// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: DHCPInstallationUnit.cpp
// Synopsis: Defines a DHCPInstallationUnit
// This object has the knowledge for installing the
// DHCP service
// History: 02/05/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "DHCPInstallationUnit.h"
#include "InstallationUnitProvider.h"
DHCPInstallationUnit::DHCPInstallationUnit() : isExpressPathInstall(false), startIPAddress(0), endIPAddress(0), NetworkServiceInstallationBase( IDS_DHCP_SERVER_TYPE, IDS_DHCP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION, IDS_DHCP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED, DHCP_INSTALL) { LOG_CTOR(DHCPInstallationUnit); }
DHCPInstallationUnit::~DHCPInstallationUnit() { LOG_DTOR(DHCPInstallationUnit); }
InstallationReturnType DHCPInstallationUnit::InstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::InstallService);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS;
if (IsExpressPathInstall()) { // This is an express path install. It must be done special
result = ExpressPathInstall(logfileHandle, hwnd);
LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(result); return result; }
String infFileText; String unattendFileText;
CreateInfFileText(infFileText, IDS_DHCP_INF_WINDOW_TITLE); CreateUnattendFileText(unattendFileText, CYS_DHCP_SERVICE_NAME);
bool ocmResult = InstallServiceWithOcManager(infFileText, unattendFileText); if (ocmResult && IsServiceInstalled()) { // Log the successful installation
LOG(L"DHCP was installed successfully"); CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_INSTALL_START_DHCP));
// Run the DHCP Wizard
String resultText;
if (ExecuteWizard(CYS_DHCP_SERVICE_NAME, resultText)) { // Check to be sure the wizard finished completely
String configWizardResults;
if (IsDhcpConfigured()) { // The New Scope Wizard completed successfully
LOG(L"DHCP installed and the New Scope Wizard completed successfully"); CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_DHCP_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY)); } else { // The New Scope Wizard did not finish successfully
LOG(L"DHCP installed successfully, but a problem occurred during the New Scope Wizard");
CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_DHCP_WIZARD_ERROR)); } } else { // Log an error
LOG(L"DHCP could not be installed.");
if (!resultText.empty()) { CYS_APPEND_LOG(resultText); } } } else { // Log the failure
LOG(L"DHCP failed to install");
return result; }
InstallationReturnType DHCPInstallationUnit::ExpressPathInstall(HANDLE /*logfileHandle*/, HWND /*hwnd*/) { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::ExpressPathInstall);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS;
String infFileText; String unattendFileText; String commandline;
CreateInfFileText(infFileText, IDS_DHCP_INF_WINDOW_TITLE); CreateUnattendFileTextForExpressPath(unattendFileText);
do { bool ocmResult = InstallServiceWithOcManager(infFileText, unattendFileText); if (ocmResult && !IsServiceInstalled()) { result = INSTALL_FAILURE;
LOG(L"DHCP installation failed"); break; } else { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD exitCode = 0; String ipaddressString = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetDNSInstallationUnit().GetStaticIPAddressString();
String subnetMaskString = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetDNSInstallationUnit().GetSubnetMaskString();
do { commandline = L"netsh dhcp server add optiondef 6 \"DNS Servers\" IPADDRESS 1"; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to run DHCP options: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to run DHCP options: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; }
commandline.format( L"netsh dhcp server set optionvalue 6 IPADDRESS %1", ipaddressString);
exitCode = 0; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to run DHCP server IP address: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to run DHCP server IP address: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; }
} while (false);
// Set the subnet mask
DWORD staticipaddress = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetDNSInstallationUnit().GetStaticIPAddress();
DWORD subnetMask = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetDNSInstallationUnit().GetSubnetMask();
DWORD subnet = staticipaddress & subnetMask;
String subnetString = String::format( L"%1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!", FIRST_IPADDRESS(subnet), SECOND_IPADDRESS(subnet), THIRD_IPADDRESS(subnet), FOURTH_IPADDRESS(subnet));
commandline.format( L"netsh dhcp server add scope %1 %2 Scope1", subnetString.c_str(), subnetMaskString.c_str());
exitCode = 0; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP address and subnet: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP address and subnet: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; }
// Set the DHCP scopes
