/*** parseasl.c - Parse ASL source file
* * Copyright (c) 1996,1997 Microsoft Corporation * Author: Michael Tsang (MikeTs) * Created: 09/07/96 * * This module implements a recursive decent parser for the ASL language. * * MODIFICATION HISTORY */
#include "pch.h"
/***LP ParseASLFile - Parse the ASL source file
* * ENTRY * pszFile -> file name string * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseASLFile(PSZ pszFile) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; FILE *pfileSrc; PTOKEN ptoken; PSZ pszOldFile;
ENTER((1, "ParseASLFile(File=%s)\n", pszFile));
if ((pfileSrc = fopen(pszFile, "r")) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseASLFile: failed to open source file - %s", pszFile)); rc = ASLERR_OPEN_FILE; } else { if ((ptoken = OpenScan(pfileSrc)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseASLFile: failed to initialize scanner")); rc = ASLERR_INIT_SCANNER; } else { pszOldFile = gpszASLFile; gpszASLFile = pszFile; printf("%s:\n", pszFile); if ((rc = ParseASLTerms(ptoken, 0)) == TOKERR_EOF) rc = ASLERR_NONE; else if (rc == ASLERR_EXPECT_EOF) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Expecting end-of-file", TRUE); }
gpszASLFile = pszOldFile; CloseScan(ptoken); }
fclose(pfileSrc); }
EXIT((1, "ParseASLFile=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseASLFile
/***LP ParseASLTerms - Parse all ASL statements
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * iNestLevel - nesting level of current file * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseASLTerms(PTOKEN ptoken, int iNestLevel) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pcode;
ENTER((1, "ParseASLTerms(ptoken=%p,Level=%d)\n", ptoken, iNestLevel));
do { if ((pcode = (PCODEOBJ)MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseASLTerms: failed to allocate code object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memset(pcode, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ));
if (gpcodeRoot == NULL) gpcodeRoot = pcode; else if (gpcodeScope != NULL) { pcode->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pcode->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); }
gpcodeScope = pcode; rc = ParseASLTerm(ptoken, iNestLevel); gpcodeScope = pcode->pcParent;
if (rc != ASLERR_NONE) { if (gpcodeRoot == pcode) gpcodeRoot = NULL; else if (gpcodeScope != NULL) { ListRemoveEntry(&pcode->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); }
MEMFREE(pcode); } } } while (rc == ASLERR_NONE);
EXIT((1, "ParseASLTerms=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseASLTerms
/***LP ValidateTermClass - Validate term class with parent
* * ENTRY * dwTermClass - term class of child * pcParent -> parent * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TRUE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns FALSE */
BOOL LOCAL ValidateTermClass(DWORD dwTermClass, PCODEOBJ pcParent) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
ENTER((2, "ValidateTermClass(TermClass=%x,Parent=%p)\n", dwTermClass, pcParent));
if ((dwTermClass & TC_COMPILER_DIRECTIVE) == 0) { while (pcParent != NULL) { //
// Go upward to find a parent that is not "Include".
if (TermTable[pcParent->dwTermIndex].lID == ID_INCLUDE) { pcParent = pcParent->pcParent; } else { break; } }
if ((pcParent != NULL) && (pcParent->dwfCode & CF_PARSING_VARLIST)) { rc = (dwTermClass & TermTable[pcParent->dwTermIndex].dwfTerm) != 0; } }
EXIT((2, "ValidateTermClass=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ValidateTermClass
/***LP ParseASLTerm - Parse an ASL statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * iNestLevel - nesting level of current file * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseASLTerm(PTOKEN ptoken, int iNestLevel) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseASLTerm(ptoken=%p,Level=%d)\n", ptoken, iNestLevel));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_RBRACE, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (iNestLevel == 0) rc = ASLERR_EXPECT_EOF; else { //
// We have no more terms in the current scope
UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } } else if ((rc != TOKERR_EOF) && ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE)) { if ((gpcodeRoot == NULL) && ((ptoken->llTokenValue < 0) || (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].lID != ID_DEFBLK))) { //
// outside of definition block
rc = ASLERR_EXPECT_EOF; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue == ID_USER) //user term
{ if ((rc = ParseUserTerm(ptoken, FALSE)) == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "User ID is not a method", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue >= 0) //ASL term
{ PNSOBJ pnsScopeSave = gpnsCurrentScope; PNSOBJ pnsOwnerSave = gpnsCurrentOwner; PASLTERM pterm; int iNumArgs;
pterm = &TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue]; iNumArgs = pterm->pszArgTypes? strlen(pterm->pszArgTypes): 0; gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_ASLTERM; gpcodeScope->dwTermIndex = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue = pterm->dwOpcode; gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = (DWORD)iNumArgs;
if (!ValidateTermClass(pterm->dwfTermClass, gpcodeScope->pcParent)) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "unexpected ASL term type", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (pterm->pszArgTypes != NULL) //there is a fixed list
rc = ParseArgs(ptoken, pterm, iNumArgs);
if ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_ACTION_FLIST)) { ASSERT(pterm->pfnTerm != NULL); rc = pterm->pfnTerm(ptoken, TRUE); }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_ALL_LISTS) { if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_LBRACE, 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_CHANGE_CHILDSCOPE) { ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj != NULL); gpnsCurrentScope = gpcodeScope->pnsObj; }
if (pterm->lID == ID_METHOD) { gpnsCurrentOwner = gpcodeScope->pnsObj; }
gpcodeScope->dwfCode |= CF_PARSING_VARLIST;
