/***************************************************************************/ /* PREPARE.C */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-96 SYWARE Inc., All rights reserved */ /***************************************************************************/ // Commenting #define out - causing compiler error - not sure if needed, compiles
// okay without it.
//#define WINVER 0x0400
#include "precomp.h"
#include "wbemidl.h"
#include <comdef.h>
//smart pointer
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemServices, IID_IWbemServices); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumWbemClassObject, IID_IEnumWbemClassObject); //_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemContext, IID_IWbemContext );
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemLocator, IID_IWbemLocator);
#include "drdbdr.h"
RETCODE SQL_API SQLAllocStmt( HDBC hdbc, HSTMT FAR *phstmt) { LPDBC lpdbc; LPSTMT lpstmt; HGLOBAL hstmt;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
/* Get connection handle */ lpdbc = (LPDBC) hdbc; lpdbc->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
/* Allocate memory for the statement */ hstmt = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (STMT)); if (hstmt == NULL || (lpstmt = (LPSTMT)GlobalLock (hstmt)) == NULL) { if (hstmt) GlobalFree(hstmt);
lpdbc->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; *phstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Put statement on the list of statements for the connection */ lpstmt->lpNext = lpdbc->lpstmts; lpdbc->lpstmts = lpstmt;
/* Initialize the statement handle */ lpstmt->lpdbc = lpdbc; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS; ((char*)lpstmt->szError)[0] = 0; ((char*)lpstmt->szISAMError)[0] = 0; ((char*)lpstmt->szCursor)[0] = 0; lpstmt->fStmtType = STMT_TYPE_NONE; lpstmt->fStmtSubtype = STMT_SUBTYPE_NONE; lpstmt->irow = AFTER_LAST_ROW; lpstmt->fSqlType = 0; lpstmt->lpISAMTableList = NULL; ((char*)lpstmt->szTableName)[0] = 0; lpstmt->lpISAMQualifierList = NULL; ((char*)lpstmt->szQualifierName)[0] = 0; ((char*)lpstmt->szTableType)[0] = 0; lpstmt->fSyncMode = SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE_OFF; //default value
lpstmt->lpISAMTableDef = NULL; lpstmt->lpKeyInfo = NULL; lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; lpstmt->fPreparedSql = FALSE; lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; lpstmt->fNeedData = FALSE; lpstmt->idxParameter = NO_SQLNODE; lpstmt->cbParameterOffset = -1; lpstmt->icol = NO_COLUMN; lpstmt->cRowCount = -1; lpstmt->cbOffset = 0; lpstmt->fISAMTxnStarted = FALSE; lpstmt->fDMLTxn = FALSE;
/* So far no bound columns */ lpstmt->lpBound = NULL;
/* So far no parameters */ lpstmt->lpParameter = NULL;
/* Return the statement handle */ *phstmt = (HSTMT FAR *) lpstmt;
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLFreeStmt( HSTMT hstmt, UWORD fOption) { LPSTMT lpstmt; LPSTMT lpstmtPrev; LPBOUND lpBound; LPPARAMETER lpParameter; RETCODE err;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager; /* Get statement handle */ lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
// ODBCTRACE(_T("\nWBEM ODBC Driver : SQLFreeStmt\n"));
// MyImpersonator im (lpstmt);
/* Do the operation */ switch (fOption) { case SQL_CLOSE:
/* End the transaction if need be */ if ((lpstmt->fStmtType == STMT_TYPE_SELECT) && (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->fTxnCapable != SQL_TC_NONE) && lpstmt->lpdbc->fAutoCommitTxn) { err = SQLTransact(SQL_NULL_HENV, (HDBC)lpstmt->lpdbc, SQL_COMMIT); if ((err != SQL_SUCCESS) && (err != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { lpstmt->errcode = lpstmt->lpdbc->errcode; s_lstrcpy(lpstmt->szISAMError, lpstmt->lpdbc->szISAMError); return err; } }
/* Terminate the active statement */ lpstmt->fStmtType = STMT_TYPE_NONE; lpstmt->fStmtSubtype = STMT_SUBTYPE_NONE; lpstmt->irow = AFTER_LAST_ROW; lpstmt->fSqlType = 0; if (lpstmt->lpISAMTableList != NULL) { ISAMFreeTableList(lpstmt->lpISAMTableList); lpstmt->lpISAMTableList = NULL; } if (lpstmt->lpISAMQualifierList != NULL) { ISAMFreeQualifierList(lpstmt->lpISAMQualifierList); lpstmt->lpISAMQualifierList = NULL; } (lpstmt->szTableName)[0] = 0; (lpstmt->szTableType)[0] = 0; (lpstmt->szQualifierName)[0] = 0; if (lpstmt->lpISAMTableDef != NULL) { ISAMCloseTable(lpstmt->lpISAMTableDef); lpstmt->lpISAMTableDef = NULL; } (lpstmt->szColumnName)[0] = 0; if (lpstmt->lpKeyInfo != NULL) { GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpKeyInfo)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpKeyInfo)); } if ((lpstmt->lpSqlStmt != NULL) && !(lpstmt->fPreparedSql)) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; lpstmt->fPreparedSql = FALSE; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } } lpstmt->fNeedData = FALSE; lpstmt->idxParameter = NO_SQLNODE; lpstmt->cbParameterOffset = -1;
