// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: dbg_.cpp
// debug helpers
#if defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_TRACE) || defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_ASSERT)
#define _MTFRMWK_INI_FILE (L"\\system32\\mtfrmwk.ini")
UINT GetInfoFromIniFile(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, INT nDefault = 0) { static LPCWSTR lpszFile = _MTFRMWK_INI_FILE; WCHAR szFilePath[2*MAX_PATH]; UINT nLen = ::GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szFilePath, 2*MAX_PATH); if (nLen == 0) return nDefault;
wcscat(szFilePath, lpszFile); return ::GetPrivateProfileInt(lpszSection, lpszKey, nDefault, szFilePath); } #endif // defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_TRACE) || defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_ASSERT)
#if defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_TRACE)
DWORD g_dwTrace = ::GetInfoFromIniFile(L"Debug", L"Trace");
void MtFrmwkTrace(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { if (g_dwTrace == 0) return;
va_list args; va_start(args, lpszFormat);
int nBuf; WCHAR szBuffer[512];
nBuf = _vsnwprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), lpszFormat, args);
// was there an error? was the expanded string too long?
ASSERT(nBuf >= 0); ::OutputDebugString(szBuffer);
va_end(args); }
#if defined(DBG)
void MtFrmwkLogFile(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, lpszFormat);
int nBuf; WCHAR szBuffer[512];
nBuf = _vsnwprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), lpszFormat, args);
CLogFile* _dlog = CLogFile::GetInstance(); if (_dlog) { _dlog->writeln(szBuffer); }
va_end(args); }
void MtFrmwkLogFileIfLog(BOOL bLog, LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { if (bLog) { va_list args; va_start(args, lpszFormat);
int nBuf; WCHAR szBuffer[512];
nBuf = _vsnwprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), lpszFormat, args);
CLogFile* _dlog = CLogFile::GetInstance(); if (_dlog) { _dlog->writeln(szBuffer); }
va_end(args); } }
// Copied and modified from burnslib on 12-07-1999 by JeffJon
// Needed file logging on DnsSetup call from DCPromo.
// I wanted it to behave like the DCPromo log but including all of
// burnslib required too many alterations in the debugging behavior
// already in place.
extern CString LOGFILE_NAME = _T(""); static CLogFile* log_instance = 0;
// # of spaces per indentation level
static const int TAB = 2; static int margin = 0;
// index to Thread Local Storage slot where the per-thread debug state is
// kept. Initialized in Startup
static DWORD tls_index = 0;
CLogFile* CLogFile::GetInstance() { if (!log_instance && !LOGFILE_NAME.IsEmpty()) { log_instance = new CLogFile(LOGFILE_NAME); } return log_instance; }
void CLogFile::KillInstance() { delete log_instance; log_instance = 0; }
BOOL PathExists(PCWSTR pszPath) { DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes(pszPath); if (attrs != 0xFFFFFFFF) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
HANDLE OpenFile(PCWSTR pszPath) { //
// remove the last element of the path to form the parent directory
PCWSTR GetSystemRootDirectory() { static CString SYSTEMROOT;
WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD result = ::GetWindowsDirectory(buf, MAX_PATH + 1);
ASSERT(result != 0 && result <= MAX_PATH); if (result == 0 || result > MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } SYSTEMROOT = buf; return (PCWSTR)SYSTEMROOT; }
// locate the log file with the highest-numbered extension, then add 1 and
// return the result.
int DetermineNextLogNumber(PCWSTR logDir, PCWSTR logBaseName) { ASSERT(logDir != NULL); ASSERT(logBaseName != NULL);
int largest = 0;
CString filespec = CString(logDir) + L"\\" + CString(logBaseName) + L".*.log";
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE ff = ::FindFirstFile(filespec, &findData);
if (ff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for (;;) { CString current = findData.cFileName;
// grab the text between the dots: "nnn" in foo.nnn.ext
// first dot
int pos = current.Find(L"."); if (pos == -1) { continue; }
CString extension = current.Right(current.GetLength() - pos - 1);
// second dot
pos = extension.Find(L"."); if (pos == -1) { continue; }
extension = extension.Left(pos);
long i = 0; i = wcstol(extension, L'\0', 10); largest = max(i, largest);
if (!::FindNextFile(ff, &findData)) { ::FindClose(ff); break; } } }
// roll over after 255
return (++largest & 0xFF); }
// Determine the name of the log file. If a log file of that name already
// exists, rename the existing file to a numbered backup. Create the new
// log file, return a handle to it.
HANDLE OpenNewLogFile(PCWSTR pszLogBaseName, CString& logName) { CString logDir = CString(GetSystemRootDirectory()) + L"\\debug"; int i = DetermineNextLogNumber(logDir, pszLogBaseName);
CString szCount; szCount.Format(L"%d", i); logName = logDir + L"\\" + pszLogBaseName + L"." + szCount + L".log";
HANDLE result = OpenFile(logName); return result; }
// Create a new log.
