Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Revision History:
8/7/1998 Elliot Shmukler (t-ellios) Added Hiber file compression
#include "bldr.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "xpress.h"
extern UCHAR WakeDispatcherStart; extern UCHAR WakeDispatcherEnd;
// Hiber globals
// HiberFile - File handle
// HiberBuffer - PAGE of ram
// HiberIoError - Set to true to indicate an IO read error occured during restore
ULONG HiberFile; PUCHAR HiberBuffer; ULONG HiberBufferPage; BOOLEAN HiberIoError; BOOLEAN HiberOutOfRemap; BOOLEAN HiberAbort; LARGE_INTEGER HiberStartTime; LARGE_INTEGER HiberEndTime;
// HiberImageFeatureFlags - Feature flags from hiber image header
// HiberBreakOnWake - BreakOnWake flag from hiber image header
BOOLEAN HiberBreakOnWake; ULONG HiberImageFeatureFlags;
#if defined(_ALPHA_) || defined(_IA64_)
// On Alpha, the address of the KPROCESSOR_STATE read from the hiber file
// must be saved where WakeDispatch can find it (it's at a fixed offset
// relative to HiberVa on x86).
#else // x86
// HiberPtes - Virtual address of ptes to use for restoriation. There
// are at least HIBER_PTES consecutive ptes for use, and are for the
// address of HiberVa
// HiberVa - The virtual address the HiberPtes map
// HiberIdentityVa - The restoration images HiberVa
// HiberPageFrames - Page frames of the hiber ptes (does not include dest pte)
PVOID HiberPtes; PUCHAR HiberVa; PVOID HiberIdentityVa; ULONG HiberPageFrames[HIBER_PTES];
#endif // Alpha/x86
PFN_NUMBER HiberImagePageSelf; ULONG HiberNoMappings; ULONG HiberFirstRemap; ULONG HiberLastRemap;
VOID BlUpdateProgressBar( ULONG fPercentage );
VOID BlOutputStartupMsg( ULONG uMsgID );
VOID BlOutputTrailerMsg( ULONG uMsgID );
// Defines for Hiber restore UI
ULONG HbCurrentScreen;
#define BAR_X 7
#define BAR_Y 10
#define PAUSE_X 7
#define PAUSE_Y 7
#define FAULT_X 7
#define FAULT_Y 7
UCHAR szHiberDebug[] = "debug"; UCHAR szHiberFileName[] = "\\hiberfil.sys";
// HiberFile Compression Related definnes
#define PAGE_MASK (PAGE_SIZE - 1)
#define PAGE_PAGES(n) (((n) + PAGE_MASK) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
// The size of the buffer for compressed data
// Buffer to store decoded data
typedef struct { PUCHAR DataPtr, PreallocatedDataBuffer; LONG DataSize;
struct { struct { LONG Size; ULONG Checksum; } Compressed, Uncompressed;
LONG XpressEncoded; } Header;
LONG DelayedCnt; // # of delayed pages
ULONG DelayedChecksum; // last checksum value
ULONG DelayedBadChecksum;
struct { PUCHAR DestVa; // delayed DestVa
PFN_NUMBER DestPage;// delayed page number
ULONG RangeCheck; // last range checksum
LONG Flags; // 1 = clear checksum, 2 = compare checksum
typedef struct { struct { PUCHAR Beg; PUCHAR End; } Current, Buffer, Aligned; PFN_NUMBER FilePage; BOOLEAN NeedSeek; } COMPRESSED_BUFFER, *PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER;
// Internal prototypes
#if !defined (HIBER_DEBUG)
#define CHECK_ERROR(a,b) if(a) { *Information = __LINE__; return b; }
#define DBGOUT(_x_)
#define CHECK_ERROR(a,b) if(a) {HbPrintMsg(b);HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n")); *Information = __LINE__; HbPause(); return b; }
#define DBGOUT(_x_) BlPrint _x_
ULONG HbRestoreFile ( IN PULONG Information, OUT OPTIONAL PCHAR *BadLinkName );
VOID HbPrint ( IN _PTUCHAR str );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedPageLZNT1 ( PUCHAR DestVa, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedChunkLZNT1 ( PUCHAR DestVa, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedPages ( LONG BytesNeeded, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedBlock ( PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
BOOLEAN HbReadDelayedBlock ( BOOLEAN ForceDecoding, PFN_NUMBER DestPage, ULONG RangeCheck, PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedBlockHeader ( PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer );
ULONG BlHiberRestore ( IN ULONG DriveId, OUT PCHAR *BadLinkName );
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedChunk ( PUCHAR DestVa, PPFN_NUMBER FilePage, PUCHAR CompressBuffer, PULONG DataOffset, PULONG BufferOffset, ULONG MaxOffset );
// HIBER_DEBUG bit mask:
// 2 - general bogosity
// 4 - remap trace
VOID HbFlowControl(VOID) { UCHAR c; ULONG count;
if (ArcGetReadStatus(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT) == ESUCCESS) { ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &c, 1, &count); if (c == 'S' - 0x40) { ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &c, 1, &count); } } }
VOID HbPause(VOID) { UCHAR c; ULONG count;
DbgBreakPoint(); #else
HbPrint(TEXT("Press any key to continue . . .")); ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &c, 1, &count); HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n")); #endif
VOID HbPrintNum(ULONG n) { TCHAR buf[9];
_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%ld"), n); HbPrint(buf); HbFlowControl(); }
VOID HbPrintHex(ULONG n) { TCHAR buf[11];
_stprintf(buf, TEXT("0x%08lX"), n); HbPrint(buf); HbFlowControl(); }
#define SHOWNUM(x) ((void) (HbPrint(#x TEXT(" = ")), HbPrintNum((ULONG) (x)), HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n"))))
#define SHOWHEX(x) ((void) (HbPrint(#x TEXT(" = ")), HbPrintHex((ULONG) (x)), HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n"))))
#endif // HIBER_DEBUG
#if !defined(i386) && !defined(_ALPHA_)
ULONG HbSimpleCheck ( IN ULONG PartialSum, IN PVOID SourceVa, IN ULONG Length ); #else
// Use the TCP/IP Check Sum routine if available
ULONG tcpxsum( IN ULONG cksum, IN PUCHAR buf, IN ULONG len );
#define HbSimpleCheck(a,b,c) tcpxsum(a,(PUCHAR)b,c)