if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_FIELD_LIST) rc = ParseFieldList(ptoken); else if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_PACKAGE_LIST) rc = ParsePackageList(ptoken); else if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_DATA_LIST) rc = ParseBuffList(ptoken); else if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_BYTE_LIST) rc = ParseDataList(ptoken, sizeof(BYTE)); else if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_DWORD_LIST) rc = ParseDataList(ptoken, sizeof(DWORD)); else rc = ParseASLTerms(ptoken, iNestLevel + 1);
gpcodeScope->dwfCode &= ~CF_PARSING_VARLIST;
if (((rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) || (rc == TOKERR_EOF)) && ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_RBRACE, 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE)) { ComputeChkSumLen(gpcodeScope); if (pterm->dwfTerm & TF_ACTION_VLIST) { ASSERT(pterm->pfnTerm != NULL); rc = pterm->pfnTerm(ptoken, FALSE); } } } } else { ComputeChkSumLen(gpcodeScope); } } gpnsCurrentScope = pnsScopeSave; gpnsCurrentOwner = pnsOwnerSave; } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "unexpected term type", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } }
EXIT((1, "ParseASLTerm=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseASLTerm
/***LP ParseFieldList - Parse Field List
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseFieldList(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; NAMESEG NameSeg; DWORD dwcbLen; DWORD dwcBits = 0, dwcTotalBits = 0; PCODEOBJ pc; PNSOBJ pns;
ENTER((1, "ParseFieldList(ptoken=%p,AccSize=%ld)\n", ptoken, gdwFieldAccSize));
while ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) || ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_COMMA, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE))) { pns = NULL; if (ptoken->iTokenType == TOKTYPE_SYMBOL) { NameSeg = 0; rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL); dwcBits = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue >= 0) { if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].lID == ID_OFFSET) { if (((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_LPARAN, 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) && ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE)) { NameSeg = 0; if ((DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue*8 >= dwcTotalBits) { dwcBits = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue*8 - dwcTotalBits; rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_RPARAN, 0, NULL); } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "backward offset is not allowed", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } else if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].lID == ID_ACCESSAS) { PCODEOBJ pcode;
UnGetToken(ptoken); if ((pcode = (PCODEOBJ)MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseFieldList: failed to allocate code object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { ASSERT(gpcodeScope != NULL); memset(pcode, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)); pcode->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pcode->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild);
gpcodeScope = pcode; rc = ParseASLTerm(ptoken, 0); gpcodeScope = pcode->pcParent;
if (rc != ASLERR_NONE) { ListRemoveEntry(&pcode->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); MEMFREE(pcode); } else if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_COMMA, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { continue; } } } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "unexpected ASL term in field list", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } else { //
// expecting a NameSeg and an integer
dwcbLen = sizeof(NAMESEG); if ((ptoken->llTokenValue >= 0) || //an ASL term?
!ValidASLNameSeg(ptoken, ptoken->szToken, strlen(ptoken->szToken)) || ((rc = EncodeName(ptoken->szToken, (PBYTE)&NameSeg, &dwcbLen)) != ASLERR_NONE) || (dwcbLen != sizeof(NAMESEG))) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "not a valid NameSeg", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if ((rc = CreateNameSpaceObj(ptoken, ptoken->szToken, gpnsCurrentScope, gpnsCurrentOwner, &pns, NSF_EXIST_ERR)) == ASLERR_NONE) { pns->ObjData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_FIELDUNIT; if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_COMMA, 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL); dwcBits = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; } } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { if ((NameSeg == 0) && (dwcBits == 0)) { rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_COMMA, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL); } else if ((pc = MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseFieldList: failed to allocate field code object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { int icb;
memset(pc, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)); if ((rc = EncodePktLen(dwcBits, &pc->dwDataLen, &icb)) == ASLERR_NONE) { dwcTotalBits += dwcBits; if (gpcodeScope->pnsObj != NULL) { ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_OPREGION); if ((gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.uipDataValue != 0xffffffff) && ((dwcTotalBits + 7)/8 > gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.uipDataValue)) { char szMsg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1];
sprintf(szMsg, "field offset is exceeding operation region range (offset=0x%x)", (dwcTotalBits + 7)/8); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } }
pc->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pc->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); pc->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_FIELDOBJ; if (pns != NULL) { pc->dwfCode |= CF_CREATED_NSOBJ; pc->pnsObj = pns; pns->Context = pc; } pc->dwCodeValue = NameSeg; pc->dwCodeLen = (NameSeg == 0)? sizeof(BYTE): sizeof(NAMESEG); pc->dwCodeLen += icb; pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum((PBYTE)&NameSeg, sizeof(NAMESEG)); pc->bCodeChkSum = (BYTE) (pc->bCodeChkSum + ComputeDataChkSum((PBYTE)&pc->dwDataLen, icb));
rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_COMMA, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL); } else { MEMFREE(pc); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "exceeding maximum encoding limit", TRUE); } } } }
EXIT((1, "ParseFieldList=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseFieldList
/***LP ParsePackageList - Parse Package List
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParsePackageList(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc; PCODEOBJ pc; int icElements = 0; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "ParsePackageList(ptoken=%p)\n", ptoken));
do { if ((pc = MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParsePackageList: failed to allocate package object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memset(pc, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)); pc->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pc->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild);
gpcodeScope = pc; if ((rc = ParseData(ptoken)) == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = ParseName(ptoken, TRUE); } gpcodeScope = pc->pcParent;
if (rc != ASLERR_NONE) { ListRemoveEntry(&pc->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); MEMFREE(pc); } else if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { icElements++; if (ptoken->llTokenValue == SYM_RBRACE) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue != SYM_COMMA) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ',' or '}'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } } while (rc == ASLERR_NONE);
if (rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; if (pArgs[0].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) { pArgs[0].dwfCode &= ~CF_MISSING_ARG; SetIntObject(&pArgs[0], (DWORD)icElements, sizeof(BYTE)); } else if (pArgs[0].dwCodeValue < (DWORD)icElements) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Package has too many elements", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } }
EXIT((1, "ParsePackageList=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParsePackageList
/***LP ParseBuffList - Parse Buffer List
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseBuffList(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pc;
ENTER((1, "ParseBuffList(ptoken=%p)\n", ptoken));
if ((pc = (PCODEOBJ)MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseBuffList: failed to allocate buffer code object")) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { #define MAX_TEMP_BUFF 256
PCODEOBJ pArgs; DWORD dwReservedLen; PBYTE pbBuff; DWORD dwBuffSize = MAX_TEMP_BUFF;
memset(pc, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)); pc->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pc->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; pc->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_DATAOBJ;
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_STRING, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { pc->dwDataLen = strlen(ptoken->szToken) + 1;
if (!(pArgs[0].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) && (pArgs[0].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_DATAOBJ) && ((rc = GetIntData(&pArgs[0], &dwReservedLen)) == ASLERR_NONE) && (pc->dwDataLen > dwReservedLen)) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Buffer has too many initializers", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else { if ((pc->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)pc->dwDataLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseBuffList: failed to allocate string object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memset(pc->pbDataBuff, 0, pc->dwDataLen); memcpy(pc->pbDataBuff, ptoken->szToken, pc->dwDataLen); pc->dwCodeLen = pc->dwDataLen; pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(pc->pbDataBuff, pc->dwDataLen); } } } else if ((pbBuff = MEMALLOC(dwBuffSize)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseBuffList: failed to allocate temp. buffer")) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { DWORD dwLen = 0;
while ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue > MAX_BYTE) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting byte value", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } else if (dwLen >= MAX_PACKAGE_LEN) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "data exceeding Buffer limit", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } else { if (dwLen >= dwBuffSize) { PBYTE pb;
dwBuffSize += MAX_TEMP_BUFF; if ((pb = MEMALLOC(dwBuffSize)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseBuffList: failed to resize temp. buffer (size=%ld)", dwBuffSize)) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } else { memcpy(pb, pbBuff, dwLen); MEMFREE(pbBuff); pbBuff = pb; } }
pbBuff[dwLen++] = (BYTE)ptoken->llTokenValue; if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == SYM_RBRACE) { UnGetToken(ptoken); break; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue != SYM_COMMA) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ',' or '}'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } } else break; } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { pc->dwDataLen = dwLen; if (!(pArgs[0].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) && (pArgs[0].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_DATAOBJ) && ((rc = GetIntData(&pArgs[0], &dwReservedLen)) == ASLERR_NONE) && (pc->dwDataLen > dwReservedLen)) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Buffer has too many initializers", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else { if ((pc->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)pc->dwDataLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseBuffList: failed to allocate data object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memset(pc->pbDataBuff, 0, pc->dwDataLen); memcpy(pc->pbDataBuff, pbBuff, pc->dwDataLen); pc->dwCodeLen = pc->dwDataLen; pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(pc->pbDataBuff, pc->dwDataLen); } } } MEMFREE(pbBuff); }
if ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (pArgs[0].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG)) { pArgs[0].dwfCode &= ~CF_MISSING_ARG; rc = MakeIntData(pc->dwDataLen, &pArgs[0]); }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; }
EXIT((1, "ParseBuffList=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseBuffList
/***LP ParseDataList - Parse Data List
