// conndlg.h : header file
//Forward declaration
struct ISAMTreeItemData; class ImpersonationManager;
// CConnectionDialog dialog //
class CConnectionDialog : public CDialog { // Construction
public: CConnectionDialog(CWnd* pParent, char*, // WBEM_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION loginMethod,
char*, char*, char** locale, char** authority, BOOL FAR*, BOOL, CMapStringToOb*, CMapStringToOb*, BOOL, char**, BOOL *, BOOL *, BOOL *); // standard constructor
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG_CONNECTION }; CEdit m_browseEdit; CButton m_browse; CButton m_cancelButton; CButton m_okButton; CButton m_sysPropCheck; CButton m_impersonateCheck; CButton m_PassthroughOnlyCheck; CEdit m_UserName; CEdit m_Password; CEdit m_Authority; CEdit m_Locale; CTreeCtrl m_tree1; CEdit m_messageEdit; CButton m_RefreshButton; CButton m_PwdAsNull; CButton m_PwdAsBlank; //}}AFX_DATA
CImageList m_imageList; int m_idxSelectedImage, m_idxUnselectedImage, m_idxIncludedSelectedImage, m_idxIncludedUnselectedImage; // char *pServerIn;
// char *pUsernameIn;
// char *pPasswordIn;
CMapStringToOb *pMapStringToObIn; // char *pServerOut;
// char *pUsernameOut;
char *pPasswordOut; char *pHomeNamespaceOut; CMapStringToOb *pMapStringToObOut;
char **lpszNamespacesOut; char* lpszServer; char* lpszUserName; char* lpszPassword; char* lpszAuthority; char* lpszLocale; char** lpszAuthorityOut; char** lpszLocaleOut; BOOL fConnParmSpecified; ULONG cSelectedCels; BOOL fDoubleClicked; CBitmap bmap1; CBitmap bmap2; CBitmap bmap3; CBitmap bmap4; CBitmap bmask; BOOL FAR* fSystemProperties; BOOL FAR* fImpersonation; BOOL FAR* fPassthroughOnly; BOOL FAR* fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank; // WBEM_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION m_loginMethod;
int m_idxMode1Image ,m_idxMode2Image, m_idxMode3Image, m_idxMode4Image;
ISAMTreeItemData * pCurrentSelectionList; ISAMTreeItemData * pCurrentItem;
ImpersonationManager* impersonateMgr;
void ConnectionParameterChange();
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
virtual void OnOK(); virtual void OnCancel(); virtual void OnNcDestroy (); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnClickTree1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnTreeExpand(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnKeyDown(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnDeleteitemTree1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnButtonBrowse(); afx_msg void OnButtonRefresh(); afx_msg void OnButtonSysProp(); afx_msg void OnButtonInterpretEmpty(); afx_msg void OnButtonImpersonation(); afx_msg void OnButtonPassthroughOnly(); afx_msg void OnDblclkTree1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnKillfocusBrowseEdit(); afx_msg void OnUserNameChange(); afx_msg void OnLocaleChange(); afx_msg void OnPasswordChange(); afx_msg void OnAuthorityChange(); afx_msg void OnServerChange(); afx_msg void OnHelp(); //}}AFX_MSG
public: HTREEITEM InsertItem (CTreeCtrl&, HTREEITEM, const char *); void AddNamespaces (HTREEITEM, int); void RemoveNamespaces (HTREEITEM, int); int FindAbsName (char *name, HTREEITEM hStartAt, HTREEITEM& hFoundItem); int CreateNamespace (char *name, HTREEITEM hStartAt, HTREEITEM& hFoundItem); int UnincludedChild (HTREEITEM item, int checkSelf); void GenerateOutMap (HTREEITEM hStartAt); void GenerateOutString (HTREEITEM hStartAt); void CleanUpTreeCtrl(HTREEITEM& hTreeItem); void UpdateChildChildInclude (HTREEITEM hNode, BOOL fIncrement);
char* GetAuthority() //on heap (needs to be deleted)
{return lpszAuthority;}
char* GetLocale() //on heap (needs to be deleted)
{return lpszLocale;}
BOOL Impersonation() { return impersonateMgr ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL RefreshTree(); };