lpstmt->icol = NO_COLUMN; lpstmt->cbOffset = 0; break;
case SQL_DROP:
/* Terminate the active statement */ err = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); if ((err != SQL_SUCCESS) && (err != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { lpstmt->fStmtType = STMT_TYPE_NONE; err = SQLTransact(SQL_NULL_HENV, (HDBC)lpstmt->lpdbc, SQL_ROLLBACK); SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); } if (lpstmt->lpSqlStmt != NULL) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; lpstmt->fPreparedSql = FALSE; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } } lpstmt->fNeedData = FALSE; lpstmt->idxParameter = NO_SQLNODE; lpstmt->cbParameterOffset = -1; lpstmt->cRowCount = -1;
/*/ Unbind everything */ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_UNBIND);
/* Reset the parameters */ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_RESET_PARAMS);
/* Take statement off of list of statements for the connection */ if (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpstmts == lpstmt) { lpstmt->lpdbc->lpstmts = lpstmt->lpNext; } else { lpstmtPrev = lpstmt->lpdbc->lpstmts; while (lpstmtPrev->lpNext != lpstmt) lpstmtPrev = lpstmtPrev->lpNext; lpstmtPrev->lpNext = lpstmt->lpNext; }
/* Dealloate the memory */ GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(hstmt)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(hstmt)); break;
/* Remove all the bindings */ while (lpstmt->lpBound != NULL) { lpBound = lpstmt->lpBound->lpNext; GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpBound)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpBound)); lpstmt->lpBound = lpBound; } break;
/* It is not possible to reset the parameters while setting them */ if (lpstmt->fNeedData) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_CURSORSTATE; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Reset all the parameters */ while (lpstmt->lpParameter != NULL) { lpParameter = lpstmt->lpParameter->lpNext; GlobalUnlock (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpParameter)); GlobalFree (GlobalPtrHandle(lpstmt->lpParameter)); lpstmt->lpParameter = lpParameter; } break; }
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLPrepare( HSTMT hstmt, UCHAR FAR *szSqlStr, SDWORD cbSqlStr) { LPSTMT lpstmt; LPSQLNODE lpSqlNode; UCHAR szCursorname[MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH]; int i; UCHAR szSimpleSql[21 + MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; UWORD parameterCount; SQLNODEIDX idxParameter; SQLNODEIDX idxParameterPrev; UWORD id;
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* Get statement handle */ lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
CString myInputString; myInputString.Format("\nWBEM ODBC Driver :SQLPrepare :\nszSqlStr = %s\ncbSqlStr = %ld\n", szSqlStr, cbSqlStr); ODBCTRACE(myInputString);
MyImpersonator im (lpstmt,"SQLPrepare");
/* Error if in the middle of a statement already */ if (lpstmt->fStmtType != STMT_TYPE_NONE) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_CURSORSTATE; return SQL_ERROR; } if (lpstmt->fNeedData) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_CURSORSTATE; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Free previously prepared statement if any */ if (lpstmt->lpSqlStmt != NULL) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; lpstmt->fPreparedSql = FALSE; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } lpstmt->fNeedData = FALSE; lpstmt->idxParameter = NO_SQLNODE; lpstmt->cbParameterOffset = -1; lpstmt->cRowCount = -1; }
/* Count of rows is not available */ lpstmt->cRowCount = -1;
/* Try passing the statement down to the ISAM layer */ if (cbSqlStr == SQL_NTS) { if (szSqlStr) cbSqlStr = s_lstrlen((char*)szSqlStr); else cbSqlStr = 0; } szSimpleSql[0] = 0; s_lstrcpy(szSimpleSql, "SELECT * FROM \""); lpstmt->errcode = ISAMPrepare(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, szSqlStr, cbSqlStr, &(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement), (LPUSTR) (szSimpleSql + 15), ¶meterCount, lpstmt); if (lpstmt->errcode == ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED) { //Check if we are in passthrough only mode
