Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This modules implements com port code to support reading/writing from com ports.
Allen M. Kay (allen.m.kay@intel.com) 27-Jan-2000
Revision History:
#include "bldr.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ntverp.h"
#include "efi.h"
#include "efip.h"
#include "bldria64.h"
#include "acpitabl.h"
#include "extern.h"
#if DBG
extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *EfiST; #define DBG_TRACE(_X) EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, (_X))
#define DBG_TRACE(_X)
#endif // for FORCE_CD_BOOT
// Headless boot defines
ULONG BlTerminalDeviceId = 0; BOOLEAN BlTerminalConnected = FALSE; ULONG BlTerminalDelay = 0;
HEADLESS_LOADER_BLOCK LoaderRedirectionInformation;
// Define COM Port registers.
#define COM_DAT 0x00
#define COM_IEN 0x01 // interrupt enable register
#define COM_LCR 0x03 // line control registers
#define COM_MCR 0x04 // modem control reg
#define COM_LSR 0x05 // line status register
#define COM_MSR 0x06 // modem status register
#define COM_DLL 0x00 // divisor latch least sig
#define COM_DLM 0x01 // divisor latch most sig
#define COM_BI 0x10
#define COM_FE 0x08
#define COM_PE 0x04
#define COM_OE 0x02
#define LC_DLAB 0x80 // divisor latch access bit
#define CLOCK_RATE 0x1C200 // USART clock rate
#define MC_DTRRTS 0x03 // Control bits to assert DTR and RTS
#define MS_DSRCTSCD 0xB0 // Status bits for DSR, CTS and CD
#define MS_CD 0x80
#define COM_OUTRDY 0x20
#define COM_DATRDY 0x01
// Define Serial IO Protocol
// Define debugger port initial state.
typedef struct _CPPORT { PUCHAR Address; ULONG Baud; USHORT Flags; } CPPORT, *PCPPORT;
#define PORT_DEFAULTRATE 0x0001 // baud rate not specified, using default
#define PORT_MODEMCONTROL 0x0002 // using modem controls
// This is how we find table information from
// the ACPI table index.
extern PDESCRIPTION_HEADER BlFindACPITable( IN PCHAR TableName, IN ULONG TableLength );
LOGICAL BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation( VOID )
Routine Description:
This functions retrieves the COM port information from the ACPI table.
We'll be filling in the LoaderRedirectionInformation structure.
Returned Value:
TRUE - If a debug port is found.
pPortTable = (PDEBUG_PORT_TABLE)BlFindACPITable( "SPCR", sizeof(DEBUG_PORT_TABLE) );
if( pPortTable ) {
// generate a checksum for later validation.
CurrentAddress = (PUCHAR)pPortTable; CheckLength = pPortTable->Header.Length; Checksum = 0; for( i = 0; i < CheckLength; i++ ) { Checksum += CurrentAddress[i]; }
if( // checksum is okay?
(Checksum == 0) &&
// device address defined?
((UCHAR UNALIGNED *)pPortTable->BaseAddress.Address.QuadPart != (UCHAR *)NULL) &&
// he better be in system or memory I/O
// note: 0 - systemI/O
// 1 - memory mapped I/O
((pPortTable->BaseAddress.AddressSpaceID == 0) || (pPortTable->BaseAddress.AddressSpaceID == 1))
) {
if( pPortTable->BaseAddress.AddressSpaceID == 0 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.IsMMIODevice = TRUE; } else { LoaderRedirectionInformation.IsMMIODevice = FALSE; }
// We got the table. Now dig out the information we want.
// See definitiion of DEBUG_PORT_TABLE (acpitabl.h)
LoaderRedirectionInformation.UsedBiosSettings = TRUE; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber = 3; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (UCHAR UNALIGNED *)(pPortTable->BaseAddress.Address.QuadPart);
if( pPortTable->BaudRate == 7 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_115200; } else if( pPortTable->BaudRate == 6 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_57600; } else if( pPortTable->BaudRate == 4 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_19200; } else { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_9600; }
LoaderRedirectionInformation.Parity = pPortTable->Parity; LoaderRedirectionInformation.StopBits = pPortTable->StopBits; LoaderRedirectionInformation.TerminalType = pPortTable->TerminalType;
// If this is a new DEBUG_PORT_TABLE, then it's got the PCI device
// information.
if( pPortTable->Header.Length >= sizeof(DEBUG_PORT_TABLE) ) {
LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciDeviceId = *((USHORT UNALIGNED *)(&pPortTable->PciDeviceId)); LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciVendorId = *((USHORT UNALIGNED *)(&pPortTable->PciVendorId)); LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciBusNumber = (UCHAR)pPortTable->PciBusNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciSlotNumber = (UCHAR)pPortTable->PciSlotNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFunctionNumber = (UCHAR)pPortTable->PciFunctionNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFlags = *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(&pPortTable->PciFlags)); } else {
// There's no PCI device information in this table.
LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciDeviceId = (USHORT)0xFFFF; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciVendorId = (USHORT)0xFFFF; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciBusNumber = 0; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciSlotNumber = 0; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFunctionNumber = 0; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFlags = 0; }
return TRUE;
// We didn't get anything from the ACPI table. Look
// for the ConsoleOutHandle and see if someone configured
// the EFI firmware to redirect. If so, we can pickup
// those settings and carry them forward.
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: didn't find SPCR table\r\n");
FoundIt = FALSE; //
// Get the CONSOLE Device Paths.
reqd = 0; Status = EfiST->RuntimeServices->GetVariable( L"ConOut", &EfiGlobalVariable, NULL, &reqd, NULL );
if( Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) {
DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: GetVariable(ConOut) success\r\n");
Status = EfiBS->AllocatePool( EfiLoaderData, reqd, (VOID **) &StartOfDevicePath); if( Status != EFI_SUCCESS ) { WCHAR DebugBuffer[120]; wsprintf( DebugBuffer, L"BlRetreiveBIOSRedirectionInformation: AllocatePool returned (%x)\r\n", Status ); DBG_TRACE( DebugBuffer ); StartOfDevicePath = NULL; }
// go back to virtual mode to allocate some memory
FlipToVirtual(); StartOfDevicePath = BlAllocateHeapAligned( (ULONG)reqd );
if( StartOfDevicePath ) { //
// convert the address into a physical address
StartOfDevicePath = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH *) ((ULONGLONG)StartOfDevicePath & ~KSEG0_BASE); }
// go back into physical mode
FlipToPhysical(); #endif
if (StartOfDevicePath) { DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: allocated pool for variable\r\n");
Status = EfiST->RuntimeServices->GetVariable( L"ConOut", &EfiGlobalVariable, NULL, &reqd, (VOID *)StartOfDevicePath);
DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: GetVariable returned\r\n");
} else { DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: Failed to allocate memory for CONOUT variable.\r\n"); } } else { WCHAR DebugBuffer[120]; wsprintf( DebugBuffer, L"BlRetreiveBIOSRedirectionInformation: GetVariable returned (%x)\r\n", Status ); DBG_TRACE( DebugBuffer ); Status = EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; }
if( !EFI_ERROR(Status) ) {
DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: retrieved ConOut successfully\r\n");
// Preserve StartOfDevicePath so we can free the memory later.
DevicePath = StartOfDevicePath;
EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, DevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath));
// Keep looking until we get to the end of the entire Device Path.
while( !((DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE) && (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE)) && (!FoundIt) ) {
// Remember the address he's holding. This is the root
// of this device path and we may need to look at this
// guy again if down the path we find a UART.
RootDevicePath = DevicePath;
// Keep looking until we get to the end of this subpath.
while( !((DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE) && ((DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE) || (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == END_INSTANCE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE))) ) {
if( (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH) && (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == MSG_UART_DP) && (FoundIt == FALSE) ) {
// We got a UART. Pickup the settings.
UartDevicePath = (UART_DEVICE_PATH *)&DevicePathAligned; LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = (ULONG)UartDevicePath->BaudRate; LoaderRedirectionInformation.Parity = (BOOLEAN)UartDevicePath->Parity; LoaderRedirectionInformation.StopBits = (UCHAR)UartDevicePath->StopBits;
// Fixup BaudRate if necessary. If it's 0, then we're
// supposed to use the default for this h/w. We're going
// to override to 9600 though.
if( LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate == 0 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_9600; }
if( LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate > BD_115200 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = BD_115200; }
DBG_TRACE(L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: found a UART\r\n");
// Remember that we found a UART and quit searching.
FoundIt = TRUE;
if( (FoundIt == TRUE) && // we already found a UART, so we're on the right track.
(DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH) && (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == MSG_VENDOR_DP) ) {
// See if the UART is a VT100 or ANSI or whatever.
if( memcmp( &VendorDevicePath->Guid, &PcAnsiGuid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0 ) { LoaderRedirectionInformation.TerminalType = 3; } else {
// Default to VT100
LoaderRedirectionInformation.TerminalType = 0; } }
// Get the next structure in our packed array.
DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode( DevicePath );
EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, DevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath)); }
// Do we need to keep going? Check to make sure we're not at the
// end of the entire packed array of device paths.
if( !((DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE) && (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.SubType == END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE)) ) {
// Yes. Get the next entry.
DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode( DevicePath );
EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, DevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath)); }
} else { DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: failed to get CONOUT variable\r\n"); }
if( FoundIt ) {
// We found a UART, but we were already too far down the list
// in the device map to get the address, which is really what
// we're after. Start looking at the device map again from the
// root of the path where we found the UART.
DevicePath = RootDevicePath;
// Reset this guy so we'll know if we found a reasonable
FoundIt = FALSE; EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, RootDevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath));
// Keep looking until we get to the end, or until we run
// into our UART again.
while( (DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type != END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE) && (!FoundIt) ) {
if( DevicePathAligned.DevPath.Type == ACPI_DEVICE_PATH ) {
// Remember the address he's holding.
AcpiDevicePath = (ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH *)&DevicePathAligned;
if( AcpiDevicePath->UID ) {
LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)ULongToPtr(AcpiDevicePath->UID); LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber = 3;
FoundIt = TRUE; } }
// Get the next structure in our packed array.
DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode( DevicePath );
EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, DevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath)); }
if( FoundIt ) { DBG_TRACE( L"BlRetrieveBIOSRedirectionInformation: returning TRUE\r\n"); ReturnValue = TRUE; }
// Free the memory we allocated for StartOfDevicePath.
if( StartOfDevicePath != NULL ) { EfiBS->FreePool( (VOID *)StartOfDevicePath ); } #endif
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
return( ReturnValue );
LOGICAL BlPortInitialize( IN ULONG BaudRate, IN ULONG PortNumber, IN PUCHAR PortAddress OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN ReInitialize, OUT PULONG BlFileId )
Routine Description:
This functions initializes the com port.
BaudRate - Supplies an optional baud rate.
PortNumber - supplies an optinal port number. ReInitialize - Set to TRUE if we already have this port open, but for some reason need to completely reset the port. Otw it should be FALSE. BlFileId - A place to store a fake file Id, if successful.
Returned Value:
TRUE - If a debug port is found, and BlFileId will point to a location within Port[].
{ UCHAR DebugMessage[80]; LOGICAL Found = FALSE;
ULONG HandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *SerialIoHandles; EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle = NULL; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_ALIGNED DevicePathAligned; ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH *AcpiDevicePath; ULONG i; ULONG Control; EFI_STATUS Status; ARC_STATUS ArcStatus;
ArcStatus = BlGetEfiProtocolHandles( &EfiSerialIoProtocol, &SerialIoHandles, &HandleCount );
if (ArcStatus != ESUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
// If the baud rate is not specified, then default the baud rate to 19.2.
if (BaudRate == 0) { BaudRate = BD_19200; }
// If the user didn't send us a port address, then
// guess based on the COM port number.
if( PortAddress == 0 ) {
switch (PortNumber) { case 1: PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM1_PORT; break;
case 2: PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM2_PORT; break;
case 3: PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM3_PORT; break;
default: PortNumber = 4; PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM4_PORT; }
} //
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
// Get the device path
for (i = 0; i < HandleCount; i++) { DBG_TRACE( L"About to HandleProtocol\r\n"); Status = EfiBS->HandleProtocol ( SerialIoHandles[i], &EfiDevicePathProtocol, &DevicePath );
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG_TRACE( L"HandleProtocol failed\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
EfiAlignDp(&DevicePathAligned, DevicePath, DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePath));
AcpiDevicePath = (ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH *) &DevicePathAligned;
if (PortNumber = 0) { Found = TRUE; break; } else if (AcpiDevicePath->UID == PtrToUlong(PortAddress)) { Found = TRUE; break; } }
if (Found == TRUE) { DBG_TRACE( L"found the port device\r\n"); //
// Check if the port is already in use, and this is a first init.
if (!ReInitialize && (Port[PortNumber].Address != NULL)) { DBG_TRACE( L"found the port device but it's already in use\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
// Check if someone tries to reinit a port that is not open.
if (ReInitialize && (Port[PortNumber].Address == NULL)) { DBG_TRACE( L"found the port device but we're reinitializing a port that hasn't been opened\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
DBG_TRACE( L"about to HandleProtocol for SerialIO\r\n");
// Get the interface for the serial IO protocol.
