// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// CBaseRowObj base class implementation
#include "headers.h"
// NTRaid : 146015
// 07/19/00
QUALIFIERCOLINFO rgQualfierColInfo[] = { {L"QualifierName", DBTYPE_BSTR , -1, 0}, {L"DataType", DBTYPE_UI4 , sizeof(long), 0}, {L"Value", DBTYPE_VARIANT, sizeof(VARIANT), DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE}, {L"Flavor", DBTYPE_UI4, sizeof(long), 0} };
// Constructor
CBaseRowObj::CBaseRowObj(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter): CBaseObj(BOT_ROWSET, pUnkOuter) { m_pMap = NULL; m_pRowData = NULL; m_pChapterMgr = NULL; m_rgbRowData = NULL; m_pUtilProp = NULL; m_pIBuffer = NULL;
m_pIColumnsInfo = NULL; m_pIConvertType = NULL; m_pCon = NULL; m_bNewConAllocated = FALSE; m_IsZoombie = FALSE; m_pISupportErrorInfo = NULL;
m_cTotalCols = 0; m_cCols = 0; m_cNestedCols = 0; m_cbRowSize = 0; m_uRsType = 0; m_ulProps = 0; m_hRow = 0; }
// Destructor
CBaseRowObj::~CBaseRowObj() { }
// Get Column Information
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::GatherColumnInfo() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch( m_uRsType) { case SCHEMA_ROWSET: case METHOD_ROWSET: case COMMAND_ROWSET: case 0 :
// Get the number of columns
hr = m_pMap->GetColumnInfoForParentColumns(&m_Columns); break;
// Get the number of columns for the property qualifier
hr = GatherColumnInfoForQualifierRowset(); break;
default: hr = E_FAIL; break;
if( hr == S_OK ) { m_cbRowSize = m_Columns.SetRowSize(); hr = m_Columns.FreeUnusedMemory(); }
return hr;
// Get a value of a Rowset property
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::GetRowsetProperty(DBPROPID propId , VARIANT & varValue) { DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[1]; ULONG cPropertySets = 0; DBPROPSET* prgPropertySets = NULL; DBPROPID rgPropId[1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Get the value of the required rowset property
rgPropertyIDSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET; rgPropertyIDSets[0].rgPropertyIDs = rgPropId; rgPropertyIDSets[0].cPropertyIDs = 1; rgPropId[0] = propId;
if( S_OK == (hr = m_pUtilProp->GetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET, 1, rgPropertyIDSets,&cPropertySets, &prgPropertySets ))) VariantCopy(&varValue,&prgPropertySets->rgProperties->vValue);
// Free memory we allocated to by GetProperties
m_pUtilProp->m_PropMemMgr.FreeDBPROPSET( cPropertySets, prgPropertySets); return hr;
// Get some of the boolean properties of the rowset to set a particular bit in the flag in one of the member variables
void CBaseRowObj::GetCommonRowsetProperties() { VARIANT vPropVal; VariantInit(&vPropVal); HRESULT hr = 0;
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_CANHOLDROWS,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= CANHOLDROWS; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_CANSCROLLBACKWARDS,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= CANSCROLLBACKWARDS; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_CANFETCHBACKWARDS,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= CANFETCHBACKWARDS; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_OTHERUPDATEDELETE,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= OTHERUPDATEDELETE; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_OWNINSERT,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= OWNINSERT; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_REMOVEDELETED,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= REMOVEDELETED; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_OTHERINSERT,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= OTHERINSERT; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_OWNUPDATEDELETE,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= OWNUPDATEDELETE; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= IROWSETCHANGE; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_BOOKMARKS,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= BOOKMARKPROP; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_FETCHDEEP,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= FETCHDEEP; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetLocate,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= IROWSETLOCATE; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_IGetRow,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= IGETROW; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetRefresh,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= IROWSETREFRESH; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
if(S_OK == GetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_IChapteredRowset,vPropVal)) { if(V_BOOL(&vPropVal) == VARIANT_TRUE) { m_ulProps |= ICHAPTEREDROWSET; VariantClear(&vPropVal); } }
// Get the column information
// Get the information about the various properties of the classes if rowset is refering to a class
// Get the information of the the different qualifiers if rowset is referring to qualifiers
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::GetColumnInfo(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// switch on type of the recordset. If it is 0 then the recordset is
// representing the instances of the class
switch( m_uRsType) { case SCHEMA_ROWSET: case COMMAND_ROWSET: case METHOD_ROWSET: case 0 :