VOID HbReadPage ( IN PFN_NUMBER PageNo, IN PUCHAR Buffer );
VOID HbSetImageSignature ( IN ULONG NewSignature );
VOID HbPrint ( IN _PTUCHAR str ) { ULONG Junk;
ArcWrite ( BlConsoleOutDeviceId, str, _tcslen(str)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Junk ); }
VOID HbPrintChar (_TUCHAR chr) { ULONG Junk;
ArcWrite( BlConsoleOutDeviceId, &chr, sizeof(_TUCHAR), &Junk ); }
VOID HbPrintMsg ( IN ULONG MsgNo ) { PTCHAR Str;
Str = BlFindMessage(MsgNo); if (Str) { HbPrint (Str); } }
VOID HbScreen ( IN ULONG Screen ) {
UCHAR Buffer[100]; int i, ii;
#if defined(HIBER_DEBUG)
HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n")); HbPause(); #endif
HbCurrentScreen = Screen; BlSetInverseMode (FALSE); BlPositionCursor (1, 1); BlClearToEndOfScreen(); BlPositionCursor (1, 3); HbPrintMsg(Screen); }
ULONG HbSelection ( ULONG x, ULONG y, PULONG Sel, ULONG Debug ) { ULONG CurSel, MaxSel; ULONG i; UCHAR Key; PUCHAR pDebug;
for (MaxSel=0; Sel[MaxSel]; MaxSel++) ; MaxSel -= Debug; pDebug = szHiberDebug;
#if DBG
MaxSel += Debug; Debug = 0; #endif
CurSel = 0; for (; ;) { //
// Draw selections
for (i=0; i < MaxSel; i++) { BlPositionCursor (x, y+i); BlSetInverseMode ((BOOLEAN) (CurSel == i) ); HbPrintMsg(Sel[i]); }
// Get a key
ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &i); if (Key == ASCI_CSI_IN) { ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &i); switch (Key) { case 'A': //
// Cursor up
CurSel -= 1; if (CurSel >= MaxSel) { CurSel = MaxSel-1; } break;
case 'B': //
// Cursor down
CurSel += 1; if (CurSel >= MaxSel) { CurSel = 0; } break; } } else { if (Key == *pDebug) { pDebug++; if (!*pDebug) { MaxSel += Debug; Debug = 0; } } else { pDebug = szHiberDebug; }
switch (Key) { case ASCII_LF: case ASCII_CR: BlSetInverseMode (FALSE); BlPositionCursor (1, 2); BlClearToEndOfScreen (); if (Sel[CurSel] == HIBER_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_WAKE) { HiberBreakOnWake = TRUE; }
return CurSel; } } } }
VOID HbCheckForPause ( VOID ) { ULONG uSel = 0; UCHAR Key; ULONG Sel[4]; BOOLEAN bPaused = FALSE;
// Check for space bar
if (ArcGetReadStatus(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT) == ESUCCESS) { ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &uSel);
switch (Key) { // space bar pressed
case ' ': bPaused = TRUE; break;
// user pressed F5/F8 key
case ASCI_CSI_IN: ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &uSel);
if(Key == 'O') { ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &uSel); bPaused = (Key == 'r' || Key == 't'); }
default: bPaused = FALSE; break; }
if (bPaused) { Sel[0] = HIBER_CONTINUE; Sel[1] = HIBER_CANCEL; Sel[2] = HIBER_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_WAKE; Sel[3] = 0;
uSel = HbSelection (PAUSE_X, PAUSE_Y, Sel, 1);
if (uSel == 1) { HiberIoError = TRUE; HiberAbort = TRUE; return ; } else { BlSetInverseMode(FALSE);
// restore hiber progress screen
BlOutputStartupMsg(BL_MSG_RESUMING_WINDOWS); BlOutputTrailerMsg(BL_ADVANCED_BOOT_MESSAGE); } } } }
ULONG BlHiberRestore ( IN ULONG DriveId, OUT PCHAR *BadLinkName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks DriveId for a valid hiberfile.sys and if found start the restoration procedure
--*/ { extern BOOLEAN BlOutputDots; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Msg; ULONG Information; ULONG Sel[2]; BOOLEAN bDots = BlOutputDots;
// If restore was aborted once, don't bother
#if defined (HIBER_DEBUG)
HbPrint(TEXT("BlHiberRestore\r\n")); #endif
if (HiberAbort) { return ESUCCESS; }
// Get the hiber image. If not present, done.
Status = BlOpen (DriveId, szHiberFileName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &HiberFile); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { #if defined (HIBER_DEBUG)
HbPrint(TEXT("No hiber image file.\r\n")); #endif
return ESUCCESS; }
// Restore the hiber image
BlOutputDots = TRUE; //
// Set the global flag to allow blmemory.c to grab from the right
// part of the buffer
Msg = HbRestoreFile (&Information, BadLinkName);
BlOutputDots = bDots;
if (Msg) { BlSetInverseMode (FALSE);
if (!HiberAbort) { HbScreen(HIBER_ERROR); HbPrintMsg(Msg); Sel[0] = HIBER_CANCEL; Sel[1] = 0; HbSelection (FAULT_X, FAULT_Y, Sel, 0); } HbSetImageSignature (0); }
BlClose (HiberFile); BlRestoring=FALSE; return Msg ? EAGAIN : ESUCCESS; }
#if !defined(i386) && !defined(_ALPHA_)
ULONG HbSimpleCheck ( IN ULONG PartialSum, IN PVOID SourceVa, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
Computes a checksum for the supplied virtual address and length
This function comes from Dr. Dobbs Journal, May 1992
--*/ {
Source = (PUSHORT) SourceVa; Length = Length / 2;
while (Length--) { PartialSum += *Source++; PartialSum = (PartialSum >> 16) + (PartialSum & 0xFFFF); }
return PartialSum; } #endif // i386
VOID HbReadPage ( IN PFN_NUMBER PageNo, IN PUCHAR Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function reads the specified page from the hibernation file
PageNo - Page number to read
Buffer - Buffer to read the data
Return Value:
On success Buffer, else HbIoError set to TRUE
--*/ { ULONG Status; ULONG Count; LARGE_INTEGER li;
li.QuadPart = PageNo << PAGE_SHIFT; Status = BlSeek (HiberFile, &li, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { HiberIoError = TRUE; }
Status = BlRead (HiberFile, Buffer, PAGE_SIZE, &Count); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { HiberIoError = TRUE; } }
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedPages ( LONG BytesNeeded, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine makes sure that BytesNeeded bytes are available in CompressedBuffer and brings in more pages from Hiber file if necessary.
