// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// LoadString.cpp
// Description:
// LoadStringIntoBSTR implementation.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 01-FEB-2001
// Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 22-MAY-2000
#include "Pch.h"
#include "LoadString.h"
// Global Variables
const WCHAR g_szWbemClientDLL[] = L"\\WBEM\\WMIUTILS.DLL";
// HrLoadStringIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Retrieves the string resource idsIn from the string table and makes it
// into a BSTR. If the BSTR is not NULL coming it, it will assume that
// you are trying reuse an existing BSTR.
// Arguments:
// hInstanceIn
// Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file
// contains the string resource. If not specified, defaults to
// g_hInstance.
// langidIn
// Language ID of string table resource.
// idsIn
// Specifies the integer identifier of the string to be loaded.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrInout is NULL.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
// Remarks:
// This routine uses LoadResource so that it can get the actual length
// of the string resource. If we didn't do this, we would need to call
// LoadString and allocate memory in a loop. Very inefficient!
HRESULT HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( HINSTANCE hInstanceIn , LANGID langidIn , UINT idsIn , BSTR * pbstrInout )
{ TraceFunc1( "idsIn = %d", idsIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRSRC hrsrc = NULL; HGLOBAL hgbl = NULL; PBYTE pbStringData; PBYTE pbStringDataMax; PBYTE pbStringTable; int cbStringTable; int nTable; int nOffset; int idxString; int iRet; int cch = 0;
Assert( idsIn != 0 ); Assert( pbstrInout != NULL );
if ( pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto InvalidPointer; } if ( hInstanceIn == NULL ) { hInstanceIn = g_hInstance; }
// The resource Id specified must be converted to an index into
// a Windows StringTable.
nTable = idsIn / 16; nOffset = idsIn - (nTable * 16);
// Internal Table Id's start at 1 not 0.
// Find the part of the string table where the string resides.
// Find the table containing the string.
// First try to load the language specified. If we can't find it we
// try the "neutral" language.
hrsrc = FindResourceEx( hInstanceIn, RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCE( nTable ), langidIn ); if ( ( hrsrc == NULL ) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hrsrc = FindResourceEx( hInstanceIn , RT_STRING , MAKEINTRESOURCE( nTable ) , MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL ) ); } if ( hrsrc == NULL ) { goto Win32Error; }
// Load the table.
hgbl = LoadResource( hInstanceIn, hrsrc ); if ( hgbl == NULL ) { goto Win32Error; }
// Lock the table so we access its data.
pbStringTable = reinterpret_cast< PBYTE >( LockResource( hgbl ) ); if ( pbStringTable == NULL ) { goto Win32Error; }
cbStringTable = SizeofResource( hInstanceIn, hrsrc ); Assert( cbStringTable != 0 );
TraceFlow3( "HrLoadStringIntoBSTR() - Table = %#.08x, cb = %d, offset = %d", pbStringTable, cbStringTable, nOffset );
// Set the data pointer to the beginning of the table.
pbStringData = pbStringTable; pbStringDataMax = pbStringTable + cbStringTable;
// Skip strings in the block of 16 which are before the desired string.
for ( idxString = 0 ; idxString <= nOffset ; idxString++ ) { Assert( pbStringData != NULL ); Assert( pbStringData < pbStringDataMax );
// Get the number of characters excluding the '\0'.
cch = * ( (USHORT *) pbStringData );
TraceFlow3( "HrLoadStringIntoBSTR() - pbStringData[ %d ] = %#.08x, cch = %d", idxString, pbStringData, cch );
// Found the string.
if ( idxString == nOffset ) { if ( cch == 0 ) { goto NotFound; }
// Skip over the string length to get the string.
pbStringData += sizeof( WCHAR );
break; } // if: found the string
// Add one to account for the string length.
// A string length of 0 still takes 1 WCHAR for the length portion.
// Skip over this string to get to the next string.
pbStringData += ( cch * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
} // for: each string in the block of 16 strings in the table
// Note: nStringLen is the number of characters in the string not including the '\0'.
AssertMsg( cch > 0, "Length of string in resource file cannot be zero." );
// Allocate a BSTR for the string.
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { //
// BUGBUG: 23-FEB-2001 GalenB
// The memory tracking is complaining bitterly, and often, about this allocation leaking.
*pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( (OLECHAR *) pbStringData, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } // if: no string allocated previously
else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, (OLECHAR *) pbStringData, cch ); if ( ! iRet ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } // else: string was allocated previously
TraceFlow1( "HrLoadStringIntoBSTR() - Loaded string = '%ws'", *pbstrInout );
goto Cleanup;
Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup;
NotFound: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND ) ); goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( langidIn )
// HrFormatStringIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Format a string (specified by idsIn, a string resource ID) and
// variable arguments into a BSTR using the FormatMessage() Win32 API.
// If the BSTR is not NULL on entry, the BSTR will be reused.
// Calls HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR to perform the actual work.
// Arguments:
// hInstanceIn
// Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file
// contains the string resource.
// langidIn
// Language ID of string table resource.
// idsIn
// Specifies the integer identifier of the string to be loaded.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// ...
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( HINSTANCE hInstanceIn , LANGID langidIn , UINT idsIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , ... ) { TraceFunc1( "ids = %d", idsIn );
HRESULT hr; va_list valist;
va_start( valist, pbstrInout );
hr = HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( hInstanceIn , langidIn , idsIn , pbstrInout , valist );
va_end( valist );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( langidIn, idsIn )
// HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Format a string (specified by idsIn, a string resource ID) and
// variable arguments into a BSTR using the FormatMessage() Win32 API.
// If the BSTR is not NULL on entry, the BSTR will be reused.
// Arguments:
// hInstanceIn
// Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file
// contains the string resource.
// langidIn
// Language ID of string table resource.
// idsIn
// Specifies the integer identifier of the string to be loaded.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// valistIn
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrInout is NULL.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( HINSTANCE hInstanceIn , LANGID langidIn , UINT idsIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , va_list valistIn ) { TraceFunc1( "ids = %d", idsIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrStringResource = NULL; DWORD cch; INT iRet; LPWSTR psz = NULL;
Assert( pbstrInout != NULL );
if ( pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto InvalidPointer; }
// Load the string resource.
hr = HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( hInstanceIn, langidIn, idsIn, &bstrStringResource ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Format the message with the arguments.
cch = FormatMessage( ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING ) , bstrStringResource , 0 , 0 , (LPWSTR) &psz , 0 , &valistIn ); AssertMsg( cch != 0, "Missing string??" ); if ( cch == 0 ) { goto Win32Error; }
// Copy the string to a BSTR.
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { *pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( psz, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, psz, cch ); if ( ! iRet ) { goto OutOfMemory; } }
goto Cleanup;
Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: TraceSysFreeString( bstrStringResource ); LocalFree( psz );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( langidIn, idsIn, valistIn )
// HrFormatStringIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Format a string (specified by pcwszFmtIn) and variable arguments into
// a BSTR using the FormatMessage() Win32 API. If the BSTR is not NULL
// on entry, the BSTR will be reused.
// Calls HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR to perform the actual work.
// Arguments:
// pcwszFmtIn
// Specifies the format string.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// ...
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( LPCWSTR pcwszFmtIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , ... ) { TraceFunc1( "pcwszFmtIn = %ws", pcwszFmtIn );
HRESULT hr; va_list valist;
va_start( valist, pbstrInout );
hr = HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( pcwszFmtIn, pbstrInout, valist );
va_end( valist );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( pcwszFmtIn )
// HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Format a string (specified by pcwszFmtIn) and variable arguments into
// a BSTR using the FormatMessage() Win32 API. If the BSTR is not NULL
// on entry, the BSTR will be reused.
// Arguments:
// pcwszFmtIn
// Specifies the format string.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// valistIn
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pcwszFmtIn or pbstrInout is NULL.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( LPCWSTR pcwszFmtIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , va_list valistIn ) { TraceFunc1( "pcwszFmtIn = %ws", pcwszFmtIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cch; INT iRet; LPWSTR psz = NULL;
if ( ( pbstrInout == NULL ) || ( pcwszFmtIn == NULL ) ) { goto InvalidPointer; }
// Format the message with the arguments.
cch = FormatMessage( ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING ) , pcwszFmtIn , 0 , 0 , (LPWSTR) &psz , 0 , &valistIn ); AssertMsg( cch != 0, "Missing string??" ); if ( cch == 0 ) { goto Win32Error; }
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { *pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( psz, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, psz, cch ); if ( ! iRet ) { goto OutOfMemory; } }
goto Cleanup;
Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: LocalFree( psz );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatStringWithVAListIntoBSTR( pcwszFmtIn, valistIn )
// HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR(
// HINSTANCE hInstanceIn,
// UINT uIDIn,
// BSTR * pbstrInout,
// ...
