// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: editorui.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "attredit.h"
#include "adsiedit.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "editorui.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <aclpage.h>
#include <dssec.h> // For AclEditor flags
#include "connection.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// this is used to fill in the attributes for RootDSE
typedef struct tagRootDSEAttr { LPCWSTR lpszAttr; LPCWSTR lpszSyntax; BOOL bMulti; } SYNTAXMAP; SYNTAXMAP g_ldapRootDSESyntax[] = { _T("currentTime"), _T("UTCTime"), FALSE, _T("subschemaSubentry"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("serverName"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("namingContexts"), _T("String"), TRUE, _T("defaultNamingContext"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("schemaNamingContext"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("configurationNamingContext"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("rootDomainNamingContext"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("supportedControl"), _T("String"), TRUE, _T("supportedLDAPVersion"), _T("Integer"), TRUE, _T("supportedLDAPPolicies"), _T("String"), TRUE, _T("supportedSASLMechanisms"), _T("String"), TRUE, _T("dsServiceName"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("dnsHostName"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("supportedCapabilities"), _T("String"), TRUE, _T("ldapServiceName"), _T("String"), FALSE, _T("highestCommittedUsn"), _T("String"), FALSE, // this should be an integer but after investigation I found it was a string
NULL, 0, };
extern LPCWSTR g_lpszGC;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CADSIEditPropertyPage, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CADsObjectDialog)
CADSIEditPropertyPage::CADSIEditPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(IDD_PROPERTY_PAGE) { m_bExisting = TRUE; }
CADSIEditPropertyPage::CADSIEditPropertyPage(CAttrList* pAttrs) : CPropertyPageBase(IDD_PROPERTY_PAGE) { ASSERT(pAttrs != NULL); m_pOldAttrList = pAttrs; m_bExisting = FALSE; CopyAttrList(pAttrs); }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::CopyAttrList(CAttrList* pAttrList) { m_AttrList.RemoveAll(); POSITION pos = pAttrList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_AttrList.AddHead(pAttrList->GetNext(pos)); } }
BOOL CADSIEditPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog();
// Get the dialog items
CEdit* pPathBox = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PATH_BOX); CEdit* pClassBox = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CLASS_BOX); CComboBox* pPropSelectBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROPTYPES_BOX); CComboBox* pPropertyBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_BOX); CStatic* pPathLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PATH_LABEL); CStatic* pClassLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CLASS_LABEL); CStatic* pFilterLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILTER_LABEL); CStatic* pPropertyLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROPERTY_LABEL); CStatic* pSyntaxLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_SYNTAX_LABEL); CStatic* pEditLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_LABEL); CStatic* pValueLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_VALUE_LABEL); CButton* pAttrGroup = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR_GROUP); CStatic* pNoInfoLabel = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_NO_INFO);
if (m_bExisting) { // This determines whether the node is complete with data or not. If not we won't enable
// the UI
BOOL bComplete = TRUE; CADsObject* pADsObject = NULL; CTreeNode* pTreeNode = GetHolder()->GetTreeNode(); CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(pTreeNode); if (pContNode == NULL) { CADSIEditLeafNode* pLeafNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditLeafNode*>(pTreeNode); ASSERT(pLeafNode != NULL); pADsObject = pLeafNode->GetADsObject(); m_pConnectData = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); bComplete = pADsObject->IsComplete(); } else { pADsObject = pContNode->GetADsObject(); m_pConnectData = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); bComplete = pADsObject->IsComplete(); }
// Initialize the attribute editor
// Get the UI to reflect the data
if ( bComplete) { pPathBox->SetWindowText(m_sPath);
CString sMand, sOpt, sBoth; if (!sMand.LoadString(IDS_MANDATORY) || !sOpt.LoadString(IDS_OPTIONAL) || !sBoth.LoadString(IDS_BOTH)) { ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_FAIL_TO_LOAD, MB_OK); }
if (m_pConnectData->IsRootDSE()) { pPropSelectBox->AddString(sMand); pPropSelectBox->SetCurSel(0); } else { pPropSelectBox->AddString(sMand); pPropSelectBox->AddString(sOpt); pPropSelectBox->AddString(sBoth);
pPropSelectBox->SetCurSel(1); }
