Various common utility routines for the Schema Editor Snap-In.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "schmutil.h"
#include "compdata.h"
#include <wincrypt.h> // CryptEncodeObject() and CryptDecodeObject()
// Removed from public headers by DS guys
// See bug 454342 XOM will not survive the transition to Win64
//#include <xom.h>
// Global strings for classes and attributes in the DS.
// These are NOT subject to localization.
LPWSTR g_DisplayName = L"ldapDisplayName"; LPWSTR g_ClassFilter = L"classSchema"; LPWSTR g_AttributeFilter = L"attributeSchema"; LPWSTR g_Description = L"adminDescription"; LPWSTR g_MayContain = L"mayContain"; LPWSTR g_MustContain = L"mustContain"; LPWSTR g_SystemMayContain = L"systemMayContain"; LPWSTR g_SystemMustContain = L"systemMustContain"; LPWSTR g_AuxiliaryClass = L"auxiliaryClass"; LPWSTR g_SystemAuxiliaryClass = L"systemAuxiliaryClass"; LPWSTR g_SubclassOf = L"subclassOf"; LPWSTR g_ObjectClassCategory = L"objectClassCategory"; LPWSTR g_ObjectClass = L"objectClass"; LPWSTR g_omObjectClass = L"oMObjectClass"; LPWSTR g_CN = L"CN"; LPWSTR g_omSyntax = L"oMSyntax"; LPWSTR g_AttributeSyntax = L"attributeSyntax"; LPWSTR g_SystemOnly = L"systemOnly"; LPWSTR g_Superiors = L"possSuperiors"; LPWSTR g_SystemSuperiors = L"systemPossSuperiors"; LPWSTR g_GlobalClassID = L"governsID"; LPWSTR g_GlobalAttributeID = L"attributeID"; LPWSTR g_RangeUpper = L"rangeUpper"; LPWSTR g_RangeLower = L"rangeLower"; LPWSTR g_IsSingleValued = L"isSingleValued"; LPWSTR g_IndexFlag = L"searchFlags"; LPWSTR g_ShowInAdvViewOnly = L"showInAdvancedViewOnly"; LPWSTR g_UpdateSchema = LDAP_OPATT_SCHEMA_UPDATE_NOW_W; LPWSTR g_BecomeFsmo = LDAP_OPATT_BECOME_SCHEMA_MASTER_W; LPWSTR g_isDefunct = L"isDefunct"; LPWSTR g_GCReplicated = L"isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet"; LPWSTR g_DefaultAcl = L"defaultSecurityDescriptor"; LPWSTR g_DefaultCategory = L"defaultObjectCategory"; LPWSTR g_systemFlags = L"systemFlags"; LPWSTR g_fsmoRoleOwner = L"fsmoRoleOwner";
LPWSTR g_allowedChildClassesEffective = L"allowedChildClassesEffective"; LPWSTR g_allowedAttributesEffective = L"allowedAttributesEffective";
LPWSTR g_ClassSearchRequest = L"objectClass=classSchema"; LPWSTR g_AttribSearchRequest = L"objectClass=attributeSchema";
// Syntax values. Not subject to localization.
class CSyntaxDescriptor g_Syntax[] = { /*SYNTAX_DISTNAME_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_DN, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 9, (LPBYTE)"\x2B\x0C\x02\x87\x73\x1C\x00\x85\x4A" ), /*SYNTAX_OBJECT_ID_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_OID, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_STRING */ 6 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_NOCASE_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_NOCASE_STR, FALSE, TRUE, _T("") , /*OM_S_TELETEX_STRING */ 20 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_PRINT_CASE_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_PRCS_STR, FALSE, TRUE, _T("") , /*OM_S_PRINTABLE_STRING */ 19 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_PRINT_CASE_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_I5_STR, FALSE, TRUE, _T("") , /*OM_S_IA5_STRING */ 22 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_NUMERIC_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_NUMSTR, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_NUMERIC_STRING */ 18 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_DISTNAME_BINARY_TYPE (OR-Name) */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_OR_NAME, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 7, (LPBYTE)"\x56\x06\x01\x02\x05\x0B\x1D" ), /*SYNTAX_DISTNAME_BINARY_TYPE (DN-Binary) */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_DN_BINARY, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 10,(LPBYTE)"\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x14\x01\x01\x01\x0B" ), /*SYNTAX_BOOLEAN_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_BOOLEAN, FALSE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_BOOLEAN */ 1 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_INTEGER_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_INTEGER, TRUE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_INTEGER */ 2 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_INTEGER_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_ENUMERATION, TRUE, FALSE, _T("") , /*OM_S_ENUMERATION */ 10 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_OCTET_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_OCTET, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OCTET_STRING */ 4 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_OCTET_STRING_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_REPLICA_LINK,FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 10,(LPBYTE)"\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x14\x01\x01\x01\x06" ), /*SYNTAX_TIME_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_UTC, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_UTC_TIME_STRING */ 23 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_TIME_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_GEN_TIME, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_GENERALISED_TIME_STRING */ 24 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_UNICODE_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_UNICODE, FALSE, TRUE, _T(""), /*OM_S_UNICODE_STRING */ 64 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_ADDRESS_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_ADDRESS, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 9, (LPBYTE)"\x2B\x0C\x02\x87\x73\x1C\x00\x85\x5C" ), /*SYNTAX_DISTNAME_STRING_TYPE (Access-Point) */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_ACCESS_POINT,FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 9, (LPBYTE)"\x2B\x0C\x02\x87\x73\x1C\x00\x85\x3E" ), /*SYNTAX_DISTNAME_STRING_TYPE (DN-String) */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_DNSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OBJECT */ 127, 10,(LPBYTE)"\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x14\x01\x01\x01\x0C" ), /*SYNTAX_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_SEC_DESC, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OBJECT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*/ 66 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_I8_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_LINT, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_I8 */ 65 , 0, NULL ), /*SYNTAX_SID_TYPE */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_SID, FALSE, FALSE, _T(""), /*OM_S_OCTET_STRING */ 4 , 0, NULL ), /* *** unknown -- must be last *** */ CSyntaxDescriptor( IDS_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, 0 , 0, NULL ), };
const UINT SCHEMA_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN = sizeof( g_Syntax ) / sizeof( g_Syntax[0] ) - 1;
// Number formating printf strings
const LPWSTR g_UINT32_FORMAT = L"%u";
const LPWSTR g_INT32_FORMAT = L"%d"; #else
// if there is no negative numbers support, format as unsigned
const LPWSTR g_INT32_FORMAT = g_UINT32_FORMAT; #endif
// *******************************************************************
// These are loaded from the resources as they need to be localizable.