Status = EfiBS->HandleProtocol(SerialIoHandles[i], &EfiSerialIoProtocol, &SerialIoInterface );
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG_TRACE( L"HandleProtocol for SerialIO failed\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
Status = SerialIoInterface->SetAttributes(SerialIoInterface, BaudRate, 0, 0, DefaultParity, 0, DefaultStopBits );
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG_TRACE( L"SerialIO: SetAttributes failed\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
Control = EFI_SERIAL_DATA_TERMINAL_READY | EFI_SERIAL_CLEAR_TO_SEND; Status = SerialIoInterface->SetControl(SerialIoInterface, Control ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG_TRACE( L"SerialIO: SetControl failed\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
} else { DBG_TRACE( L"didn't find a port device\r\n"); Found = FALSE; goto e0; }
// Initialize Port[] structure.
Port[PortNumber].Address = PortAddress; Port[PortNumber].Baud = BaudRate;
*BlFileId = PortNumber;
DBG_TRACE( L"success, we're done.\r\n"); e0: //
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
BlFreeDescriptor( (ULONG)((ULONGLONG)SerialIoHandles >> PAGE_SHIFT) ); return Found; }
VOID BlInitializeHeadlessPort( VOID )
Routine Description:
Does x86-specific initialization of a dumb terminal connected to a serial port. Currently, it assumes baud rate and com port are pre-initialized, but this can be changed in the future by reading the values from boot.ini or someplace.
Return Value:
if( (LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber == 0) || !(LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress) ) {
// This means that no one has filled in the LoaderRedirectionInformation
// structure, which means that we aren't redirecting right now.
// See if the BIOS was redirecting. If so, pick up those settings
// and use them.
if( LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber ) {
// We don't need to even bother telling anyone else in the
// loader that we're going to need to redirect because if
// EFI is redirecting, then the loader will be redirecting (as
// it's just an EFI app).
BlTerminalConnected = FALSE;
// We really need to make sure there's an address associated with
// this port and not just a port number.
if( LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress == NULL ) {
switch( LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber ) {
case 4: LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM4_PORT; break;
case 3: LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM3_PORT; break;
case 2: LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM2_PORT; break;
case 1: default: LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)COM1_PORT; break; }
// Load in the machine's GUID
FlipToPhysical(); reqd = sizeof(GUID); Status = EfiST->RuntimeServices->GetVariable( L"SystemGUID", &EfiGlobalVariable, NULL, &reqd, (VOID *)&LoaderRedirectionInformation.SystemGUID);
} else {
BlTerminalConnected = FALSE; }
LOGICAL BlTerminalAttached( IN ULONG DeviceId )
Routine Description:
This routine will attempt to discover if a terminal is attached.
DeviceId - Value returned by BlPortInitialize()
Return Value:
TRUE - Port seems to have something attached.
FALSE - Port doesn't seem to have anything attached.
{ ULONG Control; ULONG Flags; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN ReturnValue; //
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
Status = SerialIoInterface->GetControl(SerialIoInterface, &Control ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FlipToVirtual(); return FALSE; }
ReturnValue = ((Control & Flags) == Flags);
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
return ReturnValue; }
VOID BlSetHeadlessRestartBlock( IN PTFTP_RESTART_BLOCK RestartBlock )
Routine Description:
This routine will fill in the areas of the restart block that are appropriate for the headless server effort.
RestartBlock - The magic structure for holding restart information from oschoice to setupldr.
Return Value:
if( LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber ) {
RestartBlock->HeadlessUsedBiosSettings = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.UsedBiosSettings; RestartBlock->HeadlessPortNumber = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber; RestartBlock->HeadlessPortAddress = (PUCHAR)LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress; RestartBlock->HeadlessBaudRate = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate; RestartBlock->HeadlessParity = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.Parity; RestartBlock->HeadlessStopBits = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.StopBits; RestartBlock->HeadlessTerminalType = (ULONG)LoaderRedirectionInformation.TerminalType;
RestartBlock->HeadlessPciDeviceId = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciDeviceId; RestartBlock->HeadlessPciVendorId = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciVendorId; RestartBlock->HeadlessPciBusNumber = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciBusNumber; RestartBlock->HeadlessPciSlotNumber = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciSlotNumber; RestartBlock->HeadlessPciFunctionNumber = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFunctionNumber; RestartBlock->HeadlessPciFlags = LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFlags; } }
VOID BlGetHeadlessRestartBlock( IN PTFTP_RESTART_BLOCK RestartBlock, IN BOOLEAN RestartBlockValid )
Routine Description:
This routine will get all the information from a restart block for the headless server effort.
