/***************************************************************************/ /* ISAM.H */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-96 SYWARE Inc., All rights reserved */ /***************************************************************************/ #include "dbase.h"
/* Error codes */ #define NO_ISAM_ERR 0
#define ISAM_EOF 1
#define ISAM_ERROR 4
#define ISAM_NETISAM 7
/* To create additional error codes that your implementation of the */ /* ISAM functions can return, #define them here (no greater than */ /* LAST_ISAM_ERROR_CODE). */ #define ISAM_MEMALLOCFAIL 8
#define ISAM_STILL_EXECUTING 999 //added for asynchronous execution
#define WBEMDR32_VIRTUAL_TABLE L"WBEMDR32VirtualTable"
#define WBEMDR32_VIRTUAL_TABLE2 "WBEMDR32VirtualTable"
/* Maximum sizes */
#define MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH 128// was 63
#define MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH 128// was 63
#define MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH 128//was 127
#define MAX_TABLE_TYPE_LENGTH 12 //i.e length of 'SYSTEM TABLE'
#define MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH 128// was 63
#define MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH 128//was 63
/* ******* Note: do not change MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH. If the ISAM's table */ /* ******* name length is smaller than these values, */ /* ******* ISAMMaxTableNameLength() should return the correct value. */
/* ******* Note: do not change MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH. If the ISAM's */ /* ******* table name length is smaller than these values, */ /* ******* ISAMMaxColumnNameLength() should return the correct value.*/
/* Comparison operators */
#define ISAM_OP_NONE 0
#define ISAM_OP_EQ 1
#define ISAM_OP_NE 2
#define ISAM_OP_LE 3
#define ISAM_OP_LT 4
#define ISAM_OP_GE 5
#define ISAM_OP_GT 6
/* Note: If you add to this list, you will probably have to add to OP_* in */ /* PARSE.H */
/* Network stuff */ #define NET_OPAQUE UWORD
//Masks used for Data & Time convertions
#define ISAM_DAY_MASK 31
#define ISAM_MONTH_MASK 736
#define ISAM_YEAR_MASK 65760
#define ISAM_MINUTE_MASK 2016
#define ISAM_HOUR_MASK 65504
//Some string constants
#define WBEMDR32_L_NAME L"Name"
#define WBEMDR32_L_LAZY L"lazy"
#define WBEMDR32_L_KEY L"Key"
#define WBEMDR32_L_WQL L"WQL"
typedef enum tag_WmiEnumTypes { WMI_CREATE_INST_ENUM = 0x1, WMI_EXEC_QUERY = 0x2, WMI_EXEC_FWD_ONLY = 0x3, WMI_PROTOTYPE = 0x4 } WmiEnumTypes;
//class to make sure Ole is initialized on every thread
//As we don't know which thread the SQL function is called from
//we need to make sure Ole is initialized on every ODBC function call
class COleInitializationManager { public:
COleInitializationManager(); ~COleInitializationManager(); };
template<typename TNDataType> class SafeArrayManager { private:
BOOL fValid; //indicate if it stores valid SAFEARRAY
SAFEARRAY FAR* pa; //pointer to SAFEARRAY value;
long iLBound; //lower and upper bounds of array
long iUBound;
long cElements; //number of elements in array
//Does this object contain a valid array
BOOL IsValid() {return fValid;}
//returns number of elements in the array
long Count() {return cElements;}
// Extract a value from the array using the [] operator
TNDataType operator[](long _nItem) { TNDataType dataItem;
if(_nItem < cElements) { HRESULT hr; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(pa,&_nItem,&dataItem); }
return dataItem; }
SafeArrayManager(VARIANT* myArray) { fValid = FALSE; pa = NULL; iLBound = 0; iUBound = 0; cElements = 0;
//Check that variant stores an array type
if (myArray->vt & VT_ARRAY) { //Is a valid array type
pa = myArray->parray;
//Lock the array value
//Work out number of properties/columns
SafeArrayGetLBound(pa, 1, &iLBound ); SafeArrayGetUBound(pa, 1, &iUBound ); cElements = (iUBound - iLBound + 1);
fValid = TRUE; } }
~SafeArrayManager() { if (pa) { //Unlock the array value
SafeArrayUnlock(pa); } }
typedef SafeArrayManager<BSTR> BSTR_SafeArray; typedef SafeArrayManager<long> long_SafeArray; //VT_I4
typedef SafeArrayManager<short> short_SafeArray;//VT_I2
typedef SafeArrayManager<BYTE> BYTE_SafeArray; //VT_UI1
typedef SafeArrayManager<BOOL> BOOL_SafeArray; //VT_BOOL
//external declaration
void Utility_DBCSToWideChar(IN const char* _dbcsData, OUT wchar_t** _sOutData, SWORD cbLen = 0);
class CBString { private: BSTR m_pString;
wchar_t* m_temp;
public: CBString() { m_pString = NULL; m_temp = NULL; }
CBString(int nSize);
CBString(WCHAR* pwszString, BOOL fInterpretAsBlank);
BSTR GetString() { return m_pString; }
const CBString& operator=(LPWSTR pwszString) { if(m_pString) { SysFreeString(m_pString); m_pString = NULL; }
if (pwszString && wcslen(pwszString)) m_pString = SysAllocString(pwszString);
return *this; }
void AddString(LPSTR pszString, BOOL fInterpretAsBlank, SWORD cbLen = 0) { if(m_pString) { SysFreeString(m_pString); m_pString = NULL; }
delete m_temp; m_temp = NULL;
if (pszString) { if ( _mbstrlen(pszString) ) { Utility_DBCSToWideChar(pszString, &m_temp, cbLen);
m_pString = SysAllocString(m_temp); } else { //OK, we have a string of zero length
//check if we interpret this as blank or NULL
if (fInterpretAsBlank) { m_temp = new wchar_t[1]; m_temp[0] = 0; m_pString = SysAllocString(m_temp); } } } } };
class CNamespace : public CObject { DECLARE_SERIAL(CNamespace) private: CString m_name; public: CNamespace () {} CNamespace (char *name): m_name (name) {} CNamespace (CString& name ): m_name (name) {} CNamespace(const CNamespace& a):m_name (a.m_name) {} void Serialize(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) ar << m_name; else ar >> m_name; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertValid() const {CObject :: AssertValid ();} #endif
const CNamespace& operator=( const CNamespace& a ) { m_name = a.m_name; return *this; } BOOL operator==(CNamespace a) { return (m_name == a.m_name ); } #ifdef _DEBUG
void Dump( CDumpContext& dc ) const { CObject::Dump( dc ); dc << m_name; } #endif
CString& GetName () {return m_name;} };
/***************************************************************************/ class ImpersonationManager; //forward declaration
/* ISAM provides low level data access. */
typedef struct tagISAM { /* The following values are only used within ISAM.C */
