Copyright (c) 1998 VIA Technologies, Inc. and Microsoft Corporation.
Module Name:
This module contains the initialization code for VIAAGP.SYS.
Revision History:
#include "viaagp.h"
ULONG AgpExtensionSize = sizeof(AGPVIA_EXTENSION); PAGP_FLUSH_PAGES AgpFlushPages = NULL; // not implemented
VOID AgpTweak( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check VIA rev and video device, then tweak config accordingly
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG ulNB_ID, ulVGA_ID, ulNB_Rev=0xFFFFFFFF, ulNB_Version=0xFFFFFFFF; ULONG ulTmpPhysAddr; UCHAR bVMask, bVOrg; UCHAR i, bMaxItem=20; //----------------------------------------------------------------
//Patch Mapping Table
ULONG NBtable[11] = { //VT3054 VT3055 VT3062 VT3064 VT3056
0x059700FF, 0x0598000F, 0x0598101F, 0x0501000F, 0x0691000F, //VT3063 VT3073 VT3075 VT3085 VT3067
0x0691202F, 0x0691404F, 0x0691808F, 0x0691C0CF, 0x0601000F, 0xFFFFFFFF }; ULONG NBVersion[11] = { 0x3054, 0x3055, 0x3062, 0x3064, 0x3056, 0x3063, 0x3073, 0x3075, 0x3085, 0x3067, 0xFFFFFFFF }; #ifdef AGP_440
DbgPrint("FineTune\n"); #endif
//Find the type of North Bridge (device id, revision #)
//Save back door value and close back door
ReadVIAConfig(&bVOrg, 0xFC, sizeof(bVOrg)); bVMask=bVOrg & 0xFE; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xFC, sizeof(bVMask)); ReadVIAConfig(&ulNB_ID, 0x00, sizeof(ulNB_ID)) ulNB_ID=ulNB_ID&0xFFFF0000; ReadVIAConfig(&ulNB_Rev, 0x08, sizeof(ulNB_Rev)); ulNB_Rev=ulNB_Rev&0x000000FF; ulNB_ID=ulNB_ID | (ulNB_Rev<<8) | ulNB_Rev; WriteVIAConfig(&bVOrg, 0xFC, sizeof(bVOrg));
//Find the type of North Bridge from the predefined NBtable
for ( i=0; i<bMaxItem; i++ ) { if ( (NBtable[i]&0xFFFF0000) == (ulNB_ID&0xFFFF0000) ) { if ( ((NBtable[i]&0x0000FF00)<=(ulNB_ID&0x0000FF00)) && ((NBtable[i]&0x000000FF)>=(ulNB_ID&0x000000FF)) ) { ulNB_Version=NBVersion[i]; break; } } if ( NBtable[i]==0xFFFFFFFF ) { break; } }
// General Case for NB
//Stephen Add Start, If Socket 7's chipset, write 1 to Rx51 bit 6;
if ( (ulNB_ID & 0xFF000000) == 0x05000000) { ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x51, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x40; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x51, sizeof(bVMask)); } //
// For the specific NB
switch(ulNB_Version) { case 0x3054: break; case 0x3055: // 51[7]=1, 51[6]=1, AC[2]=1
if ( ulNB_Rev > 3 ) { ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x51, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0xC0; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x51, sizeof(bVMask)); ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x04; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); } break; case 0x3056: // 69[1]=1, 69[0]=1, AC[2]=1, AC[5]=1
ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x69, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x03; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x69, sizeof(bVMask)); ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x24; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); break; case 0x3062: case 0x3063: case 0x3064: case 0x3073: case 0x3075: case 0x3085: case 0x3067: // AC[6]=1, AC[5]=1
ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x60; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); break; default: break; } //----------------------------------------------------------------
//Find the type of AGP VGA Card (vender id, device id, revision #)
//Bus 1, Device 0, Function 0
ReadVGAConfig(&ulVGA_ID, 0x00, sizeof(ulVGA_ID)); #ifdef AGP_440
DbgPrint("\nPatch for ulNB_Version=%x (ulNB_ID=%x), ulVGA_ID=%x",ulNB_Version,ulNB_ID,ulVGA_ID); #endif
//Patch the Compatibility between VGA Card and North Bridge
// Switch 1. For all cards of the same vender
switch(ulVGA_ID&0x0000FFFF) { //ATI
case 0x00001002: switch(ulNB_Version) { case 0x3055: case 0x3054: case 0x3056: // P2P, 40[7]=0
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0x7F; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); break; } break; //3DLAB
case 0x0000104C: if (ulNB_Version==0x3063) { // AC[1]=0
ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0xFD; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0xAC, sizeof(bVMask)); } break; } //
// Switch 2. For the specific card
switch(ulVGA_ID) { //ATIRage128
case 0x52461002: switch(ulNB_Version) { case 0x3056: // P2P, 40[7]=0
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0x7F; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); break; case 0x3063: if (ulNB_Rev == 6) { // P2P, 40[7]=1
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask|0x80; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); } else { // P2P, 40[7]=0
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0x7F; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); } break; } break; //TNT
case 0x002010DE: switch(ulNB_Version) { case 0x3056: case 0x3063: case 0x3073: // P2P, 40[1]=0
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0xFD; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); // 70[2]=0
ReadVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x70, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0xFB; WriteVIAConfig(&bVMask, 0x70, sizeof(bVMask)); break; } break; //S33D
case 0x8A225333: if (ulNB_Version==0x3063) if (ulNB_Rev==6) { // P2P, 40[7]=0
ReadP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); bVMask=bVMask&0x7F; WriteP2PConfig(&bVMask, 0x40, sizeof(bVMask)); } break; } }
NTSTATUS AgpInitializeTarget( IN PVOID AgpExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entrypoint for target initialization. This is called first.
