// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: aclpag_.cpp
#include <aclpage.h>
#include <dssec.h>
// CDynamicLibraryBase
class CDynamicLibraryBase { public: CDynamicLibraryBase() { m_lpszLibraryName = NULL; m_lpszFunctionName = NULL; m_lpszFunctionNameEx = NULL; m_hLibrary = NULL; m_pfFunction = NULL; m_pfFunctionEx = NULL; } virtual ~CDynamicLibraryBase() { if (m_hLibrary != NULL) { ::FreeLibrary(m_hLibrary); m_hLibrary = NULL; } } BOOL Load() { if (m_hLibrary != NULL) return TRUE; // already loaded
ASSERT(m_lpszLibraryName != NULL); m_hLibrary = ::LoadLibrary(m_lpszLibraryName); if (NULL == m_hLibrary) { // The library is not present
return FALSE; } ASSERT(m_lpszFunctionName != NULL); ASSERT(m_pfFunction == NULL); m_pfFunction = ::GetProcAddress(m_hLibrary, m_lpszFunctionName ); if ( NULL == m_pfFunction ) { // The library is present but does not have the entry point
::FreeLibrary( m_hLibrary ); m_hLibrary = NULL; return FALSE; }
if (m_lpszFunctionNameEx != NULL) { ASSERT(m_pfFunctionEx == NULL); m_pfFunctionEx = ::GetProcAddress(m_hLibrary, m_lpszFunctionNameEx); if ( NULL == m_pfFunctionEx) { ::FreeLibrary( m_hLibrary ); m_hLibrary = NULL; return FALSE; } }
ASSERT(m_hLibrary != NULL); ASSERT(m_pfFunction != NULL); return TRUE; }
protected: LPCSTR m_lpszFunctionName; LPCSTR m_lpszFunctionNameEx; LPCTSTR m_lpszLibraryName; FARPROC m_pfFunction; FARPROC m_pfFunctionEx; HMODULE m_hLibrary; };
// CDsSecDLL
class CDsSecDLL : public CDynamicLibraryBase { public: CDsSecDLL() { m_lpszLibraryName = _T("dssec.dll"); m_lpszFunctionName = "DSCreateISecurityInfoObject"; m_lpszFunctionNameEx = "DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx"; } HRESULT DSCreateISecurityInfoObject(LPCWSTR pwszObjectPath, // in
LPCWSTR pwszObjectClass, // in
LPSECURITYINFO* ppISecurityInfo // out
HRESULT DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx(LPCWSTR pwszObjectPath, // in
LPCWSTR pwszObjectClass, // in
LPCWSTR pwszServer, // in
LPCWSTR pwszUsername, // in
LPCWSTR pwszPassword, // in
DWORD dwFlags, LPSECURITYINFO* ppISecurityInfo // out
); };
HRESULT CDsSecDLL::DSCreateISecurityInfoObject(LPCWSTR pwszObjectPath, // in
LPCWSTR pwszObjectClass, // in
LPSECURITYINFO* ppISecurityInfo // out
) { ASSERT(m_hLibrary != NULL); ASSERT(m_pfFunction != NULL); return ((PFNDSCREATEISECINFO)m_pfFunction) (pwszObjectPath,pwszObjectClass, 0, ppISecurityInfo, NULL, NULL, 0); }
HRESULT CDsSecDLL::DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx(LPCWSTR pwszObjectPath, // in
LPCWSTR pwszObjectClass, // in
LPCWSTR pwszServer, // in
LPCWSTR pwszUsername, // in
LPCWSTR pwszPassword, // in
DWORD dwFlags, LPSECURITYINFO* ppISecurityInfo // out
) { ASSERT(m_hLibrary != NULL); ASSERT(m_pfFunctionEx != NULL); return ((PFNDSCREATEISECINFOEX)m_pfFunctionEx) (pwszObjectPath,pwszObjectClass, pwszServer, pwszUsername, pwszPassword, dwFlags, ppISecurityInfo, NULL, NULL, 0); }
// CAclUiDLL
class CAclUiDLL : public CDynamicLibraryBase { public: CAclUiDLL() { m_lpszLibraryName = _T("aclui.dll"); m_lpszFunctionName = "CreateSecurityPage"; m_pfFunction = NULL; m_lpszFunctionNameEx = NULL; m_pfFunctionEx = NULL; }
HPROPSHEETPAGE CAclUiDLL::CreateSecurityPage( LPSECURITYINFO psi ) { ASSERT(m_hLibrary != NULL); ASSERT(m_pfFunction != NULL); return ((ACLUICREATESECURITYPAGEPROC)m_pfFunction) (psi); }
// CISecurityInformationWrapper
class CISecurityInformationWrapper : public ISecurityInformation { public: CISecurityInformationWrapper(CAclEditorPage* pAclEditorPage) { m_dwRefCount = 0; ASSERT(pAclEditorPage != NULL); m_pAclEditorPage = pAclEditorPage; m_pISecInfo = NULL; } ~CISecurityInformationWrapper() { ASSERT(m_dwRefCount == 0); ISecurityInformation* pSecInfo = GetSecInfoPtr(); if (pSecInfo != NULL) pSecInfo->Release(); } void SetSecInfoPtr(ISecurityInformation* pSecInfo) { ASSERT(pSecInfo != NULL); m_pISecInfo = pSecInfo; } ISecurityInformation* GetSecInfoPtr() { return m_pISecInfo; } public: // *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) () { // trap the first addref to increment count on page holder
if (m_dwRefCount == 0) { m_pAclEditorPage->m_pPageHolder->AddRef(); } m_dwRefCount++; return GetSecInfoPtr()->AddRef(); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) () { m_dwRefCount--; // this might be the last release on the page holder
