Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Boot loader ROM routines.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) December 27, 1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <bldrx86.h>
#define PhysToSeg(x) (USHORT)((ULONG)(x) >> 4) & 0xffff
#define PhysToOff(x) (USHORT)((ULONG)(x) & 0x0f)
#include <pxe_cmn.h>
#include <pxe_api.h>
#include <tftp_api.h>
#include <udp_api.h>
#include <undi_api.h>
#include <dhcp.h>
#include <pxe.h>
USHORT NetUnicastUdpDestinationPort = 0;
#if 0
USHORT NetMulticastUdpDestinationPort; ULONG NetMulticastUdpDestinationAddress; USHORT NetMulticastUdpSourcePort; ULONG NetMulticastUdpSourceAddress; #endif
#if 0 && DBG
#include <stdio.h>
VOID RomDumpRawData ( IN PUCHAR DataStart, IN ULONG DataLength, IN ULONG Offset ); ULONG RomMaxDumpLength = 64; #endif
#if 0
// chuckl: Don't do this. We added it as part of a solution a problem
// with DEC cards and the boot floppy. We disabled broadcasts in
// startrom\i386\main.c so that the card wouldn't overflow and lock up,
// but we need to have broadcasts enabled in case the server needs to
// ARP us. The purpose of this routine is to enable/disable broadcasts
// during the receive loop, but that seems to put Compaq cards to sleep.
// So we need to leave broadcasts enabled all the time. The DEC card
// problem will have to be fixed another way.
VOID RomSetBroadcastStatus( BOOLEAN Enable ) { t_PXENV_UNDI_SET_PACKET_FILTER UndiSetPF; USHORT status;
UndiSetPF.Status = 0; if (Enable) { UndiSetPF.filter = FLTR_DIRECTED | FLTR_BRDCST; } else { UndiSetPF.filter = FLTR_DIRECTED; } status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UNDI_SET_PACKET_FILTER, &UndiSetPF );
if ((status != 0) || (UndiSetPF.Status != 0)) { DPRINT( ERROR, ("RomSetBroadcastStatus: set packet filter failed %lx, %lx\n", status, UndiSetPF.Status )); } } #endif
VOID RomSetReceiveStatus ( IN USHORT UnicastUdpDestinationPort #if 0
, IN USHORT MulticastUdpDestinationPort, IN ULONG MulticastUdpDestinationAddress, IN USHORT MulticastUdpSourcePort, IN ULONG MulticastUdpSourceAddress #endif
) { USHORT status; PUCHAR multicastAddress; union { t_PXENV_UDP_OPEN UdpOpen; t_PXENV_UNDI_SHUTDOWN UndiShutdown; } command;
if ( UnicastUdpDestinationPort != 0 ) {
// If we haven't opened UDP in the ROM yet, do so now.
if ( NetUnicastUdpDestinationPort == 0 ) { command.UdpOpen.Status = 0; *(UINT32 *)command.UdpOpen.SrcIp = 0; status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UDP_OPEN, &command ); if ( status != 0 ) { DPRINT( ERROR, ("RomSetReceiveStatus: error %d from UDP_OPEN\n", status) ); } } NetUnicastUdpDestinationPort = UnicastUdpDestinationPort;
#if 0
NetMulticastUdpDestinationPort = MulticastUdpDestinationPort; NetMulticastUdpDestinationAddress = MulticastUdpDestinationAddress; NetMulticastUdpSourceAddress = MulticastUdpSourceAddress; NetMulticastUdpSourceAddress = MulticastUdpSourceAddress; #endif
} else {
// This is a loader shutdown notification. Shut the NIC down.