commandline.format( L"netsh dhcp server add scope %1 add iprange %2 %3 both", subnetString.c_str(), GetStartIPAddressString().c_str(), GetEndIPAddressString().c_str());
exitCode = 0; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scopes: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scopes: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; }
// Set the DHCP scope lease time
commandline = L"netsh dhcp server add optiondef 51 LeaseTime DWORD";
exitCode = 0; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scope lease time: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scope lease time: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; }
// Set the DHCP scope lease time value
commandline.format( L"netsh dhcp server scope %1 set optionvalue 51 dword 874800", subnetString.c_str());
exitCode = 0; hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scope lease time value: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to set DHCP scope lease time value: exitCode = %1!x!", exitCode)); break; } } } while (false);
return result; }
void DHCPInstallationUnit::CreateUnattendFileTextForExpressPath( String& unattendFileText) { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::CreateUnattendFileText);
unattendFileText = L"[NetOptionalComponents]\n"; unattendFileText += L"DHCPServer=1\n"; unattendFileText += L"[dhcpserver]\n"; unattendFileText += L"Subnets=\n";
// Add the DHCP scope
unattendFileText += L"StartIP="; unattendFileText += GetStartIPAddressString(); unattendFileText += L"EndIp="; unattendFileText += GetEndIPAddressString();
// Add subnet mask
unattendFileText += L"SubnetMask=\n"; unattendFileText += L"LeaseDuration=874800\n";
// The DNS server IP
String dnsIPString = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetDNSInstallationUnit().GetStaticIPAddressString();
unattendFileText += String::format( L"DnsServer=%1", dnsIPString.c_str());
// The domain name
unattendFileText += String::format( L"DomainName=%1\n", InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetADInstallationUnit().GetNewDomainDNSName());
bool DHCPInstallationUnit::IsServiceInstalled() { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::IsServiceInstalled);
bool result = IsServiceInstalledHelper(CYS_DHCP_SERVICE_NAME);
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool DHCPInstallationUnit::IsConfigured() { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::IsConfigured);
return IsDhcpConfigured(); }
bool DHCPInstallationUnit::GetFinishText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::GetFinishText);
if (IsExpressPathInstall()) {
} else { message = String::load(IDS_DHCP_FINISH_TEXT); }
LOG_BOOL(true); return true; }
bool DHCPInstallationUnit::AuthorizeDHCPScope(const String& dnsName) const { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::AuthorizeDHCPScope);
bool result = true;
do {
if (!result) { LOG(L"Failed to read domain DNS IP from registry"); break; }
// Authorize the DHCP scope
String commandline; commandline = L"netsh dhcp add server "; commandline += dnsName; commandline += L" "; commandline += domainDNSIP;
DWORD exitCode = 0; HRESULT hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(commandline, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to run DHCP authorization: hr = %1!x!", hr)); result = false; break; }
if (exitCode != 1) { result = false; break; } } while (false);
return result; }
void DHCPInstallationUnit::SetExpressPathInstall(bool isExpressPath) { LOG_FUNCTION2( DHCPInstallationUnit::SetExpressPathInstall, (isExpressPath) ? L"true" : L"false");
isExpressPathInstall = isExpressPath; }
bool DHCPInstallationUnit::IsExpressPathInstall() const { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::IsExpressPathInstall);
return isExpressPathInstall; }
void DHCPInstallationUnit::SetStartIPAddress(DWORD ipaddress) { LOG_FUNCTION2( DHCPInstallationUnit::SetStartIPAddress, String::format(L"0x%1!x!", ipaddress));
startIPAddress = ipaddress; }
void DHCPInstallationUnit::SetEndIPAddress(DWORD ipaddress) { LOG_FUNCTION2( DHCPInstallationUnit::SetEndIPAddress, String::format(L"0x%1!x!", ipaddress));
endIPAddress = ipaddress; }
String DHCPInstallationUnit::GetStartIPAddressString() const { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::GetStartIPAddressString);
String result = String::format( L"%1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!", FIRST_IPADDRESS(startIPAddress), SECOND_IPADDRESS(startIPAddress), THIRD_IPADDRESS(startIPAddress), FOURTH_IPADDRESS(startIPAddress));
LOG(result); return result; }
String DHCPInstallationUnit::GetEndIPAddressString() const { LOG_FUNCTION(DHCPInstallationUnit::GetEndIPAddressString);
String result = String::format( L"%1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!", FIRST_IPADDRESS(endIPAddress), SECOND_IPADDRESS(endIPAddress), THIRD_IPADDRESS(endIPAddress), FOURTH_IPADDRESS(endIPAddress));
LOG(result); return result; }