if (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->fPassthroughOnly) { ISAMGetErrorMessage(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, (LPUSTR)lpstmt->szISAMError); return SQL_ERROR; } else { lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; parameterCount = 0; } } else if (lpstmt->errcode != NO_ISAM_ERR) { ISAMGetErrorMessage(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, (LPUSTR)lpstmt->szISAMError); return SQL_ERROR; } else lpstmt->fISAMTxnStarted = TRUE;
/* Was the SQL passthrough rejected or is it returning a result set? */ if ((lpstmt->errcode == ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED) || (s_lstrlen((szSimpleSql + 15)) != 0)) {
/* Yes. Parse the statement */ if (lpstmt->errcode == ISAM_NOTSUPPORTED) { lpstmt->errcode = Parse(lpstmt, lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, (LPUSTR)szSqlStr, cbSqlStr, &(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt)); } else { s_lstrcat(szSimpleSql, "\"");
//Sai Wong - removed this Parse as it has already been
//done in ISAMPrepare
//Changed again
//Parse SELECT * from WBEMDR32VirtualTable
lpstmt->errcode = Parse(lpstmt, lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, szSimpleSql, s_lstrlen(szSimpleSql), &(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt)); } if (lpstmt->errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) { if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } return SQL_ERROR; } /* Semanticize the parsed statement */ lpstmt->errcode = SemanticCheck(lpstmt, &(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), ROOT_SQLNODE, FALSE, ISAMCaseSensitive(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM), NO_SQLNODE, NO_SQLNODE); if (lpstmt->errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Optimize execution */ lpstmt->errcode = Optimize(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ROOT_SQLNODE)->node.root.sql, ISAMCaseSensitive(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM)); if (lpstmt->errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } return SQL_ERROR; } #if ISAM_TRACE
ShowSemantic(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ROOT_SQLNODE, 0); #endif
} else {
//No nothing
/* No. Create a PASSTHROUGH parse tree */ lpstmt->errcode = Parse(lpstmt, lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM, (LPUSTR) "SQL", 3, &(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt)); if (lpstmt->errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; return SQL_ERROR; } #endif
/* Are there pass through parameters? */ if (parameterCount != 0) {
/* Yes. Create them */ idxParameterPrev = NO_SQLNODE; for (id = 1; id <= parameterCount; id++) {
/* Create the next parameter */ idxParameter = AllocateNode(&(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), NODE_TYPE_PARAMETER); if (idxParameter == NO_SQLNODE) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; return SQL_ERROR; } lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, idxParameter); lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Id = id; lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Next = NO_SQLNODE; lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; lpSqlNode->node.parameter.AtExec = FALSE;
/* Put it on the list */ if (idxParameterPrev == NO_SQLNODE) { lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ROOT_SQLNODE); lpSqlNode->node.root.parameters = idxParameter; lpSqlNode->node.root.passthroughParams = TRUE; } else { lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, idxParameterPrev); lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Next = idxParameter; } idxParameterPrev = idxParameter;
/* Semantic check the newly created parameter */ lpstmt->errcode = SemanticCheck(lpstmt, &(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), idxParameter, FALSE, ISAMCaseSensitive(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM), NO_SQLNODE, NO_SQLNODE); if (lpstmt->errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* All passthrough parameters are strings */ lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, idxParameter); lpSqlNode->sqlDataType = TYPE_CHAR; lpSqlNode->sqlSqlType = SQL_VARCHAR; lpSqlNode->sqlPrecision = MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LENGTH; lpSqlNode->sqlScale = NO_SCALE; } }
/* Allocate space for the parameters */ lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ROOT_SQLNODE); for (idxParameter = lpSqlNode->node.root.parameters; idxParameter != NO_SQLNODE; idxParameter = lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Next) {
/* Get parameter node */ lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, idxParameter);
