// FILE: CLiCLicReg.Cpp
// Summary;
// Class implementation for handling the licensing api registration
// Notes;
// Key = \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LicenseInfo
// Value= ErrorControl : REG_DWORD : 0x1
// Value= Start : REG_DWORD : 0x3
// Value= Type : REG_DWORD : 0x4
// Subkeys :
// \SNA
// \SQL
// \FilePrint
// Value for All Subkeys=
// Mode : REG_DWORD : (0x0 = Per Seat Mode, 0x1 = Concurrent/Per Server Mode)
// ConcurrentLimit : REG_DWORD : (0x<limit>, ie. 0x100 = 256 concurrent user limit)
// FamilyDisplayName: RED_SZ : Name for this service (not version specific)
// DisplayName : REG_SZ : User seen name for this Service entry
// FlipAllow : REG_DWORD : (0x0 = can change license mode, 0x1 license mode can't
// be changed. Server apps are only allowed to switch their license mode
// once, so after the first switch, this value would be set to non-zero,
// then the UI will not allow for further changes to the licence mode.
// Changing is currently allowed but a dialog is raised to warn them of the
// possible violation.
// History
// 11/15/94 MikeMi Created
#include <windows.h>
#include "CLicReg.hpp"
// Strings for keys and values
const WCHAR szLicenseKey[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LicenseInfo"; const WCHAR szErrControlValue[] = L"ErrorControl"; const WCHAR szStartValue[] = L"Start"; const WCHAR szTypeValue[] = L"Type";
const WCHAR szNameValue[] = L"DisplayName"; const WCHAR szFamilyNameValue[] = L"FamilyDisplayName"; const WCHAR szModeValue[] = L"Mode"; const WCHAR szLimitValue[] = L"ConcurrentLimit"; const WCHAR szFlipValue[] = L"FlipAllow";
// set values under License Key
const DWORD dwErrControlValue = SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL; // 1;
const DWORD dwStartValue = SERVICE_DEMAND_START; // 3;
const DWORD dwTypeValue = SERVICE_ADAPTER; // 4;
// Method: CLicReg::CLicReg
// Summary;
// Contructor
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
CLicReg::CLicReg( ) { _hkey = NULL; }
// Method: CLicReg::~CLicReg
// Summary;
// Destructor
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
CLicReg::~CLicReg( ) { Close(); }
// Method: CLicReg::CommitNow
// Summary;
// This will flush the changes made imediately
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS when this method works.
// See RegFlushKey for return values
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicReg::CommitNow() { return( RegFlushKey( _hkey ) ); }
// Method: CLicReg::Close
// Summary;
// This will close the registry. See Open.
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS when this method works.
// See RegCloseKey for return values
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicReg::Close() { LONG lrt = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( _hkey ) { lrt = ::RegCloseKey( _hkey ); _hkey = NULL; } return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicense::Open
// Summary;
// This will open the registry for License Services Enumeration.
// Arguments;
// fNew [out] - Was the opened reg key new.
// pszComputer [in] - the computer name to open the registry on
// this value maybe null (default), this means local machine
// should be of the form \\name
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS when this method works.
// See RegCreateKeyEx & RegSetValueEx for error returns.
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicense::Open( BOOL& fNew, LPCWSTR pszComputer ) { DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lrt; HKEY hkeyRemote = NULL;
lrt = RegConnectRegistry( (LPTSTR)pszComputer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hkeyRemote );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) { fNew = FALSE; lrt = ::RegCreateKeyEx( hkeyRemote, szLicenseKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &_hkey, &dwDisposition );
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) && (REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisposition) ) { fNew = TRUE; // Set normal values
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szErrControlValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwErrControlValue, sizeof( DWORD ) ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) {
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szStartValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwStartValue, sizeof( DWORD ) ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) {
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szTypeValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwTypeValue, sizeof( DWORD ) ); } } } ::RegCloseKey( hkeyRemote ); } return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicense::EnumService
// Summary;
// This will enumerate services listed in the registry for Licensing
// Arguments;
// iService [in] - This should be zero on the first call and incremented
// on subsequent calls.
