// Job Scheduler Job Object Handler
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: job.cxx
// Contents: ITask interface methods
// Classes: CJob
// Interfaces: ITask
// History: 23-May-95 EricB created
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "job.hxx"
#include "defines.hxx"
WCHAR wszEmpty[] = L"";
// Member: CJob::ITask::Run
// Synopsis: Run the job now. Sets a service bit on the job file. The
// running service will notice this bit being set and will run
// this job.
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::Run(void) { TRACE(CJob, Run)
// Set the magic bit.
// Save the service flags to disk so that the change can be noted by the
// service. Preserve the net schedule flag, thus allowing a user to force
// a run of an AT job without clearing the AT bit.
// Member: CJob::ITask::Terminate
// Synopsis: Abort this job, if it is running. Do so by setting an abort
// flag on the job object. The scheduler service local to the
// job object will detect this change and abort the job.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: None.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::Terminate(void) { TRACE(CJob, Terminate)
if (m_cRunningInstances > 0) { //
// Set the abort status bit and rewrite the state. This will instruct
// the service to process the job, detect the abort bit flag, and
// abort the job. As with the Run method, this doesn't zap the AT
// flag.
// Member: CJob::ITask::CreateTrigger
// Synopsis: Create a new trigger, add it to the job object, and return a
// pointer to it.
// Arguments: [piNewTrigger] - the index of the new trigger, optional
// [ppTrigger] - a pointer to the new trigger
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The trigger is AddRef'd in CreateTriggerP
STDMETHODIMP CJob::CreateTrigger(WORD * piNewTrigger, ITaskTrigger ** ppTrigger) { TRACE3(CJob, CreateTrigger)
*ppTrigger = NULL; // Init in case of error.
SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st);
TASK_TRIGGER jt = { sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER), // Trigger size.
m_Triggers.GetCount(), // Reserved (trigger index).
st.wYear, // Beginning year.
st.wMonth, // Beginning month.
st.wDay, // Beginning day.
0, // Ending year.
0, // Ending month.
0, // Ending day.
st.wHour, // Starting hour.
st.wMinute, // Starting minute.
0, // Minutes duration.
0, // Minutes interval.
1, // Trigger union.
0, // Reserved2. Unused.
0 // Random minutes interval.
CTrigger * pt = new CTrigger(jt.Reserved1, this);
HRESULT hr = m_Triggers.Add(jt);
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pt; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); return(hr); }
this->SetFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_PROPERTIES_DIRTY); this->SetTriggersDirty();
*piNewTrigger = jt.Reserved1; *ppTrigger = pt;
return(hr); }
// Member: CJob::ITask::DeleteTrigger
// Synopsis: Remove a run trigger.
// Arguments: [iTrigger] - the index of the trigger to be removed
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::DeleteTrigger(WORD iTrigger) { TRACE3(CJob, DeleteTrigger)
TASK_TRIGGER * pjt = this->_GetTrigger(iTrigger);
if (pjt != NULL) { m_Triggers.Remove(iTrigger);
// Fixup remaining indices to account for deletion.
for (WORD i = iTrigger; i < m_Triggers.GetCount(); i++) { m_Triggers[i].Reserved1--; }
if (!m_Triggers.GetCount()) { this->ClearFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_HAS_TRIGGERS); }
return(S_OK); } else { return(SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND); } }
// Member: CJob::_GetTrigger, private
// Synopsis: Return the TASK_TRIGGER associated with the index. The
// TASK_TRIGGER reserved field specifies the trigger index.
// Arguments: [iTrigger] -- Trigger index.
// Returns: TASK_TRIGGER * -- Trigger found.
// NULL -- Trigger not found.
TASK_TRIGGER * CJob::_GetTrigger(WORD iTrigger) { for (WORD i = 0; i < m_Triggers.GetCount(); i++) { if (m_Triggers[i].Reserved1 == iTrigger) { return(&m_Triggers[i]); } }
return(NULL); }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetTriggerCount
// Synopsis: Return the count of run triggers.