// which would cause the holder to delete itself and
// "this" in the process (i.e. "this" no more valid when
// returning from the m_pPageHolder->Release() call
ISecurityInformation* pISecInfo = GetSecInfoPtr();
// trap the last release to decrement count on page holder
if (m_dwRefCount == 0) { m_pAclEditorPage->m_pPageHolder->Release(); } return pISecInfo->Release(); }
// *** ISecurityInformation methods ***
STDMETHOD(GetObjectInformation) (PSI_OBJECT_INFO pObjectInfo ) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->GetObjectInformation(pObjectInfo); } STDMETHOD(GetSecurity) (SECURITY_INFORMATION RequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSecurityDescriptor, BOOL fDefault) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->GetSecurity(RequestedInformation, ppSecurityDescriptor, fDefault); } STDMETHOD(SetSecurity) (SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->SetSecurity(SecurityInformation, pSecurityDescriptor); } STDMETHOD(GetAccessRights) (const GUID* pguidObjectType, DWORD dwFlags, // SI_EDIT_AUDITS, SI_EDIT_PROPERTIES
PSI_ACCESS *ppAccess, ULONG *pcAccesses, ULONG *piDefaultAccess ) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->GetAccessRights(pguidObjectType, dwFlags, ppAccess, pcAccesses, piDefaultAccess); } STDMETHOD(MapGeneric) (const GUID *pguidObjectType, UCHAR *pAceFlags, ACCESS_MASK *pMask) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->MapGeneric(pguidObjectType, pAceFlags, pMask); } STDMETHOD(GetInheritTypes) (PSI_INHERIT_TYPE *ppInheritTypes, ULONG *pcInheritTypes ) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->GetInheritTypes(ppInheritTypes, pcInheritTypes); } STDMETHOD(PropertySheetPageCallback)(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, SI_PAGE_TYPE uPage ) { return GetSecInfoPtr()->PropertySheetPageCallback(hwnd, uMsg, uPage); }
private: DWORD m_dwRefCount; ISecurityInformation* m_pISecInfo; // interface pointer to the wrapped interface
CAclEditorPage* m_pAclEditorPage; // back pointer
//friend class CAclEditorPage;
// static instances of the dynamically loaded DLL's
// CAclEditorPage
CAclEditorPage* CAclEditorPage::CreateInstance(LPCTSTR lpszLDAPPath, CPropertyPageHolderBase* pPageHolder) { CAclEditorPage* pAclEditorPage = new CAclEditorPage; if (pAclEditorPage != NULL) { pAclEditorPage->SetHolder(pPageHolder); if (FAILED(pAclEditorPage->Initialize(lpszLDAPPath))) { delete pAclEditorPage; pAclEditorPage = NULL; } } return pAclEditorPage; }
CAclEditorPage* CAclEditorPage::CreateInstanceEx(LPCTSTR lpszLDAPPath, LPCTSTR lpszServer, LPCTSTR lpszUsername, LPCTSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags, CPropertyPageHolderBase* pPageHolder) { CAclEditorPage* pAclEditorPage = new CAclEditorPage; if (pAclEditorPage != NULL) { pAclEditorPage->SetHolder(pPageHolder); if (FAILED(pAclEditorPage->InitializeEx(lpszLDAPPath, lpszServer, lpszUsername, lpszPassword, dwFlags))) { delete pAclEditorPage; pAclEditorPage = NULL; } } return pAclEditorPage; }
CAclEditorPage::CAclEditorPage() { m_pPageHolder = NULL; m_pISecInfoWrap = new CISecurityInformationWrapper(this); }
CAclEditorPage::~CAclEditorPage() { delete m_pISecInfoWrap; }
HRESULT CAclEditorPage::Initialize(LPCTSTR lpszLDAPPath) { // get ISecurityInfo* from DSSECL.DLL
if (!g_DsSecDLL.Load()) return E_INVALIDARG; ISecurityInformation* pSecInfo = NULL; HRESULT hr = g_DsSecDLL.DSCreateISecurityInfoObject( lpszLDAPPath, NULL, // pwszObjectClass
&pSecInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_pISecInfoWrap->SetSecInfoPtr(pSecInfo);
return hr; }
HRESULT CAclEditorPage::InitializeEx(LPCTSTR lpszLDAPPath, LPCTSTR lpszServer, LPCTSTR lpszUsername, LPCTSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags) { // get ISecurityInfo* from DSSECL.DLL
if (!g_DsSecDLL.Load()) return E_INVALIDARG; ISecurityInformation* pSecInfo = NULL; HRESULT hr = g_DsSecDLL.DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx( lpszLDAPPath, NULL, // pwszObjectClass
lpszServer, lpszUsername, lpszPassword, dwFlags, &pSecInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_pISecInfoWrap->SetSecInfoPtr(pSecInfo);
return hr; }
HPROPSHEETPAGE CAclEditorPage::CreatePage() { if (!g_AclUiDLL.Load()) return NULL;
// call into ACLUI.DLL to create the page
// passing the wrapper interface
return g_AclUiDLL.CreateSecurityPage(m_pISecInfoWrap); }