// *******************************************************************
// Global strings for our static nodes.
CString g_strSchmMgmt; CString g_strClasses; CString g_strAttributes;
// Strings for various object types.
CString g_88Class; CString g_StructuralClass; CString g_AuxClass; CString g_AbstractClass; CString g_MandatoryAttribute; CString g_OptionalAttribute; CString g_Yes; CString g_No; CString g_Unknown; CString g_Defunct; CString g_Active;
// Message strings.
CString g_NoDescription; CString g_NoName; CString g_MsgBoxErr; CString g_MsgBoxWarn; CString g_SysClassString; CString g_SysAttrString;
// Menu strings.
CString g_MenuStrings[MENU_LAST_COMMAND]; CString g_StatusStrings[MENU_LAST_COMMAND];
BOOL g_fScopeStringsLoaded = FALSE;
// Utility functions.
void LoadGlobalCookieStrings( ) /***
Load the global strings out of our resource table.
***/ { if ( !g_fScopeStringsLoaded ) { //
// Static node strings.
VERIFY( g_strSchmMgmt.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_SCHMMGMT) ); VERIFY( g_strClasses.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_CLASSES) ); VERIFY( g_strAttributes.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTES) );
// Object name strings.
VERIFY( g_88Class.LoadString(IDS_CLASS_88) ); VERIFY( g_StructuralClass.LoadString(IDS_CLASS_STRUCTURAL) ); VERIFY( g_AuxClass.LoadString(IDS_CLASS_AUXILIARY) ); VERIFY( g_AbstractClass.LoadString(IDS_CLASS_ABSTRACT) ); VERIFY( g_MandatoryAttribute.LoadString(IDS_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY) ); VERIFY( g_OptionalAttribute.LoadString(IDS_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONAL) ); VERIFY( g_Yes.LoadString(IDS_YES) ); VERIFY( g_No.LoadString(IDS_NO) ); VERIFY( g_Unknown.LoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN) ); VERIFY( g_Defunct.LoadString(IDS_DEFUNCT) ); VERIFY( g_Active.LoadString(IDS_ACTIVE) );
// Message strings.
VERIFY( g_NoDescription.LoadString(IDS_ERR_NO_DESCRIPTION) ); VERIFY( g_NoName.LoadString(IDS_ERR_NO_NAME) ); VERIFY( g_MsgBoxErr.LoadString(IDS_ERR_ERROR) ); VERIFY( g_MsgBoxWarn.LoadString(IDS_ERR_WARNING) ); VERIFY( g_SysClassString.LoadString(IDS_CLASS_SYSTEM) ); VERIFY( g_SysAttrString.LoadString(IDS_ATTR_SYSTEM) );
// Syntax strings.
for( UINT i = 0; i <= SCHEMA_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN; i++ ) { ASSERT( g_Syntax[i].m_nResourceID ); VERIFY( g_Syntax[i].m_strSyntaxName.LoadString( g_Syntax[i].m_nResourceID ) ); }
// Menu Strings
g_fScopeStringsLoaded = TRUE; } }
INT DoErrMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent of the dialog box
BOOL fError, // IN: Is this a warning or an error?
UINT wIdString // IN: String resource Id of the error.
) /***
Display a message box with the error.
***/ { CString Error;
VERIFY( Error.LoadString( wIdString ) );
return DoErrMsgBox( hwndParent, fError, Error ); }
INT DoErrMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent of the dialog box
BOOL fError, // IN: Is this a warning or an error?
PCWSTR pszError // IN: String to display.
) /***
Display a message box with the error.
***/ { return MessageBox( hwndParent, pszError, (fError ? g_MsgBoxErr : g_MsgBoxWarn), (fError ? MB_ICONSTOP : MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) | MB_OK ); }
HRESULT ComponentData::ForceDsSchemaCacheUpdate( VOID ) /***
Force the schema container to reload its interal cache. If this succeeds, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
***/ {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CWaitCursor wait; CString RootDsePath; IADs *pSchemaRootDse = NULL;
SAFEARRAYBOUND RootDseBoundary[1]; SAFEARRAY* pSafeArray = NULL; VARIANT AdsArray, AdsValue; long ArrayLen = 1; long ArrayPos = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do { //
// Open the root DSE on the current focus server.
hr = ADsGetObject( ( const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR) RootDsePath ) ), IID_IADs, (void **)&pSchemaRootDse );
// Create the safe array for the PutEx call.
RootDseBoundary[0].lLbound = 0; RootDseBoundary[0].cElements = ArrayLen;
pSafeArray = SafeArrayCreate( VT_VARIANT, ArrayLen, RootDseBoundary ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
VariantInit( &AdsArray ); V_VT( &AdsArray ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT; V_ARRAY( &AdsArray ) = pSafeArray;
VariantInit( &AdsValue );
V_VT(&AdsValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&AdsValue) = 1;
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( pSafeArray, &ArrayPos, &AdsValue ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// Write the update parameter. This is synchronous
// and when it returns, the cache is up to date.
hr = pSchemaRootDse->PutEx( ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_UpdateSchema), AdsArray ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = pSchemaRootDse->SetInfo(); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
} while( FALSE );
SafeArrayDestroy( pSafeArray );
if( pSchemaRootDse ) pSchemaRootDse->Release();
return hr; }
BOOLEAN ComponentData::AsynchForceDsSchemaCacheUpdate( VOID ) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CWaitCursor wait; CString szSchemaContainerPath; IADs *pSchemaContainer; VARIANT AdsValue; HRESULT hr; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; double variant_time;
// Get the schema container path.
if (szSchemaContainerPath.IsEmpty() ) { return FALSE; }
// Open the schema container.
hr = ADsGetObject( (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)szSchemaContainerPath, IID_IADs, (void **)&pSchemaContainer );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return FALSE; }
// Write the update parameter.
GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); BOOL result = SystemTimeToVariantTime( &CurrentTime, &variant_time );
ASSERT( result );
VariantInit( &AdsValue );
V_VT(&AdsValue) = VT_DATE; V_DATE(&AdsValue) = variant_time;
hr = pSchemaContainer->Put( const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_UpdateSchema), AdsValue ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
hr = pSchemaContainer->SetInfo();
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT InsertEditItems( HWND hwnd, VARIANT *AdsResult ) {
HRESULT hr; SAFEARRAY *saAttributes; long start, end, current; VARIANT SingleResult;
// Check the VARIANT to make sure we have
// an array of variants.
ASSERT( V_VT(AdsResult) == ( VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT ) ); saAttributes = V_ARRAY( AdsResult );
// Figure out the dimensions of the array.
hr = SafeArrayGetLBound( saAttributes, 1, &start );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return S_FALSE; }
hr = SafeArrayGetUBound( saAttributes, 1, &end );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return S_FALSE; }
VariantInit( &SingleResult );
// Process the array elements.
for ( current = start ; current <= end ; current++ ) {
hr = SafeArrayGetElement( saAttributes, ¤t, &SingleResult );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
ASSERT( V_VT(&SingleResult) == VT_BSTR );
::SendMessage( hwnd, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(V_BSTR(&SingleResult)) );
::SendMessage( hwnd, LB_SETITEMDATA, 0, NULL ); VariantClear( &SingleResult ); } }
return S_OK;
HRESULT InsertEditItems( CListBox& refListBox, CStringList& refstringlist ) { POSITION pos = refstringlist.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { int iItem = refListBox.AddString( refstringlist.GetNext(pos) ); if (0 > iItem) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { VERIFY( LB_ERR != refListBox.SetItemDataPtr( iItem, NULL ) ); } } return S_OK; }
inline BOOL IsEqual( ADS_OCTET_STRING * ostr1, ADS_OCTET_STRING * ostr2 ) { ASSERT(ostr1); ASSERT(ostr2);
if( ostr1->dwLength == ostr2->dwLength ) { if( 0 == ostr1->dwLength ) return TRUE; else return !memcmp( ostr1->lpValue, ostr2->lpValue, ostr1->dwLength ); } else return FALSE; }
UINT GetSyntaxOrdinal( PCTSTR attributeSyntax, UINT omSyntax, ADS_OCTET_STRING * pOmObjectClass ) { ASSERT( attributeSyntax ); ASSERT( omSyntax ); ASSERT( pOmObjectClass );
// Return the syntax ordinal, or the unknown syntax ordinal.
UINT Ordinal = 0;
while ( Ordinal < SCHEMA_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN) {
if ( !_tcscmp(g_Syntax[Ordinal].m_pszAttributeSyntax, attributeSyntax)) { if( omSyntax && g_Syntax[Ordinal].m_nOmSyntax == omSyntax && IsEqual( &g_Syntax[Ordinal].m_octstrOmObjectClass, pOmObjectClass ) ) break; }
Ordinal++; }
return Ordinal; }
// Coded to fail on anything suspicious
HRESULT VariantToStringList( VARIANT& refvar, CStringList& refstringlist ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; long start, end, current;
// Check the VARIANT to make sure we have
// an array of variants.
if ( V_VT(&refvar) != ( VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT ) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; } SAFEARRAY *saAttributes = V_ARRAY( &refvar );
// Figure out the dimensions of the array.
hr = SafeArrayGetLBound( saAttributes, 1, &start ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = SafeArrayGetUBound( saAttributes, 1, &end ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
VARIANT SingleResult; VariantInit( &SingleResult );
// Process the array elements.
for ( current = start ; current <= end ; current++ ) {
hr = SafeArrayGetElement( saAttributes, ¤t, &SingleResult ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; if ( V_VT(&SingleResult) != VT_BSTR ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
refstringlist.AddHead( V_BSTR(&SingleResult) ); VariantClear( &SingleResult ); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT StringListToVariant( VARIANT& refvar, CStringList& refstringlist ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int cCount = (int) refstringlist.GetCount();
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[0].cElements = cCount;
SAFEARRAY* psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, rgsabound); if (NULL == psa) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
VariantClear( &refvar ); V_VT(&refvar) = VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY; V_ARRAY(&refvar) = psa;
VARIANT SingleResult; VariantInit( &SingleResult ); V_VT(&SingleResult) = VT_BSTR; POSITION pos = refstringlist.GetHeadPosition(); long i; for (i = 0; i < cCount, pos != NULL; i++) { V_BSTR(&SingleResult) = T2BSTR((LPCTSTR)refstringlist.GetNext(pos)); hr = SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &i, &SingleResult); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; } if (i != cCount || pos != NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return hr; }
HRESULT StringListToColumnList( ComponentData* pScopeControl, CStringList& refstringlist, ListEntry **ppNewList ) {
// Make a column list from a string list. We use
// this to update the cached attributes lists.
int cCount = (int) refstringlist.GetCount(); ListEntry *pHead = NULL; ListEntry *pCurrent = NULL, *pPrevious = NULL; POSITION pos = refstringlist.GetHeadPosition(); CString Name; SchemaObject *pSchemaObject, *pSchemaHead; BOOLEAN fNameFound;
for ( long i = 0; i < cCount, pos != NULL; i++ ) {
pCurrent = new ListEntry; if ( !pCurrent ) { pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.FreeColumnList( pHead ); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( !pHead ) {
pHead = pPrevious = pCurrent;
} else {
pPrevious->pNext = pCurrent; pPrevious = pCurrent; }
// We need to list all of these by their ldapDisplayNames,
// so we have to reverse lookup the oid entries.
Name = ((LPCTSTR)refstringlist.GetNext(pos)); pSchemaObject = pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.LookupSchemaObject( Name, SCHMMGMT_CLASS );
if ( !pSchemaObject ) {
pSchemaObject = pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.LookupSchemaObject( Name, SCHMMGMT_ATTRIBUTE );
if ( !pSchemaObject) {
// We have to look up this oid.
