// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: gencreat.cpp
// gencreat.cpp
// Implementation of the "Generic Create" wizard.
// - Unicode strings
// - Unsigned long decimal integers (32 bits)
// - Signed long decimal integers (32 bits)
// - Numeric decimal strings
// - Boolean flags
// - 32 bit hexadecimal integers
// - 64 bit hexadecimal integers
// - Blob
// - Distinguished Names with a "Browse" button
// 21-Aug-97 Dan Morin Creation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "uiutil.h"
#include "newobj.h" // CNewADsObjectCreateInfo : NOTE: this has to be before gencreat.h
#include "gencreat.h"
#include "schemarc.h"
static const SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_INFO g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo[] = { { L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN, VT_BSTR }, // "Distinguished Name"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_OID, VT_BSTR }, // "Object Identifier"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_CASE_STR, VT_BSTR }, // "Case Sensitive String"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_NOCASE_STR, VT_BSTR }, // "Case Insensitive String"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_PRCS_STR, VT_BSTR }, // "Print Case String"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_NUMSTR, VT_BSTR }, // "Numerical String"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_DNADDR, VT_BSTR }, // "Distname Address"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_SEC_DESC, VT_BSTR }, // "NT Security Descriptor"
{ L"", IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_LINT, VT_I8 }, // "Large Integer"
{ NULL, IDS_UNKNOWN, VT_BSTR } // Must be last
// PFindSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo()
// Search the array g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo and match the
// syntax OID.
// This function NEVER return NULL. If no match found, the
// function will return pointer to the last entry in the table.
const SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_INFO * PFindSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo(LPCTSTR pszAttrSyntaxOID) { ASSERT(pszAttrSyntaxOID != NULL); const int iSchemaAttrSyntaxInfoLast = ARRAYLEN(g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo) - 1; ASSERT(iSchemaAttrSyntaxInfoLast >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < iSchemaAttrSyntaxInfoLast; i++) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(pszAttrSyntaxOID, g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo[i].pszSyntaxOID)) { return &g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo[i]; } } ASSERT(g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo[iSchemaAttrSyntaxInfoLast].pszSyntaxOID == NULL); // Return pointer to the last entry in table
return &g_rgSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo[iSchemaAttrSyntaxInfoLast]; } // PFindSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo()
class CGenericCreateWizPage : public CPropertyPageEx_Mine { enum { IDD = IDD_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT_GENERIC_WIZARD }; protected: CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard * m_pParent; // Pointer to parent holding the dat
CPropertySheet * m_pPropertySheetParent; // Pointer of the parent property sheet
int m_iPage; // Index of the current page
CMandatoryADsAttribute * m_pAttribute; // INOUT: Pointer to attribute to edit
protected: VARTYPE m_vtEnum; // IN: Datatype from SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_INFO.vtEnum
VARIANT * m_pvarAttrValue; // OUT: Pointer to variant in CMandatoryADsAttribute.m_varAttrValue
public: CGenericCreateWizPage(CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard * pParent, int iIpage, INOUT CMandatoryADsAttribute * pAttribute); ~CGenericCreateWizPage() { } // Overrides
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
public: virtual BOOL OnSetActive(); virtual BOOL OnKillActive(); virtual BOOL OnWizardFinish(); protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnChangeEditAttributeValue(); //}}AFX_MSG
protected: void _UpdateWizardButtons(BOOL bValid); void _UpdateUI(); }; // CGenericCreateWizPage
// CGenericCreateWizPage() - Constructor
// Initialize the member variables for a wizard page
// and add the page to the property sheet.
CGenericCreateWizPage::CGenericCreateWizPage( CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard * pParent, int iPage, INOUT CMandatoryADsAttribute * pAttribute) : CPropertyPageEx_Mine(IDD) { ASSERT(pParent != NULL); ASSERT(iPage >= 0); ASSERT(pAttribute != NULL); m_pParent = pParent; m_iPage = iPage; m_pAttribute = pAttribute;
ASSERT(m_pAttribute->m_pSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo != NULL); m_vtEnum = m_pAttribute->m_pSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo->vtEnum; m_pvarAttrValue = &m_pAttribute->m_varAttrValue;
// Add the page to the property sheet
m_pPropertySheetParent = pParent->m_paPropertySheet; ASSERT(m_pPropertySheetParent != NULL); m_pPropertySheetParent->AddPage(this); } // CGenericCreateWizPage::CGenericCreateWizPage()
// Validate the data and store it into a variant.
void CGenericCreateWizPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { ASSERT(m_pAttribute != NULL); ASSERT(m_pAttribute->m_pSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo != NULL); // Get the description of the attribute.