AgpExtension - Supplies the AGP extension
Return Value:
{ ULONG VendorId = 0; PAGPVIA_EXTENSION Extension = AgpExtension; VIA_GATT_BASE GARTBASE_Config;
// Make sure we are really loaded only on a VIA chipset
VendorId &= 0x0000FFFF; ASSERT(VendorId == AGP_VIA_IDENTIFIER);
if (VendorId != AGP_VIA_IDENTIFIER) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("VIAAGP - AgpInitializeTarget called for platform %08lx which is not a VIA chipset!\n", VendorId)); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); }
// Initialize our chipset-specific extension
Extension->ApertureStart.QuadPart = 0; Extension->ApertureLength = 0; Extension->Gart = NULL; Extension->GartLength = 0; Extension->GlobalEnable = FALSE; Extension->PCIEnable = FALSE; Extension->GartPhysical.QuadPart = 0; Extension->SpecialTarget = 0;
// Check whether the chipset support Flush TLB or not
// 88[2]=0, support FLUSH TLB
ReadVIAConfig(&GARTBASE_Config, GATTBASE_OFFSET, sizeof(GARTBASE_Config)); if ( GARTBASE_Config.TLB_Timing == 0) { Extension->Cap_FlushTLB = TRUE; } else { Extension->Cap_FlushTLB = FALSE; }
NTSTATUS AgpInitializeMaster( IN PVOID AgpExtension, OUT ULONG *AgpCapabilities ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entrypoint for master initialization. This is called after target initialization and should be used to initialize the AGP capabilities of both master and target.
AgpExtension - Supplies the AGP extension
AgpCapabilities - Returns the capabilities of this AGP device.
Return Value:
#if DBG
PCI_AGP_CAPABILITY CurrentCap; #endif
// Indicate that we can map memory through the GART aperture
// Get the master and target AGP capabilities
Status = AgpLibGetMasterCapability(AgpExtension, &MasterCap); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGPVIAInitializeDevice - AgpLibGetMasterCapability failed %08lx\n")); return(Status); }
// Some broken cards (Matrox Millenium II "AGP") report no valid
// supported transfer rates. These are not really AGP cards. They
// have an AGP Capabilities structure that reports no capabilities.
if (MasterCap.AGPStatus.Rate == 0) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGP440InitializeDevice - AgpLibGetMasterCapability returned no valid transfer rate\n")); return(STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); }
Status = AgpLibGetPciDeviceCapability(0,0,&TargetCap); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGPVIAInitializeDevice - AgpLibGetPciDeviceCapability failed %08lx\n")); return(Status); }
// Determine the greatest common denominator for data rate.
DataRate = TargetCap.AGPStatus.Rate & MasterCap.AGPStatus.Rate; ASSERT(DataRate != 0);
// Select the highest common rate.
if (DataRate & PCI_AGP_RATE_4X) { DataRate = PCI_AGP_RATE_4X; } else if (DataRate & PCI_AGP_RATE_2X) { DataRate = PCI_AGP_RATE_2X; } else if (DataRate & PCI_AGP_RATE_1X) { DataRate = PCI_AGP_RATE_1X;
//Disable FW capability
TargetCap.AGPStatus.FastWrite = 0; ReadVIAConfig(&AGPMISC_Config, AGPMISC_OFFSET, sizeof(AGPMISC_Config)); AGPMISC_Config.FW_Support = 0; WriteVIAConfig(&AGPMISC_Config, AGPMISC_OFFSET, sizeof(AGPMISC_Config)); }
// Previously a call was made to change the rate (successfully),
// use this rate again now
if (Extension->SpecialTarget & AGP_FLAG_SPECIAL_RESERVE) { DataRate = (ULONG)((Extension->SpecialTarget & AGP_FLAG_SPECIAL_RESERVE) >> AGP_FLAG_SET_RATE_SHIFT); }
// Set the VREF, RxB0[7].