// First try the list of classes.
pSchemaHead = pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.pSortedClasses; pSchemaObject = pSchemaHead; fNameFound = FALSE;
do {
if ( pSchemaObject->oid == Name ) {
Name = pSchemaObject->ldapDisplayName; fNameFound = TRUE; break; }
pSchemaObject = pSchemaObject->pSortedListFlink;
} while ( pSchemaObject != pSchemaHead );
// Then try the list of attributes.
if ( !fNameFound ) {
pSchemaHead = pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.pSortedAttribs; pSchemaObject = pSchemaHead;
do {
if ( pSchemaObject->oid == Name ) {
Name = pSchemaObject->ldapDisplayName; fNameFound = TRUE; break; }
pSchemaObject = pSchemaObject->pSortedListFlink;
} while ( pSchemaObject != pSchemaHead ); }
ASSERT( fNameFound );
} else {
pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.ReleaseRef( pSchemaObject ); }
} else {
pScopeControl->g_SchemaCache.ReleaseRef( pSchemaObject ); }
// This is the ldapDisplayName!!
pCurrent->Attribute = Name; }
ASSERT( cCount == i ); ASSERT( pos == NULL );
*ppNewList = pHead; return S_OK; }
const UINT MAX_ERROR_BUF = 2048;
VOID DoExtErrMsgBox( VOID ) { DWORD dwLastError; WCHAR szErrorBuf[MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1]; WCHAR szNameBuf[MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1];
// get extended error value
HRESULT hr_return = ADsGetLastError( &dwLastError, szErrorBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF, szNameBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF); if (SUCCEEDED(hr_return)) { MessageBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), szErrorBuf, szNameBuf, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP ); } else ASSERT( FALSE ); }
// INVALID_POINTER is returned by CListBox::GetItemDataPtr() in case of an error.
const VOID * INVALID_POINTER = reinterpret_cast<void *>( LB_ERR );
HRESULT RetrieveEditItemsWithExclusions( CListBox& refListBox, CStringList& refstringlist, CStringList* pstringlistExclusions) { CString str; CString * pstr = NULL; int nCount = refListBox.GetCount();
if (LB_ERR == nCount) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
for (INT i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { pstr = static_cast<CString *>( refListBox.GetItemDataPtr(i) ); ASSERT( INVALID_POINTER != pstr );
// don't need to search for pstr because pstr can only be a new item,
// and they are never excluded.
if( pstr && INVALID_POINTER != pstr ) { refstringlist.AddHead( *pstr ); } else { refListBox.GetText( i, str ); if (NULL != pstringlistExclusions) { POSITION pos = pstringlistExclusions->Find( str ); if (NULL != pos) continue; }
refstringlist.AddHead( str ); }
} return S_OK; }
// The global cookie lists for scope and result pane items.
VOID CCookieList::AddCookie( Cookie *pCookie, HSCOPEITEM hScope ) {
CCookieListEntry *pNewEntry = new CCookieListEntry;
// If there's no memory, we can't remember this and hence
// our display may get a little out of whack.
if ( !pNewEntry ) { return; }
pNewEntry->pCookie = pCookie; pNewEntry->hScopeItem = hScope;
if ( !pHead ) {
// If this is the first one, just set the
// head pointer. The constructor for the
// list entry has already set the next and
// back pointers.
pHead = pNewEntry;
} else {
// Insert this at the end of the circular
// doubly-linked list.
pNewEntry->pBack = pHead->pBack; pNewEntry->pNext = pHead; pHead->pBack->pNext = pNewEntry; pHead->pBack = pNewEntry; }
return; }
VOID CCookieList::InsertSortedDisplay( ComponentData *pScopeControl, SchemaObject *pNewObject ) /***
This function inserts the object into the sorted display list.
If the object is a class and the ComponentData interface pointer is provided, this routine will also create a cookie for this object and insert the scope item into the view.
***/ {
HRESULT hr; CCookieListEntry *pNewEntry = NULL, *pCurrent = NULL; SCOPEDATAITEM ScopeItem; Cookie *pNewCookie= NULL; int compare;
// If this cookie list is empty, there's nothing
// in the display and we don't need to do anything.
if ( !pHead ) { return; }
// Allocate a new cookie list entry. If we can't
// do nothing. The display will be out of sync
// until the user refreshes.
pNewEntry = new CCookieListEntry;
if ( !pNewEntry ) { return; }
// Prepare the required mmc structures.
if ( pNewObject->schemaObjectType == SCHMMGMT_CLASS ) {
if ( !pScopeControl ) {
// If there's no scope control, we can't insert anything.
delete pNewEntry; return; }
// prefix believes that this allocation (or construction) may throw
// an exception, and if an exception is thrown, pNewEntry is
// leaked. After a lot of digging, it's possible that a
// CMemoryException instance may be thrown by one of the base
// classes of one the members of CBaseCookieBlock, which is a base
// clase of Cookie.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-294879-2001/01/26-sburns
try { pNewCookie = new Cookie( SCHMMGMT_CLASS, pParentCookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); } catch (...) { delete pNewEntry; return; }
if ( !pNewCookie ) {
// If we can't allocate a cookie, do nothing.
delete pNewEntry; return; }
pNewCookie->pParentCookie = pParentCookie; pNewCookie->strSchemaObject = pNewObject->commonName;
pParentCookie->m_listScopeCookieBlocks.AddHead( (CBaseCookieBlock*)pNewCookie );
pNewEntry->pCookie = pNewCookie;
::ZeroMemory( &ScopeItem, sizeof(ScopeItem) ); ScopeItem.displayname = MMC_CALLBACK; ScopeItem.nState = 0;
ScopeItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pNewCookie); ScopeItem.nImage = pScopeControl->QueryImage( *pNewCookie, FALSE ); ScopeItem.nOpenImage = pScopeControl->QueryImage( *pNewCookie, TRUE );
// Should this be the new head of the list?
compare = pNewObject->ldapDisplayName.CompareNoCase( pHead->pCookie->strSchemaObject );
if ( compare < 0 ) {
if ( pNewObject->schemaObjectType == SCHMMGMT_CLASS ) {
// Insert this into the scope pane.
