/***************************************************************************/ /* CONNECT.C */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-96 SYWARE Inc., All rights reserved */ /***************************************************************************/ // Commenting #define out - causing compiler error - not sure if needed, compiles
// okay without it.
//#define WINVER 0x0400
#include "precomp.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "wbemidl.h"
#include <comdef.h>
//smart pointer
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemServices, IID_IWbemServices); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumWbemClassObject, IID_IEnumWbemClassObject); //_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemContext, IID_IWbemContext );
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemLocator, IID_IWbemLocator);
#include "drdbdr.h"
#include "odbcinst.h"
BOOL INTFUNC ReadInNamespace (LPSTR lpFrom, SDWORD cbFrom, LPSTR *lpTo, UWORD FAR *pfType, LPSTR FAR *lpRemainder, SDWORD FAR *pcbRemainder); #define TYPE_NONE 0
#define TYPE_BRACE 1
/***************************************************************************/ extern "C" BOOL EXPFUNC dlgDirectory( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPUSTR lpszDatabase;
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, DATABASE_NAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH, 0L); SetWindowLong(hDlg, DWL_USER, lParam); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, DATABASE_NAME, (LPSTR) lParam); return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK:
/* Get answer */ lpszDatabase = (LPUSTR) GetWindowLong(hDlg, DWL_USER); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, DATABASE_NAME, (LPSTR) lpszDatabase, MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH); AnsiToOem((LPCSTR) lpszDatabase, (LPSTR) lpszDatabase);
/* Clear off leading blanks */ while (*lpszDatabase == ' ') s_lstrcpy(lpszDatabase, lpszDatabase+1);
/* Clear off trailing blanks */ while (*lpszDatabase != '\0') { if (lpszDatabase[s_lstrlen(lpszDatabase)-1] != ' ') break; lpszDatabase[s_lstrlen(lpszDatabase)-1] = '\0'; }
/* Get rid of terminating backslash (if any) */ if (s_lstrlen(lpszDatabase) > 0) { if (lpszDatabase[s_lstrlen(lpszDatabase)-1] == '\\') lpszDatabase[s_lstrlen(lpszDatabase)-1] = '\0'; } else {
/* If no directory specified, use the current directory */ s_lstrcpy(lpszDatabase, "."); }
/* Return */ EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return (TRUE);
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return (TRUE); } break; } return (FALSE); } /***************************************************************************/
RETCODE SQL_API SQLAllocEnv( HENV FAR *phenv) { HGLOBAL henv; LPENV lpenv;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
/* Allocate memory for the handle */ henv = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (ENV)); if (henv == NULL || (lpenv = (LPENV)GlobalLock (henv)) == NULL) { if (henv) GlobalFree(henv);
*phenv = SQL_NULL_HENV; OleUninitialize(); return SQL_ERROR; }
/* So far no connections on this environment */ lpenv->lpdbcs = NULL;
/* Return success */ lpenv->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS; (lpenv->szISAMError)[0] = 0; *phenv = (HENV FAR *)lpenv; return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLAllocConnect( HENV henv, HDBC FAR *phdbc) { LPENV lpenv; LPDBC lpdbc; HGLOBAL hdbc;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
/* Allocate memory for the handle */ lpenv = (LPENV) henv; lpenv->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS; hdbc = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (DBC)); if (hdbc == NULL || (lpdbc = (LPDBC)GlobalLock (hdbc)) == NULL) { if (hdbc) GlobalFree(hdbc);
lpenv->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; *phdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Put handle on list of connection handles */ lpdbc->lpNext = lpenv->lpdbcs; lpenv->lpdbcs = lpdbc; /* So far no statements for this connection */ lpdbc->lpstmts = NULL;
/* Rember which environment goes with this connection */ lpdbc->lpenv = lpenv;
/* So far no connection */ (lpdbc->szDSN)[0] = 0; lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL;
/* Initialize transaction information */ lpdbc->fTxnIsolation = -1; lpdbc->fAutoCommitTxn = FALSE;
/* Return success */ lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS; (lpdbc->szISAMError)[0] = 0; *phdbc = (HDBC FAR *) lpdbc;
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
/* Get connection handle */ lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
