// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998-2001
// File: SchedDlg.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of CConnectionScheduleDlg
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SchedDlg.h"
#include "log_gmt.h"
#include "loghrapi.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
//#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// The schedule block has been redefined to have 1 byte for every hour.
// CODEWORK These should be defined in SCHEDULE.H. JonN 2/9/98
#define INTERVAL_MASK 0x0F
#define RESERVED 0xF0
#define FIRST_15_MINUTES 0x01
#define SECOND_15_MINUTES 0x02
#define THIRD_15_MINUTES 0x04
#define FOURTH_15_MINUTES 0x08
const int NONE_PER_HOUR = 0; const int ONE_PER_HOUR = 33; const int TWO_PER_HOUR = 67; const int FOUR_PER_HOUR = 100; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ConnectionScheduleDialog ()
// Invoke a dialog to set/modify a schedule, for example
// -- the logon hours for a particular user
// -- the schedule for a connection
// Return S_OK if the user clicked on the OK button.
// Return S_FALSE if the user clicked on the Cancel button.
// Return E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory.
/// Return E_UNEXPECTED if an expected error occured (eg: bad parameter)
// Each bit in the array represents one hour. As a result, the
// expected length of the array should be (24 / 8) * 7 = 21 bytes.
// For convenience, the first day of the week is Sunday and
// the last day is Saturday.
// Consequently, the first bit of the array represents the schedule
// for Sunday during period 12 AM to 1 AM.
// - If *pprgbData is NULL, then the routine will allocate
// an array of 21 bytes using LocalAlloc (). The caller
// is responsible of releasing the memory using LocalFree ().
// - If *pprgbData is not NULL, the routine re-use the array as its
// output parameter.
// 17-Jul-97 t-danm Creation.
// 16-Sep-97 jonn Changed to UiScheduleDialog
HRESULT ConnectionScheduleDialog ( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent's window handle
BYTE ** pprgbData, // INOUT: Pointer to pointer to array of 21 bytes (one bit per hour)
LPCTSTR pszTitle) // IN: Dialog title
{ return ConnectionScheduleDialogEx (hwndParent, pprgbData, pszTitle, 0); }
HRESULT ConnectionScheduleDialogEx ( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent's window handle
BYTE ** pprgbData, // INOUT: Pointer to pointer to array of 21 bytes (one bit per hour)
LPCTSTR pszTitle, // IN: Dialog title
DWORD dwFlags) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ()); ASSERT (::IsWindow (hwndParent)); ASSERT (pprgbData); ASSERT (pszTitle); ENDORSE (NULL == *pprgbData); // TRUE => Use default logon hours (7x24)
if (*pprgbData == NULL) { BYTE * pargbData; // Pointer to allocated array of bytes
pargbData = (BYTE *)LocalAlloc (0, 7*24); // Allocate 168 bytes
if ( !pargbData ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // Set the logon hours to be valid 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
memset (OUT pargbData, -1, 7*24); *pprgbData = pargbData; }
// If hwndParent passed in, create a CWnd to pass as the parent window
CWnd* pWnd = 0; if ( ::IsWindow (hwndParent) ) { pWnd = new CWnd; if ( pWnd ) { pWnd->Attach (hwndParent); } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CConnectionScheduleDlg dlg (pWnd); dlg.SetTitle (pszTitle); dlg.SetConnectionByteArray (INOUT *pprgbData); dlg.SetFlags (dwFlags);
if (IDOK != dlg.DoModal ()) hr = S_FALSE;
// Delete CWnd
if ( pWnd ) { pWnd->Detach (); delete pWnd; }
return hr; } // ConnectionScheduleDialog ()
HRESULT ReplicationScheduleDialog ( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent's window handle
BYTE ** pprgbData, // INOUT: Pointer to pointer to array of 21 bytes (one bit per hour)
LPCTSTR pszTitle) // IN: Dialog title
{ return ReplicationScheduleDialogEx (hwndParent, pprgbData, pszTitle, 0); } // ReplicationScheduleDialog ()
HRESULT ReplicationScheduleDialogEx ( HWND hwndParent, // parent window
BYTE ** pprgbData, // pointer to pointer to array of 84 bytes
LPCTSTR pszTitle, // dialog title
DWORD dwFlags) // option flags
{ AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ()); ASSERT (::IsWindow (hwndParent)); ASSERT (pprgbData); ASSERT (pszTitle); ENDORSE (NULL == *pprgbData); // TRUE => Use default logon hours (7x24)
if (*pprgbData == NULL) { BYTE * pargbData; // Pointer to allocated array of bytes
pargbData = (BYTE *)LocalAlloc (0, 7*24); // Allocate 168 bytes
if ( !pargbData ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // Set the logon hours to be valid 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
memset (OUT pargbData, -1, 7*24); *pprgbData = pargbData; }
// If hwndParent passed in, create a CWnd to pass as the parent window
CWnd* pWnd = 0; if ( ::IsWindow (hwndParent) ) { pWnd = new CWnd; if ( pWnd ) { pWnd->Attach (hwndParent); } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CReplicationScheduleDlg dlg (pWnd); dlg.SetTitle (pszTitle); dlg.SetConnectionByteArray (INOUT *pprgbData); dlg.SetFlags (dwFlags); if (IDOK != dlg.DoModal ()) hr = S_FALSE;
// Delete CWnd
if ( pWnd ) { pWnd->Detach (); delete pWnd; }
return hr; } // ReplicationScheduleDialogEx
// CConnectionScheduleDlg dialog
CConnectionScheduleDlg::CConnectionScheduleDlg(CWnd* pParent) : CScheduleBaseDlg(CConnectionScheduleDlg::IDD, true, pParent), m_prgbData168 (0) { EnableAutomation();
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnFinalRelease() { // When the last reference for an automation object is released
// OnFinalRelease is called. The base class will automatically
// deletes the object. Add additional cleanup required for your
// object before calling the base class.
CScheduleBaseDlg::OnFinalRelease(); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CScheduleBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_NONE, m_buttonNone); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_ONE, m_buttonOne); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_TWO, m_buttonTwo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_FOUR, m_buttonFour); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg)
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// Note: we add support for IID_IDSScheduleDlg to support typesafe binding
// from VBA. This IID must match the GUID that is attached to the
// dispinterface in the .ODL file.
// {701CFB36-AEF8-11D1-9864-00C04FB94F17}
static const IID IID_IDSScheduleDlg = { 0x701cfb36, 0xaef8, 0x11d1, { 0x98, 0x64, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x4f, 0x17 } };
BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CConnectionScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) INTERFACE_PART(CConnectionScheduleDlg, IID_IDSScheduleDlg, Dispatch) END_INTERFACE_MAP()
// CConnectionScheduleDlg message handlers
BOOL CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnInitDialog() { CScheduleBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); // Set up the "none" legend
m_legendNone.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_NONE, &m_schedulematrix, NONE_PER_HOUR);
// Set up the "one" legend
m_legendOne.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_ONE, &m_schedulematrix, ONE_PER_HOUR);
// Set up the "two" legend
m_legendTwo.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_TWO, &m_schedulematrix, TWO_PER_HOUR); // Set up the "four" legend
m_legendFour.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_FOUR, &m_schedulematrix, FOUR_PER_HOUR); if ( GetFlags () & SCHED_FLAG_READ_ONLY ) { // Disable the grid settings buttons
m_buttonNone.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonOne.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonTwo.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonFour.EnableWindow (FALSE); }
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnOK() { if ( m_prgbData168 ) { GetByteArray (OUT m_prgbData168);
// Convert back the hours to GMT time.
ConvertConnectionHoursToGMT (INOUT m_prgbData168, m_bAddDaylightBias); } CScheduleBaseDlg::OnOK(); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::UpdateButtons () { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays);
// Assume in each case that all selected squares are all set one way until
// proven otherwise. These are 'int' so that I can add them up afterwards
// to assure that only one of the buttons will be checked.
int fNoneAllSet = 1; int fOneAllSet = 1; int fTwoAllSet = 1; int fFourAllSet = 1;
if (nNumHours > 0) { for (UINT iDayOfWeek = nDay; iDayOfWeek < nDay+nNumDays; iDayOfWeek++) { for (UINT iHour = nHour; iHour < nHour+nNumHours; iHour++) { switch (m_schedulematrix.GetPercentage (iHour, iDayOfWeek)) { case NONE_PER_HOUR: fOneAllSet = 0; fTwoAllSet = 0; fFourAllSet = 0; break;
case ONE_PER_HOUR: fNoneAllSet = 0; fTwoAllSet = 0; fFourAllSet = 0; break;
case TWO_PER_HOUR: fNoneAllSet = 0; fOneAllSet = 0; fFourAllSet = 0; break;
case FOUR_PER_HOUR: fNoneAllSet = 0; fOneAllSet = 0; fTwoAllSet = 0; break;
default: ASSERT (0); break; } } // for
} // for
} else { fNoneAllSet = 0; fOneAllSet = 0; fTwoAllSet = 0; fFourAllSet = 0; }
// Ensure that at most, only one of these is 'true'
ASSERT ((fNoneAllSet + fOneAllSet + fTwoAllSet + fFourAllSet <= 1)); m_buttonNone.SetCheck (fNoneAllSet); m_buttonOne.SetCheck (fOneAllSet); m_buttonTwo.SetCheck (fTwoAllSet); m_buttonFour.SetCheck (fFourAllSet); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnRadioFour() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (FOUR_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnRadioNone() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (NONE_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnRadioOne() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (ONE_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::OnRadioTwo() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (TWO_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::InitMatrix() { if ( m_prgbData168 ) { BYTE rgData[SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES]; // Array of logonhours bits
// Make a copy of the connection hours (in case the user click on cancel button)
memcpy (OUT rgData, IN m_prgbData168, sizeof (rgData)); // Convert the hours from GMT to local hours.
ConvertConnectionHoursFromGMT (INOUT rgData, m_bAddDaylightBias); // Initialize the matrix
InitMatrix2 (IN rgData); } }
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::SetConnectionByteArray(INOUT BYTE rgbData [SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES]) { ASSERT (rgbData); m_prgbData168 = rgbData; }
// This table represent the numbers of bits set in the lower nibble of the BYTE.
// 0 bits -> 0
// 1 bit -> 25
// 2 or 3 bits -> 50
// 4 bits -> 100
static BYTE setConversionTable[16] = {NONE_PER_HOUR, // 0000
ONE_PER_HOUR, // 0001
ONE_PER_HOUR, // 0010
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 0011
ONE_PER_HOUR, // 0100
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 0101
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 0110
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 0111
ONE_PER_HOUR, // 1000
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1001
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1010
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1011
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1100
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1101
TWO_PER_HOUR, // 1110
FOUR_PER_HOUR}; // 1111
UINT CConnectionScheduleDlg::GetPercentageToSet(const BYTE bData) { ASSERT ((bData & 0x0F) < 16); return setConversionTable[bData & 0x0F]; }
BYTE CConnectionScheduleDlg::GetMatrixPercentage(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { BYTE byResult = 0;
switch (m_schedulematrix.GetPercentage (nHour, nDay)) { case NONE_PER_HOUR: // value remains 0n
case ONE_PER_HOUR: byResult = FIRST_15_MINUTES; break;
case TWO_PER_HOUR: byResult = FIRST_15_MINUTES | THIRD_15_MINUTES; break;
default: ASSERT (0); break; }
return byResult; }
UINT CConnectionScheduleDlg::GetExpectedArrayLength() { return SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES; }
// Called when WM_TIMECHANGE is received
void CConnectionScheduleDlg::TimeChange() { m_buttonNone.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonOne.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonTwo.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonFour.EnableWindow (FALSE); }
// CReplicationScheduleDlg dialog
CReplicationScheduleDlg::CReplicationScheduleDlg(CWnd* pParent) : CScheduleBaseDlg(CReplicationScheduleDlg::IDD, true, pParent), m_prgbData168 (0) { EnableAutomation();
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::OnFinalRelease() { // When the last reference for an automation object is released
// OnFinalRelease is called. The base class will automatically
// deletes the object. Add additional cleanup required for your
// object before calling the base class.
CScheduleBaseDlg::OnFinalRelease(); }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CScheduleBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_NONE, m_buttonNone); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_FOUR, m_buttonFour); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg)
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// Note: we add support for IID_IDSScheduleDlg to support typesafe binding
// from VBA. This IID must match the GUID that is attached to the
// dispinterface in the .ODL file.
// {8DE6E2DA-7B4E-11d2-AC13-00C04F79DDCA}
static const IID IID_IReplicationScheduleDlg = { 0x8de6e2da, 0x7b4e, 0x11d2, { 0xac, 0x13, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0xdd, 0xca } };
BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CReplicationScheduleDlg, CScheduleBaseDlg) INTERFACE_PART(CReplicationScheduleDlg, IID_IReplicationScheduleDlg, Dispatch) END_INTERFACE_MAP()
// CReplicationScheduleDlg message handlers
BOOL CReplicationScheduleDlg::OnInitDialog() { CScheduleBaseDlg::OnInitDialog();
// Set up the "none" legend
m_legendNone.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_NONE, &m_schedulematrix, NONE_PER_HOUR);
// Set up the "four" legend
m_legendFour.Init (this, IDC_STATIC_LEGEND_FOUR, &m_schedulematrix, FOUR_PER_HOUR); if ( GetFlags () & SCHED_FLAG_READ_ONLY ) { // Disable the grid settings buttons
m_buttonNone.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonFour.EnableWindow (FALSE); }
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::OnOK() { if ( m_prgbData168 ) { GetByteArray (OUT m_prgbData168);
// Convert back the hours to GMT time.
