// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// CWBEMWRAP.h | CWbem* class Header file. These are classes talking to WMI
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <oahelp.inl>
BOOL UnicodeToAnsi(WCHAR * pszW, char *& pAnsi); void AllocateAndConvertAnsiToUnicode(char * pstr, WCHAR *& pszW); BOOL AllocateAndCopy( WCHAR *& pwcsDestination, WCHAR * pwcsSource ); HRESULT MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(HRESULT hrToMap);
class CQuery;
typedef enum _InstanceListType { NORMAL, // normal query which returns homogenous objects
MIXED, // query which returns heterogenours objects
SCOPE, // instance list showing list of objects in scope
CONTAINER, // instance list showing list of objects in container
template <class T> class CCOMPointer { T* p; public: CCOMPointer() { p=NULL; } CCOMPointer(T* lp) { if ((p = lp) != NULL) p->AddRef(); } CCOMPointer(const CCOMPointer<T>& lp) { if ((p = lp.p) != NULL) p->AddRef(); } ~CCOMPointer() { if (p) { p->Release(); p = NULL; } } operator T*() const { return (T*)p; } T& operator*() const { ATLASSERT(p!=NULL); return *p; }
class CWbemSecurityDescriptor { private: IWbemClassObject * m_pAccessor; IWbemServicesEx * m_pISerEx; CVARIANT m_sd; BSTR m_strPath; IWbemContext * m_pIContext; ULONG m_lSdSize;
public: CWbemSecurityDescriptor(); ~CWbemSecurityDescriptor(); HRESULT Init(IWbemServices *pSer,BSTR strPath,IWbemContext *pContext); PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR GetSecurityDescriptor() { return (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) &m_sd; } HRESULT PutSD(); BOOL GetSID(TRUSTEE_W *pTrustee ,PSID & psid);
class CWbemConnectionWrapper { public:
~CWbemConnectionWrapper(); CWbemConnectionWrapper(); HRESULT FInit() { return m_PrivelagesToken.FInit();} // CWbemConnectionWrapper(CWbemConnectionWrapper *pWrap , WCHAR *pstrPath,INSTANCELISTTYPE instListType );
HRESULT FInit(CWbemConnectionWrapper *pWrap , WCHAR *pstrPath,INSTANCELISTTYPE instListType ); void InitVars(); //=========================================================
// Connection handling functions
HRESULT GetConnectionToWbem(void); BOOL ValidConnection();
// Namespace functions
void SetValidNamespace(VARIANT *v); WCHAR * GetNamespace();
void SetUserInfo(BSTR strUser,BSTR strPassword,BSTR strAuthority);
IWbemServices* GetServicesPtr(); IWbemContext * GetContext() { return m_pCtx; } void SetConnAttributes(DWORD dwAuthnLevel , DWORD dwImpLevel); HRESULT DeleteClass(BSTR strClassName); BOOL AdjustTokenPrivileges(ULONG cProps , DBPROP rgProp[]) { return m_PrivelagesToken.AdjustTokenPrivileges(cProps,rgProp); }
BOOL AdjustTokenPrivileges(ULONG ulProp) { return m_PrivelagesToken.AdjustTokenPrivileges(ulProp); }
void SetLocale(LONG lLocaleID); // transaction related functions
HRESULT BeginTransaction(ULONG uTimeout,ULONG uFlags,GUID *pTransGUID); HRESULT CompleteTransaction(BOOL bRollBack,ULONG uFlags);
HRESULT CreateNameSpace(); HRESULT DeleteNameSpace(); HRESULT GetObjectAccessRights(BSTR strPath, ULONG *pcAccessEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W **prgAccessEntries, ULONG ulAccessEntries = 0, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntries = NULL);
HRESULT SetObjectAccessRights(BSTR strPath, ULONG ulAccessEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntries); HRESULT SetObjectOwner(BSTR strPath,TRUSTEE_W *pOwner); HRESULT GetObjectOwner(BSTR strPath,TRUSTEE_W ** ppOwner); BOOL IsValidObject(BSTR strPath); HRESULT IsObjectAccessAllowed( BSTR strPath,EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntry,BOOL *pfResult); // function to get the class name given the object path
// used in case of direct binding and UMI paths
HRESULT GetParameters(BSTR strPath,BSTR &strClassName,BSTR *pstrNameSpace = NULL); HRESULT GetClassName(BSTR strPath,BSTR &strClassName); // 07/12/2000
// NTRaid : 142348
HRESULT ExecuteQuery(CQuery *pQuery); // function which executes Action queries
HRESULT GetNodeName(BSTR &strNode); // function which gets the pointer to the
// the object for which it is pointing
