// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: runobj.cxx
// Contents: Run instance object class implementations.
// Classes: CRun and CRunList
// History: 14-Mar-96 EricB Created.
// 10-Nov-96 AnirudhS Fixed CRunList::AddSorted to discard the
// appropriate element if the list is at its maximum size.
// Fixed CRunList::MakeSysTimeArray to call CoTaskMemAlloc
// once instead of calling CoTaskMemRealloc in a loop.
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <job_cls.hxx>
#include <misc.hxx>
#include <debug.hxx>
#include "..\svc_core\svc_core.hxx"
#if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
#include <userenv.h> // UnloadUserProfile
#endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
PFNSetThreadExecutionState pfnSetThreadExecutionState; DWORD g_WakeCountSlot = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Run instance object class
// Method: CRun::CRun
// Synopsis: ctor for time-sorted lists.
CRun::CRun(LPFILETIME pft, LPFILETIME pftDeadline, FILETIME ftKill, DWORD MaxRunTime, DWORD rgFlags, WORD wIdleWait, BOOL fKeepAfterRunning) : m_ft(*pft), m_ftDeadline(*pftDeadline), m_ftKill(ftKill), m_hJob(NULL), m_ptszJobName(NULL), m_dwProcessId(0), #if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_hUserToken(NULL), m_ptszDesktop(NULL), m_ptszStation(NULL), m_hProfile(NULL), #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_rgFlags(rgFlags), m_dwMaxRunTime(MaxRunTime), m_wIdleWait(wIdleWait), m_fKeepInList(fKeepAfterRunning), m_fStarted(FALSE) { schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRun::CRun(0x%x)\n", this)); }
// Method: CRun::CRun
// Synopsis: ctor for non-time-sorted lists.
CRun::CRun(DWORD MaxRunTime, DWORD rgFlags, FILETIME ftDeadline, BOOL fKeepAfterRunning) : m_ftDeadline(ftDeadline), m_ftKill(MAX_FILETIME), m_hJob(NULL), m_ptszJobName(NULL),
m_dwProcessId(0), #if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_ptszDesktop(NULL), m_ptszStation(NULL), m_hUserToken(NULL), m_hProfile(NULL), #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_rgFlags(rgFlags), m_dwMaxRunTime(MaxRunTime), m_wIdleWait(0), m_fKeepInList(fKeepAfterRunning), m_fStarted(FALSE) { //schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRun::CRun(0x%x)\n", this));
// This ctor is used for non-sorted lists. Set the time elements to
// non-zero values to distinguish these elements from the head.
// CODEWORK - Don't use 0,0 to mark the head. Remove IsNull() method.
// Instead use a NULL Next pointer to mark the last list element.
m_ft.dwLowDateTime = 1; m_ft.dwHighDateTime = 1; }
// Method: CRun::CRun
// Synopsis: ctor for idle-time-sorted lists.
CRun::CRun(DWORD MaxRunTime, DWORD rgFlags, WORD wIdleWait, FILETIME ftDeadline, BOOL fKeepAfterRunning) : m_ftDeadline(ftDeadline), m_ftKill(MAX_FILETIME), m_hJob(NULL), m_ptszJobName(NULL), m_dwProcessId(0), #if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_ptszDesktop(NULL), m_ptszStation(NULL), m_hUserToken(NULL), m_hProfile(NULL), #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_rgFlags(rgFlags), m_dwMaxRunTime(MaxRunTime), m_wIdleWait(wIdleWait), m_fKeepInList(fKeepAfterRunning), m_fStarted(FALSE) { TRACE3(CRun,CRun); //
// Set the time elements to non-zero values to distinguish
// these elements from the head.
// CODEWORK - as above, don't do this.
m_ft.dwLowDateTime = 1; m_ft.dwHighDateTime = 1; }
// Method: CRun::CRun
// Synopsis: copy ctor.
// Notes: This ctor should not be used to copy running objects, i.e.
// objects that have valid process, user token, or profile
// handles.
