// FILE: PriDlgs.cpp
// Summary;
// This file contians the Primary Dialogs, functions and dialog procs
// Entry Points;
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
// Mar-14-95 MikeMi Added F1 Message Filter and PWM_HELP message
// Apr-26-95 MikeMi Added Computer name and remoting
// Dec-15-95 JeffParh Added secure certificate support.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "CLicReg.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <htmlhelp.h>
#include "liccpa.hpp"
#include "PriDlgs.hpp"
#include "SecDlgs.hpp"
#include <llsapi.h>
extern "C" { INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocLICCPA( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocLICSETUP( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocPERSEATSETUP( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocLICCPACONFIG( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); }
// Perserver user count value limits and defaults
const int PERSERVER_LIMITDEFAULT = 0; const int PERSERVER_MAX = 999999; const int PERSERVER_MIN = 0; const int PERSERVER_PAGE = 10; const int cchEDITLIMIT = 6; // the number of chars to represent PERSERVER_MAX
const UINT MB_VALUELIMIT = MB_OK; // beep when value limit is reached
// Used for in memory storage of license mode state
typedef struct tagSERVICEENTRY { LPWSTR pszComputer; LPWSTR pszService; LPWSTR pszDisplayName; LPWSTR pszFamilyDisplayName; LICENSE_MODE lm; DWORD dwLimit; BOOL fIsNewProduct; } SERVICEENTRY, *PSERVICEENTRY;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4296) // C4296: '<=' : expression is always true
inline BOOL VALIDUSERCOUNT( UINT users ) { return ((PERSERVER_MIN <= users) && (PERSERVER_MAX >= users)); } #pragma warning(pop)
static void UpdatePerServerLicenses( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ); static int ServiceRegister( LPWSTR pszComputer, LPWSTR pszFamilyDisplayName, LPWSTR pszDisplayName );
BOOL g_fWarned = FALSE;
// Function: AccessOk
// Summary;
// Checks access rights from reg call and raise dialog as needed
// Arguments;
// hDlg [in] - Handle to working dialog to raise error dlgs with
// lrc [in] - the return status from a reg call
// Returns:
// local error mapping;
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
INT AccessOk( HWND hDlg, LONG lrc, BOOL fCPCall ) { INT nrt = ERR_NONE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lrc) { WCHAR szText[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; WCHAR szTitle[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; UINT wId; UINT wIdTitle; switch (lrc) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: wId = IDS_NOACCESS; nrt = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED; break;
default: wId = IDS_BADREG; nrt = ERR_REGISTRYCORRUPT; break; }
if (fCPCall) { wIdTitle = IDS_CPCAPTION; } else { wIdTitle = IDS_SETUPCAPTION; }
LoadString(g_hinst, wIdTitle, szTitle, TEMPSTR_SIZE); LoadString(g_hinst, wId, szText, TEMPSTR_SIZE); MessageBox (hDlg, szText, szTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); } return( nrt ); }
// Function: InitUserEdit
// Summary;
// Initializes and defines user count edit control behaviour
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - Parent dialog of user count edit dialog
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void InitUserEdit( HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndCount = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT);
SendMessage( hwndCount, EM_LIMITTEXT, cchEDITLIMIT, 0 ); }
// Function: InitTitleText
// Summary;
// Initialize title static text and mode definition static text
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - Parent dialog of description static text
// pServ [in] - Service definition to set static text
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void InitTitleText( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { InitStaticWithService( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICTITLE, pServ->pszDisplayName ); InitStaticWithService( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICPERSEAT, pServ->pszDisplayName ); }
// Function: InitDialogForService
// Summary;
// Initialize dialog controls to the service state
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - Parent dialog to init controls in
// pServ [in] - Service definition to set controls
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void InitDialogForService( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { HWND hwndCount = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT ); HWND hwndSpin = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNTARROW ); BOOL fIsPerServer = (LICMODE_PERSERVER==pServ->lm);
// set radio button states
CheckDlgButton( hwndDlg, IDC_PERSEAT, !fIsPerServer ); CheckDlgButton( hwndDlg, IDC_PERSERVER, fIsPerServer ); // set user count edit control
if (fIsPerServer) { // add text back
SetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, pServ->dwLimit, FALSE ); SetFocus( hwndCount ); SendMessage( hwndCount, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); } else { // remove all text in item
SetDlgItemText( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, L"" ); }
// set state of edit control and arrows
if ( NULL != hwndSpin ) { EnableWindow( hwndCount, fIsPerServer ); EnableWindow( hwndSpin, fIsPerServer ); } else { UpdatePerServerLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_ADD_LICENSES ), fIsPerServer ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_REMOVE_LICENSES ), fIsPerServer ); } }
// Function: FreeServiceEntry
// Summary;
// Free all allocated memory when a service structure is created
// Aruments;
// pServ [in] - The Service structure to free
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void FreeServiceEntry( PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { GlobalFree( pServ->pszService ); GlobalFree( pServ->pszDisplayName ); if ( NULL != pServ->pszComputer ) { GlobalFree( pServ->pszComputer ); } GlobalFree( pServ ); }
// Function: CreateServiceEntry
// Summary;
// Using the Service registry key name, allocate a Service structure
// and setup registry.