// Arguments: [pwCount] - the address where the count is to be returned
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetTriggerCount(WORD * pwCount) { TRACE3(CJob, GetTriggerCount)
*pwCount = m_Triggers.GetCount();
return(S_OK); }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetTrigger
// Synopsis: Return an ITaskTrigger pointer to the indicated trigger.
// Arguments: [iTrigger] - the index of the trigger to fetch
// [ppTrigger] - the returned trigger pointer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The trigger is AddRef'd in GetTriggerObj(m_Triggers.GetTrigger)
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetTrigger(WORD iTrigger, ITaskTrigger ** ppTrigger) { TRACE3(CJob, GetTrigger)
*ppTrigger = NULL; // Init in case of error.
TASK_TRIGGER * pjt = this->_GetTrigger(iTrigger);
if (pjt != NULL) { CTrigger * pt = new CTrigger(iTrigger, this);
*ppTrigger = pt; return(S_OK); }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetTriggerString
// Synopsis: Return the indicated run trigger as a string.
// Arguments: [iTrigger] - the index of the trigger to convert
// [ppwszTrigger] - the returned string buffer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The string is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetTriggerString(WORD iTrigger, LPWSTR * ppwszTrigger) { TRACE3(CJob, GetTriggerString)
*ppwszTrigger = NULL; // Init in case of error.
TASK_TRIGGER * pjt = this->_GetTrigger(iTrigger);
if (pjt != NULL) { return(::StringFromTrigger(pjt, ppwszTrigger, NULL)); }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetApplicationName
// Synopsis: Set the Application Name String property
// Arguments: [pwszApplicationName] - the name of the app to execute.
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The string is caller allocated and freed.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetApplicationName(LPCWSTR pwszApplicationName) { TRACE3(CJob, SetApplicationName)
// We don't use a try/catch
// because the COM interface runs in the caller's context and it is their
// responsibility to ensure good params. This latter statement is true for
// all scheduler COM interface methods.
if (*pwszApplicationName == L'\0') { //
// The caller wants the command set to an empty string.
// We are using a null pointer for an empty string as an optimization.
if (m_pwszApplicationName == NULL) { //
// Nothing to do.
return S_OK; } else { //
// Setting this flag will instruct the persist code to
// regenerate a GUID for this job. This is done for security
// reasons.
// NB : This must be done for Win95 as well as NT.
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pwszApplicationName); //
// We want this change to trigger a wait list rebuild.
SetFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_RUN_PROP_CHANGE); } } else { //
// Update the flags and status.
// Note that if the status went from SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED to
// want CheckDir to issue a wait list rebuild because the job has
// gone from a non-runable to a runable state. Thus, in the if
// clause below we set JOB_I_FLAG_RUN_PROP_CHANGE.
if (IsFlagSet(JOB_I_FLAG_HAS_TRIGGERS) && !IsFlagSet(JOB_I_FLAG_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS)) { if (m_stMostRecentRunTime.wYear == 0) { //
// Job has never run if last-run-time property is null
// (all elements will be zero if null, testing year is
// sufficient).
SetStatus(SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN); } else { //
// Job has run in the past, so it is now waiting to run
// again.
SetStatus(SCHED_S_TASK_READY); } //
// We want this change to trigger a wait list rebuild.
