStrICmp(p1->Name(),p2->Name()); } static TNodeCompareValue(CompareValue) { PrivNode * p = (PrivNode *)tnode; WCHAR * str = (WCHAR *)value;
return UStrICmp(p->Name(),str); } public: PrivList() { TypeSetSorted(); CompareSet(&CompareName); } ~PrivList() { DeleteAllListItems(PrivNode); } void InsertPrivilege(PrivNode * p) { SortedInsertIfNew((TNode *)p); } BOOL Contains(WCHAR * priv) { return ( NULL != Find(&CompareValue,(void*)priv) ); }
DWORD BuildPrivilegeList( LSA_HANDLE policy, // in - handle to LSA
WCHAR * account, // in - account to list privileges for
WCHAR * strSid, // in - textual form of account's sid, if known
WCHAR * computer, // in - computer name
PrivList * privList, // i/o- list of privileges
PSID * ppSid // out- SID for the account
DWORD BuildPrivilegeList( LSA_HANDLE policy, // in - handle to LSA
PSID pSid, // in - sid of account to list privileges for
PrivList * privList // i/o- list of privileges
NTSTATUS OpenPolicy( LPWSTR ServerName, // machine to open policy on (Unicode)
DWORD DesiredAccess, // desired access to policy
PLSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle // resultant policy handle
BOOL GetAccountSid( LPTSTR SystemName, // where to lookup account
LPTSTR AccountName, // account of interest
PSID *Sid // resultant buffer containing SID
NTSTATUS SetPrivilegeOnAccount( LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, // open policy handle
PSID AccountSid, // SID to grant privilege to
LPWSTR PrivilegeName, // privilege to grant (Unicode)
BOOL bEnable // enable or disable
// CUserRights
CUserRights::~CUserRights() { if ( m_SrcPolicy ) { LsaClose(m_SrcPolicy); } if ( m_TgtPolicy ) { LsaClose(m_TgtPolicy); } }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::OpenSourceServer( BSTR serverName // in - computer name (DC) for source domain
) { DWORD rc; if ( m_SrcPolicy ) { LsaClose(m_SrcPolicy); m_SrcPolicy = NULL; } rc = OpenPolicy( serverName, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES, &m_SrcPolicy ); m_SourceComputer = serverName;
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::OpenTargetServer( BSTR computerName // in - computer name (DC) for target domain
) { DWORD rc;
if ( m_TgtPolicy ) { LsaClose(m_TgtPolicy); m_TgtPolicy = NULL; } rc = OpenPolicy( computerName,POLICY_CREATE_ACCOUNT | POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES ,&m_TgtPolicy); m_TargetComputer = computerName;
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::CopyUserRights( BSTR sourceUserName, // in - source domain account to copy rights from
BSTR targetUserName // in - target domain account to copy rights to
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD rc;
// Make sure source and target are open
if ( m_SrcPolicy && m_TgtPolicy ) { rc = CopyUserRightsInternal(sourceUserName,targetUserName,L"",L"",m_bNoChange,m_bRemove); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::CopyUserRightsWithSids( BSTR sourceUserName, // in - source domain account to copy rights from
BSTR sourceSID, // in - source account SID (in string format)
BSTR targetUserName, // in - target domain account to copy rights to
BSTR targetSID // in - target account SID (in string format)
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD rc;
// Make sure source and target are open
if ( m_SrcPolicy && m_TgtPolicy ) { rc = CopyUserRightsInternal(sourceUserName,targetUserName,sourceSID,targetSID,m_bNoChange,m_bRemove); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::get_NoChange(BOOL *pVal) // out- value
{ (*pVal) = m_bNoChange; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::put_NoChange(BOOL newVal) // in - new value
{ m_bNoChange = newVal; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::get_RemoveOldRightsFromTargetAccounts(BOOL *pVal) // out- value
{ (*pVal) = m_bRemove; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::put_RemoveOldRightsFromTargetAccounts(BOOL newVal) // in - new value