UINT uAttributeDescription = m_pAttribute->m_pSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo->uStringIdDesc;
CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CGenericCreateWizPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
if (!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) return; VariantClear(INOUT m_pvarAttrValue); CString strAttrValue; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OUT strAttrValue); const TCHAR * pch = strAttrValue; ASSERT(pch != NULL); switch (m_vtEnum) { case VT_BOOL: { UINT uStringId = (UINT)ComboBox_GetSelectedItemLParam(HGetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)); ASSERT(uStringId == IDS_TRUE || uStringId == IDS_FALSE); m_pvarAttrValue->boolVal = (uStringId == IDS_TRUE); } break; case VT_I4: // 32-bit signed and unsigned integer
m_pvarAttrValue->lVal = 0; if (!strAttrValue.IsEmpty()) DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OUT m_pvarAttrValue->lVal); break; case VT_I8: // 64 bit integer
{ ASSERT(sizeof(VARIANT) == sizeof(*m_pvarAttrValue)); ZeroMemory(OUT m_pvarAttrValue, sizeof(VARIANT)); LARGE_INTEGER liVal; if (!strAttrValue.IsEmpty()) { wtoli(strAttrValue, liVal); m_pvarAttrValue->llVal = liVal.QuadPart; } } break; case VT_BSTR: switch (uAttributeDescription) { case IDS_SCHEMA_ATTR_SYNTAX_NUMSTR: // Numeric string
for ( ; *pch != _T('\0'); pch++) { if (*pch < _T('0') || *pch > _T('9')) { ReportErrorEx(GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_ERR_INVALID_DIGIT, S_OK, MB_OK, NULL, 0); pDX->Fail(); } } break; default: break; } // switch
m_pvarAttrValue->bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(strAttrValue); break; // VT_BSTR
default: m_pvarAttrValue->vt = VT_EMPTY; // Just in case
ASSERT(FALSE && "Unsupported variant type"); return; } // switch
m_pvarAttrValue->vt = m_vtEnum; } // CGenericCreateWizPage::DoDataExchange()
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGenericCreateWizPage, CPropertyPageEx_Mine) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGenericCreateWizPage)
BOOL CGenericCreateWizPage::OnInitDialog() { static const UINT rgzuStringId[] = { IDS_TRUE, IDS_FALSE, 0 }; CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); HWND hwndCombo = HGetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); switch (m_vtEnum) { case VT_BOOL: HideDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, TRUE); HideDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, FALSE); ComboBox_AddStrings(hwndCombo, rgzuStringId); ComboBox_SelectItemByLParam(hwndCombo, IDS_FALSE); break; }
LPCTSTR pszAttrName = m_pAttribute->m_strAttrName; LPCTSTR pszAttrDescr = m_pAttribute->m_strAttrDescription; if (pszAttrDescr[0] == _T('\0')) pszAttrDescr = pszAttrName; CString strAttrType; VERIFY( strAttrType.LoadString(m_pAttribute->m_pSchemaAttrSyntaxInfo->uStringIdDesc) ); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, pszAttrName); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, pszAttrDescr); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, strAttrType); return TRUE; } // CGenericCreateWizPage::OnInitDialog()
// Update the wizard buttons
void CGenericCreateWizPage::OnChangeEditAttributeValue() { _UpdateUI(); }
// Update the wizard buttons
void CGenericCreateWizPage::_UpdateWizardButtons(BOOL bValid) { DWORD dwWizButtons = 0;
if (m_pParent->m_cMandatoryAttributes > 1) { // we have multiple pages
if (m_iPage == 0) { // first page
dwWizButtons = bValid ? PSWIZB_NEXT : 0; } else if (m_iPage == (m_pParent->m_cMandatoryAttributes-1)) { // last page
dwWizButtons = bValid ? (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_FINISH) : (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH); } else { // intemediate pages
dwWizButtons = bValid ? (PSWIZB_BACK|PSWIZB_NEXT) : PSWIZB_BACK; } } else { // single page wizard
ASSERT(m_iPage == 0); CString szCaption; szCaption.LoadString(IDS_WIZARD_OK); PropSheet_SetFinishText(m_pPropertySheetParent->GetSafeHwnd(), (LPCWSTR)szCaption); dwWizButtons = bValid ? PSWIZB_FINISH : PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH; } m_pPropertySheetParent->SetWizardButtons(dwWizButtons); }
void CGenericCreateWizPage::_UpdateUI() { CString strName; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OUT strName); strName.TrimLeft(); strName.TrimRight(); _UpdateWizardButtons(!strName.IsEmpty()); }
BOOL CGenericCreateWizPage::OnSetActive() { const int nPage = m_iPage + 1; // Current page
const int cPages = m_pParent->m_cMandatoryAttributes; // Total pages
const TCHAR * pszClassName = m_pParent->m_pszObjectClass; ASSERT(pszClassName != NULL); CString strCaption; if (cPages > 1) strCaption.Format(IDS_sdd_CREATE_NEW_STEP, pszClassName, nPage, cPages); else strCaption.Format(IDS_s_CREATE_NEW, pszClassName); ASSERT(!strCaption.IsEmpty()); m_pPropertySheetParent->SetWindowText(strCaption); _UpdateUI(); return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); } // CGenericCreateWizPage::OnSetActive()
BOOL CGenericCreateWizPage::OnKillActive() { return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); } // CGenericCreateWizPage::OnKillActive()
// Create and persist the object.