RestartBlock - The magic structure for holding restart information from oschoice to setupldr. RestartBlockValid - Is this block valid (full of good info)?
Return Value:
LoaderRedirectionInformation.UsedBiosSettings = (BOOLEAN)RestartBlock->HeadlessUsedBiosSettings; LoaderRedirectionInformation.DataBits = 0; LoaderRedirectionInformation.StopBits = (UCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessStopBits; LoaderRedirectionInformation.Parity = (BOOLEAN)RestartBlock->HeadlessParity; LoaderRedirectionInformation.BaudRate = (ULONG)RestartBlock->HeadlessBaudRate;; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortNumber = (ULONG)RestartBlock->HeadlessPortNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PortAddress = (PUCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessPortAddress; LoaderRedirectionInformation.TerminalType = (UCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessTerminalType;
LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciDeviceId = (USHORT)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciDeviceId; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciVendorId = (USHORT)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciVendorId; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciBusNumber = (UCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciBusNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciSlotNumber = (UCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciSlotNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFunctionNumber = (UCHAR)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciFunctionNumber; LoaderRedirectionInformation.PciFlags = (ULONG)RestartBlock->HeadlessPciFlags;
ULONG BlPortGetByte ( IN ULONG BlFileId, OUT PUCHAR Input )
Routine Description:
Fetch a byte from the port and return it.
BlFileId - The port to read from.
Input - Returns the data byte.
Return Value:
CP_GET_SUCCESS is returned if a byte is successfully read from the kernel debugger line.
CP_GET_ERROR is returned if error encountered during reading. CP_GET_NODATA is returned if timeout.
{ ULONGLONG BufferSize = 1; EFI_STATUS Status;
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
Status = SerialIoInterface->Read(SerialIoInterface, &BufferSize, Input );
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
switch (Status) { case EFI_SUCCESS: return CP_GET_SUCCESS; case EFI_TIMEOUT: return CP_GET_NODATA; default: return CP_GET_ERROR; } }
VOID BlPortPutByte ( IN ULONG BlFileId, IN UCHAR Output )
Routine Description:
Write a byte to the port.
BlFileId - The port to write to.
Output - Supplies the output data byte.
Return Value:
{ ULONGLONG BufferSize = 1; ULONG Control; EFI_STATUS Status;
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
Status = SerialIoInterface->Write(SerialIoInterface, &BufferSize, &Output ); //
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
ULONG BlPortPollByte ( IN ULONG BlFileId, OUT PUCHAR Input )
Routine Description:
Fetch a byte from the port and return it if one is available.
BlFileId - The port to poll.
Input - Returns the data byte.
Return Value:
CP_GET_SUCCESS is returned if a byte is successfully read. CP_GET_ERROR is returned if error encountered during reading. CP_GET_NODATA is returned if timeout.
{ ULONGLONG BufferSize = 1; ULONG Control; EFI_STATUS Status; //
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
Status = SerialIoInterface->GetControl(SerialIoInterface, &Control ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FlipToVirtual(); return CP_GET_ERROR; }
if (Control & EFI_SERIAL_INPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY) { FlipToVirtual(); return CP_GET_NODATA; } else { Status = SerialIoInterface->Read(SerialIoInterface, &BufferSize, Input ); FlipToVirtual();
switch (Status) { case EFI_SUCCESS: return CP_GET_SUCCESS; case EFI_TIMEOUT: return CP_GET_NODATA; default: return CP_GET_ERROR; } } }
ULONG BlPortPollOnly ( IN ULONG BlFileId )
Routine Description:
Check if a byte is available
BlFileId - The port to poll.
Return Value:
CP_GET_SUCCESS is returned if a byte is ready. CP_GET_ERROR is returned if error encountered. CP_GET_NODATA is returned if timeout.
{ EFI_STATUS Status; ULONG Control; ULONG RetVal;
// EFI requires all calls in physical mode.
Status = SerialIoInterface->GetControl(SerialIoInterface, &Control );
// Restore the processor to virtual mode.
switch (Status) { case EFI_SUCCESS: if (Control & EFI_SERIAL_INPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY) return CP_GET_NODATA; else return CP_GET_SUCCESS; case EFI_TIMEOUT: return CP_GET_NODATA; default: return CP_GET_ERROR; } }