Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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334 lines
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  1. /*
  2. * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991
  3. */
  4. /*
  5. ** File Name:
  6. **
  7. ** PSKEY.H - PostScript Parser Keywords and other strings
  8. **
  9. ** Description:
  10. **
  11. */
  12. #define STDJOBID "%!PS-Adobe-2.0"
  13. #define QUERYJOBID "Query"
  14. #define EXITJOBID "ExitServer"
  15. #define COMMENTHDR "%%"
  16. #define BEGINBINARY "%%BeginBinary" // Start of binary Image
  17. #define ENDBINARY "%%EndBinary" // End of Binary Image
  18. #define BEXITSERVER "%%BeginExitServer"
  19. #define BEGINFILE "%%BeginFile" // Used by PageMaker
  20. #define BPROCSET "%%BeginProcSet"
  21. #define BOUNDINGBOX "%%BoundingBox" // Used by PageMaker
  22. #define CREATIONDATE "%%CreationDate"
  23. #define CREATOR "%%Creator"
  24. #define DOCUMENTFONTS "%%DocumentFonts" // Used by PageMaker
  25. #define DOCPRINTERREQ "%%DocumentPrinterRequired" // Used by PageMaker
  26. #define DOCNEEDEDFONTS "%%DocumentNeededFonts" // Used by PageMaker
  27. #define DOCSUPPLIEDFNT "%%DocumentSuppliedFonts" // Used by PageMaker
  28. #define ENDDOCUMENT "%%EndDocument" // Used by PageMaker
  29. #define EEXITSERVER "%%EndExitServer"
  30. #define EPROCSET "%%EndProcSet"
  31. #define EOFCOMMENT "%%EOF"
  32. #define FORCOMMENT "%%For"
  33. #define INCLUDEPROCSET "%%IncludeProcSet"
  34. #define LOGIN "%%Login"
  35. #define LOGINCONT "%%LoginContinue"
  36. #define PAGECOMMENT "%%Page"
  37. #define PAGESCOMMENT "%%Pages"
  38. #define TITLECOMMENT "%%Title"
  39. #define TRAILER "%%Trailer"
  40. #define QCOMMENT "%%?"
  41. #define BQCOMMENT "%%?Begin"
  42. #define EQCOMMENT "%%?End"
  43. #define BQUERY "%%?BeginQuery"
  44. #define BBUNGAQUERY "%%?BeginBungaQuery" // Non-Conforming Query used by AppleShare Spooler
  45. #define BFEATUREQUERY "%%?BeginFeatureQuery"
  46. #define BFILEQUERY "%%?BeginFileQuery"
  47. #define BFONTLISTQUERY "%%?BeginFontListQuery"
  48. #define BFONTQUERY "%%?BeginFontQuery"
  49. #define BPASSTHRUQUERY "%%?BeginPassThroughQuery"
  50. #define BPRINTERQUERY "%%?BeginPrinterQuery"
  51. #define BPROCSETQUERY "%%?BeginProcSetQuery"
  52. #define BSPOOLERQUERY "%%?BeginSpoolerQuery"
  53. #define BUAMETHODQUERY "%%?BeginUAMethodsQuery"
  54. #define BVMSTATUS "%%?BeginVMStatus" // Non-Conforming Query used by PageMaker
  55. #define BVMSTATUSQUERY "%%?BeginVMStatusQuery"
  56. #define EBUNGAQUERY "%%?EndBungaQuery" // Non-Conforming Query used by AppleShare Spooler
  57. #define EFEATUREQUERY "%%?EndFeatureQuery"
  58. #define EFILEQUERY "%%?EndFileQuery"
  59. #define EFONTLISTQ "%%?EndFontListQuery"
  60. #define EFONTQUERY "%%?EndFontQuery"
  61. #define EPRINTERQUERY "%%?EndPrinterQuery"
  62. #define EPROCSETQUERY "%%?EndProcSetQuery"
  63. #define EPASSTHROUGHQ "%%?EndPassThroughQuery"
  64. #define EQUERY "%%?EndQuery"
  65. #define ESPOOLERQUERY "%%?EndSpoolerQuery"
  66. #define EUAMETHODQUERY "%%?EndUAMethodQuery"
  67. #define EVMSTATUS "%%?EndVMStatus" // Non-Conforming Query used by PageMaker
  68. #define EVMSTATUSQUERY "%%?EndVMStatusQuery"
  69. #define RUASPOOLER "rUaSpooler"
  70. #define ALDUS_QUERY_RESP "printer"
  71. #define FQLANGUAGELEVEL "*LanguageLevel"
  72. #define FQPSVERSION "*PSVersion"
  73. #define FQTOTALVM "ADORamSize"
  74. #define FQBINARYOK "ADOIsBinaryOK?"