{ m_bRemove = newVal; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::ExportUserRights( BSTR server, // in - computer to read rights from
BSTR filename, // in - filename to export list of rights to
BOOL bAppendToFile // in - flag, append or overwrite file if it exists
) { LSA_HANDLE policy; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD rc; rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION,&policy); if ( ! rc ) { CommaDelimitedLog log;
if ( log.LogOpen(filename,FALSE,bAppendToFile) ) { // Enumerate the privileges on this machine
// arguments for LsaEnumeratePrivileges
ULONG countOfRights; DWORD prefMax = 0xffffffff; LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE handle = 0; POLICY_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITION * pRights = NULL; do { rc = LsaEnumeratePrivileges(policy,&handle,(LPVOID*)&pRights,prefMax,&countOfRights); if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) rc = 0; break; } // For each right, enumerate the accounts that have that right
if ( ! rc ) { for ( UINT right = 0 ;right < countOfRights ; right++ ) { rc = EnumerateAccountsWithRight(policy,server,&pRights[right].Name,&log); } LsaFreeMemory(pRights);
LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsaRight; // For some reason, LsaEnumeratePrivileges doesn't return these rights
// They are defined in "ntsecapi.h", and not with the rest of the privileges in "winnt.h"
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME); rc = EnumerateAccountsWithRight(policy,server,&lsaRight,&log); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_NETWORK_LOGON_NAME); rc = EnumerateAccountsWithRight(policy,server,&lsaRight,&log); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_BATCH_LOGON_NAME); rc = EnumerateAccountsWithRight(policy,server,&lsaRight,&log); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_SERVICE_LOGON_NAME); rc = EnumerateAccountsWithRight(policy,server,&lsaRight,&log); } } else { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); } } while ( ! rc ); log.LogClose(); } else { rc = GetLastError(); } LsaClose(policy); } hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); return hr; }
DWORD CUserRights::EnumerateAccountsWithRight( LSA_HANDLE policy, // in - handle to LSA
WCHAR * server, // in - computer name
LSA_UNICODE_STRING * pRight, // in - user right
CommaDelimitedLog * pLog // in - pointer to log object to log information to
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR account[LEN_Account]; WCHAR domain[LEN_Domain]; WCHAR domacct[LEN_Domain + LEN_Account]; WCHAR szRight[LEN_Account]; WCHAR szDisplayName[LEN_DisplayName]; DWORD lenAccount = DIM(account); DWORD lenDomain = DIM(domain); DWORD lenDisplayName = DIM(szDisplayName); SID_NAME_USE snu; DWORD lid; BOOL bUseDisplayName;
// arguments for LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight
ULONG countOfUsers; LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION * pInfo = NULL; UStrCpy(szRight,pRight->Buffer,pRight->Length/(sizeof WCHAR) + 1); bUseDisplayName = m_bUseDisplayName && LookupPrivilegeDisplayName(server,szRight,szDisplayName,&lenDisplayName,&lid); rc = LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight(policy,pRight,(PVOID*)&pInfo,&countOfUsers);
if ( ! rc ) { for ( UINT user = 0 ; user < countOfUsers ; user++ ) { if ( ! pInfo[user].Sid ) { break; // something is wrong
} domain[0] = 0; account[0] = 0; lenDomain = DIM(domain); lenAccount = DIM(account); if ( LookupAccountSid(server,pInfo[user].Sid,account,&lenAccount,domain,&lenDomain,&snu) ) { if ( *account ) { swprintf(domacct,L"%s\\%s",domain,account); } else { lenAccount = DIM(account); GetTextualSid(pInfo[user].Sid,account,&lenAccount); if ( snu == SidTypeDeletedAccount ) { swprintf(domacct,L"%s\\<Deleted Account: %s>",domain,account); } else { swprintf(domacct,L"%s\\<%s>",domain,account); } } } else { lenAccount = DIM(account); GetTextualSid(pInfo[user].Sid,domacct,&lenAccount); } if ( bUseDisplayName ) { pLog->MsgWrite(L"%s, %s, %s",server,domacct,szDisplayName); } else { pLog->MsgWrite(L"%s, %s, %s",server,domacct,szRight); } } LsaFreeMemory(pInfo); } else { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) rc = 0; } return rc; }