/* Error if already connected */ if (s_lstrlen((char*)lpdbc->szDSN) != 0) { lpdbc->errcode = ERR_CONNECTIONINUSE; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Save name of DSN */ cbDSN = (SWORD) TrueSize((LPUSTR)szDSN, cbDSN, SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH); _fmemcpy(lpdbc->szDSN, szDSN, cbDSN); lpdbc->szDSN[cbDSN] = '\0';
/* Get user name */ cbUID = (SWORD) TrueSize((LPUSTR)szUID, cbUID, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); _fmemcpy(szUsername, szUID, cbUID); szUsername[cbUID] = '\0'; if (s_lstrlen((char*)szUsername) == 0) { SQLGetPrivateProfileString((char*)lpdbc->szDSN, KEY_USERNAME, "", (char*)szUsername, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH+1, ODBC_INI); }
/* Get password */ cbAuthStr = (SWORD) TrueSize((LPUSTR)szAuthStr, cbAuthStr, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); _fmemcpy(szPassword, szAuthStr, cbAuthStr); szPassword[cbAuthStr] = '\0'; if (s_lstrlen((char*)szPassword) == 0) { SQLGetPrivateProfileString((char*)lpdbc->szDSN, KEY_PASSWORD, "", (char*)szPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1, ODBC_INI); }
// in this case we will open the default namespace in deep mode
CMapStringToOb *pMapStringToOb = new CMapStringToOb; DWORD dwDummyValue = 0; ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (NULL, "root\\default", NULL, dwDummyValue, dwDummyValue, NULL, // WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, FALSE, NULL, NULL, pMapStringToOb); szDatabase[0] = 0; lstrcpy ((char*)szDatabase, "root\\default");
if (lpdbc->lpISAM != NULL) { ISAMClose(lpdbc->lpISAM); lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; }
(LPUSTR)szUsername, (LPUSTR)szPassword, NULL, NULL, FALSE, pMapStringToOb, &(lpdbc->lpISAM), (LPUSTR)lpdbc->szISAMError, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
if (err != NO_ISAM_ERR) { lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; (lpdbc->szDSN)[0] = 0; lpdbc->errcode = err; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Initialize transaction states */ lpdbc->fAutoCommitTxn = TRUE; lpdbc->fTxnIsolation = lpdbc->lpISAM->fDefaultTxnIsolation;
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLDriverConnect( HDBC hdbc, HWND hwnd, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrIn, SWORD cbConnStrIn, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrOut, SWORD cbConnStrOutMax, SWORD FAR *pcbConnStrOut, UWORD fDriverCompletion) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
LPDBC lpdbc;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager; /* Get connection handle */ lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
ODBCTRACE ("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : Enter SQLDriverConnect\n"); CString myInputConnectionString; myInputConnectionString.Format("\nWBEM ODBC Driver :\nszConnStrIn = %s\ncbConnStrIn = %ld\n", szConnStrIn, cbConnStrIn); ODBCTRACE(myInputConnectionString);
MyImpersonator im (lpdbc, "SQLDriverConnect");
switch (fDriverCompletion) { case SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT: ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fDriverCompletion = SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT\n"); break; case SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE: ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fDriverCompletion = SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE\n"); break; case SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED: ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fDriverCompletion = SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED\n"); break; case SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT: ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fDriverCompletion = SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT\n"); break; default: ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fDriverCompletion = dunno\n"); break; }
/* Error if already connected */ if (s_lstrlen((char*)lpdbc->szDSN) != 0) { lpdbc->errcode = ERR_CONNECTIONINUSE; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Parse the connection string */ ConnectionStringManager connManager (hdbc, hwnd, szConnStrIn, fDriverCompletion); RETCODE rc = connManager.Process();
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) return rc;
char* lpszConnStr = connManager.GenerateConnString(); ULONG cOutputLen = lstrlen ((char*)lpszConnStr);
/* Return the connections string */ if (szConnStrOut) { szConnStrOut[0] = 0; lpdbc->errcode = ReturnString(szConnStrOut, cbConnStrOutMax, pcbConnStrOut, (LPUSTR)lpszConnStr); } else { //No space to return result
lpdbc->errcode = ERR_DATATRUNCATED; }