OnSelChangePropList(); pPropertyBox->SetCurSel(0); } else { pClassBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pPropSelectBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pPropertyBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pPathLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pClassLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pFilterLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pPropertyLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pSyntaxLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pEditLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pValueLabel->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pAttrGroup->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
pNoInfoLabel->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } } else { // Initialize the attribute editor
CString sMand, sOpt, sBoth; if (!sMand.LoadString(IDS_MANDATORY) || !sOpt.LoadString(IDS_OPTIONAL) || !sBoth.LoadString(IDS_BOTH)) { ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_FAIL_TO_LOAD, MB_OK); }
if (m_pConnectData->IsRootDSE()) { pPropSelectBox->AddString(sMand); pPropSelectBox->SetCurSel(0); } else { pPropSelectBox->AddString(sMand); pPropSelectBox->AddString(sOpt); pPropSelectBox->AddString(sBoth);
pPropSelectBox->SetCurSel(1); }
OnSelChangePropList(); pPropertyBox->SetCurSel(0);
} return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIEditPropertyPage::OnApply() { if( m_attrEditor.OnApply()) { if (!m_bExisting) { m_pOldAttrList->RemoveAll(); while (!m_AttrList.IsEmpty()) { m_pOldAttrList->AddTail(m_AttrList.RemoveTail()); } } } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::OnCancel() { if (!m_bExisting) { while (!m_AttrList.IsEmpty()) { CADSIAttr* pAttr = m_AttrList.RemoveTail(); ASSERT(pAttr != NULL);
CString szProp; pAttr->GetProperty(szProp); if (!m_pOldAttrList->HasProperty(szProp)) { delete pAttr; } } } }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::SetAttrList(CAttrList* pAttrList) { ASSERT(pAttrList != NULL); m_pOldAttrList = pAttrList; }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::OnSelChangePropList() { // Filter the properties list
FillAttrList(); OnSelChangeAttrList(); }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::OnSelChangeAttrList() { CComboBox* pPropertyBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_BOX);
int idx, iCount; CString s; HRESULT hr;
idx = pPropertyBox->GetCurSel(); // Make sure a property was selected
if ( idx == LB_ERR ) { return; }
pPropertyBox->GetLBText( idx, s );
// Have the attribute editor display the values for the new property
m_attrEditor.SetAttribute(s, m_sPath); }
BOOL CADSIEditPropertyPage::GetProperties() { CString schema;
//Get the class object so that we can get the properties
if (!m_pConnectData->IsRootDSE()) // Not RootDSE
{ m_pConnectData->GetAbstractSchemaPath(schema); schema += m_sClass;
// bind to object with authentication
CComPtr<IADsClass> pClass; HRESULT hr, hCredResult; hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( m_pConnectData, m_pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)schema, IID_IADsClass, (LPVOID*) &pClass, GetSafeHwnd(), hCredResult ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } return FALSE; }
// Get the Mandatory Properties
VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = pClass->get_MandatoryProperties(&var); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return FALSE; } VariantToStringList( var, m_sMandatoryAttrList ); VariantClear(&var);
// Remove the nTSecurityDescriptor from the list because the aclEditor replaces it for ui purposes
// Get the Optional Properties
VariantInit(&var); hr = pClass->get_OptionalProperties(&var); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return FALSE; } VariantToStringList( var, m_sOptionalAttrList ); VariantClear(&var); } else // RootDSE
{ int idx=0;
// Add in the predefined attributes for the RootDSE
while( g_ldapRootDSESyntax[idx].lpszAttr ) { m_sMandatoryAttrList.AddTail(g_ldapRootDSESyntax[idx].lpszAttr); idx++; } } return TRUE; }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::FillAttrList() { CComboBox* pPropSelectBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROPTYPES_BOX); CComboBox* pPropertyBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_BOX); POSITION pos; CString s;
// Clean out the property box
int iCount = pPropertyBox->GetCount(); while (iCount > 0) { pPropertyBox->DeleteString(0); iCount--; }
// Get the filter to use
int idx = pPropSelectBox->GetCurSel(); if ( idx == LB_ERR ) { return; }
// Fill in the property box using the filter
if (idx == IDS_BOTH - IDS_MANDATORY) { AddPropertiesToBox(TRUE, TRUE); } else if (idx == IDS_MANDATORY - IDS_MANDATORY) { AddPropertiesToBox(TRUE, FALSE); } else { AddPropertiesToBox(FALSE, TRUE); } pPropertyBox->SetCurSel(0); }
void CADSIEditPropertyPage::AddPropertiesToBox(BOOL bMand, BOOL bOpt) { CComboBox* pPropertyBox = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_BOX);
if (bMand) { // Add Mandatory Properties
pos = m_sMandatoryAttrList.GetHeadPosition(); while( pos != NULL ) { CString s = m_sMandatoryAttrList.GetNext(pos); if ( !s.IsEmpty()) { pPropertyBox->AddString( s ); } } }
if (bOpt) { // Add Optional Properties