// Arguments;
// pszComputer [in] - The name of the computer to use (maybe null)
// pszService [in] - The name of the reg key to use to load or create
// service from
// pszDisplayName [in] - The name the user will see, this will only be
// if the registry does not contain a displayname already
// Returns: NULL if Error, pointer to allocated Service Structure
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
PSERVICEENTRY CreateServiceEntry( LPCWSTR pszComputer, LPCWSTR pszService, LPCWSTR pszFamilyDisplayName, LPCWSTR pszDisplayName ) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey; PSERVICEENTRY pServ = NULL; DWORD cchSize = 0; LONG lrt;
pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof( SERVICEENTRY )); if (pServ) { cLicServKey.SetService( pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( pszComputer, TRUE );
// load or set defaults
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != cLicServKey.GetMode( pServ->lm )) { pServ->lm = LICMODE_UNDEFINED; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != cLicServKey.GetUserLimit( pServ->dwLimit )) { pServ->dwLimit = PERSERVER_LIMITDEFAULT; }
// get, set DisplayName
lrt = cLicServKey.GetDisplayName( NULL, cchSize ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) { pServ->pszDisplayName = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if (pServ->pszDisplayName == NULL) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lrt = cLicServKey.GetDisplayName( pServ->pszDisplayName, cchSize ); }
// the GetDisplayName may fail in both the two cases above
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lrt) { GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszDisplayName ); cchSize = lstrlen( pszDisplayName ) + 1; pServ->pszDisplayName = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if (pServ->pszDisplayName == NULL) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lstrcpy( pServ->pszDisplayName, pszDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetDisplayName( pServ->pszDisplayName ); pServ->fIsNewProduct = TRUE; } else { pServ->fIsNewProduct = FALSE; }
// get, set FamilyDisplayName
lrt = cLicServKey.GetFamilyDisplayName( NULL, cchSize ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrt) { pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName == NULL ) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lrt = cLicServKey.GetFamilyDisplayName( pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName, cchSize ); }
// the GetFamilyDisplayName may fail in both the two cases above
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lrt) { GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName ); cchSize = lstrlen( pszFamilyDisplayName ) + 1; pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName == NULL ) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lstrcpy( pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName, pszFamilyDisplayName ); }
cchSize = lstrlen( pszService ) + 1; pServ->pszService = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if (pServ->pszService == NULL) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lstrcpy( pServ->pszService, pszService );
if ( NULL == pszComputer ) { pServ->pszComputer = NULL; } else { pServ->pszComputer = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof( WCHAR ) * ( 1 + lstrlen( pszComputer ) ) ); if (pServ->pszComputer == NULL) { goto ErrorCleanup; } lstrcpy( pServ->pszComputer, pszComputer ); } } return( pServ );
if (pServ) // JonN 5/15/00: PREFIX 112116-112119
{ if (pServ->pszDisplayName) GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszDisplayName ); if (pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName) GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName ); if (pServ->pszService) GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszService ); if (pServ->pszComputer) GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ->pszComputer ); GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL)pServ ); } return ( (PSERVICEENTRY)NULL ); }
// Function: SaveServiceToReg
// Summary;
// Save the given Service structure to the registry
// Arguments;
// pServ [in] - Service structure to save
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void SaveServiceToReg( LPCWSTR pszComputer, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey; LICENSE_MODE lm;
cLicServKey.SetService( pServ->pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( pszComputer ); //
// if no mode in the registry, set to current selected mode
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != cLicServKey.GetMode( lm )) { lm = pServ->lm; } //
// if a mode change was made or perseat mode selected,
// set the change flag so that user is warned on any change
if ((pServ->lm != lm) || (LICMODE_PERSEAT == pServ->lm) ) { cLicServKey.SetChangeFlag( TRUE ); } else { // this will not modify change flag if it is
// present, but will set it to false if it is not
// present
cLicServKey.CanChangeMode(); }
DWORD dwLimitInReg;
// user limit should be set by CCFAPI32; set only if it's absent
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != cLicServKey.GetUserLimit( dwLimitInReg ) ) { cLicServKey.SetUserLimit( pServ->dwLimit ); }
cLicServKey.SetDisplayName( pServ->pszDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetFamilyDisplayName( pServ->pszFamilyDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetMode( pServ->lm );
cLicServKey.Close(); }
// Function: ServiceLicAgreement
// Summary;
// Check the given Service structure for violation
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog to use to raise legal voilation dialog
// pServ [in] - Service structure to check
// pszComputer [in] - computer to work with
// pszHelpFile [in] - helpfile for dialogs help button
// pszPerSeatHelpContext [in] - helpcontext for PerSeat dialog help button
// pszPerServerHelpContext [in] - helpcontext for PerServer dialog help button
// Return: FALSE if agreement was not acceptable
// TRUE if agreement was accepted
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL ServiceLicAgreement( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ, LPCWSTR pszComputer, LPCWSTR pszHelpFile, DWORD dwPerSeatHelpContext, DWORD dwPerServerHelpContext ) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey; LICENSE_MODE lm; DWORD dwLimit = pServ->dwLimit; BOOL frt = TRUE; BOOL fRaiseAgreement = TRUE;
cLicServKey.SetService( pServ->pszService ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == cLicServKey.Open( pszComputer, FALSE )) { cLicServKey.GetMode( lm ); cLicServKey.GetUserLimit( dwLimit ); // check for changes