// pszBuffer [out] - string buffer to place service reg name in
// cchBuffer [in-out] - the length of the pszBuffer, if not large enough,
// this value will change to what is needed.
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS when this method works.
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS when end of enumeration was reached
// See RegEnumKeyEx for error return values
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicense::EnumService( DWORD iService, LPWSTR pszBuffer, DWORD& cchBuffer ) { LONG lrt; FILETIME ftLastWritten; lrt = ::RegEnumKeyEx( _hkey, iService, pszBuffer, &cchBuffer, 0, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWritten ); return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::CLicRegLicenseService
// Summary;
// Contructor
// Arguments;
// pszService [in] - Service Reg Key Name
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
CLicRegLicenseService::CLicRegLicenseService( LPCWSTR pszService ) { _pszService = (LPWSTR)pszService; }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetServie
// Summary;
// Set the Service Reg Key name
// Arguments;
// pszService [in] - Service Reg Key Name
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
// Apr-26-95 MikeMi Added Computer name and remoting
void CLicRegLicenseService::SetService( LPCWSTR pszService ) { Close(); _pszService = (LPWSTR)pszService; }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::Open
// Summary;
// Opens/Create registry entry for this service
// Arguments;
// pszComputer [in] - the computer name to open the registry on
// this value maybe null (default), this means local machine
// should be of the form \\name
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - Open/Created Correctly
// See RegCreateKeyEx for other errors.
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::Open( LPCWSTR pszComputer, BOOL fCreate ) { HKEY hkeyRoot; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lrt; HKEY hkeyRemote = NULL;
lrt = RegConnectRegistry( (LPTSTR)pszComputer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hkeyRemote );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) { if (fCreate) { lrt = ::RegCreateKeyEx( hkeyRemote, szLicenseKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRoot, &dwDisposition ); } else { lrt = ::RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyRemote, szLicenseKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyRoot ); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) { // open or create our service key
if (fCreate) { lrt = ::RegCreateKeyEx( hkeyRoot, _pszService, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &_hkey, &dwDisposition ); } else { lrt = ::RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyRoot, _pszService, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &_hkey ); } ::RegCloseKey( hkeyRoot ); } ::RegCloseKey( hkeyRemote ); } return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::CanChangeMode
// Summary;
// This will check the registry to see if the license mode
// can be changed.
// Return: TRUE if the mode can be changed, otherwise FALSE
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL CLicRegLicenseService::CanChangeMode() { BOOL frt = TRUE; LONG lrt; DWORD dwSize = sizeof( DWORD ); DWORD dwRegType = REG_DWORD; DWORD fWasChanged;
lrt = ::RegQueryValueEx( _hkey, (LPWSTR)szFlipValue, 0, &dwRegType, (PBYTE)&fWasChanged, &dwSize );
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) && (dwRegType == REG_DWORD) && (dwSize == sizeof( DWORD )) ) { frt = !fWasChanged; } else { SetChangeFlag( FALSE ); }
return( frt ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetChangeFlag
// Summary;
// This will set the change flag in the registry
// Arguments;
// fHasChanged [in] - Has the license been changed
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The flag was set
// See RegSetValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::SetChangeFlag( BOOL fHasChanged ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwf = (DWORD)fHasChanged;
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szFlipValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwf, sizeof( DWORD ) );
return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetMode
// Summary;
// Set this services licensing mode
// Arguments;
// lm [in] - the mode to set the registry to
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The mode was set
// See RegSetValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::SetMode( LICENSE_MODE lm ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwlm = (DWORD)lm;
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szModeValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwlm, sizeof( DWORD ) ); return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetUserLimit
// Summary;
// Set this serices user limit in the registry
// Arguments;
// dwLimit[in] - the limit to set
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The limit was set