pos = m_sOptionalAttrList.GetHeadPosition(); while( pos != NULL ) { CString s = m_sOptionalAttrList.GetNext(pos); if ( !s.IsEmpty()) { pPropertyBox->AddString( s ); } } } }
CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder::CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder(CADSIEditContainerNode* pContainerNode, CTreeNode* pThisNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, LPCWSTR lpszClass, LPCWSTR lpszServer, LPCWSTR lpszPath) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pContainerNode, pThisNode, pComponentData) { ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); ASSERT(pContainerNode != NULL);
m_pContainer = pContainerNode; ASSERT(pContainerNode == GetContainerNode()); ASSERT(pThisNode != NULL); m_pAclEditorPage = NULL; m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the page as embedded member
m_sPath = lpszPath; m_pADs = NULL;
// This gets the CConnectionData from the ConnectionNode by finding a valid treenode and using its
// CADsObject to get the ConnectionNode and then the CConnectionData
CADSIEditContainerNode* pNode = GetContainerNode(); CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectNode = pNode->GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode(); CConnectionData* pConnectData = pConnectNode->GetConnectionData();
CCredentialObject* pCredObject = pConnectData->GetCredentialObject();
HRESULT hr, hCredResult; hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)m_sPath, IID_IADs, (LPVOID*) &m_pADs, NULL, hCredResult );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Create the advanced attribute editor
hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DsAttributeEditor, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDsAttributeEditor, (void**)&m_spIDsAttributeEditor);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CString szLDAP; pConnectData->GetLDAP(szLDAP); CString szServer; pConnectData->GetDomainServer(szServer); CString szProviderServer = szLDAP + szServer + _T("/");
DS_ATTREDITOR_BINDINGINFO attrInfo = {0}; attrInfo.dwSize = sizeof(DS_ATTREDITOR_BINDINGINFO); attrInfo.lpfnBind = BindingCallbackFunction; attrInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pCredObject; attrInfo.lpszProviderServer = const_cast<LPWSTR>((LPCWSTR)szProviderServer);
if (pConnectData->IsRootDSE()) { attrInfo.dwFlags = DSATTR_EDITOR_ROOTDSE; }
hr = m_spIDsAttributeEditor->Initialize(m_pADs, &attrInfo, this); }
if (!pConnectData->IsRootDSE() && !pConnectData->IsGC()) { CString szUsername; WCHAR szPassword[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; pCredObject->GetUsername(szUsername); pCredObject->GetPassword(szPassword);
if (pCredObject->UseCredentials()) { m_pAclEditorPage = CAclEditorPage::CreateInstanceEx(m_sPath, lpszServer, szUsername, szPassword, DSSI_NO_FILTER, this); } else { m_pAclEditorPage = CAclEditorPage::CreateInstanceEx(m_sPath, NULL, NULL, NULL, DSSI_NO_FILTER, this); } } } else { if (!pConnectData->IsRootDSE() && !pConnectData->IsGC()) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { CString szUsername; WCHAR szPassword[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; pCredObject->GetUsername(szUsername); pCredObject->GetPassword(szPassword);
// Create the acl editor even if we were not successful binding, because
// the object may be deny read and we would still want the acl editor
if (pCredObject->UseCredentials()) { m_pAclEditorPage = CAclEditorPage::CreateInstanceEx(m_sPath, lpszServer, szUsername, szPassword, DSSI_NO_FILTER, this); } else { m_pAclEditorPage = CAclEditorPage::CreateInstanceEx(m_sPath, NULL, NULL, NULL, DSSI_NO_FILTER, this); }
return; } } } }
HRESULT CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder::OnAddPage(int nPage, CPropertyPageBase* pPage) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (nPage == 0) { //
// Add the advanced editor page
if (m_spIDsAttributeEditor != NULL) { hr = m_spIDsAttributeEditor->GetPage(&hAttrPage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = AddPageToSheetRaw(hAttrPage); } } } else if ( nPage == -1) { if (m_pAclEditorPage != NULL) { //
// add the ACL editor page after the last, if present
HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = m_pAclEditorPage->CreatePage(); if (hPage == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } //
// add the raw HPROPSHEETPAGE to sheet, not in the list
hr = AddPageToSheetRaw(hPage); } } return hr; }
CCreateWizPropertyPageHolder::CCreateWizPropertyPageHolder(CADSIEditContainerNode* pContainerNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, LPCWSTR lpszClass, LPCWSTR lpszServer, CAttrList* pAttrList) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pContainerNode, NULL, pComponentData), m_propPage(pAttrList) { ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); ASSERT(pContainerNode != NULL);
m_pContainer = pContainerNode; ASSERT(pContainerNode == GetContainerNode()); m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the page as embedded member
m_propPage.SetClass(lpszClass); m_propPage.SetServer(lpszServer); m_propPage.SetConnectionData(pContainerNode->GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)&m_propPage); }