UWORD cSQLTypes; LPSQLTYPE SQLTypes; SWORD fTxnCapable; /* See the discussion of transactions */ /* (below) for a description of this */ /* value. */ BOOL fSchemaInfoTransactioned; /* See the discussion of transactions */ /* (below) for a description of this */ /* value. */ BOOL fMultipleActiveTxn; /* See the discussion of transactions */ /* (below) for a description of this */ /* value. */ SDWORD fTxnIsolationOption; /* See the discussion of transactions */ /* (below) for a description of this */ /* value. */ SDWORD fDefaultTxnIsolation;/* See the discussion of transactions */ /* (below) for a description of this */ /* value. */
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition */ UDWORD udwNetISAMVersion;
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition client */ NET_OPAQUE netISAM; LPVOID netConnection; BOOL fCaseSensitive; UCHAR szName[MAX_ISAM_NAME_LENGTH+1]; UCHAR szVersion[MAX_VERSION_NAME_LENGTH+1]; UCHAR szDriver[MAX_DRIVER_NAME_LENGTH+1]; SWORD cbMaxTableNameLength; SWORD cbMaxColumnNameLength;
char szHomeNamespace[MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH+1];// home namespace name use to contact MO Server
CMapStringToOb *pNamespaceMap; // WBEM_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION m_loginMethod;
char* m_Locale; char* m_Authority;
char szUser [MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; char szPassword [MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; char szDatabase [MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char szServer [MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH+1];
BOOL fIsLocalConnection;//Flag to indicate if this is a local connection
BOOL fW2KOrMore;//Flag to indicate if this OS is Window 2000 or higher
BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank; //Flag to indicate a empty password is interpreted as blank rather than NULL
ImpersonationManager* Impersonate; //Impersonation
BOOL fOptimization; //indicates if you want WBEM Level 1 optimization
BOOL fSysProps; //indicates if you want to show system properties
BOOL fPassthroughOnly;//indicates if you want to work in passthrough only mode
SWORD errcode;//error status
tagISAM () {pNamespaceMap = NULL;} ~tagISAM () {delete pNamespaceMap;} static char *GetRelativeName (char* absoluteName); char szRootDb [MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH+1];
//WBEM Client Recognition variables
DWORD dwAuthLevel; DWORD dwImpLevel; COAUTHIDENTITY * gpAuthIdentity;
//Pointers to functions
class ImpersonationManager { private:
HANDLE hToken; // handle to a token that represents a logged on user
HINSTANCE hAdvApi; // handle to library
// HINSTANCE hKernelApi; // handle to library
BOOL fImpersonate; //can we do impersonation
char szUser [MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
//Pointers to functions, if applicable
BOOL DoInitialChecks();
void ExtractLogonInfo(char* org_szUser, char* szPassword, char* szAuthority);
BOOL fImpersonatingNow; //are we impersonating at this moment ?
BOOL CanWeImpersonate() {return fImpersonate;}
BOOL ImpersonatingNow() {return fImpersonatingNow;}
void Impersonate(char* displayStr = NULL);
void RevertToYourself(char* displayStr = NULL);
ImpersonationManager(char* szUser, char* szPassword, char* szAuthority); ~ImpersonationManager();
//Add this to the start of most ODBC calls
//this will impersonate, if possible, in its constructor
//and RevertToSelf, if applicable in its destructor
class MyImpersonator { private: LPDBC hdl; LPSTMT hstmt; LPISAM lpISAM; char* displayStr; ImpersonationManager* lpImpersonator;
MyImpersonator(LPDBC hdl, char* displayStr); MyImpersonator(LPSTMT hstmt, char* displayStr); MyImpersonator(LPISAM lpISAM, char* displayStr); MyImpersonator(char* szUser, char* szPassword, char* szAuthority, char* displayStr);
~MyImpersonator(); };
class CWorkerThreadManager { private: // HANDLE EventHnd; //handle to event
DWORD dwThreadId; //worker thread id
HANDLE hr; //worker thread handle
BOOL fIsValid; //has the worker thread been successfully setup ?
DWORD m_cRef; //ref count
CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; //critical section for shared data
// HANDLE GetEventHandle() {return EventHnd;}
DWORD GetThreadId() {return dwThreadId;} HANDLE GetThreadHandle() {return hr;} DWORD GetRefCount() {return m_cRef;}
BOOL IsValid() {return fIsValid;}
void CreateWorkerThread(); void Invalidate();
~CWorkerThreadManager(); };
class CSafeWbemServices;
class MyWorkingThreadParams { public:
HANDLE m_EventHnd; //in order to make this suspensive
//Tempory pointers to data used for a short
//time when creating IWbemServices Ole pGateway
LPISAM m_lpISAM; LPUSTR m_lpQualifierName; SWORD m_cbQualifierName; IStream* m_myStream; //temp copy
//Extra ones for IEnumClassObject
CSafeWbemServices* pServ; //tempory pointer to be able to use IWbemServices created on working thread (not in marshalled stream)
BSTR sqltextBSTR; //tempory pointer
BSTR tableName; //tempory pointer
WmiEnumTypes fIsExecQuery; //flag to indicate creation style
SCODE sc; //return scode on creating enumeration
//to be filled in on working thread
IWbemServices* pGateway; //pointer to receive Ole pointer created on working thread
IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnum; //pointer to receive Ole pointer created on working thread
MyWorkingThreadParams(LPISAM lpISAM, LPUSTR lpQualifierName, SWORD cbQualifierName, IStream* myStream); MyWorkingThreadParams(LPISAM lpISAM, WmiEnumTypes fIsExecQuery, BSTR theBstrValue, CSafeWbemServices* pServ, IStream* myStream); ~MyWorkingThreadParams();
class CSafeIEnumWbemClassObject { private: IStream * m_pStream; //use to safely store Com pointer
MyWorkingThreadParams* m_params; public:
BOOL m_fValid; //is the IEnumWbemClassObject pointer valid ?
//is the IWbemServices pointer valid
BOOL IsValid() {return m_fValid;}
void Invalidate();
//to manage thread messages using event object
BOOL PostSuspensiveThreadMessage(DWORD idThread, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HRESULT GetInterfacePtr(IEnumWbemClassObjectPtr& pIEnum);
HRESULT SetInterfacePtr(LPISAM, WmiEnumTypes fIsEXecQuery, BSTR theBstrValue, CSafeWbemServices* pServ);//(IEnumWbemClassObjectPtr& myPtr);
CSafeIEnumWbemClassObject(); ~CSafeIEnumWbemClassObject();
class CSafeWbemServices { private: IStream * m_pStream; //use to safely store Com pointer
public :
MyWorkingThreadParams* m_params; //parameters for this IWbemServices object
BOOL m_fValid; //is the IWbemServices pointer valid ?
