// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001.
// File: uithread.cpp
// Contents: implementation of CUIThread
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wsecmgr.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <accctrl.h>
#include "servperm.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wsecmgr.h"
#include "snapmgr.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "UIThread.h"
#include "attr.h"
#include "aaudit.h"
#include "aenable.h"
#include "AMember.h"
#include "anumber.h"
#include "AObject.h"
#include "ARet.h"
#include "ARight.h"
#include "aservice.h"
#include "astring.h"
#include "CAudit.h"
#include "CEnable.h"
#include "CGroup.h"
#include "CName.h"
#include "CNumber.h"
#include "cobject.h"
#include "CPrivs.h"
#include "CRet.h"
#include "cservice.h"
#include "regvldlg.h"
#include "perfanal.h"
#include "applcnfg.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "locdesc.h"
#include "profdesc.h"
#include "newprof.h"
#include "laudit.h"
#include "lenable.h"
#include "lret.h"
#include "lnumber.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "lright.h"
#include "achoice.h"
#include "cchoice.h"
#include "lchoice.h"
#include "dattrs.h"
#include "lflags.h"
#include "aflags.h"
#include "multisz.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CUIThread
CUIThread::CUIThread() { }
CUIThread::~CUIThread() { }
BOOL CUIThread::InitInstance() { // TODO: perform and per-thread initialization here
return TRUE; }
int CUIThread::ExitInstance() { // TODO: perform any per-thread cleanup here
return CWinThread::ExitInstance(); }
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CUIThread message handlers
// Method: DefaultLogFile
// Synopsis: Find the default log file for the inf file last applied
// pass back the log file via the out parameter strLogFile
void CUIThread::DefaultLogFile(CComponentDataImpl *pCDI,GWD_TYPES LogID,LPCTSTR szBase, CString& strLogFile) { //
// Base log file on the db passed in
CString strDefExt; strDefExt.LoadString(IDS_LOGFILE_DEF_EXT); // make sure that the extension includes '.'
if (strDefExt.GetLength() > 0 && strDefExt[0] != L'.') { CString tempExt = strDefExt; strDefExt = L'.'; strDefExt += tempExt; }
CString strInfFile = szBase;
// Get the default working directory
LPTSTR szDir = NULL; if (pCDI->GetWorkingDir(LogID, &szDir, FALSE, FALSE)) { strLogFile = szDir; LocalFree(szDir); szDir = NULL; }
if (strLogFile.Right(1) != TEXT("\\")) { strLogFile += L"\\"; }
if ( strInfFile.GetLength() < 5) { //
// The default log file.
strLogFile += TEXT("SceStus") + strDefExt; } else { int nFilePartIndex = 0; int nFilePartCount = 0; //
// +1 to change index base from 0 to 1 for the Mid
nFilePartIndex = strInfFile.ReverseFind(L'\\') +1; nFilePartCount = strInfFile.ReverseFind(L'.') - nFilePartIndex; strLogFile += strInfFile.Mid(nFilePartIndex,nFilePartCount) + strDefExt; } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: OnApplyProfile
// Synopsis: Create and display a dialog for applying a profile to the
// system
// Arguments: [uParam] - A string with the name of the database to assign to
// [lParam] - A pointer to the CComponentDataImpl
void CUIThread::OnApplyProfile(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { CComponentDataImpl *pCDI = NULL; CApplyConfiguration *pAP = NULL; CWnd cwndParent;
pCDI = reinterpret_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(lParam);
// Look for a preexisting version of this dialog in pCDI's cache.
// If it's not there then create a new one and add it.
pAP = (CApplyConfiguration *)pCDI->GetPopupDialog(IDM_APPLY); if (NULL == pAP) { pAP = new CApplyConfiguration; if (NULL == pAP) { return; } pCDI->AddPopupDialog(IDM_APPLY,pAP); }
pAP->m_strDataBase = reinterpret_cast<LPCTSTR>(uParam); DefaultLogFile(pCDI,GWD_CONFIGURE_LOG, pAP->m_strDataBase, pAP->m_strLogFile); pAP->SetComponentData(pCDI);
if (!pAP->GetSafeHwnd()) { cwndParent.Attach(pCDI->GetParentWindow());
CThemeContextActivator activator; pAP->Create(IDD_APPLY_CONFIGURATION,&cwndParent); cwndParent.Detach(); }
pAP->UpdateData(FALSE); pAP->BringWindowToTop(); pAP->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); }
// Method: OnAnalyzeProfile
// Synopsis: Create and display a dialog for applying a profile to the
// system
// Arguments: [uParam] - A string with the name of the database to assign to
// [lParam] - A pointer to the CComponentDataImpl
void CUIThread::OnAnalyzeProfile(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { CComponentDataImpl *pCDI = NULL; CPerformAnalysis *pPA = NULL; CWnd cwndParent;
pCDI = reinterpret_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(lParam);
// Look for a preexisting version of this dialog in pCDI's cache.
