// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Hashing routines for row manipulation.
#include "headers.h"
#include "hashtbl.h"
// Constructor
_COLUMNDATA::_COLUMNDATA() { dwLength = 0; dwStatus = 0; dwType = 0; pbData= NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Destructor
_COLUMNDATA::~_COLUMNDATA() { CDataMap Map; Map.FreeData(dwType,pbData); }
// Function to set column information for the current column
// NTRaid:111827 111828
// 06/07/00
HRESULT _COLUMNDATA::SetData(CVARIANT & vVar , DWORD dwColType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CDataMap Map; // NTRaid:111828
// 06/13/00
WORD wType = -1; // NTRaid:111827
// 06/13/00
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
dwStatus = E_UNEXPECTED;
// This will set the type of the column in _COLUMNDATA
hr = Map.MapCIMTypeToOLEDBType(vVar.GetType(),wType,dwLength,dwFlags); dwType = wType; if( dwColType == CIM_DATETIME || dwColType == DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP) { dwType = CIM_DATETIME; }
// This is done so as AllocateAndMapCIMTypeToOLEDBType should convert from
// Variant DATE format to DBTIMESTAMP format
if( vVar.GetType() == VT_DATE) { dwType = VT_DATE; }
if( dwColType == VT_VARIANT) { dwType = (DBTYPE)dwColType; }
if(dwColType == CIM_IUNKNOWN) { dwType = CIM_IUNKNOWN; }
hr = Map.AllocateAndMapCIMTypeToOLEDBType(vVar,pbData,dwType, dwLength,dwFlags); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ //=============================================================================
// SetData returns the status of the Data setting if it has not failed
dwStatus = hr;
if((dwColType == (CIM_DATETIME | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) || (dwColType == (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) ) { dwType = (DBTYPE)dwColType; } else if(dwType == CIM_IUNKNOWN) { dwType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN; } hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
// Function to reset the column data. This frees column data
void _COLUMNDATA::ReleaseColumnData( ) { CDataMap Map; if(pbData != NULL) { Map.FreeData(dwType,pbData); } }
// Get pointer to a particular columndata
PCOLUMNDATA tagRowBuff::GetColumnData(int iCol) { return (pdData + iCol); }
// Set the rowdata pointer
HRESULT tagRowBuff::SetRowData(PCOLUMNDATA pColData) { pdData = pColData; return S_OK; }
// Allocates a contiguous block of the required number of slots.
// Returns one of the following values:
// S_OK slot allocate succeeded
// E_OUTOFMEMORY slot allocation failed because of memory allocation problem
HRESULT GetNextSlots ( PLSTSLOT plstslot, //IN slot list
HSLOT cslot, //IN needed block size (in slots)
HSLOT* pislot //IN handle of the first slot in the returned block
) { HSLOT islot, dslot; PSLOT pslot, pslotTmp; LONG_PTR cbCommit; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (plstslot->islotRov) { plstslot->islotRov = ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(plstslot->islotRov * plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotNext; } else { plstslot->islotRov = plstslot->islotFirst; }
islot = plstslot->islotRov; while (islot) { if (((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->cslot >= cslot) { break; } islot = ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotNext; } if (islot == 0) { islot = plstslot->islotFirst; while (islot != plstslot->islotRov) { if (((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->cslot >= cslot) { break; } islot = ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotNext; } if (islot == plstslot->islotRov) islot = 0; }
if (islot == 0) { cbCommit = ((cslot *plstslot->cbSlot) / plstslot->cbPage + 1) *plstslot->cbPage; if ((plstslot->cbCommitCurrent + cbCommit) > plstslot->cbCommitMax || VirtualAlloc((VOID *) ((BYTE *) plstslot + plstslot->cbCommitCurrent), cbCommit, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ) == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } else { islot = (HSLOT) ((plstslot->cbCommitCurrent + plstslot->cbExtra) / plstslot->cbSlot); dslot = ((cbCommit + plstslot->cbslotLeftOver) / plstslot->cbSlot); if ((plstslot->pbitsSlot)->IsSlotSet( islot - 1 ) != NOERROR) { if ((plstslot->pbitsSlot)->FindSet( islot - 1, plstslot->islotMin, &islot ) == NOERROR) { islot++; } else { islot = plstslot->islotMin; } pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot += dslot; DecoupleSlot( plstslot, islot, pslot ); } else { // pslot = (PSLOT) ((BYTE *) plstslot + plstslot->cbCommitCurrent - plstslot->cbslotLeftOver);
pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot = dslot; }
pslot->islotNext = plstslot->islotFirst; pslot->islotPrev = 0;
plstslot->islotMax += dslot; plstslot->islotFirst = islot; plstslot->cbslotLeftOver = (cbCommit + plstslot->cbslotLeftOver) % plstslot->cbSlot; plstslot->cbCommitCurrent += cbCommit;
if (pslot->islotNext) { ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(pslot->islotNext *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotPrev = islot; } islot = plstslot->islotFirst; } } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; DecoupleSlot( plstslot, islot, pslot ); if (pslot->cslot > cslot) { pslotTmp = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[ ((islot + cslot) *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslotTmp->cslot = pslot->cslot - cslot; AddSlotToList( plstslot, islot + cslot, pslotTmp ); }
if (SUCCEEDED( hr = (plstslot->pbitsSlot)->SetSlots( islot, islot + cslot - 1 ))) { if (pislot) { *pislot = islot; } } } return hr; }
// Decouples a slot from the list of free slots
VOID DecoupleSlot ( PLSTSLOT plstslot, //IN slot list
HSLOT islot, //IN slot handle to decouple
PSLOT pslot //IN pointer to the slot header
) { PSLOT slotTemp = NULL; if (pslot->islotNext) { slotTemp = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(pslot->islotNext *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; slotTemp->islotNext = pslot->islotPrev; ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(pslot->islotNext *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotPrev = pslot->islotPrev; } if (pslot->islotPrev) { ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(pslot->islotPrev *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotNext = pslot->islotNext; } else { plstslot->islotFirst = pslot->islotNext; } if (islot == plstslot->islotRov) { plstslot->islotRov = pslot->islotNext; } }
// Adds a slot to the list of free slots
VOID AddSlotToList ( PLSTSLOT plstslot, //IN slot list
HSLOT islot, //IN slot handle
PSLOT pslot //IN pointer to the slot header
) { pslot->islotPrev = 0; pslot->islotNext = plstslot->islotFirst; plstslot->islotFirst = islot; if (pslot->islotNext) { ((PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(pslot->islotNext *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)])->islotPrev = islot; } }
// ReleaseSlots
// Releases a contiguous block of slots.
// Returns one of the following values:
// S_OK | method succeeded
HRESULT ReleaseSlots ( PLSTSLOT plstslot, //IN slot list
HSLOT islot, //IN handle of first slot to release
ULONG_PTR cslot //IN count of slots to release
) { PSLOT pslot, pslotTmp;
(plstslot->pbitsSlot)->ResetSlots( islot, islot + cslot - 1 ); pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot * plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot = cslot;
if (islot > plstslot->islotMin && (plstslot->pbitsSlot)->IsSlotSet( islot - 1 ) != NOERROR) { if ((plstslot->pbitsSlot)->FindSet( islot - 1, plstslot->islotMin, &islot ) == NOERROR) { islot++; } else { islot = plstslot->islotMin; } pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islot * plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot += cslot; DecoupleSlot( plstslot, islot, pslot ); } else if ((islot + cslot) <= (ULONG_PTR)plstslot->islotMax && (plstslot->pbitsSlot)->IsSlotSet( islot + cslot ) != NOERROR) { pslotTmp = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[ ((islot + cslot) *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot += pslotTmp->cslot; DecoupleSlot( plstslot, (islot + cslot), pslotTmp ); }
AddSlotToList( plstslot, islot, pslot ); return S_OK ; }
// Initializes the Slot List object
// Did the initialization succeed
// S_OK | method succeeded
// E_OUTOFMEMORY | failed, out of memory
HRESULT InitializeSlotList( ULONG_PTR cslotMax, //IN max number of slots
ULONG_PTR cbSlot, //IN slot size (row buffer size)
ULONG_PTR cbPage, //IN page size
PLSTSLOT* pplstslot, //OUT pointer to slot list
BYTE** prgslot //OUT
) { LONG_PTR cbReserve; BYTE * pbAlloc; ULONG_PTR cbCommitFirst; PLSTSLOT plstslot; ULONG_PTR cslot, islotFirst; PSLOT pslot; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (cbPage == 0) { SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
GetSystemInfo( &sysinfo ); cbPage = sysinfo.dwPageSize; }
// Add in the LSTSLOT and SLOT