private: IWbemServices * m_pIWbemServices; IWbemContext * m_pCtx; CVARIANT m_vNamespace; DWORD m_dwAuthnLevel; //Authentication level to use
DWORD m_dwImpLevel; //Impersonation level to use
BSTR m_strUser; // UserID
BSTR m_strPassword; // Password
BSTR m_strAuthority; CPreviligeToken m_PrivelagesToken; // For Setting Token privelege
BSTR m_strLocale; CWbemConnectionWrapper *m_pDataSourceCon; };
class CWbemClassWrapper; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWbemClassParameters {
public: WCHAR * m_pwcsClassName; DWORD m_dwFlags; DWORD m_dwNavFlags; DWORD m_dwQueryFlags; CWbemConnectionWrapper * m_pConnection; WCHAR * m_pwcsParentClassName; BOOL m_bSystemProperties; // Indicates , if system properties
IWbemContext * m_pIContext;
// to be fetched or not
CWbemClassParameters(DWORD dwFlags,WCHAR * pClassName,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap ); // CWbemClassParameters(DWORD dwFlags,IDispatch *pDisp,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap );
WCHAR * GetClassName(); void SetParentClassName( WCHAR * p ){ AllocateAndCopy( m_pwcsParentClassName,p);} void SetClassName( WCHAR * p ) { AllocateAndCopy( m_pwcsClassName,p);} void DeleteClassName() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsClassName);}
WCHAR * GetSuperClassName() { return m_pwcsParentClassName; } DWORD GetFlags() { return m_dwFlags; } DWORD GetNavigationFlags() { return m_dwNavFlags; } DWORD GetQueryFlags() { return m_dwQueryFlags; } HRESULT GetClassNameForWbemObject(IWbemClassObject *pInst ); void SetEnumeratorFlags(DWORD dwFlags); void SetQueryFlags(DWORD dwFlags); HRESULT ParseClassName(); void SetSytemPropertiesFlag(BOOL bSystemProperties) { m_bSystemProperties = bSystemProperties;} HRESULT RemoveObjectFromContainer(BSTR strContainerObj,BSTR strObject); HRESULT AddObjectFromContainer(BSTR strContainerObj,BSTR strObject); HRESULT CloneAndAddNewObjectInScope(CWbemClassWrapper *pClass,BSTR strDstObj,WCHAR *& pstrNewPath); HRESULT SetSearchPreferences(ULONG cProps , DBPROP rgProp[]); virtual IWbemServices* GetServicesPtr() { return m_pConnection->GetServicesPtr();} IWbemContext * GetContext() { return m_pIContext; } };
// Class which manages the position for qualifiers
class CQualiferPos { CFlexArray m_QualifierPos; // Array to store the qualifer names
LONG_PTR m_lPos; // The current position
FETCHDIRECTION m_FetchDir; // The current fetch direction
public: CQualiferPos(); ~CQualiferPos();
void RemoveAll(); // Remove all the elements from the array
void Remove(WCHAR *pwcsQualifier); // Remove a particular element from the array
WCHAR * operator [] (DBORDINAL nIndex); // Operator overloading to get a particular elemtent
HRESULT GetRelative (DBROWOFFSET lRelPos,WCHAR *&pwcsQualifier);// Get a element which is at a relative position to the current element
// 06/13/00
HRESULT Add(WCHAR *pwcsQualifier); // Add an element to the array
HRESULT SetRelPos(DBROWOFFSET lRelative); // Set the relation position
FETCHDIRECTION GetDirFlag() { return m_FetchDir ;} // Get the current fetch direction
void SetDirFlag(FETCHDIRECTION DirFlag) { m_FetchDir = DirFlag;} // Set the direction of fetch
// Class to manage property qualifers for a instance/class
class CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper { public: IWbemQualifierSet* m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet; WCHAR * m_pwstrPropertyName; CQualiferPos m_QualifierPos;
CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper() { m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet = NULL; m_pwstrPropertyName = NULL; }
~CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper() { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pwstrPropertyName); m_QualifierPos.RemoveAll(); }
// Class which contains a list of Property qualifer set pointers
class CWbemPropertyQualifierList { CFlexArray m_QualifierList; public: ~CWbemPropertyQualifierList();
// 06/13/00
HRESULT Add(IWbemQualifierSet* pQualifierSet,WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName); // Add a name to the qualifier list