CRun::CRun(CRun * pRun) : m_ft(pRun->m_ft), m_ftDeadline(pRun->m_ftDeadline), m_ftKill(pRun->m_ftKill), m_hJob(NULL), m_ptszJobName(NULL), m_dwProcessId(pRun->m_dwProcessId), #if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_ptszDesktop(NULL), m_ptszStation(NULL), m_hUserToken(NULL), m_hProfile(NULL), #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_rgFlags(pRun->m_rgFlags), m_dwMaxRunTime(pRun->m_dwMaxRunTime), m_wIdleWait(pRun->m_wIdleWait), m_fKeepInList(pRun->m_fKeepInList), m_fStarted(pRun->m_fStarted) { TRACE3(CRun,CRun(Copy));
SetName(pRun->m_ptszJobName); schAssert(!pRun->m_hJob);
#if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
schAssert(!pRun->m_hUserToken); schAssert(!pRun->m_hProfile); #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Method: CRun::CRun
// Synopsis: ctor
CRun::CRun(void) : m_ftDeadline(MAX_FILETIME), m_ftKill(MAX_FILETIME), m_hJob(NULL), m_ptszJobName(NULL), m_dwProcessId(0), #if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_ptszDesktop(NULL), m_ptszStation(NULL), m_hUserToken(NULL), m_hProfile(NULL), #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
m_rgFlags(0), m_dwMaxRunTime(RUN_TIME_NO_END), m_wIdleWait(0), m_fKeepInList(FALSE), m_fStarted(FALSE) { //schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRun::CRun(0x%x)\n", this));
// The null arg ctor is used only by CRunList for its head element
// member. The zero time value for this element marks it as the head
// when traversing the doubly linked list.
m_ft.dwLowDateTime = 0; m_ft.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
// Method: CRun::~CRun
// Synopsis: dtor
CRun::~CRun() { BOOL fOk;
//schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRun::~CRun(0x%x)\n", this));
if (m_hJob) { CloseHandle(m_hJob); } if (m_ptszJobName) { delete m_ptszJobName; }
#if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
if (m_hProfile) { fOk = UnloadUserProfile(m_hUserToken, m_hProfile);
if (!fOk) { ERR_OUT("~CRun: UnloadUserProfile", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } if (m_hUserToken) { fOk = CloseHandle(m_hUserToken); if (!fOk) { ERR_OUT("~CRun: CloseHandle", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } if ( m_ptszDesktop ) { delete m_ptszDesktop; }
if ( m_ptszStation ) { delete m_ptszStation; } #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Method: CRun::SetName
// Synopsis: Set the job name property. This is the folder-relative name.
HRESULT CRun::SetName(LPCTSTR ptszName) { if (m_ptszJobName) { delete m_ptszJobName; m_ptszJobName = NULL; }
if (!ptszName) { return S_OK; }
m_ptszJobName = new TCHAR[lstrlen(ptszName) + 1];
if (m_ptszJobName == NULL) { return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lstrcpy(m_ptszJobName, ptszName);
return(S_OK); }
#if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Method: CRun::SetDesktop
// Synopsis: Set the Desktop name property. This is the windows station \ desktop.
HRESULT CRun::SetDesktop( LPCTSTR ptszDesktop ) { if (ptszDesktop) { delete m_ptszDesktop; m_ptszDesktop = NULL; }
if (!ptszDesktop) { return S_OK; }
m_ptszDesktop = new TCHAR[lstrlen(ptszDesktop) + 1];
if (m_ptszDesktop == NULL) { return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lstrcpy(m_ptszDesktop, ptszDesktop);
return(S_OK); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: CRun::SetStation
// Synopsis: Set the Desktop name property. This is the windows station \ desktop.