HRESULT GetInterfacePtr(IWbemServicesPtr& pServices);
void SetInterfacePtr(LPISAM lpISAM, LPUSTR lpQualifierName, SWORD cbQualifierName);
//to manage thread messages using event object
BOOL PostSuspensiveThreadMessage(DWORD idThread, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
//is the IWbemServices pointer valid
BOOL IsValid() {return m_fValid;}
void Invalidate();
//Transfer the data from one object to this one
void Transfer(CSafeWbemServices& original);
~CSafeWbemServices(); };
/* The ISAM provides a mechanism for the driver to retrieve a list of */ /* table names. First ISAMGetTableList() is called to get a */ /* LPISAMTABLELIST. Then ISAMGetNextTableName() is called zero or more */ /* times to get the names off the list. Finally, ISAMFreeTableList() is */ /* called to deallocate the list. */
typedef struct tagISAMTABLELIST {
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition client */ NET_OPAQUE netISAMTableList;
/* The following values are only used within ISAM.C */ LPISAM lpISAM; UCHAR lpPattern[MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH]; SWORD cbPattern; UCHAR lpQualifierName[MAX_QUALIFIER_NAME_LENGTH+1]; SWORD cbQualifierName; BOOL fFirstTime; BOOL fGotAllInfo;//used to indicate completion of asynchronous retrieval of table list
POSITION iIndex; //position into CPtrList
CPtrList* pTblList; //table list (IWBEMClassObjects)
CSafeWbemServices* pGateway2; BOOL fEmptyList;//are we asking for no tables
BOOL fWantSysTables; //do we want System Tables
typedef struct tagISAMQUALIFIERLIST { /* The following values are only used within ISAM.C */ LPISAM lpISAM; POSITION iIndex;//position into list
/* ISAM provides a mechanism for the driver to retrieve the foreign key */ /* between two tabled. */
/* ISAM provides a bookmarking facility. It allows the ISAM user to get */ /* get a bookmark for the current record in the table and then later */ /* reposition to that record. */
typedef struct tagISAMBOOKMARK { UDWORD currentRecord; //in-memory WBEM instance
UDWORD currentInstance; //virtual instance number
#define NULL_BOOKMARK 0xFFFFFFFF //set currentRecord to this value to indicate a NULL entry
struct ISAMTreeItemData { char *absName; char* pszText; int included; int childInclude;//number of immediate child nodes which are included
int childChildInclude;//number of non-immediate child nodes which are included
BOOL fExpanded; //flag to indicate if this node has been checked for children
ISAMTreeItemData* pNext;
~ISAMTreeItemData () {delete absName; delete pszText;} ISAMTreeItemData () : absName (NULL), included (FALSE), pNext(NULL), fExpanded(FALSE) {} };
/* The ISAM allows the driver to open and access a table. To open the */ /* table, ISAMOpenTable() is called. To close the table ISAMCloseTable() */ /* is called. */
typedef struct tagISAMCOLUMNDEF { /* A column of the table */
/* These values must be here. They are used by the driver */
UCHAR szColumnName[MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* The name of the column */ UCHAR szTypeName[MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* The type name of the column */ /* (e.g."MONEY", "INT8" etc...) */ SWORD fSqlType; /* The type of the column (SQL_*) */ /* *********************************** */ /* *** *** */ /* *** THIS MUST BE ONE OF THE *** */ /* *** TYPES SPECIFIED IN SQLTypes *** */ /* *** IN SQLTYPE.C WHICH HAS THE *** */ /* *** supported FLAG SET TO TRUE *** */ /* *** *** */ /* *********************************** */ UDWORD cbPrecision; /* The precision of the column (see */ /* appendix D of the ODBC Spec). */ SWORD ibScale; /* The scale of the column (see */ /* appendix D of the ODBC Spec). */ SWORD fNullable; /* See SQLColumns(NULLABLE) in the */ /* ODBC spec. */ UWORD fSelectivity; /* A measure of how unique values of */ /* this column are. The higher */ /* the number, the more values */ /* there are. For example, a */ /* GENDER column would have low */ /* selectivity value, but a SSN */ /* column would have high value. */ /* This value is used to determine */ /* the most restrictive condition */ /* to send to ISAMRestrict(). If */ /* you don't know the selectivity */ /* or don't want this column to */ /* be sent to ISAMRestrict(), */ /* set this value to 0. */ UWORD fKeyComponent; /* Non-zero if this column is a */ /* component of the primary key */ /* for the table. */ /* */ /* If the table has a primary key */ /* that has multiple components */ /* (for example, the combination */ /* of LAST_NAME and FIRST_NAME */ /* is unique but neither */ /* FIRST_NAME nor LAST_NAME alone */ /* is unique), fKeyComponent has */ /* the value 1 for the first key */ /* component, 2 for the second */ /* key component, etc. */ /* */ /* If table has multiple primary */ /* keys (for example, RECORD_ID */ /* alone is unique and NAME alone */ /* is unique), fKeyComponent is */ /* set for only one of them, not */ /* both. */ /* */ /* If the table has no primary */ /* keys, fKeyComponent is zero for */ /* all the columns in the table. */ /* Note: If the table has no */ /* primary keys, some applications */ /* such as Microsoft Access or */ /* PowerBuilder may not be able to */ /* update the table. */
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition client */ SWORD iSqlType; SDWORD cbValue; PTR rgbValue;
/* The following values are only used within ISAM.C */
class ClassColumnInfoBase; //forward declaration
class VirtualInstanceManager; //forward declaration
typedef struct tagISAMTABLEDEF { /* These values must be here. They are used by the driver */
UCHAR szTableName[MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /*The name of the table*/
CBString* pBStrTableName; //Also the table name but saved for our convenience
IWbemClassObject* pSingleTable; //The table class object use to get column information
CSafeWbemServices* pGateway2; LPDBASEFILE lpFile;//Use to store enumeration of records for the chosen class
BOOL fFirstRead; SDWORD iRecord; /* row number */ ClassColumnInfoBase* pColumnInfo;//column info for this table
UCHAR szPrimaryKeyName[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* If there is a primary key */ /* on the table, the name of */ /* the primary key. If there */ /* is not name or no primary */ /* key, a zero length string */
/* The following values are only used by ISAM.C and the Network Edition */ LPISAM lpISAM; //Copy from hdbc
IWbemContext* pContext; //Context object to store LocaleId
/* Is this __Generic class (multi-table join) */ BOOL fIs__Generic;
/* Is this Passthrough SQL */ BOOL fIsPassthroughSQL; CMapWordToPtr* passthroughMap; IWbemClassObject* firstPassthrInst; //1st SQL passthrough instance
VirtualInstanceManager* virtualInstances; //stores virtual array map for array columns which map
//to multiple instances
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition client */ NET_OPAQUE netISAMTableDef; HGLOBAL hPreFetchedValues; SDWORD cbBookmark; ISAMBOOKMARK bookmark;
/* ISAM allows for an SQL statement to be passed to it (for use with */ /* backend databases that suport SQL). An ISAMSQL handle is used to */ /* identify an SQL statement passed. See ISAMPrepare() and ISAMExecute(). */
typedef struct tagISAMSTATEMENT { /* The following values are only used by ISAM.C and the Network Edition */ LPISAM lpISAM;
/* The following values are only used by Network Edition client */ NET_OPAQUE netISAMStatement;
/* The following values are only used within ISAM.C */ BOOL resultSet; LPSTR lpszParam1; SDWORD cbParam1; LPSTR lpszParam2; SDWORD cbParam2;
/* Added by Sai for Passthrough SQL */ CSafeWbemServices* pProv; //Gateway Server
UDWORD currentRecord; //record number (zero index)
CSafeIEnumWbemClassObject* tempEnum; //enumeration of all records
IWbemClassObject* firstPassthrInst;//first SQL passthrough instance
CSafeIEnumWbemClassObject* tempEnum2; //enumeration of class definition
IWbemClassObject* classDef; //class definition
CMapWordToPtr* passthroughMap; //passthrough map
class ClassColumnInfo { private: // VARIANT aVariantValue;
//Flag to indicate if column info valid
BOOL fValidType;
LPSQLTYPE aDataTypeInfo; // The type name of the column
//(e.g."MONEY", "INT8" etc...)