ScopeItem.relativeID = pHead->hScopeItem;
hr = pScopeControl->m_pConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &ScopeItem );
pNewEntry->hScopeItem = ScopeItem.ID; pNewEntry->pCookie->m_hScopeItem = ScopeItem.ID;
} else {
hr = S_OK; }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
pNewEntry->pNext = pHead; pNewEntry->pBack = pHead->pBack; pHead->pBack->pNext = pNewEntry; pHead->pBack = pNewEntry;
pHead = pNewEntry;
} else {
delete pNewEntry; delete pNewCookie; }
return; }
// Determine the sorted insertion point. The sorted list is circular.
pCurrent = pHead;
while ( pCurrent->pNext != pHead ) {
compare = pNewObject->ldapDisplayName.CompareNoCase( pCurrent->pNext->pCookie->strSchemaObject );
if ( compare < 0 ) { break; }
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; }
// We want to insert the new object after pCurrent.
if ( pNewObject->schemaObjectType == SCHMMGMT_CLASS ) {
ScopeItem.relativeID = pCurrent->hScopeItem;
hr = pScopeControl->m_pConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &ScopeItem );
pNewEntry->hScopeItem = ScopeItem.ID; pNewEntry->pCookie->m_hScopeItem = ScopeItem.ID;
} else {
hr = S_OK; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
pNewEntry->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; pNewEntry->pBack = pCurrent; pCurrent->pNext->pBack = pNewEntry; pCurrent->pNext = pNewEntry;
} else {
delete pNewEntry; delete pNewCookie; }
return; }
bool CCookieList::DeleteCookie(Cookie* pCookie) { bool result = false;
if (!pHead) { return result; }
// walk the links and stop when the scope item matches.
// Since the list is circular,
// we use pHead as the sentinal value instead of null.
CCookieListEntry* pCurrent = pHead; do { ASSERT(pCurrent);
if (pCurrent->pCookie == pCookie) { // Remove the node from the list
pCurrent->pBack->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; pCurrent->pNext->pBack = pCurrent->pBack;
if (pCurrent == pHead) { pHead = pCurrent->pNext; }
result = true;
delete pCurrent; break; }
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
} while (pCurrent != pHead);
return result; }
void CCookieList::DeleteAll() { if (!pHead) { return; }
CCookieListEntry* pCurrent = pHead; do { CCookieListEntry* next = pCurrent->pNext; delete pCurrent; pCurrent = next; } while (pCurrent != pHead);
pHead = 0; }
CString GetHelpFilename() { TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH + 1];
UINT result = ::GetSystemWindowsDirectory(buf, MAX_PATH); ASSERT(result != 0 && result <= MAX_PATH);
CString f(buf); f += TEXT("\\help\\schmmgmt.hlp");
return f; }
BOOL ShowHelp( HWND hParent, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, const DWORD ids[], BOOL fContextMenuHelp ) { HWND hWndMain = NULL; UINT uCommand = 0;
if( !fContextMenuHelp ) { // The user has clicked ? and the control, or just F1 (if enabled)
const LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam; if (pHelpInfo && pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { hWndMain = (HWND) pHelpInfo->hItemHandle; uCommand = HELP_WM_HELP; } } else { hWndMain = (HWND) wParam; uCommand = HELP_CONTEXTMENU;
// Optimization for non-static enabled windows.
// This way users don't have to do an extra menu click
// $$ don't know why this call returns NULL all the time
// HWND hWnd = ChildWindowFromPoint( hParent, CPoint(lParam) );
// if( hWnd )
// hWndMain = hWnd;
if( -1 != GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) && -1 != GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) && hParent && hWndMain != hParent ) { uCommand = HELP_WM_HELP; } }
if( hWndMain && uCommand ) { // Display context help for a control
::WinHelp( hWndMain, GetHelpFilename(), uCommand, (DWORD_PTR) ids ); }
return TRUE; }
#if 0
VOID DebugTrace( LPWSTR Format, ... ) {
WCHAR DbgString[1024]; va_list arglist; int Length;
// Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
va_start(arglist, Format);
Length = wvsprintf( DbgString, Format, arglist );
ASSERT( Length <= 1024 ); ASSERT( Length != 0 );
OutputDebugString( DbgString );
VOID DebugTrace( LPWSTR, ... ) { ; }
// Attempt to locate a message in a given module. Return the message string
// if found, the empty string if not.
// flags - FormatMessage flags to use
// module - module handle of message dll to look in, or 0 to use the system
// message table.
// code - message code to look for
CString getMessageHelper(DWORD flags, HMODULE module, HRESULT code) { ASSERT(code); ASSERT(flags & FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER);
CString message;
TCHAR* sys_message = 0; DWORD result = ::FormatMessage( flags, module, static_cast<DWORD>(code), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&sys_message), 0, 0); if (result) { ASSERT(sys_message); if (sys_message) { message = sys_message; ::LocalFree(sys_message); } }
return message; }
#define MAX_ERROR_BUF 2048
HRESULT GetLastADsError( HRESULT hr, CString& refErrorMsg, CString& refName ) { ASSERT(FAILED(hr));
refErrorMsg.Empty(); refName.Empty();
if (!FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
if( FACILITY_WIN32 == HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) ) { DWORD dwLastError = 0; WCHAR szErrorBuf[ MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1 ]; WCHAR szNameBuf[ MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1 ];
//Get extended error value.
HRESULT hr_return = ADsGetLastError( &dwLastError, szErrorBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF, szNameBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr_return) ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr_return) && dwLastError ) { refErrorMsg = szErrorBuf; refName = szNameBuf; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwLastError ); } }
return hr; }
// Attempts to locate message strings for various facility codes in the
// HRESULT. If fTryADSIExtError is true, check ADsGetLastError() first
CString GetErrorMessage( HRESULT hr, BOOL fTryADSIExtError /* = FALSE */ ) { ASSERT(FAILED(hr));
if (!FAILED(hr)) { // no messages for success!
return CString(); }
CString strExtMsg; if( fTryADSIExtError && FACILITY_WIN32 == HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) ) { DWORD dwLastError = 0; WCHAR szErrorBuf[ MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1 ]; WCHAR szNameBuf[ MAX_ERROR_BUF + 1 ];
//Get extended error value.
HRESULT hr_return = ADsGetLastError( &dwLastError, szErrorBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF, szNameBuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr_return) ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr_return) && dwLastError ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwLastError );
strExtMsg = szErrorBuf; } }
CString message;
// default is the system error message table
HMODULE module = 0;
int facility = HRESULT_FACILITY(hr); switch (facility) { case FACILITY_WIN32: // 0x7
{ // included here:
// lanman error codes (in it's own dll)
// dns
// winsock
static HMODULE lm_err_res_dll = 0; if (code >= NERR_BASE && code <= MAX_NERR) { // use the net error message resource dll
if (lm_err_res_dll == 0) { lm_err_res_dll = ::LoadLibraryEx( L"netmsg.dll", 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); }
module = lm_err_res_dll; flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; } break; } case 0x0: { if (code >= 0x5000 && code <= 0x50FF) { // It's an ADSI error. They put the facility code (5) in the
// wrong place!
static HMODULE adsi_err_res_dll = 0; // use the net error message resource dll
if (adsi_err_res_dll == 0) { adsi_err_res_dll = ::LoadLibraryEx( L"activeds.dll", 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); }
module = adsi_err_res_dll; flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE;
// the message dll expects the entire error code
code = hr; } break; } default: { // do nothing
break; } }
message = getMessageHelper(flags, module, code);
if( !strExtMsg.IsEmpty() ) message += L"\n" + strExtMsg;
if (message.IsEmpty()) { message.LoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR_MESSAGE); }
return message; }
// Get range from edit controls, Verify the range, attempt to correct, make sure lower <= upper.
