Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: HelpHost.idl
Abstract: This file contains the declaration of the set of coclasses and interfaces that make up the common API shared by Havana and HSS
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 10/18/2000 created
import "oaidl.idl";
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Forward declaration. // interface IHelpHost; interface IHelpHostPanes; interface IHelpHostPane; interface IHelpHostWindow;
dispinterface DHelpHostEvents; dispinterface DHelpHostNavEvents;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[ object, uuid(AF72E210-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("IHelpHost Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHelpHost : IDispatch { //////////////////////////////////////// // // Read/write Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
[propput] HRESULT FilterName( [in] BSTR Value ); [propget] HRESULT FilterName( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue );
//////////////////////////////////////// // // Read-only Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
[propget] HRESULT Namespace ( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT Session ( [out, retval] IDispatch* *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT FilterExpression( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT CurrentUrl ( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue );
[propget] HRESULT Panes ( [out, retval] IHelpHostPanes* *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT HelpHostWindow ( [out, retval] IHelpHostWindow* *pValue );
//////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods // ////////////////////////////////////////
// // Initialize a session for a namespace // HRESULT OpenNamespace( [in] BSTR newNamespace , [in] BSTR filterName );
// // Navigate to a topic // HRESULT DisplayTopicFromURL( [in] BSTR url , [in] VARIANT options );
// // Perform keyword or other lookup // HRESULT DisplayResultsFromQuery( [in] BSTR query , [in] BSTR navMoniker , [in] VARIANT options ); // show only 1
// // Show a UI element // // <paneName> examples : // // //topic/1 // //toc/1 // //index/1 // //search/1 // // HRESULT ShowPane( [in] BSTR paneName , // "path" style name of pane [in] BSTR query , // prepopulate edit box (optional) [in] BSTR navMoniker , [in] VARIANT options ); // options: hide, doquery
// // Close the Help window // HRESULT Terminate(); };
[ object, uuid(AF72E211-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("IHelpHostPanes Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHelpHostPanes : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE) ] HRESULT Item ( [in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] VARIANT *ppEntry ); [propget ] HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long *pVal ); };
[ object, uuid(AF72E212-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("IHelpHostPane Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHelpHostPane : IDispatch { //////////////////////////////////////// // // Read/write Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
[propput] HRESULT Visible ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL Value ); [propget] HRESULT Visible ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pValue ); [propput] HRESULT NavMoniker( [in ] BSTR Value ); [propget] HRESULT NavMoniker( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue );
//////////////////////////////////////// // // Read-only Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
[propget] HRESULT Name ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT CurrentUrl( [out, retval] BSTR *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT WebBrowser( [out, retval] IDispatch* *pValue );
// // Navigate to a topic // HRESULT DisplayTopicFromURL( [in] BSTR url , [in] VARIANT options );
// // Perform keyword or other lookup // HRESULT DisplayResultsFromQuery( [in] BSTR query , [in] VARIANT options ); // show only 1
// // Synchronize a navigation pane // HRESULT Sync( [in] BSTR url , [in] VARIANT options ); // force pane to show
[ object, uuid(AF72E213-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("IHelpHostWindow Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHelpHostWindow : IDispatch { //////////////////////////////////////// // // Read/write Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
// // Must be set before opening the namespace. // [propput] HRESULT ParentWindow( [in ] long HWND ); [propget] HRESULT ParentWindow( [out, retval] long *pHWND );
// // Recommended to call this before showing the window. Viewers can optionally allow more dynamic setting. // [propput] HRESULT UILanguage( [in ] long LCID ); [propget] HRESULT UILanguage( [out, retval] long *pLCID );
[propput] HRESULT Visible ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL Value ); [propget] HRESULT Visible ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pValue );
//////////////////////////////////////// // // Read-only Properties // ////////////////////////////////////////
[propget] HRESULT OriginX ( [out, retval] long *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT OriginY ( [out, retval] long *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT Width ( [out, retval] long *pValue ); [propget] HRESULT Height ( [out, retval] long *pValue );
//////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods // ////////////////////////////////////////
// // Set the window position and size // HRESULT MoveWindow( [in] long originX, [in] long originY , // corner [in] long width , [in] long height ); // size
// // Can we pull this from the interface? Davide will try. // Wait (blocked) for user to finish using the Help window // HRESULT WaitForTermination( [in] long timeOut ); // milliseconds };
[ uuid(AF72E220-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), helpstring("DHelpHostEvents Interface"), ] dispinterface DHelpHostEvents { properties: methods:
[id(1)] void OnFilterSelectionChanged( [in] BSTR filterName ); [id(2)] void OnFilterModified ( [in] BSTR filterName ); [id(3)] void OnFilterAdded ( [in] BSTR filterName ); [id(4)] void OnFilterDeleted ( [in] BSTR filterName ); [id(5)] void OnNamespaceChanged ( [in] BSTR newNamespace, [in] BSTR newFilter );
[id(6)] void OnPaneOpened( [in] IHelpHostPane* newPane ); [id(7)] void OnPaneClosed( [in] IHelpHostPane* oldPane );
[id(8)] void OnClose(); };
[ uuid(AF72E221-FA10-4BB5-A348-269D7615A520), helpstring("DHelpHostNavEvents Interface"), ] dispinterface DHelpHostNavEvents { properties: methods:
[id(1)] void OnBeforeNavigate ( [in] BSTR url, [in] IHelpHostPane* pane, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL *pCancel ); [id(2)] void OnDownloadBegin ( [in] BSTR url, [in] IHelpHostPane* pane ); [id(3)] void OnDownloadComplete( [in] BSTR url, [in] IHelpHostPane* pane ); [id(4)] void OnNavigateComplete( [in] BSTR url, [in] IHelpHostPane* pane ); [id(5)] void OnDocumentComplete( [in] BSTR url, [in] IHelpHostPane* pane ); };