//SQL_* type of the column
SWORD fSqlType; //The precision of the column
UDWORD cbPrecision; //The scale of the column
SWORD ibScale; //Flag to inidicate if column is NULLable
SWORD fNullable;
//Variant type
LONG varType;
//Flag to indicate if column is 'lazy'
BOOL fIsLazyProperty;
//indicates if column info is known
BOOL IsValidInfo() {return fValidType;}
//returns the variant type for the column value
LONG GetVariantType() {return varType;}
//returns SQL_* type of column
SWORD GetSQLType() {return fSqlType;}
//returns type name
UCHAR* GetTypeName() {return szTypeName;}
//returns precision of column
UDWORD GetPrecision() {return cbPrecision;}
//returns scale of column
SWORD GetScale() {return ibScale;}
//indicates if column is NULLable
SWORD IsNullable() {return SQL_NULLABLE;}
//indicates if column is lazy
BOOL IsLazy() {return fIsLazyProperty;}
//returns SQL_* type of column
LPSQLTYPE GetDataTypeInfo() {return GetType2(szTypeName);}
ClassColumnInfo(LONG pType, VARIANT* pSYNTAX, SDWORD maxLenVal, BOOL fGotSyntax = TRUE, BOOL fIsLazy = FALSE);
~ClassColumnInfo(); };
class CEmbeddedDataItems { private:
public: //embedded object name
//(which is also the table aliase)
CBString embeddedName;
//embedded object class
IWbemClassObject* cClassObject;
CEmbeddedDataItems() {cClassObject = NULL;}
~CEmbeddedDataItems() { //(5)
if (cClassObject) cClassObject->Release();//to match QueryInterface class
} };
class ClassColumnInfoBase { private: //Copy of table definition
//Stores column names
//Indicates if class is valid
BOOL isValid;
//Number of columns
UWORD cColumnDefs;
//Lower bound
LONG iLBound;
//Upper bound
LONG iUBound;
//Extra Column Information
ClassColumnInfo* pColumnInformation; LONG iColumnNumber;
//Setups up extra column info
BOOL Setup(LONG iColumnNum);
//returns info for a particular column
SWORD GetColumnInfo(LONG iColumnNum);
/**********************************************************/ /* The following are only for __Generic Passthrough class */ /**********************************************************/ //Is this a __Generic Passthrough SQL class
BOOL fIs__Generic;
//Number of system properies
UWORD cSystemProperties;
/* SAI
//Array of embedded object names
//(which are also table aliases)
CBString* embeddedNames;
//Array of embedded objects. Each
IWbemClassObject** cClassObject; */ CEmbeddedDataItems** embedded; UWORD embeddedSize;
//get embedded class object for column index
IWbemClassObject* GetClassObject(LONG iColumnNumber, CBString& lpPropName, CBString& lpAliasName);
CBString dummyStr;
//returns profile for __Generic class
UWORD Get__GenericProfile();
//Indicates if class was created successfully
BOOL IsValid() {return isValid;}
//returns number of columns
UWORD GetNumberOfColumns() {return cColumnDefs;} //returns the column name, the buffer pColumnName must be
//at least MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH+1 in size
SWORD GetColumnName(LONG iColumnNumber, LPSTR pColumnName, LPSTR pColumnAlias = NULL);
BOOL GetVariantType(LONG iColumnNum, LONG &lVariant);
//returns SQL_* type of column
BOOL GetSQLType(LONG iColumnNum, SWORD &wSQLType);
//returns type name
BOOL GetTypeName(LONG iColumnNum, UCHAR* &pbTypeName);
//returns precision of column
BOOL GetPrecision(LONG iColumnNum, UDWORD &uwPrecision);
//returns scale of column
BOOL GetScale(LONG iColumnNum, SWORD &wScale);
//indicates if column is NULLable
BOOL IsNullable(LONG iColumnNum, SWORD &wNullable);
//indicates if column is 'lazy'
BOOL IsLazy(LONG iColumnNum, BOOL &fLazy);
//returns SQL_* type of column
BOOL GetDataTypeInfo(LONG iColumnNum, LPSQLTYPE &pSQLType);
//indicates how unique column values are
UWORD GetSelectivity() {return 0;}
//indicates if this column is part of primary key
SWORD GetKey(LONG iColumnNumber, BOOL &isAKey);
//Gets the Lower Bound
LONG GetLowerBound() {return iLBound;}
//Gets the Upper Bound
LONG GetUpperBound() {return iUBound;}
//retrieves attribute values for column
SWORD GetColumnAttr(LONG iColumnNumber, LPSTR pAttrStr, SDWORD cbValueMax, SDWORD& cbBytesCopied);
ClassColumnInfoBase(LPISAMTABLEDEF pTableDef, BOOL fIs__Generic = FALSE);
~ClassColumnInfoBase(); };
// Notification classes
class CNotifyTableNames : public IWbemObjectSink { private: HANDLE m_mutex; //mutex to protect shared table list resource
DWORD m_cRef; //Reference count
LPISAMTABLELIST lpISAMTableList; //pointer to store tables names
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, LPVOID FAR*); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) GetTypeInfoCount(UINT FAR* pctinfo) {return E_NOTIMPL;} STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) GetTypeInfo(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* pptinfo) {return E_NOTIMPL;} STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID FAR* rgdispid) {return E_NOTIMPL;} STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams, VARIANT FAR* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo, UINT FAR* puArgErr) {return E_NOTIMPL;} STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) Indicate(long lObjectCount, IWbemClassObject FAR* FAR* ppObjArray) {return E_NOTIMPL;}
STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) SetStatus(long lFlags, long lParam, BSTR strParam, IWbemClassObject FAR *pObjParam) {return E_NOTIMPL;}
//IMosNotify members
STDMETHODIMP_(SCODE) Notify(long lObjectCount, IWbemClassObject** pObjArray);
CNotifyTableNames(LPISAMTABLELIST lpTblList); ~CNotifyTableNames(); };
// Some internal functions
/* Returns the number of column for the table defined in the table definition */ /* This function will return zero if an error is detected */
/* Creates a communication channel to the Gateway Server */ /* via an OLE MS interface */ /* NULL is returned if the interface could not be created. */
void INTFUNC ISAMGetGatewayServer( IWbemServicesPtr& pGateway, LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpQualifierName = (LPUSTR)"", /* INPUT: Qualifier name (parent namespace) */ SWORD cbQualifierName = 0); /* INPUT: Number of bytes in qualifier name */
void INTFUNC ISAMGetGatewayServer( IWbemServicesPtr& pGateway, LPUSTR lpServerName, // WBEM_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION loginMethod,
LPUSTR objectPath, LPUSTR lpUserName, LPUSTR lpPassword, LPUSTR lpLocale, LPUSTR lpAuthority, DWORD &dwAuthLevel, DWORD &dwImpLevel, BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdent);
/***************************************************************************/ /* If the ISAM layer reports that it supports transactions, the driver */ /* be transaction enabled. When ISAMOpen() is called, it reports back the */ /* transaction capabilites supported in the LPISAM structure: */ /* */ /* fTxnCapable */ /* */ /* SQL_TC_NONE: Transactions are not suported */ /* */ /* SQL_DC_DML: Transactions can only contain Data Manipulation */ /* Language (DML) statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, */ /* DELETE). Data Definition Language (DDL) statements */ /* encountered in a transation cause an error */ /* */ /* SQL_TC_DDL_COMMIT: Transactions can only contain DML */ /* statements. DDL statements (CREATE TABLE, DROP INDEX, */ /* and so on) encountered in a transaction cause the */ /* transaction to be committed. */ /* */ /* SQL_TC_DDL_IGNORE: Transactions can only contain DML */ /* statements. DDL statements encountered in a */ /* transaction are ignored. */ /* */ /* SQL_TC_ALL: Transactions can contain DDL statements and DML */ /* statements in any order. */ /* */ /* fSchemaInfoTransactioned */ /* */ /* There is no explicit "start transaction" ISAM entry point */ /* A transaction is started (if there isn't one started */ /* already) when certain ISAM calls are made. This flag */ /* specifies if calls that only pertain to the schema of the */ /* database (as opposed to calls the pertain to the data in the */ /* database) will start a transaction or not. */ /* */ /* The following functions are only used to process DML */ /* statements. They are not used to process