if (lpdbc->errcode == ERR_DATATRUNCATED) { delete lpszConnStr; return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; }
//Tidy up
delete lpszConnStr;
lpdbc->szISAMError[0] = 0;
CString myOutputConnectionString; myOutputConnectionString.Format("\nWBEM ODBC Driver :\nszConnStrOut = %s\ncbConnStrOutMax = %ld\n", szConnStrOut, cbConnStrOutMax);
ODBCTRACE(myOutputConnectionString); ODBCTRACE ("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : Exit SQLDriverConnect\n"); return SQL_SUCCESS; }
ConnectionStringManager :: ConnectionStringManager(HDBC fHdbc, HWND hwind, UCHAR FAR *szConnStr, UWORD fDvrCompletion) { //Initialize
lpdbc = (LPDBC) fHdbc; hwnd = hwind; fDriverCompletion = fDvrCompletion; fOptimization = TRUE; //HMM Level 1 optimization is on by default
ptr = (char*)szConnStr; lpszOutputNamespaces = NULL; pMapStringToOb = new CMapStringToOb(); pMapStringToObOut = new CMapStringToOb(); szDSN[0] = 0; szDriver[0] = 0; szDatabase[0] = 0; szUsername[0] = 0; szPassword[0] = 0; szOptimization[0] =0; szServer[0] = 0; szHome[0] = 0; fUsernameSpecified = FALSE; fPasswordSpecified = FALSE; fServerSpecified = FALSE; fImpersonate = FALSE; fPassthroughOnly = FALSE; fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank = FALSE; fSysProp = FALSE; // m_loginMethod = WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT;
szLocale = NULL; szAuthority = NULL; }
ConnectionStringManager :: ~ConnectionStringManager() { //Tidy up
delete lpszOutputNamespaces;
//Check if we have specified enough info in input connection string
//if so the output pMapStringToObOut will be empty and is not used (so can be deleted)
//if pMapStringToOb is not empty, then we delete pMapStringToOb
int cOut = pMapStringToObOut->GetCount(); BOOL fIsOutEmpty = pMapStringToObOut->IsEmpty();
if ( (!fIsOutEmpty) && (cOut > 0) ) { //pMapStringToObOut in use, delete pMapStringToOb
int cIn = pMapStringToOb->GetCount (); BOOL fIsInEmpty = pMapStringToOb->IsEmpty();
if ( (!fIsInEmpty) && (cIn > 0) ) { CString key; CNamespace *pNamespace; for (POSITION pos = pMapStringToOb->GetStartPosition (); pos != NULL; ) { if (pos) { pMapStringToOb->GetNextAssoc (pos, key, (CObject*&)pNamespace); delete pNamespace; } } } delete pMapStringToOb; } else { //pMapStringToObOut not in use, delete pMapStringToObOut
delete pMapStringToObOut; }
delete szLocale; delete szAuthority; }
RETCODE ConnectionStringManager :: Process() { RETCODE rc = SQL_SUCCESS;
//First Parse the connection string
rc = Parse();
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) return rc;
//Complement connection string with information in ODBC.INI file
//If there is still missing information get it from user via a dialog box
rc = ShowDialog();
return rc; }
//Parse the connection string by separating it into its attribute-keyword pairs
RETCODE ConnectionStringManager :: Parse() { LPSTR lpszKeyword; LPSTR lpszValue; UCHAR chr; foundDriver = FALSE, foundDSN = FALSE;
SWORD myStatuscode = NO_ISAM_ERR;
while (*ptr) {
/* Skip any leading white spaces */ while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++;
/* Point at start of next keyword */ lpszKeyword = ptr;
/* Find the end of the keyword */ while ((*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '=')) ptr++;
/* Error if no value */ if ((*ptr == '\0') || (ptr == lpszKeyword)) { lpdbc->errcode = ERR_INVALIDCONNSTR; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Put a zero terminator on the keyword */ *ptr = '\0'; ptr++;
/* Point at start of the keyword's value */ lpszValue = ptr;
/* Find the end of the value */ while ((*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != ';')) ptr++;
/* Put a zero terminator on the value */ chr = *ptr; *ptr = '\0';
/* Save the keyword */ if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_DSN)) { if (!foundDriver && !foundDSN) { if (lstrlen (lpszValue) < SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH) { lstrcpy((char*)szDSN, lpszValue); foundDSN = TRUE; } else { // shouldn't get here (DM should catch it)
return SQL_ERROR; } } } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_DRIVER)) { if (!foundDriver && !foundDSN) { if (lstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_DRIVER_LENGTH) { foundDriver = TRUE; lstrcpy((char*)szDriver, lpszValue); } else { return SQL_ERROR; } } } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_DATABASE)) { if (lstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH) lstrcpy ((char*)szDatabase, lpszValue); else { return SQL_ERROR; } } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_UIDPWDDEFINED)) { fUsernameSpecified = TRUE; fPasswordSpecified = TRUE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_IMPERSONATE)) { fImpersonate = TRUE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_PASSTHROUGHONLY)) { fPassthroughOnly = TRUE; } /*