BOOL CGenericCreateWizPage::OnWizardFinish() { ASSERT(m_pParent != NULL); if (!UpdateData()) { // DDX/DDV failed
return FALSE; } HRESULT hr; CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo; // Temporary storage
pNewADsObjectCreateInfo = m_pParent->m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo; ASSERT(pNewADsObjectCreateInfo != NULL);
// Write each attribute into the temporary storage
CMandatoryADsAttributeList* pList = m_pParent->m_paMandatoryAttributeList; int iPage = 0; for (POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CMandatoryADsAttribute* pAttribute = pList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pAttribute != NULL); if (iPage == 0) { // first page is the naming attribute
hr = pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->HrCreateNew(pAttribute->m_varAttrValue.bstrVal); } else { hr = pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->HrAddVariantCopyVar(const_cast<PWSTR>((LPCWSTR)pAttribute->m_strAttrName), pAttribute->m_varAttrValue); } ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); iPage++; }
// Try to create and persist the object with all its attributes
hr = pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->HrSetInfo(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Failure to create object, prevent the wizard from terminating
return FALSE; } return CPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish(); } // CGenericCreateWizPage::OnWizardFinish()
CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard::CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard() { m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo = NULL; m_paPropertySheet = NULL; m_cMandatoryAttributes = 0; m_paMandatoryAttributeList = NULL; m_pPageArr = NULL; }
CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard::~CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard() { if (m_pPageArr != NULL) { for (int i=0; i< m_cMandatoryAttributes; i++) delete m_pPageArr[i]; free(m_pPageArr); } delete m_paPropertySheet; }
// FDoModal()
// Query the mandatory attributes and create one wizard
// page for each attribute.
BOOL CCreateNewObjectGenericWizard::FDoModal( INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo) { ASSERT(pNewADsObjectCreateInfo != NULL); m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo = pNewADsObjectCreateInfo; m_pszObjectClass = m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->m_pszObjectClass; ASSERT(m_pszObjectClass != NULL);
// Query the mandatory attributes
m_paMandatoryAttributeList = m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->GetMandatoryAttributeListFromCacheItem(); ASSERT(m_paMandatoryAttributeList != NULL); m_cMandatoryAttributes = (int)m_paMandatoryAttributeList->GetCount(); if (m_cMandatoryAttributes <= 0) { ReportErrorEx(pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->GetParentHwnd(), IDS_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTES, S_OK, MB_OK, NULL, 0); return FALSE; }
m_paPropertySheet = new CPropertySheet(L"", CWnd::FromHandle(pNewADsObjectCreateInfo->GetParentHwnd()));
// Create one wizard page for each attribute
m_pPageArr = (CGenericCreateWizPage**) malloc(m_cMandatoryAttributes*sizeof(CGenericCreateWizPage*));
if (m_pPageArr != NULL) { int iPage = 0; for (POSITION pos = m_paMandatoryAttributeList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CMandatoryADsAttribute* pAttribute = m_paMandatoryAttributeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pAttribute != NULL); m_pPageArr[iPage] = new CGenericCreateWizPage(this, iPage, INOUT pAttribute); iPage++; } }
m_paPropertySheet->SetWizardMode(); if (ID_WIZFINISH == m_paPropertySheet->DoModal()) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // FDoModal()