// NB: This is irreversible!
command.UndiShutdown.Status = 0; status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UNDI_SHUTDOWN, &command ); }
} // RomSetReceiveStatus
ULONG RomSendUdpPacket ( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG RemoteHost, IN USHORT RemotePort ) { USHORT status; t_PXENV_UDP_WRITE command; UCHAR tmpBuffer[MAXIMUM_TFTP_PACKET_LENGTH];
#if 0 && DBG
DPRINT( SEND_RECEIVE, ("RomSendUdpPacket: sending this packet:\n") ); IF_DEBUG(SEND_RECEIVE) { RomDumpRawData( Buffer, Length, 0 ); } #endif
Length = ( MAXIMUM_TFTP_PACKET_LENGTH < Length ) ? MAXIMUM_TFTP_PACKET_LENGTH : Length; RtlCopyMemory( tmpBuffer, Buffer, Length );
command.Status = 0;
// Determine whether we need to send via the gateway.
if ( (RemoteHost & NetLocalSubnetMask) == (NetLocalIpAddress & NetLocalSubnetMask) ) { *(UINT32 *)command.GatewayIp = 0; } else { *(UINT32 *)command.GatewayIp = NetGatewayIpAddress; }
*(UINT32 *)command.DestIp = RemoteHost; command.DestPort = RemotePort; command.SrcPort = NetUnicastUdpDestinationPort;
command.BufferSize = (USHORT)Length; command.BufferOffset = PhysToOff(tmpBuffer); command.BufferSegment = PhysToSeg(tmpBuffer); //DbgPrint( "UDP write pktaddr %lx = %x:%x\n", tmpBuffer, command.BufferSegment, command.BufferOffset );
status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UDP_WRITE, &command ); //DbgPrint( "UDP write status = %x\n", command.Status );
if ( status == 0 ) { return Length; } else { return 0; }
} // RomSendUdpPacket
ULONG RomReceiveUdpPacket ( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Timeout, OUT PULONG RemoteHost, OUT PUSHORT RemotePort ) { USHORT status; t_PXENV_UDP_READ command; ULONG startTime; UCHAR tmpBuffer[MAXIMUM_TFTP_PACKET_LENGTH];
// Turn on broadcasts while in the receive loop, in case
// the other end needs to ARP to find us.
#if 0
RomSetBroadcastStatus(TRUE); #endif
startTime = SysGetRelativeTime(); if ( Timeout < 2 ) Timeout = 2;
while ( (SysGetRelativeTime() - startTime) < Timeout ) { command.Status = 0; *(UINT32 *)command.SrcIp = 0; *(UINT32 *)command.DestIp = 0; command.SrcPort = 0; command.DestPort = 0; command.BufferSize = (USHORT)Length; command.BufferOffset = PhysToOff(tmpBuffer); command.BufferSegment = PhysToSeg(tmpBuffer); //DbgPrint( "UDP read pktaddr %lx = %x:%x\n", tmpBuffer, command.BufferSegment, command.BufferOffset );
status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UDP_READ, &command ); if ( *(UINT32 *)command.SrcIp == 0 ) { continue; }
//DbgPrint( "UDP read status = %x, src ip/port = %d.%d.%d.%d/%d, length = %x\n", command.Status,
// command.SrcIp[0], command.SrcIp[1], command.SrcIp[2], command.SrcIp[3],
// SWAP_WORD(command.SrcPort), command.BufferSize );
//DbgPrint( " dest ip/port = %d.%d.%d.%d/%d\n",
// command.DestIp[0], command.DestIp[1], command.DestIp[2], command.DestIp[3],
// SWAP_WORD(command.DestPort) );
#if 0
if ( (command.DestIp[0] < 224) || (command.DestIp[0] > 239) ) { #endif
// This is a directed IP packet.
if ( !COMPARE_IP_ADDRESSES(command.DestIp, &NetLocalIpAddress) || (command.DestPort != NetUnicastUdpDestinationPort) ) { // DPRINT( ERROR, (" Directed UDP packet to wrong port\n") );
continue; }
#if 0
} else {
// This is a multicast IP packet.
if ( !COMPARE_IP_ADDRESSES(command.SrcIp, &NetMulticastUdpSourceAddress) || !COMPARE_IP_ADDRESSES(command.DestIp, &NetMulticastUdpDestinationAddress) || (command.SrcPort != NetMulticastUdpSourcePort) || (command.DestPort != NetMulticastUdpDestinationPort) ) { DPRINT( ERROR, (" Multicast UDP packet with wrong source/destination\n") ); continue; } } #endif
// We want this packet.
goto packet_received; }
// Timeout.
DPRINT( SEND_RECEIVE, ("RomReceiveUdpPacket: timeout\n") );
#if 0
RomSetBroadcastStatus(FALSE); // turn off broadcast reception
return 0;
// Packet received.