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * icbDataSize - data size in bytes * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseDataList(PTOKEN ptoken, int icbDataSize) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pc;
ENTER((1, "ParseDataList(ptoken=%p,DataSize=%d)\n", ptoken, icbDataSize));
if ((pc = (PCODEOBJ)MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseDataList: failed to allocate buffer code object")) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { #define MAX_TEMP_BUFF 256
PBYTE pbBuff; DWORD dwBuffSize = MAX_TEMP_BUFF*icbDataSize;
memset(pc, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)); pc->pcParent = gpcodeScope; ListInsertTail(&pc->list, (PPLIST)&gpcodeScope->pcFirstChild); pc->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_DATAOBJ;
if ((pbBuff = MEMALLOC(dwBuffSize)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseDataList: failed to allocate temp. buffer")) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { DWORD dwLen = 0;
while ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { switch (icbDataSize) { case sizeof(BYTE): if (ptoken->llTokenValue > MAX_BYTE) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting byte value", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } break;
case sizeof(WORD): if (ptoken->llTokenValue > MAX_WORD) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting word value", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } break;
case sizeof(DWORD): if (ptoken->llTokenValue > MAX_DWORD) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting dword value", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } break;
default: ERROR(("ParseDataList: unexpected data size - %d", icbDataSize)); rc = ASLERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
if (rc != ASLERR_NONE) break;
if (dwLen + icbDataSize > MAX_PACKAGE_LEN) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "data exceeding Buffer limit", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } else { if (dwLen + icbDataSize > dwBuffSize) { PBYTE pb;
dwBuffSize += MAX_TEMP_BUFF*icbDataSize; if ((pb = MEMALLOC(dwBuffSize)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseDataList: failed to resize temp. buffer (size=%ld)", dwBuffSize)) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } else { memcpy(pb, pbBuff, dwLen); MEMFREE(pbBuff); pbBuff = pb; } }
switch (icbDataSize) { case sizeof(BYTE): pbBuff[dwLen] = (BYTE)ptoken->llTokenValue; break;
case sizeof(WORD): *((PWORD)&pbBuff[dwLen]) = (WORD) ptoken->llTokenValue; break;
case sizeof(DWORD): *((PDWORD)&pbBuff[dwLen]) = (DWORD) ptoken->llTokenValue; break; } dwLen += icbDataSize;
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == SYM_RBRACE) { UnGetToken(ptoken); break; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue != SYM_COMMA) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ',' or '}'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; break; } } else break; } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { pc->dwDataLen = dwLen; if ((pc->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC(pc->dwDataLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseDataList: failed to allocate data object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memcpy(pc->pbDataBuff, pbBuff, pc->dwDataLen); pc->dwCodeLen = pc->dwDataLen; pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(pc->pbDataBuff, pc->dwDataLen); } } MEMFREE(pbBuff); }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; }
EXIT((1, "ParseDataList=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseDataList
/***LP ParseArgs - Parse ASL term arguments
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * pterm -> asl term * iNumArgs - number of arguments * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseArgs(PTOKEN ptoken, PASLTERM pterm, int iNumArgs) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "ParseArgs(ptoken=%p,pterm=%p,NumArgs=%d)\n", ptoken, pterm, iNumArgs));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_LPARAN, 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { PCODEOBJ pArgs = NULL;
if ((iNumArgs != 0) && ((pArgs = MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ)*iNumArgs)) == NULL)) { ERROR(("ParseArgs: failed to allocate argument objects")) rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { int i; char chArgType; char szNameBuff[MAX_NSPATH_LEN + 1]; BOOL fOptional; PSZ pszArgType = "Unknown";
gpcodeScope->dwfCode |= CF_PARSING_FIXEDLIST; if (pArgs != NULL) { gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = (PBYTE)pArgs; memset(pArgs, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)*iNumArgs); }
for (i = 0; (rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (i < iNumArgs); ++i) { chArgType = pterm->pszArgTypes[i]; if (islower(chArgType)) { chArgType = (char)_toupper(chArgType); fOptional = TRUE; } else fOptional = FALSE;
pArgs[i].pcParent = gpcodeScope;
gpcodeScope = &pArgs[i]; switch (chArgType) { case 'N': case 'R': rc = ParseName(ptoken, (chArgType == 'N')? TRUE: FALSE); pszArgType = "Name"; break;
case 'S': if (((rc = ParseSuperName(ptoken)) == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) && fOptional) { pArgs[i].dwCodeType = CODETYPE_ASLTERM; pArgs[i].dwCodeValue = OP_ZERO; pArgs[i].dwCodeLen = 0; pArgs[i].bCodeChkSum = OP_ZERO; rc = LookupIDIndex(ID_ZERO, &pArgs[i].dwTermIndex); } pszArgType = "SuperName"; break;
case 'O': rc = ParseData(ptoken); pszArgType = "DataObject"; break;
case 'B': case 'W': case 'D': case 'U': case 'Q': rc = ParseInteger(ptoken, chArgType); if (chArgType == 'B') pszArgType = "ByteInteger"; else if (chArgType == 'W') pszArgType = "WordInteger"; else if (chArgType == 'D') pszArgType = "DWordInteger"; else if (chArgType == 'Q') pszArgType = "QWordInteger"; else pszArgType = "Integer"; break;
case 'C': case 'M': case 'P': rc = ParseOpcode(ptoken, chArgType); pszArgType = "Opcode"; break;
case 'E': case 'K': rc = ParseKeyword(ptoken, pterm->pszArgActions[i]); pszArgType = "Keyword"; if ((chArgType == 'E') && (rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH)) { if ((rc = ParseInteger(ptoken, 'B')) == ASLERR_NONE) { if ((pterm->pszArgActions[i] != 'Y') && //
// AccessAttribKeyword ( pszArgActions type 'Y' ) may be replaced
// by any integer value.
// Size checking is performed in AccessAs function.
((gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue < (pterm->dwTermData >> 24)) || (gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue > ((pterm->dwTermData >> 16) & 0xff)))) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "invalid integer range", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } break;
case 'Z': rc = ParseString(ptoken); pszArgType = "String"; break; } gpcodeScope = pArgs[i].pcParent;
if (rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { if (fOptional) { pArgs[i].dwfCode |= CF_MISSING_ARG; rc = ASLERR_NONE; } else { char szMsg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1];
sprintf(szMsg, "expecting argument type \"%s\"", pszArgType); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } }
if ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (pterm->pszArgActions != NULL) && ((chArgType == 'N') || (chArgType == 'S') || (chArgType == 'C') || (chArgType == 'M') || (chArgType == 'P')) && (pArgs[i].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_NAME) && ((rc = DecodeName(pArgs[i].pbDataBuff, szNameBuff, sizeof(szNameBuff))) == ASLERR_NONE)) { char chActType = pterm->pszArgActions[i];
if (islower(chActType)) { rc = CreateObject(ptoken, szNameBuff, (char)_toupper(chActType), NULL); } else { rc = ValidateObject(ptoken, szNameBuff, chActType, chArgType); } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { //
// expecting either a comma or a close paran.
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == SYM_RPARAN) { UnGetToken(ptoken); } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue != SYM_COMMA) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ',' or ')'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (i == iNumArgs - 1) //last argument
{ PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ')'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } } gpcodeScope->dwfCode &= ~CF_PARSING_FIXEDLIST;
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_RPARAN, 0, NULL); }
EXIT((1, "ParseArgs=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseArgs
/***LP ParseUserTerm - Parse user method name
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * fNonMethodOK - if TRUE, user term can be a non-method * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseUserTerm(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fNonMethodOK) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseUserTerm(ptoken=%p,fNonMethodOK=%d)\n", ptoken, fNonMethodOK));
// Max number of argument is 7 but we need to store the user term name too,
// we will store it in Arg0, so we will make it 8.
if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC(sizeof(CODEOBJ)*(MAX_ARGS + 1))) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseUserTerm: failed to allocate user term object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { PCODEOBJ pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; int i;
gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_USERTERM; gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = MAX_ARGS + 1; memset(pArgs, 0, sizeof(CODEOBJ)*gpcodeScope->dwDataLen);
pArgs[0].pcParent = gpcodeScope; gpcodeScope = &pArgs[0]; UnGetToken(ptoken); if ((rc = ParseName(ptoken, TRUE)) == TOKERR_NONE) { PNSOBJ pns; char szName[MAX_NSPATH_LEN + 1];
strcpy(szName, ptoken->szToken); GetNameSpaceObj(szName, gpnsCurrentScope, &pns, 0);
gpcodeScope = pArgs[0].pcParent; if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_LPARAN, fNonMethodOK? MTF_NOT_ERR: 0, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { for (i = 1; (rc == TOKERR_NONE) && (i < (int)gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); ++i) { pArgs[i].pcParent = gpcodeScope; gpcodeScope = &pArgs[i]; if ((rc = ParseOpcode(ptoken, 'C')) == TOKERR_NONE) { if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == SYM_RPARAN) { UnGetToken(ptoken); gpcodeScope = pArgs[i].pcParent; //
// Readjust the number of arguments
gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = i + 1; break; } else if (ptoken->llTokenValue != SYM_COMMA) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ',' or ')'", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } else if (rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { gpcodeScope = pArgs[i].pcParent; //
// Readjust the number of arguments
gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = i; rc = TOKERR_NONE; break; }
gpcodeScope = pArgs[i].pcParent; }
if (rc == TOKERR_NONE) { ComputeArgsChkSumLen(gpcodeScope); if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_SYMBOL, SYM_RPARAN, 0, NULL)) == ASLERR_NONE) { char szMsg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1];
if (pns == NULL) { rc = QueueNSChk(ptoken, szName, OBJTYPE_METHOD, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen - 1); } else if (pns->ObjData.dwDataType != OBJTYPE_METHOD) { sprintf(szMsg, "%s is not a method", szName); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (pns->ObjData.uipDataValue < gpcodeScope->dwDataLen - 1) { sprintf(szMsg, "%s has too many arguments", szName); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (pns->ObjData.uipDataValue > gpcodeScope->dwDataLen - 1) { sprintf(szMsg, "%s has too few arguments", szName); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } } else if (rc == TOKERR_NO_MATCH) { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = pArgs[0].dwCodeType; gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = pArgs[0].dwDataLen; gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = pArgs[0].pbDataBuff; gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = pArgs[0].dwCodeLen; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = pArgs[0].bCodeChkSum; MEMFREE(pArgs); if (pns == NULL) { rc = QueueNSChk(ptoken, szName, OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN, 0); } else { rc = TOKERR_NONE; } } } }
EXIT((1, "ParseUserTerm=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseUserTerm
/***LP ParseName - Parse ASL name
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * fEncode - TRUE if encode name else store it raw as string * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseName(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fEncode) { int rc; BYTE abBuff[MAX_NAMECODE_LEN]; DWORD dwLen = sizeof(abBuff);
