Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Boot loader ROM routines.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) December 27, 1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <udp_api.h>
#include <tftp_api.h>
#include "bldr.h"
#include "efi.h"
#include "efip.h"
#include "bldria64.h"
#include "extern.h"
// We'll use this to keep track of which port we're communicating through.
EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT MachineLocalPort = 2000;
#define STALL_TIME (40000)
extern VOID FwStallExecution( IN ULONG Microseconds );
VOID RomSetReceiveStatus ( IN USHORT UnicastUdpDestinationPort #if 0
, IN USHORT MulticastUdpDestinationPort, IN ULONG MulticastUdpDestinationAddress, IN USHORT MulticastUdpSourcePort, IN ULONG MulticastUdpSourceAddress #endif
) { return;
} // RomSetReceiveStatus
ULONG RomSendUdpPacket ( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG RemoteHost, IN USHORT pServerPort ) { EFI_STATUS EfiStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_IP_ADDRESS DestinationIpAddress; INTN Count = 0; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT ServerPort = pServerPort; UINTN BufferLength = Length; PVOID MyBuffer = NULL;
// Get the server's EFI_IP_ADDRESS from the handle to the PXE base code.
for( Count = 0; Count < 4; Count++ ) { DestinationIpAddress.v4.Addr[Count] = PXEClient->Mode->ProxyOffer.Dhcpv4.BootpSiAddr[Count]; }
FlipToPhysical(); //
// Make sure the address is a physical address, then do the UdpWrite.
MyBuffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer & ~KSEG0_BASE); EfiStatus = PXEClient->UdpWrite( PXEClient, 0, &DestinationIpAddress, &ServerPort, NULL, NULL, &MachineLocalPort, NULL, NULL, &BufferLength, MyBuffer ); //
// This is really gross, but on retail builds with no debugger, EFI will go
// off in the weeds unless we slow down transactions over the network. So
// after Udp operations, take a short nap.
FwStallExecution( STALL_TIME ); FlipToVirtual(); if( EfiStatus != EFI_SUCCESS ) {
if( BdDebuggerEnabled ) { DbgPrint( "RomSendUdpPacket: UdpWrite failed. MachineLocalPort: %d ServerPort: %d (%d)\r\n", MachineLocalPort, ServerPort, EfiStatus ); } return 0; }
return Length;
} // RomSendUdpPacket
ULONG RomReceiveUdpPacket ( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Timeout, IN OUT PULONG RemoteHost, IN OUT PUSHORT LocalPort ) { EFI_STATUS EfiStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN BufferLength = Length; EFI_IP_ADDRESS ServerIpAddress; EFI_IP_ADDRESS MyIpAddress; INTN Count = 0; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT ServerPort = (EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT)(0xFAB); // hardcode to 4011
PVOID MyBuffer = NULL;
// Get The server's EFI_IP_ADDRESS from the handle to the PXE base code.
for( Count = 0; Count < 4; Count++ ) { ServerIpAddress.v4.Addr[Count] = PXEClient->Mode->ProxyOffer.Dhcpv4.BootpSiAddr[Count]; }
// Get our EFI_IP_ADDRESS from the handle to the PXE base code.
for( Count = 0; Count < 4; Count++ ) { MyIpAddress.v4.Addr[Count] = PXEClient->Mode->StationIp.v4.Addr[Count]; }
// Make sure the address is a physical address, then do the UdpWrite.
MyBuffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer & ~KSEG0_BASE); EfiStatus = PXEClient->UdpRead( PXEClient, 0, &MyIpAddress, &MachineLocalPort, &ServerIpAddress, &ServerPort, NULL, // &HeaderLength
NULL, // HeaderBuffer
&BufferLength, MyBuffer ); //
// This is really gross, but on retail builds with no debugger, EFI will go
// off in the weeds unless we slow down transactions over the network. So
// after Udp operations, take a short nap.
FwStallExecution( STALL_TIME ); FlipToVirtual();
if( EfiStatus != EFI_SUCCESS ) {
if( BdDebuggerEnabled ) { DbgPrint( "RomReceiveUdpPacket: UdpRead failed. MachineLocalPort: %d ServerPort: %d (%d)\r\n", MachineLocalPort, ServerPort, EfiStatus ); } return 0; }
return Length;
} // RomReceiveUdpPacket
ULONG RomGetNicType ( OUT t_PXENV_UNDI_GET_NIC_TYPE *NicType ) { return 0; }