if ( !( pServ->lm != lm || (LICMODE_PERSERVER == pServ->lm && dwLimit != pServ->dwLimit) ) ) { fRaiseAgreement = FALSE; } cLicServKey.Close(); }
if (fRaiseAgreement) { if (LICMODE_PERSEAT == pServ->lm) { frt = PerSeatAgreementDialog( hwndDlg, pServ->pszDisplayName, pszHelpFile, dwPerSeatHelpContext ); } else { // special case FilePrint and zero concurrent users
if ( 0 == lstrcmp( pServ->pszService, FILEPRINT_SERVICE_REG_KEY ) && (0 == pServ->dwLimit)) { frt = ServerAppAgreementDialog( hwndDlg, pszHelpFile, LICCPA_HELPCONTEXTSERVERAPP ); } else { // find the limit has changed but was this invoked
// by adding more licenses if so the user was already warned
if( !g_fWarned ) { frt = PerServerAgreementDialog( hwndDlg, pServ->pszDisplayName, dwLimit , //pServ->dwLimit,
pszHelpFile, dwPerServerHelpContext ); } } } } return( frt ); }
// Function: ServiceViolation
// Summary;
// Check the given Service structure for violation
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog to use to raise legal voilation dialog
// pszComputer [in] - the name of the computer to work on
// pServ [in] - Service structure to check
// Return: FALSE if violation not made
// TRUE if violation was made
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL ServiceViolation( HWND hwndDlg, LPCWSTR pszComputer, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey; LICENSE_MODE lm; DWORD dwLimit; BOOL frt = FALSE; cLicServKey.SetService( pServ->pszService ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == cLicServKey.Open( pszComputer, FALSE )) { cLicServKey.GetMode( lm ); // check for changes
if ( (pServ->lm != lm) && !cLicServKey.CanChangeMode() ) { frt = LicViolationDialog( hwndDlg ); } cLicServKey.Close(); } return( frt ); }
// Function: EditInvalidDlg
// Summary;
// Display Dialog when user count edit control value is invalid
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void EditInvalidDlg( HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndCount = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT); WCHAR szTitle[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; WCHAR szText[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; WCHAR szTemp[LTEMPSTR_SIZE];
MessageBeep( MB_VALUELIMIT ); LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_CPCAPTION, szTitle, TEMPSTR_SIZE); LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_INVALIDUSERCOUNT, szTemp, LTEMPSTR_SIZE); wsprintf( szText, szTemp, PERSERVER_MIN, PERSERVER_MAX ); MessageBox( hwndDlg, szText, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // also set focus to edit and select all
SetFocus( hwndCount ); SendMessage( hwndCount, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); }
// Function: EditValidate
// Summary;
// Handle when the value within the user count edit control changes
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pserv [in] - currently selected service
// Return: FALSE if Edit Value is not valid, TRUE if it is
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL EditValidate( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { BOOL fTranslated; UINT nValue; BOOL fValid = TRUE;
// only do this if in PerServer mode
if (LICMODE_PERSERVER == pServ->lm) { fValid = FALSE; nValue = GetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, &fTranslated, FALSE );
if (fTranslated) { if (VALIDUSERCOUNT( nValue)) { pServ->dwLimit = nValue; fValid = TRUE; } } } return( fValid ); }
// Function: OnEditChange
// Summary;
// Handle when the value within the user count edit control changes
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pserv [in] - currently selected service
// History;
// Mar-06-94 MikeMi Created
void OnEditChange( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndCount, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { BOOL fTranslated; UINT nValue; BOOL fValid = TRUE; BOOL fModified = FALSE;
// only do this if in PerServer mode
if (LICMODE_PERSERVER == pServ->lm) { fValid = FALSE; nValue = GetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, &fTranslated, FALSE );
if (fTranslated) { #pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4296) // C4296: '>' : expression is always false
if (PERSERVER_MIN > nValue) { nValue = PERSERVER_MIN; fModified = TRUE; } else if (PERSERVER_MAX < nValue) { nValue = PERSERVER_MAX; fModified = TRUE; } #pragma warning(pop)
pServ->dwLimit = nValue; } else { // reset to last value
nValue = pServ->dwLimit; fModified = TRUE; }
if (fModified) { SetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, nValue, FALSE ); SetFocus( hwndCount ); SendMessage( hwndCount, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); MessageBeep( MB_VALUELIMIT ); } } }
// Function: OnCpaClose
// Summary;
// Do work needed when the Control Panel applet is closed.
// Free all Service structures alloced and possible save.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - Dialog close was requested on
// fSave [in] - Save Services to Registry
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void OnCpaClose( HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSave ) { WCHAR szText[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; HWND hwndService = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SERVICES); LRESULT cItems = SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 ) - 1; LONG_PTR iItem; PSERVICEENTRY pServ; LRESULT iSel;
iSel = SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETITEMDATA, iSel, 0 );
if ( fSave && (pServ->lm == LICMODE_PERSERVER) && !EditValidate( hwndDlg, pServ ) ) { EditInvalidDlg( hwndDlg ); } else { BOOL fCompleted = TRUE; // loop and check for agreement changes (only needed if saving)
if (fSave) { for (iItem = cItems; iItem >= 0; iItem--) { pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0 ); if (ServiceLicAgreement( hwndDlg, pServ, NULL, LICCPA_HELPFILE, LICCPA_HELPCONTEXTPERSEAT, LICCPA_HELPCONTEXTPERSERVER )) { SaveServiceToReg( NULL, pServ ); } else { fCompleted = FALSE; break; } } }
if (fCompleted) { // loop and free service entries
for (iItem = cItems; iItem >= 0; iItem--) { pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0 ); FreeServiceEntry( pServ ); } EndDialog( hwndDlg, fSave ); } else { // set combo box to last canceled entry
SendMessage( hwndService, CB_SETCURSEL, iItem, 0 ); } } }
// Function: OnSetupClose
// Summary;
// Do work needed when the Setup Dialog is closed.