// an exception will be thrown in case of an error.
void DDXV_VerifyAttribRange( CDataExchange *pDX, BOOL fIsSigned, UINT idcLower, CString & strLower, UINT idcUpper, CString & strUpper ) { INT64 llLower = 0; INT64 llUpper = 0;
ASSERT( pDX ); ASSERT( pDX->m_pDlgWnd );
// Update the values.
llLower = DDXV_SigUnsigINT32Value( pDX, fIsSigned, idcLower, strLower ); llUpper = DDXV_SigUnsigINT32Value( pDX, fIsSigned, idcUpper, strUpper );
// verify that lower <= upper -- only if supporting ENABLE_NEGATIVE_INT
if ( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate && !strLower.IsEmpty() && !strUpper.IsEmpty() ) { if( llLower > llUpper ) { DoErrMsgBox( pDX->m_pDlgWnd->m_hWnd, TRUE, IDS_ERR_EDIT_MINMAX ); pDX->Fail(); // we are still at the second edit control.
// Get string from an edit control, verify it attempting to correct
// an exception will be thrown in case of an error.
// Returns corrected value
INT64 DDXV_SigUnsigINT32Value( CDataExchange *pDX, BOOL fIsSigned, UINT idc, CString & str ) { INT64 llVal = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ASSERT( pDX ); ASSERT( pDX->m_pDlgWnd );
// Get/Put the string
DDX_Text( pDX, idc, str );
if ( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate ) { if( !str.IsEmpty() ) { hr = GetSafeINT32FromString( pDX->m_pDlgWnd, llVal, str, fIsSigned, GETSAFEINT_ALLOW_CANCEL );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { pDX->Fail(); } else if( S_VALUE_MODIFIED == hr ) { // update the string in case of some conversion things ('010' --> '10')
// or if the value was changed
pDX->m_pDlgWnd->SetDlgItemText( idc, str ); } } }
return llVal; }
// Converts a string to a DWORD, asks to correct to be within the range.
// returns HRESULT:
// S_OK llDst is the value from string
// S_VALUE_MODIFIED llDst is the truncated value, strSrc is updated
// E_ABORT llDst is unchanged; E_ABORT may be returned only if fAllowCancel is TRUE
HRESULT GetSafeSignedDWORDFromString( CWnd * pwndParent, DWORD & dwDst, CString & strSrc, BOOL fIsSigned, BOOL fAllowCancel /* =FALSE */) { INT64 llDst = 0; HRESULT hr = GetSafeINT32FromString( pwndParent, llDst, strSrc, fIsSigned, fAllowCancel );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) dwDst = (DWORD) llDst;
return hr; }
// *** internal use ***
// Converts a string to a INT64, asks to correct to be within the range.
// returns HRESULT:
// S_OK llDst is the value from string
// S_VALUE_MODIFIED llDst is the truncated value, strSrc is updated
// E_ABORT llDst is the truncated value
// E_ABORT only happens if fAllowCancel is TRUE
HRESULT GetSafeINT32FromString( CWnd * pwndParent, INT64 & llDst, CString & strSrc, BOOL fIsSigned, BOOL fAllowCancel) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT nMessageBoxType = 0; CString szMsg; CString szSugestedNumber; BOOL fIsValidNumber = TRUE; BOOL fIsValidString = TRUE;
ASSERT( pwndParent );
// the string must be limited in length & not empty
ASSERT( !strSrc.IsEmpty() ); ASSERT( strSrc.GetLength() <= cchMinMaxRange );
fIsValidString = IsValidNumberString( strSrc );
llDst = _wtoi64( (LPCWSTR) strSrc ); fIsValidNumber = IsValidNumber32( llDst, fIsSigned ); szSugestedNumber.Format( fIsSigned ? g_INT32_FORMAT : g_UINT32_FORMAT, (DWORD) llDst );
if( !fIsValidString || !fIsValidNumber ) { szMsg.FormatMessage( !fIsValidString ? IDS_ERR_NUM_IS_ILLIGAL : IDS_ERR_INT_OVERFLOW, (LPCWSTR) strSrc, (LPCWSTR) szSugestedNumber );
// make sure the user wants to do it
nMessageBoxType = (fAllowCancel ? MB_OKCANCEL : MB_OK) | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ;
if( IDOK == pwndParent->MessageBox( szMsg, g_MsgBoxErr, nMessageBoxType ) ) { strSrc = szSugestedNumber; hr = S_VALUE_MODIFIED; } else { hr = E_ABORT; } } else if( strSrc != szSugestedNumber ) { // fixing number formating
strSrc = szSugestedNumber; hr = S_VALUE_MODIFIED; }
return hr; }
// Verify & correct Min/Max for a signed/unsigned INT64 value
BOOL IsValidNumber32( INT64 & llVal, BOOL fIsSigned ) {
const INT64 llMinVal = fIsSigned ? (INT64) _I32_MIN : (INT64) 0 ; const INT64 llMaxVal = fIsSigned ? (INT64) _I32_MAX : (INT64) _UI32_MAX ; #else
// if there is no negative numbers support, always use unsigned numbers
const INT64 llMinVal = (INT64) 0; const INT64 llMaxVal = (INT64) _UI32_MAX; #endif
BOOL fIsValid = FALSE;
// if larger than 32bit number (signed/unsigned), truncate...
if( llVal < llMinVal ) { llVal = llMinVal; } else if( llVal > llMaxVal ) { llVal = llMaxVal; } else { fIsValid = TRUE; }
return fIsValid; }
// Search number string for illigal characters.
