// Purpose: CPolledGetObjectDataCollector class to do WMI instance collection.
// Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "pgde.h"
#include "system.h"
extern CSystem* g_pSystem;
// Construction/Destruction
CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CPolledGetObjectDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector...", 1);
m_pRefresher = NULL; m_pConfigureRefresher = NULL; m_pEnum = NULL; m_pObjAccess = NULL; m_lId = 0; m_szObjectPath = NULL; m_deType = HM_PGDE; m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0; m_pEnumObjs = NULL; m_pCallResult = NULL;
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector...", 1); }
CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::~CPolledGetObjectDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** ~CPolledGetObjectDataCollector...", 1);
if (m_szObjectPath) { delete [] m_szObjectPath; }
if (m_pRefresher != NULL) { m_pRefresher->Release(); m_pRefresher = NULL; }
if (m_pConfigureRefresher != NULL) { m_pConfigureRefresher->Release(); m_pConfigureRefresher = NULL; }
if (m_pEnum != NULL) { m_pEnum->Release(); m_pEnum = NULL; }
if (m_pObjAccess != NULL) { m_pObjAccess->Release(); m_pObjAccess = NULL; }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** ~CPolledGetObjectDataCollector...", 1); }
// Load a single DataCollector, and everything under it.
HRESULT CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(IWbemClassObject* pObj, CDataGroup *pParentDG, LPTSTR pszParentObjPath, BOOL bModifyPass/*FALSE*/) { HRESULT hRes; IWbemClassObject* pConfigObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; HRESULT hRetRes = S_OK; int i, iSize; CThreshold* pThreshold;
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; if (pThreshold->m_bValidLoad == FALSE) return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; // return S_OK;
if (m_szObjectPath) { delete [] m_szObjectPath; m_szObjectPath = NULL; } m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0;
// Call the base class to load the common properties. Then do the specific ones.
hRetRes = CDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(pObj, pParentDG, pszParentObjPath, bModifyPass); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) return hRetRes;
// Get the GUID property
hRetRes = GetStrProperty(pObj, L"ObjectPath", &m_szObjectPath); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error;
// Decide if the path sets us up for multiple instances
if (wcschr(m_szObjectPath, L'=')) { m_bMultiInstance = FALSE; } else { m_bMultiInstance = TRUE; }
// Check to see if the High Performance interfaces are supported
// Otherwise we just revert to less efficient WMI interfaces
hRes = E_UNEXPECTED; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { } else { m_pRefresher = NULL; bRetValue = FALSE; }
if (bModifyPass) { }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); return S_OK;
error: MY_ASSERT(FALSE); m_bValidLoad = FALSE; Cleanup(FALSE); return hRetRes; }
// Get the instance out of WMI, and store all the properties we care about.
// Also calculate statistics for them.
BOOL CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstance(void) { BSTR bstrName = NULL; TCHAR szTemp[1024]; HRESULT hRes; IWbemClassObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; PNSTRUCT *ppn; INSTSTRUCT inst; INSTSTRUCT *pinst; int i, j, iSize, jSize; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; CThreshold *pThreshold; IRSSTRUCT *pirs; ACTUALINSTSTRUCT *pActualInst;
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1);
m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0;
if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { //XXX m_lCurrState = HM_CRITICAL;
MY_ASSERT(FALSE); m_ulErrorCode = HMRES_BADWMI; GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_BADWMI, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); return FALSE; }
// First we can tell if this is going to be single instance, or multi-instance
//XXXCould split this out into four functions that call from here.
if (m_bMultiInstance==TRUE) { //XXXNeed to change this to be asyncronous???
// Check to see if the High Performance interfaces are supported
if (m_pRefresher!=NULL) { // Ask for the refresh
#ifdef SAVE
hRes = m_pRefresher->Refresh(0L); if (FAILED(hRes)) { } #endif
// Now get the instance
} else { //
// We get an instance at a time, so we can set all to not needed first,
// then go through them, do StoreValues... and delete what is not needed.
// Mark each instance, so we can tell if we still need them.
iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_pnList.size()); ppn = &m_pnList[i]; jSize = ppn->instList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize ; j++) { MY_ASSERT(j<ppn->instList.size()); pinst = &ppn->instList[j]; pinst->bNeeded = FALSE; } }
// Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector
iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; jSize = pThreshold->m_irsList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize; j++) { MY_ASSERT(j<pThreshold->m_irsList.size()); pirs = &pThreshold->m_irsList[j]; pirs->bNeeded = FALSE; } }
iSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (i=0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_actualInstList.size()); pActualInst = &m_actualInstList[i]; pActualInst->bNeeded = FALSE; }
// Enumerate through the instances
bstrName = SysAllocString(m_szObjectPath); m_pEnumObjs = NULL; hRes = m_pIWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum(bstrName, WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW|WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY|WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &m_pEnumObjs); if (hRes != S_OK) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PGDE-Unexpected Error: 0x%08x",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"bstrName was=%s",bstrName,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"CreateInstanceEnum(%s)",m_szObjectPath,4); } else { m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = TRUE; bRetValue = CollectInstanceSemiSync(); } SysFreeString(bstrName); } } else { //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//We should just always use the multi-instance code, and delete this code.