else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_LOGINMETHOD)) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpszValue, "Default")) { m_loginMethod = WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszValue, "NTLM")) { m_loginMethod = WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_NTLM; } else { return SQL_ERROR; } } */ else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_LOCALE)) { //RAID 42256
// int localeLen = lstrlen (lpszValue);
int localeLen = _mbstrlen (lpszValue); if (szLocale) delete szLocale;
szLocale = new char [localeLen + 1]; szLocale[0] = 0; lstrcpy (szLocale, lpszValue);
} else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_AUTHORITY)) { //RAID 42256
int authLen = _mbstrlen (lpszValue); if (szAuthority) delete szAuthority;
szAuthority = new char [authLen + 1]; szAuthority[0] = 0; lstrcpy (szAuthority, lpszValue); } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_USERNAME)) { fUsernameSpecified = TRUE;
//RAID 42256
if (_mbstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH) lstrcpy ((char*)szUsername, lpszValue); else return SQL_ERROR;
} else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_PASSWORD)) { fPasswordSpecified = TRUE;
//RAID 42256
if (_mbstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) lstrcpy ((char*)szPassword, lpszValue); else return SQL_ERROR; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_INTPRET_PWD_BLK)) { fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank = TRUE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_SYSPROPS)) { if ( _stricmp(lpszValue, "TRUE") == 0) { fSysProp = TRUE; } else { fSysProp = FALSE; } } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_OPTIMIZATION)) { if (lstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_OPTIMIZATION_LENGTH) { lstrcpy ((char*)szOptimization, lpszValue);
//Check this value to update optimzation state
if ( (strcmp(lpszValue, "OFF") == 0) || (strcmp(lpszValue, "FALSE") == 0) || (strcmp(lpszValue, "0") == 0) || (strcmp(lpszValue, "NO") == 0)) { fOptimization = FALSE; } } } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_NAMESPACES)) { // make copy of comma separate list of namespaces
// pospone parsing of namespaces until the end
// as this is affected by the values of UID, PWD and SERVER
//RAID 42256
lpszOutputNamespaces = new char [_mbstrlen (lpszValue) + 1]; lpszOutputNamespaces[0] = 0; lstrcpy (lpszOutputNamespaces, lpszValue); } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_SERVER)) { fServerSpecified = TRUE;
if (_mbstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH) lstrcpy ((char*)szServer, lpszValue); else return SQL_ERROR; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpszKeyword, KEY_HOME)) { //RAID 42256
if (_mbstrlen (lpszValue) < MAX_HOME_NAME_LENGTH) lstrcpy ((char*)szHome, lpszValue); else return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Restore the input string */ lpszKeyword[lstrlen(lpszKeyword)] = '='; *ptr = chr; if (*ptr != '\0') ptr++; }
/****** TEST ******/ // fImpersonate = TRUE;
//Now it is time to parse the namespaces, if any where specified
char *lpszRemainder = lpszOutputNamespaces;
//RAID 42256
SDWORD cbRemainder = lpszOutputNamespaces ? _mbstrlen (lpszOutputNamespaces) : 0; LPSTR lpszToken = NULL; UWORD fType; while (lpszOutputNamespaces) { if (ReadInNamespace (lpszRemainder, cbRemainder, &lpszToken, &fType, &lpszRemainder, &cbRemainder) && fType != TYPE_NONE) { if (fType == TYPE_SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER) { /* Create a CNamespace and add it to the namespaceMap*/
//However, before we do so check if HOME has been defined
//If so, we assume the NAMESPACES list contain relative names
//We need to convert them to fully qualified names by prepending
//the HOME pathname to them
SWORD cbHomeLen = (szHome ? strlen((char*)szHome) : 0);
//RAID 42256
SWORD cbTokenLen = (SWORD) _mbstrlen(lpszToken); if (cbHomeLen) { char* lpTempStr = new char [cbHomeLen + cbTokenLen + 2]; lpTempStr[0] = 0; sprintf(lpTempStr, "%s\\%s", (char*)szHome, lpszToken);
DWORD dwDummyValue = 0; myStatuscode = ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (NULL, lpTempStr, NULL, dwDummyValue, dwDummyValue, (char*) szServer, // m_loginMethod,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, szLocale, szAuthority, pMapStringToOb, FALSE); delete lpTempStr;
if (myStatuscode != NO_ISAM_ERR) return SQL_ERROR; } else { DWORD dwDummyValue = 0; myStatuscode = ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (NULL, lpszToken, NULL, dwDummyValue, dwDummyValue, (char*) szServer, // m_loginMethod,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, szLocale, szAuthority, pMapStringToOb, FALSE);