DDL statements. */ /* Each of the following functions will start a transaction if */ /* one is not already started, regardless of the value of */ /* fSchemaInfoTransactioned (Note: a transaction will only be */ /* started if the function returns ISAM_NO_ERROR, ISAM_EOF, or */ /* ISAM_TRUNCATION): */ /* */ /* ISAMRewind */ /* ISAMSort */ /* ISAMRestrict */ /* ISAMNextRecord */ /* ISAMGetData */ /* ISAMPutData */ /* ISAMInsertRecord */ /* ISAMUpdateRecord */ /* ISAMDeleteRecord */ /* ISAMGetBookmark */ /* ISAMPosition */ /* ISAMPrepare */ /* ISAMParameter */ /* ISAMExecute */ /* */ /* The following functions are used to process DML and/or DDL */ /* statements. Each of the following functions will start a */ /* transaction if one is not already started only if the value */ /* of fSchemaInfoTransactioned is TRUE (Note: a transaction */ /* will only be started if the function returns ISAM_NO_ERROR, */ /* ISAM_EOF, or ISAM_TRUNCATION): */ /* */ /* ISAMCreateTable */ /* ISAMAddColumn */ /* ISAMCreateIndex */ /* ISAMDeleteIndex */ /* ISAMOpenTable */ /* ISAMGetTableList */ /* ISAMGetNextTableName */ /* ISAMForeignKey */ /* ISAMDeleteTable */ /* */ /* fMultipleActiveTxn */ /* */ /* A single user of ISAM may call ISAMOpen() multiple times. */ /* If fMultipleActiveTxn is TRUE, separate transactions on each */ /* of these connections can occur at the same time. Otherwise, */ /* only one connection at can have a transaction open at any */ /* given time. */ /* */ /* fTxnIsolationOption */ /* */ /* A 32-bit bitmask enumerating the transaction isolation */ /* levels available. The following bitmasks are used in */ /* conjuction with the flag to determine which options are */ /* supported: */ /* */ /* SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED */ /* SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED */ /* SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ */ /* SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE */ /* SQL_TXN_VERSIONING */ /* */ /* These values are described in the ODBC SDK Programmer's */ /* reference (under SQLGetInfo(SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION)) */ /* */ /* fDefaultTxnIsolation */ /* This value specifies which of the above SQL_TXN_* isolation */ /* levels is used by default. */ /* */ /* Note: ODBC defines an "autocommit" mode which, if enabled, causes */ /* statements to committed automatically after they are executed. The ISAM */ /* layer does not implement this capability. The upper levels of the */ /* system implement autocommit mode. If the underlying database has an */ /* autocommit mode, it should be turned off. */ /* */ /* In addition to reporting this information when ISAMOpen() is called, */ /* there are three transaction related functions which are used (these are */ /* only called if fTxnCapable is not SQL_TC_NONE): */ /* */ /* ISAMCommitTxn() */ /* ISAMRollbackTxn() */ /* ISAMSetTxnIsolation() */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMOpen( LPUSTR lpszServer, /* INPUT: The name of the server. If this is an empty string */ /* the local server will be used */ LPUSTR lpszDatabase, /* INPUT: The name of database. This is specified */ /* by DBQ in the ODBC.INI file or the connect */ /* string. */ LPUSTR lpszDSN, /* INPUT: The name of datasource that is being */ /* connected to. */ // WBEM_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION loginMethod,
/* INPUT Login method */ LPUSTR lpszUsername, /* INPUT: The user name, as specified at connect */ /* time. */ LPUSTR lpszPassword, /* INPUT: The password, as specified at connect */ /* time. */ LPUSTR lpszLocale, /* INPUT: Locale */ LPUSTR lpszAuthority, /* INPUT Authority */ BOOL fSysProps, /* INPUT: The system properties flag, as specified at connect */ /* time. */ CMapStringToOb *pMapStringToOb, LPISAM FAR *lplpISAM, /* OUTPUT: Handle to the ISAM */ LPUSTR lpszErrorMessage, /* OUTPUT: If ISAMOpen() is unsuccessful, an error */ /* message is returned here. */ BOOL fOptimization, /* INPUT: Flag to indicate is WBEM Level 1 optimzation */ /* can be used (if applicable)
*/ BOOL fImpersonate, /* INPUT: Flag to indicate if impersonation is requested */ BOOL fPassthrghOnly, /* INPUT: Flag to indicate if passthrough only mode is requested */ BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank /* INPUT: Flag to indicate how to interpret a blank password */ );
/* Opens and
initializes the ISAM. lpszDatabase points to the name of */ /* the database. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetTableList( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpPattern, /* INPUT: The pattern to match */ SWORD cbPattern, /* INPUT: Number of characters in the pattern */ LPUSTR lpQualifierName, /* INPUT: The qualifier (parent namespace) name */ SWORD cbQualifierName, /* INPUT: Number of characters in the qualifier */ LPISAMTABLELIST FAR *lplpISAMTableList, /* OUTPUT: Handle to table list */ BOOL fWantSysTables = TRUE, /* INPUT: Do we want system tables */ BOOL fEmptyTable = FALSE); /* INPUT: Driver only supports table type TABLES */ /* If this table type is not requested the table */ /* list should be empty */
/* Creates a table list of all that tables that match lpPattern. */ /* The PatternMatch() function can be used to see if a table */ /* matches. cbPattern is always a non-negative number no larger */ /* the MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH. */ /* */ /* This call works outside ISAM's transaction mechanism. It will not */ /* start a transaction and the LPISAMTABLELIST handle returned always */ /* survives a commit or rollback. The implementation of this function may */ /* have to internally cache the information to return for subsequent calls */ /* to ISAMGetNextTableName(). */ /* */ /* NULL is returned if the tablelist could not be created. */
/***************************************************************************/ /*
class ISAMGetNextTableNameParams { public:
UDWORD fSyncMode; LPISAMTABLELIST lpISAMTableList; LPUSTR lpTableName; LPUSTR lpTableType; };
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetNextTableName(ISAMGetNextTableNameParams* myParams); */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetNextTableName( UDWORD fSyncMode, /* INPUT: indication if function is to be performed */ /* synchronously or asynchronously */ LPISAMTABLELIST lpISAMTableList, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMGetTableList() */ LPUSTR lpTableName, /* OUTPUT: Buffer where next table name is returned*/ LPUSTR lpTableType); /* OUTPUT: Buffer where table type is returned */
/* Gets the next name from the list. lpTableName points to a buffer (that */ /* is MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that this routine fills in */ /* with the next table name. Returns ISAM_EOF if no more tables. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetQualifierList( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPISAMQUALIFIERLIST FAR *lplpISAMQualifierList); /* OUTPUT: Handle to Qualifier list */
/* Creates a qualifier list */ /* */ /* NULL is returned if the qualifierlist could not be created. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetNextQualifierName( UDWORD fSyncMode, /* INPUT: indication if function is to be performed */ /* synchronously or asynchronously */ LPISAMQUALIFIERLIST lpISAMQualifierList, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMGetQualifierList() */ LPUSTR lpQualiferName); /* OUTPUT: Buffer where next qualifier name is returned*/
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetNextQualifierName2( LPISAMQUALIFIERLIST lpISAMQualifierList, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMGetQualifierList() */ LPUSTR lpQualiferName); /* OUTPUT: Buffer where next qualifier name is returned*/
/* Gets the next name from the list.lpQualifierName points to a buffer (that */ /* is MAX_QUALIFIER_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that this routine fills in*/ /* with the next qualifier name. Returns ISAM_EOF if no more qualifiers. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMFreeTableList( LPISAMTABLELIST lpISAMTableList); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMGetTableList() */