// Free the service structure and possible save it
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog this close was requested on
// fSave [in] - Save service to registry
// pServ [in] - the service structure to work with
// psdParams [in] - setup dlg params for help contexts and files
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void OnSetupClose( HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSave, PSERVICEENTRY pServ, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams ) { if ( fSave && (pServ->lm == LICMODE_PERSERVER) && !EditValidate( hwndDlg, pServ ) ) { EditInvalidDlg( hwndDlg ); } else { BOOL fCompleted = TRUE;
if (fSave) { if (ServiceLicAgreement( hwndDlg, pServ, psdParams->pszComputer, psdParams->pszHelpFile, psdParams->dwHCPerSeat, psdParams->dwHCPerServer )) { SaveServiceToReg( psdParams->pszComputer, pServ );
// register service at enterprise server
ServiceRegister( psdParams->pszComputer, psdParams->pszFamilyDisplayName, psdParams->pszDisplayName ); } else { fCompleted = FALSE; } } else if ( pServ->fIsNewProduct ) { // new product, but we're aborting
// make sure we don't leave any scraps behind
DWORD winError; HKEY hkeyInfo;
winError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT( "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LicenseInfo" ), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyInfo );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == winError ) { RegDeleteKey( hkeyInfo, pServ->pszService ); RegCloseKey( hkeyInfo ); } }
if (fCompleted) { FreeServiceEntry( pServ ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, fSave ); } } }
// Function: OnSetServiceMode
// Summary;
// Handle the users request to change service mode
// Aruments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pszComputer [in] - compter to confirm mode change against
// pServ [in] - The service the request was made agianst
// idCtrl [in] - the control id that was pressed to make this request
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void OnSetServiceMode( HWND hwndDlg, LPCWSTR pszComputer, PSERVICEENTRY pServ, WORD idCtrl ) { LICENSE_MODE lmOld = pServ->lm; BOOL fChanged = FALSE;
if (idCtrl == IDC_PERSEAT) { fChanged = (pServ->lm != LICMODE_PERSEAT); pServ->lm = LICMODE_PERSEAT; } else { fChanged = (pServ->lm != LICMODE_PERSERVER); pServ->lm = LICMODE_PERSERVER; }
// only check for violation the first time the user switches
if (fChanged && ServiceViolation( hwndDlg, pszComputer, pServ )) { pServ->lm = lmOld; InitDialogForService( hwndDlg, pServ ); } }
// Function: OnSpinButton
// Summary;
// Handle the events from user interactions with the spin control
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// wAction [in] - spin control event
// pServ [in] - current service selected
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void OnSpinButton( HWND hwndDlg, WORD wAction, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { HWND hwndCount = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT); INT nValue; BOOL fValidAction = TRUE;
nValue = pServ->dwLimit;
switch (wAction) { case SB_LINEUP: nValue++; break;
case SB_LINEDOWN: nValue--; break;
case SB_PAGEUP: nValue += PERSERVER_PAGE; break;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: nValue -= PERSERVER_PAGE; break;
case SB_TOP: nValue = PERSERVER_MAX; break;
case SB_BOTTOM: nValue = PERSERVER_MIN; break;
default: fValidAction = FALSE; break; } if (fValidAction) { nValue = max( PERSERVER_MIN, nValue ); nValue = min( PERSERVER_MAX, nValue );
if (pServ->dwLimit == (DWORD)nValue) { MessageBeep( MB_VALUELIMIT ); } else { pServ->dwLimit = nValue; SetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, pServ->dwLimit, FALSE ); } SetFocus( hwndCount ); SendMessage( hwndCount, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); } }
// Function: UpdatePerServerLicenses
// Summary;
// Update the number of per server licenses displayed in the
// dialog with the proper value.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pServ [in] - current service selected
// History;
// Dec-19-95 JeffParh Created
static void UpdatePerServerLicenses( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { LLS_HANDLE hLls; DWORD dwError; BOOL fIsSecure; BOOL fUseRegistry;
fUseRegistry = TRUE;
dwError = LlsConnect( pServ->pszComputer, &hLls );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { if ( pServ->fIsNewProduct ) { dwError = LlsProductSecurityGet( hLls, pServ->pszDisplayName, &fIsSecure );
if ( ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) && fIsSecure ) { dwError = LlsProductLicensesGet( hLls, pServ->pszDisplayName, LLS_LICENSE_MODE_PER_SERVER, &pServ->dwLimit );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { fUseRegistry = FALSE; } } } else { dwError = LlsProductLicensesGet( hLls, pServ->pszDisplayName, LLS_LICENSE_MODE_PER_SERVER, &pServ->dwLimit );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { fUseRegistry = FALSE; } }
LlsClose( hLls ); }
if ( fUseRegistry ) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey;
cLicServKey.SetService( pServ->pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( NULL, FALSE );
cLicServKey.GetUserLimit( pServ->dwLimit );
cLicServKey.Close(); }
SetDlgItemInt( hwndDlg, IDC_USERCOUNT, pServ->dwLimit, FALSE ); UpdateWindow( hwndDlg ); }
// Function: OnAddLicenses
// Summary;
// Handle the BN_CLICKED message from the Add Licenses button.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pServ [in] - current service selected
// History;
// Dec-19-95 JeffParh Created