if (myStatuscode != NO_ISAM_ERR) return SQL_ERROR; }
delete lpszToken; lpszToken = NULL; } else { // TYPE_BRACE -> isolate the name and the deep flag
char *name = strtok (lpszToken, ", "); char *deep = strtok (NULL, ", "); BOOL bDeep = FALSE;
//However, before we do so check if HOME has been defined
//If so, we assume the NAMESPACES list contain relative names
//We need to convert them to fully qualified names by prepending
//the HOME pathname to them
//RAID 42256
SWORD cbHomeLen = (szHome ? _mbstrlen((char*)szHome) : 0); SWORD cbTokenLen = (SWORD) _mbstrlen(name);
BOOL fIsDeepMode = (deep && !_strcmpi (deep, "deep")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (cbHomeLen) { char* lpTempStr = new char [cbHomeLen + cbTokenLen + 2]; lpTempStr[0] = 0; sprintf(lpTempStr, "%s\\%s", (char*)szHome, name); DWORD dwDummyValue = 0; myStatuscode = ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (NULL, lpTempStr, NULL, dwDummyValue, dwDummyValue, (char*)szServer, // m_loginMethod,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, szLocale, szAuthority, pMapStringToOb, fIsDeepMode); delete lpTempStr;
if (myStatuscode != NO_ISAM_ERR) return SQL_ERROR; } else { DWORD dwDummyValue = 0; myStatuscode = ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (NULL, name, NULL, dwDummyValue, dwDummyValue, (char*)szServer, // m_loginMethod,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, szLocale, szAuthority, pMapStringToOb, fIsDeepMode);
if (myStatuscode != NO_ISAM_ERR) return SQL_ERROR; } delete lpszToken; lpszToken = NULL; } } else break; }
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
void ConnectionStringManager :: GetINI() { if (foundDSN) { /* Use the registry to compliment the information in the conn string */ /* Get the database name from ODBC.INI file if not specified */ if (lstrlen((char*)szDatabase) == 0) { if (lstrlen((char*)szDSN) > 0) { SQLGetPrivateProfileString((char*)szDSN, KEY_DATABASE, ".", (char*)szDatabase, MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH+1, ODBC_INI); } }
/* Get the username from ODBC.INI file if not specified */ if (lstrlen((char*)szUsername) == 0) { if (lstrlen((char*)szDSN) > 0) { SQLGetPrivateProfileString((char*)szDSN, KEY_USERNAME, "", (char*)szUsername, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH+1, ODBC_INI); } }
/* Get the password from ODBC.INI file if not specified */ if (lstrlen((char*)szPassword) == 0) { if (lstrlen((char*)szDSN) > 0) { SQLGetPrivateProfileString((char*)szDSN, KEY_PASSWORD, "", (char*)szPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1, ODBC_INI); } } } }
RETCODE ConnectionStringManager :: ShowDialog() { ODBCTRACE ("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : ConnectionStringManager :: ShowDialog\n"); /* Get missing information from from user */ SWORD err = ISAM_ERROR;
//Check for no prompt
if (fDriverCompletion == SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT) { if ((lstrlen ((char*)szDatabase) == 0) || (pMapStringToOb->GetCount() == 0) || (NO_ISAM_ERR != (err = ISAMOpen((LPUSTR)szServer,(LPUSTR)szDatabase, NULL, // m_loginMethod,
(LPUSTR)szUsername, (LPUSTR)szPassword, (LPUSTR)szLocale, (LPUSTR)szAuthority, fSysProp, pMapStringToOb, &(lpdbc->lpISAM), (LPUSTR)lpdbc->szISAMError, fOptimization, fImpersonate, fPassthroughOnly, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank)))) { lstrcpy((char*)lpdbc->szISAMError, ""); LoadString(s_hModule, ERR_UNABLETOCONNECT, (char*)lpdbc->szISAMError, MAX_ERROR_LENGTH+1);
lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; lpdbc->errcode = err; return SQL_ERROR; } } else if ((fDriverCompletion == SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT) || (!fUsernameSpecified) || (lstrlen ((char*)szDatabase) == 0) || (!fPasswordSpecified) || (pMapStringToOb->GetCount() == 0) || ((NO_ISAM_ERR != (err = ISAMOpen((LPUSTR)szServer,(LPUSTR)szDatabase, NULL, // m_loginMethod,
(LPUSTR)szUsername, (LPUSTR)szPassword, (LPUSTR)szLocale, (LPUSTR)szAuthority, fSysProp, pMapStringToOb, &(lpdbc->lpISAM), (LPUSTR)lpdbc->szISAMError, fOptimization, fImpersonate, fPassthroughOnly, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank))) && (fDriverCompletion != SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT))) { CWnd parentWnd; parentWnd.Attach (hwnd);
//Clear out namespace list as this will be replaced
//the CConnectionDialog will return a fully qualified namespace list
//so we can clear out the HOME pathname
delete lpszOutputNamespaces; szHome[0] =0;