/* Deallocates a table list. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMFreeQualifierList( LPISAMQUALIFIERLIST lpISAMQualifierList); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMGetQualifierList() */
/* Deallocates a qualifier list. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMForeignKey( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpszPrimaryKeyTableName, /* INPUT: Name of primary key table */ LPUSTR lpszForeignKeyTableName, /* INPUT: Name of foreign key table */ LPUSTR lpPrimaryKeyName, /* OUTPUT: Buffer where name of primary key is */ /* returned (zero-length string if no name) */ LPUSTR lpForeignKeyName, /* OUTPUT: Buffer where name of primary key is */ /* returned (zero-length string if no name) */ SWORD FAR *lpfUpdateRule, /* OUTPUT: Update rule for the foreign key */ /* (SQL_CASCASE, SQL_RESTRICT, SQL_SET_NULL, or */ /* -1 if not applicable) */ SWORD FAR *lpfDeleteRule, /* OUTPUT: Delete rule for the foreign key */ /* (SQL_CASCASE, SQL_RESTRICT, SQL_SET_NULL, or */ /* -1 if not applicable) */ UWORD FAR *lpcISAMKeyColumnList, /* OUTPUT: Number of column in the forien key */ LPISAMKEYCOLUMNNAME ISAMPrimaryKeyColumnList, /* OUTPUT: Buffer where name of names of the */ /* primary key columns is returned */ LPISAMKEYCOLUMNNAME ISAMForeignKeyColumnList); /* OUTPUT: Buffer where name of names of the */ /* foriegn key columns is returned */
/* Gets a foreign key definition. lpPrimaryKeyName points to a buffer */ /* (that is MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that contains the name */ /* of the primary key (if any). lpForeignKeyName points to a buffer (that */ /* is MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that contains the name of the */ /* foreign key (if any). lpfUpdateRule specifies the update rule (-1 if */ /* not applicable. lpfDeleteRule specifies the update rule (-1 if not */ /* applicable. ISAMPrimaryKeyColumnList points to an array of buffers */ /* (each of which is MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that */ /* contains the name of the columns of the primary key. */ /* ISAMForeignKeyColumnList points to an array of buffers (each of which */ /* is MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH+1 characters long) that contains the name of */ /* the columns of the foreign key. The number of key components in */ /* ISAMPrimaryKeyColumnList and ISAMForeignKeyColumnList is returned */ /* in lpcISAMKeyColumnList. Returns ISAM_EOF if no foreign key. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMCreateTable( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpszTableName, /* INPUT: Name of table to create */ LPISAMTABLEDEF FAR *lplpISAMTableDef); /* Output: Handle to the table created */
/* Creates a new table with the given name. This call be followed by a */ /* series of ISAMAddColumn() calls and a ISAMCloseTable() call. No other */ /* ISAM calls will be made with the LPISAMTABLEDEF returned. */ /* */ /* NULL is returned if the table could not be created. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMAddColumn( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMCreateTable() */ LPUSTR lpszColumnName, /* INPUT: The name of the column to create */ UWORD iSqlType, /* INPUT: The index into the SQLTypes[] array that */ /* describes the type of the column */ UDWORD udParam1, /* INPUT: First create parameter (if any) */ UDWORD udParam2); /* INPUT: Second create parameter (if any) */
/* Adds a column to a new table. lpszColumnName specifies the column */ /* name. iSqlType specifies the datatype of the column (it will always be */ /* an index to an element of SQLTypes[] whose 'supported' component is */ /* TRUE). If the 'params' component designates that there are create */ /* parameters for the type, udParam1 and udParam2 contain these values. */ /* */ /* This call will only be made on table handles returned by */ /* ISAMCreateTable(). */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMCreateIndex( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ LPUSTR lpszIndexName, /* INPUT: The name of the index to create/delete */ BOOL fUnique, /* INPUT: Unique index? */ UWORD count, /* INPUT: The number of columns in the key */ UWORD FAR * icol, /* INPUT: An array of column ids */ BOOL FAR * fDescending); /* INPUT: An array of ascending/descending flags */
/* Creates an index for this table. The number of key fields is specified */ /* by count, which must be between 1 and MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX (inclusive). */ /* icol and fDescending are arrays (count elements long) specifying the */ /* key columns and direction. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */ /***************************************************************************/
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMDeleteIndex( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpszIndexName); /* INPUT: The name of the index to create/delete */
/* Deletes an index. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMOpenTable( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR szTableQualifier, /* INPUT: The name of the table qualifier */ SWORD cbTableQualifier, /* INPUT: Length of table qualifier */ LPUSTR lpszTableName, /* INPUT: The name of the table to open */ BOOL fReadOnly, /* INPUT: Flag to indicate whether or not write */ /* access is needed */ LPISAMTABLEDEF FAR *lplpISAMTableDef, /* OUTPUT: Handle to the table opened */ LPSTMT lpstmt = NULL /* INPUT : Parent statment handle for Passthrough SQL */ );
/* Opens the specified table. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMRewind( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */
/* Move before the first record in the table. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMSort( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ UWORD count, /* INPUT: The number of columns to sort on */ UWORD FAR * icol, /* INPUT: An array of column ids */ BOOL FAR * fDescending); /* INPUT: An array of ascending/descending flags */
/* Sorts the records such that ISAMNextRecord() returns the records in */ /* sorted order. This may do (but does not have to) a ISAMRewind() before */ /* returning. After this call is made, ISAMNextRecord() will not be */ /* called until after an ISAMRewind() is called. The number of sort */ /* fields is specified by count. icol and fDescending are arrays (count */ /* elements long) specifying the sort column and direction. If count is */ /* zero, then turn sorting off for this table. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. If the ISAM layer cannot */ /* perform sort, ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED is returned. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR */ /* is returned. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMRestrict( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ UWORD count, /* INPUT: The number of restrictions */ UWORD FAR * icol, /* INPUT: An array of column ids */ UWORD FAR * fOperator, /* INPUT: An array of ISAM_OP_* value */ SWORD FAR * fCType, /* INPUT: An array of SQL_C_* types of the test */ /* value */ PTR FAR * rgbValue, /* INPUT: An array of buffers holding the test */ /* value */ SDWORD FAR * cbValue); /* INPUT: An array of lengths of the value in */ /* rgbValue */
/* Specifies that ISAMNextRecord() only needs to return records that */ /* satisfy: */ /* */ /* (<column-1> <operator-1> <value-1>) AND */ /* (<column-2> <operator-2> <value-2>) AND */ /* ... */ /* (<column-n> <operator-n> <value-n>) */ /* */ /* The columns specified by icol will never have a fSelectivity of 0. */ /* This may do (but does not have to) a ISAMRewind() before returning. */ /* After this call is made, ISAMNextRecord() will not be called until */ /* after an ISAMRewind() is called. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. If the ISAM layer cannot */ /* perform the restriction, ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED is returned. Otherwise, */ /* ISAM_ERROR is returned. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMNextRecord( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ LPSTMT lpstmt); /* INPUT: Handle to current statement */
/* Move to the next record in the table. */ /* */ /* ISAM_EOF is returned if there are not more record, ISAM_NO_ERROR is */ /* returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetData( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ UWORD icol, /* INPUT: The id of the column */ SDWORD cbOffset, /* INPUT: When reading a character column the */ /* starting offset to read at. When reading a */ /* binary column as SQL_C_BINARY, the starting */ /* offset to read at. When reading a binary */ /* column as SQL_C_CHAR the starting character */ /* to return (after the conversion). */ SWORD fCType, /* INPUT: A SQL_C_* type which designates which */ /* format the data should be returned in. */ /* For character columns this is SQL_C_CHAR. The */ /* data is returned as a null terminated */ /* character string (if the data is */ /* truncated the entire buffer is filled and */ /* there is no null terminator). */ /* For numerical columns other than SQL_DECIMAL, */ /* SQL_NUMERIC, and SQL_BIGINT; this is */ /* SQL_C_DOUBLE. The data is returned as */ /* a double. */ /* For numerical columns that are SQL_DECIMAL, */ /* SQL_NUMERIC, or SQL_BIGINT; this is */ /* SQL_C_CHAR. The data is returned as a */ /* null terminated character string. For */ /* values with a non-zero scale, 'scale' */ /* digits to the right are returned. If the */ /* scale is zero, no decimal point is */ /* returned. The string has no leading or */ /* trailing blanks. */ /* For date columns, this is SQL_C_DATE. The */ /* data is returned in as a DATE_SRUCT. */ /* For time columns, this is SQL_C_TIME. The */ /* data is returned in as a TIME_SRUCT. */ /* For timestamp columns, this is */ /* SQL_C_TIMESTAMP data is returned in as a */ /* TIMESTAMP_SRUCT. */ /* For binary columns this is either SQL_C_BINARY */ /* or SQL_C_CHAR. If SQL_C_BINARY, the data */ /* is returned in binary form. If SQL_C_CHAR, */ /* the binary value is converted to a */ /* null terminated character string (if the */ /* data is truncated the entire buffer is */ /* filled and there is no null terminator). */ PTR rgbValue, /* OUTPUT: Buffer to hold output value */ SDWORD cbValueMax, /* INPUT: Size of buffer to hold output value */ SDWORD FAR *pcbValue); /* OUTPUT: Number of bytes returned (not including */ /* null terminator for strings). If the buffer */ /* is not big enough to return the entire value */ /* this is is set to the total numebe of bytes */ /* for the value, minus cbOffset. For null */ /* values, this is set to SQL_NULL_DATA */
/* Retrieves a column value from the current record. */ /* */ /* ISAM_TRUNCATION is returned if the data was too large to fit in the */ /* buffer provided, ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR */ /* for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMPutData( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ UWORD icol, /* INPUT: The id of the column */ SWORD fCType, /* INPUT: A SQL_C_* type which designates which */ /* format the data is sent in. */ /* For character columns this is SQL_C_CHAR. The */ /* data is a null terminated character */ /* string. */ /* For numerical columns other than SQL_DECIMAL, */ /* SQL_NUMERIC, and SQL_BIGINT); this is */ /* SQL_C_DOUBLE. The data is a double */ /* For numerical columns that are SQL_DECIMAL, */ /* SQL_NUMERIC, or SQL_BIGINT; this is */ /* SQL_C_CHAR. The data is a null terminated */ /* character string. For values with a */ /* non-zero scale, the value has 'scale' */ /* digits to the right are returned. If the */ /* scale is zero, the value has no decimal */ /* point. The string has no leading or */ /* trailing blanks. */ /* For date columns, this is SQL_C_DATE. The */ /* data is a DATE_SRUCT. */ /* For time columns, this is SQL_C_TIME. The */ /* data is a TIME_SRUCT. */ /* For timestamp columns, this is */ /* SQL_C_TIMESTAMP. The data is a */ /* TIMESTAMP_SRUCT. */ /* For binary columns this is SQL_C_BINARY. The */ /* data is in binary form */ PTR rgbValue, /* INPUT: The buffer holding the value */ SDWORD cbValue); /* INPUT: The size of the buffer. This is */ /* SQL_NULL_DATA if the value is null. */
/* Updates a column value in the current record. Note that */ /* ISAMUpdateRecord will also be called to save the changes. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMInsertRecord( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */
/* Add a new record to the table, and make it the current record. */ /* All column values in the row are NULL. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMUpdateRecord( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */
/* Commit any changes to column values in the current row. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMDeleteRecord( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */
/* Remove the current record from the table. Call ISAMNextRecord */ /* to move the next record before calling ISAMGetData or ISAMPutData. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetBookmark( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ LPISAMBOOKMARK lpISAMBookmark); /* OUTPUT: The bookmark value */
/* Retrieves the bookmark for the current record. The bookmark is valid */ /* until the table is closed. See ISAMPosition(). */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMPosition( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ LPISAMBOOKMARK ISAMBookmark); /* INPUT: The bookmark value */
/* Repositions the current record to the record identified by */ /* ISAMBookmark. Note: Once ISAMPosition is called, only ISAMGetData(), */ /* ISAMPosition(), and ISAMClose() will be called for this table. */
/* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMCloseTable( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() or */ /* ISAMCreateTable() */
/* Closes the table (opened by ISAMOpenTable() or ISAMCreateTable()). */ /* Note: lpISAMTableDef will be invalid after this call, even if this */ /* call returns an error. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMDeleteTable( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpszTableName); /* INPUT: The name of the table to delete. */
/* Deletes the table. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMClose( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Closes the ISAM (opened by ISAMOpen()). */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful, ISAM_ERROR for failure. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMPrepare( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ UCHAR FAR *szSqlStr, /* INPUT: SQL statement to prepare */ SDWORD cbSqlStr, /* INPUT: Length of SQL statement to prepare */ LPISAMSTATEMENT FAR * lplpISAMStatement, /* OUTPUT: Handle to prepared statement */ LPUSTR lpszTablename, /* OUTPUT: If the statement has a result set, */ /* the name of the virtual table that contains */ /* the result set. Otherwise a zero length */ /* string. */ UWORD FAR *lpParameterCount /* OUTPUT: Number of parameters in the statement */ #ifdef IMPLTMT_PASSTHROUGH
,LPSTMT lpstmt #endif
); /* INPUT statement */
/* Prepares an ISAM statment for later execution by ISAMExecute(). */ /* */ /* If the statement has a result set (such as a SELECT statement), the */ /* name of a virtual table that contains the result set is returned. This */ /* table will be opened by ISAMOpenTable() (before ISAMExecute() is */ /* called). */ /* */ /* If the statement does not have a result set, a zero length table name */ /* is returned. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. If the ISAM layer cannot */ /* prepare and execute statements, ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED is returned. */ /* Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is returned. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMParameter( LPISAMSTATEMENT lpISAMStatement, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMPrepare() */ UWORD ipar, /* INPUT: The id of the parameter (the first */ /* parameter is 1, the second is 2, etc.) */ SWORD fCType, /* INPUT: A SQL_C_* type which designates which */ /* format the data is sent in. */ PTR rgbValue, /* INPUT: The buffer holding the value */ SDWORD cbValue); /* INPUT: The size of the buffer. This is */ /* SQL_NULL_DATA if the value is null. */