void OnAddLicenses( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { LPSTR pszAscProductName; LPSTR pszAscServerName = NULL; CHAR szAscServerName[ 3 + MAX_PATH ];
pszAscProductName = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, 1 + lstrlen(pServ->pszDisplayName) );
if ( NULL != pszAscProductName ) { wsprintfA( pszAscProductName, "%ls", pServ->pszDisplayName ); if ( NULL != pServ->pszComputer ) { wsprintfA( szAscServerName, "%ls", pServ->pszComputer ); pszAscServerName = szAscServerName; }
CCFCertificateEnterUI( hwndDlg, pszAscServerName, pszAscProductName, "Microsoft", CCF_ENTER_FLAG_PER_SERVER_ONLY, NULL ); UpdatePerServerLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ );
LocalFree( pszAscProductName );
g_fWarned = TRUE; } }
// Function: OnRemoveLicenses
// Summary;
// Handle the BN_CLICKED message from the Remove Licenses button.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog
// pServ [in] - current service selected
// History;
// Dec-19-95 JeffParh Created
void OnRemoveLicenses( HWND hwndDlg, PSERVICEENTRY pServ ) { LPSTR pszAscProductName; LPSTR pszAscServerName = NULL; CHAR szAscServerName[ 3 + MAX_PATH ];
pszAscProductName = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, 1 + lstrlen(pServ->pszDisplayName) );
if ( NULL != pszAscProductName ) { wsprintfA( pszAscProductName, "%ls", pServ->pszDisplayName ); if ( NULL != pServ->pszComputer ) { wsprintfA( szAscServerName, "%ls", pServ->pszComputer ); pszAscServerName = szAscServerName; }
CCFCertificateRemoveUI( hwndDlg, pszAscServerName, pszAscProductName, "Microsoft", NULL, NULL ); UpdatePerServerLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ );
LocalFree( pszAscProductName ); } }
// Function: OnSetupInitDialog
// Summary;
// Handle the initialization of the Setup Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize
// pszParams [in] - the dialog params to use to initialize
// pServ [out] - the current service
// Return;
// TRUE if succesful, otherwise false
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
BOOL OnSetupInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams, PSERVICEENTRY& pServ ) { BOOL frt = TRUE; CLicRegLicense cLicKey; LONG lrt; INT nrt; BOOL fNew;
do { CenterDialogToScreen( hwndDlg );
lrt = cLicKey.Open( fNew, psdParams->pszComputer ); nrt = AccessOk( hwndDlg, lrt, FALSE ); if (ERR_NONE != nrt) { EndDialog( hwndDlg, nrt ); frt = FALSE; break; }
pServ = CreateServiceEntry( psdParams->pszComputer, psdParams->pszService, psdParams->pszFamilyDisplayName, psdParams->pszDisplayName ); if (pServ == NULL) { LowMemoryDlg(); EndDialog( hwndDlg, -2 ); break; } if (NULL == psdParams->pszHelpFile) { HWND hwndHelp = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTONHELP ); // remove the help button
EnableWindow( hwndHelp, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndHelp, SW_HIDE ); } if (psdParams->fNoExit) { HWND hwndExit = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDCANCEL ); // remove the ExitSetup button
EnableWindow( hwndExit, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndExit, SW_HIDE ); }
// set char limit on edit box
InitUserEdit( hwndDlg );
// make sure title static text is set for this service
InitTitleText( hwndDlg, pServ ); // defaul to PerServer with Focus on edit
// change default for setup only
// pServ->dwLimit = 1;
InitDialogForService( hwndDlg, pServ );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_PERSERVER ) ); } while (FALSE); // used to remove gotos
return( frt ); }
// Function: OnCpaInitDialog
// Summary;
// Handle the initialization of the Control Panel Applet Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize
// fEnableReplication [in] -
// iSel [out] - the current service selected
// pServ [out] - the current service
// Return;
// TRUE if succesful, otherwise false
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
// Mar-08-1995 MikeMi Added removal of Replication button
BOOL OnCpaInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fEnableReplication, LONG_PTR& iSel, PSERVICEENTRY& pServ ) { BOOL frt = FALSE; CLicRegLicense cLicKey; LONG lrt; INT nrt; BOOL fNew;
lrt = cLicKey.Open( fNew ); nrt = AccessOk( hwndDlg, lrt, TRUE ); if (ERR_NONE == nrt) { DWORD i = 0; WCHAR szText[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; DWORD cchText = TEMPSTR_SIZE; HWND hwndService = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SERVICES); LONG_PTR lIndex;
CenterDialogToScreen( hwndDlg );
// remove replication button if product used on pre 3.51
if (!fEnableReplication) { HWND hwndRep = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_CONFIGURE );
EnableWindow( hwndRep, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndRep, SW_HIDE ); }
// load the service names from the registry into combo box
// Create service local state structures as we go
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == cLicKey.EnumService(i, szText, cchText )) {
pServ = CreateServiceEntry( NULL, szText, L"<unknown>", L"<undefined>" ); if (pServ == NULL) { LowMemoryDlg(); EndDialog( hwndDlg, -2 ); return( TRUE ); } lIndex = SendMessage( hwndService, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pServ->pszDisplayName ); SendMessage( hwndService, CB_SETITEMDATA, lIndex, (LPARAM)pServ ); i++; cchText = TEMPSTR_SIZE; } cLicKey.Close();
if (0 == i) { // no services installed
LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_CPCAPTION, szTitle, TEMPSTR_SIZE); LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_NOSERVICES, szText, TEMPSTR_SIZE); MessageBox(hwndDlg, szText, szTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); frt = FALSE; } else { // make sure a service is selected and update dialog