DWORD CUserRights::CopyUserRightsInternal( WCHAR * srcAccount, // in - source account to copy rights from
WCHAR * tgtAccount, // in - account to copy rights to
WCHAR * srcSidStr, // in - sid for source account, in string format
WCHAR * tgtSidStr, // in - sid for target account, in string format
BOOL bNoChange, // in - flag, whether to write changes
BOOL bRemove // in - flag, whether to revoke rights from target if not held by source
) { DWORD rc = 0; PrivList srcList; PrivList tgtList; PSID pSidSrc = NULL; PSID pSidTgt = NULL; // Get a list of the privileges held by srcAccount
rc = BuildPrivilegeList(m_SrcPolicy,srcAccount,srcSidStr,m_SourceComputer,&srcList,&pSidSrc); if ( ! rc ) { rc = BuildPrivilegeList(m_TgtPolicy,tgtAccount,tgtSidStr,m_TargetComputer,&tgtList,&pSidTgt); if ( ! rc ) { if ( bRemove ) { // Get a list of privileges held by tgtAccount
// Remove old privileges
TNodeListEnum tEnum; PrivNode * p; for ( p = (PrivNode *)tEnum.OpenFirst(&tgtList) ; p ; p = (PrivNode*)tEnum.Next() ) { if ( ! srcList.Contains(p->Name()) ) { // The source account doesn't have this privilege - remove it
if (! bNoChange ) { rc = SetPrivilegeOnAccount(m_TgtPolicy,pSidTgt,p->Name(),FALSE); } if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_REMOVE_RIGHT_FAILED_SSD,p->Name(),tgtAccount,rc); break; } else { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_REMOVED_RIGHT_SS,p->Name(), tgtAccount); } } else { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_USER_HAS_RIGHT_SS,tgtAccount,p->Name()); } } } // Grant privileges to new account
TNodeListEnum tEnum; PrivNode * p;
for ( p = (PrivNode *)tEnum.OpenFirst(&srcList) ; p ; p = (PrivNode*)tEnum.Next() ) { if ( ! tgtList.Contains(p->Name()) ) { if ( ! bNoChange ) { rc = SetPrivilegeOnAccount(m_TgtPolicy,pSidTgt,p->Name(),TRUE); if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_ADD_RIGHT_FAILED_SSD,p->Name(),tgtAccount,rc); break; } else { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_RIGHT_GRANTED_SS,p->Name(),tgtAccount); } } } } } } // Clean up SIDs
if(pSidSrc != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSidSrc); }
if(pSidTgt != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSidTgt); } return rc; }
Managing user privileges can be achieved programmatically using the following steps:
1. Open the policy on the target machine with LsaOpenPolicy(). To grant privileges, open the policy with POLICY_CREATE_ACCOUNT and POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES access. To revoke privileges, open the policy with POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES access.
2. Obtain a SID (security identifier) representing the user/group of interest. The LookupAccountName() and LsaLookupNames() APIs can obtain a SID from an account name.
3. Call LsaAddAccountRights() to grant privileges to the user(s) represented by the supplied SID.
4. Call LsaRemoveAccountRights() to revoke privileges from the user(s) represented by the supplied SID.
5. Close the policy with LsaClose().
To successfully grant and revoke privileges, the caller needs to be an administrator on the target system.
The LSA API LsaEnumerateAccountRights() can be used to determine which privileges have been granted to an account.
The LSA API LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight() can be used to determine which accounts have been granted a specified privilege.
Documentation and header files for these LSA APIs is provided in the Windows 32 SDK in the MSTOOLS\SECURITY directory.
