Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Does any x86-specific initialization, then starts the common ARC osloader
John Vert (jvert) 4-Nov-1993
Revision History:
--*/ #include "bldrx86.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
#include <netboot.h>
#endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
BOOLEAN BlpPaeSupported( VOID );
BOOLEAN BlpChipsetPaeSupported( VOID );
ARC_STATUS Blx86IsPaeImage( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, OUT PBOOLEAN IsPae );
BOOLEAN Blx86IsKernelCompatible( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, IN BOOLEAN ProcessorSupportsPae, IN OUT PBOOLEAN UsePae );
UCHAR BootPartitionName[80]; UCHAR KernelBootDevice[80]; UCHAR OsLoadFilename[100]; UCHAR OsLoaderFilename[100]; UCHAR SystemPartition[100]; UCHAR OsLoadPartition[100]; UCHAR OsLoadOptions[100]; UCHAR ConsoleInputName[50]; UCHAR MyBuffer[SECTOR_SIZE+32]; UCHAR ConsoleOutputName[50]; UCHAR X86SystemPartition[sizeof("x86systempartition=") + sizeof(BootPartitionName)];
extern BOOLEAN ForceLastKnownGood; extern ULONG BlHighestPage;
VOID BlStartup( IN PCHAR PartitionName )
Routine Description:
Does x86-specific initialization, particularly presenting the boot.ini menu and running NTDETECT, then calls to the common osloader.
PartitionName - Supplies the ARC name of the partition (or floppy) that setupldr was loaded from.
Return Value:
Does not return
{ ULONG Argc = 0; PUCHAR Argv[10]; ARC_STATUS Status; ULONG BlLogFileId = (ULONG)-1; ULONG Read; PCHAR p,q; ULONG i; ULONG DriveId; ULONG FileSize; ULONG Count; LARGE_INTEGER SeekPosition; PCHAR LoadOptions = NULL; BOOLEAN UseTimeOut=TRUE; BOOLEAN AlreadyInitialized = FALSE; extern BOOLEAN FwDescriptorsValid; PCHAR BadLinkName = NULL; BOOLEAN SPCRTestSucceeded = FALSE;
// Open the boot partition so we can load boot drivers off it.
Status = ArcOpen(PartitionName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &DriveId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint("Couldn't open drive %s\n",PartitionName); BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_DRIVE_ERROR),PartitionName); goto BootFailed; }
// Initialize dbcs font and display support.
TextGrInitialize(DriveId, NULL);
// Initialize ARC StdIo functionality
strcpy(ConsoleInputName,"consolein=multi(0)key(0)keyboard(0)"); strcpy(ConsoleOutputName,"consoleout=multi(0)video(0)monitor(0)"); Argv[0]=ConsoleInputName; Argv[1]=ConsoleOutputName; BlInitStdio (2, Argv);
// Re-open the boot partition as a temporary work around
// for NTFS caching bug.
Status = ArcOpen(PartitionName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &DriveId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint("Couldn't open drive %s\n",PartitionName); BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_DRIVE_ERROR),PartitionName); goto BootFailed; }
RtlZeroMemory( &LoaderRedirectionInformation, sizeof(HEADLESS_LOADER_BLOCK) );
// See if we get something from the BIOS.
if( BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation() ) {
BlPrint("SPCR table detected.\r\n" ); BlPrint(" PortAddress: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress ); BlPrint(" PortNumber: %d\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber ); BlPrint(" BaudRate: %d\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate ); BlPrint(" Parity: %d\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.Parity ? 1 : 0 ); BlPrint(" AddressSpace: %s\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.IsMMIODevice ? "MMIO" : "SysIO" ); BlPrint(" StopBits: %d\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.StopBits ); BlPrint(" PciDeviceId: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciDeviceId ); BlPrint(" PciVendorId: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciVendorId ); BlPrint(" PciBusNumber: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciBusNumber ); BlPrint(" PciSlotNumber: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciSlotNumber ); BlPrint(" PciFunctionNumber: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFunctionNumber ); BlPrint(" PciFlags: %lx\r\n", LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFlags );
if( BlIsTerminalConnected() ) { ULONG RandomNumber1 = 0; ULONG RandomNumber2 = 0; ULONG ch = 0;
BlPrint("\r\nUART address verified.\r\n" );
TryAgain: //
// Now generate a (semi)random string.
RandomNumber1 = (ArcGetRelativeTime() & 0x7FFF) << 16; RandomNumber1 += (ArcGetRelativeTime() & 0xFFFF) << 1;
RandomNumber2 = 0;
// Send the string, then ask the user to send it back.
BlPrint( "\r\nPlease enter the following test string: '%d'\r\n", RandomNumber1 );
do {
// Get a key.
while( !(ch = BlGetKey()) ) { }
ch &= 0xFF; if( (ch <= '9') && (ch >= '0') ) { RandomNumber2 = (RandomNumber2 * 10) + (ch - 0x30); }
} while( (ch != 0) && (ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n') );
if( RandomNumber1 == RandomNumber2 ) { BlPrint( "Identical string returned. '%d'\r\n", RandomNumber2 );
SPCRTestSucceeded = TRUE; } else {
// We failed the check. Inform the user and try again.
BlPrint( "Inconsistent string returned. '%d'\r\n", RandomNumber2 );
// clear the input buffer
while( (ch = BlGetKey()) ); goto TryAgain; }
} else { BlPrint("\r\nUnable to verify UART address.\r\n" ); } } else {
BlPrint("No SPCR table detected.\r\n"); }
// Log the results.
Status = BlOpen( DriveId, "\\spcrtest.txt", ArcSupersedeReadWrite, &BlLogFileId );
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint("Couldn't open logfile on boot drive.\n"); goto BootFailed; } else {
UCHAR Buffer[30]; LONG Count;
Count = sizeof(Buffer); RtlFillMemory( Buffer, Count, ' ' ); if( SPCRTestSucceeded ) { sprintf( Buffer, "SPCR test succeeded." ); } else { sprintf( Buffer, "SPCR test failed." ); } BlWrite( BlLogFileId, Buffer, Count, &Count );
BlClose( BlLogFileId ); }
BootFailed: while(1);
VOID DoApmAttemptReconnect( VOID ) { }
BOOLEAN Blx86CheckForPaeKernel( IN BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedPae, IN BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedNoPae, IN PCHAR UserSpecifiedKernelImage, IN PCHAR HalImagePath, IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN ULONG SystemDeviceId, OUT PULONG HighestSystemPage, OUT PBOOLEAN UsePaeMode, IN OUT PCHAR KernelPath ) { return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN Blx86IsKernelCompatible( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, IN BOOLEAN ProcessorSupportsPae, OUT PBOOLEAN UsePae ) { return TRUE; }
ARC_STATUS Blx86IsPaeImage( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, OUT PBOOLEAN IsPae ) { return ESUCCESS; }
BOOLEAN BlpChipsetPaeSupported( VOID ) { return(TRUE); }
ARC_STATUS BlpCheckVersion( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath ) { return ESUCCESS; }