HRESULT CRun::SetStation( LPCTSTR ptszStation ) { if (ptszStation) { delete m_ptszStation; m_ptszStation = NULL; }
if (!ptszStation) { return S_OK; }
m_ptszStation = new TCHAR[lstrlen(ptszStation) + 1];
if (m_ptszStation == NULL) { return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lstrcpy(m_ptszStation, ptszStation);
return(S_OK); } #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Method: CRun::AdjustKillTimeByMaxRunTime
// Synopsis: If the job has a max run time, advance its kill time to "now"
// plus the max run time.
void CRun::AdjustKillTimeByMaxRunTime(FILETIME ftNow) { if (m_dwMaxRunTime != INFINITE) { AdvanceKillTime(FTfrom64( FTto64(ftNow) + (DWORDLONG) m_dwMaxRunTime * FILETIMES_PER_MILLISECOND)); } }
// Run object list class
// Member: CRunList::FreeList
// Synopsis: Frees the linked list elements, skipping the head.
void CRunList::FreeList(void) { //
// Skip the head, it is a placeholder in the circular list with a time
// value of zero. The zero time value is used as a marker so that we can
// tell when we have traversed the entire list.
CRun * pCur = m_RunHead.Next();
while (!pCur->IsNull()) { CRun * pNext = pCur->Next(); pCur->UnLink(); delete pCur; pCur = pNext; } }
// Member: CRunList::AddSorted
// Synopsis: Add to the list in time sorted order.
// Arguments: [ftRun] -
// [ftDeadline] -
// [ftKillTime] -
// [ptszJobName] -
// [dwJobFlags] -
// [dwMaxRunTime] -
// [wIdleWait] -
// [pCount] - On entry and on exit, points to the number of
// elements in the list.
// [cLimit] - Limit on the number of elements in the list.
// Returns: S_OK - new run added to the list.
// S_FALSE - new run not added to the list because the list has
// already reached its size limit and the new job's run time
// is later than the last run time in the list.
HRESULT CTimeRunList::AddSorted(FILETIME ftRun, FILETIME ftDeadline, FILETIME ftKillTime, LPTSTR ptszJobName, DWORD dwJobFlags, DWORD dwMaxRunTime, WORD wIdleWait, WORD * pCount, WORD cLimit) { schAssert(*pCount <= cLimit);
// The list is monotonically increasing in time. Traverse the list in
// reverse order since the most common case will be to put the new
// element at the end. That is, except in the case of overlapping
// duration intervals, the run times for the same trigger will be
// discovered in monotonically increasing order.
// For merging in the run times from separate triggers or jobs, the runs
// will not be in any predictable order. In this case, it doesn't matter
// from which end the search starts.
// CODEWORK Use IsNull() instead of GetTime(). Make this loop a for loop.
FILETIME ftCur; CRun * pRun = m_RunHead.Prev(); pRun->GetTime(&ftCur); //
// Note that the head element is merely a marker (since this is a doubly
// linked, circular list) and has its time value set to zero. Thus if we
// reach a zero FILETIME, we have reached the head and thus know that
// there is no list element with a later time, so insert at the tail.
while (ftCur.dwLowDateTime || ftCur.dwHighDateTime) { if (CompareFileTime(&ftCur, &ftRun) == 0) { //
// Duplicate found, check for job name match. If here as a result
// of a call to ITask::GetRunTimes, then both will be null. We
// want duplicates eliminated in this case. Otherwise, compare
// names.
if ((pRun->GetName() == NULL && ptszJobName == NULL) || (pRun->GetName() != NULL && ptszJobName != NULL && lstrcmpi(pRun->GetName(), ptszJobName) == 0)) { // keep the one already in the list but set the kill time
// to the earlier of the two,
// set the idle wait time to the lesser (less restrictive)
// of the two
// and set the start deadline to the later (less
// restrictive) of the two.
// (There is no reason for the MaxRunTime to be different)
schAssert(pRun->GetMaxRunTime() == dwMaxRunTime); return S_OK; } }
if (CompareFileTime(&ftCur, &ftRun) < 0) { //
// The new run is later than the current, so we are at the
// insertion point.
break; } pRun = pRun->Prev(); pRun->GetTime(&ftCur); }
// If the list is already at its maximum size, discard either the
// last element or the one we were about to insert, whichever is
// later.
if (*pCount >= cLimit) { CRun * pLast = m_RunHead.Prev(); if (pLast == pRun) { //
// We were about to insert after the last element.
return S_FALSE; } else { //
// Discard the last element before inserting the new one.
pLast->UnLink(); delete pLast; (*pCount)--; } }
// Create the new element and insert after the current one.