if (IsLocalFilename(m_ptszFileName)) { #if defined(UNICODE)
lstrcpyn(tszAppName, pwszApplicationName, MAX_PATH);
ProcessApplicationName(tszAppName, m_pwszWorkingDirectory ? m_pwszWorkingDirectory : wszEmpty); #else
UnicodeToAnsi(tszAppName, pwszApplicationName, MAX_PATH);
CHAR szWorkingDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
if (m_pwszWorkingDirectory) { UnicodeToAnsi(szWorkingDir, m_pwszWorkingDirectory, MAX_PATH); }
ProcessApplicationName(tszAppName, szWorkingDir); #endif // defined(UNICODE)
} else { #if defined(UNICODE)
lstrcpyn(tszAppName, pwszApplicationName, MAX_PATH); #else
UnicodeToAnsi(tszAppName, pwszApplicationName, MAX_PATH); #endif // defined(UNICODE)
StripLeadTrailSpace(tszAppName); DeleteQuotes(tszAppName); }
// Allocate a new string, adding one for the null terminator
ULONG cchAppName = lstrlen(tszAppName) + 1; LPWSTR pwszTmp = new WCHAR[cchAppName];
if (pwszTmp == NULL) { ERR_OUT("CJob::SetApplicationName", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
#if defined(UNICODE)
lstrcpy(pwszTmp, tszAppName); #else
HRESULT hr = AnsiToUnicode(pwszTmp, tszAppName, cchAppName);
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pwszTmp; return hr; } #endif // defined(UNICODE)
// Setting this flag will instruct the persist code to
// regenerate a GUID for this job. This is done for security
// reasons.
// NB : This must be done for Win95 as well as NT.
// Ensure first, that the application has indeed changed.
if (m_pwszApplicationName != NULL && lstrcmpiW( m_pwszApplicationName, pwszTmp) != 0) { SetFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_APPNAME_CHANGE); }
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pwszApplicationName); m_pwszApplicationName = pwszTmp; }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetApplicationName
// Synopsis: Get the ApplicationName String property
// Arguments: [ppwszApplicationName] - the returned string buffer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The command string is passed to CreateProcess to be executed
// at task run time.
// The string is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetApplicationName(LPWSTR * ppwszApplicationName) { TRACE3(CJob, GetApplicationName) WCHAR * pwszCmd;
if (m_pwszApplicationName == NULL) { //
// Return an empty string rather than a null pointer
pwszCmd = wszEmpty; } else { pwszCmd = m_pwszApplicationName; }
// add one for the null.
*ppwszApplicationName = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((s_wcslen(pwszCmd) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (*ppwszApplicationName == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(*ppwszApplicationName, pwszCmd);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetParameters
// Synopsis: Set the Parameters String property
// Arguments: [pwszParameters] - the application parameters string
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The Parameters string is appended to the Application Name and
// passed to CreateProcess as the command line to be executed at
// task run time.
// The string is caller allocated and freed.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetParameters(LPCWSTR pwszParameters) { TRACE3(CJob, SetParameters)
if (*pwszParameters == L'\0') { //
// The caller wants the Parameters set to an empty string.
// We are using a null pointer for an empty string as an optimization.
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pwszParameters); } else { //
// Allocate a new string, adding one for the null terminator
LPWSTR pwszTmp = new WCHAR[s_wcslen(pwszParameters) + 1]; if (pwszTmp == NULL) { ERR_OUT("CJob::SetParameters", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(pwszTmp, pwszParameters);
m_pwszParameters = pwszTmp; } SetFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_PROPERTIES_DIRTY); return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetParameters
// Synopsis: Get the Parameters String property
// Arguments: [ppwszParameters] - the returned string buffer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The Parameters string is appended to the Application Name and
// passed to CreateProcess as the command line to be executed at
// task run time.
// The string is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetParameters(LPWSTR * ppwszParameters) { TRACE3(CJob, GetParameters) WCHAR * pwszTmp;
if (m_pwszParameters == NULL) { //
// Return an empty string rather than a null pointer
pwszTmp = wszEmpty; } else { pwszTmp = m_pwszParameters; }
// add one for the null.
*ppwszParameters = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((s_wcslen(pwszTmp) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (*ppwszParameters == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(*ppwszParameters, pwszTmp);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetWorkingDirectory
// Synopsis: Set the Working Directory (current directory) property
// Arguments: [pwszWorkingDir] - the name to use
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The string is caller allocated and freed
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetWorkingDirectory(LPCWSTR pwszWorkingDirectory) { TRACE3(CJob, SetWorkingDirectory)
if (*pwszWorkingDirectory == L'\0') { //
// The caller wants the WorkingDirectory set to an empty string.