// If it's not there then create a new one and add it.
pPA = (CPerformAnalysis *)pCDI->GetPopupDialog(IDM_ANALYZE); if (NULL == pPA) { pPA = new CPerformAnalysis (0, 0); if (NULL == pPA) { return; }
pPA->m_strDataBase = reinterpret_cast<LPCTSTR>(uParam); DefaultLogFile(pCDI,GWD_ANALYSIS_LOG, pPA->m_strDataBase, pPA->m_strLogFile); pPA->SetComponentData(pCDI);
pCDI->AddPopupDialog(IDM_ANALYZE,pPA); }
if (!pPA->GetSafeHwnd()) { cwndParent.Attach(pCDI->GetParentWindow()); CThemeContextActivator activator; pPA->Create(IDD_PERFORM_ANALYSIS,&cwndParent); cwndParent.Detach(); }
pPA->BringWindowToTop(); pPA->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); }
// Method: OnDescribeProfile
// Synopsis: Create and display a dialog for editing a profile's description
// Arguments: [uParam] - A pointer to the CFolder for the object
// [lParam] - The CComponentDataImpl owning the scope pane
void CUIThread::OnDescribeProfile(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { CSetProfileDescription *pSPD; CFolder *pFolder; CComponentDataImpl *pCDI; CWnd cwndParent;
LPTSTR szDesc;
pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(uParam); pCDI = reinterpret_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(lParam); LONG_PTR dwKey = DLG_KEY(pFolder, CSetProfileDescription::IDD);
// Look for a preexisting version of this dialog in pCDI's cache.
// If it's not there then create a new one and add it.
pSPD = (CSetProfileDescription *)pCDI->GetPopupDialog( dwKey ); if (NULL == pSPD) { pSPD = new CSetProfileDescription; if (NULL == pSPD) { return; }
pCDI->AddPopupDialog( dwKey, pSPD); }
if (!pSPD->GetSafeHwnd()) { if (GetProfileDescription(pFolder->GetInfFile(),&szDesc)) pSPD->m_strDesc = szDesc;
cwndParent.Attach(pCDI->GetParentWindow()); CThemeContextActivator activator; pSPD->Create(IDD_SET_DESCRIPTION,&cwndParent); cwndParent.Detach(); }
pSPD->UpdateData(FALSE); pSPD->BringWindowToTop(); pSPD->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// Method: OnDescribeLocation
// Synopsis: Create and display a dialog for editing a Location's description
// Arguments: [uParam] - A pointer to the CFolder for the object
// [lParam] - The CComponentDataImpl owning the scope pane
void CUIThread::OnDescribeLocation(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { CSetLocationDescription *pSPD; CFolder *pFolder; CComponentDataImpl *pCDI; CWnd cwndParent;
LPTSTR szDesc;
pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(uParam); pCDI = reinterpret_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(lParam); LONG_PTR dwKey = DLG_KEY(pFolder, CSetLocationDescription::IDD);
// Look for a preexisting version of this dialog in pCDI's cache.
// If it's not there then create a new one and add it.
pSPD = (CSetLocationDescription *)pCDI->GetPopupDialog( dwKey ); if (NULL == pSPD) { pSPD = new CSetLocationDescription; if (NULL == pSPD) { return; } pCDI->AddPopupDialog(dwKey ,pSPD); }
// pSPD->Initialize(pFolder,pCDI);
if (!pSPD->GetSafeHwnd()) { pSPD->Initialize(pFolder,pCDI);
cwndParent.Attach(pCDI->GetParentWindow()); CThemeContextActivator activator; pSPD->Create(IDD_SET_DESCRIPTION,&cwndParent); pSPD->SetWindowText(pFolder->GetName()); cwndParent.Detach(); }
pSPD->UpdateData(FALSE); pSPD->BringWindowToTop(); pSPD->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Method: OnDestroyDialog
Synopsis: Destroys and deletes the CAttribute object associated with [pDlg]
Arguments: [pDlg] - Is a pointer to the object to delete.