void Remove(WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName); // Remove a qualifier from the list
IWbemQualifierSet* GetPropertyQualifierSet(WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName); // Get the qualiferset pointer
void RemoveAll(); // Remove all the elements
CQualiferPos * GetQualiferPosObject(WCHAR *pwcsProperty); // Get the CQualifierPos pointer
// Works with just one class
class CWbemClassWrapper {
protected: CWbemClassParameters * m_pParms;
IWbemClassObject * m_pClass; IWbemQualifierSet* m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet; IWbemQualifierSet* m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet; CWbemPropertyQualifierList m_pPropQualifList; CQualiferPos m_QualifierPos;
HRESULT GetClassName(IDispatch *pDisp );
CWbemClassWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p); ~CWbemClassWrapper();
// Utility functions
HRESULT SetClass(IWbemClassObject * p); IWbemClassObject * GetClass() { return m_pClass ;} IWbemClassObject ** GetClassPtr() { return &m_pClass;} virtual HRESULT ValidClass(); WCHAR * GetClassName() { return m_pParms->GetClassName(); } void SetClassName( WCHAR * p ) { m_pParms->SetClassName(p); } DWORD GetFlags() { return m_pParms->GetFlags(); } DWORD GetNavigationFlags() { return m_pParms->GetNavigationFlags(); } DWORD GetQueryFlags() { return m_pParms->GetQueryFlags(); }
// Managing Properties
HRESULT SetProperty(BSTR pProperty, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE lType = -1 );
virtual HRESULT BeginPropertyEnumeration(); virtual HRESULT GetNextProperty(BSTR * pProperty, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); virtual HRESULT EndPropertyEnumeration(); HRESULT DeleteProperty(BSTR pProperty ); virtual HRESULT TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount); HRESULT GetProperty(BSTR pProperty, VARIANT * var, CIMTYPE * pType = NULL ,LONG * plFlavor = NULL );
// Managing Qualifiers
HRESULT SetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR Qualifier, VARIANT * vValue, LONG lQualifierFlags ); HRESULT DeletePropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR Qualifier ); HRESULT TotalPropertyQualifier(BSTR strPropName , ULONG & ulCount ); HRESULT GetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT IsValidPropertyQualifier(BSTR strProperty); void ReleaseAllPropertyQualifiers() { m_pPropQualifList.RemoveAll(); } void ReleasePropertyQualifier(BSTR strQualifier) ;
virtual HRESULT BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(BSTR strPropName); HRESULT GetNextPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty,BSTR * pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT GetPrevPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty,BSTR * pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT GetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty,BSTR PropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT EndPropertyQualifierEnumeration();
HRESULT IsValidClassQualifier(); HRESULT GetNextClassQualifier(BSTR * pClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT GetPrevClassQualifier(BSTR * pClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT GetClassQualifier(BSTR ClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ); HRESULT ReleaseClassQualifier(); HRESULT SetClassQualifier(BSTR Qualifier, VARIANT * vValue, LONG lQualifierFlags );
HRESULT SetQualifierRelPos(DBROWOFFSET lRelPos ,BSTR strQualifierName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(NULL));
HRESULT GetKeyPropertyNames( SAFEARRAY **ppsaNames); CWbemClassWrapper * GetInstance(BSTR strPath); };
// Works with just one class
class CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper : public CWbemClassWrapper { protected: BOOL m_bSchema; public: CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p,BOOL bGetClass = TRUE); ~CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper();
HRESULT Init(BOOL bGetClass) { if(bGetClass) return GetClass(); else return S_OK; }
// Managing classes
HRESULT GetEmptyWbemClass(); HRESULT DeleteClass(); HRESULT GetClass();
