Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test for cluster resource and resource type controls
Rod Gamache (rodga) 30-Dec-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "windows.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "resapi.h"
LPWSTR ClusterName=NULL; LPWSTR ResourceName=NULL; LPWSTR NodeName=NULL; DWORD ControlCode=0xffffffff; DWORD Access=CLUS_ACCESS_READ;
CHAR UsageText[] = "TSET [-c cluster] -n node -r resource -a access ControlCode\n" " cluster\tspecifies the name of the cluster to connect to\n" " node\tspecifies the node to direct the request to\n" " resource\tspecifies the name of the resource to control\n" " access\tspecifies the access to the resource (read, write or any)\n" " ControlCode\ta number between 1 and 9\n";
typedef struct _PROPERTY_MSG1 { DWORD ItemCount; DWORD Syntax1; DWORD ParameterName1ByteCount; WCHAR ParameterName1[20]; DWORD Syntax2; // Dword Data Item to follow
DWORD Data; // New value
DWORD Syntax3; DWORD ParameterName2ByteCount; WCHAR ParameterName2[12]; DWORD Syntax4; // SZ string to follow
DWORD ParameterName3ByteCount; WCHAR ParameterName3[8]; DWORD End; } PROPERTY_MSG1, PPROPERTY_MSG1;
typedef struct _PROPERTY_MSG2 { DWORD ItemCount; DWORD Syntax1; DWORD ParameterName1ByteCount; WCHAR ParameterName1[7]; DWORD Syntax2; // Dword Data Item to follow
DWORD Data; // New value
PROPERTY_MSG1 PropertyMsg = { 3, 0x40003, 40, L"IsAlivePollInterval", 0x10002, 0x2000, 0x40003, 24, L"Description", 0x10003, 16, L"Testing", 0 };
PROPERTY_MSG2 PropertyMsg2 = { 1, 0x40003, 16, L"Foobar", 0x10002, 0x200, 0 };
void Usage( void ) { fprintf(stderr, UsageText); exit(1); }
LPWSTR GetString( IN LPSTR String ) { LPWSTR wString; DWORD Length;
Length = strlen(String)+1;
wString = malloc(Length*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (wString == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "GetString couldn't malloc %d bytes\n",Length*sizeof(WCHAR)); } mbstowcs(wString, String, Length); return(wString); }
void ParseArgs( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i; DWORD IntCount; DWORD Value; CHAR TestValue[16]; PUCHAR ControlData; LPWSTR access;
for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { if ((argv[i][0] == '-') || (argv[i][0] == '/')) { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': if (++i == argc) { Usage(); } ClusterName = GetString(argv[i]); break; case 'n': if ( ++i == argc ) { Usage(); } NodeName = GetString(argv[i]); break; case 'r': if ( ++i == argc ) { Usage(); } ResourceName = GetString(argv[i]); fprintf(stdout, "Resource = %ws\n", ResourceName); break; case 'a': if ( ++i == argc ) { Usage(); } access = GetString(argv[i]); if ( lstrcmpiW( access, L"read" ) ) { Access = CLUS_ACCESS_READ; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( access, L"write" ) ) { Access = CLUS_ACCESS_WRITE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( access, L"any" ) ) { Access = CLUS_ACCESS_ANY; } else { Usage(); } break; default: Usage(); break; } } else { ControlData = argv[i]; IntCount = sscanf( ControlData, "%d", &Value ); if ( IntCount == 1 ) { sprintf( TestValue, "%d\0", Value ); if ( strcmp( TestValue, ControlData ) == 0 ) { ControlCode = Value; fprintf(stdout, "ControlCode = %d\n", ControlCode); } } } }
if ( ControlCode == 0xffffffff ) { Usage(); } }
_cdecl main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { HCLUSTER hClus; HRESOURCE hResource; HNODE hNode = NULL; DWORD status; DWORD ReturnSize; CHAR InBuffer[64]; CHAR OutBuffer[512]; DWORD i,j; LPDWORD Data; LPDWORD PrintData; CHAR PrintBuffer[32]; DWORD controlCode;
ParseArgs(argc, argv);
hClus = OpenCluster(ClusterName); if (hClus == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenCluster %ws failed %d\n", (ClusterName == NULL) ? L"(NULL)" : ClusterName, GetLastError()); return(0); }
hResource = OpenClusterResource( hClus, ResourceName ); if ( hResource == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenResource %ws failed %d\n", ResourceName, GetLastError()); return(0); }
if ( NodeName != NULL ) { hNode = OpenClusterNode( hClus, NodeName ); if ( hNode == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenNode %ws failed %d\n", NodeName, GetLastError()); return(0); } }
controlCode = CLCTL_CODE( ControlCode, Access ); controlCode = CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODE( controlCode );
ReturnSize = 0; status = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hNode, controlCode, &PropertyMsg2, sizeof(PROPERTY_MSG2), OutBuffer, 0, &ReturnSize ); if (( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) || ( ReturnSize != 0 )) { fprintf(stdout, "Calling again due to buffer size too small (status = %d)\n", status); status = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hNode, controlCode, &PropertyMsg2, sizeof(PROPERTY_MSG2), OutBuffer, ReturnSize, &ReturnSize ); }
fprintf(stdout, "Status of Control request = %d, size = %d\n", status, ReturnSize); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Data = (LPDWORD)OutBuffer; PrintData = (LPDWORD)PrintBuffer; while ( ReturnSize ) { j = ReturnSize; if ( j > 16 ) j = 16; ZeroMemory(PrintBuffer, 18); MoveMemory(PrintBuffer, Data, j); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( !ReturnSize ) fprintf(stdout, " "); else { fprintf(stdout, " %08lx", PrintData[i]); ReturnSize -= 4; } } fprintf(stdout, " "); for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { if ( j ) { fprintf(stdout, "%c", isprint(PrintBuffer[i])?PrintBuffer[i]:'.'); j--; } } Data += 4; fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } return(0); }