// 4x -> STB#
// 1x, 2x -> AGPREF
ReadVIAConfig(&VREF_Config, VREF_OFFSET, sizeof(VREF_Config)); if (DataRate == PCI_AGP_RATE_4X) { VREF_Config.VREF_Control = 0; } else { VREF_Config.VREF_Control = 1; } WriteVIAConfig(&VREF_Config, VREF_OFFSET, sizeof(VREF_Config));
// Enable SBA if both master and target support it.
SBAEnable = (TargetCap.AGPStatus.SideBandAddressing & MasterCap.AGPStatus.SideBandAddressing);
// Enable FastWrite if both master and target support it.
FastWrite = (TargetCap.AGPStatus.FastWrite & MasterCap.AGPStatus.FastWrite);
// Enable FourGB if both master and target support it.
FourGB = (TargetCap.AGPStatus.FourGB & MasterCap.AGPStatus.FourGB);
// Fine tune the Compatibility between VGA Card and North Bridge
// Enable the Master
ReverseInit = (Extension->SpecialTarget & AGP_FLAG_REVERSE_INITIALIZATION) == AGP_FLAG_REVERSE_INITIALIZATION; if (ReverseInit) { MasterCap.AGPCommand.Rate = DataRate; MasterCap.AGPCommand.AGPEnable = 1; MasterCap.AGPCommand.SBAEnable = SBAEnable; MasterCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth = TargetCap.AGPStatus.RequestQueueDepthMaximum; MasterCap.AGPCommand.FastWriteEnable = FastWrite; MasterCap.AGPCommand.FourGBEnable = FourGB; Status = AgpLibSetMasterCapability(AgpExtension, &MasterCap); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGPVIAInitializeDevice - AgpLibSetMasterCapability %08lx failed %08lx\n", &MasterCap, Status)); } }
// Now enable the Target
TargetCap.AGPCommand.Rate = DataRate; TargetCap.AGPCommand.AGPEnable = 1; TargetCap.AGPCommand.SBAEnable = SBAEnable; TargetCap.AGPCommand.FastWriteEnable = FastWrite; TargetCap.AGPCommand.FourGBEnable = FourGB; Status = AgpLibSetPciDeviceCapability(0, 0, &TargetCap); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGPVIAInitializeDevice - AgpLibSetPciDeviceCapability %08lx for target failed %08lx\n", &TargetCap, Status)); return(Status); }
if (!ReverseInit) { MasterCap.AGPCommand.Rate = DataRate; MasterCap.AGPCommand.AGPEnable = 1; MasterCap.AGPCommand.SBAEnable = SBAEnable; MasterCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth = TargetCap.AGPStatus.RequestQueueDepthMaximum; MasterCap.AGPCommand.FastWriteEnable = FastWrite; MasterCap.AGPCommand.FourGBEnable = FourGB; Status = AgpLibSetMasterCapability(AgpExtension, &MasterCap); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AGPLOG(AGP_CRITICAL, ("AGPVIAInitializeDevice - AgpLibSetMasterCapability %08lx failed %08lx\n", &MasterCap, Status)); } }
#if DBG
// Read them back, see if it worked
Status = AgpLibGetMasterCapability(AgpExtension, &CurrentCap); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// If the target request queue depth is greater than the master will
// allow, it will be trimmed. Loosen the assert to not require an
// exact match.
ASSERT(CurrentCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth <= MasterCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth); CurrentCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth = MasterCap.AGPCommand.RequestQueueDepth; ASSERT(RtlEqualMemory(&CurrentCap.AGPCommand, &MasterCap.AGPCommand, sizeof(CurrentCap.AGPCommand)));
Status = AgpLibGetPciDeviceCapability(0,0,&CurrentCap); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); ASSERT(RtlEqualMemory(&CurrentCap.AGPCommand, &TargetCap.AGPCommand, sizeof(CurrentCap.AGPCommand)));
return(Status); }