// logBaseName - base name of the log. If logging-to-file is active, then a
// file in the %windir%\debug folder will be created/used. The name of the
// file is of the form %windir%\debug\logBaseName.log. If a file by that name
// already exists, then the existing file will be renamed
// %windir%\debug\logBaseName.xxx.log, where xxx is an integer 1 greater than
// the last so-numbered file in that directory.
CLogFile::CLogFile(PCWSTR pszLogBaseName) : szBase_name(pszLogBaseName), file_handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), trace_line_number(0) { ASSERT(pszLogBaseName != NULL);
if (pszLogBaseName != NULL) { CString logName; file_handle = OpenNewLogFile(pszLogBaseName, logName);
if (file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CString szOpeningFile; szOpeningFile.Format(L"opening log file %ws", logName); writeln(szOpeningFile); } }
SYSTEMTIME localtime; ::GetLocalTime(&localtime); CString szTime; szTime.Format(L"%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d.%d", localtime.wMonth, localtime.wDay, localtime.wYear, localtime.wHour, localtime.wMinute, localtime.wSecond, localtime.wMilliseconds);
writeln(szTime); }
CLogFile::~CLogFile() { if (IsOpen()) { writeln(L"closing log file"); ::CloseHandle(file_handle); file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
// guarded by caller
void CLogFile::indent() { //
// indent by adding to the margin
margin += TAB; }
BOOL CLogFile::IsOpen() const { return file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// guarded by caller
void CLogFile::outdent() { //
// outdent by subtracting from the margin
ASSERT(margin >= TAB); margin = max(0, margin - TAB); }
void ConvertStringToANSI(PCWSTR pszWide, PSTR* ppAnsi) { //
// determine the size of the buffer required to hold the ANSI string
int bufsize = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszWide, static_cast<int>(wcslen(pszWide)), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (bufsize > 0) { *ppAnsi = new CHAR[bufsize + 1]; if (*ppAnsi == NULL) { return; } memset(*ppAnsi, 0, bufsize + 1); size_t result = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszWide, static_cast<int>(wcslen(pszWide)), *ppAnsi, bufsize + 1, 0, 0); ASSERT(result);
if (!result) { *ppAnsi = NULL; } } }
// Spews output to the log according to the current logging type and
// output options in effect.
// type - log output type of this output spewage.
// text - the spewage. This is prefaced with the log name, thread id, spewage
// line number, and current indentation.
void CLogFile::writeln(PCWSTR pszText) { CString white(L' ',margin);
CString t; t.Format(L"%ws t:0x%x %3d %ws%ws\r\n", LOGFILE_NAME, ::GetCurrentThreadId(), trace_line_number, white, pszText); if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ASSERT(!t.IsEmpty());
PSTR pAnsi; ConvertStringToANSI(t, &pAnsi);
size_t bytesToWrite = sizeof(CHAR) * strlen(pAnsi);
DWORD bytes_written = 0; BOOL success =::WriteFile(file_handle, pAnsi, static_cast<ULONG>(bytesToWrite), &bytes_written, 0); ASSERT(success); ASSERT(bytes_written == bytesToWrite); delete[] pAnsi; } trace_line_number++; }
CScopeTracer::CScopeTracer(BOOL bLog, PCWSTR pszMessage_) : szMessage(pszMessage_), m_bLog(bLog) { // build this string once, instead of using the string literal in the
// below expression (which would implicitly build the string on each
// evaluation of that expression) as a slight performance gain.
static const CString ENTER(L"Enter ");
if (m_bLog) { CLogFile* li = CLogFile::GetInstance(); li->writeln(ENTER + szMessage); li->indent(); } }
CScopeTracer::~CScopeTracer() { // build this string once, instead of using the string literal in the
// below expression (which would implicitly build the string on each
// evaluation of that expression) as a slight performance gain.
static const CString EXIT(L"Exit ");
if (m_bLog) { CLogFile* li = CLogFile::GetInstance(); li->outdent(); li->writeln(EXIT + szMessage); } }
#if defined(_USE_MTFRMWK_ASSERT)
DWORD g_dwAssert = ::GetInfoFromIniFile(L"Debug", L"Assert");
BOOL MtFrmwkAssertFailedLine(LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine) { if (g_dwAssert == 0) return FALSE;
WCHAR szMessage[_MAX_PATH*2];
// assume the debugger or auxiliary port
wsprintf(szMessage, _T("Assertion Failed: File %hs, Line %d\n"), lpszFileName, nLine); OutputDebugString(szMessage);
// display the assert
int nCode = ::MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, _T("Assertion Failed!"), MB_TASKMODAL|MB_ICONHAND|MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_SETFOREGROUND);
OutputDebugString(L"after message box\n"); if (nCode == IDIGNORE) { return FALSE; // ignore
if (nCode == IDRETRY) { return TRUE; // will cause DebugBreak
abort(); // should not return
return TRUE;