CRun * pNewRun = new CRun(&ftRun, &ftDeadline, ftKillTime, dwMaxRunTime, dwJobFlags, wIdleWait, FALSE); if (!pNewRun) { ERR_OUT("RunList: Add", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } HRESULT hr = pNewRun->SetName(ptszJobName); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR_OUT("CRunList::AddSorted SetName", hr); delete pNewRun; return hr; }
pNewRun->SetNext(pRun->Next()); pNewRun->Next()->SetPrev(pNewRun); pRun->SetNext(pNewRun); pNewRun->SetPrev(pRun);
// Increment the count.
return S_OK; }
// Member: CIdleRunList::AddSortedByIdleWait
// Synopsis: Add to the list in time sorted order.
void CIdleRunList::AddSortedByIdleWait(CRun * pAdd) { //
// If the system needs to stay awake to run this task, increment the
// thread's wake count. (We know that this is always called by the
// worker thread.)
if (pAdd->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { WrapSetThreadExecutionState(TRUE, "AddSortedByIdleWait"); }
if (m_RunHead.Next()->IsNull()) { // List is empty, so add this as the first element.
pAdd->LinkAfter(&m_RunHead); return; }
WORD wAddWait = pAdd->GetWait(); schAssert(wAddWait > 0); // We should never put a job in the idle wait
// list if its idle wait time is 0
// Walk the list, comparing idle wait times.
CRun * pCur = m_RunHead.Next(); while (!pCur->IsNull()) { if (wAddWait < pCur->GetWait()) { pAdd->LinkBefore(pCur); return; } pCur = pCur->Next(); }
// Add to the end of the list.
pAdd->LinkBefore(pCur); }
// Member: CIdleRunList::GetFirstWait
// Synopsis: Finds the lowest idle wait time of the jobs in the list that
// haven't already been started in this idle period.
// Returns 0xffff if there is no such job.
WORD CIdleRunList::GetFirstWait() { for (CRun * pRun = m_RunHead.Next(); !pRun->IsNull(); pRun = pRun->Next()) { if (!pRun->m_fStarted) { // (We should never have inserted a run with zero wait time)
schAssert(pRun->GetWait() != 0);
return (pRun->GetWait()); } }
return 0xffff; }
// Member: CIdleRunList::MarkNoneStarted
// Synopsis: Marks all jobs in the idle list as not having been started in
// the current idle period.
void CIdleRunList::MarkNoneStarted() { schDebugOut((DEB_IDLE, "Marking idle jobs as not started\n")); for (CRun * pRun = GetFirstJob(); !pRun->IsNull(); pRun = pRun->Next()) { pRun->m_fStarted = FALSE; } }
// Member: CRunList::AddCopy
// Synopsis: Add a copy of the object to the list.
HRESULT CRunList::AddCopy(CRun * pOriginal) { CRun * pCopy = new CRun(pOriginal); if (pCopy == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pCopy->LinkAfter(&m_RunHead); return S_OK; }
// Member: CTimeRunList::Pop
// Synopsis: Removes the first (earliest) time element from the list and
// returns it.
CRun * CTimeRunList::Pop(void) { CRun * pPop = m_RunHead.Next();
if (pPop->IsNull()) { // List is empty, so return a flag return code.
return NULL; }
return pPop; }
// Member: CTimeRunList::PeekHeadTime
// Synopsis: Returns the filetime value for the element at the head of the
// list.
HRESULT CTimeRunList::PeekHeadTime(LPFILETIME pft) { if (m_RunHead.Next()->IsNull()) { // List is empty, so return a flag return code.
return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: CTimeRunList::MakeSysTimeArray
// Synopsis: returns the run list times as an array of SYSTEMTIME structs.
// Arguments: [prgst] - a pointer to the returned array of filetime structs
// is stored here. This function allocates the array
// using CoTaskMemAlloc. It must be freed by the caller.
// [pCount] - On entry, points to an upper limit on the number of
// array elements to return. On exit, points to the
// actual number returned.
