// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: wizbase.h
#ifndef _WIZBASE_H
#define _WIZBASE_H
#include "util.h"
// CWizardBase
class CWizardBase : public CPropertySheet { public: // construction/ destruction
CWizardBase(UINT nWatermarkBitmapID, UINT nBannerBitmapID, UINT nTitleID = -1) { m_psh.hplWatermark = NULL; m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_WIZARD | PSH_WIZARD97 | PSH_WATERMARK | PSH_HEADER; m_psh.pszbmWatermark = MAKEINTRESOURCE(nWatermarkBitmapID); m_psh.pszbmHeader = MAKEINTRESOURCE(nBannerBitmapID);
m_bFwd = TRUE; m_nTitleID = nTitleID; } virtual ~CWizardBase(){}
// message map
// message handlers
LRESULT OnNcDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { // NOTICE: important!!!. BUG workaround.
// We have to handle this message because we use ATL 2.1
// The DECLARE_EMPTY_MSG_MAP() macro in the new ATLWIN.H
// works only with the modified CWindowImplBase::WindowProc()
return DefWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// helpers for setting wizard buttons
void SetWizardButtonsFirst(BOOL bValid) { SetWizardButtons(bValid ? PSWIZB_NEXT : 0); } void SetWizardButtonsMiddle(BOOL bValid) { SetWizardButtons(bValid ? (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_NEXT) : PSWIZB_BACK); } void SetWizardButtonsLast(BOOL bValid) { SetWizardButtons(bValid ? (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_FINISH) : (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH)); }
// message box helpers
int WizMessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nType = MB_OK) { CWString szTitle; szTitle.LoadFromResource(m_nTitleID); return MessageBox(lpszText, szTitle, nType); } int WizMessageBox(UINT nMsgID, UINT nType = MB_OK) { CWString szMsg; szMsg.LoadFromResource(nMsgID); return WizMessageBox(szMsg, nType); }
// error message helpers
void WizReportHRESULTError(LPCWSTR lpszMsg, HRESULT hr) { CWString szErrorString; if (GetStringFromHRESULTError(hr, szErrorString)) { CWString szTemp; szTemp = lpszMsg; szTemp += L" "; szTemp += szErrorString; WizMessageBox(szTemp); } else { WizMessageBox(lpszMsg); } } void WizReportHRESULTError(UINT nStringID, HRESULT hr) { CWString szMsg; szMsg.LoadFromResource(nStringID); WizReportHRESULTError(szMsg, hr); } void WizReportWin32Error(LPCWSTR lpszMsg, DWORD dwErr) { CWString szErrorString; if (GetStringFromWin32Error(dwErr, szErrorString)) { CWString szTemp; szTemp = lpszMsg; szTemp += L" "; szTemp += szErrorString; WizMessageBox(szTemp); } else { WizMessageBox(lpszMsg); } } void WizReportWin32Error(UINT nStringID, DWORD dwErr) { CWString szMsg; szMsg.LoadFromResource(nStringID); WizReportWin32Error(szMsg, dwErr); }
public: BOOL m_bFwd;
private: UINT m_nTitleID; };
// CWizPageBase
template <class T> class CWizPageBase : public CPropertyPageImpl<T> { public: CWizPageBase(CWizardBase* pWiz) { m_pWiz = pWiz; m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf = NULL; m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf = NULL; m_nPrevPageID = 0; } ~CWizPageBase() { if (m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf != NULL) delete[] m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf; if (m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf != NULL) delete[] m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf; }
CWizardBase* GetWizard() { return m_pWiz; } void InitWiz97(BOOL bHideHeader, UINT nTitleID=0, UINT nSubTitleID=0) { if (bHideHeader) m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_HIDEHEADER; else { int nBufferMax = 128; if (nTitleID != 0) { m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf = new TCHAR[nBufferMax]; if( m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf ) { if (LoadStringHelper(nTitleID, m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf, nBufferMax)) { m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; m_psp.pszHeaderTitle = m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf; } } } if (nSubTitleID != 0) { m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf = new TCHAR[nBufferMax]; if(m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf ) { LoadStringHelper(nSubTitleID, m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf, nBufferMax); m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; m_psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf; } } } }
public: // standard wizard message handlers
LRESULT OnWizardBack() { m_pWiz->m_bFwd = FALSE; UINT nTempPrevPageID = m_nPrevPageID; m_nPrevPageID = 0; return nTempPrevPageID; }
LRESULT OnWizardNext() { OnWizardNextHelper(); return 0; }
void OnWizardNextHelper() { m_pWiz->m_bFwd = TRUE; }
public: UINT m_nPrevPageID;
private: CWizardBase* m_pWiz; LPTSTR m_lpszHeaderTitleBuf; LPTSTR m_lpszHeaderSubTitleBuf;
#endif // _WIZBASE_H