Histroy: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CUIThread::OnDestroyDialog(WPARAM pDlg, LPARAM) { if(pDlg){ CAttribute *pAttr = reinterpret_cast<CAttribute *>(pDlg);
delete pAttr; } }
// Method: OnNewConfiguration
// Synopsis: Create and display a dialog for adding a new configuration file
// Arguments: [uParam] - A pointer to the CFolder parent of the new config file
// [lParam] - A pointer to the CComponentDataItem
void CUIThread::OnNewConfiguration(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { CNewProfile *pNP; CFolder *pFolder; CComponentDataImpl *pCDI; CWnd cwndParent;
LPTSTR szDesc;
pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(uParam); pCDI = reinterpret_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(lParam); LONG_PTR dwKey = DLG_KEY(pFolder, CNewProfile::IDD);
// Look for a preexisting version of this dialog in pCDI's cache.
// If it's not there then create a new one and add it.
pNP = (CNewProfile *)pCDI->GetPopupDialog( dwKey); if (NULL == pNP) { pNP = new CNewProfile; if (NULL == pNP) { return; } pCDI->AddPopupDialog( dwKey, pNP); }
// pNP->Initialize(pFolder,pCDI);
if (!pNP->GetSafeHwnd()) { pNP->Initialize(pFolder,pCDI);
CThemeContextActivator activator; pNP->Create(IDD_NEW_PROFILE,&cwndParent); pNP->SetWindowText(pFolder->GetName()); cwndParent.Detach(); }
pNP->UpdateData(FALSE); pNP->BringWindowToTop(); pNP->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// Method: OnAddPropsheet
// Synopsis: Adds a property sheet to the list of sheets to which to pass messages
// in PreTranslateMessage
// Arguments: [wParam] - HWND of the added property sheet
// [lParam] - unused
void CUIThread::OnAddPropSheet(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (IsWindow((HWND)wParam)) { m_PSHwnds.AddHead((HWND)wParam); } }
BOOL CUIThread::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { //
// check PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd to see if we need to destroy
// one of our modeless property sheets
pos= m_PSHwnds.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { posCur = pos; hwnd = m_PSHwnds.GetNext(pos);
if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) { m_PSHwnds.RemoveAt(posCur); } else if (NULL == PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(hwnd)) { //
// hwnd is a closed property sheet. destroy it and remove it from the list
DestroyWindow(hwnd); m_PSHwnds.RemoveAt(posCur); }
if (PropSheet_IsDialogMessage(hwnd,pMsg)) { //
// Message has been handled, so don't do anything else with it
return TRUE; } }
return CWinThread::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
// CModelessDlgUIThread implementation
CModelessDlgUIThread::CModelessDlgUIThread() { m_hReadyForMsg = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); }
CModelessDlgUIThread::~CModelessDlgUIThread() { if (NULL != m_hReadyForMsg) ::CloseHandle(m_hReadyForMsg); }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CModelessDlgUIThread, CUIThread) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CModelessDlgUIThread)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
int CModelessDlgUIThread::Run() { if (m_hReadyForMsg) ::SetEvent(m_hReadyForMsg);
return CWinThread::Run(); }
// wparam is PMLSHEET_DATA, and lparam is not used and can be used in the future
// for telling what property sheet is to be created (right now, it only works
// for ACL editor)
void CModelessDlgUIThread::OnCreateModelessSheet(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { PMLSHEET_DATA pSheetData = (PMLSHEET_DATA)wparam; if (pSheetData) { HWND hSheet = (HWND)MyCreateSecurityPage2(pSheetData->bIsContainer, pSheetData->ppSeDescriptor, pSheetData->pSeInfo, pSheetData->strObjectName, pSheetData->SeType, pSheetData->flag, pSheetData->hwndParent, TRUE); *(pSheetData->phwndSheet) = hSheet;
OnAddPropSheet((WPARAM)hSheet, 0); } }
// wparam is the window handle and lparam is not used at this time
// Since destroying a window must happen on the thread where it is contructed,
// this is necessary. Basic window management rules must be followed, e.g.,
// don't ask this thread to destroy windows that is not created by it
void CModelessDlgUIThread::OnDestroyWindow(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if (::IsWindow((HWND)wparam)) { DestroyWindow((HWND)wparam); } }
// immediately after this thread object is created, creating thread needs to
// wait by calling this function so that the newly created thread has a chance
// to be scheduled to run.
void CModelessDlgUIThread::WaitTillRun() { if (NULL != m_hReadyForMsg) { // $UNDONE:shawnwu I found that MMC runs at THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL (or higher) priority
// becaues only when I run this UI thread at THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST will this thread schedule to run.
// But running at that level of priority makes me feel a little bit nervous. I thus
// leave this sleep(10) code here. Up to the UI team to decide.
::Sleep(10); ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hReadyForMsg, INFINITE); // don't care about result of this waiting
// now the event is useless. To reduce resource overhead, close the handle
::CloseHandle(m_hReadyForMsg); m_hReadyForMsg = NULL; } }