// Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// AtlPopusHelp.h
// Implementation File:
// None.
// Description:
// Definition of the CPopusHelp
// Author:
// Galen Barbee (galenb) May 18, 1998
// Revision History:
// Notes:
// Forward Class Declarations
struct CMapCtrlToHelpID; template < class T > class CPopupHelp;
// External Class Declarations
// Include Files
#include "AdmCommonRes.h"
#endif // __ADMCOMMONRES_H_
// Type Definitions
// struct CMapCtrlToHelpID
struct CMapCtrlToHelpID { DWORD m_nCtrlID; DWORD m_nHelpCtrlID;
}; //*** struct CMapCtrlToHelpID
// class CPopupHelp
// Description:
// Provide popup-help functionality.
// Inheritance:
// CPopupHelp
template < class T > class CPopupHelp { typedef CPopupHelp< T > thisClass;
public: //
// Construction
// Standard constructor
CPopupHelp( void ) { } //*** CPopupHelp()
public: //
// Message map.
// Message handler functions.
// LrOnContextMenu
// Routine Description:
// Message handler for WM_CONTEXTMENU
// Arguments:
// uMsg [IN] Message (WM_CONTEXT)
// wParam [IN] Window handle of the control being queried
// lParam [IN] Pointer coordinates. LOWORD xPos, HIWORD yPos
// bHandled [OUT]
// Return Value:
LRESULT LrOnContextMenu( IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam, OUT BOOL & bHandled ) { DWORD nHelpID = 0; DWORD nCtrlID = 0; CWindow cwnd( (HWND) wParam ); WORD xPos = LOWORD( lParam ); WORD yPos = HIWORD( lParam );
// Only display help if the window is visible.
if ( cwnd.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE ) { nCtrlID = cwnd.GetDlgCtrlID(); if ( nCtrlID != 0 ) { nHelpID = NHelpFromCtrlID( nCtrlID, reinterpret_cast< const CMapCtrlToHelpID * >( T::PidHelpMap() ) ); } // if: control has an ID
} // if: over a child window
// Display a popup menu.
if ( ( nHelpID != 0 ) && ( nHelpID != -1 ) ) { bHandled = BContextMenu( cwnd, nHelpID, xPos, yPos );
} // if: over a child window of this dialog with a tabstop
return 1L;
} //*** LrOnContextMenu()
// LrOnHelp
// Routine Description:
// Message handler for WM_HELP.
// Arguments:
// uMsg [IN] Message (WM_HELP)
// wParam [IN]
// lParam [IN] pointer to a HELPINFO struct
// bHandled [OUT]
// Return Value:
LRESULT LrOnHelp( IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam, OUT BOOL & bHandled ) { LPHELPINFO phi = (LPHELPINFO) lParam;
if ( phi->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW ) { DWORD nHelpID = 0;
nHelpID = NHelpFromCtrlID( phi->iCtrlId & 0xFFFF, (const CMapCtrlToHelpID *) T::PidHelpMap() ); if ( ( nHelpID != 0 ) && ( nHelpID != -1 ) ) { T * pT = static_cast< T * >( this ); CBaseApp * pbap = dynamic_cast< CBaseApp * >( &_Module ); ATLASSERT( pbap != NULL );
bHandled = pT->WinHelp( pbap->PszHelpFilePath(), HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, nHelpID ); } }
return 1L;
} //*** LrOnHelp()
// NHelpFromCtrlID
// Routine Description:
// Return the help ID from a control ID.
// Arguments:
// nCtrlID [IN] ID of control to search for.
// Return Value:
// nHelpID Help ID associated with the control.
DWORD NHelpFromCtrlID( IN DWORD nCtrlID, IN const CMapCtrlToHelpID * pMap ) const { ASSERT( pMap != NULL ); ASSERT( nCtrlID != 0 );
DWORD nHelpID = 0;
for ( ; pMap->m_nCtrlID != 0 ; pMap++ ) { if ( pMap->m_nCtrlID == nCtrlID ) { nHelpID = pMap->m_nHelpCtrlID; break; } // if: found a match
} // for: each control
Trace( g_tagAlways, _T( "NHelpFromCtrlID() - nCtrlID = %x, nHelpID = %x" ), nCtrlID, nHelpID );
return nHelpID;
} //*** NHelpFromCtrlID()
// BContextMenu
// Routine Description:
// Return the help ID from a control ID.
// Arguments:
// cwnd [IN] - control's window
// nHelpID [IN] - help context ID
// xPos [IN] - xpos of the context menu
// yPos [IN] - ypos of the context menu
// Return Value:
// TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
BOOL BContextMenu( IN CWindow & cwnd, IN DWORD nHelpID, IN WORD xPos, IN WORD yPos ) { CString strMenu; CMenu menu; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// The context menu key was pressed. Get the current mouse position and use that
if ( ( xPos == 0xffff ) || ( yPos == 0xffff ) ) { POINT pPos;
if ( GetCursorPos( &pPos ) ) { xPos = pPos.x; yPos = pPos.y; } // if: current cursor position retrieved successfully
} // if: context menu key was pressed
if ( strMenu.LoadString( ADMC_ID_MENU_WHATS_THIS ) ) { if ( menu.CreatePopupMenu() ) { if ( menu.AppendMenu( MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, ADMC_ID_MENU_WHATS_THIS, strMenu ) ) { DWORD nCmd;
if ( nCmd != 0 ) { CBaseApp * pbap = dynamic_cast< CBaseApp * >( &_Module ); ATLASSERT( pbap != NULL );
bRet = cwnd.WinHelp( pbap->PszHelpFilePath(), HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, nHelpID ); } // if: any command chosen
else { Trace( g_tagError, _T( "OnContextMenu() - Last Error = %x" ), GetLastError() ); } // else: unknown command
} // if: menu item added successfully
} // if: popup menu created successfully
} // if: string could be loaded
return bRet;
} //*** BContextMenu()
}; //*** class CPopupHelp
#endif // __ATLPOPUPHELP_H_