// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Exceptions.h
// Description:
// This file contains the declarations of many exception classes.
// Implementation File:
// None.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 03-MAR-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
// For HRESULT, WCHAR, etc.
#include <windef.h>
// For the base class of all exceptions
#include "CException.h"
// For the CStr class
#include "CStr.h"
// Macro Definitions
// Shorthand for throwing different exceptions.
#define THROW_ASSERT( _hrErrorCode, _pszMessage ) \
throw CAssert( _hrErrorCode, TEXT( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, TEXT( _pszMessage ) )
#define THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( _hrErrorCode, _stringId ) \
throw CRuntimeError( _hrErrorCode, TEXT( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, _stringId )
#define THROW_CONFIG_ERROR( _hrErrorCode, _stringId ) \
throw CConfigError( _hrErrorCode, TEXT( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, _stringId )
#define THROW_ABORT( _hrErrorCode, _stringId ) \
throw CAbortException( _hrErrorCode, TEXT( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, _stringId )
// External variable declarations
// Handle to the instance of this DLL
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
// class CExceptionWithString
// Description:
// The class is a CException with an additional message string.
class CExceptionWithString : public CException { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public type definitions
typedef CException BaseClass;
// Public constructors and destructors
// Constructor ( string id overload )
CExceptionWithString( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , UINT uiErrorStringIdIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn ) , m_fHasUserBeenNotified( false ) { AssignString( uiErrorStringIdIn ); }
// Constructor ( character string overload )
CExceptionWithString( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , const WCHAR * pcszErrorStringIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn ) , m_fHasUserBeenNotified( false ) { AssignString( pcszErrorStringIn ); }
// Copy constructor.
CExceptionWithString( const CExceptionWithString & cesuSrcIn ) throw() : BaseClass( cesuSrcIn ) , m_fHasUserBeenNotified( cesuSrcIn.m_fHasUserBeenNotified ) { AssignString( cesuSrcIn.m_strErrorString ); }
// Default destructor.
~CExceptionWithString() throw() {}
// Public methods
// Assignment operator.
const CExceptionWithString & operator =( const CExceptionWithString & cesuSrcIn ) throw() { *( static_cast< BaseClass * >( this ) ) = cesuSrcIn; AssignString( cesuSrcIn.m_strErrorString ); m_fHasUserBeenNotified = cesuSrcIn.m_fHasUserBeenNotified; return *this; }
// Accessor methods.
const CStr & StrGetErrorString() const throw() { return m_strErrorString; }
void SetErrorString( const WCHAR * pcszSrcIn ) throw() { AssignString( pcszSrcIn ); }
bool FHasUserBeenNotified() const throw() { return m_fHasUserBeenNotified; }
void SetUserNotified( bool fNotifiedIn = true ) throw() { m_fHasUserBeenNotified = fNotifiedIn; }
private: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Private member functions
// Function to set the member string ( string id overload ).
void AssignString( UINT uiStringIdIn ) throw() { try { m_strErrorString.Empty(); m_strErrorString.LoadString( g_hInstance, uiStringIdIn ); } catch( ... ) { // If an error has occurred, nothing can be done - we are most probably in a stack unwind anyway.
THR( E_UNEXPECTED ); } // catch all: cannot let an exception propagate out of any of the methods of this class
// Function to set the member string ( character string overload ).
void AssignString( const WCHAR * pcszSrcIn ) throw() { try { m_strErrorString.Empty(); m_strErrorString.Assign( pcszSrcIn ); } catch( ... ) { // If an error has occurred, nothing can be done - we are most probably in a stack unwind anyway.
THR( E_UNEXPECTED ); } // catch all: cannot let an exception propagate out of any of the methods of this class
// Function to set the member string ( CStr overload ).
void AssignString( const CStr & rcstrSrcIn ) throw() { try { m_strErrorString.Empty(); m_strErrorString.Assign( rcstrSrcIn ); } catch( ... ) { // If an error has occurred, nothing can be done - we are most probably in a stack unwind anyway.
THR( E_UNEXPECTED ); } // catch all: cannot let an exception propagate out of any of the methods of this class
// Private data
CStr m_strErrorString;
// Indicates if the user has been notified about this exception or not.
bool m_fHasUserBeenNotified;
}; //*** class CExceptionWithString
// class CAssert
// Description:
// This class of exceptions is used to represent programming errors or
// invalid assumptions.
// The accompanying message is not expected to be localized.
class CAssert : public CExceptionWithString { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public type definitions
typedef CExceptionWithString BaseClass;
// Public constructors and destructors
// CAssert ( string id overload ).
CAssert( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , UINT uiErrorStringIdIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, uiErrorStringIdIn ) { }
// Constructor ( character string overload )
CAssert( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , const WCHAR * pcszErrorStringIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, pcszErrorStringIn ) { }
}; //*** class CAssert
// class CRuntimeError
// Description:
// This class of exceptions is used to signal runtime errors such as memory
// exhaustion, failure of Win32 API calls, etc.
// The accompanying message may be shown to the user and should therefore
// be localized.
class CRuntimeError : public CExceptionWithString { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public type definitions
typedef CExceptionWithString BaseClass;
// Public constructors and destructors
// Constructor ( string id overload ).
CRuntimeError( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , UINT uiErrorStringIdIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, uiErrorStringIdIn ) { }
// Constructor ( character string overload )
CRuntimeError( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , const WCHAR * pcszErrorStringIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, pcszErrorStringIn ) { }
}; //*** class CRuntimeError
// class CAbortException
// Description:
// This exception is thrown to indicate that the configuration operation
// was aborted.
// The accompanying message may be shown to the user and should therefore
// be localized.
class CAbortException : public CExceptionWithString { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public type definitions
typedef CExceptionWithString BaseClass;
// Public constructors and destructors
// Constructor ( string id overload ).
CAbortException( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , UINT uiErrorStringIdIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, uiErrorStringIdIn ) { }
// Constructor ( character string overload )
CAbortException( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , const WCHAR * pcszErrorStringIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, pcszErrorStringIn ) { }
}; //*** class CAbortException
// class CConfigError
// Description:
// This class of exceptions is used to signal errors related to cluster
// configuration. For example, an object of this class is thrown if the
// OS version of the computer cannot support the requested configuration
// step.
// The accompanying message may be shown to the user and should therefore
// be localized.
class CConfigError : public CExceptionWithString { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public type definitions
typedef CExceptionWithString BaseClass;
// Public constructors and destructors
// Constructor ( string id overload )
CConfigError( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , UINT uiErrorStringIdIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, uiErrorStringIdIn ) { }
// Constructor ( character string overload )
CConfigError( HRESULT hrErrorCodeIn , const WCHAR * pcszFileNameIn , UINT uiLineNumberIn , const WCHAR * pcszErrorStringIn ) throw() : BaseClass( hrErrorCodeIn, pcszFileNameIn, uiLineNumberIn, pcszErrorStringIn ) { }
}; //*** class CConfigError