cbSlot = cbSlot + (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )); cbReserve = ((cslotMax *(cbSlot + (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )))) / cbPage + 1) *cbPage;
pbAlloc = (BYTE *) VirtualAlloc( NULL, cbReserve, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (pbAlloc == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } else {
cbCommitFirst = ((sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )) / cbPage + 1) * cbPage; plstslot = (PLSTSLOT) VirtualAlloc( pbAlloc, cbCommitFirst, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (plstslot == NULL) { VirtualFree((VOID *) pbAlloc, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } else {
plstslot->cbSlot = cbSlot; plstslot->cbPage = cbPage; plstslot->cbCommitCurrent = cbCommitFirst; plstslot->cbCommitMax = cbReserve; plstslot->pbitsSlot = pbits;
if (cbSlot <= 2*(sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT ))) { islotFirst = (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )) / cbSlot + (((sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )) % cbSlot) ? 1 : 0); plstslot->cbExtra = 0; cslot = (ULONG_PTR) ((cbCommitFirst / cbSlot) - islotFirst); plstslot->cbslotLeftOver = cbCommitFirst - cbSlot * (cslot + islotFirst); } else { islotFirst = 1; plstslot->cbExtra = cbSlot - (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )); cslot = (cbCommitFirst - (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT ))) / cbSlot; plstslot->cbslotLeftOver = cbCommitFirst - (sizeof( LSTSLOT ) + sizeof( SLOT )) - cslot*cbSlot; } plstslot->rgslot = ((BYTE *) plstslot - plstslot->cbExtra); if (cslot) { plstslot->islotFirst = islotFirst; pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(islotFirst *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot = cslot; pslot->islotNext = 0; pslot->islotPrev = 0; } else { plstslot->islotFirst = 0; } plstslot->islotMin = islotFirst; plstslot->islotMax = islotFirst + cslot - 1; plstslot->islotRov = plstslot->islotFirst;
*pplstslot = plstslot; *prgslot = plstslot->rgslot; } } return hr ; }
// Restore slot list to newly-initiated state
// S_OK | method succeeded
HRESULT ResetSlotList ( PLSTSLOT plstslot ) { ULONG_PTR cslot; PSLOT pslot;
cslot = (plstslot->islotMax >= plstslot->islotMin) ? (plstslot->islotMax - plstslot->islotMin + 1) : 0; if (cslot) { plstslot->islotFirst = plstslot->islotMin; pslot = (PSLOT) & plstslot->rgslot[(plstslot->islotFirst *plstslot->cbSlot)-sizeof(SLOT)]; pslot->cslot = cslot; pslot->islotNext = 0; pslot->islotPrev = 0; } else { plstslot->islotFirst = 0; }
plstslot->islotRov = plstslot->islotFirst; return S_OK ; }
// Free slot list's memory
// S_OK | method succeeded
HRESULT ReleaseSlotList ( PLSTSLOT plstslot ) { if (plstslot != NULL) { if (plstslot->cbCommitCurrent) { VirtualFree((VOID *) plstslot, plstslot->cbCommitCurrent, MEM_DECOMMIT ); }
VirtualFree((VOID *) plstslot, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); } return S_OK ; }
// gets the buffer address for the slot
ROWBUFF* GetRowBuffer(PLSTSLOT plstslot , HSLOT islot) { BYTE *pTemp = & (plstslot->rgslot[(islot * plstslot->cbSlot)]); ROWBUFF * pBuff = (ROWBUFF *)&(plstslot->rgslot[(islot * plstslot->cbSlot)]); return pBuff; }
//////////// CHashTbl Implementation /////////
// CHashTbl::CHashTbl
// @mfunc CHashTbl constructor.
// @rdesc NONE
CHashTbl::CHashTbl() { m_rgwHash = NULL; m_ulTableSize = 0; }
// CHashTbl::~CHashTbl
// @mfunc CHashTbl destructor.
// @rdesc NONE
CHashTbl::~CHashTbl() { if (m_rgwHash) g_pIMalloc->Free(m_rgwHash); }
// CHashTbl::FInit
// Initialize the Hashtable object.
// Did the Initialization Succeed
// TRUE Initialization succeeded
// FALSE Initializtion failed
BOOL CHashTbl::FInit(PLSTSLOT pLstSlot) {
// Initialize the hashtable size
m_ulTableSize = HASHTBLSIZE;
// Allocate the table.
m_rgwHash = (USHORT*)g_pIMalloc->Alloc(m_ulTableSize*sizeof(USHORT)); if (m_rgwHash == NULL) { bRet = FALSE; } else { memset(m_rgwHash, 0x00, m_ulTableSize*sizeof(USHORT)); // Initialize.
m_pLstSlot = pLstSlot; }
return bRet; }
// CHashTbl::InsertFindBmk
// Either only check if a given bookmark is already in the hashtable
// (fFindOnly = TRUE), or check, and if it is not there, insert.
// Returns one of the following values:
// S_OK Bookmark found in the hashtable,
// S_FALSE Bookmark not found, if fFindOnly = FALSE, the new row
// with this bookmark was inserted in the table.