HRESULT CreateClass(); HRESULT DeleteClassQualifier(BSTR Qualifier );
HRESULT SetClass( WCHAR *pClassName); HRESULT SaveClass(BOOL bNewClass = TRUE); HRESULT GetInstanceCount(ULONG_PTR &cInstance); BOOL IsClassSchema() { return m_bSchema; }
class CWbemClassInstanceWrapper : public CWbemClassWrapper { public: CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p); ~CWbemClassInstanceWrapper();
IWbemClassObject * GetClassObject() { return m_pClass ;} virtual WCHAR * GetInstanceName() { return GetClassName(); }
virtual HRESULT ResetInstanceFromKey(CBSTR Key); virtual HRESULT GetKey(CBSTR & Key); void SetPos(ULONG_PTR lPos) { m_lPos = lPos; } ULONG_PTR GetPos() { return m_lPos; } virtual HRESULT RefreshInstance(); virtual WCHAR * GetClassName();
DBSTATUS GetStatus() { return m_dwStatus;} void SetStatus(DBSTATUS dwStatus) { m_dwStatus = dwStatus; }
HRESULT CloneInstance(IWbemClassObject *& pInstance); HRESULT GetRelativePath(WCHAR *& pstrRelPath);
protected: ULONG_PTR m_lPos; DBSTATUS m_dwStatus;
class CWbemInstanceList { protected:
CFlexArray m_List; CWbemClassParameters * m_pParms; CRITICAL_SECTION m_InstanceCs; IEnumWbemClassObject * m_ppEnum; ULONG_PTR m_lCurrentPos; FETCHDIRECTION m_FetchDir; int m_nBaseType; ULONG_PTR m_cTotalInstancesInEnum;
public: CWbemInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * p); ~CWbemInstanceList();
// Critical section handling
inline void Enter() {EnterCriticalSection(&m_InstanceCs);} inline void Leave() {LeaveCriticalSection(&m_InstanceCs);}
int TotalInstances();
HRESULT ReleaseAllInstances(); HRESULT ReleaseInstance(CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pClass);
virtual HRESULT Reset(); virtual HRESULT NextInstance(CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** p); virtual HRESULT PrevInstance( CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& p);
HRESULT FindInstancePosition( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pClass, int & nPosition ); HRESULT DeleteInstance( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pClass );
HRESULT AddInstance( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pClass ); HRESULT UpdateInstance(CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInstance , BOOL bNewInst); HRESULT AddInstanceNew( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** ppNewClass ); HRESULT AddNewInstance(CWbemClassWrapper *pClassWrappper ,CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** ppNewClass ); HRESULT ResetRelPosition( DBROWOFFSET lPos );
// CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * AddInstanceToList( IUnknown *pDisp,CBSTR & Key);
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * GetInstance( ULONG_PTR lPos ); HRESULT GetNumberOfInstanceInEnumerator(ULONG_PTR *pcInstance=NULL); FETCHDIRECTION GetCurFetchDirection() { return m_FetchDir; } void SetCurFetchDirection(FETCHDIRECTION FetchDir) { m_FetchDir = FetchDir; } };
// Works with just the rowsets generated by queries
class CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper; class CQuery; class CWbemCommandInstanceList; class CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper; class CWbemCommandParameters; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWbemCommandManager {
public: BOOL ValidQuery(); HRESULT ValidQueryResults();
CWbemCommandManager(CQuery * p); ~CWbemCommandManager();
void Init(CWbemCommandInstanceList * InstanceList, CWbemCommandParameters * pParms,CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper* pDef); HRESULT GetClassDefinitionForQueryResults(); INSTANCELISTTYPE GetObjListType();
CQuery * m_pQuery;
CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper * m_pClassDefinition; CWbemCommandInstanceList * m_pInstanceList; CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper * m_pInstance; CWbemCommandParameters * m_pParms;
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper : public CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper { private: int m_nMaxColumns; CWbemCommandManager * m_pCmdManager; INSTANCELISTTYPE m_objListType; // Method Storing type of the command.