//The multi-instance code will still work in the single instance case!!!!!
// Check to see if the High Performance interfaces are supported
if (m_pRefresher!=NULL) { // Ask for the refresh
#ifdef SAVE
hRes = m_pRefresher->Refresh(0L); if (FAILED(hRes)) { } #endif
// Now get the instances
} else { //
// Mark each instance, so we can tell if we still need them.
iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_pnList.size()); ppn = &m_pnList[i]; jSize = ppn->instList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize ; j++) { MY_ASSERT(j<ppn->instList.size()); pinst = &ppn->instList[j]; pinst->bNeeded = FALSE; } }
// Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector
iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; jSize = pThreshold->m_irsList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize; j++) { MY_ASSERT(j<pThreshold->m_irsList.size()); pirs = &pThreshold->m_irsList[j]; pirs->bNeeded = FALSE; } }
iSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (i=0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_actualInstList.size()); pActualInst = &m_actualInstList[i]; pActualInst->bNeeded = FALSE; }
// This is the single instance, NON-HighPerformance case
swprintf(szTemp, L"%s", m_szObjectPath); hRes = GetWbemObjectInstSemiSync(&m_pIWbemServices, szTemp, m_pContext, &m_pCallResult); if (hRes != S_OK || m_pCallResult == NULL) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PGDE-Unexpected Error: 0x%08x",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"CreateWbemObjectInstSemiSync(%s)",m_szObjectPath,4); } else { m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = TRUE; bRetValue = CollectInstanceSemiSync(); } } }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1); return bRetValue; }
BOOL CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync(void) { LPTSTR pszID = NULL; HRESULT hRes; IWbemClassObject *pObj; IWbemClassObject *apObj[10]; INSTSTRUCT inst; long lStatus; ULONG uReturned = 0;
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync...", 1);
if (m_bMultiInstance==TRUE) { MY_ASSERT(m_pEnumObjs); // We never want to block here, so we set it for zero second timeout,
// and have it return immediatly what it has available.
hRes = m_pEnumObjs->Next(0, 10, apObj, &uReturned);
if (hRes == WBEM_S_TIMEDOUT) { // Didn't get full list of instances yet.
if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } return FALSE; } else if (hRes == WBEM_S_FALSE) { //
// Means that we are done. The number returned was less than asked for.
// But we still process what we did recieve to finish it off.
// Add in a fake instance for the number of instances returned.
if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } else { m_ulErrorCode = 0; StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); //XXXWhy was this here??? m_lCurrState = HM_GOOD;
return TRUE; } } else if (hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { // Means that we have an instance, The number returned was what was requested
} else { MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PGDE-Unexpected Error MultiInstance Next(): 0x%08x",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"ObjectPath was=%s",m_szObjectPath,4); m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_ENUMFAIL, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; }
if (apObj[0] == NULL) { //
// NULL in this case can actually happen. An example is where the
// threshold is to see if the SQL Server service is running. If it
// is not even on the machine, then we would get an error looking
// for its instance.
m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); } else { MY_ASSERT(uReturned>=1); if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } // else
// {
// m_ulErrorCode = 0;
// }
} } else { MY_ASSERT(m_pCallResult); lStatus = 0; //
// Keep trying until we get WBEM_S_NO_ERROR. Then we know the GetObject call has completed.
// hRes will contain the result of the origional GetObject call if needed.
hRes = m_pCallResult->GetCallStatus(0, &lStatus); if (hRes == WBEM_S_TIMEDOUT) { return FALSE; } else if (hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { // Means that we are done.
// HOWEVER, we don't know if we ever retrieved any instances!
// This is different from the multi-instance case, because we do
// ask for a single specific instance, and will know below if it is there!