// Get the count of columns in the table
hr = m_pMap->GetColumnCount(m_cTotalCols,m_cCols,m_cNestedCols); break;
// Get the number of columns for the property qualifier
m_cCols = NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_QUALIFERROWSET + 1; // for first column which should be always used
// as bookmark
m_cTotalCols = m_cCols; break;
default: hr = E_FAIL; break;
if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // NTRaid : 142133 & 141923
// 07/12/00
if(m_cTotalCols == 0) { hr = S_OK; } else { if( S_OK == (hr = m_Columns.AllocColumnNameList(m_cTotalCols)) ){
// Allocate the DBCOLUMNINFO structs to match the number of columns
if( S_OK == (hr = m_Columns.AllocColumnInfoList(m_cTotalCols))){ m_Columns.InitializeBookMarkColumn(); hr = GatherColumnInfo(); } } } }
// Free the columnlist if more is allocated
if( hr != S_OK ){ m_Columns.FreeColumnNameList(); m_Columns.FreeColumnInfoList(); }
return hr; }
// Get ordinal of the column given the column name
DBORDINAL CBaseRowObj::GetOrdinalFromColName(WCHAR *pColName) { return m_Columns.GetColOrdinal(pColName); }
// Set a particular rowset property
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::SetRowsetProperty(DBPROPID propId , VARIANT varValue) {
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; DBPROP rgprop[1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
memset(&rgprop[0],0,sizeof(DBPROP)); memset(&rgPropertySets[0],0,sizeof(DBPROPSET));
rgprop[0].dwPropertyID = propId; VariantCopy(&rgprop[0].vValue,&varValue);
rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = &rgprop[0]; rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = 1; rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
hr = m_pUtilProp->SetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET,1,rgPropertySets);
return hr; }
// Refresh the instance pointer
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::RefreshInstance(CWbemClassWrapper *pInstance) { return m_pMap->RefreshInstance(pInstance); }
// Get the mode property of the Datasource and set the UPDATIBILITY property of the rowset accordingly
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::SynchronizeDataSourceMode() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bUpdate = TRUE;
VARIANT varPropValue; VariantInit(&varPropValue);
// Get the mode property of the datasource
if(S_OK == (hr = m_pCreator->GetDataSrcProperty(DBPROP_INIT_MODE,varPropValue))) { switch(varPropValue.lVal) { case DB_MODE_READ: bUpdate = FALSE; break;
case DB_MODE_SHARE_DENY_WRITE: bUpdate = FALSE; break;
} }
// If the datasource is opened in readonly then set the rowset
// property to readonly
if(bUpdate == FALSE) { varPropValue.lVal = 0; SetRowsetProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY , varPropValue); }
return hr;
// Get Column information for rowset representing qualifiers
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::GatherColumnInfoForQualifierRowset() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_Columns.ResetColumns(); CDataMap DataMap; DBCOLUMNINFO **ppColCurColInfo = NULL;
// Column information for rowset showing qualifer is constant and is stored in array
// Get this information from this array an put it into the column information mgr
for( int nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_QUALIFERROWSET ; nIndex++) { ppColCurColInfo = m_Columns.CurrentColInfo(); hr = m_Columns.AddColumnNameToList(rgQualfierColInfo[nIndex].pwszName, ppColCurColInfo); if( hr == S_OK ) { m_pMap->SetCommonDBCOLUMNINFO(ppColCurColInfo, m_Columns.GetCurrentIndex());
(*ppColCurColInfo)->wType = rgQualfierColInfo[nIndex].wType; (*ppColCurColInfo)->ulColumnSize = rgQualfierColInfo[nIndex].ulSize; (*ppColCurColInfo)->dwFlags = rgQualfierColInfo[nIndex].dwStatus;
// NTRaid:111762
// 06/13/00
hr = m_Columns.CommitColumnInfo(); } } return hr; }
// Get the mode property of the Datasource and set the UPDATIBILITY property of the rowset accordingly
ULONG CBaseRowObj::GetQualifierFlags() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG lRet = 0;
VARIANT varPropValue; VariantInit(&varPropValue);
// Get the value of DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS property whether to show qualifiers or not
if(S_OK == (hr = m_pCreator->GetDataSrcProperty(DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS,varPropValue))) { lRet = varPropValue.lVal; }
return lRet;
// Set properties on the object
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::SetProperties(const ULONG cPropertySets, const DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT varPropVal; VariantInit(&varPropVal); LONG lFlag = 0;
//Set rowset properties
if ( cPropertySets > 0 ) {
DBPROPSET* pPropSets = (DBPROPSET*)rgPropertySets; //=====================================================
// Check the arguments
if( S_OK == (hr = m_pUtilProp->SetPropertiesArgChk(cPropertySets, pPropSets))) {
hr = m_pUtilProp->SetProperties(PROPSET_ROWSET, cPropertySets, pPropSets);
if( (hr == DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED) || (hr == DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED) ) { //====================================================================
// If all the properties set were OPTIONAL then we can set
// our status to DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED and continue.
for(ULONG ul=0;ul<cPropertySets; ul++) {
for(ULONG ul2=0;ul2<rgPropertySets[ul].cProperties; ul2++) {
// Check for a required property that failed, if found, we
// must return DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED
if( (rgPropertySets[ul].rgProperties[ul2].dwStatus != DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSETTABLE) && (rgPropertySets[ul].rgProperties[ul2].dwStatus != DBPROPSTATUS_OK) && (rgPropertySets[ul].rgProperties[ul2].dwOptions != DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL) ) { hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ; break; } } } } } } //============================================================================
// call this function to set the DBPROP_UPDATIBILITY to readonly if the Datasource
// open mode is readonly
if( (hr == S_OK) || (hr == DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED) ) { SynchronizeDataSourceMode(); hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
// Set Search preference
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::SetSearchPreferences() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[1]; ULONG cPropertySets; DBPROPSET* prgPropertySets; DBPROPID rgPropId[NUMBEROF_SEARCHPREF];
rgPropertyIDSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET; rgPropertyIDSets[0].rgPropertyIDs = rgPropId; rgPropertyIDSets[0].cPropertyIDs = NUMBEROF_SEARCHPREF;
// Get the value of the DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE property, this is the namespace
// to be opened.
hr = m_pUtilProp->GetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET,1, rgPropertyIDSets,&cPropertySets,&prgPropertySets ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = m_pMap->SetSearchPreferences(prgPropertySets->cProperties,prgPropertySets[0].rgProperties); //==========================================================================
// Free memory we allocated to get the namespace property above
m_pUtilProp->m_PropMemMgr.FreeDBPROPSET( cPropertySets, prgPropertySets); }
return hr;
// Function to get a DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_OBJECTTYPE property .
INSTANCELISTTYPE CBaseRowObj::GetObjectTypeProp(const ULONG cPropertySets, const DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]) { INSTANCELISTTYPE instType = SCOPE; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
for( ULONG lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < cPropertySets ; lIndex++) { if(rgPropertySets[lIndex].guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_ROWSET || rgPropertySets[lIndex].guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_WMIOLEDB_ROWSET ) { for ( ULONG nPropIndex = 0 ; nPropIndex < rgPropertySets[lIndex].cProperties ; nPropIndex++ ) { if(rgPropertySets[lIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].dwPropertyID == DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_OBJECTTYPE) { instType = rgPropertySets[lIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].vValue.lVal == DBPROPVAL_SCOPEOBJ ? SCOPE : CONTAINER; bFound = TRUE; break; } // if DBPROP_IRow is true;
}// for loop
if(bFound) { break; } } // outer for loop
return instType; }
// set rowset properties for Schema rowset
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::InitializePropertiesForSchemaRowset() {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lIndex = 0;
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; DBPROP rgprop[5];
memset(&rgprop[0],0,sizeof(DBPROP) * 5); memset(&rgPropertySets[0],0,sizeof(DBPROPSET));
rgprop[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_UPDATABILITY; rgprop[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IRowsetChange; rgprop[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IRowsetLocate; rgprop[3].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_BOOKMARKS; rgprop[4].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IGetRow;
rgprop[0].vValue.vt = VT_I4; rgprop[0].vValue.lVal = 0;
for(lIndex = 1 ; lIndex < 5 ; lIndex++) { rgprop[lIndex].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; rgprop[lIndex].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; }
rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = &rgprop[0]; rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = 5; rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
hr = m_pUtilProp->SetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET,1,rgPropertySets);
return hr; }
// set rowset properties for command rowset
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::InitializePropertiesForCommandRowset() {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lIndex = 0;
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; DBPROP rgprop[2];
memset(&rgprop[0],0,sizeof(DBPROP) * 2); memset(&rgPropertySets[0],0,sizeof(DBPROPSET));
rgprop[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IRowsetLocate; rgprop[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_BOOKMARKS;
for(lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < 2 ; lIndex++) { rgprop[lIndex].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; rgprop[lIndex].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; }
rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = &rgprop[0]; rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = 2; rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
hr = m_pUtilProp->SetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET,1,rgPropertySets);
return hr; }
// set rowset properties for method rowset
HRESULT CBaseRowObj::InitializePropertiesForMethodRowset() {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lIndex = 0;
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; DBPROP rgprop[5];
memset(&rgprop[0],0,sizeof(DBPROP) * 5); memset(&rgPropertySets[0],0,sizeof(DBPROPSET));
rgprop[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_UPDATABILITY; rgprop[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IRowsetChange; rgprop[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IRowsetLocate; rgprop[3].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_BOOKMARKS; rgprop[4].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IGetRow;
rgprop[0].vValue.vt = VT_I4; rgprop[0].vValue.lVal = 0;
for(lIndex = 1 ; lIndex < 5 ; lIndex++) { rgprop[lIndex].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; rgprop[lIndex].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; }
rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = &rgprop[0]; rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = 5; rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
hr = m_pUtilProp->SetProperties( PROPSET_ROWSET,1,rgPropertySets);
return hr; }