HRESULT CTimeRunList::MakeSysTimeArray(LPSYSTEMTIME * prgst, WORD * pCount) { WORD cLimit = *pCount; *pCount = 0; *prgst = (LPSYSTEMTIME) CoTaskMemAlloc(cLimit * sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if (*prgst == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Skip the head, it is a placeholder in the circular list with a time
// value of zero.
for (CRun * pCur = m_RunHead.Next(); (*pCount < cLimit) && (!pCur->IsNull()); (*pCount)++, pCur = pCur->Next()) { pCur->GetSysTime( &(*prgst)[*pCount] ); }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CIdleRunList::FreeList
// Synopsis: Same as CRunList::FreeList except it decrements the thread's
// wake count for each system-required run in the list. (We
// know this method is only called by the worker thread.)
void CIdleRunList::FreeList() { CRun * pCur = m_RunHead.Next();
while (!pCur->IsNull()) { CRun * pNext = pCur->Next(); pCur->UnLink(); if (pCur->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { WrapSetThreadExecutionState(FALSE, "CIdleRunList::FreeList"); } delete pCur; pCur = pNext; } }
// Member: CIdleRunList::FreeExpiredOrRegenerated
// Synopsis: This method is called when rebuilding the idle wait list from
// the data in the tasks folder.
// Removes runs that have m_fKeepInList set. (These correspond
// to jobs with idle triggers.) Also purges expired runs.
// Runs that don't have m_fKeepInList set correspond to runs that
// have been triggered due to some other event, and are waiting
// for an idle period; these are not removed here.
void CIdleRunList::FreeExpiredOrRegenerated() { // BUGBUG ftNow should be a parameter
FILETIME ftNow = GetLocalTimeAsFileTime();
CRun * pNext; for (CRun *pRun = m_RunHead.Next(); !pRun->IsNull(); pRun = pNext) { pNext = pRun->Next();
if (pRun->IsIdleTriggered() || CompareFileTime(pRun->GetDeadline(), &ftNow) < 0) { pRun->UnLink();
// If the system needed to stay awake to run this task, decrement
// the thread's wake count. (We know that this is always called
// by the worker thread.)
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { WrapSetThreadExecutionState(FALSE, "CIdleRunList::FreeExpiredOrRegenerated"); }
delete pRun; } } }
// Function: WrapSetThreadExecutionStateFn
// Synopsis: Wrapper for dynamically loaded function
void WINAPI WrapSetThreadExecutionStateFn( BOOL fSystemRequired #if DBG
, LPCSTR pszDbgMsg // parameter for debug output message
) { DWORD dwCount = (DWORD) (ULONG_PTR)TlsGetValue(g_WakeCountSlot);
if (fSystemRequired) { //
// Increment this thread's keep-awake count. If it was zero,
// set the system-required state.
schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "INCREMENTING keep-awake count to %ld: %s\n", dwCount + 1, pszDbgMsg)); schAssert(dwCount != (DWORD) -1); dwCount++; if (dwCount == 1) { if (pfnSetThreadExecutionState != NULL) { schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "SETTING sys-required state\n")); (pfnSetThreadExecutionState)(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED); } } } else { //
// Decrement this thread's keep-awake count. If it becomes zero,
// reset the system-required state.
schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "DECREMENTING keep-awake count to %ld: %s\n", dwCount - 1, pszDbgMsg)); schAssert(dwCount != 0);
dwCount--; if (dwCount == 0) { if (pfnSetThreadExecutionState != NULL) { schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "RESETTING sys-required state\n")); (pfnSetThreadExecutionState)(ES_CONTINUOUS); } } }
if (!TlsSetValue(g_WakeCountSlot, UlongToPtr(dwCount))) { ERR_OUT("TlsSetValue", GetLastError()); } }
// Function: InitThreadWakeCount
// Synopsis: Initialize this thread's keep-awake count.
void InitThreadWakeCount() { schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "INITIALIZING keep-awake count to 0\n")); if (!TlsSetValue(g_WakeCountSlot, 0)) { ERR_OUT("TlsSetValue", GetLastError()); } }