// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: NetworkInterface.h
// Synopsis: Defines a NetworkInterface
// This object has the knowledge of an
// IP enabled network connection including
// IP address, DHCP information, etc.
// History: 03/01/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "NetworkInterface.h"
#define CYS_WMIPROP_DESCRIPTION L"Description"
NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface() : initialized(false), ipaddrCount(0), dhcpEnabled(false) { LOG_CTOR(NetworkInterface);
NetworkInterface::~NetworkInterface() { LOG_DTOR(NetworkInterface);
if (!ipaddresses.empty()) { ipaddresses.clear(); }
ipaddrCount = 0; }
NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const NetworkInterface &nic) { LOG_CTOR2(NetworkInterface, L"Copy constructor");
if (this == &nic) { return; }
initialized = nic.initialized; ipaddrCount = nic.ipaddrCount; dhcpEnabled = nic.dhcpEnabled; wmiAdapterObject = nic.wmiAdapterObject;
ipaddressString = nic.ipaddressString;
// Make a copy of the ipaddress array
ipaddresses = nic.ipaddresses; }
NetworkInterface& NetworkInterface::operator=(const NetworkInterface& rhs) { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::operator=);
if (this == &rhs) { return *this; }
initialized = rhs.initialized; ipaddrCount = rhs.ipaddrCount; dhcpEnabled = rhs.dhcpEnabled; wmiAdapterObject = rhs.wmiAdapterObject;
ipaddressString = rhs.ipaddressString;
// Make a copy of the ipaddress array
ipaddresses = rhs.ipaddresses;
return *this; }
HRESULT NetworkInterface::Initialize(SmartInterface<IWbemClassObject>& adapterObject) { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::Initialize);
if (initialized) { ASSERT(!initialized); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { // Store the adapter interface pointer for later use
wmiAdapterObject = adapterObject;
// Get the needed info from the WMI object
hr = GetIPAddressFromWMI(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to retrieve IP Addresses: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); }
hr = GetDHCPEnabledFromWMI(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to retrieve dhcpEnabled state: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); } }
// If we succeeded in retrieving the data we need,
// mark the object initialized
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { initialized = true; }
return hr; }
HRESULT NetworkInterface::GetIPAddressFromWMI() { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::GetIPAddressFromWMI);
do { _variant_t var;
hr = wmiAdapterObject->Get( CYS_WMIPROP_IPADDRESS, 0, // flags, reserved, must be zero
&var, 0, // CIMTYPE
0); // origin of the property
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Unable to retrieve the IPAddress property: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
break; }
// The IP addresses come as a SAFEARRAY of BSTRs. Convert that to a
// StringList
StringList iplist;
hr = VariantArrayToStringList(&var, iplist); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Unable to convert variant to string list: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); break; }
hr = SetIPAddresses(iplist); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to convert IP addresses from string: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); break; } } while (false);
return hr; }
HRESULT NetworkInterface::SetIPAddresses(const StringList& ipList) { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::SetIPAddresses);
// if the list already contains some entries, delete them and start over
if (!ipaddresses.empty()) { ipaddresses.erase(ipaddresses.begin()); }
// Loop through the string list converting all string IP addresses
// to DWORD IP addresses and add them to the ipaddresses array
int addressesAdded = 0;
for ( StringList::iterator itr = ipList.begin(); itr != ipList.end(); ++itr) { String entry = *itr;
// Add the ipaddress to the semicolon delimited string
if (addressesAdded > 0) { ipaddressString += L";"; } ipaddressString += entry;
// Convert the string to ansi so that we can use inet_addr
// to convert to an IP address DWORD
AnsiString ansi; String::ConvertResult convertResult = entry.convert(ansi);
if (String::CONVERT_SUCCESSFUL == convertResult) { // Convert and add the new address to the array
DWORD newAddress = inet_addr(ansi.c_str()); ASSERT(newAddress != INADDR_NONE);
++addressesAdded; } else { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to convert address: %1: hr = 0x%2!x!", entry.c_str(), hr)); continue; }
ipaddrCount = addressesAdded;
ASSERT(ipaddrCount <= ipList.size());
return hr; }
DWORD NetworkInterface::GetIPAddress(DWORD addressIndex) const { LOG_FUNCTION2( NetworkInterface::GetIPAddress, String::format( L"%1!d!", addressIndex));
ASSERT(initialized); ASSERT(addressIndex <= ipaddrCount);
return ipaddresses[addressIndex]; }
String NetworkInterface::GetStringIPAddress() const { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::GetStringIPAddress);
return ipaddressString; }
HRESULT NetworkInterface::GetDHCPEnabledFromWMI() { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::GetDHCPEnabledFromWMI);
do { _variant_t var;
hr = wmiAdapterObject->Get( CYS_WMIPROP_DHCPENABLED, 0, // flags, reserved, must be zero
&var, 0, // CIMTYPE
0); // origin of the property
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Unable to retrieve the IPAddress property: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
break; }
ASSERT(V_VT(&var) == (VT_BOOL));
dhcpEnabled = (V_BOOL(&var) != 0);
} while(false);
return hr; }
bool NetworkInterface::RenewDHCPLease() { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::RenewDHCPLease);
bool found = false;
do { for(DWORD i = 0; i < ipaddrCount; ++i) { found = (IsDHCPAvailableOnInterface(ipaddresses[i]) != 0); if (found) { LOG(String::format( L"Found DHCP server on: %1!x!", ipaddresses[i]));
// Then we have to reload the IP addresses because they
// may have been altered by renewing the lease
// return value is ignored
break; } } } while(false);
LOG(found ? L"true" : L"false");
return found; }
String NetworkInterface::GetDescription() const { LOG_FUNCTION(NetworkInterface::GetDescription);
String description;
do { _variant_t var;
HRESULT hr = wmiAdapterObject->Get( CYS_WMIPROP_DESCRIPTION, 0, // flags, reserved, must be zero
&var, 0, // CIMTYPE
0); // origin of the property
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Unable to retrieve the Description property: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
break; }
ASSERT(V_VT(&var) == (VT_BSTR));
description = V_BSTR(&var);
} while (false);
return description; }