#define RTN_OK 0
#define RTN_USAGE 1
#define RTN_ERROR 13
DWORD BuildPrivilegeList( LSA_HANDLE policy, // in - handle to LSA
PSID pSid, // in - SID for account
PrivList * privList // i/o- list of rights held by the account
) { DWORD rc = 0; ULONG countOfRights = 0; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING pUserRights = NULL;
rc = LsaEnumerateAccountRights(policy,pSid,&pUserRights,&countOfRights); rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); if ( rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { // This account has no privileges
rc = 0; countOfRights = 0; } if ( ! rc ) { for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < countOfRights ; i++ ) { PrivNode * p = new PrivNode(pUserRights[i].Buffer,pUserRights[i].Length/2); privList->InsertPrivilege(p); } LsaFreeMemory(pUserRights); } return rc; }
DWORD BuildPrivilegeList( LSA_HANDLE policy, // in - handle to LSA
WCHAR * account, // in - account name to list rights for
WCHAR * strSid, // in - text format of the accounts SID, if known
WCHAR * computer, // in - computer to list rights on
PrivList * privList, // i/o- list of rights held by account
PSID * ppSid // out- SID for account
) { DWORD rc = 0; PSID pSid = NULL; if ( strSid && (*strSid) ) { // use the provided SID
pSid = SidFromString(strSid); if ( ! pSid ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } else { // no SID provided, so look it up on the domain
if ( !GetAccountSid(computer,account,&pSid) ) { rc = GetLastError(); } }
if ( rc ) { (*ppSid) = NULL; if(pSid != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSid); } } else { (*ppSid) = pSid; } if ( pSid ) { rc = BuildPrivilegeList(policy,pSid,privList); } return rc; }
BOOL GetAccountSid( LPTSTR SystemName, // in - computer name to lookup sid on
LPTSTR AccountName, // in - account name
PSID *Sid // out- SID for account
) { WCHAR ReferencedDomain[LEN_Domain]; DWORD cbSid=128; // initial allocation attempt
DWORD cbReferencedDomain=DIM(ReferencedDomain); // initial allocation size
SID_NAME_USE peUse; BOOL bSuccess=FALSE; // assume this function will fail
__try {
// initial memory allocations
if((*Sid=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbSid )) == NULL) __leave;
// Obtain the SID of the specified account on the specified system.
while(!LookupAccountName( SystemName, // machine to lookup account on
AccountName, // account to lookup
*Sid, // SID of interest
&cbSid, // size of SID
ReferencedDomain, // domain account was found on
&cbReferencedDomain, &peUse )) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { //
// reallocate memory
if((*Sid=HeapReAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, *Sid, cbSid )) == NULL) __leave;
} else __leave; }
// Indicate success.
} // finally
__finally {
// Cleanup and indicate failure, if appropriate.
if(!bSuccess) { if(*Sid != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *Sid); *Sid = NULL; } }
} // finally
return bSuccess; }
NTSTATUS SetPrivilegeOnAccount( LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, // open policy handle
PSID AccountSid, // SID to grant privilege to
LPWSTR PrivilegeName, // privilege to grant (Unicode)
BOOL bEnable // enable or disable
) { LSA_UNICODE_STRING PrivilegeString;
// Create a LSA_UNICODE_STRING for the privilege name.
InitLsaString(&PrivilegeString, PrivilegeName);
// grant or revoke the privilege, accordingly
if(bEnable) { return LsaAddAccountRights( PolicyHandle, // open policy handle
AccountSid, // target SID
&PrivilegeString, // privileges
1 // privilege count
); } else { return LsaRemoveAccountRights( PolicyHandle, // open policy handle
AccountSid, // target SID
FALSE, // do not disable all rights
&PrivilegeString, // privileges
1 // privilege count
); } }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::AddUserRight( BSTR server, // in - computer to grant right on
BSTR strSid, // in - textual form of sid for account to grant right to
BSTR right // in - right to grant to account
) { LSA_HANDLE policy; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD rc; PSID pSid = SidFromString(strSid);
rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_ALL_ACCESS /*POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION*/,&policy); if ( ! rc ) { if ( ! m_bNoChange ) { rc = SetPrivilegeOnAccount(policy,pSid,right,TRUE); } if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } LsaClose(policy); } FreeSid(pSid); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::RemoveUserRight( BSTR server, // in - computer to revoke right on
BSTR strSid, // in - textual sid of account to revoke right for
BSTR right // in - right to revoke
) { LSA_HANDLE policy; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD rc; PSID pSid = SidFromString(strSid); rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION,&policy); if ( ! rc ) { if ( ! m_bNoChange ) { rc = SetPrivilegeOnAccount(policy,pSid,right,FALSE); } if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); } LsaClose(policy); } FreeSid(pSid); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