lpszOutputNamespaces = NULL;
//Check if server name has been specified
BOOL fConnParmSpecified = (fServerSpecified && fPasswordSpecified && fUsernameSpecified) ? TRUE : FALSE; // BOOL fConnParmSpecified = (fServerSpecified) ? TRUE : FALSE;
CConnectionDialog connectionDialog (&parentWnd, (char*)szServer, // m_loginMethod,
(char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, &szLocale, &szAuthority, &fSysProp, fConnParmSpecified, pMapStringToOb, pMapStringToObOut, (fDriverCompletion == SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED), &lpszOutputNamespaces, &fImpersonate, &fPassthroughOnly, &fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank);
connectionDialog.DoModal ();
//Update locale and authority
if (szLocale) delete szLocale;
if (szAuthority) delete szAuthority;
//these values are deleted in destructor
szLocale = connectionDialog.GetLocale(); szAuthority = connectionDialog.GetAuthority(); */
CString myText("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank = "); if (fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank) { myText += "BLANK\n"; } else { myText += "NULL\n"; } ODBCTRACE(myText);
parentWnd.Detach (); }
/* Analyse dialog box output */ if (err != NO_ISAM_ERR) { ImpersonationManager* tmp = NULL;
if (fImpersonate) { //Now check if impersonation is necessary
//only if connecting locally
if (IsLocalServer((char*)szServer)) { tmp = new ImpersonationManager((char*)szUsername, (char*)szPassword, (char*)szAuthority); } else { ODBCTRACE("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : Server not detected as local, not impersonating\n"); } }
//If szDatabase was previously specified, check if it
//is still in the namespace list
BOOL fUseOldszDatabase = FALSE; if ( lstrlen((char*)szDatabase) ) { //Search namespace list for old szDatabase
CString key; CNamespace *pNamespace; for (POSITION pos = pMapStringToObOut->GetStartPosition (); (!fUseOldszDatabase) && (pos != NULL); ) { if (pos) { pMapStringToObOut->GetNextAssoc (pos, key, (CObject*&)pNamespace); int len = (pNamespace->GetName ()).GetLength (); if (len <= MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH) { LPTSTR str = (pNamespace->GetName ()).GetBuffer (len); if (strcmp((char*)szDatabase, str) == 0) { //Found original szDatabase
fUseOldszDatabase = TRUE;
err = ISAMOpen((LPUSTR)szServer,(LPUSTR)szDatabase, NULL, // m_loginMethod,
(LPUSTR)szUsername, (LPUSTR)szPassword, (LPUSTR)szLocale, (LPUSTR)szAuthority, fSysProp, pMapStringToObOut, &(lpdbc->lpISAM), (LPUSTR)lpdbc->szISAMError, fOptimization, fImpersonate, fPassthroughOnly, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank);
if (err != NO_ISAM_ERR) { lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; lpdbc->errcode = err; delete tmp; return SQL_ERROR; }
delete tmp; return SQL_SUCCESS; } } } } }
// make szDatabase = to first namespace on list for now
if ((!fUseOldszDatabase) && pMapStringToObOut->GetCount ()) { CString key; CNamespace *pNamespace; POSITION pos = pMapStringToObOut->GetStartPosition (); if (pos) { pMapStringToObOut->GetNextAssoc (pos, key, (CObject*&)pNamespace); int len = (pNamespace->GetName ()).GetLength (); if (len <= MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH) { LPTSTR str = (pNamespace->GetName ()).GetBuffer (len); szDatabase[0] = 0; lstrcpy ((char*)szDatabase, str);
if (lpdbc->lpISAM != NULL) { ISAMClose(lpdbc->lpISAM); lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; }
err = ISAMOpen((LPUSTR)szServer,(LPUSTR)szDatabase, NULL, // m_loginMethod,
(LPUSTR)szUsername, (LPUSTR)szPassword, (LPUSTR)szLocale, (LPUSTR)szAuthority, fSysProp, pMapStringToObOut, &(lpdbc->lpISAM), (LPUSTR)lpdbc->szISAMError, fOptimization, fImpersonate, fPassthroughOnly, fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank); } else err = ISAM_NS_OVERMAX; } else err = ISAM_NS_LISTFAIL; } else { //Canceled out of the dialog box, so quit
delete tmp; return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND; }
delete tmp; }
if (err != NO_ISAM_ERR) { lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; lpdbc->errcode = err; return SQL_ERROR; }
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
//Check locale and authority
if (szLocale && lstrlen(szLocale)) { CLenConnStr = CLenConnStr + 8 + lstrlen(szLocale); }
if (szAuthority && lstrlen(szAuthority)) { CLenConnStr = CLenConnStr + 11 + lstrlen(szAuthority); } //RAID 42256
if (lpszOutputNamespaces) CLenConnStr += _mbstrlen (lpszOutputNamespaces);
char *lpszConnStr = new char [CLenConnStr + 1]; lpszConnStr[0] = 0;
/* Put the datasource or driver name on the connection string */ (lpdbc->szDSN)[0] = 0;