ENTER((1, "ParseName(ptoken=%p,fEncode=%x)\n", ptoken, fEncode));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, ID_USER, MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (!ValidASLName(ptoken, ptoken->szToken)) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "expecting ASL name", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (fEncode) { if ((rc = EncodeName(ptoken->szToken, abBuff, &dwLen)) == ASLERR_NONE) { if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)dwLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseName: failed to allocate name string object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memcpy(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, abBuff, (int)dwLen); gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_NAME; gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = dwLen; gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = dwLen; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, dwLen); } } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "name too long", TRUE); } } else { gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = strlen(ptoken->szToken) + 1; if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC(gpcodeScope->dwDataLen)) != NULL) { memcpy(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, ptoken->szToken, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_STRING; gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = gpcodeScope->dwDataLen; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); } else { ERROR(("ParseName: failed to allocate raw name string object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } } }
EXIT((1, "ParseName=%d (Name=%s)\n", rc, ptoken->szToken)); return rc; } //ParseName
/***LP ParseSuperName - Parse ASL super name
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseSuperName(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseSuperName(ptoken=%p)\n", ptoken));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == ID_USER) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = ParseName(ptoken, TRUE); } else { if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwfTermClass & TC_SHORT_NAME) { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_ASLTERM; gpcodeScope->dwTermIndex = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue = TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwOpcode; } else if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwfTermClass & TC_REF_OBJECT) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = ParseASLTerm(ptoken, 0); } else { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } } }
EXIT((1, "ParseSuperName=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseSuperName
/***LP MakeIntData - make integer data object
* * ENTRY * dwData - integer data * pc -> code object * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL MakeIntData(DWORD dwData, PCODEOBJ pc) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; DWORD dwLen; BYTE bOp;
ENTER((1, "MakeIntData(Data=%lx,pc=%p)\n", dwData, pc));
pc->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_DATAOBJ; if ((dwData & 0xffffff00) == 0) { bOp = OP_BYTE; dwLen = 2; } else if ((dwData & 0xffff0000) == 0) { bOp = OP_WORD; dwLen = 3; } else { bOp = OP_DWORD; dwLen = 5; }
if ((pc->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)dwLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("MakeIntData: failed to allocate data object - %lx", dwData)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { pc->dwDataLen = dwLen; pc->dwCodeLen = dwLen; pc->pbDataBuff[0] = bOp; memcpy(&pc->pbDataBuff[1], &dwData, (int)(dwLen - 1)); pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(pc->pbDataBuff, dwLen); }
EXIT((1, "MakeIntData=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //MakeIntData
/***LP GetIntData - get integer from a data object
* * ENTRY * pc -> code object * pdwData -> to hold integer data * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL GetIntData(PCODEOBJ pc, PDWORD pdwData) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "GetIntData(pc=%p,pdwData=%p)\n", pc, pdwData));
ASSERT(pc->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_DATAOBJ); switch (pc->pbDataBuff[0]) { case OP_BYTE: *pdwData = (DWORD)(*((PBYTE)&pc->pbDataBuff[1])); break;
case OP_WORD: *pdwData = (DWORD)(*((PWORD)&pc->pbDataBuff[1])); break;
case OP_DWORD: *pdwData = *((PDWORD)&pc->pbDataBuff[1]); break;
default: ERROR(("GetIntData: data object is not integer type")); rc = ASLERR_INVALID_OBJTYPE; }
EXIT((1, "GetIntData=%d (Data=%lx)\n", rc, *pdwData)); return rc; } //GetIntData
/***LP ParseData - Parse ASL data object
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseData(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseData(ptoken=%p)\n", ptoken));
if ((rc = GetToken(ptoken)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->iTokenType == TOKTYPE_NUMBER) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue <= MAX_DWORD) { rc = MakeIntData((DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue, gpcodeScope); } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "data value exceeding DWORD maximum", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } else if (ptoken->iTokenType == TOKTYPE_STRING) { DWORD dwLen;
gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_DATAOBJ; dwLen = strlen(ptoken->szToken) + 2; if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)dwLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseData: failed to allocate string object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = dwLen; gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = dwLen; gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff[0] = OP_STRING; memcpy(&gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff[1], ptoken->szToken, (int)(dwLen - 1)); gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, dwLen); } } else if ((ptoken->iTokenType != TOKTYPE_ID) || (ptoken->llTokenValue < 0) || ((TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwfTermClass & (TC_DATA_OBJECT | TC_CONST_NAME)) == 0)) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } else { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = ParseASLTerm(ptoken, 0); } }
EXIT((1, "ParseData=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseData
/***LP ParseInteger - Parse integer data
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * c - integer type * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseInteger(PTOKEN ptoken, char c) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseInteger(ptoken=%p,ch=%c)\n", ptoken, c));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_NUMBER, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue = 0; if ((c == 'B') && ((ptoken->llTokenValue & 0xffffffffffffff00) != 0) || (c == 'W') && ((ptoken->llTokenValue & 0xffffffffffff0000) != 0) || (c == 'D') && ((ptoken->llTokenValue & 0xffffffff00000000) != 0)) { char szMsg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1];