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pwszWorkingDirectory); } else { //
// Allocate a new string, adding one for the null terminator
LPWSTR pwszTmp = new WCHAR[s_wcslen(pwszWorkingDirectory) + 1]; if (pwszTmp == NULL) { ERR_OUT("CJob::SetWorkingDirectory", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(pwszTmp, pwszWorkingDirectory);
m_pwszWorkingDirectory = pwszTmp;
// Remove double quotes from working directory path; they're not supported
// by SetCurrentDirectory.
#if defined(UNICODE)
DeleteQuotes(m_pwszWorkingDirectory); #else
CHAR szWorkingDir[2 * MAX_PATH] = "";
UnicodeToAnsi(szWorkingDir, m_pwszWorkingDirectory, 2 * MAX_PATH); DeleteQuotes(szWorkingDir); AnsiToUnicode(m_pwszWorkingDirectory, szWorkingDir, wcslen(m_pwszWorkingDirectory) + 1); #endif // defined(UNICODE)
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetWorkingDir
// Synopsis: Get the Working Directory (current directory) property
// Arguments: [ppwszWorkingDirectory] - the returned string buffer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The string is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetWorkingDirectory(LPWSTR * ppwszWorkingDirectory) { TRACE3(CJob, GetWorkingDirectory) WCHAR * pwszWorkingDir;
if (m_pwszWorkingDirectory == NULL) { //
// Return an empty string rather than a null pointer
pwszWorkingDir = wszEmpty; } else { pwszWorkingDir = m_pwszWorkingDirectory; }
// add one for the null.
*ppwszWorkingDirectory = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc( (s_wcslen(pwszWorkingDir) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (*ppwszWorkingDirectory == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(*ppwszWorkingDirectory, pwszWorkingDir);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetComment
// Synopsis: Set the comment field.
// Arguments: [pwszComment] - the comment string value, caller alloc'd and
// freed
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetComment(LPCWSTR pwszComment) { TRACE3(CJob, SetComment)
if (*pwszComment == L'\0') { //
// The caller wants the Comment set to an empty string.
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pwszComment); } else { //
// Allocate a new string, adding one for the null terminator
LPWSTR pwszTmp = new WCHAR[s_wcslen(pwszComment) + 1]; if (pwszTmp == NULL) { ERR_OUT("CJob::SetComment", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(pwszTmp, pwszComment);
m_pwszComment = pwszTmp; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetComment
// Synopsis: Get the comment field property.
// Arguments: [ppwszComment] - the returned string buffer
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The string is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetComment(LPWSTR * ppwszComment) { TRACE3(CJob, GetComment) WCHAR * pwszCmt;
if (m_pwszComment == NULL) { //
// Return an empty string rather than a null pointer
pwszCmt = wszEmpty; } else { pwszCmt = m_pwszComment; }
// add one for the null.
*ppwszComment = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((s_wcslen(pwszCmt) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (*ppwszComment == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(*ppwszComment, pwszCmt);
return S_OK; }
#if !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Member: CJob::_SetSignature
// Synopsis: Set the job's signature.
// Arguments: [pbSignature] - assumed to be SIGNATURE_SIZE bytes long.