DWORD CUserRights::SafeArrayFromPrivList( PrivList * privList, // in - list of user rights
SAFEARRAY ** pArray // out- safearray containing list contents
) { DWORD rc = 0; HRESULT hr; TNodeListEnum e; SAFEARRAYBOUND bound; LONG ndx[1];
bound.lLbound = 0; bound.cElements = privList->Count(); (*pArray) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,&bound); if ( (*pArray) ) { PrivNode * p; UINT i;
for ( p=(PrivNode*)e.OpenFirst(privList) , i = 0 ; p ; p = (PrivNode*)e.Next() , i++ ) { ndx[0] = i; hr = SafeArrayPutElement((*pArray),ndx,SysAllocString(p->Name())); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { rc = hr; break; } } e.Close(); } else { rc = GetLastError(); } return rc; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::GetRights( BSTR server, // in - computer
SAFEARRAY ** pRightsArray // out- list of rights on computer
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PrivList priv; DWORD rc = 0; LSA_HANDLE policy = NULL; rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION,&policy); // Enumerate the privileges on this machine
// arguments for LsaEnumeratePrivileges
ULONG countOfRights; DWORD prefMax = 0xffffffff; LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE handle = 0; POLICY_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITION * pRights = NULL; do { if ( rc ) break; rc = LsaEnumeratePrivileges(policy,&handle,(LPVOID*)&pRights,prefMax,&countOfRights); if ( rc ) { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) rc = 0; break; } if ( ! rc ) { PrivNode * p = NULL;
for ( UINT right = 0 ;right < countOfRights ; right++ ) { // Length is in bytes
p = new PrivNode(pRights[right].Name.Buffer,pRights[right].Name.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); } LsaFreeMemory(pRights);
LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsaRight; // For some reason, LsaEnumeratePrivileges doesn't return these rights
// They are defined in "ntsecapi.h", and not with the rest of the privileges in "winnt.h"
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_NETWORK_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p);
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_BATCH_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_SERVICE_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); } // Check the OS version on the server
WKSTA_INFO_100 * pInfo; BOOL bIsWin2K = TRUE; DWORD rcInfo = NetWkstaGetInfo(server,100,(LPBYTE*)&pInfo);
if ( ! rcInfo ) { if ( pInfo->wki100_ver_major < 5 ) { bIsWin2K = FALSE; } NetApiBufferFree(pInfo); } // The 4 "deny" rights are only defined on Windows 2000.
if ( bIsWin2K ) { if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_DENY_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_DENY_NETWORK_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p);
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_DENY_BATCH_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); }
if ( ! rc ) { InitLsaString(&lsaRight,SE_DENY_SERVICE_LOGON_NAME); p = new PrivNode(lsaRight.Buffer,lsaRight.Length/2); priv.InsertPrivilege(p); } } } else { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); } } while ( false);
if ( policy ) { LsaClose(policy); } // Build a safearray of BSTRs from the priv-list
rc = SafeArrayFromPrivList(&priv,pRightsArray); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::GetUsersWithRight( BSTR server, // in - computer name
BSTR right, // in - right to lookup
SAFEARRAY ** users // out- list of accounts that hold right
) { DWORD rc = 0; LSA_UNICODE_STRING Right; WCHAR strSid[LEN_SID]; DWORD lenStrSid = DIM(strSid); PrivList plist; LSA_HANDLE policy = NULL; rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION,&policy); // arguments for LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight
ULONG countOfUsers; LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION * pInfo = NULL; InitLsaString(&Right,right); rc = LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight(policy,&Right,(PVOID*)&pInfo,&countOfUsers);
if ( ! rc ) { for ( UINT user = 0 ; user < countOfUsers ; user++ ) { if ( ! pInfo[user].Sid ) { continue; // something is wrong
} GetTextualSid(pInfo[user].Sid,strSid,&lenStrSid); PrivNode * p = new PrivNode(strSid,(USHORT) UStrLen(strSid)); plist.InsertPrivilege(p); } LsaFreeMemory(pInfo); } else { rc = LsaNtStatusToWinError(rc); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) rc = 0; } if ( ! rc ) { rc = SafeArrayFromPrivList(&plist,users); } if ( policy ) LsaClose(policy); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
STDMETHODIMP CUserRights::GetRightsOfUser( BSTR server, // in - computer name
BSTR strSid, // in - textual sid for account
SAFEARRAY ** rights // out- list of rights held by account on server
) { DWORD rc = 0; PSID pSid = SidFromString(strSid); LSA_HANDLE policy = NULL; PrivList plist; rc = OpenPolicy(server,POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION,&policy); if ( ! rc ) { rc = BuildPrivilegeList(policy,pSid,&plist); if ( ! rc ) { rc = SafeArrayFromPrivList(&plist,rights); } LsaClose(policy); } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }