// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: _deltemp.cpp
CSchemaClassInfo* _FindClassByName(LPCWSTR lpszClassName, CGrowableArr<CSchemaClassInfo>* pSchemaClassesInfoArray) { int nCount = (int) pSchemaClassesInfoArray->GetCount(); for (int k=0; k < nCount; k++) { if (wcscmp(lpszClassName, (*pSchemaClassesInfoArray)[k]->GetName()) == 0) return (*pSchemaClassesInfoArray)[k]; } TRACE(L"_FindClassByName(%s) failed\n", lpszClassName); return NULL; }
// CTemplateClassReferences
class CTemplateClassReferences { public: CTemplateClassReferences() { m_pClassInfo = NULL; m_bScopeClass = FALSE; } CSchemaClassInfo* m_pClassInfo; BOOL m_bScopeClass; CTemplateObjectTypeListRef m_templateObjectListRef; };
// CTemplateClassReferencesList
class CTemplateClassReferencesList : public CPtrList<CTemplateClassReferences*> { public: CTemplateClassReferencesList() : CPtrList<CTemplateClassReferences*>(FALSE) { } CTemplateClassReferences* FindReference(LPCWSTR lpszClassName) { CTemplateClassReferencesList::iterator i; for (i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { CTemplateClassReferences* p = (*i); ASSERT(p != NULL); if (p->m_pClassInfo != NULL) { if (wcscmp(p->m_pClassInfo->GetName(),lpszClassName) == 0) { return p; } } }
return NULL; }
// CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder
CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder(CSchemaClassInfo* pClassInfo, BOOL bScopeClass) : CAccessPermissionsHolderBase(FALSE) { ASSERT(pClassInfo != NULL); m_pClassInfo = pClassInfo; m_bScopeClass = bScopeClass; }
CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::~CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder() { Clear(); }
HRESULT CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_LoadAccessRightInfoArrayFromTable( BOOL /*bIgnore*/ ,BOOL /*bIgnore*/) {
for(_ACCESS_BIT_MAP* pCurrEntry = (_ACCESS_BIT_MAP*)GetTemplateAccessRightsMap(); pCurrEntry->lpsz != NULL; pCurrEntry++) { CAccessRightInfo* pInfo = new CAccessRightInfo();
if( !pInfo ) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); pInfo->m_szDisplayName = pCurrEntry->lpsz; pInfo->m_fAccess = pCurrEntry->fMask;
TRACE(L"Display Name = <%s>, Access = 0x%x\n", pInfo->m_szDisplayName.c_str(), pInfo->m_fAccess); m_accessRightInfoArr.Add(pInfo); }
TRACE(L"\nCTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_LoadAccessRightInfoArrayFromTable() exiting\n\n"); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::GetAccessPermissions(CAdsiObject* pADSIObj) { ASSERT(m_pClassInfo != NULL); return ReadDataFromDS(pADSIObj, pADSIObj->GetNamingContext(), m_pClassInfo->GetName(), m_pClassInfo->GetSchemaGUID(), TRUE);
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::SetupFromClassReferences(CTemplateObjectTypeListRef* pRefList) { ASSERT(pRefList != NULL);
TRACE(L"\nStart setting up permission holder <%s> from template class references\n\n", m_pClassInfo->GetName());
// now go through the list of object list references and set
CTemplateObjectTypeListRef refListValidObjectTypes; // keep track of how many suceeded
CTemplateObjectTypeListRef::iterator iObjectType; for (iObjectType = pRefList->begin(); iObjectType != pRefList->end(); ++iObjectType) { BOOL bSet = FALSE; CTemplateObjectType* pObjectType = (*iObjectType); ASSERT(pObjectType != NULL);
CTemplatePermissionList* pPermissionList = pObjectType->GetPermissionList(); CTemplatePermissionList::iterator iPermission;
for (iPermission = pPermissionList->begin(); iPermission != pPermissionList->end(); ++iPermission) { CTemplatePermission* pTemplatePermission = (*iPermission); ASSERT(pTemplatePermission != NULL);
// need to match the permission type
if (pTemplatePermission->GetAccessMask() == 0x0) { // this is a control right
if (_SetControlRight(pTemplatePermission->GetControlRight())) { bSet = TRUE; } } else { if (_SetAccessMask(pTemplatePermission->GetName(), pTemplatePermission->GetAccessMask())) { bSet = TRUE; } } } // for permission
if (bSet) { // we succeded with the current one, so keep track of it
refListValidObjectTypes.push_back(pObjectType); }
} // for object type
// verify we got something valid
size_t nValidCount = refListValidObjectTypes.size(); if (nValidCount == 0) { TRACE(L"Failed to set up permission holder: no valid references\n"); return FALSE; // nothing was set
TRACE(L"Setting up permission holder succeeded\n");
return TRUE; // got valid data
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_SetControlRight(LPCWSTR lpszControlRight) { // need to find the control right and select it
UINT nRightCount = (UINT) m_controlRightInfoArr.GetCount(); for (UINT k=0; k < nRightCount; k++) { //TRACE(L"_SetControlRight() comparing <%s> with <%s>\n", m_controlRightInfoArr[k]->GetDisplayName(), lpszControlRight);
//NOTICE: we try to map both the display name or raw display name,
// just in case somebody uses one or the other in the template
if ( (wcscmp(m_controlRightInfoArr[k]->GetLocalizedName(), lpszControlRight) == 0) || (wcscmp(m_controlRightInfoArr[k]->GetLdapDisplayName(), lpszControlRight) == 0) ) { TRACE(L"_SetControlRight(%s) found a match\n", lpszControlRight); m_controlRightInfoArr[k]->Select(TRUE); return TRUE; } } // for
TRACE(L"_SetControlRight(%s) failed to find a match\n", lpszControlRight); return FALSE; }
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_SetAccessMask(LPCWSTR lpszName, ULONG fAccessMask) { // is it the @ for "this class"
// general rights
if (wcscmp(lpszName, g_lpszThisObject) == 0) { return _SetGeneralRighs(fAccessMask); } // try property rights ( read or write)
if (_SetPropertyRight(lpszName, fAccessMask)) return TRUE;
// try subobject rigths (create or delete)
if (_SetSubObjectRight(lpszName, fAccessMask)) return TRUE;
TRACE(L"_SetAccessMask(%s, 0x%x) failed to find a match\n", lpszName, fAccessMask); return FALSE; // no matching
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_SetGeneralRighs(ULONG fAccessMask) { // if full control, just select the first item in the selection array
if (fAccessMask == _GRANT_ALL) { TRACE(L"_SetGeneralRighs(0x%x) granting full control\n", fAccessMask); m_accessRightInfoArr[0]->Select(TRUE); return TRUE; }
// try to map into the array of general rights
BOOL bSet = FALSE; UINT nRightCount = (UINT) m_accessRightInfoArr.GetCount(); for (ULONG k=0; k<nRightCount; k++) { if (m_accessRightInfoArr[k]->GetAccess() == fAccessMask) { TRACE(L"_SetGeneralRighs(0x%x) granting %s (0x%x)\n", fAccessMask, m_accessRightInfoArr[k]->GetDisplayName(), m_accessRightInfoArr[k]->GetAccess()); m_accessRightInfoArr[k]->Select(TRUE); bSet = TRUE; } } // for
return bSet; }
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_SetPropertyRight(LPCWSTR lpszName, ULONG fAccessMask) { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_propertyRightInfoArray.GetCount(); i++) { if (wcscmp(lpszName, m_propertyRightInfoArray[i]->GetName()) == 0) { // we found a matching property name
BOOL bSet = FALSE; for (UINT j=0; j< m_propertyRightInfoArray[i]->GetRightCount(); j++) { if ((fAccessMask & m_propertyRightInfoArray[i]->GetRight(j)) != 0) { // we found a matching right
TRACE(L"Setting property %s \n", m_propertyRightInfoArray[i]->GetRightDisplayString(j)); m_propertyRightInfoArray[i]->SetRight(j, TRUE); bSet = TRUE; } } // for j
return bSet; } // if
} // for i
//TRACE(L"_SetPropertyRight(%s, 0x%x) failed to match\n", lpszName, fAccessMask);
return FALSE; // did not find anything
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::_SetSubObjectRight(LPCWSTR lpszName, ULONG fAccessMask) { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_classRightInfoArray.GetCount(); i++) { if (wcscmp(lpszName, m_classRightInfoArray[i]->GetName()) == 0) { // we found a matching class name
BOOL bSet = FALSE; for (UINT j=0; j< m_classRightInfoArray[i]->GetRightCount(); j++) { if ((fAccessMask & m_classRightInfoArray[i]->GetRight(j)) != 0) { // we found a matching right
TRACE(L"Setting subobject right %s\n", m_classRightInfoArray[i]->GetRightDisplayString(j)); m_classRightInfoArray[i]->SetRight(j, TRUE); bSet = TRUE; } } // for j
return bSet; } // if
} // for i
//TRACE(L"_SetSubObjectRight(%s, 0x%x) failed to match\n", lpszName, fAccessMask);
return FALSE; // did not find anything
DWORD CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder::UpdateAccessList(CPrincipal* pPrincipal, LPCWSTR lpszServerName, LPCWSTR lpszPhysicalSchemaNamingContext, PACL *ppAcl ) { // just call base class function with the embedded info
ASSERT(m_pClassInfo != NULL);
CSchemaClassInfo* pClassInfo = m_pClassInfo; if (m_bScopeClass) { pClassInfo = NULL; } return CAccessPermissionsHolderBase::UpdateAccessList(pPrincipal, pClassInfo, lpszServerName, lpszPhysicalSchemaNamingContext, ppAcl); }
// CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::LoadTemplates() { // REVIEW_MARCOC: need to load from registry
// need to ask Praerit about the details
return m_templateManager.Load(L"delegwiz.inf"); }
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::HasTemplates(LPCWSTR lpszClass) { return m_templateManager.HasTemplates(lpszClass); }
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::HasSelectedTemplates() { return m_templateManager.HasSelectedTemplates(); }
void CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::DeselectAll() { m_templateManager.DeselectAll(); }
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager:: InitPermissionHoldersFromSelectedTemplates(CGrowableArr<CSchemaClassInfo>* pSchemaClassesInfoArray, CAdsiObject* pADSIObj) { TRACE(L"\n\nInitPermissionHoldersFromSelectedTemplates()\n\n");
// reset the array of permission holders
CTemplateClassReferencesList templateClassReferencesList; LPCWSTR lpszScopeClass = pADSIObj->GetClass();
// loop on all templates that apply to this scope class and are selected
CTemplateList::iterator iTemplate; CTemplateList* pTemplateList = m_templateManager.GetTemplateList();
for (iTemplate = pTemplateList->begin(); iTemplate != pTemplateList->end(); ++iTemplate) { CTemplate* pTemplate = (*iTemplate); ASSERT(pTemplate != NULL);
// the template must apply to this class and be selected
if (pTemplate->AppliesToClass(lpszScopeClass) && pTemplate->m_bSelected) { // loop on all the pertinent object types in the template
CTemplateObjectTypeList* pObjectTypeList = pTemplate->GetObjectTypeList(); CTemplateObjectTypeList::iterator iObjectType;
for (iObjectType = pObjectTypeList->begin(); iObjectType != pObjectTypeList->end(); ++iObjectType) { CTemplateObjectType* pObjectType = (*iObjectType); ASSERT(pObjectType != NULL);
LPCWSTR lpszCurrentClassName = pObjectType->GetObjectName();
// does the object type refer to the SCOPE keyword?
BOOL bScopeClass = (wcscmp(g_lpszScope, lpszCurrentClassName) == 0); if (!bScopeClass) { // if not, does the object type refer to the scope class?
bScopeClass = (wcscmp(lpszScopeClass, lpszCurrentClassName) == 0); }
// see if we already have a reference to it
CTemplateClassReferences* pClassReference = templateClassReferencesList.FindReference(lpszCurrentClassName);
if (pClassReference == NULL) { // not seen before can we find the class into the schema?
CSchemaClassInfo* pChildClassInfo = _FindClassByName(bScopeClass ? lpszScopeClass : lpszCurrentClassName, pSchemaClassesInfoArray);
if (pChildClassInfo != NULL) { // found the class, create a new reference
pClassReference = new CTemplateClassReferences(); pClassReference->m_pClassInfo = pChildClassInfo; pClassReference->m_bScopeClass = bScopeClass;
// add it to the reference list
templateClassReferencesList.push_back(pClassReference); } }
if (pClassReference != NULL) { // we have a valid class reference
ASSERT(pClassReference->m_bScopeClass == bScopeClass); ASSERT(pClassReference->m_pClassInfo != NULL);
// add the object type
pClassReference->m_templateObjectListRef.push_back(pObjectType); } } // for all object types
} // if applicable template
} // for all templates
// now we have a list of references to work on
// for each reference we have to create a permission holder and set it
CTemplateClassReferencesList::iterator iClassRef; for (iClassRef = templateClassReferencesList.begin(); iClassRef != templateClassReferencesList.end(); ++iClassRef) { CTemplateClassReferences* pClassRef = (*iClassRef); ASSERT(pClassRef != NULL);
TRACE(L"\nStart processing class references for class <%s>\n", pClassRef->m_pClassInfo->GetName());
// for the given class reference, need to retain the class info
CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder* pPermissionHolder = new CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder(pClassRef->m_pClassInfo, pClassRef->m_bScopeClass);
HRESULT hr = pPermissionHolder->GetAccessPermissions(pADSIObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pPermissionHolder->SetupFromClassReferences(&(pClassRef->m_templateObjectListRef))) { // successfully set up, can add to the list
m_permissionHolderArray.Add(pPermissionHolder); pPermissionHolder = NULL; } }
if (pPermissionHolder != NULL) { TRACE(L"Invalid class references, throwing away permission holder\n"); // invalid one, just throw away
delete pPermissionHolder; } TRACE(L"End processing class references for class <%s>\n", pClassRef->m_pClassInfo->GetName());
} // for each class reference
TRACE(L"\nInitPermissionHoldersFromSelectedTemplates() has %d valid holders\n\n\n", m_permissionHolderArray.GetCount());
// we must have at least a valid and set template holder
return m_permissionHolderArray.GetCount() > 0; }
DWORD CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::UpdateAccessList( CPrincipal* pPrincipal, LPCWSTR lpszServerName, LPCWSTR lpszPhysicalSchemaNamingContext, PACL *ppAcl) { // apply each permission holder in the list
long nCount = (long) m_permissionHolderArray.GetCount(); for (long k=0; k<nCount; k++) { CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolder* pCurrHolder = m_permissionHolderArray[k]; DWORD dwErr = pCurrHolder->UpdateAccessList(pPrincipal, lpszServerName, lpszPhysicalSchemaNamingContext, ppAcl); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr; } return 0; }
///////////////// UI related operations //////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::FillTemplatesListView( CCheckListViewHelper* pListViewHelper, LPCWSTR lpszClass) { // clear check list
ULONG iListViewItem = 0;
CTemplateList::iterator i; CTemplateList* pList = m_templateManager.GetTemplateList(); for (i = pList->begin(); i != pList->end(); ++i) { CTemplate* p = (*i); ASSERT(p != NULL); if (p->AppliesToClass(lpszClass)) { pListViewHelper->InsertItem(iListViewItem, p->GetDescription(), (LPARAM)p, p->m_bSelected); iListViewItem++; } }
return (iListViewItem > 0); }
void CTemplateAccessPermissionsHolderManager::WriteSummary(CWString& szSummary, LPCWSTR lpszIdent, LPCWSTR lpszNewLine) { WriteSummaryTitleLine(szSummary, IDS_DELEGWIZ_FINISH_TEMPLATE, lpszNewLine);
CTemplateList::iterator i; CTemplateList* pList = m_templateManager.GetTemplateList(); for (i = pList->begin(); i != pList->end(); ++i) { CTemplate* p = (*i); ASSERT(p != NULL); if (p->m_bSelected) { WriteSummaryLine(szSummary, p->GetDescription(), lpszIdent, lpszNewLine); } } szSummary += lpszNewLine; }