// Returns: HRESULTS
HRESULT CJob::_SetSignature(const BYTE * pbSignature) { TRACE3(CJob, SetSignature)
if (pb == NULL) { ERR_OUT("CJob::SetSignature", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
CopyMemory(pb, pbSignature, SIGNATURE_SIZE);
m_pbSignature = pb;
SetFlag(JOB_I_FLAG_PROPERTIES_DIRTY); return S_OK; } #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetPriority
// Synopsis: Set the priority property
// Arguments: [dwPriority] - the priority value
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: Controls the priority at which the job will run. Applies to NT
// only, a no-op on Win95. This must be one of the four values
// from CreateProcess's priority class.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetPriority(DWORD dwPriority) { TRACE3(CJob, SetPriority) //
// Check for valid priority values
default: return E_INVALIDARG; }
m_dwPriority = dwPriority;
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetPriority
// Synopsis: Get the priority property
// Arguments: [pdwPriority] - priority return address
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetPriority(DWORD * pdwPriority) { TRACE3(CJob, GetPriority)
*pdwPriority = m_dwPriority;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetMaxRunTime
// Synopsis: Set the MaximumRunTime property
// Arguments: [dwMaxRunTime] - new MaxRunTime value in milliseconds
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetMaxRunTime(DWORD dwMaxRunTime) { TRACE3(CJob, SetMaxRunTime)
m_dwMaxRunTime = dwMaxRunTime;
// Cause a wait list rebuild
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetMaxRunTime
// Synopsis: Get the MaximumRunTime property
// Arguments: [pdwMaxRunTime] - MaxRunTime return address (milliseconds)
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetMaxRunTime(DWORD * pdwMaxRunTime) { TRACE3(CJob, GetMaxRunTime)
*pdwMaxRunTime = m_dwMaxRunTime;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetFlags
// Synopsis: Set the bit flags for the various boolean properties
// Arguments: [fLogConfig] - Boolean: should changes be logged true/false.
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetFlags(DWORD rgFlags) { TRACE3(CJob, SetFlags)
// If any flag that could affect the CRun objects in the wait
// list has changed, signal a wait list rebuild.
// CODEWORK Possible optimization: Omit some more flags and
// defer reading their settings into the CRun object until the
// time of running the job
// Only set the lower word of the internal flag property. The upper word
// is reserved for internal use.
rgFlags &= ~JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK; m_rgFlags &= JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK; SetFlag(rgFlags);
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetFlags
// Synopsis: Get the bit flags for the various boolean properties
// Arguments: [prgFlags] - returned value placed here
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetFlags(DWORD * prgFlags) { TRACE3(CJob, GetFlags)
// Only return the lower word of the internal flag property. The upper
// word is reserved for internal use.
// Also return whether this is an At job.
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetTaskFlags
// Synopsis: Sets the job's task flags.
// Arguments: [dwFlags] - flags to be set.
// Returns: S_OK
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetTaskFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { TRACE3(CJob, SetTaskFlags)
// Only set the lower word of the internal flag property. The upper word
// is reserved for internal use.
// BUGBUG return an error on invalid flag bits
m_rgTaskFlags = (m_rgTaskFlags & JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK) | (dwFlags & ~JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK);
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetTaskFlags
// Synopsis: Returns the job's task flags.
// Arguments: [pdwFlags] - return value pointer.
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetTaskFlags(DWORD * pdwFlags) { TRACE3(CJob, GetTaskFlags)
// Only return the lower word of the internal flag property. The upper
// word is reserved for internal use.
*pdwFlags = m_rgTaskFlags & ~JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetWorkItemData
// Synopsis: Sets the task data. Provides optional, per-task, binary
// storage for the caller.
// Arguments: [cbData] -- number of bytes in buffer.
// [rgbData] -- buffer of data to copy.
// Returns: S_OK
// Notes: The buffer is caller allocated and freed.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetWorkItemData(WORD cbData, BYTE rgbData[]) { TRACE3(CJob, SetWorkItemData)
if ((cbData != 0 && rgbData == NULL) || cbData == 0 && rgbData != NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
BYTE * pbData;
if (cbData) { pbData = new BYTE[cbData];
if (pbData == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
CopyMemory(pbData, rgbData, cbData); } else { pbData = NULL; }
DELETE_CJOB_FIELD(m_pbTaskData); m_pbTaskData = pbData; m_cbTaskData = cbData;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetWorkItemData
// Synopsis: Gets the task data.
// Arguments: [pcbData] -- returns the number of bytes in buffer.
// [prgbData] -- returns the buffer of data.
// Returns: S_OK for success.