/* Allocate space for the parameter value */ switch (lpSqlNode->sqlDataType) { case TYPE_DOUBLE: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; break; case TYPE_NUMERIC: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = AllocateSpace(&(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), (SWORD)(lpSqlNode->sqlPrecision + 2 + 1)); if (lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value == NO_STRING) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } lpstmt->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; return SQL_ERROR; } break; case TYPE_INTEGER: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; break; case TYPE_CHAR: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = AllocateSpace(&(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LENGTH+1); if (lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value == NO_STRING) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } lpstmt->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; return SQL_ERROR; } break; case TYPE_BINARY: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = AllocateSpace(&(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt), MAX_BINARY_LITERAL_LENGTH + sizeof(SDWORD)); if (lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value == NO_STRING) { FreeTree(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt); lpstmt->lpSqlStmt = NULL; if (lpstmt->lpISAMStatement != NULL) { ISAMFreeStatement(lpstmt->lpISAMStatement); lpstmt->lpISAMStatement = NULL; } lpstmt->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; return SQL_ERROR; } break; case TYPE_DATE: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; break; case TYPE_TIME: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; break; case TYPE_TIMESTAMP: lpSqlNode->node.parameter.Value = NO_STRING; break; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: /* Error if '?' used in a select list */ if (parameterCount == 0) lpstmt->errcode = ERR_PARAMINSELECT; else lpstmt->errcode = ERR_INTERNAL; return SQL_ERROR; default: lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; } }
/* Was a SELECT statement preprared? */ lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, ROOT_SQLNODE); lpSqlNode = ToNode(lpstmt->lpSqlStmt, lpSqlNode->node.root.sql); if (lpSqlNode->sqlNodeType == NODE_TYPE_SELECT) {
/* Yes. Is a cursor name needed? */ if (s_lstrlen(lpstmt->szCursor) == 0) {
/* Yes. Assign one */ for (i=0; TRUE; i++) { wsprintf((LPSTR)szCursorname, "CUR%05d", (SWORD)i); if (SQLSetCursorName(hstmt, (LPUSTR) szCursorname, SQL_NTS) == SQL_SUCCESS) break; } } }
/* Mark the statement as from SQLPrepare() */ lpstmt->fPreparedSql = TRUE;
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLBindParameter( HSTMT hstmt, UWORD ipar, SWORD fParamType, SWORD fCType, SWORD fSqlType, UDWORD cbColDef, SWORD ibScale, PTR rgbValue, SDWORD cbValueMax, SDWORD FAR *pcbValue) { LPSTMT lpstmt; LPPARAMETER lpParameter; HGLOBAL hParameter; LPSQLTYPE lpSqlType; UWORD i;
/* Get statement handle */ lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
MyImpersonator im (lpstmt, "SQLBindParameter");
/* Error if in the middle of a statement already */ if (lpstmt->fNeedData) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_CURSORSTATE; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* If SQL_C_DEFAULT was specified as the type, figure out the real type */ if (fCType == SQL_C_DEFAULT) { switch (fSqlType) { case SQL_CHAR: case SQL_VARCHAR: case SQL_LONGVARCHAR: fCType = SQL_C_CHAR; break; case SQL_BIGINT: case SQL_DECIMAL: case SQL_NUMERIC: fCType = SQL_C_CHAR; break; case SQL_DOUBLE: case SQL_FLOAT: fCType = SQL_C_DOUBLE; break; case SQL_BIT: fCType = SQL_C_BIT; break; case SQL_REAL: fCType = SQL_C_FLOAT; break; case SQL_INTEGER: fCType = SQL_C_LONG; break; case SQL_SMALLINT: fCType = SQL_C_SHORT; break; case SQL_TINYINT: fCType = SQL_C_TINYINT; break; case SQL_DATE: fCType = SQL_C_DATE; break; case SQL_TIME: fCType = SQL_C_TIME; break; case SQL_TIMESTAMP: fCType = SQL_C_TIMESTAMP; break; case SQL_BINARY: case SQL_VARBINARY: case SQL_LONGVARBINARY: fCType = SQL_C_BINARY; break; default: lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; } }
/* If C type is SQL_C_TINYINT, figure out if it is signed or unsigned */ if (fCType == SQL_C_TINYINT) { lpSqlType = NULL; for (i = 0; i < lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->cSQLTypes; i++) { if (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i].type == SQL_TINYINT) { lpSqlType = &(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i]); break; } } if (lpSqlType == NULL) fCType = SQL_C_STINYINT; else if (lpSqlType->unsignedAttribute == TRUE) fCType = SQL_C_UTINYINT; else fCType = SQL_C_STINYINT; }
