#include "headers.hxx"
#include "..\CSVDSReader.hpp"
#include "..\constants.hpp"
#include "..\global.hpp"
HINSTANCE hResourceModuleHandle = 0; const wchar_t* HELPFILE_NAME = 0; // no context help available
const wchar_t* RUNTIME_NAME = L"W2KStrs";
Popup popup(L"W2KStrs", false);
// Keep all printable characters and escape the others.
// Escaping means representing the character as &xxxx
// where the x is an hexadecimal digit
// This routine also replaces & for &&
// The unescape function is in ..\global.cpp
String escape(const wchar_t *str) { LOG_FUNCTION(escape); String dest; wchar_t strNum[5];
while(*str!=0) { if(*str=='&') { dest+=L"&&"; } else { if ( (*str >= L'a' && *str <= L'z') || (*str >= L'A' && *str <= L'Z') || (*str >= L'0' && *str <= L'9') || wcschr(L" !@#$%^*()-_=+[{]}\"';:.>,</?\\|",*str)!=NULL ) { dest+=*str; } else { // I know that a w_char as a string will have
// exactly 4 hexadecimal digits, so this is one of
// the very rare wsprintfs that can be considered safe :)
wsprintf(strNum,L"&%04x",*str); dest+=String(strNum); } } str++; } return dest; }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance */ , LPSTR /*lpszCmdLine, */, int /*nCmdShow */) { LOG_FUNCTION(WinMain);
int argv; LPWSTR *argc=CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(),&argv);
if(argv!=3) { MessageBox(NULL,L"Usage: W2KStrs dcpromo2k.csv out.txt",L"Error",MB_OK); return 0; }
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HANDLE file=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; const wchar_t *W2KFile =argc[1]; const wchar_t *outFile =argc[2];
do { CSVDSReader csvIntlW2K; hr=csvIntlW2K.read(W2KFile,LOCALEIDS); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr=FS::CreateFile( outFile, file, GENERIC_WRITE); if FAILED(hr) { MessageBox(NULL,L"Problems during generation",L"Error",MB_OK); LOG_HRESULT(hr); return hr; }
for(long l=0;LOCALEIDS[l]!=0;l++) { for( long i = 0; *(CHANGE_LIST[i].object)!=0; i++) { wchar_t *object = CHANGE_LIST[i].object; for( long c = 0; *(CHANGE_LIST[i].changes[c].property)!=0; c++) { enum TYPE_OF_CHANGE type; type = CHANGE_LIST[i].changes[c].type; if( type == REPLACE_W2K_SINGLE_VALUE || type == REPLACE_W2K_MULTIPLE_VALUE ) { wchar_t *property = CHANGE_LIST[i].changes[c].property; wchar_t *value = CHANGE_LIST[i].changes[c].value; long locale = LOCALEIDS[l]; String W2KValue;
// The goal of if and else is getting the W2KValue
if(type==REPLACE_W2K_SINGLE_VALUE) { StringList valuesW2K; hr=csvIntlW2K.getCsvValues(locale,object,property,valuesW2K); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
if(valuesW2K.size()==0) { error=L"No values"; hr=E_FAIL; break; }
if (valuesW2K.size()!=1) { error=L"Size should be 1"; hr=E_FAIL; break; }
W2KValue=*valuesW2K.begin(); } else { // type == REPLACE_W2K_MULTIPLE_VALUE
String sW2KXP(value+2); // +2 for index and comma
StringList lW2KXP; size_t cnt=sW2KXP.tokenize(back_inserter(lW2KXP),L";"); if(cnt!=2) { error=L"There should be two strings (W2K and XP)"; hr=E_FAIL; break; } hr=csvIntlW2K.getCsvValue( locale, object, property, lW2KXP.begin()->c_str(), W2KValue );
if(W2KValue.size()==0) { error=L"Did not find value(s)",L"Error"; hr=E_FAIL; break; }
size_t pos=W2KValue.find(L','); if(pos==String::npos) { error=L"MultipleValue without comma",L"Error"; hr=E_FAIL; break; }
} // by now the W2KValue is loaded
// The test sequence
// This test sequence is usefull when you already have
// replaceW2KStrs from a previous run and you want to
// test that the strings have been correctly
// retrieved, encoded and decoded
//pair<long,long> tmpIndxLoc;
//String tmpValue=replaceW2KStrs[tmpIndxLoc];
//if (tmpValue!=W2KValue)
long index = *value;
hr=FS::WriteLine(file, String::format(L"tmpIndxLoc.first=%1!d!;",index)); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr=FS::WriteLine(file, String::format(L"tmpIndxLoc.second=0x%1!3x!;",locale)); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); hr=FS::Write ( file, String::format ( L"replaceW2KStrs[tmpIndxLoc]=L\"%1\";\r\n", escape( W2KValue.c_str() ).c_str() ) ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } // if(changes[c].change== is REPLACE multiple or single
} // for c (for each change in the entry)
BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); }// for i (for each entry in the change list)
BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); }// for l (for each locale)
BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } while(0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { MessageBox(NULL,L"Problems during generation",L"Error",MB_OK); } else { MessageBox(NULL,L"Generation Successfull",L"Success",MB_OK); }
LOG_HRESULT(hr); return 1; }