STDMETHODIMP CHashTbl::InsertFindBmk ( BOOL fFindOnly, //@parm IN | FindOnly or Find/Insert
HSLOT iSlot, //@parm IN | handle of the rowbuffer to be inserted
ULONG_PTR cbBmk, //@parm IN | bookmark length
BYTE *pbBmk, //@parm IN | bookmark pointer
ULONG_PTR *pirowSlotFound //@parm OUT | if bookmark found returns handle of the
// row that contains the bookmark
) { //NTRaid:111766
// 06/07/00
DBHASHVALUE BmkHash = 0; HROW iSlotCurr = 0; PROWBUFF prowbuffCur = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
assert(cbBmk == BOOKMARKSIZE && pbBmk); assert(pirowSlotFound);
// Hash the bookmark. The hash value indexes the hashtable element which, if
// not empty, will contain the handle to the beginning of the list of rows whose
// bookmarks hash to the same value.
HashBmk(cbBmk, pbBmk, &BmkHash); assert(BmkHash <= m_ulTableSize);
iSlotCurr = m_rgwHash[BmkHash]; // If the entry is non-zero, search the corresponding list for this bookmark.
if (iSlotCurr) { prowbuffCur = GetRowBuffer(m_pLstSlot,iSlotCurr); iSlotCurr = 0; // Walk the overflow list looking for bookmark match.
while (prowbuffCur) { assert(prowbuffCur->dwBmk && "Error attempting to compare bookmark on invalid row"); // Compare the bookmarks
if (cbBmk == prowbuffCur->cbBmk && cbBmk == BOOKMARKSIZE && memcmp(&(prowbuffCur->dwBmk), pbBmk , BOOKMARKSIZE) == 0) { iSlotCurr = prowbuffCur->ulSlot; break; } prowbuffCur = prowbuffCur->prowbuffNext; } }
// No insertion in the hashtable is needed or necessary.
if (fFindOnly || iSlotCurr) { *pirowSlotFound = iSlotCurr; // Return the index of the rowbuffer that has
// this bookmark, or 0 if none.
hr = iSlotCurr ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } else {
// Get the pointer to the row to be inserted.
prowbuffCur = GetRowBuffer(m_pLstSlot,iSlot); // Initialize the new node for the list.
if (m_rgwHash[BmkHash]) { prowbuffCur->prowbuffNext = GetRowBuffer(m_pLstSlot,(ULONG)MAKELONG(m_rgwHash[BmkHash], 0)); } else { prowbuffCur->prowbuffNext = NULL; }
prowbuffCur->wBmkHash = (USHORT)BmkHash; prowbuffCur->ulSlot = iSlot;
// Always insert a new node at the beginning of the list.
m_rgwHash[BmkHash] = LOWORD(iSlot);
*pirowSlotFound = iSlot; }
// S_FALSE signifies that originally there was no row with this bookmark
// in the hashtable.
return hr; }
// CRowset::HashBmk
// Hashes a fixed-size bookmark for a table of given size.
// Returns one of the following values:
// S_OK Hashing succeeded,
// E_INVALIDARG Hashing failed because the bookmark was invalid
// or the pointer to bookmark was NULL.
STDMETHODIMP CHashTbl::HashBmk ( DBBKMARK cbBmk, const BYTE *pbBmk, DBHASHVALUE *pdwHashedValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (cbBmk != BOOKMARKSIZE || pbBmk == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { assert(pdwHashedValue);
*pdwHashedValue = (*(UNALIGNED ULONG*)pbBmk) % m_ulTableSize; } return hr; }
// CHashTbl::DeleteBmk
// Delete a bookmark corresponding to a given row from the hashtable.
// Returns one of the following values:
// S_OK Bookmark was found and deleted from the hashtable,
// S_FALSE Bookmark was not found in the hashtable.
STDMETHODIMP CHashTbl::DeleteBmk ( HSLOT ulSlot //@parm IN | handle of the rowbuffer with bookmark to be deleted.
) { HSLOT iSlotCur; USHORT wBmkHash; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PROWBUFF * pprowbuffCur, prowbuffFirst;
wBmkHash = GetRowBuffer(m_pLstSlot,ulSlot)->wBmkHash; iSlotCur = MAKELONG(m_rgwHash[wBmkHash], 0); //==============================================================
// If there is a non-zero entry search the corresponding list.
if (ulSlot) { pprowbuffCur = &prowbuffFirst; prowbuffFirst = GetRowBuffer(m_pLstSlot,iSlotCur); while (*pprowbuffCur) { //===========================================================
// To delete a row under a given index just compare indices,
// no need to look at bookmarks.
if (ulSlot == (*pprowbuffCur)->ulSlot) { break; } pprowbuffCur = &(*pprowbuffCur)->prowbuffNext; } if (*pprowbuffCur == NULL) { hr = S_FALSE; } } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
if(hr == S_OK) { // Remove the row from the list.
if (pprowbuffCur == &prowbuffFirst) { m_rgwHash[wBmkHash] = (USHORT)((prowbuffFirst->prowbuffNext) ? (prowbuffFirst->prowbuffNext)->ulSlot : 0); } else { *pprowbuffCur = (*pprowbuffCur)->prowbuffNext; } } return hr; }