!include common.mkf
!if "$(LLP64)" == "0" || "$(PA)" == "IA64" || "$(PA)" == "ALPHA64" CC = cl BLDFLAG = !else # Doing a cross-compiler build. Make sure we use the native tools. Clear
# _CL_ just in case it includes -B1/-Bx/-B2 pointing to cross-compiling passes.
CC = $(DEVTOOLSBIN)\cl _CL_= ! if "$(PA)" == "x86" BLDFLAG = -D_BUILD_IA64 ! elseif "$(PA)" == "ALPHA" BLDFLAG = -D_BUILD_ALPHA64 ! else ! error Unknown platform for 64-bit targetted CRT build ! endif !endif
# Make sure an existing CRT build tree is not used for an incompatible build
!if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0" ! if exist("$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\dlldef.cpp") ! message *** ERROR: Attempting a build that uses stdcpp into an existing ! message *** build tree that was last used for a stdcpp64 build! ! error Delnode the build tree and try again ! endif !else ! if exist("$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\instances.cpp") ! message *** ERROR: Attempting a build that uses stdcpp64 into an existing ! message *** build tree that was last used for a stdcpp build! ! error Delnode the build tree and try again ! endif !endif
BT = $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\build\build.txt
!if exist("$(BT)") ! if [ findstr -c:"TARGET:$(TARGET_CPU)" "$(BT)" >nul ] || \ [ findstr -c:"LLP64:$(LLP64)" "$(BT)" >nul ] || \
[ findstr -c:"BLD_SYSCRT:$(BLD_SYSCRT)" "$(BT)" >nul ] ! message *** ERROR: Attempting to use an existing build tree that was last ! message *** used for an incompatible type of build. ! message === Previous build type: === ! if [ type "$(BT)" ] ! endif ! message ============================ ! error Delnode the build tree, or run CLEANBLD DELOBJ ! endif !endif !if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)" > nul 2>&1 ] ! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt" > nul 2>&1 ] ! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src" > nul 2>&1 ] ! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\build" > nul 2>&1 ] ! endif ! endif ! endif !endif !if [ echo TARGET:$(TARGET_CPU) > "$(BT)" ] || 1 ! if [ echo LLP64:$(LLP64) >> "$(BT)" ] || 1 ! if [ echo BLD_SYSCRT:$(BLD_SYSCRT) >> "$(BT)" ] || 1 ! endif ! endif !endif
!if "$(LLP64)" != "0" ! if "$(BLD_SYSCRT)" == "0" MKCLNMKFFLAGS = -64 ! else MKCLNMKFFLAGS = -sys -64 ! endif !elseif "$(BLD_SYSCRT)" == "1" MKCLNMKFFLAGS = -sys !else MKCLNMKFFLAGS = !endif
!if "$(NOCLEAN)" == "1" MKCLNMKFFLAGS = $(MKCLNMKFFLAGS) -noclean !endif
all: $(CS) $(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel
$(CS): if not exist $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\srcrel\nul mkdire $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\srcrel if not exist $(CS)\nul mkdire $(CS)
!if 0 !if "$(PA)"=="x86" TOOLDIR = ..\libw32\tools\i386 !else TOOLDIR = ..\libw32\tools\$(PA) !endif
pd-b: $(TOOLDIR)\pd.exe $(TOOLDIR)\tolwrupr.exe $(TOOLDIR)\pd -tZ \\lang5\rtl\src\crt60a > temp1 $(TOOLDIR)\tolwrupr -L temp1 > temp2 sed "s/\\\\lang5\\rtl\\src\\crt60a\\//" temp2 > pd-b -del temp1 -del temp2 !endif
$(CS)\pd-d: pd-b sed "/\\$$/!d" pd-b > $(CS)\pd-d
$(CS)\pd-f: pd-b sed "/\\$$/d" pd-b > $(CS)\pd-f
$(CS)\mkdirs.i: $(CS)\pd-d mkdirs.sed sed -f mkdirs.sed $(CS)\pd-d > $(CS)\mkdirs.i
$(CS)\mkfiles.i: $(CS)\pd-f mkfiles.sed sed -f mkfiles.sed $(CS)\pd-f > $(CS)\mkfiles.i
$(CS)\cleanlst.sed: makefile @echo > nul <<$@ !if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0" /stdcpp\\xmbtowc.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\xstrcoll.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\xstrxfrm.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\xwcscoll.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\xwcsxfrm.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\xwctomb.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\_tolower.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp\\_toupper.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ !else /stdcpp64\\xlock.cpp/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xmbtowc.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xstrcoll.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xstrxfrm.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xwcscoll.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xwcsxfrm.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\xwctomb.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\_tolower.