iSel = SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
if (CB_ERR == iSel) { iSel = 0; SendMessage( hwndService, CB_SETCURSEL, iSel, 0 ); } pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)SendMessage( hwndService, CB_GETITEMDATA, iSel, 0 );
// Set edit text chars limit
InitUserEdit( hwndDlg );
InitDialogForService( hwndDlg, pServ ); frt = TRUE; } } if (!frt) { EndDialog( hwndDlg, -1 ); } return( frt ); }
// Function: dlgprocLICCPA
// Summary;
// The dialog procedure for the main Control Panel Applet Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window
// uMsg [in] - message
// lParam1 [in] - first message parameter
// lParam2 [in] - second message parameter
// Return;
// message dependant
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
// Mar-08-1995 MikeMi Added removal of Replication button
// Mar-14-95 MikeMi Added F1 PWM_HELP message
INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocLICCPA( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL frt = FALSE; static PSERVICEENTRY pServ = NULL; static LONG_PTR iSel = 0;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: OnCpaInitDialog( hwndDlg, (BOOL)lParam , iSel, pServ ); return( TRUE ); // use default keyboard focus
case WM_COMMAND: switch (HIWORD( wParam )) { case BN_CLICKED: switch (LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: frt = TRUE; // use as save flag
// intentional no break
case IDCANCEL: OnCpaClose( hwndDlg, frt ); frt = FALSE; break;
case IDC_PERSEAT: case IDC_PERSERVER: OnSetServiceMode( hwndDlg, NULL, pServ, LOWORD(wParam) ); break;
case IDC_CONFIGURE: DialogBox(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CPADLG_LCACONF), hwndDlg, (DLGPROC)dlgprocLICCPACONFIG ); break; case IDC_BUTTONHELP: PostMessage( hwndDlg, PWM_HELP, 0, 0 ); break;
case IDC_ADD_LICENSES: OnAddLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ ); break;
case IDC_REMOVE_LICENSES: OnRemoveLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ ); break;
default: break; } break;
case CBN_SELENDOK: if ((LICMODE_PERSERVER == pServ->lm) && !EditValidate( hwndDlg, pServ )) { // reset back to original
SendMessage( (HWND)lParam, CB_SETCURSEL, iSel, 0 ); EditInvalidDlg( hwndDlg ); } else { iSel = SendMessage( (HWND)lParam, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); pServ = (PSERVICEENTRY)SendMessage( (HWND)lParam, CB_GETITEMDATA, iSel, 0 ); InitDialogForService( hwndDlg, pServ ); } break;
case EN_UPDATE: if (IDC_USERCOUNT == LOWORD(wParam)) { OnEditChange( hwndDlg, (HWND)(lParam), pServ ); } break;
default: break; } break; case WM_VSCROLL: OnSpinButton( hwndDlg, LOWORD( wParam ), pServ ); break; default: if (PWM_HELP == uMsg) { ::HtmlHelp( hwndDlg, LICCPA_HTMLHELPFILE, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC,0); } break; } return( frt ); }
// Function: dlgprocLICSETUP
// Summary;
// The dialog procedure for the Setup entry point Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window
// uMsg [in] - message
// lParam1 [in] - first message parameter
// lParam2 [in] - second message parameter
// Return;
// message dependant
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
// Mar-14-95 MikeMi Added F1 PWM_HELP message
INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocLICSETUP( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL frt = FALSE; static PSERVICEENTRY pServ; static PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: psdParams = (PSETUPDLGPARAM)lParam; OnSetupInitDialog( hwndDlg, psdParams, pServ ); frt = FALSE; // we set the focus
case WM_COMMAND: switch (HIWORD( wParam )) { case BN_CLICKED: switch (LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: frt = TRUE; // use as save flag
// intentional no break
case IDCANCEL: OnSetupClose( hwndDlg, frt, pServ, psdParams ); frt = FALSE; break;
case IDC_PERSEAT: case IDC_PERSERVER: OnSetServiceMode( hwndDlg, psdParams->pszComputer, pServ, LOWORD(wParam) ); break;
case IDC_BUTTONHELP: PostMessage( hwndDlg, PWM_HELP, 0, 0 ); break;
case IDC_ADD_LICENSES: OnAddLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ ); break;
case IDC_REMOVE_LICENSES: OnRemoveLicenses( hwndDlg, pServ ); break;
default: break; } break;
case EN_UPDATE: if (IDC_USERCOUNT == LOWORD(wParam)) { OnEditChange( hwndDlg, (HWND)(lParam), pServ ); } break;
default: break; } break;
case WM_VSCROLL: OnSpinButton( hwndDlg, LOWORD( wParam ), pServ ); break;
default: if (PWM_HELP == uMsg) { ::HtmlHelp( hwndDlg, LICCPA_HTMLHELPFILE, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC,0); } break; } return( frt ); }
// Function: OnPerSeatInitDialog
// Summary;
// Handle the initialization of the PerSeat only Setup Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize
// psdParams [in] - used for the displayname and service name
// Notes;
// History;
// Dec-08-1994 MikeMi Created
void OnPerSeatInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams ) { HWND hwndOK = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); CLicRegLicense cLicKey; BOOL fNew; LONG lrt; INT nrt;
lrt = cLicKey.Open( fNew, psdParams->pszComputer ); nrt = AccessOk( NULL, lrt, FALSE ); if (ERR_NONE == nrt) { CenterDialogToScreen( hwndDlg );
InitStaticWithService( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICTITLE, psdParams->pszDisplayName ); InitStaticWithService2( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICINFO, psdParams->pszDisplayName );
// disable OK button at start!