/* If C type is SQL_C_SHORT, figure out if it is signed or unsigned */ if (fCType == SQL_C_SHORT) { lpSqlType = NULL; for (i = 0; i < lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->cSQLTypes; i++) { if (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i].type == SQL_SMALLINT) { lpSqlType = &(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i]); break; } } if (lpSqlType == NULL) fCType = SQL_C_SSHORT; else if (lpSqlType->unsignedAttribute == TRUE) fCType = SQL_C_USHORT; else fCType = SQL_C_SSHORT; }
/* If C type is SQL_C_LONG, figure out if it is signed or unsigned */ if (fCType == SQL_C_LONG) { lpSqlType = NULL; for (i = 0; i < lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->cSQLTypes; i++) { if (lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i].type == SQL_INTEGER) { lpSqlType = &(lpstmt->lpdbc->lpISAM->SQLTypes[i]); break; } } if (lpSqlType == NULL) fCType = SQL_C_SLONG; else if (lpSqlType->unsignedAttribute == TRUE) fCType = SQL_C_ULONG; else fCType = SQL_C_SLONG; } /* Ignore output parameters */ if (fParamType == SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT) return SQL_SUCCESS;
/* Find the parameter is on the list */ lpParameter = lpstmt->lpParameter; while (lpParameter != NULL) { if (lpParameter->ipar == ipar) break; lpParameter = lpParameter->lpNext; }
/* No. Was it on the list? */ if (lpParameter == NULL) {
/* No. Make an entry for it */ hParameter = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (PARAMETER)); if (hParameter == NULL || (lpParameter = (LPPARAMETER)GlobalLock (hParameter)) == NULL) { if (hParameter) GlobalFree(hParameter);
lpstmt->errcode = ERR_MEMALLOCFAIL; return SQL_ERROR; } lpParameter->lpNext = lpstmt->lpParameter; lpstmt->lpParameter = lpParameter; lpParameter->ipar = ipar; }
/* Save the bound description */ lpParameter->fCType = fCType; lpParameter->rgbValue = rgbValue; lpParameter->pcbValue = pcbValue;
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLDescribeParam( HSTMT hstmt, UWORD ipar, SWORD FAR *pfSqlType, UDWORD FAR *pcbColDef, SWORD FAR *pibScale, SWORD FAR *pfNullable) { LPSTMT lpstmt;
lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLParamOptions( HSTMT hstmt, UDWORD crow, UDWORD FAR *pirow) { LPSTMT lpstmt;
lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLNumParams( HSTMT hstmt, SWORD FAR *pcpar) { LPSTMT lpstmt;
lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLSetScrollOptions( HSTMT hstmt, UWORD fConcurrency, SDWORD crowKeyset, UWORD crowRowset) { LPSTMT lpstmt;
lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return SQL_ERROR; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLSetCursorName( HSTMT hstmt, UCHAR FAR *szCursor, SWORD cbCursor) { SWORD cbIn; LPSTMT lpstmt; UCHAR szCursorname[MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH]; LPSTMT lpstmtOther;
/* Get statement handle */ lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
MyImpersonator im (lpstmt, "SQLSetCursorName");
/* Get length of cursor name */ if (cbCursor == SQL_NTS) cbIn = (SWORD) s_lstrlen(szCursor); else cbIn = cbCursor;
if ((cbIn <= 0) || (cbIn >= MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH)) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_INVALIDCURSORNAME; return SQL_ERROR; }
/* Make a null terminated copy of the cursor name */ _fmemcpy(szCursorname, szCursor, cbIn); szCursorname[cbIn] = '\0';
/* Make sure name is not already in use */ for (lpstmtOther = lpstmt->lpdbc->lpstmts; lpstmtOther != NULL; lpstmtOther = lpstmtOther->lpNext) { if (lpstmtOther != lpstmt) { if (!s_lstrcmpi(lpstmtOther->szCursor, szCursorname)) { lpstmt->errcode = ERR_CURSORNAMEINUSE; return SQL_ERROR; } } }
/* Save cursor name */ s_lstrcpy(lpstmt->szCursor, szCursorname);
return SQL_SUCCESS; }
RETCODE SQL_API SQLGetCursorName( HSTMT hstmt, UCHAR FAR *szCursor, SWORD cbCursorMax, SWORD FAR *pcbCursor) { LPSTMT lpstmt;
/* Get statement handle */ lpstmt = (LPSTMT) hstmt; lpstmt->errcode = ERR_SUCCESS;
//To make guarentee Ole is initialized per thread
COleInitializationManager myOleManager;
MyImpersonator im (lpstmt, "SQLGetCursorName");
/* Return cursor name */ lpstmt->errcode = ReturnString(szCursor, cbCursorMax, pcbCursor, (LPUSTR)lpstmt->szCursor); if (lpstmt->errcode == ERR_DATATRUNCATED) return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO;
return SQL_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************/