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ /stdcpp64\\_toupper.c/s/stdcpp/stdxxx/ !endif /^crtw32\\std[ch]pp\\/d /^crtw32\\std[ch]pp64\\/d s/\\stdxxx/\\stdcpp/ /^libw32\\/d /^fpw32\\/d /^srcrel\\/d /\\tools\\/d /\\common\\/d !if "$(PA)"!="ALPHA" /\\axp64\\/d /\\alpha64\\/d /\\alpha\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"=="ALPHA" && "$(LLP64)"=="0" /\\axp64\\/d /\\alpha64\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="IA64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="1") /\\ia64\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="0" /\\i386\\/d /\\adjustfd\.c/d /\\seccinit\.c/d /\\seccook\.c/d /\\secfail\.c/d /\\seclocf\.c/d !endif !if "$(PA)"=="x86" /^crtw32\\h\\i386\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="MIPS" /\\mips\\/d /\\mips2\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="PPC" /\\ppc\\/d !endif /\\small\\/d /\\lsources$$/d /\.bat$$/d /\.cmd$$/d /\.exe$$/d /68k/d /makefile/d /\.if$$/d /\.a$$/d /\.rc$$/d /\.def$$/d /\.txt$$/d /\.sed$$/d /\.hs$$/d /\.mak$$/d /\\bintree\.cpp/d /\\callsite\.cpp/d /\\chkesp\.c/d /\\chkstk\.s/d /\\chsyheap\.cpp/d /\\cinitone\.s/d /\\contain\.cpp/d /\\convert\.cpp/d /\\csysex\./d /\\ehassert\.h/d /\\ehdata\.h/d /\\ehhooks\.h/d /\\ehprolg2\.c/d /\\ehprolog\.asm/d /\\ehstate\./d /\\ehvec...\.cpp/d /\\error\.cpp/d /\\exdsptch\.cpp/d /\\fileio\.cpp/d /\\frame\.cpp/d /\\chandler\./d /\\handlerc\./d /\\handlers\./d /\\hooks\.cpp/d /\\init\.cpp/d /\\initsect\.cpp/d /\\lowhelpr\.asm/d /\\memcpy.*\.s/d /\\memory\.cpp/d /\\memset.*\.s/d /\\miscs\.s/d /\\ntstatus\.h/d /\\pdblkup\.cpp/d /\\ppcinst\.h/d /\\rtcapi\.h/d /\\rtlmisc\.s/d /\\rtti\./d /\\rtcpriv\.h/d /\\shadow\.cpp/d /\\stack\.cpp/d /\\userapi\.cpp/d /\\stdexcpt\.cpp/d /\\oldexcpt\.[ch]p*/d /\\stdnewh\.cpp/d /\\throw\.cpp/d /\\unhandld\.cpp/d /\\typinfo\./d /\\typname\./d /\\trnsctrl\./d /\\unwind\./d /\\undname\./d /\\unhandld\./d /\\user\.cpp/d /\\validate\.cpp/d /\\vunwind\.cpp/d /\\setjmp.*\.asm/d /\\setjmp.*\.s/d /\\strcat.*\.s/d /\\strcpy\.s/d /\\strcmp.*\.s/d /\\strlen.*\.s/d /\\longjmp.*\.asm/d /\\longjmp.*\.s/d /\\jmpuwind\.s/d /\\exsup.*\.asm/d /\\sehprolg\.asm/d /\\sehsupp\.c/d /tlssup\./d /\\sizeptr\.h$$/d /\\empty\.c$$/d /\\h\\cmacros\.inc$$/d /\\h\\msdos\.inc$$/d /\\h\\pversion\.inc$$/d /mips\\ll/d /mips\\chandler/d !if "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"!="1" /\\seclocf\.c/d !endif <<KEEP
$(CS)\cleanlst.i: $(CS)\mkfiles.i $(CS)\cleanlst.sed sed -f $(CS)\cleanlst.sed $(CS)\mkfiles.i > $(CS)\cleanlst.i
$(CS)\copy_lst.sed: makefile @echo > nul <<$@ /^< /!d s/^< // !if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0" /\\stdcpp64\\/d /\\stdhpp64\\/d /libw32\\inc64\\/d !else /\\stdcpp\\/d /\\stdhpp\\/d /libw32\\include\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="ALPHA" /\\axp64\\/d /\\alpha64\\/d /\\alpha\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"=="ALPHA" && "$(LLP64)"=="0" /\\axp64\\/d /\\alpha64\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="x86" /\\i386\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="IA64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="1") /\\ia64\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="MIPS" /\\mips\\/d /\\mips2\\/d !endif !if "$(PA)"!="PPC" /\\ppc\\/d !endif <<KEEP
$(CS)\copy_lst.i: $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\copy_lst.sed diff $(CS)\mkfiles.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i | sed -f $(CS)\copy_lst.sed > $(CS)\copy_lst.i
$(CS)\mkclnmkf.exe: mkclnmkf.c makefile $(CC) -nologo -Gi- -W3 -WX -Za -X -I$(DEVTOOLSINC) $(BLDFLAG) \
-Fo$(CS)\ -Fe$(CS)\ mkclnmkf.c \
-link -nod:libc.lib -nod:kernel32.lib \
$(DEVTOOLSLIB)\libc.lib $(DEVTOOLSSDKLIB)\kernel32.lib
$(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel: $(CS)\mkclnmkf.exe $(CS)\copy_lst.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\mkdirs.i if exist $(CS)\makefile.pre del $(CS)\makefile.pre if exist $(CS)\makefile.rel del $(CS)\makefile.rel $(CS)\mkclnmkf $(MKCLNMKFFLAGS) \crt %CRT_BUILDDIR%\crt\prebuild %CRT_BUILDDIR%\crt\src $(CS)\copy_lst.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\mkdirs.i $(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel if exist $(CS)\makefile.tmp del $(CS)\makefile.tmp ren $(CS)\makefile.rel makefile.tmp sed "s/DST)\\i386/DST)\\intel/g" $(CS)\makefile.tmp > $(CS)\makefile.rel del $(CS)\makefile.tmp