// See RegSetValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::SetUserLimit( DWORD dwLimit ) { LONG lrt;
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szLimitValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwLimit, sizeof( DWORD ) );
return( lrt ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::GetMode
// Summary;
// Retrieve the services license mode from the registry
// Arguments;
// lm [out] - the mode from the registry
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The mode was retrieved
// See RegQueryValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::GetMode( LICENSE_MODE& lm ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwSize = sizeof( LICENSE_MODE ); DWORD dwRegType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwlm = LICMODE_UNDEFINED;
lrt = ::RegQueryValueEx( _hkey, (LPWSTR)szModeValue, 0, &dwRegType, (PBYTE)&dwlm, &dwSize );
lm = (LICENSE_MODE)dwlm;
if ( (dwRegType != REG_DWORD) || (dwSize != sizeof( LICENSE_MODE )) ) { lrt = ERROR_BADDB; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lrt) { lm = LICMODE_UNDEFINED; } return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::GetUserLimit
// Summary;
// retrieve the user limit fro this service from the registry
// Arguments;
// dwLimit [out] - The limit retrieved
// Return:
// Notes:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The limit was retrieved
// See RegQueryValueEx for error returns
// History;
// Nov-15-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::GetUserLimit( DWORD& dwLimit ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwSize = sizeof( DWORD ); DWORD dwRegType = REG_DWORD;
lrt = ::RegQueryValueEx( _hkey, (LPWSTR)szLimitValue, 0, &dwRegType, (PBYTE)&dwLimit, &dwSize );
if ( (dwRegType != REG_DWORD) || (dwSize != sizeof( DWORD )) ) { lrt = ERROR_BADDB; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lrt) { dwLimit = 0; } return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::GetDisplayName
// Summary;
// Retrieve the display name for this service from the registry
// Arguments;
// pszName [in-out] - the buffer to place the retrieved name
// cchName [in-out] - the length of the pszName buffer in chars
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The mode was retrieved
// See RegQueryValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-18-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::GetDisplayName( LPWSTR pszName, DWORD& cchName ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwSize = cchName * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD dwRegType = REG_SZ;
lrt = ::RegQueryValueEx( _hkey, (LPWSTR)szNameValue, 0, &dwRegType, (PBYTE)pszName, &dwSize );
if ((NULL != pszName) && // request for data size
(dwRegType != REG_SZ)) { lrt = ERROR_BADDB; }
cchName = dwSize / sizeof( WCHAR ); return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetDisplayName
// Summary;
// Set the display name for this service in the regstry
// Arguments;
// pszName [in] - the null terminated display name
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The name eas set
// See RegSetValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-18-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::SetDisplayName( LPCWSTR pszName ) { LONG lrt;
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szNameValue, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pszName, (lstrlen( pszName ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::GetFamilyDisplayName
// Summary;
// Retrieve the family display name for this service from the registry
// Arguments;
// pszName [in-out] - the buffer to place the retrieved name
// cchName [in-out] - the length of the pszName buffer in chars
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The mode was retrieved
// See RegQueryValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-18-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::GetFamilyDisplayName( LPWSTR pszName, DWORD& cchName ) { LONG lrt; DWORD dwSize = cchName * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD dwRegType = REG_SZ;
lrt = ::RegQueryValueEx( _hkey, (LPWSTR)szFamilyNameValue, 0, &dwRegType, (PBYTE)pszName, &dwSize );
if ((NULL != pszName) && // request for data size
(dwRegType != REG_SZ)) { lrt = ERROR_BADDB; }
cchName = dwSize / sizeof( WCHAR ); return( lrt ); }
// Method: CLicRegLicenseService::SetFamilyDisplayName
// Summary;
// Set the Family display name for this service in the regstry
// Arguments;
// pszName [in] - the null terminated display name
// Return:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - The name eas set
// See RegSetValueEx for error returns
// Notes:
// History;
// Nov-18-94 MikeMi Created
LONG CLicRegLicenseService::SetFamilyDisplayName( LPCWSTR pszName ) { LONG lrt;
lrt = ::RegSetValueEx( _hkey, szFamilyNameValue, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pszName, (lstrlen( pszName ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
return( lrt ); }