BOOL IsValidNumberString( CString & str ) { int i = 0;
if( str.GetLength() > 0 && // allow negative sign in front of the number
g_chNegativeSign == str[ i ] ) { i++; // skip first character
for( ; i < str.GetLength(); i++ ) { if( !IsCharNumeric( str[i] ) ) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// ParsedEdit
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CParsedEdit, CEdit) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CParsedEdit)
// Initialize subclassing
BOOL CParsedEdit::SubclassEdit( UINT nID, CWnd* pParent, int cchMaxTextSize ) // 0 == unlimited
{ ASSERT( IsInitialized() ); ASSERT( nID ); ASSERT( pParent ); ASSERT( pParent->GetDlgItem(nID) ); ASSERT( cchMaxTextSize >= 0 );
( static_cast<CEdit *>( pParent->GetDlgItem(nID) ) ) -> LimitText( cchMaxTextSize ) ;
if( EDIT_TYPE_GENERIC == GetEditType() ) { return TRUE; // no need to subclass - everything is allowed.
} else { return SubclassDlgItem(nID, pParent); } }
// Input character filter
void CParsedEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { ASSERT( IsInitialized() ); // initialized?
BOOL fIsSpecialChar = ( nChar < 0x20 );
BOOL fAllowChar = FALSE;
if( fIsSpecialChar ) { fAllowChar = TRUE; // always allow control chars
} else { // is this a digit?
BOOL fIsDigit = IsCharNumeric( (TCHAR)nChar );
switch( GetEditType() ) { default: ASSERT( FALSE ); break;
case EDIT_TYPE_GENERIC: // everything is allowed
fAllowChar = TRUE; break;
const BOOL fAllowNegativeNumbers = TRUE; #else
const BOOL fAllowNegativeNumbers = FALSE; #endif
DWORD dwSel = GetSel();
// is the caret in the begining of the box
BOOL fLineFront = ! LOWORD( dwSel );
// is the first character selected? (thus, typing anything will overide it)
BOOL fIsSelFirstChar = fLineFront && HIWORD( dwSel );
BOOL fIsNegSign = ( (TCHAR)nChar == g_chNegativeSign );
WCHAR szBuf[ 2 ] = {0}; // we only need the first character to check for '-'
// if the first character is selected, no matter what we type it will be overwritten
// an empty value is a positive value.
// rellies on left to right execution.
BOOL fIsAlreadyNeg = ( !fIsSelFirstChar && GetWindowText( szBuf, 2 ) && g_chNegativeSign == szBuf[0] );
ASSERT( !fIsDigit || !fIsNegSign ); // cannot be both!
if ( ( fIsDigit && // allow numeric if ...
( !fAllowNegativeNumbers || // ignore error checking if false
!fLineFront || // not first position
(fLineFront && !fIsAlreadyNeg)) // first pos & no '-' sign
) ||
( fIsNegSign && // allow '-' if
fAllowNegativeNumbers && // negatives are allowed
FIsSigned() && // signed numbers are allowed
!fIsAlreadyNeg && // the number was positive
fLineFront // entering as the first character
) ) { fAllowChar = TRUE; } } break;
case EDIT_TYPE_OID: // do a light checking -- allow digits & periods
{ if( fIsDigit || g_chPeriod == (TCHAR)nChar ) { fAllowChar = TRUE; } } break; } } if( fAllowChar ) { CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); // permitted
} else { // not permitted
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); // Standard beep
} }
// Search a list of PCTSTR for a strValue, returns TRUE if found
// rgszList[] last element must be NULL
// puIndex - optional pointer, will be set to the position of the value if found.
BOOL IsInList( PCTSTR rgszList[], const CString & strValue, UINT * puIndex /* = NULL */ ) { UINT uIndex = 0;
while( rgszList[ uIndex ] ) { if( !strValue.CompareNoCase( rgszList[uIndex] ) ) { if( puIndex ) *puIndex = uIndex; return TRUE; } else uIndex++; }
return FALSE; }
// Determine if the object pointed to by pIADsObject is a constructed object.
HRESULT IsConstructedObject( IADs *pIADsObject, BOOL & fIsConstructed ) { LONG fSysAttribs = 0; HRESULT hr = GetSystemAttributes( pIADsObject, fSysAttribs );
return hr; }
// Determine if the object pointed to by pIADsObject is category 1 object.
HRESULT IsCategory1Object( IADs *pIADsObject, BOOL & fIsCategory1 ) { LONG fSysAttribs = 0; HRESULT hr = GetSystemAttributes( pIADsObject, fSysAttribs );
return hr; }
// Read object's System Attribute
HRESULT GetSystemAttributes( IADs *pIADsObject, LONG &fSysAttribs ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; VARIANT AdsResult;
if( !pIADsObject ) ASSERT( FALSE ); else { VariantInit( &AdsResult );
hr = pIADsObject->Get( const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_systemFlags), &AdsResult ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ASSERT(AdsResult.vt == VT_I4); fSysAttribs = V_I4(&AdsResult); } else if( E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND == hr ) { fSysAttribs = 0; hr = S_OK; }
VariantClear( &AdsResult ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT DissableReadOnlyAttributes( CWnd * pwnd, IADs *pIADsObject, const CDialogControlsInfo * pCtrls, UINT cCtrls ) { ASSERT( pwnd ); ASSERT( pIADsObject ); ASSERT( pCtrls ); ASSERT( cCtrls );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CStringList strlist;
do { // extract the list of allowed attributes
hr = GetStringListElement( pIADsObject, &g_allowedAttributesEffective, strlist ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
for( UINT ind = 0; ind < cCtrls; ind++ ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// search for needed attributes
for( POSITION pos = strlist.GetHeadPosition(); !fFound && pos != NULL; ) { CString * pstr = &strlist.GetNext( pos ); if( !pstr->CompareNoCase( pCtrls[ind].m_pszAttributeName ) ) { fFound = TRUE; } }
if( !fFound ) { ASSERT( pwnd->GetDlgItem( pCtrls[ind].m_nID ) );
if( pCtrls[ind].m_fIsEditBox ) reinterpret_cast<CEdit *>( pwnd->GetDlgItem(pCtrls[ind].m_nID) )->SetReadOnly(); else pwnd->GetDlgItem(pCtrls[ind].m_nID)->EnableWindow( FALSE ); } }
} while( FALSE );
return hr; }
HRESULT GetStringListElement( IADs *pIADsObject, LPWSTR *lppPathNames, CStringList &strlist ) { ASSERT( pIADsObject ); ASSERT( lppPathNames ); ASSERT( *lppPathNames );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT varAttributes;
VariantInit( &varAttributes );
strlist.RemoveAll(); do { // build an array of one element
hr = ADsBuildVarArrayStr( lppPathNames, 1, &varAttributes ); ASSERT_BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = pIADsObject->GetInfoEx( varAttributes, 0 ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = VariantClear( &varAttributes ); ASSERT_BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// Get all allowed attributes
hr = pIADsObject->GetEx( *lppPathNames, &varAttributes ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// Convert result to a string list
hr = VariantToStringList( varAttributes, strlist ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) || E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND == hr ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
} while( FALSE );
VariantClear( &varAttributes );
return hr; }
bool OIDHasValidFormat (PCWSTR pszOidValue, int& rErrorTypeStrID) { rErrorTypeStrID = 0;
bool bFormatIsValid = false; int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
pszOidValue, // wide-character string
(int) wcslen (pszOidValue), // number of chars in string
0, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen > 0 ) { nLen++; // account for Null terminator
PSTR pszAnsiBuf = new CHAR[nLen]; if ( pszAnsiBuf ) { ZeroMemory (pszAnsiBuf, nLen*sizeof(CHAR)); nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
pszOidValue, // wide-character string
(int) wcslen (pszOidValue), // number of chars in string
pszAnsiBuf, // buffer for new string
nLen, // size of buffer
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen ) { // According to PhilH:
// The first number is limited to
// 0,1 or 2. The second number is
// limited to 0 - 39 when the first
// number is 0 or 1. Otherwise, any
// number.