All reads from the Hiber file occurr at the file's current offset forcing compressed pages to be read in a continuous fashion without extraneous file seeks.
BytesNeeded - Number of bytes that must be present in CompressedBuffer CompressedBuffer - Descriptor of data already brought in
Return Value:
TRUE if the operation is successful, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { LONG BytesLeft; LONG BytesRequested; ULONG Status; LONG MaxBytes;
// Obtain number of bytes left in buffer
BytesLeft = (LONG) (CompressedBuffer->Current.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg);
// Obtain number of bytes that are needed but not available
BytesNeeded -= BytesLeft;
// Preserve amount of bytes caller needs (BytesNeeded may be changed later)
BytesRequested = BytesNeeded;
// Do we need to read more?
if (BytesNeeded <= 0) { // No, do nothing
return(TRUE); }
// Align BytesNeeded on page boundary
BytesNeeded = (BytesNeeded + PAGE_MASK) & ~PAGE_MASK;
// Copy left bytes to the beginning of aligned buffer retaining page alignment
if (BytesLeft == 0) { CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg = CompressedBuffer->Current.End = CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg; } else { LONG BytesBeforeBuffer = (LONG)(CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg - CompressedBuffer->Buffer.Beg) & ~PAGE_MASK; LONG BytesLeftAligned = (BytesLeft + PAGE_MASK) & ~PAGE_MASK; LONG BytesToCopy; PUCHAR Dst, Src;
// Find out how many pages we may keep before aligned buffer
if (BytesBeforeBuffer >= BytesLeftAligned) { BytesBeforeBuffer = BytesLeftAligned; }
// Avoid misaligned data accesses during copy
BytesToCopy = (BytesLeft + 63) & ~63;
Dst = CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg + BytesLeftAligned - BytesBeforeBuffer - BytesToCopy; Src = CompressedBuffer->Current.End - BytesToCopy;
if (Dst != Src) { RtlMoveMemory (Dst, Src, BytesToCopy); BytesLeftAligned = (LONG) (Dst - Src); CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg += BytesLeftAligned; CompressedBuffer->Current.End += BytesLeftAligned; } }
// Increase the number of bytes read to fill our buffer up to the next
// 64K boundary.
MaxBytes = (LONG)((((ULONG_PTR)CompressedBuffer->Current.End + 0x10000) & 0xffff) - (ULONG_PTR)CompressedBuffer->Current.End); if (MaxBytes > CompressedBuffer->Buffer.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.End) { MaxBytes = (LONG)(CompressedBuffer->Buffer.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.End); } if (MaxBytes > BytesNeeded) { BytesNeeded = MaxBytes; }
#if 0
// for debugging only
if (0x10000 - (((LONG) CompressedBuffer->Current.End) & 0xffff) < BytesNeeded) { BlPrint (("Current.Beg = %p, Current.End = %p, Current.End2 = %p\n", CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg, CompressedBuffer->Current.End, CompressedBuffer->Current.End + BytesNeeded )); } #endif
// Make sure we have enough space
if (BytesNeeded > CompressedBuffer->Buffer.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.End) { // Too many bytes to read -- should never happen, but just in case...
DBGOUT (("Too many bytes to read -- corrupted data?\n")); return(FALSE); }
// Issue seek if necessary
if (CompressedBuffer->NeedSeek) { LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = CompressedBuffer->FilePage << PAGE_SHIFT; Status = BlSeek (HiberFile, &li, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { DBGOUT (("Seek to 0x%x error 0x%x\n", CompressedBuffer->FilePage, Status)); HiberIoError = TRUE; return(FALSE); } CompressedBuffer->NeedSeek = FALSE; }
// Read in stuff from the Hiber file into the available buffer space
Status = BlRead (HiberFile, CompressedBuffer->Current.End, BytesNeeded, &BytesNeeded);
// Check for I/O errors...
if (Status != ESUCCESS || (BytesNeeded & PAGE_MASK) != 0 || BytesNeeded < BytesRequested) { // I/O Error - FAIL.
DBGOUT (("Read error: Status = 0x%x, ReadBytes = 0x%x, Requested = 0x%x\n", Status, BytesNeeded, BytesRequested)); HiberIoError = TRUE; return(FALSE); }
// I/O was good - recalculate buffer offsets based on how much
// stuff was actually read in
CompressedBuffer->Current.End += BytesNeeded; CompressedBuffer->FilePage += (BytesNeeded >> PAGE_SHIFT);
return(TRUE); }
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedBlockHeader ( PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read next compressed block header if it's Xpress compression.