RtlCopyMemory( Buffer, tmpBuffer, command.BufferSize );
*RemoteHost = *(UINT32 *)command.SrcIp; *RemotePort = command.SrcPort;
#if 0 && DBG
if ( command.BufferSize != 0 ) { DPRINT( SEND_RECEIVE, ("RomReceiveUdpPacket: received this packet:\n") ); IF_DEBUG(SEND_RECEIVE) { RomDumpRawData( Buffer, command.BufferSize, 0 ); } } #endif
#if 0
RomSetBroadcastStatus(FALSE); // turn off broadcast reception
return command.BufferSize;
} // RomReceiveUdpPacket
#if 0 && DBG
VOID RomDumpRawData ( IN PUCHAR DataStart, IN ULONG DataLength, IN ULONG Offset )
{ ULONG lastByte; UCHAR lineBuffer[88]; PUCHAR bufferPtr;
if ( DataLength > RomMaxDumpLength ) { DataLength = RomMaxDumpLength; }
for ( lastByte = Offset + DataLength; Offset < lastByte; Offset += 16 ) {
bufferPtr = lineBuffer;
sprintf( bufferPtr, " %08x %04x: ", &DataStart[Offset], Offset ); bufferPtr += 18;
for ( i = 0; i < 16 && Offset + i < lastByte; i++ ) {
sprintf( bufferPtr, "%02x", (UCHAR)DataStart[Offset + i] & (UCHAR)0xFF ); bufferPtr += 2;
if ( i == 7 ) { *bufferPtr++ = '-'; } else { *bufferPtr++ = ' '; } }
// Print enough spaces so that the ASCII display lines up.
for ( ; i < 16; i++ ) { *bufferPtr++ = ' '; *bufferPtr++ = ' '; *bufferPtr++ = ' '; }
*bufferPtr++ = ' '; *bufferPtr++ = ' '; *bufferPtr++ = '*';
for ( i = 0; i < 16 && Offset + i < lastByte; i++ ) { if ( isprint( DataStart[Offset + i] ) ) { *bufferPtr++ = (CCHAR)DataStart[Offset + i]; } else { *bufferPtr++ = '.'; } }
*bufferPtr = 0; DbgPrint( "%s*\n", lineBuffer ); }
} // RomDumpRawData
#endif // DBG
ARC_STATUS RomMtftpReadFile ( IN PUCHAR FileName, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN ULONG ServerIPAddress, // network byte order
IN ULONG MCastIPAddress, // network byte order
IN USHORT MCastCPort, // network byte order
IN USHORT MCastSPort, // network byte order
IN USHORT Timeout, IN USHORT Delay, OUT PULONG DownloadSize ) { USHORT status; t_PXENV_TFTP_READ_FILE tftp; t_PXENV_UDP_CLOSE udpclose;
if (DownloadSize != NULL) { *DownloadSize = 0; }
memset( &tftp, 0 , sizeof( tftp ) );
strcpy(tftp.FileName, FileName); tftp.BufferSize = BufferLength; tftp.BufferOffset = (UINT32)Buffer;
if ( (ServerIPAddress & NetLocalSubnetMask) == (NetLocalIpAddress & NetLocalSubnetMask) ) { *((UINT32 *)tftp.GatewayIPAddress) = 0; } else { *((UINT32 *)tftp.GatewayIPAddress) = NetGatewayIpAddress; }
*((UINT32 *)tftp.ServerIPAddress) = ServerIPAddress; *((UINT32 *)tftp.McastIPAddress) = MCastIPAddress; tftp.TFTPClntPort = MCastCPort; tftp.TFTPSrvPort = MCastSPort; tftp.TFTPOpenTimeOut = Timeout; tftp.TFTPReopenDelay = Delay;
// make sure that any UDP sessions are already closed.
status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_UDP_CLOSE, &udpclose );
status = NETPC_ROM_SERVICES( PXENV_TFTP_READ_FILE, &tftp ); if (status != PXENV_EXIT_SUCCESS) { return EINVAL; }
if (DownloadSize != NULL) { *DownloadSize = tftp.BufferSize; }
return ESUCCESS;