/* If SQLPrepare() returns a non-zero parameter count this rouitne is */ /* called once to specify the parameter value ISAMExecute() is to use. */ /* This routine need not make a copy of the data 'rgbValue' points to, */ /* it will not change until after SQLExecute() is called. */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is */ /* returned. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMExecute( LPISAMSTATEMENT lpISAMStatement, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMPrepare() */ SDWORD FAR *lpcRowCount); /* OUTPUT: If the prepared statement was an INSERT */ /* UPDATE, or DELETE statement, the number of */ /* rows affected. Otherwise some meaningful */ /* number is possible (otherwise -1). */
/* Executes a statement previously prepared by ISAMPrepare(). This may */ /* be called multiple times for one call to ISAMPrepare(). */ /* */ /* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is */ /* returned. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMFreeStatement( LPISAMSTATEMENT lpISAMStatement); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMPrepare() */
/* Frees a previously prepared statement. ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if */ /* successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is returned. */
/***************************************************************************/ SWORD INTFUNC ISAMSetTxnIsolation( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ UDWORD fTxnIsolationLevel); /* INPUT: One of the following (see ODBC */ /* documentation for details) : */ /* SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED */ /* SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED */ /* SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ */ /* SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE */ /* SQL_TXN_VERSIONING */
/* Sets the transaction isolation level. ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if */ /* successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is returned. */
/***************************************************************************/ SWORD INTFUNC ISAMCommitTxn( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Commits the current transaction if one is open. If no transaction */ /* is open, returns successfully anyway. */
/* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is */ /* returned. */
/***************************************************************************/ SWORD INTFUNC ISAMRollbackTxn( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Rolls back the current transaction if one is open. If no transaction */ /* is open, returns successfully anyway. */
/* ISAM_NO_ERROR is returned if successful. Otherwise, ISAM_ERROR is */ /* returned. */
/***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/
void INTFUNC ISAMGetErrorMessage( LPISAM lpISAM, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */ LPUSTR lpszErrorMessage); /* OUTPUT: The error message associated with the */ /* most recent call to an ISAM call */
/* Returns the error message associated with the most recent call to an */ /* ISAM function. */
LPSQLTYPE INTFUNC ISAMGetColumnType( LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpenTable() */ UWORD icol); /* INPUT: Id of column */
/* Returns a pointer to the description of the SQL_* type of the column. */
/* Are column and table names case-sensitive? */
LPUSTR INTFUNC ISAMName( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns pointer to a string containing the name of the DBMS or file */ /* format
/***************************************************************************/ LPUSTR INTFUNC ISAMServer( LPISAM lpISAM);
LPUSTR INTFUNC ISAMVersion( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns pointer to a string containing the version of the DBMS or file */ /* format. */
LPCUSTR INTFUNC ISAMDriver( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns pointer to a string containing the name of driver DLL */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMMaxTableNameLength( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns the maximum length of a table name. Must not exceed */ /* MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH. */
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMMaxColumnNameLength( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns the maximum length of a column name. Must not exceed */ /* MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH. */
LPUSTR INTFUNC ISAMUser( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns the current username. Must not exceed MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH. */
LPUSTR INTFUNC ISAMDatabase( LPISAM lpISAM); /* INPUT: Handle returned by ISAMOpen() */
/* Returns the current database. Must not exceed MAX_DATABASE_NAME_LENGTH */
int INTFUNC ISAMSetDatabase (LPISAM lpISAM, LPUSTR database);
SWORD ISAMGetValueFromVariant(VARIANT &vVariantVal, SWORD fCType, PTR rgbValue, SDWORD cbValueMax, SDWORD FAR *pcbValue, SWORD wbemVariantType, BSTR syntaxStr = NULL, SDWORD maxLenVal = -1, long myVirIndex = -1);
/* This function decodes a variant value and stores it in rgbValue*/ /* the format of the value is govend by fcType */ /* For more info on parameters see ISAMGetData */
char *namespaceName, //IN
CTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, // IN
CConnectionDialog& dialog,//IN
char *server, //IN
char *username, //IN
char *password, //IN
BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, //IN
char *locale, //IN
char *authority, //IN
BOOL fNeedChildren, //IN
BOOL deep, //IN
HTREEITEM& hTreeItem); //OUT
char *namespaceName, //IN
CTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, //IN
CConnectionDialog& dialog, //IN
char *server, //IN
char *username, //IN
char *password, //IN
BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, //IN
char *locale, //IN
char *authority, //IN
BOOL deep = FALSE);
SWORD INTFUNC ISAMGetNestedNamespaces (char *parent, //IN
char *name, //IN
IWbemServices *pGateway, //IN
DWORD dwAuthLevel, //IN
DWORD dwImpLevel, //IN
char *server, //IN
char *user, //IN
char *pswd, //IN
BOOL fIntpretEmptPwdAsBlank, //IN
char *locale, //IN
char *authority, //IN
CMapStringToOb *map, // OUT
BOOL bDeep = TRUE); // IN
IWbemContext* ISAMCreateLocaleIDContextObject(char* lpLocale); //IN
void ISAMAddLocaleIDContextObject(LPISAMTABLEDEF lpISAMTableDef, //IN OUT
void ISAMStringConcat(char** resultString, char* myStr);
void ISAMCheckTracingOption();
void ISAMPatchUpGatewaySecurity(LPISAM lpISAM, IWbemServices* myServicesPtr);
void ISAMGetIWbemServices(LPISAM lpISAM, CSafeWbemServices& mServices, IWbemServicesPtr& myServicesPtr);
void ISAMCloseWorkerThread1();
void ISAMCloseWorkerThread2(UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
void ISAMCheckWorkingThread_AllocEnv();
void ISAMCheckWorkingThread_FreeEnv();
BOOL IsW2KOrMore(void);
HRESULT WbemSetDynamicCloaking(IUnknown* pProxy, DWORD dwAuthnLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel);
HRESULT ISAMSetCloaking1(IUnknown* pProxy, BOOL fIsLocalConnection, BOOL fW2KOrMore, DWORD dwAuthLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel, BSTR authorityBSTR, BSTR userBSTR, BSTR passwdBSTR, COAUTHIDENTITY ** gpAuthIdentity);
HRESULT ISAMSetCloaking2(IUnknown* pProxy, BOOL fIsLocalConnection, BOOL fW2KOrMore, DWORD dwAuthLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel, COAUTHIDENTITY * gpAuthIdentity);
BOOL IsLocalServer(LPSTR szServer);