Arguments: Block - Descriptor of compressed data block
CompressedBuffer - Descriptor of data already brought in
Return Value:
TRUE if block is not Xpress block at all or valid Xpress block, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { PUCHAR Buffer; LONG CompressedSize; // they all must be signed -- do not change to ULONG
LONG UncompressedSize; ULONG PackedSizes;
// First make sure next compressed data block header is available
if (!HbReadNextCompressedPages (XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE, CompressedBuffer)) { // I/O error or bad header -- FAIL
return(FALSE); }
// Set pointer to the beginning of buffer
Buffer = CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg;
// Check header magic
if (!Block->Header.XpressEncoded) { // Not Xpress -- return OK
return(TRUE); }
// Skip magic string -- we will not need it anymore
// Read sizes of compressed and uncompressed data
PackedSizes = Buffer[0] + (Buffer[1] << 8) + (Buffer[2] << 16) + (Buffer[3] << 24); CompressedSize = (LONG) (PackedSizes >> 10) + 1; UncompressedSize = ((LONG) (PackedSizes & 1023) + 1) << PAGE_SHIFT;
Block->Header.Compressed.Size = CompressedSize; Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size = UncompressedSize;
// Read checksums
Block->Header.Uncompressed.Checksum = Buffer[4] + (Buffer[5] << 8); Block->Header.Compressed.Checksum = Buffer[6] + (Buffer[7] << 8);
// Clear space occupied by compressed checksum
Buffer[6] = Buffer[7] = 0;
// Make sure sizes are in correct range
if (UncompressedSize > XPRESS_MAX_SIZE || CompressedSize > UncompressedSize || CompressedSize == 0 || UncompressedSize == 0) { // broken input data -- do not even try to decompress
DBGOUT (("Corrupted header: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", Buffer[0], Buffer[1], Buffer[2], Buffer[3], Buffer[4], Buffer[5], Buffer[6], Buffer[7])); DBGOUT (("CompressedSize = %d, UncompressedSize = %d\n", CompressedSize, UncompressedSize));
return(FALSE); }
// Xpress header and it looks OK so far
return(TRUE); }
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedBlock ( PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads and decompresses the next compressed chunk from the Hiber file and stores it in a designated region of virtual memory.
Since no master data structure exists within the Hiber file to identify the location of all of the compression chunks, this routine operates by reading sections of the Hiber file into a compression buffer and extracting chunks from that buffer.
Chunks are extracted by determining if a chunk is completely present in the buffer using the RtlDescribeChunk API. If the chunk is not completely present, more of the Hiber file is read into the buffer until the chunk can be extracted.
All reads from the Hiber file occurr at its current offset, forcing compressed chunks to be read in a continous fashion with no extraneous seeks.
Block - Descriptor of compressed data block CompressedBuffer - Descriptor of data already brought in
Return Value:
TRUE if a chunk has been succesfully extracted and decompressed, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PUCHAR Buffer; LONG CompressedSize; // they all must be signed -- do not change to ULONG
LONG AlignedCompressedSize; LONG UncompressedSize;
// First make sure next compressed data block header is available
if (!HbReadNextCompressedBlockHeader (Block, CompressedBuffer)) { // I/O error -- FAIL
return(FALSE); }
// It must be Xpress
if (!Block->Header.XpressEncoded) { #ifdef HIBER_DEBUG
// Set pointer to the beginning of buffer
Buffer = CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg;
// wrong magic -- corrupted data
DBGOUT (("Corrupted header: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", Buffer[0], Buffer[1], Buffer[2], Buffer[3], Buffer[4], Buffer[5], Buffer[6], Buffer[7])); #endif /* HIBER_DEBUG */
return(FALSE); }
// Read sizes
UncompressedSize = Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size; CompressedSize = Block->Header.Compressed.Size;
// If not enough space supplied use preallocated buffer
if (UncompressedSize != Block->DataSize) { Block->DataSize = UncompressedSize; Block->DataPtr = Block->PreallocatedDataBuffer; }
// Evaluate aligned size of compressed data
AlignedCompressedSize = (CompressedSize + (XPRESS_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & ~(XPRESS_ALIGNMENT - 1);
// Make sure we have all compressed data and the header in buffer
if (!HbReadNextCompressedPages (AlignedCompressedSize + XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE, CompressedBuffer)) { // I/O error -- FAIL
return(FALSE); }
// Set pointer to the beginning of buffer
Buffer = CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg;
// We will use some bytes out of buffer now -- reflect this fact
CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg += AlignedCompressedSize + XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE;
// evaluate and compare checksum of compressed data and header with written value
if (Block->Header.Compressed.Checksum != 0) { ULONG Checksum; Checksum = HbSimpleCheck (0, Buffer, AlignedCompressedSize + XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE); if (((Checksum ^ Block->Header.Compressed.Checksum) & 0xffff) != 0) { DBGOUT (("Compressed data checksum mismatch (got %08lx, written %08lx)\n", Checksum, Block->Header.Compressed.Checksum)); return(FALSE); } }
// Was this buffer compressed at all?
if (CompressedSize == UncompressedSize) { // Nope, do not decompress it -- set bounds and return OK
Block->DataPtr = Buffer + XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE; } else { LONG DecodedSize;
// Decompress the buffer
DecodedSize = XpressDecode (NULL, Block->DataPtr, UncompressedSize, UncompressedSize, Buffer + XPRESS_HEADER_SIZE, CompressedSize);
if (DecodedSize != UncompressedSize) { DBGOUT (("Decode error: DecodedSize = %d, UncompressedSize = %d\n", DecodedSize, UncompressedSize)); return(FALSE); } }
// evaluate and compare uncompressed data checksums (just to be sure)
if (Block->Header.Uncompressed.Checksum != 0) { ULONG Checksum; Checksum = HbSimpleCheck (0, Block->DataPtr, UncompressedSize); if (((Checksum ^ Block->Header.Uncompressed.Checksum) & 0xffff) != 0) { DBGOUT (("Decoded data checksum mismatch (got %08lx, written %08lx)\n", Checksum, Block->Header.Uncompressed.Checksum)); return(FALSE); } } #endif /* HIBER_DEBUG */
return(TRUE); }
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedPageLZNT1 ( PUCHAR DestVa, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads in the next compressed page from the Hiber file and decompresses it into a designated region of virtual memory.
The page is recreated by assembling it from a series a compressed chunks that are assumed to be contiguously stored in the Hiber file.
All reads from the Hiber file occurr at the file's current offset forcing compressed pages to be read in a continuous fashion without extraneous file seeks.