  75. #define FQPRODUCT "*Product"
  76. #define FQPRODUCT1 "Product"
  77. #define FQRESOLUTION "*?Resolution"
  78. #define FQCOLORDEVICE "*ColorDevice"
  79. #define FQFREEVM "*FreeVM"
  80. #define FQSPOOLER "spooler"
  81. // Client Responses
  82. #define LOGINRESPONSE "LoginOK"
  83. #define EFONTLISTQRESP "*\n"
  84. #define FONTNOTFOUND "0\x0a"
  85. #define FONTFOUND "1\x0a"
  86. #define NULLRESPONSE "\n"
  90. #define DEFAULTPRODUCTRESPONSE "LaserWriter Plus"
  91. #define DEFAULTPSVERSION "38.0"
  92. #define DEFAULTPSREVISION "2"
  93. #define DEFAULTRESPONSE "Unknown"
  94. #define UNKNOWNPRINTER "Apple LaserWriter Plus v38.0"
  95. #define COLORDEVICEDEFAULT "False"
  96. #define RESOLUTIONDEFAULT "300dpi"
  97. #define VMDEFAULT 136002
  99. // PPD File Keywords
  100. // See PostScript Printer Description Files Specification Version 3.0
  101. // Some don't have a colon after them on purpose.
  102. #define ppdDEFAULTFILE "APPLE380.PPD" // default ppd file name
  103. #define ppdLANGUAGEVERSION "*LanguageVersion:"
  104. #define ppdLANGUAGELEVEL "*LanguageLevel:"
  105. #define ppdFORMATVERSION "*FormatVersion:"
  106. #define ppdFILEVERSION "*FileVersion:"
  107. #define ppdPSVERSION "*PSVersion:"
  108. #define ppdPRODUCT "*Product:"
  109. #define ppdNICKNAME "*NickName:"
  110. #define ppdINCLUDE "*Include:"
  111. #define ppdDEFAULTRESOLUTION "*DefaultResolution:"
  112. #define ppdSETRESOLUTION "*SetResolution:"
  113. #define ppdQRESOLUTION "*?Resolution:"
  114. #define ppdCOLORDEVICE "*ColorDevice:"
  115. #define ppdPATCHFILE "*PatchFile:"
  116. #define ppdTHROUGHPUT "*ThroughPut:"
  117. #define ppdFREEVM "*FreeVM:"
  118. #define ppdRESET "*Reset:"
  119. #define ppdPASSWORD "*Password:"
  120. #define ppdPROTOCOL "*Protocols:"
  121. #define ppdEXITSERVER "*ExitServer:"
  122. #define ppdFILESYSTEM "*FileSystem:"
  123. #define ppdQFILESYSTEM "*?FileSystem:"
  124. #define ppdDEVICEADJUSTMATRIX "*DeviceAdjustMatrix:"
  125. #define ppdSCREENFREQ "*ScreenFreq:"
  126. #define ppdSCREENANGLE "*ScreenAngle:"
  127. #define ppdDEFAULTSCREENPROC "*DefaultScreenProc:"
  128. #define ppdDEFAULTRANSFER "*DefaultTransfer:"
  129. #define ppdTRANSFER "*Transfer:"
  130. #define ppdDEFAULTPAGESIZE "*DefaultPageSize:"
  131. #define ppdPAGESIZE "*PageSize:"
  132. #define ppdQPAGESIZE "*?PageSize:"
  133. #define ppdDEFAULTPAGEREGION "*DefaultPageRegion:"
  134. #define ppdPAGEREGION "*PageRegion:"
  135. #define ppdDEFAULTPAPERTRAY "*DefaultPaperTray:"
  136. #define ppdPAPERTRAY "*PaperTray:"
  137. #define ppdQPAPERTRAY "*?PaperTray:"
  138. #define ppdDEFAULTIMAGEABLEAREA "*DefaultImageableArea:"
  139. #define ppdIMAGEABLEAREA "*ImageableArea:"
  140. #define ppdQIMAGEABLEAREA "*?ImageableArea:"
  141. #define ppdDEFAULTPAPERDIMENSION "*DefaultPaperDimension:"
  142. #define ppdPAPERDIMENSION "*PaperDimension:"
  143. #define ppdVARIABLEPAPERSIZE "*VariablePaperSize:"
  144. #define ppdDEFAULTINPUTSLOT "*DefaultInputSlot:"
  145. #define ppdINPUTSLOT "*InputSlot:"
  146. #define ppdQINPUTSLOT "*?InputSlot:"
  147. #define ppdDEFAULTMANUALFEED "*DefaultManualFeed:"
  148. #define ppdMANUALFEED "*ManualFeed:"
  149. #define ppdQMANUALFEED "*?ManualFeed:"
  150. #define ppdDEFAULTOUTPUTBIN "*DefaultOutputBin:"