// Also, according to X.208, there
// must be at least 2 numbers.
bFormatIsValid = true; size_t cbAnsiBufLen = strlen (pszAnsiBuf);
// check for only digits and "."
size_t nIdx = strspn (pszAnsiBuf, "0123456789.\0"); if ( nIdx > 0 && nIdx < cbAnsiBufLen ) { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_CONTAINS_NON_DIGITS; }
// check for consecutive "."s - string not valid if present
if ( bFormatIsValid && strstr (pszAnsiBuf, "..") ) { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_CONTAINS_CONSECUTIVE_DOTS; }
// must begin with "0." or "1." or "2."
bool bFirstNumberIs0 = false; bool bFirstNumberIs1 = false; bool bFirstNumberIs2 = false; if ( bFormatIsValid ) { if ( !strncmp (pszAnsiBuf, "0.", 2) ) bFirstNumberIs0 = true; else if ( !strncmp (pszAnsiBuf, "1.", 2) ) bFirstNumberIs1 = true; else if ( !strncmp (pszAnsiBuf, "2.", 2) ) bFirstNumberIs2 = true; if ( !bFirstNumberIs0 && !bFirstNumberIs1 && !bFirstNumberIs2 ) { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_MUST_START_WITH_0_1_2; } }
if ( bFormatIsValid && ( bFirstNumberIs0 || bFirstNumberIs1 ) ) { PSTR pszBuf = pszAnsiBuf; pszBuf += 2;
// there must be a number after the dot
if ( strlen (pszBuf) ) { // truncate the string at the next dot, if any
PSTR pszDot = strstr (pszBuf, "."); if ( pszDot ) pszDot[0] = 0;
// convert the string to a number and check for range 0-39
int nValue = atoi (pszBuf); if ( nValue < 0 || nValue > 39 ) { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_0_1_MUST_BE_0_TO_39; } } else { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_MUST_HAVE_TWO_NUMBERS; } }
// ensure no trailing "."
if ( bFormatIsValid ) { if ( '.' == pszAnsiBuf[cbAnsiBufLen - 1] ) { bFormatIsValid = false; rErrorTypeStrID = IDS_OID_CANNOT_END_WITH_DOT; } }
if ( bFormatIsValid ) { bFormatIsValid = false; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE cryptAttr; ::ZeroMemory (&cryptAttr, sizeof (CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE));
cryptAttr.cValue = 0; cryptAttr.pszObjId = pszAnsiBuf; cryptAttr.rgValue = 0;
DWORD cbEncoded = 0; BOOL bResult = CryptEncodeObject (X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, &cryptAttr, NULL, &cbEncoded); if ( cbEncoded > 0 ) { BYTE* pBuffer = new BYTE[cbEncoded]; if ( pBuffer ) { bResult = CryptEncodeObject (X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, &cryptAttr, pBuffer, &cbEncoded); if ( bResult ) { DWORD cbStructInfo = 0; bResult = CryptDecodeObject (X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, pBuffer, cbEncoded, 0, 0, &cbStructInfo); if ( cbStructInfo > 0 ) { BYTE* pStructBuf = new BYTE[cbStructInfo]; if ( pStructBuf ) { bResult = CryptDecodeObject (X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, pBuffer, cbEncoded, 0, pStructBuf, &cbStructInfo); if ( bResult ) { CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE* pCryptAttr = (CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE*) pStructBuf; if ( !strcmp (pszAnsiBuf, pCryptAttr->pszObjId) ) { bFormatIsValid = true; } } delete [] pStructBuf; } } } delete [] pBuffer; } } } } else { DebugTrace(L"WideCharToMultiByte (%s) failed: 0x%x\n", pszOidValue, GetLastError ()); }
delete [] pszAnsiBuf; } } else { DebugTrace(L"WideCharToMultiByte (%s) failed: 0x%x\n", pszOidValue, GetLastError ()); }
return bFormatIsValid; }
HRESULT DeleteObject( const CString& path, Cookie* pcookie, PCWSTR pszClass ) /***
This deletes an attribute from the schema
***/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do { if ( !pcookie ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spIADsPathname;
hr = ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (void**)&spIADsPathname); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
hr = spIADsPathname->Set( (PWSTR)(PCWSTR)path, ADS_SETTYPE_FULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
// Get the RDN so that we have it for deleting
CComBSTR sbstrRDN; hr = spIADsPathname->Retrieve( ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &sbstrRDN ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
// Get the path to the parent container
hr = spIADsPathname->RemoveLeafElement(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
CComBSTR sbstrParentPath; hr = spIADsPathname->Retrieve( ADS_FORMAT_X500, &sbstrParentPath ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
// Now open the parent object
CComPtr<IADsContainer> spContainer; hr = ::ADsOpenObject( sbstrParentPath, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, IID_IADsContainer, (void**)&spContainer); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
hr = spContainer->Delete( (PWSTR)pszClass, sbstrRDN ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
} while (false);
return hr; }