DestVa - The Virtual Address where the decompressed page should be written. CompressedBuffer - Descriptor of data already brought in
Return Value:
TRUE if the operation is successful, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { ULONG ReadTotal;
// Loop while page is incomplete
for (ReadTotal = 0; ReadTotal < PAGE_SIZE; ReadTotal += PO_COMPRESS_CHUNK_SIZE) {
// Get a chunk
if (!HbReadNextCompressedChunkLZNT1(DestVa, CompressedBuffer)) { return FALSE; }
// Move on to the next chunk of the page
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN HbReadNextCompressedChunkLZNT1 ( PUCHAR DestVa, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads and decompresses the next compressed chunk from the Hiber file and stores it in a designated region of virtual memory.
Since no master data structure exists within the Hiber file to identify the location of all of the compression chunks, this routine operates by reading sections of the Hiber file into a compression buffer and extracting chunks from that buffer.
Chunks are extracted by determining if a chunk is completely present in the buffer using the RtlDescribeChunk API. If the chunk is not completely present, more of the Hiber file is read into the buffer until the chunk can be extracted.
All reads from the Hiber file occurr at its current offset, forcing compressed chunks to be read in a continous fashion with no extraneous seeks.
DestVa - The virtual address where the decompressed chunk should be written.
CompressedBuffer - Descriptor of data already brought in
Return Value:
TRUE if a chunk has been succesfully extracted and decompressed, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PUCHAR Buffer; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG ChunkSize; PUCHAR ChunkBuffer; ULONG SpaceLeft;
// Loop until we have accomplished our goal since we may need
// several operations before a chunk is extracted
while (1) {
Buffer = CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg;
// Check the first unextracted chunk in the buffer
Status = RtlDescribeChunk(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_STANDARD, &Buffer, CompressedBuffer->Current.End, &ChunkBuffer, &ChunkSize);
switch (Status) { case STATUS_SUCCESS:
// A complete and valid chunk is present in the buffer
// Decompress the chunk into the proper region of virtual memory
Status = RtlDecompressBuffer (COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_STANDARD, DestVa, PO_COMPRESS_CHUNK_SIZE, CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg, (LONG) (CompressedBuffer->Current.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg), &ChunkSize);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) || (ChunkSize != PO_COMPRESS_CHUNK_SIZE)) { // Decompression failed
return(FALSE); } else { // Decompression succeeded, indicate that the chunk following
// this one is the next unextracted chunk in the buffer
CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg = Buffer; return(TRUE); }
// Buffer does not contain a complete and valid chunk
// Check how much space remains in the buffer since
// we will need to read some stuff from the Hiber file
SpaceLeft = (LONG) (CompressedBuffer->Aligned.End - CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg); if (SpaceLeft > LZNT1_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE) { SpaceLeft = LZNT1_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE; }
SpaceLeft -= (((LONG) (CompressedBuffer->Current.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg)) + PAGE_MASK) & ~PAGE_MASK; if (SpaceLeft <= 0) { // Should never happen
DBGOUT (("SpaceLeft = %d\n", SpaceLeft)); return(FALSE); }
if (!HbReadNextCompressedPages (SpaceLeft, CompressedBuffer)) { // IO error
return(FALSE); } break;
// Unhandled RtlDescribeChunk return code - have they changed the function on us?
return(FALSE); }
// try again with the bigger buffer
return FALSE; }
VOID HexDump ( IN ULONG indent, IN ULONG va, IN ULONG len, IN ULONG width, IN PUCHAR buf ) { UCHAR s[80], t[80], lstr[200]; PUCHAR ps, pt; ULONG i; UCHAR Key; static UCHAR rgHexDigit[] = "0123456789abcdef";
if (HiberIoError) { HbPrint (TEXT("*** HiberIoError\n")); return ; } if (HiberOutOfRemap) { HbPrint (TEXT("*** HiberOutOfRemap\n")); return ; }
i = 0; while (len) { ps = s; pt = t;
ps[0] = '\0'; pt[0] = '*'; pt++;
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { ps[0] = ' '; ps[1] = ' '; ps[2] = ' ';
if (len) { ps[0] = rgHexDigit[buf[0] >> 4]; ps[1] = rgHexDigit[buf[0] & 0xf]; pt[0] = buf[0] < ' ' || buf[0] > 'z' ? '.' : buf[0];
len -= 1; buf += 1; pt += 1; } ps += 3; }
ps[0] = 0; pt[0] = '*'; pt[1] = 0; s[23] = '-';
if (s[0]) { sprintf (lstr, "%*s%08lx: %s %s\r\n", indent, "", va, s, t); #ifdef UNICODE
{ WCHAR lstrW[200]; ANSI_STRING aString; UNICODE_STRING uString; RtlInitString( &aString, lstr ); uString.Buffer = lstrW; uString.MaximumLength = sizeof(lstrW); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &uString, &aString, FALSE );
HbPrint(lstrW); } #else
HbPrint (lstr); #endif
va += 16; } }
ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT, &Key, sizeof(Key), &i); }
BOOLEAN HbReadDelayedBlock ( BOOLEAN ForceDecoding, PFN_NUMBER DestPage, ULONG RangeCheck, PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block, PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer ) { LONG i, j; BOOLEAN Contig; BOOLEAN Ret;
if (ForceDecoding) { if (Block->DelayedCnt == 0) { return TRUE; } } else { // If first page to delay read next block info
if (Block->DelayedCnt <= 0) { Ret = HbReadNextCompressedBlockHeader (Block, CompressedBuffer);
if (HiberIoError || !Ret || !Block->Header.XpressEncoded) { // Something is wrong
return FALSE; } }
// remember page info
Block->Delayed[Block->DelayedCnt].DestPage = DestPage; Block->Delayed[Block->DelayedCnt].RangeCheck = RangeCheck;
// Update counter
Block->DelayedCnt += 1;
// Last page that may be delayed?