EnableWindow( hwndOK, FALSE );
// if help is not defined, remove the button
if (NULL == psdParams->pszHelpFile) { HWND hwndHelp = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTONHELP );
EnableWindow( hwndHelp, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndHelp, SW_HIDE ); } } else { EndDialog( hwndDlg, nrt ); } }
// Function: OnPerSeatSetupClose
// Summary;
// Do work needed when the Setup Dialog is closed.
// Save to Reg the Service entry.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog this close was requested on
// fSave [in] - Save service to registry
// psdParams [in] - used for the service name and displayname
// History;
// Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created
void OnPerSeatSetupClose( HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSave, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams ) { int nrt = fSave;
if (fSave) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey;
cLicServKey.SetService( psdParams->pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( psdParams->pszComputer );
// configure license rule of one change from PerServer to PerSeat
cLicServKey.SetChangeFlag( TRUE );
cLicServKey.SetUserLimit( 0 ); cLicServKey.SetDisplayName( psdParams->pszDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetFamilyDisplayName( psdParams->pszFamilyDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetMode( LICMODE_PERSEAT ); cLicServKey.Close();
// register service at enterprise server
ServiceRegister( psdParams->pszComputer, psdParams->pszFamilyDisplayName, psdParams->pszDisplayName ); }
EndDialog( hwndDlg, nrt ); }
// Function: OnPerSeatAgree
// Summary;
// Handle the user interaction with the Agree Check box
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize
// Return;
// TRUE if succesful, otherwise false
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
void OnPerSeatAgree( HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndOK = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); BOOL fChecked = !IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_AGREE ); CheckDlgButton( hwndDlg, IDC_AGREE, fChecked ); EnableWindow( hwndOK, fChecked ); }
// Function: dlgprocPERSEATSETUP
// Summary;
// The dialog procedure for the PerSeat only Setup Dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window
// uMsg [in] - message
// lParam1 [in] - first message parameter
// lParam2 [in] - second message parameter
// Return;
// message dependant
// Notes;
// History;
// Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created
// Mar-14-95 MikeMi Added F1 PWM_HELP message
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: psdParams = (PSETUPDLGPARAM)lParam; OnPerSeatInitDialog( hwndDlg, psdParams ); frt = TRUE; // we use the default focus
case WM_COMMAND: switch (HIWORD( wParam )) { case BN_CLICKED: switch (LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: frt = TRUE; // use as save flag
// intentional no break
case IDCANCEL: OnPerSeatSetupClose( hwndDlg, frt, psdParams ); frt = FALSE; break;
case IDC_BUTTONHELP: PostMessage( hwndDlg, PWM_HELP, 0, 0 ); break;
case IDC_AGREE: OnPerSeatAgree( hwndDlg ); break;
default: break; } break;
default: break; } break;
default: if (PWM_HELP == uMsg) { ::HtmlHelp( hwndDlg, LICCPA_HTMLHELPFILE, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC,0); } break; } return( frt ); }
// Function: SetupDialog
// Summary;
// Init and raises main setup dialog.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window
// dlgParem [in] - Setup params
// Return;
// 1 - OK button was used to exit
// 0 - Cancel button was used to exit
// -1 - General Dialog error
// Notes;
// History;
// Dec-05-1994 MikeMi Created
INT_PTR SetupDialog( HWND hwndParent, SETUPDLGPARAM& dlgParam ) { INT_PTR nError;
nError = DialogBoxParam( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUPDLG), hwndParent, (DLGPROC)dlgprocLICSETUP, (LPARAM)&dlgParam );
return( nError ); }
// Function: PerSeatSetupDialog
// Summary;
// Init and raises Per Seat only setup dialog.