sprintf(szMsg, "expecting %s value", (c == 'B')? "byte": (c == 'W')? "word": "dword"); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (c == 'U') { if (ptoken->llTokenValue <= MAX_DWORD) { rc = MakeIntData((DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue, gpcodeScope); } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "data value exceeding DWORD maximum", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } else if (c != 'Q') { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_INTEGER; gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = (c == 'B')? sizeof(BYTE): (c == 'W')? sizeof(WORD): (c == 'D')? sizeof(DWORD): ((ptoken->llTokenValue & 0xffffffffffffff00) == 0)? sizeof(BYTE): ((ptoken->llTokenValue & 0xffffffffffff0000) == 0)? sizeof(WORD): sizeof(DWORD); gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = gpcodeScope->dwDataLen; gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum((PBYTE)&ptoken->llTokenValue, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); } else if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC(gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = sizeof(QWORD))) != NULL) { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_QWORD; memcpy(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, &ptoken->llTokenValue, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = gpcodeScope->dwDataLen; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); } else { ERROR(("ParseInteger: failed to allocate QWord object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } }
EXIT((1, "ParseInteger=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseInteger
/***LP ParseOpcode - Parse ASL opcode: MachineCode, FunctionCode, SuperName
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * c - opcode type * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseOpcode(PTOKEN ptoken, char c) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseOpcode(ptoken=%p,ch=%c)\n", ptoken, c));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if (ptoken->llTokenValue == ID_USER) { PNSOBJ pns;
if ((GetNameSpaceObj(ptoken->szToken, gpnsCurrentScope, &pns, 0) == ASLERR_NONE) && (pns->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_RES_FIELD) && ((c == 'M') || (c == 'P'))) { DWORD dwValue = 0;
if (c == 'P') { dwValue = pns->ObjData.uipDataValue; } else if (pns->ObjData.uipDataValue%8 == 0) { dwValue = pns->ObjData.uipDataValue/8; } else { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "object can only be used in CreateField " "or CreateBitField statements", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { rc = MakeIntData(dwValue, gpcodeScope); } } else { rc = ParseUserTerm(ptoken, TRUE); } } else { UnGetToken(ptoken); if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwfTermClass & TC_OPCODE) { rc = ParseASLTerm(ptoken, 0); } else { rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } } } else rc = ParseData(ptoken);
EXIT((1, "ParseOpcode=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseOpcode
/***LP ParseKeyword - Parse ASL keyword
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * chExpectType - expected keyword type * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code * * NOTE * DATATYPE_KEYWORD is a transient type. It will be lumped together with * other keyword type arguments and be converted into one DATATYPE_INTEGER. */
int LOCAL ParseKeyword(PTOKEN ptoken, char chExpectType) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseKeyword(ptoken=%p,ExpectedType=%c)\n", ptoken, chExpectType));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_ID, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { if ((ptoken->llTokenValue == ID_USER) || !(TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].dwfTermClass & TC_KEYWORD)) { UnGetToken(ptoken); rc = TOKERR_NO_MATCH; } else if (TermTable[ptoken->llTokenValue].pszArgActions[0] != chExpectType) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "incorrect keyword type", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_KEYWORD; gpcodeScope->dwTermIndex = (DWORD)ptoken->llTokenValue; gpcodeScope->dwCodeValue = TOKID(ptoken->llTokenValue); } }
EXIT((1, "ParseKeyword=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseKeyword
/***LP ParseString - Parse string object
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TOKERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ParseString(PTOKEN ptoken) { int rc;
ENTER((1, "ParseString(ptoken=%p)\n", ptoken));
if ((rc = MatchToken(ptoken, TOKTYPE_STRING, 0, MTF_ANY_VALUE | MTF_NOT_ERR, NULL)) == TOKERR_NONE) { gpcodeScope->dwDataLen = strlen(ptoken->szToken) + 1; if (gpcodeScope->dwDataLen > MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) { ERROR(("ParseString: string too big - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if ((gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff = MEMALLOC((size_t)gpcodeScope->dwDataLen)) == NULL) { ERROR(("ParseString: failed to allocate string object - %s", ptoken->szToken)); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { gpcodeScope->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_STRING; memcpy(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, ptoken->szToken, (int)gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); gpcodeScope->dwCodeLen = gpcodeScope->dwDataLen; gpcodeScope->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum(gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, gpcodeScope->dwDataLen); } }
EXIT((1, "ParseString=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ParseString
/***LP ValidateObject - Validate the existence and type of the object
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> TOKEN * pszName -> object name * chActType - action type * chArgType - argument type * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ValidateObject(PTOKEN ptoken, PSZ pszName, char chActType, char chArgType) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; ULONG dwDataType = OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN;
ENTER((2, "ValidateObject(ptoken=%p,Name=%s,ActType=%c,ArgType=%c)\n", ptoken, pszName, chActType, chArgType));
switch (chActType) { case NSTYPE_UNKNOWN: case NSTYPE_SCOPE: break;
case NSTYPE_DEVICE: dwDataType = OBJTYPE_DEVICE; break;
case NSTYPE_EVENT: dwDataType = OBJTYPE_EVENT; break;
case NSTYPE_METHOD: dwDataType = OBJTYPE_METHOD; break;
case NSTYPE_MUTEX: dwDataType = OBJTYPE_MUTEX; break;
default: ERROR(("ValidateObject: invalid object type %c", chActType)); rc = ASLERR_INVALID_OBJTYPE; }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { PNSOBJ pns; char szMsg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1];
if (((rc = GetNameSpaceObj(pszName, gpnsCurrentScope, &pns, 0)) == ASLERR_NONE) && ((pns->hOwner == NULL) || ((PNSOBJ)pns->hOwner == gpnsCurrentOwner))) { if ((pns->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_RES_FIELD) && (chArgType != 'M') && (chArgType != 'P')) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "object can only be used in the index argument " "of CreateXField or Index statements", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if ((dwDataType != OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN) && (pns->ObjData.dwDataType != dwDataType)) { sprintf(szMsg, "%s has an incorrect type (ObjType=%s, ExpectedType=%s)", pszName, GetObjectTypeName(pns->ObjData.dwDataType), GetObjectTypeName(dwDataType)); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if ((chActType == NSTYPE_SCOPE) || (chActType == NSTYPE_OPREGION)) { ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj == NULL); gpcodeScope->pnsObj = pns; } } else if ((rc == ASLERR_NSOBJ_NOT_FOUND) && (gpnsCurrentOwner != NULL)) { //
// We are in a method referring to something not yet defined.