if (Block->DelayedCnt != sizeof (Block->Delayed) / sizeof (Block->Delayed[0]) && (Block->DelayedCnt << PAGE_SHIFT) < Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size) { // Nope, nothing to do
return TRUE; } }
// Make sure that size of encoded block and # of delayed pages are the same
if ((Block->DelayedCnt << PAGE_SHIFT) != Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size) { DBGOUT (("DelayedCnt = %d, UncompressedSize = %d\n", Block->DelayedCnt, Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size)); return FALSE; }
// Prepare for mapping. Hopefully mapping will be contiguous
Contig = TRUE;
// Map new pages
for (j = 0; j < Block->DelayedCnt; ++j) { i = HbPageDisposition (Block->Delayed[j].DestPage); if (i == HbPageInvalid) { // Should never happen
return(FALSE); } if (i == HbPageNotInUse) { Block->Delayed[j].DestVa = HbMapPte(PTE_XPRESS_DEST_FIRST + j, Block->Delayed[j].DestPage); } else { Block->Delayed[j].DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_XPRESS_DEST_FIRST + j, Block->Delayed[j].DestPage); } if (j > 0 && Block->Delayed[j].DestVa != Block->Delayed[j-1].DestVa + PAGE_SIZE) { Contig = FALSE; } }
// Set pointer to data. Try mapped pages if possible
if (Contig) { Block->DataSize = Block->DelayedCnt << PAGE_SHIFT; Block->DataPtr = Block->Delayed[0].DestVa; } else { // Will have to used preallocated data buffer
Block->DataSize = Block->Header.Uncompressed.Size; Block->DataPtr = Block->PreallocatedDataBuffer; }
// Decode next block
Ret = HbReadNextCompressedBlock (Block, CompressedBuffer);
// Check for errors
if (HiberIoError || !Ret) { // Something's seriousely wrong
return FALSE; }
for (j = 0; j < Block->DelayedCnt; ++j) {
// Copy block to target address if necessary
if (Block->Delayed[j].DestVa != Block->DataPtr) { RtlCopyMemory (Block->Delayed[j].DestVa, Block->DataPtr, PAGE_SIZE); }
Block->DataPtr += PAGE_SIZE; Block->DataSize -= PAGE_SIZE; }
// No more delayed blocks
Block->DelayedCnt = 0;
return TRUE; }
// Allocate data aligned on page boundary
PVOID HbAllocateAlignedHeap ( ULONG Size ) { PCHAR Va; Va = BlAllocateHeap (Size + PAGE_MASK); if (Va != NULL) { Va += ((PAGE_SIZE - (((ULONG_PTR) Va) & PAGE_MASK)) & PAGE_MASK); } return (Va); }
ULONG HbRestoreFile ( IN PULONG Information, OUT PCHAR *BadLinkName ) { PPO_MEMORY_IMAGE MemImage; PPO_IMAGE_LINK ImageLink; PPO_MEMORY_RANGE_ARRAY Table; PHIBER_WAKE_DISPATCH WakeDispatch; ULONG Length; ULONG Check; ULONG Count; PUCHAR p1; PUCHAR DestVa; ULONG Index, i; PFN_NUMBER TablePage; PFN_NUMBER DestPage; PFN_NUMBER Scale; ULONG TotalPages; ULONG LastBar; ULONG Sel[4]; ULONG LinkedDrive; COMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBufferData; PCOMPRESSED_BUFFER CompressedBuffer = &CompressedBufferData; BOOLEAN Ret; LONG XpressEncoded; PDECOMPRESSED_BLOCK Block; PUCHAR msg; ULONG fPercentage = 0; ULONG LastPercentage = (ULONG)-1; PUCHAR Ptr; ARC_STATUS Status; ULONG ActualBase;
ULONG StartTime, EndTime; StartTime = ArcGetRelativeTime();
#if defined (HIBER_DEBUG)
HbPrint(TEXT("HbRestoreFile\r\n")); #endif
*Information = 0; HiberBufferPage = 0; BlAllocateAlignedDescriptor (LoaderFirmwareTemporary, 0, 1, 1, &HiberBufferPage);
CHECK_ERROR (!HiberBufferPage, HIBER_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); HiberBuffer = (PUCHAR) (KSEG0_BASE | (((ULONG)HiberBufferPage) << PAGE_SHIFT));
// Read image header
HbReadPage (PO_IMAGE_HEADER_PAGE, HiberBuffer); MemImage = (PPO_MEMORY_IMAGE) HiberBuffer;
// If the signature is a link, then follow it
if (MemImage->Signature == PO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_LINK) {
ImageLink = (PPO_IMAGE_LINK) HiberBuffer;
// Open target partition, and then the hiberfile image on that
// partition. If not found, then we're done
Status = ArcOpen ((char*)ImageLink->Name, ArcOpenReadOnly, &LinkedDrive); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(BadLinkName)) { *BadLinkName = (char *)(&ImageLink->Name);
// At this point we want to blast the link signature. The caller
// may need to load NTBOOTDD to access the real hiberfile. Once
// this happens there is no turning back as we cannot go back to
// the BIOS to reread BOOT.INI. By zeroing the signature we ensure
// that if the restore fails, the next boot will not try to restore
// it again.