if (lstrlen((char*)szDSN) != 0) { lstrcpy((char*)lpdbc->szDSN, (char*)szDSN); lstrcpy((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_DSN); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szDSN); } else { lstrcpy((char*)lpdbc->szDSN, " "); lstrcpy((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_DRIVER); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szDriver); } /* Put the database name on the connection string */ if (lstrlen((char*)szDatabase) != 0) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_DATABASE); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szDatabase); }
/* Put the server on the connection string */ // if (lstrlen((char*)szServer) != 0)
{ lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_SERVER); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szServer); }
/* Put the home on the connection string */ if (lstrlen((char*)szHome) != 0) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_HOME); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szHome); } /*
// Put the login method on the connection string
lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_LOGINMETHOD); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "=");
switch (m_loginMethod) { case WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT: lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)"Default"); break; case WBEM_AUTHENTICATION_NTLM: lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)"NTLM"); break; default: lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)"WBEM"); break; } */ /* put flag to indicate user name and password defined */ { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_UIDPWDDEFINED); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); }
/* put flag to indicate if impersonation is requested */ if (fImpersonate) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_IMPERSONATE); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); }
/* put flag to indicate if passthrough only mode is requested */ if (fPassthroughOnly) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_PASSTHROUGHONLY); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); }
/* Put the user name on the connection string */ // if (lstrlen ((char*)szUsername) != 0)
{ lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_USERNAME); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szUsername); }
/* Put the password on the connection string */ // if (lstrlen((char*)szPassword) != 0)
{ lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_PASSWORD); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szPassword); }
/* put flag to indicate if you interpet an empty password as blank */ if (fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_INTPRET_PWD_BLK); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); }
/* Put the locale on the connection string */ if (szLocale && lstrlen(szLocale)) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_LOCALE); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szLocale); }
/* Put the authority on the connection string */ if (szAuthority && lstrlen(szAuthority)) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_AUTHORITY); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)szAuthority); }
/* Put the system properties flag on the connection string */ lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_SYSPROPS); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "=");
if (fSysProp) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)"TRUE"); } else { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)"FALSE"); }
/* Put the namespaces into the output connection string */ //RAID 42256
if (lpszOutputNamespaces && _mbstrlen((char*)lpszOutputNamespaces) != 0) { lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, ";"); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, KEY_NAMESPACES); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, "="); lstrcat((char*)lpszConnStr, (char*)lpszOutputNamespaces); }
return lpszConnStr; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLBrowseConnect( HDBC hdbc, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrIn, SWORD cbConnStrIn, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrOut, SWORD cbConnStrOutMax, SWORD FAR *pcbConnStrOut) { LPDBC lpdbc;
lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLDisconnect( HDBC hdbc) { LPDBC lpdbc; LPSTMT lpstmt; RETCODE rc;
/* Get connection handle */ lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
MyImpersonator im(lpdbc, "SQLDisconnect");
/* If transaction in progress, fail */ if (lpdbc->lpISAM->fTxnCapable != SQL_TC_NONE) { for (lpstmt = lpdbc->lpstmts; lpstmt!=NULL ;lpstmt = lpstmt->lpNext) { if (lpstmt->fISAMTxnStarted) { lpdbc->errcode = ERR_TXNINPROGRESS; return SQL_ERROR; } } }