ConvertConnectionHoursToGMT (INOUT m_prgbData168, m_bAddDaylightBias); } CScheduleBaseDlg::OnOK(); }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::UpdateButtons () { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays);
// Assume in each case that all selected squares are all set one way until
// proven otherwise. These are 'int' so that I can add them up afterwards
// to assure that only one of the buttons will be checked.
int fNoneAllSet = 1; int fFourAllSet = 1;
if (nNumHours > 0) { for (UINT iDayOfWeek = nDay; iDayOfWeek < nDay+nNumDays; iDayOfWeek++) { for (UINT iHour = nHour; iHour < nHour+nNumHours; iHour++) { switch (m_schedulematrix.GetPercentage (iHour, iDayOfWeek)) { case NONE_PER_HOUR: fFourAllSet = 0; break;
case FOUR_PER_HOUR: fNoneAllSet = 0; break;
default: ASSERT (0); break; } } // for
} // for
} else { fNoneAllSet = 0; }
ASSERT (fNoneAllSet + fFourAllSet <= 1); m_buttonNone.SetCheck (fNoneAllSet); m_buttonFour.SetCheck (fFourAllSet); }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::OnRadioFour() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (FOUR_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::OnRadioNone() { UINT nHour = 0; UINT nDay = 0; UINT nNumHours = 0; UINT nNumDays = 0;
m_schedulematrix.GetSel (OUT nHour, OUT nDay, OUT nNumHours, OUT nNumDays); if (nNumHours <= 0) return; // Nothing selected
m_schedulematrix.SetPercentage (NONE_PER_HOUR, nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays); UpdateButtons (); }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::InitMatrix() { if ( m_prgbData168 ) { BYTE rgData[SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES]; // Array of logonhours bits
// Make a copy of the connection hours (in case the user click on cancel button)
memcpy (OUT rgData, IN m_prgbData168, sizeof (rgData)); // Convert the hours from GMT to local hours.
ConvertConnectionHoursFromGMT (INOUT rgData, m_bAddDaylightBias); // Initialize the matrix
InitMatrix2 (IN rgData); } }
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::SetConnectionByteArray(INOUT BYTE rgbData [SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES]) { ASSERT (rgbData); m_prgbData168 = rgbData; }
// This table represent the numbers of bits set in the lower nibble of the BYTE.
// 0 bits -> 0
// 1 bit -> 25
// 2 or 3 bits -> 50
// 4 bits -> 100
static BYTE setConversionTableForReplication[16] = {NONE_PER_HOUR, // 0000
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0001
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0010
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0011
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0100
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0101
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0110
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 0111
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1000
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1001
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1010
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1011
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1100
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1101
FOUR_PER_HOUR, // 1110
FOUR_PER_HOUR}; // 1111
UINT CReplicationScheduleDlg::GetPercentageToSet(const BYTE bData) { ASSERT ((bData & 0x0F) < 16); return setConversionTableForReplication[bData & 0x0F]; }
BYTE CReplicationScheduleDlg::GetMatrixPercentage(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { BYTE byResult = 0;
switch (m_schedulematrix.GetPercentage (nHour, nDay)) { case NONE_PER_HOUR: // value remains 0n
default: ASSERT (0); break; }
return byResult; }
UINT CReplicationScheduleDlg::GetExpectedArrayLength() { return SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES; }
// Called when WM_TIMECHANGE is received
void CReplicationScheduleDlg::TimeChange() { m_buttonNone.EnableWindow (FALSE); m_buttonFour.EnableWindow (FALSE); }
// Converts the connection hours from local time to GMT.
void ConvertConnectionHoursToGMT (INOUT BYTE rgbData[SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES], IN bool bAddDaylightBias) { VERIFY ( ::NetpRotateLogonHoursBYTE (rgbData, SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES, TRUE, bAddDaylightBias) ); }
// Converts the connection hours from GMT to local time.
void ConvertConnectionHoursFromGMT (INOUT BYTE rgbData[SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES], IN bool bAddDaylightBias) { VERIFY ( ::NetpRotateLogonHoursBYTE (rgbData, SCHEDULE_DATA_ENTRIES, FALSE, bAddDaylightBias) ); }