// Notes: The buffer is callee allocated and caller freed with
// CoTaskMemFree. If there is no user data, then *pcBytes is set
// to zero and *ppBytes is set to NULL.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetWorkItemData(PWORD pcbData, PBYTE * prgbData) { TRACE3(CJob, GetWorkItemData)
if (m_pbTaskData != NULL) { *prgbData = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(m_cbTaskData);
if (*prgbData == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
CopyMemory(*prgbData, m_pbTaskData, m_cbTaskData); *pcbData = m_cbTaskData; } else { *pcbData = 0; *prgbData = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetMostRecentRunTime
// Synopsis: Returns the time that the job last ran.
// Arguments: [pstLastRun] - value returned here.
// Returns: HRESULTS
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetMostRecentRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstLastRun) { TRACE3(CJob, GetLastRunTime)
*pstLastRun = m_stMostRecentRunTime;
if (m_stMostRecentRunTime.wYear == 0) { //
// Job has never run if last-run-time property is null
// (all elements will be zero if null, testing year is
// sufficient).
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetNextRunTime
// Synopsis: Returns the next time that the job is scheduled to run.
// Arguments: [pstNextRun] - pointer to return value through
// Returns: S_OK: the next run time was returned.
// S_FALSE: there are no more scheduled runs.
// SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER: there are only event triggers.
// SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS: either there are no triggers or
// the triggers are disabled or not set.
// HRESULT - failure code.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetNextRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstNextRun) { TRACE3(CJob, GetNextRunTime)
HRESULT hr; SYSTEMTIME stNow, stEmpty = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; GetLocalTime(&stNow);
CTimeRunList RunList;
WORD cRuns = 0;
hr = GetRunTimesP(&stNow, NULL, &cRuns, 1, &RunList, NULL);
if (S_OK != hr) { *pstNextRun = stEmpty; return hr; } else if (cRuns == 0) { *pstNextRun = stEmpty; return S_FALSE; }
FILETIME ft; RunList.PeekHeadTime(&ft);
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, pstNextRun)) { *pstNextRun = stEmpty; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetExitCode
// Synopsis: Returns the exit code of the jobs last run.
// Arguments: [pExitCode] - return value pointer.
// Returns: HRESULT - error from the last attempt to start the job.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetExitCode(DWORD * pExitCode) { TRACE3(CJob, GetExitCode)
*pExitCode = m_ExitCode;
return m_hrStartError; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetStatus
// Synopsis: Returns the current status of this job object.
// Arguments: [phrStatus] - yup, the return value.
// Returns: HRESULTS
// Notes: The running status is implicit in a non-zero instance count.
// Otherwise, return the status property. Note also that the
// job's status and other properties that are obtained by the
// load from disk are a snapshot that can become stale.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetStatus(HRESULT * phrStatus) { TRACE3(CJob, GetStatus)
if (m_cRunningInstances > 0) { *phrStatus = SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING; } else { *phrStatus = m_hrStatus; }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::SetCreator
// Synopsis: Set the creator property.
// Arguments: [pwszCreator] -- Creator string.
// Returns: S_OK
// Notes: None.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::SetCreator(LPCWSTR pwszCreator) { TRACE3(CJob, SetCreator);
LPWSTR pwsz;
// Handle empty string.
if (*pwszCreator) { pwsz = new WCHAR[wcslen(pwszCreator) + 1];
if (pwsz == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(pwsz, pwszCreator); } else { pwsz = NULL; }
m_pwszCreator = pwsz;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CJob::ITask::GetCreator
// Synopsis: Fetch the creator property.
// Arguments: [ppwszCreator] -- Returned string.
// Returns: S_OK
// Notes: None.
STDMETHODIMP CJob::GetCreator(LPWSTR * ppwszCreator) { TRACE3(CJob, GetCreator);
// Handle empty string.
LPWSTR pwsz = (m_pwszCreator == NULL ? wszEmpty : m_pwszCreator);
*ppwszCreator = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc( (s_wcslen(pwsz) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (*ppwszCreator == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_wcscpy(*ppwszCreator, pwsz);
return S_OK; }