Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the IViewObject interface.
#include "polyline.h"
#include "unihelpr.h"
#include "unkhlpr.h"
* CImpIViewObject interface implementation */
* CImpIViewObject::Draw * * Purpose: * Draws the object on the given hDC specifically for the requested * aspect, device, and within the appropriate bounds. * * Parameters: * dwAspect DWORD aspect to draw. * lindex LONG index of the piece to draw. * pvAspect LPVOID for extra information, always NULL. * ptd DVTARGETDEVICE * containing device * information. * hICDev HDC containing the IC for the device. * hDC HDC on which to draw. * pRectBounds LPCRECTL describing the rectangle in which * to draw. * pRectWBounds LPCRECTL describing the placement rectangle * if part of what you draw is another metafile. * pfnContinue Function to call periodically during * long repaints. * dwContinue DWORD extra information to pass to the * pfnContinue. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::Draw( DWORD dwAspect, LONG lindex, LPVOID pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, HDC hICDev, HDC hDC, LPCRECTL pRectBounds, LPCRECTL pRectWBounds, BOOL (CALLBACK *pfnContinue) (DWORD_PTR), DWORD_PTR dwContinue ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; RECT rc; RECTL rectBoundsDP; BOOL bMetafile = FALSE; BOOL bDeleteDC = FALSE; HDC hLocalICDev;
//Delegate iconic and printed representations.
if (!((DVASPECT_CONTENT | DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) & dwAspect)) { hr = m_pObj->m_pDefIViewObject->Draw(dwAspect, lindex , pvAspect, ptd, hICDev, hDC, pRectBounds, pRectWBounds , pfnContinue, dwContinue); } else {
if ( NULL == hDC ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if ( NULL == pRectBounds ) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { if (hICDev == NULL) { hLocalICDev = CreateTargetDC(hDC, ptd); bDeleteDC = (hLocalICDev != hDC ); } else { hLocalICDev = hICDev; } if ( NULL == hLocalICDev ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else {
rectBoundsDP = *pRectBounds; bMetafile = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_METAFILE; if (!bMetafile) { ::LPtoDP ( hLocalICDev, (LPPOINT)&rectBoundsDP, 2); SaveDC ( hDC ); }
RECTFROMRECTL(rc, rectBoundsDP); m_pObj->Draw(hDC, hLocalICDev, FALSE, TRUE, &rc);
if (bDeleteDC) ::DeleteDC(hLocalICDev); if (!bMetafile) RestoreDC(hDC, -1); hr = NOERROR; } } } return hr; }
* CImpIViewObject::GetColorSet * * Purpose: * Retrieves the color palette used by the object. * * Parameters: * dwAspect DWORD aspect of interest. * lindex LONG piece of interest. * pvAspect LPVOID with extra information, always NULL. * ptd DVTARGETDEVICE * containing device info. * hICDev HDC containing the IC for the device. * ppColorSet LPLOGPALETTE * into which to return the * pointer to the palette in this color set. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::GetColorSet( DWORD, // dwDrawAspect
LONG, // lindex
LPVOID, // pvAspect,
HDC, // hICDev,
LPLOGPALETTE * /* ppColorSet */) { return ResultFromScode(E_NOTIMPL); }
* CImpIViewObject::Freeze * * Purpose: * Freezes the view of a particular aspect such that data * changes do not affect the view. * * Parameters: * dwAspect DWORD aspect to freeze. * lindex LONG piece index under consideration. * pvAspect LPVOID for further information, always NULL. * pdwFreeze LPDWORD in which to return the key. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::Freeze(DWORD dwAspect, LONG lindex , LPVOID pvAspect, LPDWORD pdwFreeze) { //Delegate anything for ICON or DOCPRINT aspects
if (!((DVASPECT_CONTENT | DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) & dwAspect)) { return m_pObj->m_pDefIViewObject->Freeze(dwAspect, lindex , pvAspect, pdwFreeze); }
if (dwAspect & m_pObj->m_dwFrozenAspects) { *pdwFreeze=dwAspect + FREEZE_KEY_OFFSET; return ResultFromScode(VIEW_S_ALREADY_FROZEN); }
m_pObj->m_dwFrozenAspects |= dwAspect;
if (NULL!=pdwFreeze) *pdwFreeze=dwAspect + FREEZE_KEY_OFFSET;
return NOERROR; }
* CImpIViewObject::Unfreeze * * Purpose: * Thaws an aspect frozen in ::Freeze. We expect that a container * will redraw us after freezing if necessary, so we don't send * any sort of notification here. * * Parameters: * dwFreeze DWORD key returned from ::Freeze. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::Unfreeze(DWORD dwFreeze) { DWORD dwAspect=dwFreeze - FREEZE_KEY_OFFSET;
//Delegate anything for ICON or DOCPRINT aspects
if (!((DVASPECT_CONTENT | DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) & dwAspect)) m_pObj->m_pDefIViewObject->Unfreeze(dwFreeze);
//The aspect to unfreeze is in the key.
m_pObj->m_dwFrozenAspects &= ~(dwAspect);
* Since we always kept our current data up to date, we don't * have to do anything thing here like requesting data again. * Because we removed dwAspect from m_dwFrozenAspects, Draw * will again use the current data. */
return NOERROR; }
* CImpIViewObject::SetAdvise * * Purpose: * Provides an advise sink to the view object enabling * notifications for a specific aspect. * * Parameters: * dwAspects DWORD describing the aspects of interest. * dwAdvf DWORD containing advise flags. * pIAdviseSink LPADVISESINK to notify. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::SetAdvise(DWORD dwAspects, DWORD dwAdvf , LPADVISESINK pIAdviseSink) { //Pass anything with DVASPECT_ICON or _DOCPRINT to the handler.
if (!((DVASPECT_CONTENT | DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) & dwAspects)) { m_pObj->m_pDefIViewObject->SetAdvise(dwAspects, dwAdvf , pIAdviseSink); }
//We continue because dwAspects may have more than one in it.
if (NULL!=m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink) m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink->Release();
m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink=pIAdviseSink; m_pObj->m_dwAdviseAspects=dwAspects; m_pObj->m_dwAdviseFlags=dwAdvf;
if (NULL!=m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink) m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink->AddRef();
return NOERROR; }
* CImpIViewObject::GetAdvise * * Purpose: * Returns the last known IAdviseSink seen by ::SetAdvise. * * Parameters: * pdwAspects LPDWORD in which to store the last * requested aspects. * pdwAdvf LPDWORD in which to store the last * requested flags. * ppIAdvSink LPADVISESINK * in which to store the * IAdviseSink. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::GetAdvise(LPDWORD pdwAspects , LPDWORD pdwAdvf, LPADVISESINK *ppAdvSink) { if (NULL != ppAdvSink) {
*ppAdvSink = m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink;
if (m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink != NULL) m_pObj->m_pIAdviseSink->AddRef(); }
if (NULL != pdwAspects) *pdwAspects = m_pObj->m_dwAdviseAspects;
if (NULL != pdwAdvf) *pdwAdvf = m_pObj->m_dwAdviseFlags;
return NOERROR; }
* CImpIViewObject::GetExtent * * Purpose: * Retrieves the extents of the object's display. * * Parameters: * dwAspect DWORD of the aspect of interest. * lindex LONG index of the piece of interest. * ptd DVTARGETDEVICE * with device information. * pszl LPSIZEL to the structure in which to return * the extents. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value. */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIViewObject::GetExtent(DWORD dwAspect, LONG lindex , DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, LPSIZEL pszl) { RECT rc;
if (!(DVASPECT_CONTENT & dwAspect)) { return m_pObj->m_pDefIViewObject->GetExtent(dwAspect , lindex, ptd, pszl); }
m_pObj->m_pImpIPolyline->RectGet(&rc); m_pObj->RectConvertMappings(&rc, FALSE);
pszl->cx=rc.right-rc.left; pszl->cy=rc.bottom-rc.top;
return NOERROR; }