  151. #define ppdOUTPUTBIN "*OutPutBin:"
  152. #define ppdQOUTPUTBIN "*?OutPutBin:"
  153. #define ppdDEFAULTOUTPUTORDER "*DefaultOutputOrder:"
  154. #define ppdOUTPUTORDER "*OutputOrder:"
  155. #define ppdQOUTPUTORDER "*?OutputOrder:"
  156. #define ppdDEFAULTCOLLATOR "*DefaultCollator:"
  157. #define ppdCOLLATOR "*Collator:"
  158. #define ppdQCOLLATOR "*?Collator:"
  159. #define ppdDEFAULTDUPLEX "*DefaultDuplex:"
  160. #define ppdDUPLEX "*Duplex:"
  161. #define ppdQDUPLEX "*?Duplex:"
  162. #define ppdFONT "*Font"
  163. #define ppdDEFAULTFONT "*DefaultFont:"
  164. #define ppdQFONTLIST "*?FontList:"
  165. #define ppdQFONTQUERY "*?FontQuery:"
  166. #define ppdPRINTERERROR "*PrinterError:"
  167. #define ppdSTATUS "*Status:"
  168. #define ppdSOURCE "*Source:"
  169. #define ppdMESSAGE "*Message:"
  170. #define ppdDEFAULTCOLORSEP "*DefaultColorSep:"
  171. #define ppdCOLORSEPSCREENFREQ "*ColorSepScreenFreq"
  172. #define ppdCOLORSEPSCREENANGLE "*ColorSepScreenAngle"
  173. #define ppdCOLORSEPSCREENPROC "*ColorSepScreenProc"
  174. #define ppdCOLORSEPTRANSFER "*ColorSepTransfer"
  175. #define ppdCUSTOMCMYK "*CustomCMYK"
  176. #define ppdINKNAME "*InkName"
  177. #define ppdEND "*End"
  178. #define mdBPROCSET "%%BeginProcSet: \"(AppleDict md)\" "
  179. #define mdAPPLEDICTNAME "AppleDict md"
  180. #define APPLEDICTNAME "AppleDict"
  181. #define PROTOCOL_BCP "BCP"
  182. #define MDNAME "md"
  183. #define SYSTEM7_CHOOSERPACK "71" // Rev of system 7.0 lwprep.
  184. #define CHOOSER_6X "70"
  185. #define CHOOSER_52 "68"
  186. // options for LanguageVersion are
  187. #define ENGLISH "English"
  188. #define RUSSIAN "Russian"
  189. #define FRENCH "French"
  190. #define SPANISH "Spanish"
  191. #define GERMAN "German"
  192. #define CHINESE "Chinese"
  193. #define ITALIAN "Italian"
  194. #define JAPANESE "Japanese"
  195. // Options for Paper Form Factor
  196. #define LETTER "Letter"
  197. #define LETTERSMALL "LetterSmall"
  198. #define TABLOID "Tabloid"
  199. #define LEDGER "Ledger"
  200. #define LEGAL "Legal"
  201. #define STATEMENT "Statement"
  202. #define A3 "A3"
  203. #define A4 "A4"
  204. #define A4SMALL "A4Small"
  205. #define A5 "A5"
  206. #define B4 "B4"
  207. #define B5 "B5"
  208. #define ENVELOPE "Envelope"
  209. #define FOLIO "Folio"
  210. #define QUARTO "Quarto"
  211. #define TENBY14 "10x14"
  212. // Options for PaperTray and Bins
  213. #define ppdLARGECAPACITY "LargeCapacity"
  214. #define ppdLARGEFORMAT "LargeFormat"
  215. #define ppdLOWER "Lower"
  216. #define ppdMIDDLE "Middle"
  217. #define ppdUPPER "Upper"
  218. #define ppdONLYONE "OnlyOne"
  219. #define ppdANYSMALLFORMAT "AnySmallFormat"
  220. #define ppdANYLARGEFORMAT "AnyLargeFormat"
  221. #define ppdNORMAL "Normal"
  222. #define ppdREVERSE "Reverse"
  223. // Options for Font
  224. #define ppdSTANDARD "Standard"
  225. #define ppdSPECIAL "Special"
  226. #define ppdISOLATIN1 "ISOLatin1"
  227. #define ppdERROR "Error"
  228. // Options for Halftones
  229. #define ppdNULL "Null"
  230. #define ppdNORMALIZED "Normalized"
  231. #define ppdDOT "Dot"
  232. #define ppdLINE "Line"
  233. #define ppdELLIPSE "Ellipse"
  234. #define ppdCROSS "Cross"
  235. #define ppdMEZZO "Mezzo"
  236. // The LaserWriter Plus set of fonts, and encodings
  237. #define DEFAULTFONTS 35