} else { MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PGDE-Unexpected Error SingleInstance GetCallStatus: 0x%08x",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"ObjectPath was=%s",m_szObjectPath,4); m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; }
// This may mean that the call completed, and the object was not found (e.g. bad path).
if (lStatus != 0) { MY_HRESASSERT(lStatus); m_ulErrorCode = lStatus; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, lStatus, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; }
// Get the Object finaly.
hRes = m_pCallResult->GetResultObject(0, &pObj); if (pObj == NULL) { MY_ASSERT(FALSE); //
// NULL in this case can actually happen. An example is where the
// threshold is to see if the SQL Server service is running. If it
// is not even on the machine, then we would get an error looking
// for its instance.
m_lCurrState = HM_WARNING; m_ulErrorCode = 0; EnumDone(); } else { //
// Figure out the key property name to identify instances with.
hRes = GetInstanceID(pObj, &pszID); if (hRes != S_OK) { pObj->Release(); m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; } //
// Mark instances need to keep around, and add new ones
hRes = CheckInstanceExistance(pObj, pszID); if (hRes != S_OK) { delete [] pszID; pObj->Release(); m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; }
m_lNumInstancesCollected = 1; StoreValues(pObj, pszID); delete [] pszID; pObj->Release(); pObj = NULL;
// We are done.
// Add in a fake instance for the number of instances returned.
m_ulErrorCode = 0; StoreStandardProperties(); m_lCurrState = HM_GOOD; EnumDone(); } return TRUE; }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync...", 1); return FALSE; }
BOOL CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::ProcessObjects(ULONG uReturned, IWbemClassObject **apObj) { HRESULT hRes; LPTSTR pszID; ULONG n; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE;
for (n = 0; n < uReturned; n++) { if (g_pSystem->m_lNumInstancesAccepted <m_lNumInstancesCollected) { m_ulErrorCode = HMRES_TOOMANYINSTS; GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_TOOMANYINSTS, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; break; } //Why does the above cause ASSERT on 1151 of Threshold.cpp???
// Figure out the key property name to identify instances with.
hRes = GetInstanceID(apObj[n], &pszID); if (hRes != S_OK) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; break; }
// Special case to throw out the "_Total" instance in the multi-instance case
if (!_wcsicmp(pszID, L"_total")) { delete [] pszID; continue; }
// Mark instances need to keep around, and add new ones
hRes = CheckInstanceExistance(apObj[n], pszID); if (hRes != S_OK) { delete [] pszID; m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; break; }
// Now store each property that we need to for this instance
m_lNumInstancesCollected++; StoreValues(apObj[n], pszID);
delete [] pszID; }
for (n = 0; n < uReturned; n++) { apObj[n]->Release(); apObj[n] = NULL; } return bRetValue; }
//XXXIs EnumDone needed in all cases, if so place it in the base class
BOOL CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::EnumDone(void) { IRSSTRUCT *pirs; IWbemClassObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; PNSTRUCT *ppn; INSTSTRUCT inst; INSTSTRUCT *pinst; int i, j, iSize, jSize; CThreshold *pThreshold; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; INSTLIST::iterator iaPINST; IRSLIST::iterator iaPIRS; ACTUALINSTLIST::iterator iaPAI; ACTUALINSTSTRUCT *pActualInst;
//XXXAdd similar code to get rid of what is not needed in the m_instList
//XXXOnce again take common code and place it in the base class!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv
// Now loop through and get rid of instances that are no longer around
iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_pnList.size()); ppn = &m_pnList[i]; iaPINST = ppn->instList.begin(); jSize = ppn->instList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPINST ; j++) { pinst = iaPINST; if (pinst->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pinst->szInstanceID) delete [] pinst->szInstanceID; if (pinst->szCurrValue) delete [] pinst->szCurrValue; pinst->szCurrValue = NULL; iaPINST = ppn->instList.erase(iaPINST); } else { iaPINST++; } } }
// Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector
iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; iaPIRS = pThreshold->m_irsList.begin(); jSize = pThreshold->m_irsList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPIRS ; j++) { pirs = iaPIRS; if (pirs->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pirs->szInstanceID) delete [] pirs->szInstanceID; iaPIRS = pThreshold->m_irsList.erase(iaPIRS); } else { iaPIRS++; } } }
iaPAI = m_actualInstList.begin(); jSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPAI; j++) { pActualInst = iaPAI; if (pActualInst->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pActualInst->szInstanceID) { delete [] pActualInst->szInstanceID; } if (pActualInst->pInst) { pActualInst->pInst->Release(); pActualInst->pInst = NULL; } iaPAI = m_actualInstList.erase(iaPAI); } else { iaPAI++; } } //XXXOnce again take common code and place it in the base class!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPolledGetObjectDataCollector::CleanupSemiSync(void) { if (m_bMultiInstance==TRUE) { if (m_pEnumObjs) { m_pEnumObjs->Release(); m_pEnumObjs = NULL; } } else { if (m_pCallResult) { m_pCallResult->Release(); m_pCallResult = NULL; } }
m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = FALSE; m_lCollectionTimeOutCount = 0;
return TRUE; }