// )
// Description:
// Retrieves the format string from the string resource uIDIn using
// FormatMessage.
// Arguments:
// hInstanceIn
// Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file
// contains the string resource.
// uIDIn
// Specifies the integer identifier of the string to be loaded.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrInout is NULL.
// other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( HINSTANCE hInstanceIn, UINT uIDIn, BSTR * pbstrInout, ... ) { TraceFunc( "" );
va_list valist;
DWORD cch; INT iRet;
DWORD dw; WCHAR szBuf[ 255 ];
if ( pbstrInout == NULL ) goto InvalidPointer;
va_start( valist, pbstrInout );
dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, uIDIn, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ) ); AssertMsg( dw != 0, "Missing string??" );
cch = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, szBuf, 0, 0, (LPWSTR) &psz, 0, &valist ); va_end( valist );
AssertMsg( cch != 0, "Missing string??" ); if ( cch == 0 ) goto Win32Error;
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { *pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( psz, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) goto OutOfMemory; } else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, psz, cch ); if ( !iRet ) goto OutOfMemory; }
Cleanup: LocalFree( psz );
HRETURN( hr );
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
} //*** HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR()
// HrFormatErrorIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Retrieves the system error message associated with the HRESULT. If
// additional arguments are specified, it will use them in the formatting
// of the error string.
// Arguments:
// hrIn
// Error code to lookup the message for.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// ...
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrInout is NULL.
// other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatErrorIntoBSTR( HRESULT hrIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , ... ) { TraceFunc1( "hrIn = 0x%08x", hrIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; va_list valist;
va_start( valist, pbstrInout );
hr = HrFormatErrorWithVAListIntoBSTR( hrIn, pbstrInout, valist );
va_end( valist );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatErrorIntoBSTR()
// HrFormatErrorWithVAListIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Retrieves the system error message associated with the HRESULT. If
// additional arguments are specified, it will use them in the formatting
// of the error string.
// Arguments:
// hrIn
// Error code to lookup the message for.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// valistIn
// Arguments for substitution points in the status text message.
// The FormatMessage() API is used for formatting the string, so
// substitution points must of the form %1!ws! and not %ws.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrInout is NULL.
// other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatErrorWithVAListIntoBSTR( HRESULT hrIn , BSTR * pbstrInout , va_list valistIn ) { TraceFunc1( "hrIn = 0x%08x", hrIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD sc = 0; DWORD cch; INT iRet; LPWSTR psz = NULL;
HMODULE hModule = NULL; LPWSTR pszSysDir = NULL; UINT cchSysDir = MAX_PATH + 1;
LPWSTR pszModule = NULL; size_t cchModule = 0;
Assert( pbstrInout != NULL );
if ( pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto InvalidPointer; } // if:
// If the error message was not found then try WMIUtils since we know
// that their error messages are not propertly located for a system lookup.
if ( cch == 0 ) { pszSysDir = new WCHAR[ cchSysDir ]; if ( pszSysDir == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } // if:
sc = GetSystemDirectoryW( pszSysDir, cchSysDir ); if ( sc > ( cchSysDir - 1 ) ) { delete [] pszSysDir; pszSysDir = NULL;
cchSysDir = sc + 1;
pszSysDir = new WCHAR[ cchSysDir ]; if ( pszSysDir == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } // if:
sc = GetSystemDirectoryW( pszSysDir, cchSysDir ); } // if:
if ( sc == 0 ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Win32Error; } // if:
cchModule = wcslen( pszSysDir ) + wcslen( g_szWbemClientDLL ) + 1;
pszModule = new WCHAR[ cchModule ]; if ( pszModule == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } // if:
wcscpy( pszModule, pszSysDir ); wcscat( pszModule, g_szWbemClientDLL );
hModule = LoadLibraryExW( pszModule, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES ); if ( hModule == NULL ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Win32Error; } // if:
cch = FormatMessageW( ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER /*| FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS*/ ) , hModule , hrIn , MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL ) , (LPWSTR) &psz , 0 , &valistIn ); if ( cch == 0 ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); } // if:
} // if:
AssertMsg( cch != 0, "Missing string??" ); if ( cch == 0 ) { goto Win32Error; }
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { *pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( psz, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, psz, cch ); if ( ! iRet ) { goto OutOfMemory; } }
// Remove CR's and LF's since they aren't printable and usually mess up
// the text when displayed.