public: CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCommandManager * pWbemCommandManager); ~CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper();
HRESULT ValidClass();
HRESULT TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount); HRESULT SetQueryType(LPCWSTR strQry,GUID QryDialect,LPCWSTR strQryLang = NULL); INSTANCELISTTYPE GetObjListType() { return m_objListType; } };
class CWbemCommandInstanceList: public CWbemInstanceList { private: ULONG m_ulMaxRow; CWbemCommandManager * m_pCmdManager; LPWSTR m_pwstrQuery; // current Query
LPWSTR m_pwstrQueryLanguage;
public: CWbemCommandInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCommandManager * pWbemCommandManager); ~CWbemCommandInstanceList();
HRESULT SetQuery( LPWSTR p,GUID QryDialect,LPCWSTR strQryLang = NULL); WCHAR* GetQuery() { return m_pwstrQuery;} WCHAR* GetQueryLanguage() {return m_pwstrQueryLanguage; } virtual HRESULT Reset();
class CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper : public CWbemClassInstanceWrapper { private: CWbemCommandManager * m_pCmdManager;
public: CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCommandManager * pWbemCommandManager); ~CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper();
virtual WCHAR * GetClassName(); virtual HRESULT GetKey(CBSTR & Key); virtual HRESULT RefreshInstance();
class CWbemCommandParameters :public CWbemClassParameters {
public: CWbemCommandParameters(DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * Connect,CWbemCommandManager * pWbemCommandManager); ~CWbemCommandParameters();
inline CWbemCommandManager * GetCommandManagerPtr() { return m_pCmdManager;}
private: CWbemCommandManager * m_pCmdManager;
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Works with just the rowsets that deal with Methods
class CWbemMethodParameters :public CWbemClassParameters {
public: CWbemMethodParameters(CQuery * p, DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * Connect); ~CWbemMethodParameters();
HRESULT ExtractNamesFromQuery(); HRESULT ValidMethod();
WCHAR * GetInstanceName() { return m_pwcsInstance; } WCHAR * GetMethodName() { return m_pwcsMethod;} CQuery * m_pQuery;
private: WCHAR * m_pwcsInstance; WCHAR * m_pwcsMethod;
class CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper : public CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper { private: int m_nMaxColumns; int m_nCount; IWbemClassObject * m_pInClass;
public: CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper(CWbemMethodParameters * parm); ~CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper();
IWbemClassObject * GetInputClassPtr() { return m_pInClass; }
HRESULT Init(); HRESULT ValidClass();
HRESULT TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount); };
class CWbemMethodInstanceList: public CWbemInstanceList { private: ULONG m_ulMaxRow; CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper * m_pClassDefinition;
public: CWbemMethodInstanceList(CWbemMethodParameters * p,CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper * pDef); ~CWbemMethodInstanceList();
virtual HRESULT Reset(); virtual HRESULT NextInstance(CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** p); virtual HRESULT PrevInstance( CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& p);
HRESULT ProcessInputParameters(IWbemClassObject **ppParamInput); HRESULT ProcessOutputParameters(); HRESULT GetInputParameterName(IWbemClassObject *pObject,DBORDINAL iOrdinal , BSTR &strPropName);
class CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper : public CWbemClassInstanceWrapper { private:
public: CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper(CWbemMethodParameters * p); ~CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper();
virtual HRESULT ResetInstanceFromKey(CBSTR Key); virtual HRESULT RefreshInstance(); virtual WCHAR * GetClassName(); virtual HRESULT GetKey(CBSTR & Key);
class CWbemCollectionInstanceList; class CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper;
// Works with just the rowsets that deal with Methods
class CWbemCollectionParameters : public CWbemClassParameters {
public: CWbemCollectionParameters(DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap ,WCHAR *pClassName); ~CWbemCollectionParameters();
virtual IWbemServices* GetServicesPtr() { return m_pServices;} HRESULT Init(BSTR strPath,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap);
private: IWbemServices * m_pServices;
class CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper : public CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper { private: INSTANCELISTTYPE m_objListType; // Method Storing type of the command.
WCHAR * m_pstrPath;
public: CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p,WCHAR * pstrPath,INSTANCELISTTYPE colType); ~CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper();
HRESULT Initialize(WCHAR * pstrPath); HRESULT ValidClass(); HRESULT TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount); INSTANCELISTTYPE GetObjListType() { return m_objListType; } WCHAR *GetObjectPath() { return m_pstrPath; } };
class CWbemCollectionManager {
CWbemCollectionManager(); ~CWbemCollectionManager();
void Init(CWbemCollectionInstanceList * InstanceList, CWbemCollectionParameters * pParms, CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper * pDef);
INSTANCELISTTYPE GetObjListType() { return m_pClassDefinition->GetObjListType(); } WCHAR *GetObjectPath() { return m_pClassDefinition->GetObjectPath(); }
CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper * m_pClassDefinition; CWbemCollectionInstanceList * m_pInstanceList; CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper * m_pInstance; CWbemCollectionParameters * m_pParms;
class CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper : public CWbemClassInstanceWrapper { private: CWbemCollectionManager * m_pColMgr;
public: CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCollectionManager * pWbemColMgr = NULL); ~CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper();
virtual WCHAR * GetClassName(); virtual HRESULT GetKey(CBSTR & Key); virtual HRESULT RefreshInstance();
// Class to represent instance list for scope/collection
class CWbemCollectionInstanceList: public CWbemInstanceList { private: CWbemCollectionManager *m_pColMgr;
public: CWbemCollectionInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCollectionManager * pCollectionMgr); ~CWbemCollectionInstanceList(); virtual HRESULT Reset();