  238. #define FONT00 "AvantGarde-Book"
  239. #define FONT01 "AvantGarde-BookOblique"
  240. #define FONT02 "AvantGarde-Demi"
  241. #define FONT03 "AvantGarde-DemiOblique"
  242. #define FONT04 "Bookman-Demi"
  243. #define FONT05 "Bookman-DemiItalic"
  244. #define FONT06 "Bookman-Light"
  245. #define FONT07 "Bookman-LightItalic"
  246. #define FONT08 "Courier"
  247. #define FONT09 "Courier-Bold"
  248. #define FONT10 "Courier-BoldOblique"
  249. #define FONT11 "Courier-Oblique"
  250. #define FONT12 "Helvetica"
  251. #define FONT13 "Helvetica-Bold"
  252. #define FONT14 "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
  253. #define FONT15 "Helvetica-Narrow"
  254. #define FONT16 "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold"
  255. #define FONT17 "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique"
  256. #define FONT18 "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique"
  257. #define FONT19 "Helvetica-Oblique"
  258. #define FONT20 "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold"
  259. #define FONT21 "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic"
  260. #define FONT22 "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic"
  261. #define FONT23 "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman"
  262. #define FONT24 "Palatino-Bold"
  263. #define FONT25 "Palatino-BoldItalic"
  264. #define FONT26 "Palatino-Italic"
  265. #define FONT27 "Palatino-Roman"
  266. #define FONT28 "Symbol"
  267. #define FONT29 "Times-Bold"
  268. #define FONT30 "Times-BoldItalic"
  269. #define FONT31 "Times-Italic"
  270. #define FONT32 "Times-Roman"
  271. #define FONT33 "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic"
  272. #define FONT34 "ZapfDingbats"
  273. #define ENCODING00 ppdSTANDARD
  274. #define ENCODING01 ppdSTANDARD
  275. #define ENCODING02 ppdSTANDARD
  276. #define ENCODING03 ppdSTANDARD
  277. #define ENCODING04 ppdSTANDARD
  278. #define ENCODING05 ppdSTANDARD
  279. #define ENCODING06 ppdSTANDARD
  280. #define ENCODING07 ppdSTANDARD
  281. #define ENCODING08 ppdSTANDARD
  282. #define ENCODING09 ppdSTANDARD
  283. #define ENCODING10 ppdSTANDARD
  284. #define ENCODING11 ppdSTANDARD
  285. #define ENCODING12 ppdSTANDARD
  286. #define ENCODING13 ppdSTANDARD
  287. #define ENCODING14 ppdSTANDARD
  288. #define ENCODING15 ppdSTANDARD
  289. #define ENCODING16 ppdSTANDARD
  290. #define ENCODING17 ppdSTANDARD
  291. #define ENCODING18 ppdSTANDARD
  292. #define ENCODING19 ppdSTANDARD
  293. #define ENCODING20 ppdSTANDARD
  294. #define ENCODING21 ppdSTANDARD
  295. #define ENCODING22 ppdSTANDARD
  296. #define ENCODING23 ppdSTANDARD
  297. #define ENCODING24 ppdSTANDARD
  298. #define ENCODING25 ppdSTANDARD
  299. #define ENCODING26 ppdSTANDARD
  300. #define ENCODING27 ppdSTANDARD
  301. #define ENCODING28 ppdSPECIAL
  302. #define ENCODING29 ppdSTANDARD
  303. #define ENCODING30 ppdSTANDARD
  304. #define ENCODING31 ppdSTANDARD
  305. #define ENCODING32 ppdSTANDARD
  306. #define ENCODING33 ppdSTANDARD
  307. #define ENCODING34 ppdSPECIAL
  308. // Define some magic characters
  309. #define LINEFEED 0x0A
  310. #define CR 0x0D
  311. #define SPACE 0x20
  312. #define BANG 0x22
  313. #define PERCENT 0x25
  314. #define ASTERISK 0x2A
  315. #define COLON 0x3A