// Arguments;
// hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window
// dlgParem [in] - Setup params
// Return;
// 1 - OK button was used to exit
// 0 - Cancel button was used to exit
// -1 - General Dialog error
// Notes;
// History;
// Dec-05-1994 MikeMi Created
INT_PTR PerSeatSetupDialog( HWND hwndParent, SETUPDLGPARAM& dlgParam ) { return( DialogBoxParam( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUP2DLG), hwndParent, (DLGPROC)dlgprocPERSEATSETUP, (LPARAM)&dlgParam ) ); }
// Function: CpaDialog
// Summary;
// Init and Raise the main control panel applet dialog
// Arguments;
// hwndParent [in] - handle of parent window (CONTROL.EXE window)
// Return;
// 1 - OK button was used to exit
// 0 - Cancel button was used to exit
// -1 - General Dialog error
// Notes;
// History;
// Dec-05-1994 MikeMi Created
// Mar-08-1995 MikeMi Changed to only one Dialog Resource, Replication Button
INT_PTR CpaDialog( HWND hwndParent ) { INT_PTR nError; OSVERSIONINFO version;
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx( &version );
BOOL fReplicationEnabled;
// Only allow Replication Button on 3.51 and above
fReplicationEnabled = ( (version.dwMajorVersion > 3) || (version.dwMajorVersion == 3 && version.dwMinorVersion >= 51) ); nError = DialogBoxParam( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CPADLG_CONFIGURE), hwndParent, (DLGPROC)dlgprocLICCPA, (LPARAM)fReplicationEnabled );
return( nError ); }
// Function: UpdateReg
// Summary;
// This function is used in unatteneded setup modes, it will
// configure the registry with the values passed.
// Arguments;
// pszComputer [in] - computer name (maybe null for local)
// pszService [in] - service key name
// pszFamilyDisplayName [in] - family display name
// pszDisplayName [in] - displayname
// lm [in] - license mode
// dwUsers [in] - number of conncurrent users
// Return;
// ERR_NONE - Successful
// ERR_USERSPARAM - invalid users count
// ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED - invalid access rights
// Notes;
// History;
// Dec-09-1994 MikeMi Created
// Apr-26-95 MikeMi Added Computer name and remoting
int UpdateReg( LPCWSTR pszComputer, LPCWSTR pszService, LPCWSTR pszFamilyDisplayName, LPCWSTR pszDisplayName, LICENSE_MODE lm, DWORD dwUsers ) { int nrt = ERR_NONE;
if (VALIDUSERCOUNT( dwUsers )) { CLicRegLicense cLicKey; LONG lrt; BOOL fNew;
lrt = cLicKey.Open( fNew, pszComputer ); nrt = AccessOk( NULL, lrt, FALSE ); if (ERR_NONE == nrt) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey;
cLicServKey.SetService( pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( pszComputer );
// configure license rule of one change from PerServer to PerSeat
cLicServKey.SetChangeFlag( (LICMODE_PERSEAT == lm ) );
cLicServKey.SetUserLimit( dwUsers ); cLicServKey.SetDisplayName( pszDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetFamilyDisplayName( pszFamilyDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetMode( lm ); cLicServKey.Close(); } } else { nrt = ERR_USERSPARAM; } return( nrt ); }
// Function: ServiceSecuritySet
// Summary;
// Set security on a given product such that it requires a
// secure certificate for license entry.
// Arguments;
// pszComputer [in] - computer on which the license server resides
// pszDisplayName [in] - display name for the service
// History;
// Dec-19-95 JeffParh Created
int ServiceSecuritySet( LPWSTR pszComputer, LPWSTR pszDisplayName ) { int nError; NTSTATUS nt; LLS_HANDLE hLls;
// register the product as secure on the target server
nt = LlsConnect( pszComputer, &hLls );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != nt ) { nError = ERR_NOREMOTESERVER; } else { if ( !LlsCapabilityIsSupported( hLls, LLS_CAPABILITY_SECURE_CERTIFICATES ) ) { nError = ERR_DOWNLEVEL; } else { nt = LlsProductSecuritySetW( hLls, pszDisplayName );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != nt ) { nError = ERR_CERTREQFAILED; } else { nError = ERR_NONE; } }
LlsClose( hLls ); }
// register the product as secure on the enterprise server
// it is acceptable for this to fail (the enterprise server may
// be downlevel)
if ( ERR_NONE == nError ) { PLLS_CONNECT_INFO_0 pConnectInfo = NULL;
nt = LlsConnectEnterprise( pszComputer, &hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConnectInfo );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS == nt ) { LlsFreeMemory( pConnectInfo );
if ( LlsCapabilityIsSupported( hLls, LLS_CAPABILITY_SECURE_CERTIFICATES ) ) { LlsProductSecuritySetW( hLls, pszDisplayName ); }
LlsClose( hLls ); } }
return nError; }
// Function: ServiceRegister
// Summary;
// Register a service at the enterprise server corresponding to
// the given server so that per seat licenses may be added
// immediately, rather than it taking up until the next
// replication cycle for the product to be listed.
// Arguments;
// pszComputer [in] - computer for which to register the service
// pszFamilyDisplayName [in] - family display name of the service
// pszDisplayName [in] - display name of the service
// History;
// Dec-19-95 JeffParh Created
static int ServiceRegister( LPWSTR pszComputer, LPWSTR pszFamilyDisplayName, LPWSTR pszDisplayName ) { int nError; NTSTATUS nt; LLS_HANDLE hLls; PLLS_CONNECT_INFO_0 pConnectInfo = NULL;
// register the product as secure on the enterprise server
nt = LlsConnectEnterprise( pszComputer, &hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConnectInfo );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != nt ) { nError = ERR_NOREMOTESERVER; } else { LlsFreeMemory( pConnectInfo );
nt = LlsProductAdd( hLls, pszFamilyDisplayName, pszDisplayName, TEXT( "" ) );
LlsClose( hLls );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != nt ) { nError = ERR_NOREMOTESERVER; } else { nError = ERR_NONE; } }
return nError; }