// Let's queue it and check it after we are done.
rc = QueueNSChk(ptoken, pszName, dwDataType, 0); } else { sprintf(szMsg, "%s does not exist or not in accessible scope", pszName); PrintTokenErr(ptoken, szMsg, FALSE); rc = ASLERR_NONE; } }
EXIT((2, "ValidateObject=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ValidateObject
/***LP ValidateNSChkList - Validate objects in NSCHK list
* * ENTRY * pnschkHead -> NSCHK list * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL ValidateNSChkList(PNSCHK pnschkHead) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PNSOBJ pns; ENTER((2, "ValidateNSChkList(Head=%p)\n", pnschkHead));
while ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (pnschkHead != NULL)) { if ((GetNameSpaceObj(pnschkHead->szObjName, pnschkHead->pnsScope, &pns, 0) == ASLERR_NONE) && ((pns->hOwner == NULL) || ((PNSOBJ)pns->hOwner == pnschkHead->pnsMethod))) { if (pns->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_RES_FIELD) { ErrPrintf("%s(%d): error: cannot make forward reference to PNP resource object %s\n", pnschkHead->pszFile, pnschkHead->wLineNum, pnschkHead->szObjName); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if ((pnschkHead->dwExpectedType != OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN) && (pns->ObjData.dwDataType != pnschkHead->dwExpectedType)) { ErrPrintf("%s(%d): warning: %s has incorrect type (ObjType=%s, ExpectedType=%s)\n", pnschkHead->pszFile, pnschkHead->wLineNum, pnschkHead->szObjName, GetObjectTypeName(pns->ObjData.dwDataType), GetObjectTypeName(pnschkHead->dwExpectedType)); } else if (pnschkHead->dwExpectedType == OBJTYPE_METHOD)
{ if (pns->ObjData.uipDataValue < pnschkHead->dwChkData) { ErrPrintf("%s(%d): error: %s has too many arguments\n", pnschkHead->pszFile, pnschkHead->wLineNum, pnschkHead->szObjName); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (pns->ObjData.uipDataValue > pnschkHead->dwChkData) { ErrPrintf("%s(%d): error: %s has too few arguments\n", pnschkHead->pszFile, pnschkHead->wLineNum, pnschkHead->szObjName); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } } } else { ErrPrintf("%s(%d): warning: %s does not exist or not in accessible scope\n", pnschkHead->pszFile, pnschkHead->wLineNum, pnschkHead->szObjName);
pnschkHead = pnschkHead->pnschkNext; }
EXIT((2, "ValidateNSChkList=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ValidateNSChkList
/***LP QueueNSChk - Queue a NSChk request
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> TOKEN * pszObjName -> object name * dwExpectedType - expected object type * dwChkData - object specific check data * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL QueueNSChk(PTOKEN ptoken, PSZ pszObjName, ULONG dwExpectedType, ULONG dwChkData) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PNSCHK pnschk;
ENTER((2, "QueueNSChk(ptoken=%p,Obj=%s,ExpectedType=%s,ChkData=%x)\n", ptoken, pszObjName, GetObjectTypeName(dwExpectedType), dwChkData));
if ((pnschk = MEMALLOC(sizeof(NSCHK))) == NULL) { ERROR(("QueueNSChk: failed to allocate NSCHK object")); rc = ASLERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } else { memset(pnschk, 0, sizeof(NSCHK)); strcpy(pnschk->szObjName, pszObjName); pnschk->pszFile = gpszASLFile; pnschk->pnsScope = gpnsCurrentScope; pnschk->pnsMethod = gpnsCurrentOwner; pnschk->dwExpectedType = dwExpectedType; pnschk->dwChkData = dwChkData; pnschk->wLineNum = ptoken->pline->wLineNum; if (gpnschkTail != NULL) { gpnschkTail->pnschkNext = pnschk; gpnschkTail = pnschk; } else { gpnschkHead = gpnschkTail = pnschk; } }
EXIT((2, "QueueNSChk=%d\n")); return rc; } //QueueNSChk