HbSetImageSignature(0); } return 0; }
Status = BlOpen (LinkedDrive, szHiberFileName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &i); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { ArcClose(LinkedDrive); return 0; }
// Switch to linked HiberFile image and continue
BlClose (HiberFile); HiberFile = i; HbReadPage (PO_IMAGE_HEADER_PAGE, HiberBuffer); }
// If the image has the wake signature, then we've already attempted
// to restart this image once. Check if it should be attempted again
if (MemImage->Signature == PO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_WAKE) { Sel[0] = HIBER_CANCEL; Sel[1] = HIBER_CONTINUE; Sel[2] = HIBER_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_WAKE; Sel[3] = 0; HbScreen(HIBER_RESTART_AGAIN); i = HbSelection(PAUSE_X, PAUSE_Y, Sel, 1); if (i == 0) { HiberAbort = TRUE; HbSetImageSignature (0); return 0; }
MemImage->Signature = PO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE; }
// If the signature is not valid, then behave as if there's no
// hibernated context
if (MemImage->Signature != PO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE) { return 0; } CHECK_ERROR (MemImage->LengthSelf > PAGE_SIZE, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE);
// Copy the image out of the HiberBuffer
Length = MemImage->LengthSelf; MemImage = BlAllocateHeap(Length); CHECK_ERROR (!MemImage, HIBER_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy (MemImage, HiberBuffer, Length); HiberImageFeatureFlags = MemImage->FeatureFlags;
// Verify the checksum on the image header
Check = MemImage->CheckSum; MemImage->CheckSum = 0; Check = Check - HbSimpleCheck(0, MemImage, Length); CHECK_ERROR (Check, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); CHECK_ERROR (MemImage->Version != 0, HIBER_IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE); CHECK_ERROR (MemImage->PageSize != PAGE_SIZE, HIBER_IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE);
// Setup mapping information for restore
#if !defined (_ALPHA_) || defined(_IA64_)
HiberNoMappings = MemImage->NoFreePages;
#if defined (_ALPHA_) || defined(_IA64_)
HiberImagePageSelf = MemImage->PageSelf; // used in WakeDispatch to enable break-on-wake
HiberIdentityVa = (PVOID) MemImage->HiberVa; HiberImagePageSelf = MemImage->PageSelf;
// Allocate a block of PTEs for restoration work which
// do not overlap the same addresses needed for the
// restoration
while (!HiberVa || (MemImage->HiberVa >= (ULONG_PTR) HiberVa && MemImage->HiberVa <= (ULONG_PTR) p1)) { HbAllocatePtes (HIBER_PTES, &HiberPtes, &HiberVa); p1 = HiberVa + (HIBER_PTES << PAGE_SHIFT); }
// Read in the free page map
HbReadPage (PO_FREE_MAP_PAGE, HiberBuffer); Check = HbSimpleCheck(0, HiberBuffer, PAGE_SIZE); CHECK_ERROR (MemImage->FreeMapCheck != Check, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE);
// Set us up to decompress the contents of the hiber file
// Allocate a buffer for compression work
// N.B. The compression buffer size must be at least the maximum
// compressed size of a single compression chunk.
// Initialize decompressed data buffer
Ptr = HbAllocateAlignedHeap (sizeof (*Block) + XPRESS_MAX_SIZE); CHECK_ERROR(!Ptr, HIBER_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); Block = (PVOID) (Ptr + XPRESS_MAX_SIZE); Block->DataSize = 0; Block->PreallocatedDataBuffer = Ptr;
// Allocate compressed data buffer. Change the allocation policy
// to lowest first in order to get a buffer under 1MB. This saves
// us from double-buffering all the BIOS transfers.
Status = BlAllocateAlignedDescriptor(LoaderFirmwareTemporary, 0, MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_PAGES + MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_EXTRA_PAGES, 0x10000 >> PAGE_SHIFT, &ActualBase); if (Status == ESUCCESS) { Ptr = (PVOID)(KSEG0_BASE | (ActualBase << PAGE_SHIFT)); } else { Ptr = HbAllocateAlignedHeap (MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE + MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_EXTRA_SIZE); } CHECK_ERROR(!Ptr, HIBER_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
// Initialize compressed data buffer
CompressedBuffer->Buffer.Beg = Ptr; CompressedBuffer->Buffer.End = Ptr + MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE + MAX_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_EXTRA_SIZE;
CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg = CompressedBuffer->Buffer.Beg; CompressedBuffer->Aligned.End = CompressedBuffer->Buffer.End;
CompressedBuffer->FilePage = 0; CompressedBuffer->NeedSeek = TRUE; CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg = CompressedBuffer->Current.End = CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg;
// ***************************************************************
// From here on, there's no memory allocation from the loaders
// heap. This is to simplify the booking of whom owns which
// page. If the hibernation process is aborted, then the
// pages used here are simply forgoten and the loader continues.
// If the hiberation processor completes, we forget about
// the pages in use by the loader
// ***************************************************************
#if defined(_ALPHA_) || defined(_IA64_)
// Initialize the hibernation memory allocation and remap table,
// using the free page map just read from the hibernation file.
HbInitRemap((PPFN_NUMBER) HiberBuffer); // why can't HiberBuffer be a PVOID?
#else // original (x86) code
// Set the loader map pointer to the tempory buffer, and get
// a physical shared page to copy the map to.
HbMapPte(PTE_MAP_PAGE, HiberBufferPage); HbMapPte(PTE_REMAP_PAGE, HiberBufferPage); DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_MAP_PAGE, 0); memcpy (DestVa, HiberBuffer, PAGE_SIZE); DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_REMAP_PAGE, 0);
#endif // Alpha/x86
// Map in and copy relocatable hiber wake dispatcher
Length = (ULONG) (&WakeDispatcherEnd - &WakeDispatcherStart); p1 = (PUCHAR) &WakeDispatcherStart; Index = 0; while (Length) { CHECK_ERROR(PTE_DISPATCHER_START+Index > PTE_DISPATCHER_END, HIBER_INTERNAL_ERROR); DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_DISPATCHER_START+Index, 0); if (Index == 0) { WakeDispatch = (PHIBER_WAKE_DISPATCH) DestVa; }
i = Length > PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : Length; memcpy (DestVa, p1, i); Length -= i; p1 += i; Index += 1; }
// Read the hibernated processors context
// Note we read into the hiber buffer and then copy in order to
// ensure that the destination of the I/O is legal to transfer into.
// Busmaster ISA SCSI cards can only access the low 16MB of RAM.
DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_HIBER_CONTEXT, 0); HbReadPage (PO_PROCESSOR_CONTEXT_PAGE, HiberBuffer); memcpy(DestVa, HiberBuffer, PAGE_SIZE); Check = HbSimpleCheck(0, DestVa, PAGE_SIZE); CHECK_ERROR(MemImage->WakeCheck != Check, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); #if defined(_ALPHA_)
HiberWakeState = (PKPROCESSOR_STATE)DestVa; #endif
// Perform architecture specific setup for dispatcher, then set
// the location of first remap past the pages mapped so far
HiberSetupForWakeDispatch (); HiberFirstRemap = HiberLastRemap;
// Restore memory from hibernation image
TablePage = MemImage->FirstTablePage; Table = (PPO_MEMORY_RANGE_ARRAY) HiberBuffer;
Scale = MemImage->TotalPages / PERCENT_BAR_WIDTH; LastBar = 0; TotalPages = 3;
// Popup "Resuming Windows 2000..." message
XpressEncoded = -1; // unknown encoding (either Xpress or LZNT1)
Block->DataSize = 0; // no data left in buffer
Block->DelayedCnt = 0; // no delayed blocks
Block->DelayedChecksum = 0; // delayed checksum = 0;
Block->DelayedBadChecksum = FALSE;
while (TablePage) {
#if defined (HIBER_DEBUG) && (HIBER_DEBUG & 2)
SHOWNUM(TablePage); #endif
// Do not use HbReadPage if possible -- it issues extra seek
// (usually 5-6 ms penalty) -- use sequential read if possible
if (CompressedBuffer->FilePage == 0 || TablePage > CompressedBuffer->FilePage || TablePage < CompressedBuffer->FilePage - (PFN_NUMBER) ((CompressedBuffer->Current.End - CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg) >> PAGE_SHIFT)) { //
// Cannot read table page from current buffer -- need to seek
// and reset the buffer (should happen on very first entry only)
CompressedBuffer->FilePage = TablePage; CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg = CompressedBuffer->Current.End = CompressedBuffer->Aligned.Beg; CompressedBuffer->NeedSeek = TRUE; }
// Shift current pointer to the page we need
CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg = CompressedBuffer->Current.End - ((CompressedBuffer->FilePage - TablePage) << PAGE_SHIFT);
// Make sure the page is in
Ret = HbReadNextCompressedPages (PAGE_SIZE, CompressedBuffer);
// Copy table page to target location and adjust input pointer
RtlCopyMemory (Table, CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg, PAGE_SIZE); CompressedBuffer->Current.Beg += PAGE_SIZE;
Check = Table[0].Link.CheckSum; if (Check) { Table[0].Link.CheckSum = 0; Check = Check - HbSimpleCheck(0, Table, PAGE_SIZE); CHECK_ERROR(Check, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); }
// Check the first block magic to see whether it LZNT1 or Xpress
if (XpressEncoded < 0) { Ret = HbReadNextCompressedBlockHeader (Block, CompressedBuffer);
// Remember the mode
XpressEncoded = (BOOLEAN) (Block->Header.XpressEncoded); }
for (Index=1; Index <= Table[0].Link.EntryCount; Index++) { Check = 0; DestPage = Table[Index].Range.StartPage;
while (DestPage < Table[Index].Range.EndPage) { if (!XpressEncoded) { // LZNT1 encoding -- do one page at a time
// If this page conflicts with something in the
// loader, then use the next mapping
i = HbPageDisposition (DestPage); CHECK_ERROR(i == HbPageInvalid, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); if (i == HbPageNotInUse) { DestVa = HbMapPte(PTE_DEST, DestPage); } else { DestVa = HbNextSharedPage(PTE_DEST, DestPage); }
Ret = HbReadNextCompressedPageLZNT1 (DestVa, CompressedBuffer);
CHECK_ERROR(HiberIoError, HIBER_READ_ERROR); CHECK_ERROR(!Ret, HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); Check = HbSimpleCheck(Check, DestVa, PAGE_SIZE); } else { Ret = HbReadDelayedBlock (FALSE, DestPage, Table[Index].Range.CheckSum, Block, CompressedBuffer);
// Update counters
DestPage += 1; TotalPages += 1;
fPercentage = (ULONG)((TotalPages * 100) / MemImage->TotalPages); if (fPercentage != LastPercentage) { BlUpdateProgressBar(fPercentage); HbCheckForPause(); LastPercentage = fPercentage; } }
// Verify checksum on range, but allow continuation with debug flag
if (!XpressEncoded && Check != Table[Index].Range.CheckSum) { Block->DelayedBadChecksum = TRUE; }
if (Block->DelayedBadChecksum && !HiberBreakOnWake) { ChecksumError:
Block->DelayedBadChecksum = FALSE;
#if defined (HIBER_DEBUG) && (HIBER_DEBUG & 2)
{ TCHAR lstr[80];
HbPrint (TEXT("\r\n")); _stprintf (lstr, TEXT("TP:%x IDX:%x FP:%x SP:%x EP:%x CHK:%x-%x\r\n"), TablePage, Index, Table[Index].Range.PageNo, Table[Index].Range.StartPage, Table[Index].Range.EndPage, Table[Index].Range.CheckSum, Check ); HbPrint(lstr); HexDump (2, (DestPage-1) << PAGE_SHIFT, 0x100, 4, DestVa); } #endif
DBGOUT ((TEXT("Checksum error\n"))); HbPause (); #endif
HbScreen(HIBER_ERROR); HbPrintMsg(HIBER_ERROR_BAD_IMAGE); Sel[0] = HIBER_CANCEL; Sel[1] = HIBER_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_WAKE; Sel[2] = 0; i = HbSelection (FAULT_X, FAULT_Y, Sel, 1); if (i == 0) { HiberAbort = TRUE; HbSetImageSignature (0); return 0; } } }
TablePage = Table[0].Link.NextTable; }
// Process the rest of delayed pages if necessary
if (XpressEncoded > 0) { Ret = HbReadDelayedBlock (TRUE, 0, 0, Block, CompressedBuffer);
if (Block->DelayedBadChecksum) { goto ChecksumError; } }
// Set the image signature to wake
EndTime = ArcGetRelativeTime(); BlPositionCursor(BAR_X, BAR_Y + 5); HbPrint(TEXT("HIBER: Restore File took ")); HbPrintNum(EndTime - StartTime); HbPrint(TEXT("\r\n")); HbPause();
// Check hiber flags to see if it is necessary to reconnect APM
if (MemImage->HiberFlags & PO_HIBER_APM_RECONNECT) { //
// attempt apm restart
DoApmAttemptReconnect(); }
// Use architecture specific relocatable code to perform the final wake dispatcher
VOID HbSetImageSignature ( IN ULONG NewSignature ) { LARGE_INTEGER li; ULONG Count, Status;
li.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek (HiberFile, &li, SeekAbsolute); if (Status == ESUCCESS) { BlWrite (HiberFile, &NewSignature, sizeof(ULONG), &Count); } }