for( cch = 0 ; cch < SysStringLen( *pbstrInout ) ; cch ++ ) { if ( ( (*pbstrInout)[ cch ] == L'\n' ) || ( (*pbstrInout)[ cch ] == L'\r' ) ) { (*pbstrInout)[ cch ] = L' '; } // if:
} // for:
goto Cleanup;
Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ); goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
if ( psz != NULL ) { LocalFree( psz ); }
delete [] pszModule; delete [] pszSysDir;
if ( hModule != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( hModule ); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatErrorWithVAListIntoBSTR( valistIn )
// HrAnsiStringToBSTR
// Description:
// Convert and ANSI string into a BSTR.
// Arguments:
// pcszAnsiIn
// Pointer to the ANSI string to convert.
// pbstrOut
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string.HrAnsiStringToBSTR
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// The input string was NULL.
// Out of memory.
// pbstrOut is NULL.
// other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrAnsiStringToBSTR( LPCSTR pcszAnsiIn, BSTR * pbstrOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstr = NULL; DWORD cch; DWORD sc; int nRet;
if ( pbstrOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( pcszAnsiIn == NULL ) { *pbstrOut = NULL; hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Determine number of wide characters to be allocated for the
// Unicode string.
cch = (DWORD) strlen( pcszAnsiIn ) + 1;
bstr = TraceSysAllocStringLen( NULL, cch ); if ( bstr == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
nRet = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pcszAnsiIn, cch, bstr, cch ); if ( nRet == 0 ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
*pbstrOut = bstr;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrAnsiStringToBSTR()
// HrConcatenateBSTRs
// Description:
// Concatenate one BSTR onto another one.
// Arguments:
// pbstrDstInout
// Specifies the destination BSTR.
// bstrSrcIn
// Specifies the source BSTR whose contents will be concatenated
// onto pbstrDstInout.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrConcatenateBSTRs( BSTR * pbstrDstInout , BSTR bstrSrcIn ) { TraceFunc1( "bstrSrcIn = %ws", bstrSrcIn );
Assert( pbstrDstInout != NULL ); Assert( bstrSrcIn != NULL );
if ( *pbstrDstInout == NULL ) { *pbstrDstInout = TraceSysAllocString( bstrSrcIn ); if ( pbstrDstInout == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } } // if: no destination string specified
else { UINT cchSrc; UINT cchDst; BSTR bstr = NULL;
cchSrc = SysStringLen( bstrSrcIn ); cchDst = SysStringLen( *pbstrDstInout );
bstr = TraceSysAllocStringLen( NULL, cchSrc + cchDst + 1 ); if ( bstr == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy( bstr, *pbstrDstInout ); wcscat( bstr, bstrSrcIn );
SysFreeString( *pbstrDstInout ); *pbstrDstInout = bstr; } // else: destination string was specified
Cleanup: HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrConcatenateBSTRs()
// HrFormatGuidIntoBSTR
// Description:
// Format a GUID into a BSTR. If the BSTR is not NULL on entry,
// the BSTR will be reused.
// Arguments:
// pguidIn
// Specifies the GUID to format into a string.
// pbstrInout
// Pointer to the BSTR to receive the string. On a failure, the BSTR
// may be the same or NULL.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
// Other HRESULTs
// The call failed.
HRESULT HrFormatGuidIntoBSTR( GUID * pguidIn , BSTR * pbstrInout ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR wszGuid[ 64 ]; DWORD cch; INT iRet;
if ( ( pbstrInout == NULL ) || ( pguidIn == NULL ) ) { goto InvalidPointer; }
cch = _snwprintf( wszGuid , ARRAYSIZE( wszGuid ) , L"{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}" , pguidIn->Data1 , pguidIn->Data2 , pguidIn->Data3 , pguidIn->Data4[ 0 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 1 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 2 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 3 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 4 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 5 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 6 ] , pguidIn->Data4[ 7 ] );
if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { *pbstrInout = TraceSysAllocStringLen( wszGuid, cch ); if ( *pbstrInout == NULL ) { goto OutOfMemory; } } else { iRet = TraceSysReAllocStringLen( pbstrInout, wszGuid, cch ); if ( ! iRet ) { goto OutOfMemory; } }
goto Cleanup;
OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup;
InvalidPointer: hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrFormatGuidIntoBSTR()