Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: rstrmap.h
Abstract: This file contains the declaration of the CRestoreMapManager class, which manages restore map and performs necessary operations
Revision History: Seong Kook Khang (SKKhang) 07/06/99 created
Anand Arvind (aarvind) 1999-10-10 Added status for tracking of restore process Split restore process into three seperate operations If A: or B: then no restoring takes place
#pragma once
struct SMapEntry { DWORD dwID; // Internal ID Number
DWORD dwOperation; // Type of Operation
DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwAttribute; // Attribute
CSRStr strDrive; // Hard drive GUID
CSRStr strCab; // CAB file name
CSRStr strTemp; // Temp file name
CSRStr strTempPath; // Full path of Temp file
CSRStr strSrc; // Source path
CSRStr strSrcSFN; // Source path, SFN
CSRStr strDst; // Destination path
CSRStr strDstSFN; // Destination path, SFN
DWORD dwRes; // Result of Operation
DWORD dwErr; // Error code, if applicable
SMapEntry *pNext; // Link
// CRestoreMapManager
class CRestoreMapManager { public: CRestoreMapManager(); ~CRestoreMapManager();
// Operations
public: BOOL Initialize( INT64 llSeqNum, BOOL fUI ); BOOL InitRestoreMap( INT64 llSeqNum, INT nMinProgressVal, INT nMaxProgressVal, BOOL fUI ); BOOL FInit_Initialize( INT64 llSeqNum, LPCWSTR cszCAB, BOOL fUI ); BOOL FInit_RestoreMap( INT64 llSeqNum, LPCWSTR cszCAB, INT nMinProgressVal, INT nMaxProgressVal, BOOL fUI ); BOOL DoOperation( BOOL fUI, INT nMinProgressVal, INT nMaxProgressVal); INT CurrentProgress(void); BOOL AreRestoreDrivesActive( BOOL *fAllDrivesActive, WCHAR *szInactiveDrives);
protected: void CleanUp(); DWORD ExtractFile( LPCWSTR cszCAB, LPCWSTR cszTmp, LPCWSTR cszDrive, LPCWSTR &rcszTmp ); void ExtractFile( SMapEntry *pEnt ); BOOL CreatePlaceHolderFile( LPCWSTR cszFile ); BOOL ProcessRegSnapLog( LPCWSTR cszRegCAB ); BOOL UpdateSystemRegistry( LPCWSTR cszTmpPath, BOOL fUI ); BOOL UpdateUserRegistry( LPCWSTR cszTmpPath ); BOOL ScanDependency( SMapEntry *pEnt ); BOOL UpdateWinInitForDirRename( SMapEntry *pEntRen ); BOOL CanFIFO( int chDrive );
BOOL IsDriveValid( LPCWSTR cszDrive );
void OprFileAdd( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprFileDelete( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprFileModify( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprRename( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprSetAttribute( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprDirectoryCreate( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void OprDirectoryDelete( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void AbortRestore( BOOL fUndo, BOOL fIsDiskFull, BOOL fUI ); void ChangeSrcToCPFileName( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void SetRegKeyRestoreFail( BOOL fUI ); void SetRegKeyRestoreFailLowDisk( BOOL fUI );
void GetSFN( SMapEntry *pEnt, DWORD dwFlags = 0 );
BOOL InitLogFile( DWORD dwEntry ); BOOL WriteLogEntry( SMapEntry *pEnt ); void CloseLogFile();
BOOL InitWinInitFile(); BOOL WriteWinInitEntry( LPCWSTR cszKey, LPCWSTR cszVal ); BOOL CloseWinInitFile( BOOL fDiscard );
BOOL CreateS2LMapFile(); BOOL WriteS2LMapEntry( DWORD dwType, LPCWSTR cszSFN, LPCWSTR cszLFN, DWORD dwAttr = 0 ); BOOL CloseS2LMapFile();
// Attributes
protected: SMapEntry m_sMapEnt; // Regular Map Entries
SMapEntry m_sMapReg; // Map Entries for the Registry
INT m_nMaxMapEnt ; // Number of map entries
INT m_nMaxMapReg ; // Number of registry map entries
INT m_nRestoreStatus ; // Status of operation
INT m_nRestoreProgress ; // Progress value
INT m_fInitChgLogCalled ; // Called API so shutdown to be done
INT m_fRMapEntriesExist ; // Set if there are no entires in Restore Map
WCHAR m_szDSArchive[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR m_szWinInitPath[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR m_szWinInitErr[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE m_hfLog; HANDLE m_hfSeqNumLog; INT m_pfDrive[26]; BOOL m_fFIFODisabled;
WCHAR m_szWITmp[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE m_hfWinInitTmp; WCHAR m_szS2LMap[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE m_hfS2LMap; };