/* Close all active statements */ lpstmt = lpdbc->lpstmts; while (lpstmt != NULL) { rc = SQLFreeStmt((HSTMT) lpstmt, SQL_CLOSE); if ((rc != SQL_SUCCESS) && (rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { lpdbc->errcode = lpstmt->errcode; s_lstrcpy(lpdbc->szISAMError, lpstmt->szISAMError); return rc; } lpstmt = lpstmt->lpNext; }
/* Disconnect */ (lpdbc->szDSN)[0] = 0; return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLFreeConnect( HDBC hdbc) { LPDBC lpdbc; RETCODE rc; LPDBC lpdbcPrev;
/* Get connection handle */ lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
// ODBCTRACE(_T("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : SQLFreeConnect\n"));
// MyImpersonator im (lpdbc);
/* Deallocate all statements */ while (lpdbc->lpstmts != NULL) { rc = SQLFreeStmt((HSTMT) lpdbc->lpstmts, SQL_DROP); if ((rc != SQL_SUCCESS) && (rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { lpdbc->errcode = lpdbc->lpstmts->errcode; s_lstrcpy((char*)lpdbc->szISAMError, (char*)lpdbc->lpstmts->szISAMError); return rc; } }
/* Close ISAM */ if (lpdbc->lpISAM != NULL) { ISAMClose(lpdbc->lpISAM); lpdbc->lpISAM = NULL; }
/* Take connection off the list */ if (lpdbc->lpenv->lpdbcs == lpdbc) { lpdbc->lpenv->lpdbcs = lpdbc->lpNext; } else { lpdbcPrev = lpdbc->lpenv->lpdbcs; while (lpdbcPrev->lpNext != lpdbc) lpdbcPrev = lpdbcPrev->lpNext; lpdbcPrev->lpNext = lpdbc->lpNext; }
/* Free the memory */ GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(hdbc)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(hdbc));
ODBCTRACE("\n****** EXIT SQLFreeConnect ******\n");
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
/* Get environment handle */ lpenv = (LPENV) henv; lpenv->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
/* Deallocate all connections */ while (lpenv->lpdbcs != NULL) { rc = SQLFreeConnect((HDBC) lpenv->lpdbcs); if ((rc != SQL_SUCCESS) && (rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { lpenv->errcode = lpenv->lpdbcs->errcode; s_lstrcpy((char*)lpenv->szISAMError, (char*)lpenv->lpdbcs->szISAMError); return rc; } }
//decrement reference count on working thread
/* Free the memory */ GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(henv)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(henv));
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
/***************************************************************************/ /////
BOOL INTFUNC ReadInNamespace (LPSTR lpFrom, SDWORD cbFrom, LPSTR *lpTo, UWORD FAR *pfType, LPSTR FAR *lpRemainder, SDWORD FAR *pcbRemainder)
// Retrives a token from input string, and returns the token and a pointer
// to the remainder of the input string. This makes no assumption about the length
// of the string (including whitespace) between the braces.
{ int len;
// Remove leading blanks & ,'s
while ((cbFrom != 0) && ((*lpFrom == ' ') || (*lpFrom == '\012') || (*lpFrom == '\015') || (*lpFrom == '\011') || (*lpFrom == ','))) { lpFrom++; cbFrom--; }
// Leave if no more
if (cbFrom == 0) { *lpTo = NULL; *lpRemainder = lpFrom; *pcbRemainder = cbFrom; *pfType = TYPE_NONE; return TRUE; }
// What kind of token?
switch (*lpFrom) {
// End of input
case '\0': *lpTo = NULL; *lpRemainder = lpFrom; *pcbRemainder = cbFrom; *pfType = TYPE_NONE; return TRUE;
// Braced identifier (of form {identifier})
case '{': len = 0; lpFrom++; cbFrom--; while (TRUE) {
if (cbFrom == 0) return FALSE;
switch (*lpFrom) { case '\0': return FALSE;
case '}': { *lpTo = new char [len+1]; int i = 0; while (i < len) { *(*lpTo+i) = *(lpFrom-len+i); i++; } *(*lpTo+i) = '\0'; lpFrom++; cbFrom--; *lpRemainder = lpFrom; *pcbRemainder = cbFrom; *pfType = TYPE_BRACE; return TRUE; }
default: break; } len++; lpFrom++; cbFrom--; } break; // Control should never get here
// a simple identifier
default: len = 0; while (TRUE) { if (cbFrom == 0) { *lpTo = new char [len + 1]; int i = 0; while (i < len) { *(*lpTo+i) = *(lpFrom-len+i); i++; } *(*lpTo+i) = '\0'; *lpRemainder = lpFrom; *pcbRemainder = cbFrom; *pfType = TYPE_SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER; return TRUE; }
switch (*lpFrom) { case ' ': case '\012': case '\015': case '\011': case '\0': case ',': { int i = 0;
//Bug fix Micks code
if (! (*lpTo) ) { *lpTo = new char [len + 1]; }
while (i < len) { *(*lpTo+i) = *(lpFrom-len+i); i++; } *(*lpTo+i) = '\0'; *lpRemainder = lpFrom; *pcbRemainder = cbFrom; *pfType = TYPE_SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER; return TRUE; }
default: break; } len++; lpFrom++; cbFrom--; } break; // Control should never get here
} // Control should never get here
return FALSE; }